Possible Homeopathy For Meningitis If Vaccinations Don’t Work

Homeopathy And Vitamin C Therapy

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Sadly, a young girl has just died of Meningococcal disease in Wellington, New Zealand. She was only twelve.  She had been vaccinated for the disease, but succumbed to it anyway.  Which poses the question:  How long ago, I wonder, was she vaccinated for Meningitis, and is it possible that she succumbed to the disease BECAUSE she had been vaccinated?

Alternatives to Vaccination should be being explored by doctors all over the world.  And we hope that the drug companies do not get to patent ‘natural’ remedies so that they can make a profit from such simple remedies as Vitamin C, and Homeopathy.

Merrilyn’s new book is available on Amazon:


Many doctors and hospitals, backed by drug companies who lay down the law on these things, are reluctant to use alternative therapies such as Homeopathy and Vitamin C treatment.  Even when patients are dying in hospital, when vaccinations and antibiotics have not worked, and the patient has been given up for dead,  they will give every excuse for NOT trying Vitamin C therapy.  Homeopathic treatments are not used either, because drug companies do not want any competition for their pharmaceutical drugs which make them trillions of dollars of profit every year.

A case of swine flu in 2012, Auckland, New Zealand  proved that hospitals are beholden to the drug companies and will do anything to avoid using an alternative therapy to the one provided by the drug companies.  They would rather let a person die than to use any alternative remedy which might save that person’s life.  Because, if they use an alternative which works when their antibiotics have failed, then people will question the value of antibiotics and vaccinations.  The drug companies do not want people to question their methods.  Legal drugs are big business, not only for the pharmaceutical companies, but for the whole of the medical profession.

Vitamin C Can Kill Viral Illnesses, as well as Bacterial Illnesses:  In 2010, a man who had swine flu was being treated in an Auckland hospital.  Antibiotics were failing, and the man’s life was nearing its end.  Nurses had been instructed to take him off life support and to let him die.  Luckily, his family were present, and they did not allow this to happen.  They asked for Vitamin C to be administered in megadoses, as they had heard that Vitamin C could cure swine flu, as well as many other infectious diseases, if it is given in megadoses.  The hospital refused, saying that Vitamin C would not work, and the man would die anyway.  The family said “If you don’t give him Vitamin C, and he dies, then we will sue you.”  So, after a prolonged and tense debate,  the hospital gave the man the Vitamin C, and he recovered.

I believe that megadoses of Vitamin C should be given to children suspected of having Meningococcal Disease.  Even before the disease has been analyzed properly, Vitamin C could be safely given.  Since it can kill both viral and bacterial infections, it is the best measure to take if you are not sure what the disease is.  The diagnosis of the girl who died of Meningococcal disease on Monday is still given as ‘suspected meningitis’, according to television news on Wednesday, which gives an indication of the uncertainty around her disease.

Consequently, while the ‘word is out’ about Vitamin C curing swine flu and other infectious diseases, most doctors would not have any idea what homeopathic remedies might be effective in treating a case of cholera, or whooping cough,  swine flu, or anything else.  Doctors have been largely kept ignorant about how to use Homeopathy, and indeed, most of them think that Homeopathy does not work, because the myth that homeopathy does not work has been perpetuated by the drug companies since about 1920.  “There is nothing in it”, they say.

How Homeopathy Was Suppressed By Powerful Drug Companies:  In the 1920’s, the American drug companies sought to silence homeopathic doctors, by getting government agencies such as the FDA to make it illegal for any practicing doctor to publish any research whatever on homeopathy.  ALL RESEARCH FINDINGS, AND PROVINGS OF THE HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, WERE FORBIDDEN TO BE PUBLISHED IN ANY MEDICAL JOURNAL, OR ANY OTHER PUBLICATION.

This wiped out the main competition to the drug companies empire building.  Many homeopathic hospitals and teaching schools in America were closed down, and doctors who still practiced homeopathy were declared to be ‘quacks’.

However, in England, homeopathy did not suffer such a tragic fate.  Everyone has heard of the Royal Homeopathic Hospital in London. Until recently, there were around 20 Homeopathic hospitals operating over the United Kingdom.  Difficult economic times has led to the closure of many of these hospitals, as well, I think, as the declining knowledge about Homeopathy.  Drug companies fiercely promote their medicines world-wide:  They have the money behind them to promote and sell their pharmaceuticals.  Whereas homeopathy is not ‘patented’ by anyone:  There is no money to be made out of Homeopathy.  The idea with Homeopathy is that you do not put people ‘on’ to medications for life, essentially so that you can profit from them.  Generally speaking, in homeopathy, you treat the person until they get well, in which case  there is no reason to keep taking a medicine anymore.

The Royal family were great supporters and believers of homeopathy.  The Queen Mother used it all her life and lived to be 101. (A friend of mine said, when I told him about the Queen Mother  – “Well – imagine – she might have lived to be a hundred and ten if she hadn’t used all that stuff! – It might have ruined her health.”  A joke, of course)

Alternatives To Vaccination:  Vitamin C and Homeopathy.  Vitamin C is well-known as a prophylactic and a remedy for infectious diseases.  But Homeopathy works in preventing and curing illness too, if the right remedy can be found.

Some Homeopathic Remedies Which Might Be Effective In Cases Of Meningococcal Disease:

Dr John H. Clarke, M.D. suggests several remedies for meningitis in his book ‘The Prescriber’.  These remedies have specific potencies which actually have to be made up by a homeopathic chemist.  They might be of interest to some doctors who wish to explore homeopathic alternatives to antibiotics and other drugs. Some of these Homeopathic remedies which Dr Clarke recommends are:

Arnica 1, 1h. if the meningitis is due to a bang on the head,

Aconite 3, 1h when the patient has become fearful, anxious, restless, and has dry skin and is thirsty.

Belladonna 3, 1h. for when the patient is delirius, trying to run away, with flushed face and dilated pupils.

Bryonia 3, 1h. when there is pain with white tongue and nausea, but not much delirium, as well as depression and stupor.

Helleborus n. 3, 1/2h. for when there is pain at the back of the head and neck accompanied by much depression.

Apis 3X, 1h. if the patient is extremely nervous and makes shrill cries during sleep.

Sulphur 6, 1h for use after Apis or other remedies, especially if the patient has a hot head but cold feet.

For Tubercular meningitis – Dr Clark recommends Bacil. 30-200 taken in a single dose of 4 globules.

If the meningitis is due to a knock on the head, with resulting concussion:  Give  either Apis or Bryonia followed by Arnica.

Zinc. met. 6, 2h can be given after Belladonna or Helleborus, when the fever has subsided.

For “Typhoid meningitis” or “Spotted Fever”, Dr Clarke recommends

Meningococcin 6-30, 4h. – and Cicuta virosa 3, 1h.  If symptoms of blood poisoning are present, use Crotalus 3, 1h.  For pain getting worse behind the ears and down to nape of neck, use Am.c. 200, 2-4h.  If all else fails to relieve the spasm, use Actimon r. 3, 1/4h whilst spasms continue.  Then Gelsemium 1, 2h if there is paralysis, and for any deafness – first a 6, 4h followed by Sulphur 6. 4h.

Read Dr Clarke’s booklet ‘The Prescriber’ for more details.

Of course, a doctor must be seen if your child is sick.  Meningitis is a notifiable disease, and it is very dangerous.  These homeopathic remedies might be useful to keep on stand-by, though, in case of an emergency, or in case vaccination has not worked to keep the illness at bay.

Homeopathy For Emergencies:  I would keep these remedies in my medicine cupboard for emergencies:  Arnica 30, Aconite 30, Bryonia 30, Belladonna 30, Mercurius 30, Ledum 30, Sulphur 30, Helleborus 30, and Drosera 30.  You would use the chosen remedy every 15 minutes for around 6 doses, then spread the dose out to half hourly, then hourly, lessening off the dosage as the patient improves.  Usually, after the first day of being given the appropriate remedy, the patient begins to improve.  Then you can give a dose of just four or five drops once a day for about a week, or as long as it takes for the patient to recover.  If there is no change after using a remedy for several hours, then the remedy might need to be changed.

The Usefulness Of Keeping Homeopathic Remedies At Home:  It can be very frightening in those wee small dark and lonely hours of the morning when your child suddenly becomes sick.  In these cases, you can use the appropriate homeopathic remedy while you are on your way to the doctor’s or the hospital.  This pro-action, of taking a homeopathic remedy before any other medication can be sought, could just save a person’s life.  You might even find that by the time a doctor gets to see you at the hospital some hours later, that your child might have nearly recovered from having been given the right remedy.  Such a case I always found to be with using Drosera for Whooping Cough and Croup.  Once I remember being suddenly alerted in the middle of the night, hearing my baby suddenly having difficulty breathing.  I gave him Drosera 6C or 30C immediately, whilst we were preparing to race to the emergency doctor.  On the way, in the car, after having given him a few more doses of Drosera, we realized that the emergency situation was no more.  He was breathing normally again.  So we went home.

Ledum is a prophylactic (a preventer) of Tetanus.  I never had any of my children vaccinated  and used homeopathic Ledum instead, whenever I thought that Tetanus could be present.  Apparently, no case study has ever shown that the Tetanus vaccine really does anything to stop people getting tetanus.  As is the case with the whooping cough vaccine, or the meningitis vaccine, people can still get these disease though they have been vaccinated.  Which is a good enough reason to keep the appropriate homeopathic remedies in the cupboard.

It is always best to get professional advice from a qualified Homeopath before taking any Homeopathic remedy, especially if you or your child is unwell.  It is important to get the RIGHT remedy.  Sometimes there are several remedies which will do the trick, but sometimes, there might be only one or two which will cure the condition.  Also, sometimes you may need a constitutional remedy as well, and for this, you need to have a proper consultation, with your ‘case’ being taken, so that the appropriate remedy can be found.

In an emergency you may not have time to see a homeopath, especially if vaccination has failed.  So go along to a qualified homeopath NOW, to get his advice on what remedies you should keep in the medicine cupboard, in case of an emergency.

Some Useful Posts:

Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Vitamin C and Cancer

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera


Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Homeopathic Belladonna is the classic remedy for Scarlet Fever. It will help prevent it if given at the first sign of an outbreak.  It is also one of the best remedies to help to cure it if you get the illness.  More about this later on:

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Who Is Susceptible to Scarlet Fever:  Children under the age of five are usually more susceptible to Scarlet Fever, but children up to the age of 15 can succumb to this childhood illness.   Scarlet Fever is not usually life threatening these days.   Scarlet Fever has not been so much of a problem illness since antibiotics such as penicillin were invented.  Penicillin and other antibiotics have been effective in bringing Scarlet Fever outbreaks under control, because they kill off the germs which cause Scarlet Fever.  But there is a down-side to using antibiotics, or vaccines, for the common childhood illnesses:

Scarlet Fever In Hong Kong: The trouble with this new Scarlet Fever outbreak in Hong Kong is that it seems to be a particularly virulent strain which might have mutated, or immunized itself somehow against the common antibiotics  which are used to treat the illness.  It does not seem to be responding to antibiotics.

Now this IS a worry, because it suggests that the Scarlet Fever bacterium may have gotten so strong BECAUSE of our use of antibiotics to manage the common childhood diseases.   Bugs find other ways to survive if they are bombarded with antibiotics.  They become stronger, and more resilient.

And this is always the concern which people have about child immunization, because the more vaccines, or immunizations, or innoculations that your child is given, the weaker your child’s immune system becomes.  This means that your child’s immune system might be weakened to such a large degree that it cannot naturally fight off any unknown diseases, such as new strains of the common illnesses.

Vaccinations Weaken The Immune System: If a child is continually being vaccinated for this or that, then that child’s system will expect the help of a vaccine for anything and everything which comes along.  Their systems will not be able to tackle these new diseases.  When the day comes that there is not a vaccine to protect your child, because the disease has suddenly mutated and formed a new strain of bacteria, then there will be serious cause for concern.

Alternatives To Antibiotics: Of course, if your child is sick, then you must see a Doctor.  But in the meanwhile, you might be interested in finding out more about the natural remedies and treatments for scarlet fever which are listed below.

Natural Remedies For Scarlet Fever/Vitamin C and Homelopathy

Vitamin C Therapy: Remember that large quantities of Vitamin C, especially Calcium Ascorbate, or Ester C,  have an antibacterial and antiviral effect:  This treatment has been proven to be effective in the treatment of Swine Flu, and many other disease. But you could go to a Homeopathic doctor, or an Ayurvedic medicine  practitioner,  BEFORE your child gets sick, to investigate the alternatives of treatment for these childhood illnesses.

How To Prevent Scarlet Fever:

Hahnemann, who discovered Homeopathy, discovered that Homeopathic Belladonna is a prophylactic in Scarlet Fever.  This is an incredibly useful piece of knowledge in the case of a Scarlet Fever outbreak, as a prophylactic is a PREVENTATIVE

Belladonna is a preventative of scarlet fever. So, you would begin taking the Homeopathic Belladonna as soon as there was a warning about an outbreak, BEFORE your child got the infection.

More On Belladonna as a Natural Remedy For Scarlet Fever: W.A. Dewey says in his book “Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics“, that Belladonna for preventing Scarlet Fever “has been abundantly verified in practice.”  We do not know for sure that this new strain will also respond to Belladonna, but it is quite likely that Belladonna will be just as  effective.

Homeopathic Sulphur is reputed to be the next best thing for the treatment of Scarlet Fever. (see W.A. Dewey)

I found Homeopathy to be a wonderful alternative to allopathic medicine and antibiotics.  It seemed to be especially effective in treating my children, I think, because children generally are quite sensitive, and so they respond well to Homeopathy.  People who have used mountains of antibiotics and other medications do not respond so well to Homeopathic treatment, because their systems have become hardened through long term use of medications.

Homeopathic Remedies: So here are some Homeopathic remedies which have been used to treat Scarlet Fever.  Again, I urge you to go to a Homeopathic practitioner, or an Ayurvedic professional, before your child gets sick.

If your child is sick, then do not hesitate – go to the doctor.

Generally speaking, only one remedy should be used at a time.  You can buy an Aconite, Belladonna, Chamomilla mixture at most health shops, called ABC.  This is a good general remedy for many children’s ailments, and it might still be good for treating or preventing Scarlet Fever.    However, for a serious disease, the remedy needs to be chosen carefully.  Each remedy has a specific action, and so the ‘case’ needs to be examined thoroughly before deciding on a remedy.

List of The Most Common Remedies for Scarlet Fever: Belladonna; Gelsemium; Bryonia; Ailanthus; Rhus toxicodendron; Lachesis; Ammonium carbonicum; Zincum.  These remedies are outlined in the book “Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics” by W.A. Dewey, B. Jain Publishers PVT. Ltd. New Delhi.  He also states that Homeopathic Belladonna was discovered by Hahnemann to be a prophylactic of Scarlet Fever:  It prevents Scarlet Fever.

Other Homeopathic remedies which W.A. Dewey indicates could be useful for different stages of the disease are:  Cuprum; Calcarea carbonica;  Kali sulphuricum;  Rhus tox;  Arsenicum;  Sulphur. Of course, only one remedy would be chosen out of this list, perhaps to follow up the treatment which might have begun with Belladonna, or Gelsemium.  Get some professional advice, unless you know your Homeopathic medicines.

More Reading:

Lives could be saved if, as well as Vitamin C treatment,  homeopathic medicine were at least given a try in some of these ‘incurable’ illnesses.  Let’s pray that the pharmaceutical companies loosen their strangulating hold on the medicine industry, and let Homeopaths prove the worth of their science.

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Swine Flu: Intravenous Vitamin C

Vitamin C and Cancer

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera


Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

Curing The Incurable With Vitamin C

RoundUp Herbicide Causes Severe Candidiasis

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Natural Vitamin C Is Best/Apple, Cranberry, Camu Camu

Synthetic Vitamin C

Synthetic Vitamin C does really have an important role to play. I think it is a valuable thing to keep in the house for those times of emergency, when no medical help is available.    It can be used to avert infection in many cases.  Ear infections often respond to large doses of Vitamin C, as well as a booster of Halibut liver oil, containing Vitamin A and D.  Colds and flu often respond to a boost of Vitamin C, and a little help with Halibut liver oil.  Large amounts of intravenous Vitamin C has been used to combat such serious conditions  as swine flu.

Deficiency of Vitamin C can occur when people do not eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables.  This commonly results in a condition called scurvy, which is basically a break-down of the connective tissue.  Eczema and other skin conditions sometimes result from a lack of Vitamin C in the diet.  Lack of Vitamin C in your diet can result in the cartilages becoming weaker, as well as the bones becoming more brittle and fragile.  This can make you more prone to injuries of the ligaments, and fractures.

For Maintaining Good Health: Nothing beats having plenty or fresh fruit and vegetables in the diet, which are rich in natural Vitamin C.

Vitamin C To Treat Disease: Many people take intravenous Vitamin C, or simply large doses of calcium ascorbate powder, or Ester C,  which are  non-acidic forms of Vitamin C, to help combat cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, and other degenerative disease.

Natural Vitamin C is so essential in preventing and treating serious disease.  All diets should consist of raw fruit and vegetables to help keep disease and sicknesses at bay. Vitamin C is such an important element for keeping good health, and for curing sickness,  and this is why raw food diets, or diets which incorporate a large quantity of freshly pressed raw vegetable and fruit juices are used in the nutritional treatment of  cancer and other disease.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which means that it has the power to negate and remove many of those poisons in the body which have caused  diseases  like cancer to set in.

I have just come across an article put in the paper by Matakana Superfoods, who are in New Zealand.   They say that most of the world’s synthetic Vitamin C is now produced in China, which might make some products dubious in quality.  Their recommendation is to take natural Vitamin C which has been produced organically.

Natural organic Vitamin C which is commonly derived from fruits such as  apples, blackcurrant, cranberry,  kiwifruit,  strawberry, orange, lemon, lime, is going to be easier for your body to assimilate than synthetic Vitamin C,  because it is natural. Also, there are other important agents, and enzymes found in natural fruits, and Vitamin C obtained from those fruits, which are not found in synthetic Vitamin C.  These other naturally occurring nutrients and phytochemicals  have a synergistic effect on each other, providing more health benefits to the body than the synthetic counterpart.

Camu Camu is one of the most recent additions to the list of natural Vitamin C’s.  This is a fruit which is grown in the Amazon region.  It is reputed to have the highest amount of Vitamin C of any fruit known, so this article says. Camu Camu is very rich in phytochemicals.  Matakana Superfoods are selling a natural Vitamin C which is derived from the Camu Camu fruit.

Here is the comparative list given by Matakana Superfoods on Vitamin C content:

Camu Camu   2800mg/100g

Blackcurrant   200 mg/100g

Kiwi Fruit   90mg/100g

Strawberry   60mg/100g

Orange   50mg/100g

Lime   30mg/100g

Blueberry  10mg/100g

Apple   6mg/100g



Medical Causes of Death

Food Matters Documentary:

This documentary has been around for a while, but I have only just had the opportunity of viewing it.  This is a really great video:  Everyone would benefit from seeing it, in my opinion.  Fantastic to have these clever medical people promoting raw food and ‘natural’ cures through diet and detoxification.

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Angus commented recently:

So you believe that patients admitted to hospital run a significant risk of actual harm?
I have seen figures of 50,000 per year touted around. I believe this refers to the US and is actually a corruption of a study of admissions over a ten or more year period back in the fifties. Of course, the paper has been swamped by repetitions of more recent assertions that it represents an annual death toll- a number which would be noted, surely by the media on a more daily basis:
“News in today, there were another 120 deaths by stuff-ups in hospitals around the country today, just as there were yesterday and all last week… Lawyers have never had it so good…”
Let me know when you are aware that admission to a public hospital involves care by a team of doctors, nurses and auxilliary staff from pathology, physio, occupational therapies, admin, all of whom (Believe me) are happy to find fault with poor behaviour or practice… And correct it.
I’ll ask my next patient whether they’d like a homeopathic anaesthetic when I’m on my next shift. And I’ll see if I get deregistered for suggesting a homeopathic dose of antibiotics prior to the surgeon’s incision.
Shall let you know the outcome…

BTW, I was working in ICU during the H1N1 outbreak and saw some pretty hairy stuff. It really obliterated some lungs for a while necessitating use of ECMO, Prone ventilation and High frequency oscillatory ventilation amongst other techniques. As well as the viral insult, these patients were dealing with MODS and secondary VAPs.
At what stage would you like to see the homeopath introduced? I think that it would be wonderful to have one attend at any stage to see just how far out of their depth they would really be in such a situation.

Submitted on 2013/06/18 at 5:47 am | In reply to Angus.  Merrilyn says:

Accidents DO happen. We can never know just how many people suffer iatrogenic illness. But iatrogenic illnesses and deaths certainly do occur from time to time.

Only a year ago or so my cousin came back from Australia to have a cancerous portion of his bowel removed. Guess what? The surgeon removed the TOP part of his bowel, when it was the BOTTOM part of the bowel which should have been removed. The mistake was discovered just as he was waking up. So he was shot back into the operating theatre to have the bottom part removed. Too late to put back the good, top part of the bowel the surgeon had mistakenly cut out.
This ‘accident’ was, like many, not reported as negligent practice. Many such-like mistakes go unrecorded, because people are too nice to complain.

My own daughter was initially made sick from aerial drops of 245T -same ingredients as Agent Orange which contains Dieldrin – We were intensively sprayed in a country area while I was pregnant. This made us all very sick. After she was born, when her breathing was so bad, and she was so ill, doctors guessed she might have had cystic fibrosis, but this was never confirmed.

Anyhow, interesting to note that the actual CAUSE of her death was an overdose of Ventolin done by a young nurse at the hospital we were staying in. This caused heart failure and brain damage almost immediately after a whole test-tube full of ventolin was poured down her throat. I saw it happen. We eventually took her off life support after a month because there was no improvement. We had to let her die.

Interesting to note too, that I went to the doctor after the spraying, because my own health had suddenly become so bad, with asthma-like symptoms among other things. I wanted the doctor to note that the spraying had made me and my young son sick, so that our symptoms from 245T poisoning were recorded. My hopes were to get the stuff banned.
The doctor told me that there was nothing wrong with 245T – no record of it causing illness in humans – and that my illness was all in my imagination. What an ignorant doctor – the stuff was already banned overseas at that stage, but NZ was still manufacturing it.
This should give you some idea about the influence the chemical and pharmaceutical industries have on our society, how lies are told, and how rules are bent so that they can continue to profit where they can.”

In the documentary “Food Matters”, Doctor  Ian Brighthope, Dr Victor Zeines, Dr Andrew Saul and other eminent physicians have important things to say about drug marketing, drug dependence, and that good nutrition is what is really needed for people to get well.

Professor Brighthope is a Vitamin C specialist, and Dr Victor Zeines is a holistic dentist, which gives you some idea about the professional aptitudes of the doctors who present information on “Food Matters”.

Adverse Reaction to Medical Drugs
Prescription drugs certainly do have their place in today’s medicine. However, alternative treatments, which incorporate raw foods as the healing catalyst, need to be promoted so that people really can improve their health. There really should be no need for dependence on prescription drugs, and when they are used,  they need to be used with caution, as the following details indicate:

Iatrogenic Illness:  An iotrogenic illness is an illness which has been caused by a doctor or an administered pharmaceutical drug. Thousands of people die in America each year of iotrogenic illness.

Death Due To Prescription Drugs: Adverse drug reactions kill more people in Britain annually than car accidents.  Recent statistics, taken from the documentary “Food Matters” indicate that 10,000 people die annually from prescription medicine in Britain, while 3,500 people die annually from road accidents.
This is incredible.  Why are we not warned about this?  We have plenty of advertisements on our New Zealand television to try and prevent road deaths, but there are none to warn us about the dangers of taking prescription medicine.  And yet prescription medicine kills  almost three times as many people as road accidents.
This mysterious silence is because of the vested interests of the drug company giants.
Adverse drug reactions in Britain, resulting in death, are even higher than the death rates for prostate cancer:  Prostate cancer kills 9,000 people a year in Britain, whereas death resulting from an adverse drug reaction is 10,000 people a year.
Prescription Drugs can help some people, however, they are not the answer for everybody:  They should not be regarded  by the majority as a long term solution to a medical problem.
Prescription medicine is best taken in the short term, when no other alternative readily presents itself.  Long term medication almost always results in side effects of one sort or another, which are often worse than the original condition which the medication was first prescribed for.  Death can, and has, resulted from adverse side effects to prescription drugs.
The medical specialists who feature on the documentary “Food Matters” stress the importance of natural, raw food in counteracting disease –  They promote raw, organic foods for preventing disease, and  for curing it.  51% of your food should be eaten raw, according to these doctors.

The aim  of the documentary “Food Matters” is to educate us into the wiles of the drug companies, and their manipulations of the medical system.  These alternative  doctor who feature on “Food Matters”s are providing us with the obvious, natural, healthy alternative to long term medication: food.
One  of these doctors who will seem familiar to New Zealanders and Australians is Professor Brighthope. He is an Australian doctor, a vitamin C specialist, who has was interviewed on  New Zealand’s ’60 minutes’  recently, and in another  New Zealand documentary,  in relation to Vitamin C being effective in treating swine flu.
People have the opportunity of improving their general health so that the body stands a chance of fighting off a diseased condition. Eating 51% raw food, as the doctors on “Food Matters” recommend, will help prevent you from getting the same thing again.
Even when prescription medicine is resorted to in an emergency, for the short term, hopefully, diet and detoxification should be taken seriously, for the long term, so that the body and the immune system become stronger.
The doctors on ‘Food Matters’ all stress the importance of diet and detoxification in averting disease.
This documentary gives an enlightening discussion on just how and why we have lost faith in our body’s ability to heal itself: Promotions by drug companies serve to seduce the public into thinking that they need to have medical drugs to survive.  Drug companies make enormous profits from keeping people on prescription drugs, and so they have a vested interest in coaxing us to be drug dependent.
They have a big influence on doctors and all the medical profession. Even the medical journals are funded by drug companies’ advertisements.  Drug companies are rich and powerful, so that they can afford to monitor and manipulate much of the drug research going on.
Recently, findings from research done two years ago have shown that 3/4 of the people taking cholesterol lowering drugs in America are taking them unnecessarily.  This is 30 million people a year, out of the 40 million people who are on prescription medicine to lower their cholesterol.

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Natural Remedy: Vitamin C Saved A Dying Man

Massive doses of Vitamin C, administered intravenously, effected a cure of a dying man when drugs were having no effect.

This very exciting  healing event was documented by TVNZ on Channel 3.

Go to ondemand.tv3.co.nz  to read the documentary  entitled: Vitamin C cures  case of swine flu and hairy cell leukemia.

This is an amazing story, and it is wonderful for the man and his family that this treatment has succeeded.  The event should represent a break-through in orthodox medicine which should bode well for future usage of  Vitamin C in our hospitals.  But as is

usually the case, it is four years since Vitamin C cured this man of swine flu, and no more has been heard about his story, or the wonders of Vitamin C.  The hospitals are strangely silent, and doctors still do no more than before to promote Vitamin C in their treatments, at least in the town where I live.

This is because drug companies do not endorse the use of Vitamin C, and insist on using their pharmaceutical drugs, even when it is clear they are not working.

Why is this so?  The answer is that Vitamin C is relatively cheap, as are homeopathic remedies, and is a safe remedy or cure for many ailments.  If people were in the habit of using Vitamin C, or homeopathy, there would be very little need for doctors, their drugs, or hospitals, except for emergency situations such as accidents or surgery. Pharmaceutical companies would die a natural death.


The benefits of Vitamin C in treating disease have been well researched.  There is a wealth of literature on the subject of Vitamin C and how it works as a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier of the body, and how it is an essential ingredient in treating cancer,  degenerative disease, and so-called incurable infections such as swine flu.

High doses of Vitamin C are used in many alternative cancer treatment centres, in combination with other treatments.  Therapists in Australia have successfully treated many people for swine flu,  snake bites, and cancer with megadoses of Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is  really a wonderful nutrient.

But there is still much resistance to using Vitamin C in the medical profession.  The man who survived swine flu was extremely lucky to have the support of a family who believed that the Vitamin C treatment could cure their brother.  It was fortunate that they were present at the hospital at the time, to fight their brother’s case.

Doctors at this Auckland hospital were determined, in the beginning, not to administer Vitamin C.  They said that Vitamin C would make no difference, and that it was against hospital policy anyway.  Medically speaking, there was absolutely nothing else they could do, and the man was about to die.  Yet they still denied the man Vitamin C. as a last resort.

But the family were adamant that Vitamin C treatment at least be tried.  They had nothing to lose if the treatment did not work.  Conventional medicine had failed.  The medical staff were removing the life support system to leave the man to die, and the only hope left was that the Vitamin C treatment might work.

And so the family of the dying man  threatened legal action if the medical authorities refused to administer Vitamin C.

The outcome of their efforts was that the authorities , under threat of being sued, finally relented and gave the intravenous Vitamin C as requested by the family.  The quick result is what has been described as a ‘miracle cure’.

It is high time that some  intelligent topics of research  be chosen  by so-called ‘research scientists’ – such as the REAL reason for cancer and how diseases such as swine flu can be treated with Vitamin C. But this is unlikely to happen because of the power and wealth of drug companies.

If allowed to pursue an honest line of enquiry, the majority of research scientists would  find agreement with holistic medicine in recognising that cancer and other degenerative disease is a product of our toxic environment and the contaminated and devitalised  foods  which we eat.

They would acknowledge the healing effect of Vitamin C in healing cancer and so-called incurable diseases such as swine flu.

They might own up to the fact that there never will be a miracle pill to  ‘cure’  cancer,  but that cancer can be both prevented and reversed by positive strategies, mainly in adopting a remedial diet with detoxification techniques:  That is, by eating good quantities of high fiber raw foods, and by purging  toxic chemicals from the liver and intestines.

Using megadoses of Vitamin C in combination with other herbs and modalities encourages detoxification of a sick body, which gives it the chance, along with raw foods, to be  revitalized and brought back to health.  This is how you ‘cure’ cancer  the natural way- by hard work and consistent effort.

Let’s hope that Vitamin C is always available to the general public. The drive for profit often results in valuable, inexpensive, healing therapies being declared ‘unsafe’ by governments who have the backing of the multinational, powerful drug companies.  Natural  medicines which were previously readily available, such as gentian violet, have been taken off the shelves, and the same medicine then can now be sought only on prescription at grossly inflated prices, after we have also paid for the visit to the doctor to get the prescription. This red-tape for a prescription is designed to discourage us from using such cheaper remedies as gentian violet, and to buy off the shelf pharmaceuticals instead, which are comparatively more expensive for very small amounts. Whereas gentian violet keeps indefinitely, commercial skin creams have an expiry date, which means more cream has to be purchased before long.  This is how profit is increased for pharmaceutical companies.


Lives could be saved if Vitamin C was used in combination with homeopathic medicine to treat so-called ‘incurable’ illnesses.  Let’s pray that the pharmaceutical companies loosen their strangulating hold on the medicine industry, and let Homeopaths prove the worth of their science, and the practitioners of Vitamin C therapy too.