Babies Die In Samoa After Given MMR Vaccination July 2018

Vaccination Alert:

Two babies died in Samoa soon after being given the MMR vaccination on the 6th July, 2018.
The MMR vaccination is a combination for measles, mumps and rubella.
The first baby, a one year old girl, died within a minute after receiving the vaccination.
The second baby, a boy, also one year old, died within three minutes afterwards.
There are homeopathic alternatives to vaccination, and many natural remedies which are much safer than using standard vaccinations. Homeopathy and Vitamin C and A therapy will cause no harm and have no long-term side effects, but the medical industry is averse to using these alternatives, because the profit-based pharmaceutical industry dictates that doctors and hospitals must use their vaccines and other antibiotics.

With vaccines, you never know what exactly is in them, and you have only the manufacturer’s word, and the doctor’s assurance, that everything will be OK.
Parents who in every other way are good parents, who protect their children from harm, say goodbye to reason and will allow their infants and children to be injected with a foreign product, the contents of which they know nothing about, except for what they have been told by their doctors. That the vaccination could have long-term side effects such as obesity, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, cancer, or affect the brain and nervous system, causing learning difficulties, or even autism or death, does not seem to enter the minds of some even intelligent people.

Specific health problems which eventuate after vaccination are often hard to prove the cause, since manufacturers have a habit of changing their ingredients of vaccines and medications after a time. I believe this ploy is not simply because they believe they are bettering their product. There is no chain of evidence left to examine if the formulas are altered every few years.
Preservatives, such as mercury, have been used in many vaccinations, and are still used in some, to give the vaccination a longer life before it is used. These preservatives in themselves can be damaging to the health. Mercury is known to cause damage to the nervous system. The brain is an integral part of the nervous system and is very susceptible to damage by mercury. Thus, by continuing to use mercury in vaccinations, autism numbers will continue to rise, and so will cases of depression and mental illness. Even if mercury is removed from all vaccinations, you cannot be sure that the preservative they decide to use will be any safer than the mercury.

There is plenty of evidence to show that the younger the child is vaccinated, the more likely that damage will occur. There is also plenty of evidence which indicates that multiple vaccines are more likely to cause damage than a single vaccine given on its own. But still the medical industry insist on vaccinating babies, the younger the better, they say, and with multiple vaccinations, when they could easily administer single doses of a singular vaccine at a time. (I still would never put my child at risk, even with the single vaccine, but it is surely better than a multiple vaccination).
But even adults are prone to damage from vaccinations such as flu. I know of a lady who was hospitalized and put into intensive care within days after receiving a flu vaccination. The year before, she had had a shot without any adverse effects, but the formula had changed the following year, and she became very ill after the second shot. It has taken her years to recover from asthma and an ongoing nervous condition, both of which appeared directly after that faulty vaccination.

Read the news report:

Book Feedback A Life of Natural Health

Natural Health and Healing:

New Book:  ‘A Life of Natural Health’.

Link to the new book on Amazon:

I really hope you have enjoyed my new book, published on Amazon 21st March, 2018. Please leave feedback on my books in the comments secion below.

A Precis of the book, duplicated from the back cover:
New Zealander Merrilyn Hope’s third book, entitled  ‘A Life of Natural Health’, is a testament to her belief in, and devotion to, natural healing practices over a period of 40 years or more. The reader who wishes to enhance his/her own healing abilities and improve personal health should find it a valuable resource.
The author believes that most illness can be reversed through beneficial diet, cleansing procedures, the  avoidance of harmful chemicals, and rest and meditation.  All these aspects of health are discussed, with examples where pertinent, in this book.
‘Prevention is better than cure,’ the axiom goes: In preventing or curing an illness, it is essential, first, to eliminate harmful chemicals from your body and your environment.  Many cleansing techniques are given in Ms Hope’s book for this purpose, some of which have proved to be successful in curing cancers and other degenerative disease, by such  eminent naturopaths and doctors as Walter Last, Dr Max Gerson, Dr Clark, and Dr Eva Hill.
Dr Gerson’s anti-cancer method, which famously uses castor oil, enemas, and much raw food, and which the author followed to eliminate a breast lump, is outlined. New Zealand doctor, Dr Eva Hill, cured many cancers in her lifetime: Her more simple, dietary and cleansing procedure for preventing, reducing or curing disease, is detailed within these pages, and so, too, is the three herb formula of Dr Hulda Regehr Clark, who describes her method as a ‘cure for all cancers’.The chapter entitled, ‘List of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies and Sequences’ will be a useful reference, both for students of homeopathy, and for those using homeopathy in the home. Learn what remedies work well with each other, and what remedy will cancel out another remedy. See how the childhood illnesses, mumps, measles, chicken pox, and flu, can all be helped with homeopathy.  Read about how the harmful effects of agricultural chemicals, or troublesome vaccinations, can also be alleviated with correctly selected homeopathic remedies.

Whilst the book is based largely on the author’s experience, and the writings of revered, naturopathic, or homeopathic practitioners, the information given within the book should not be substituted in any way for qualified medical advice.  Do consult your doctor or medical advisor if you are sick.


Homeopathic Eupatorium Perfoliatum Its Uses And Sequences

Natural Remedies:

Homeopathic Eupatorium perfoliatum is one of the main remedies used today for influenza.  It is also useful for colds, for intermittent fevers, such as in malaria, arthritic headaches or migraine headaches when the other symptoms correlate to the remedy, and for gout and its associated bone pains and swellings. (see Kent)
It acts chiefly on the bones, stomach and liver, on the occiput, bronchial tubes, and muscles of chest, back and limbs. (C.M.Boger)

Homeopathic Eupatorium perf. is compatible with, and can be followed well by, Natrum mur and Sepia.

Eupatorium perf. is a similar remedy to Nux vom in that they both have aching and pain in the bones, feeling as if they would break.  The main difference is that Nux vom patients are very irritable, whilst the Eupatorium perf. patient is not irritable, but is decidedly sad and anxious.

Eupatorium perf. can be bought in a homeopathic combination with Arsen alb and Gelsemium, which are also known for their great flu-relieving qualities.

Eupatorium perfoliatum, often called ‘Boneset’  which name arose because of its affinity with the bones, is an ancient herb well known to Dioscorides, who recommended it for old ulcers, snake bite, dysentery, chronic fevers and liver ailments. (Harvey Farrington, MD)

The herb is common in North America, where it gained a reputation as a cold and flu remedy amongst the early settlers of New England.  It is still used today in northern and eastern rural areas for their typical flu and fevers, especially when bone pain and chill is a characteristic of the malady.

In warmer climates, such as the southern areas of America, where influenza is less common than in the cold climates of the north, Eupatorium perfoliatum is used more for malaria and dengue fever.  Kent points out that remedies seem to work differently, on different diseases, depending upon the climate.

Characteristics of Homeopathic Eupatorium perfoliatum:

Bone pains almost always go with the remedy.  Pain in the back, legs, wrists and ankles particularly. The whole body aches intermittently. There is often back pain and chill which seems to emanate from the small of the back, spreading up the back and into the limbs.

The lower leg bones and calves are often affected.  Dropsy of the legs can occur, especially after malarial attacks or gout.  Swelling of the lower legs and feet.

Left wrist can feel sore, as if it is dislocated.

Pain in the eye-balls is often experienced.  Any illness which has this pressure on the eye-balls should respond well to Eupatorium perf.

Painful pressure on the forehead – as in a migraine – a sure indication of the remedy according to Bayes. (W. A. Dewey)  Arthritic headaches.

Restlessness, sadness and anxiety are usually present.

Thirsty.  Often nauseous after drinking.  Smell of food offends. A yellowish colour to the complexion.

Symptoms often worse in the morning and for cold air.  Symptoms can alternate their time frame, being prevalent between 7-9 in the morning on one day, but on the evening of the following day, (Dewey) or at midday the following day according to another source.

Symptoms (fever, chill, headache, bone pain) often display a recurring cycle of either three days, or seven days. (Kent)

The patient is chilled.  Often chill comes after drinking.  Chill can start at small of the back.

Worse lying on right side.

Headache and bone pain can alternate.

Boring headache, pain at back of neck, sometimes alternating with gouty pain in joints.

Gout pains of ankles, elbows, big toe, finger joints.

Sweating relieves many of the symptoms, although not the headache. Sweat seems to be scanty.

Vertigo, and a feeling as if falling to the left is common.

Dry, hacking cough. Painful cough which requires chest to be clutched while coughing.

Hoarse in the morning.  Larynx and upper part of respiratory system are sore. (Dewey)

A laryngeal tickle causes coughing. (C.M.Boger)

Summary of Uses: Eupatorium perf. can help relieve catarrhal fevers, colds and flu, intermittent fevers, malaria, headaches, gout, bone swellings, swelling of legs and ankles.


Chickweed Is Nutritious But Beware Of Lookalike Scarlet Pimpernel

Natural Remedies

Chickweed is a valuable cleansing herb which people generally refer to as a weed.

Chickweed can be eaten in the spring, when its fresh new growth is very succulent and palatable.  In olden days, in England, it was commonly taken to cleanse the blood after a long winter when fresh fruit and vegetables might have been scarce.

Chickweed is high in Vitamin C and mineral salts.

Warning: Take care when picking the chickweed herb. Its leaf and its habitat is similar to scarlet pimpernel which is poisonous.  The scarlet pimpernel has a distinctive small scarlet coloured flower, which makes it easy to identify when in flower.  When not flowering, though, the scarlet pimpernel can easily be mistaken for the chickweed herb.

Scarlet pimpernel has a slightly shiny little leaf.  Chickweed has no shine to the leaf.

Do some research where photos are given before using chickweed.

Merrilyn’s new health book is out on Amazon:

Gallbladder Cleanse With Apples Olive Oil And Lemon Juice

Natural Remedy For Treating And Preventing Gall Stones Or For Constipation

Here is a very effective and easy-to-do method for preventing gall stones.  It will expel existing small gall stones and help to break up larger stones.  Do it just once in a while to keep the Gallbladder free of stones and stale bile.

It is also useful as a detox which will help to remove toxic chemicals from the digestive system. This makes it a helpful treatment for chronic cases of candida, especially when exposure to toxic chemicals has occurred.

Of course, do see your doctor or naturopath if you are experiencing any pain to do with the Gallbladder.

The raw apple, olive oil and lemon treatment is also effective for stubborn cases of constipation.  Because of its great detox effect, it is a good thing to do occasionally for prevention of bowel cancer and other maladies caused by auto-intoxication, such as arthritis.

Walter Last recommends a similar method for expelling gall stones, and I have tried it myself with good results.

So – one of the best methods for a Gallbladder flush:

Raw Apple, Olive Oil and Lemon Juice Gallbladder Cleanse.

Three Days On Apples:  Begin the treatment with eating only raw, grated apples for three days.  Raw apple, grated with its skin still on, cores and all, has a wonderful healing effect on the digestive system.  It is roughage-packed, full of Vitamin C and other antioxidants, as well as phytochemicals which help prevent cancer.

You can eat some whole apples as well with the diet, but grate them also, so that you eat plenty as a salad at mealtimes.
Each night while you do the raw apple days, take one tablespoonful of olive oil with some lemon juice – and a spoonful of lecithin if you have it.
Don’t worry if you don’t have lecithin, as the oil and lemon will work as a cleanser, even without it.
On the third apple day, take 1/2 cup of olive oil with 1/2 cup of lemon juice, mixed together.  Swallow the lot down in one dose.  It is surprisingly easy to take when lemon juice is combined with the olive oil.

There is an option of using orange juice instead of the lemon, but lemon juice is more acidic, more antiseptic, and is a  quicker-acting remedy.
Straight after you have swallowed your Olive Oil and lemon drink, lie on the right side for 2 hours with a pillow under the hips.

The Castor Oil Pack
The other thing you can do on the days you are eating only raw apple is to use Castor Oil on a
pack.  You put this on the outside of your stomach/gall bladder area.
Easy to make – first buy a bottle of castor oil.  Pour around 2 tablespoons over a white cotton or woollen cloth – not too big – just big enough to cover a good area of the stomach.
You leave the Castor Oil Pack on all night with a plastic over it, and something around the outside, like tightish pants, to hold it there.  You can loosely bandage it in place if you want to.
Every night, on the nights you take your raw apple, put the Castor Oil pack on the stomach.  Leave it on for the whole night.

Save the castor oil pack each morning to use again the following night.  Put a little more oil on occasionally to keep it moist.

You do three nights on, and take it off during the day.  Even after you have taken the Olive Oil and Lemon to eliminate stones, you can keep up the routine with the Castor Oil Pack to ensure the healing of the Gallbladder.
The same routine pattern applies after you have finished the raw apple and olive oil treatment- Three nights in a row with no pack. Then three nights on again with the pack.

You can use the Castor Oil Pack indefinitely in this way – 3 nights on, 3 nights off.  No pack during the day-time.

Good Foods To Aid Gallbladder Function and Prevent Gallstones:

Drink plenty of water each day.  Less coffee and tea, and more water.

Eat fewer animal fats and products.  Eat more of the healthy Omega-3 fatty acids which are contained in oils such as Olive Oil, fish oils, and linseed or flax oil.  One to two tablespoons of any one of these oils per day is a good preventative measure against developing gall stones.

Try to incorporate olive oil as a daily commodity in the diet.

Eat plenty of fibre-rich foods, such as fruits, green vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds.  More fibre in the diet will take away the unwanted cholesterol from the system.  Since gall stones are apparently made up of, mainly, cholesterol, more fibre is essential to prevent stones from forming.

Apples and pears are especially good for the Gallbladder, as well as for improving bowel function.

Try to avoid wheat products, such as breads and cakes.  Avoid pasteurized dairy milk and switch to either raw milk, if it suits your digestion, or soya milk.

See earlier posts on the subject:

Gall Bladder Cleanse

Gall Bladder Stones Treatment

Orange Olive Oil Drink For Gall Bladder Bowel Cleanse

Castor Oil Pack