Longevity Secrets of Sardinians

Sardinians Live To Be A Hundred Years or More

A positively wonderful health article came up, via the  “Telegraph Group Ltd”, in the World section of our “Herald” newspaper on Thursday, January 20, 2011.

The heading reads:  “Islanders want to share secret of their longevity“.

Sardinians want their ‘frugal, organic diet’ to be given World Heritage recognition, just as Spain, Italy, Greece and Morocco have been successful on the UN’s list of “intangible heritage” list in November.

Unfortunately, it is too late this year to make an application for this World Heritage title, as applications have closed.  But what a good idea to try and obtain this status:  The Sardinian diet and way of life really could teach much of the world a good deal,  in how to live a long and healthy life:  The longevity of Sardinians is a great measure of its  value.

Cholesterol-lowering Drugs For Profit

Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Most Profitable

Goal of Drug Companies To Convince the Healthy They Need Drugs, so that their profits will soar.

If only sick people took medical drugs, then drug companies would not be making the enormous profits that they make today.

Side Effects of  Cholesterol-lowering Drugs: Recent research, published only last week,  shows that many people taking cholesterol-lowering drugs are not benefiting their health at all, and are possibly doing more harm than good by exposing themselves to their side effects.

The thing is, drug companies have convinced much of the Western world into believing that they are prolonging their lives through the taking of certain drugs. Warfarin and statins are examples of the drugs which they promote as being life-savers and prolongers of life.

Almost every second person I know who is over the age of 50 in New Zealand is taking warfarin, or some other cholesterol-lowering drug.  And what is more, they accept that they will take this drug for the rest of their lives.

How has this happened? – Because vast fortunes have, and will be continued to be made, because of the psychological dependence which many people have on prescription drugs.

This state of affairs has been relatively easy to manipulate: Instill a little fear into the people, such as the threat of circulatory disease, tell them that lowering cholesterol will prolong life, and you have it made: They will buy your cholesterol-lowering products by the ton.

All you have to do is to get a bit of ‘research’ done into cholesterol, how lowering cholesterol can prevent heart attacks,  get some articles published, and most people will believe that they need to take a trip to the doctor, get their cholesterol checked, and begin taking a commercial product to lower cholesterol.

An article appeared in the Weekend Herald, 22 January, 2011, written by James LeFanu, via the Telegraph Group Ltd, which is headed:

“Billions to be had convincing healthy they need drugs”: This article has some very interesting information regarding the drug companies’ manipulation of the facts, and the public, in order to make billions of dollars.

It states that Henry Gadsden, who was chief executive of Merck drug company in 1975, had expressed the wish that he could find a market for the sale of drugs to healthy people, because profits were limited whilst the sale of drugs were aimed at only sick people with treatable illnesses.  If you could increase your sales to healthy people, obviously there would be a mint to be made.

Cholesterol Drug Scam
Well, as  James LeFanu says in his article, the dream of this man has come true with the discovery of the ‘most profitable class of drugs ever discovered’.  This most profitable class of drugs is the cholesterol-lowering statins.  This line of drugs, which formerly made around $3billion annually for the drug companies, now makes close to $26 billion American dollars a year.
It makes more now, because the ‘safe limit’ of cholesterol which is written into doctors’ guidelines, has been pushed lower and lower, until it has reached absurdly low levels.  Having such low levels of cholesterol as the guideline for good health means that almost everyone above the age of 40 or 50 now,  who goes to the doctor for a check up, would fit into the category of needing a cholesterol-lowering drug. And THAT benefits the drug companies.

The wide spread use of  the cholesterol-reducing drug Lovastatin began in 1987, when it was launched in America.
The drug companies began grooming the public,  ready for the onslaught:  Great effort was put into “educating” the public about cholesterol and its relationship to heart attacks and strokes.  This was done on a national scale, with all the medical authorities on board the gravy train.
Who Should Take Lovastatin? Now, Lovastatin is a drug  which could possibly be of benefit to people who have a predisposition to heart disease and strokes: Generally speaking, males under the age of 70 who have a history of heart disease and strokes in the family, could benefit from taking this drug, because of its cholesterol-lowering effect.  But this does not mean that EVERYONE should benefit from it. NOT EVERYONE NEEDS TO LOWER THEIR CHOLESTEROL OR REDUCE FATS TO A MINIMUM.
Drug Companies’ Goal of Mass Medicalization: However, drug companies had a goal of “mass medicalization”, and with the discovery of Lovastatin came the idea that they could ‘educate’ the masses into becoming ‘cholesterol conscious’ so that they might be easily convinced that they would benefit from taking statins to lower cholesterol.
Being ‘cholesterol conscious’ would entail  making people nervous about eating any fatty foods, for a start.  Convincing people to go to the doctor for a check-up, to get a cholesterol reading and a prescription for a cholesterol controlling drug if their cholesterol readings were a little high, was the next part of the plan.
Doctors Indoctrinated Too:  Doctors were given ‘incentives’ to get people on these prescription drugs.  Clinical trials of mammoth proportions accompanied this intensive profit-making  project:  Up to 10,000 people at a time were trialled on the grand cholesterol-lowering scheme which purported to be saving people’s lives. This had a tremendous effect on the profile of the drug, and the marketing of it.  James LeFanu says:
“The effect of the inevitably favourable results generated evangelical enthusiasm for the project of “statins for all”.

Over 30 Million People Needlessly Taking These Drugs:  Well, recent research has been revealed this last week,which shows that 3/4 of the people taking these drugs are taking them unnecessarily and are exposing themselves to the danger of their side effects. This is an awful lot of people:  an estimated 40 million people in America alone take these drugs.  If 3/4 of these people are not benefiting from these drugs, and are consequently jeopardizing their health, that’s 30 million people in America, not counting the rest of the people all over the world  who are taking these drugs unnecessarily. Who benefits from this?  The drug companies, of course, and they are all on the bandwagon:  After Merck’s success with their cholesterol-lowering promotions, all the other drug companies followed suit with their own versions of the drug.

Well, according to James LeFanu, his dream has come true with the discovery of the ‘most profitable class of drugs ever discovered’. This most profitable class of drugs is the cholesterol-lowering statins.

In 1987, Lovastatin was launched in America. This is a cholesterol-lowering drug which could be of benefit to people who have a predisposition to heart disease and strokes.

Mass Medicalization:  However, drug companies had a goal of “mass medicalization”, and with the discovery of Lovastatin came the idea that they could ‘educate’ the masses into becoming ‘cholesterol conscious’.

This ‘educating’ of the public took place on a national scale.

Being ‘cholesterol conscious’ would entail going to the doctor for a check-up, to get a cholesterol reading and a prescription for a cholesterol controlling drug.

to be continued

Juices and Minerals for Cancer

Minerals for Cancer.

Green Juices and Calf Liver Juice are used in some alternative cancer therapies.
Iodine,calcium, potassium and phosphorous are important minerals in any diet which is aimed at beating cancer.
Green juices, such as the famous wheat grass juice which is rich in the life-giving chlorophyl, contain high amounts of these minerals.  Green juices help to restore the healthy balance of minerals in the liver.
The liver normally should be potassium rich, but when it is malfunctioning through cancer, it stores too much sodium and impurities. Normally, the tissues are higher in sodium and the liver and other organs higher in potassium.  When this balance gets upset, we get sick. So – one easy but important strategy to help the body get well, is to restore this balance. It is important to leave out salt whilst you are on a programme designed to beat cancer or arthritis or other disease:  This is because salt is sodium.  It upsets the healthy balance of potassium/sodium and depletes potassium in the liver.  Raising those potassium levels is imperative if you want to overcome disease.
Green juice, and calf liver juice, can do so much in helping the body to beat cancer and any other disease. Green juices are antiseptic and disease-repellant. Apart from helping to remove toxins from the liver and neutralize them for their safe exit, green juices are potassium rich and contain important digestive enzymes which also help to counteract cancer and heal the body. They are vitamin rich and mineral rich.
Just about all the nutrients you need to live are contained in fresh wheat grass juice which is prepared from home grown wheat grass. Supplementing this green juice programme with calf liver juice ensures that you have ample supplies of iron, and the important Vitamin B complex such as B 6 and B 12 which are sometimes deficient in vegetarian diets. See my post on how to make calf liver juice:  Basically, it is chopped up, put into a glass jar, and cooked gently in a saucepan of water for several hours.  It is important to put a tea towel or other piece of thick cotton onto the bottom of your saucepan for your glass jar of liver to sit on.  Otherwise it will crack.
However:  Many soils are deficient in iodine, which means that vegetables grown there will be deficient in this mineral. So painting a little iodine onto the soles of the feet, or onto the scalp, is a good idea to prevent iodine deficiency.  This should be done twice a week if you are treating cancer – just a couple of dabs painted onto the skin and left there is all that is necessary.  Alternatively, you could use Lugol’s solution daily – this is a very weak preparation of iodine, designed to be taken orally.
Dr Ann Wigmore, a medical doctor who cured herself of cancer by using mainly wheat grass juice, went on to cure many people in her cancer clinics using her wheat grass method.
After an initial cleansing period of several weeks on wheat grass or other vegetable juices, other foods such as raw egg yolk can be introduced.
Walter Last used two raw egg yolks per day on his almost all raw food, fresh juice regime. His diet was basically wheat free, yeast free, dairy free (except for butter), sugar free and yeast free. It was almost meat free too, except for fresh calf liver juice which was taken in small amounts, a teaspoon or two at a time, through the day. Most food should be taken uncooked, in salads and juices, with only moderate amounts of vegetables being cooked.
One favourite cooked item of Dr Gerson’s diet was a large plate of oatmeal porridge, eaten every morning.  This was introduced after the initial cleansing using juices, raw food and castor oil and enemas.
Dr Gerson believed that having a large bowl of porridge which was ALWAYS accompanied with a grated raw apple, helped the digestion to function normally.  Eating a really good breakfast such as this, combined with raw apple, provided excellent bulk of high fiber which cleansed the intestines.  This regular high fiber breakfast trains the intestines to become efficient in their job of assimilation and elimination.

Holistic Treatments for Cancer

Alternative Cancer Treatment

This post is meant for information only. It is not a complete account of alternative cancer treatment, nor is it necessarily accurate.  It is not advised that you begin a treatment for cancer or anything else on the basis of what is written here.

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Alternative Cancer Treatment is not promoted by many doctors, though there are some intelligent and intuitive doctors about, for sure, who would not dismiss the idea of alternative cancer treatment.

Many doctors in the medical profession are true ‘healers’, because they really do understand why and how cancer exists, and understand something of the detoxification and nutrition factors which are involved in bringing sick  people back to health.

In New Zealand, we had our own Dr Eva Hill in the early part of the 19th century.  Dr Hill  was a true healer who cured many people,  in New Zealand and abroad, of serious diseases like cancer through natural medicine.  She used herbs,  nutrition, detoxification and meditation techniques.

Walter Last, an Austrian physicist who worked many years in New Zealand before moving to Australia, also has cured many people of cancer and other degenerative disease. Dr Ann Wigmore, an American, is another famous doctor who learned how to treat cancer naturally:  she had had cancer herself, and recovered, adapting her own version of therapy from the ideas of  Dr Max Gerson.    Dr Max Gerson, another  American,  was another  such brilliant doctor:  His life’s work was devoted to helping people with cancer and other degenerative disease.    Dr Gerson’s book on cancer has helped many people, including myself, to recover from disease.  More on Dr Gerson and his book later in this post. Now:

Why haven’t  we got a ‘cure’ for cancer? For a start, the drug companies, which really are the influencing force behind most practising doctors, and most medical schools, do not wish to promote natural cures of any kind, as these will only interfere with the sale of their drugs, and their profits, unless they can take charge of the ‘natural cure’. In most cases, that is nigh impossible, as ‘nature cures’ are very hard work, and require an exceptional determination and perseverance on the part of the  patient, which means that ‘the cure’ cannot  really be bought.

The other reason is that people are very lazy, and do not want to put the hard yards in to get their health back.  They believe that they have been targeted unfairly in that they have ‘got’ cancer.  They, in most cases, want to believe that the physician has  all the answers with his drugs, chemotherapy, and radiation  for cancer.  They don’t want to hear about the environment, how it has become polluted through our own stupid fault, and that we should ALL be changing our lifestyles for clean,  more fairly run, honest and healthy agricultural communities.  No –  most of us  don’t want to think about the extent of it, or make radical changes when we get cancer.   All most people want to do is carry right on doing what they are doing,  succumb to the advice and the treatment by the physician, take their medicine,  and hope for the best.

So we must take some of the responsibility for this stupidity ourselves.  It is not just the drug companies who are at fault here.  They simply are profitting from people’s laziness:  they fit  into the scheme of things because people want to take the easy way out:  by using weedkiller to kill the weeds instead of pulling them out;  and by taking drugs when they get sick, even if they don’t do the trick.

Dr Samuel Epstein, in ‘The Politics of Cancer’, gives many instances of drug companies controlling and monopolizing the ‘healing’ world, and healers themselves,  by putting people out of business, and banning certain products and activities, because they pose a threat to their dragnet of wealth gained from the sale  of pharmaceuticals all over the world.

Whenever a herb or some other remedy  looks as if it might be effective in treating a condition,  then drug companies are the first to step in to try and patent it, or get it prohibited so that the public do not have access to it anymore.  Such an example is  the case with turmeric, and comfrey, or ‘knit-bone’, both of which are powerful healers.  Comfrey, unfortunately, is banned in most western countries now, but turmeric has had abetter fate, because, as it is an important food item in India, it has just managed to escape the hungry mouth of the drug companies  turmeric tiger which wanted to patent it for their own profit.

Drug companies have been known to shut down  the practices of doctors or naturopaths, or other healers who have been successful in treating cancer.  Some famous practitioners have even been thrown in jail and their successes denied, through the actions of jealous drug companies.

I have just found a very important book on the subject of cancer.  It is called ‘The Cancer Conspiracy’, written by Dr Toni Jeffreys PhD, published by Crows Nest Books, P.O. Box 607, Warkworth, New Zealand 1241.  This edition is 2000, although there is an added note in the book which says a further edition will come out shortly.

This is such a great book.  It is well researched, right on the mark, and written with great heart.

Dr Jeffreys has a similar view to Dr Epstein in that she does not have too much respect for modern day medicine, which seems to be linked so strongly, like glue, to the drug manufacturers.

Dr Jeffreys parallels the drug-making machinations to those of the tobacco industry.  It has taken literally decades for the tobacco companies to finally come clean, when they knew all along that smoking caused lung disease, including cancer.  The ‘research’ they did never targeted real issues of health, and were rigged to show favourable results for the tobacco industry.

It is the same scenario now with the problem of cancer:  We are forever being led down wrong trails under the name of research, simply because the drug companies, who are the richest organizations in the world, do not want anyone to find a cure, or point out that the cause of cancer is actually inherent in our sick,  industrialized society.

Cancer is a microscosmic  symptom of  the vast and wide macrocosmic sickness and disfunction which we ourselves have created.

So it goes on.  Money is continually poured into ‘research’, which only serves the purposes of the drug companies, because they decide exactly what things they want to do their research on.  Of course, they don’t choose to spend their research money on the obvious  thing which really would help people and the enrvironment – the cause of sickness – as making people well would not bring them in their money. The whole medical and drug hierarchy relies  on people being unwell, and being reliant on their drugs.

The big business of chemical production and sales begins with the very food we eat.  It is sprayed many times with chemicals which are often made by the same chemical companies, or associated chemical companies, which produce the drugs further down the track, to ‘treat’ us once we have become ill from consuming their pesticides and herbicides.

Alternative Cancer Treatment which Has Worked in Many Cases:

I am really pleased and excited to see Doctor Jeffreys  talk about the Gerson programme of alternative cancer therapy, and the Gerson history:   Dr Max Gerson literally cured thousands of people  of cancer and other disease during his working life.  Of course, not everybody survived, but many did live to tell the tale.

Dr Max Gerson is one of those doctors who was literally hounded by the FDA, pushed on  by the dug companies of his era.  Dr Gerson was  eventually forbidden to practice in America, and was chased away, out of the USA.  He set up a clinic for treating cancer and other degenerative disease in Mexico, which is  still being run,  by his daughter, today.

You can contact the Gerson Institute in Bonita, Califormia, or the Gerson Research Institute in San Diego, California for more information regarding treatment at a Gerson clinic.  Or you can buy the book to  read about his amazing success rates, and gain an insight into just how his treatment works,  basically, through  detoxification  methods and nutrition.

I have described elements of the therapy  which I have found helpful in many posts on this site, but I do recommend that you read the entire book.

Read merrilyn’s other related posts entitled:   Benefits of Castor Oil;  Regrow Teeth;   Regrow Hair;   Detox Diets;   Prevent Cancer;    and Cancer/Post for Anthony for a little insight into just how detoxification and nutrition  can benefit health.

Dr Max Gerson’s famous book entitled A Cancer Therapy:  Results of Fifty Cases,  Station Hill Press, was reissued in 1997.

Dr Toni Jeffreys also talks about the natural treatments of  John Hoxsey and his son Harry Hoxsey, who were famous for their health advice and herbs which they freely gave away.   The Hoxseys were  alternative healers  who were also forced to give up the  practice practice of healing naturally. They were brought to eventual ruin, and the elder Hoxsey was thrown in jail.  A Hoxsey clinic still survives in Mexico, but this is the only place where you can take advantage of the Hoxsey healing herbs.

Read more on alternative therapies:

Lives could be saved if, as well as Vitamin C treatment,  homeopathic medicine were at least given a try in some of these ‘incurable’ illnesses.  Let’s pray that the pharmaceutical companies loosen their strangulating hold on the medicine industry, and let Homeopaths prove the worth of their science.

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Vitamin C and Cancer

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera


Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

Curing The Incurable With Vitamin C

RoundUp Herbicide Causes Severe Candidiasis

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Bernhard Peterson: Psychic Healer

Spiritual Healer Bernhard Peterson
Tribute To Our Friend
Bernhard Peterson, psychic healer, artist, musician and entertainer, gypsy lover, grandfather and friend to many, has just passed away, on the 30 December, 2010.
Everyone who knew him on Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand,  will remember Bernhard, his great sense of humour  his huge warm personality,  and that enormous, wonderful, life giving grape vine which grew in his house.  Bernhard just loved grapes.

More about the healing power of grapes in Merrilyn’s new book, available on Amazon:


Bernhard’s daughter Kirsten, who is also a spiritual healer, who lives in Denmark,  kindly sent me a message on this site this week, to let me know. I had felt that he was close to passing, as another friend in spirit had told me that Bernhard had pneumonia on the 28th December, 2010, and could I send him healing.  Bernhard had told me a few weeks ago that his circulation was very poor and could I please send healing to help this.
Bernhard lived for many happy years with his wife Dagmar on his beloved Waiheke Island, the ‘Jewel of the Hauraki Gulf’, in Auckland, New Zealand.  This was where I had the very good fortune to meet Bernhard,play beautiful music with him,  learn from him, and become his friend.
Bernhard very kindly let me and my two young boys, now in their late twenties, live in his lovely wee cottage at Palm Beach, rent free, while he and Dagmar took a three month trip to Tahiti, where he was having one of his annual art exhibitions.  This was the very last trip he would make to Tahiti to sell paintings.
It was fantastic to be part of that final trip.  My cousin Peter had turned up from Australia, and we all helped to pack up
paintings for their safe journey by plane to Tahiti, where they would all find new homes and environments to grace, and new people to form relationships with.
It was all very exciting, but there was an element of sadness, too:  Like a very large family who had lived together their whole life, these beautiful paintings were about to have one last big party together, at the Tahitian gallery, after which they would all be sold, and a new life begun. Some might be lucky enough to be sold together with one of their friends, but most would be sold alone, and end up in another collection with a whole lot of other artists’ works.  Their father, their creator, Bernhard, was of course a little sad at the prospect of releasing them all into the unknown, especially since this was to be the last, final, exhibition.
The gallery in Tahiti has supported Bernhard’s work over many years. Tahiti was another favourite place of Bernhard’s:  Bernhard was the father of the famous Gauguin in another life, which, Bernhard said, explained why he seemed to have an innate ability to paint in the impressionistic, colouristic style of the famous Gauguin.
Bernhard has been communicating with me psychically for a long time now, but these correspondences have taken on another lease of life in the past 15 months or so. This is since taking up using the pen for divination instead of using a pendulum.  Bernhard was encouraging me to switch to the pen at least 15 years ago.  It has taken all this time for me to make the switch-over, but nevertheless, Bernhard was absolutely thrilled that I finally did it, and that I had devised a method which worked.  Most of all, he wanted me to teach Dagmar the method, so that he could communicate with her:  He said that she was sad because he could not communicate any more in the ‘normal’ way, but that she would be happy once she understood that he WAS still there, still thinking, still functioning as a psychic healer with important work to do, in the  albeit body which had carried him through almost a century of life.
And so I taught Dagmar the method via emails, so that she could communicate with her beloved Bernhard.
This was my gift to Dagmar and Bernhard, which is really nothing compared to what Bernhard has done for me, nothing compared to the impact he has had on my life.  I was a healer before I met Bernhard, though with still an extremely rocky patch to live through, but Bernhard increased my abilities by bringing me into IMMEDIATE contact with spirit, simply by using the WILL.  This illustrated just how accessible this heavenly, divine, miraculous healing power really is.
Bernhard’s gift of healing, and his willingness to impart his divine knowledge and skill, has increased my knowledge of the spirit world dramatically, and empowered my healing work in ways which one cannot really describe.
Bernhard, I cannot thank you enough.
Bernhard sent me a message yesterday, which illustrates how his sense of humour has not waned any:
Bernhard: :HELLO MY FRIEND”, he always starts out.  Then came:
and just as his message was finishing, a few lines further, one of the jolly gypsy inspired pieces we used to play together, he on violin, me on piano, came over the radio.  And therein lies another story – because – only a few days ago, the same week Bernhard passed away, my CD player suddenly packed up its CD function forever.  It has been going perfectly well for years.  When it suddenly expired, forcing me to listen to National Radio instead, which is not necessarily a bad option, I knew something was ‘up’.  Spirit was telling me something.  Well, I think the radio would have been Bernhard’s preference anyway.
Bernhard, you are amazing.