Coeliac Disease and Gluten Free Diet Been Around Since 1950’s

Natural Remedies

Gluten Sensitivity Related to Vaccination?

The Gluten Free Diet is not a new thing.  It was written about in the 1950’s, and was probably known a long time before that.

It is interesting, I think, to observe that the sensitivity to gluten, which is suffered by many people these days, is not a new phenomenon.  Nor is coeliac disease a new thing.  However, it could be a phenomenon which is increasing because of several things:

1) Multiple vaccinations, with four or five different vaccinations being given at one time, to babies whose immune systems have not developed properly, could very well be one major cause of gluten sensitivity and other health disturbances.

2) The proliferation of food additives in our foods, and the use of toxic agricultural chemicals, are probably another major cause for our failing digestive systems.

3) The refining process in making flour could be another factor.  Processing wheat flour involves using chemicals on the wheat, such as bleach to whiten it.

4) The genetically modified strains of wheat grain, used for making flour and bread, could be a contributing factor.

Gluten-Free Diets In the 1950’s:  I have an old medical book entitled: ‘Healthy Minds And Bodies’ which was published in 1956 by ‘The Waverley Book Co., Ltd’.   An article written by Elizabeth Gilzean and Peter Bevan in this book recommends a gluten-free diet for coeliac disease, or celiac disease to use the American spelling.

Interesting to note the health interests of these 1950’s doctors and writers:  This same book also has one article on Homeopathic Medicine, but it endorses the use of vaccinations for many infectious diseases in another article entitled ‘Children’s Ailments And Illnesses’.

I have read in other books that people seem to have developed allergies, such as hay fever, and asthma, which have increased since around the time that mass vaccinations were introduced.  In fact, one source says that hay fever was never heard of before national vaccinations began. See Dr Hans-Peter Studer’s book intitled ‘Vaccination’, and also the book ‘Your Health At Risk’ by Dr Toni Jeffrey’s for more inofrmation on the side-effects of vaccination and whether or not they actually work.

Are Vaccinations One of the Reasons for the increasing incidence of gluten intolerance?  It is possible that vaccinations have  also upset our metabolisms to the extent that many of us have become intolerant to wheat, or to gluten.

It is also possible that the wheat itself, which is genetically modified, has a bearing on people’s intolerance of it.  Wheat has been mucked around with since the 1920’s in New Zealand, with new strains being developed every year or two, the aims being to maximize the yield for farmers, reduce the growing time, and so maximize the profits.  But this kind of modifcation which results in faster growing crops and bigger yields must also result in a grain which is deficient in many minerals and vitamins.  Then there is the devitalized and chemically-laden soil on which the wheat is grown year after year to consider.

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Vaccinations Do Not Always Work.  This is the sad lesson for a family whose 12 year-old daughter died of Meningitis on Monday.

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Note:  See Merrilyn’s post following this one, entitled: 

Possible Homeopathy For Meningitis If Vaccinations Don’t Work

Vaccinations may help to prevent a bacterial disease, but vaccinations are no good on viral diseases.  If this case of meningitis was a viral one, then the antibiotics in the vaccine given her will have been ineffective for that reason.  But Vitamin C works on both viral and bacterial diseases…….

Alternatives to Vaccinations:  Two other therapies can be used instead of vaccinations, and these are massive doses of Vitamin C when the disease presents itself, and Homeopathy for prevention and cure.

And this is why Vitamin C therapy and Homeopathic Medicine should not be suppressed by doctors or by drug companies or anyone else.

Homeopathic Medicine is a non-harmful, non invasive alternative to vaccinations.  Whereas vaccinations  are invasive to the body, and can harm the immune system, the homeopathic remedies do not cause harm to the immune system.

Vitamin C has cured people of infectious diseases when they were expected to die.  Only two years ago, a man who had swine flu recovered because his family persuaded doctors to give him intravenous Vitamin C in massive doses.  The medics at the Auckland hospital where he was being treated were about to take him off life support and let him die.  He lives today, because he was given Vitamin C.

Everyone should learn about basic Homeopathy:  It has stopped people dying of cholera, of scarlet fever, polio, tetanus, and other infectious diseases in the past.  It could well save the life of your child in an emergency.  However, Homeopathic remedies work best when the patient has not been exposed to a plethora of vaccinations and other antibiotics beforehand. It is best to choose one or the other – vaccinations or homeopathy.

If  you decided to vaccinate, but your child  nevertheless gets sick from the very disease which he or she has been vaccinated for, then it is possible that the appropriate Homeopathic remedies may not work either.  This is because vaccinations upset the equilibrium, and harden a person’s sensitivity to all manner of things, including homeopathic remedies.  However, in an emergency if nothing else can be done, it is always worth a try to use a homeopathic remedy on a vaccinated child.

And I would ALWAYS give large amounts of Vitamin C in an acute illness such as suspected meningitis.  With or without vaccinations, Vitamin C can kill viruses and bacteria when it is given in large enough doses.  It is a good thing to keep Vitamin C in your cupboard in case of an emergency, as well as Homeopathic Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius, Ledum, Arnica, Arsen alb., and a few others.

Sad Death Of A Vaccinated Girl:  Just this week, a 12 year old Wellington girl has died  of suspected Meningococcal disease, only hours after showing the first symptoms.  Amanda Crook-Barker had stayed home from school on Monday, 3rd September, because she was feeling a little sick and had a sore throat.

Within a short time she had started vomitting.  Shortly after vomitting, whe manifested a rash, which is one of the classic symptoms of Meningococcal disease.  One identifyer of meningococcal disease is that the rash does not disappear when you press the area.

Within two hours of the rash appearing,  at 5 PM, Amanda had died.

Her father said that the rash quickly overtook her, and by the time the ambulance came to take her to hospital, she was black, as if bruised, all over her body.  He only described her condition in an interview on television tonight, 5th September, so that other people might recognize the symptoms and act more quickly if their children became sick.  Amanda’s condition deteriorated so quickly, there was hardly time to recognize the stages of the  fast-accelerating illness, and the family certainly did not anticipate that things would develop the way they did, and claim their daughter’s life within hours.

It is most likely, though, that even if she had gone to hospital earlier in the day that the disease may not have been diagnosed.  On the news tonight, her illness was described only as ‘suspected meningococcal disease’.  Even if her diagnosis was certain, it is likely that antibiotics may not have reversed her condition.  She had already had a vaccination for meningococcal disease.  The only treatment which may have saved her life could have been a megadose of Vitamin C  in combination with a homeopathic remedy such as Arsen alb, Aconite, Belladona, Mercurius, or Crotalus.

Over the past month there have been five cases of meningitis reported in the Auckland region.  Fifteen cases were reported in Wellington last year.

A doctor appeared on the news tonight to warn people that they still could succumb to meningitis, even though they had been vaccinated.  The doctor said that there are many strains of meningococcal disease, and there is not necessarily a vaccine for every one of these.

Some extra reading on alternatives to vaccinations:

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Swine Flu: Intravenous Vitamin C

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera

Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Did Vaccinations Cause Multiple Allergies In Young Child On Campbell Live?

Child Has Allergy to Water.  Allergy To Synthetics.  Allergy to Dust Mites. Multiple Food Allergies

The TV3 Campbell Live  show last night, 16th May, 2012, featured the story of a young child who is allergic to many things.  Even water is a problem for him.

His Mum told the story about how this  poor wee thing had had a severe skin rash from a very early age.  The condition was so chronic that the child’s skin was weeping.  Photos of the child as a baby showed his face totally covered in a red and angry rash.  His Mum now realizes that the cause of the chronic skin condition is due to multiple food allergies, and allergy to dust mites, as well as water, synthetics, and other substances, and has adjusted his diet and his activities accordingly.

He survives on an extremely restricted diet which excludes wheat, milk, rice, corn, dairy foods, peanuts, nuts, and numerous other things.  His clothes are put into the freezer for a while to kill any dust mites which might be on them.  Care is taken not to expose him to other people who may be eating, or who might have just eaten, any of the foods which he is allergic to.

His social life has been impaired to a degree, but his caring Mum does everything she can to give him a normal childhood experience and social life within the boundaries stipulated by the allergic condition.

It was great to see the topic of food allergies in young children coming up on Campbell’s show. But the important question was not asked on Campbell’s show as to what might have caused these severe food allergies in the first place. Healthy children should not be suffering allergies to this extent, if at all.  Allergies in children have to be a symptom of the Western, modern, way of rearing a child,  the chemicals in our food, vaccinations and other drugs, and the high-wired electro-magnetic environment many of us are exposed to.

So – we should be asking ourselves what is the reason for a child to have such severe allergies to so many things?

On John Campbell’s show last night, these allergies were portrayed, very conveniently for all drug companies and the doctors and specialists in the field of medication, as something mysterious and random which ‘strikes’ young children.  One would assume  from the programme that this child will need continuing and probably expensive medical help for some time.

Not once did the subject of vaccinations, or immunization, or antibiotics, come up with regard to the allergies which this child suffered.   HAD THIS CHILD BEEN VACCINATED IN HIS FIRST YEAR OF LIFE?  If so, this could be the very cause of all those allergies.  This is a VERY important question which was left out of the programme.  This, to me, is the most likely cause.  However, there are other factors which might have contributed to this child’s condition and these could have been discussed on the show, to make the show a real learning experience for the viewers.

The important  things  which I would consider if my child was so sensitive to so many things would be:

1)  The subject of vaccinations.  Did the child receive any vaccinations in the first year of his life?  Childhood vaccinations are problematic, and there is plenty of evidence to show this. And what vaccinations had the mother had in her life-time – Whether or not the mother has had vaccinations has a huge bearing on the immunity of a child.  A mother who has NOT had vaccinations and whose mother used homeopathy, vitamins, etc, instead, will have a stronger immune system and produce a stronger baby than a mother who has been vaccinated, even if it was years ago.  And what medications, if any, did the mother have whilst she was carrying this baby?  And what medications or pain relievers were given at the birth?

2)  The alternative therapies which are available for allergies.   Homeopathic remedies, Chinese medicine, and Ayurvedic medicine are all options which should be being discussed as alternatives to vaccinations, as well as being considered for treating conditions such as allergies, which have most probably been brought on by ‘medical intervention’ in the first place.

There is a wide range of Homeopathic remedies for children, many of which I used myself, for my own children, as well as for my own health.  I decided that my children were not going to have any more vaccinations, after my first-born child had a severe reaction to the first two vaccination shots, one at three months, one at six months.  He suffered a skin rash, a bloated stomach, pain in the stomach, and cried a lot after both these injections.  After that, I decided to explore Homeopathic medicine, which does not have the dangerous side effects of modern drugs,  as an alternative to vaccinations for my children.  These  homeopathic remedies worked very well to treat all the normal childhood infectious diseases  such as mumps and measles, and many other complaints such as croup and  whooping cough.  I discovered that Homeopathic Ledum worked as a tetanus substitute, so none of my children even had as much as a tetanus shot.

Mainstream medicine is given every consideration and respect on our television channels, and in the printed media, whilst  the safer alternatives to allopathic medicine, such as Homeopathy,  are deliberately left in the backwaters.  Because the drug companies have the monopoly on the ‘health’ industry and its medications, vaccinations and immunizations, and they want to keep it that way.  There is big money to be made in pharmaceuticals and agricultural chemicals, and these drug companies today do as much as the cigarette companies did in times gone by, to dupe the public about the safety of their medications and vaccinations.

Whereas, in fact, there are many Homeopathic remedies which have no risky side effects as do vaccinations, and which could be used instead of these harmful chemical or antibiotic  medicines.

3)  The added chlorine and other chemicals in our tap water.  Chlorine added to our water supply is a major health hazard, in my estimation. Many people have an allergy to chlorine, which can cause eczema and other skin irritations, plus digestive problems. It is thought to be a contributing factor to conditions such as arthritis, alzheimer’s, and cancer as well.

4)  The possibility of electro-magnetic influences having a bearing on this child’s health.  The proximity of cell-phone towers, electricity transformers, the house meter-box being too close to the child’s bedroom, electrical appliances such as fridges, TV’s or stoves being close to where the child is sleeping.  Any of these things can under-mine a person’s immunity and cause malfunctions in the body and brain.  Excema and psoriasis can be the result of being exposed too long and too often to electromagnetic forces.

5)  During her pregnancy, had the mother been exposed to chemicals such as cockroach-killers, or flea-bombs in the home environment, or were agricultural chemicals such as herbicide or pesticide  used in the wider  environment?

I think that  John Campbell should have put these questions forward to the mother of the wee infant with multiple allergies.  It may be that these things I mention have no bearing on her son’s sickness at all.  But I would think that it is 97% likely that vaccinations, or drugs or chemicals of some other kind,  or electro-magnetic tensions  have had a big part to play in making this child so sensitive and so sick.



Flu Jab Vaccinations Promoted On Campbell Live Show, NZ 18th April 2012

Vaccinations Can Damage Your Immune System.

John Campbell TV3 has let us down.  Generally speaking,  I like his style of reporting and discussion, as he usually examines both sides of the issue in question.

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However, on the issue of vaccinations for influenza which aired on tonight’s show, he failed to do this.  We only heard the view of ONE medical doctor who happened to be an advocate for flu jabs.  Makes me wonder if TV3 had been authorized by some government authority to give a pro-vaccination report, by making a seemingly investigitave approach on the issue, but without including controversial evidence against the case for vaccination.   Perhaps the drug agencies themselves had done their brain-washing on John Campbell and his producers,  so that they would conveniently ignore the other side of the question.  Were they all offered the free shots, I wonder?

At the conclusion of the vaccination topic, we  at least did have ONE TV person from channel 3 who chose not to take the vaccination – a conclusion I found to be satisfactory.  And we heard several people  earlier on state that, as they thought themselves healthy, and  they hardly ever got sick, that they would NOT be taking the flu jab.

Yet Campbell’s pro-vaccination doctor made an incredible and unbelievable statement about such healthy people  needing the flu jab more than ever.  He said that if you have not had the flu in 12 years, or whatever, then you REALLY NEEDED to have the flu jab vaccination.  Now, how can that be true?  Sounds like drug company indoctrination to me, reminiscent of the “More doctors smoke Camel’  cigarette story.

And great advertising for the doctor on the show.  Who does he know at TV3?

Campbell’s show tonight was not an impartial investigation on the effectiveness or safety of flu vaccines – it presented a case FOR vaccination, without examining any of the reasons  for NOT VACCINATING.  The doctor they had on the show was ridiculously enthusiastic about taking the vaccine, rubbing  hands and knees together gleefully in anticipation of the flu-jab customers  which were likely to flood his clinic this week after seeing this programme, swearing that flu vaccinations would do you no harm, etc, etc, but we never heard a challenge from another health professional on this doctor’s pro-rant for the flu vaccine.  Only one doctor on the show, and he was  backing the flu vaccine.

But there are plenty of doctors out there who do NOT believe in having flu jabs, or in giving their own children the regular vaccinations which are promoted by our own government agencies, and by the drug companies who  make and sell the stuff.  There ARE alternatives to taking vaccinations.

There IS a big question mark over the issue of the safety of vaccinations.  It would have been good if Campbell had bothered to look into some of the  anti-vaccine literature  published by medical people,  and by alternative health professionals.   There is plenty of research into the topic which might suggest that vaccinations are not always safe, and nor are they the best thing to prevent infections, including flu.

Vitamin C in large doses is one proven prophylactic, or preventative, for flu.  Megadoses of Vitamin C – i prefer calcium ascorbate as it is non-acidic – helps to kill off viruses and bacteria, and hastens the recovery of flu or other infections.  Vitamin A is another good one which destroys bacteria and viruses.  And there are heaps of Homeopathic remedies which will work effectively in helping to prevent or cure the flu and other infectious diseases, without damaging the body’s own  immune system.   Children generally respond well to the Homeopathic remedies recommended for childhood infectious diseases, such as mumps, whooping cough, measles, whooping cough,  and others.

But of course, if you are unfamiliar with the Homeopathic remedies, or herbal and vitamin naturopathic treatments, then you should seek advice from a qualified and experienced health practitioner to treat or prevent flu and other infectious diseases.

Read Merrilyn’s other related posts: 

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Health Without Vaccination or Antibiotics

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Mercury Thimerosal In Vaccines Is A Danger To Children’s Health

Dangers Of Childhood Immunization

Dr Rebecca Carley has stated that children will receive around 2370 times the allowable safe dosage of mercury, if they were to receive every recommended vaccine for the first two years of life.  This is a serious concern if you are considering, or have gone along with, a vaccination programme for your child.

Congressman Dan Burton apparently instigated an investigation by the FDA  into the use of mercury in childhood vaccinations, after his own grandchild became autistic following the administering of vaccinations  This FDA investigation resulted in a recommendation that mercury be avoided by drug manufacturers.  However, an outright ban was not implemented, and so mercury is still  used in many pharmaceuticals, including some childhoold vaccines.

This is alarming, that substances known to be harmful to man, and especially to children, are still allowed to be used in the making of antibiotic vaccinations.  In the hearing on the issue of Thimerosal/Mercury and its dangers to health, Congressman Dan Burton questioned pharmaceutical representatives about it.  He high-lighted the fact that Mercury/Thimerosal has been known to be a dangerous substance since 1929, yet it has continued to be used in pharmaceuticals including vaccinations. The only known test of mercury/thimerosal was in 1929, and all the people involved in the test died soon after of meningitis.

Congressman Dan Burton is pushing to have criminal charges brought against any agencies, including drug manufacturers and government departments, who  knew about this 1929 research-result which proved the imminent dangers of ingesting mercury/thimerosal, yet never-the-less, still condoned its use in vaccinations.  He is reported as having said, at the hearing:

“You mean to tell me that since 1929 we have been using Thimerosal and the only test that you know of is from 1929, and every one of those people had meningitis, and they all died?”

Mercury is a heavy metal which is very toxic to the body, and especially to the growing brain and body of a child.  Mercury has a profound effect on the nervous system and on brain development.  Mercury  poisoning in adults can cause nervous system diseases such as Parkinson’s, or Multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s.  In children, Mercury poisoning would be more likely to result in impaired brain and motor function development, making the child less bright, and with slow co-ordination and speech development.  Even if  your child  does not have obvious Autistic symptoms, he or she still could be affected by the Mercury, and other poisons, being present in vaccines.

More than 50% of parents in America, whose children have become Autistic, relate the onset of the condition to vaccination.

Mercury is just one of the many reasons why vaccinations should be avoided, and why homeopathic preventatives should be used instead.  There is a prophylactic, or preventative,  homeopathic treatment for every infectious disease.  Childhood illnesses respond very well to homeopathic treatment, especially if the child has not had its immune system  impaired with vaccinations, medications, and environmental poisons such as insecticides and pesticides.

Did you know that vaccinations were halted in Japan last year, on March 8th 2011, after four children died following immunization?  This is just ONE instance of vaccinations having a proven negative effect on the health of children.  Because of these children dying,  Pfizer and Sanofi brands of vaccines were stopped  in Japan, while an investigation was carried out.  But many children die all over the world because of immunization drugs.

In 2010 Australia halted its vaccination programme after many children were reported suffering side effects from the treatment.  Nausea, vomitting, dizziness and seizures were some of the symptoms.  But this is only the tip of the ice-berg, the part that we can see.  Vaccination antibiotics have a far-reaching, on-going, negative effect on the nervous system, the brain, and the body than these immediate side-effects we perceive.

Some researchers believe that the rising incidence of crime, of violence and social unrest, has much to do with childhood vaccinations.

Childhood vaccines are marketed as if they are safe.  But generally speaking, they are not safe, because of the pollutants they may contain, and because of the fact that the negative side effects of using these vaccinations may not even be known for several years.

Vaccinations are very strong anti-biotics.  Many adults are known to have suffered very bad reactions from having strong anti-biotics.  I know of one case which happened to a friend of mine about a year ago.  She was bitten by a dog in the course of her work.  She was rushed by her bosses to the doctor.  The doctor immediately gave her an anti-biotic injection to prevent rabies.  It might have also been a vaccination for tetanus.  Anyhow, the antibiotic she had was aureomycin, which she had taken on occasion in the past without any obvious ill-effects.   Within hours, her face had swollen up, and the skin had gone a bright red.  I saw her about six months after the incident.  Her face was still swollen and red, and  looked to be permanently scarred as a result of the toxic reation from the antibiotic.  She says, a year later, that the scarring has not gone away.

Yet I bet that no action was taken in this case to make the pharmaceutical company accountable for whatever was in this anti-biotic preparation. Cases like this are numerous.  The statistics on ‘medical misadventure’ most surely would not indicate the true numbers of people affected, or anything like the  real  and on-going negative effects suffered by many  people as a result of taking anti-biotics and vaccinations.

It is just such a pity that my friend did not go to see a homeopath on the day she got the dog-bite. If she had not been in such a panic, she might have thought of this.  Homeopathic medicine does work, and does not pose the dangers to health which immunization or vaccinations and antibiotics of any kind do.   Homeopathic Ledum is the one which I used to sugstitute  Tetanus vaccinations.  For rabies, there are many good homeopathic remedies which could have been used instead of the aureomycin vaccination.  Hydrophobia, Belladonna, Stramonium, Lachesis, Agave, Cantharis and Fagus are some of the remedies which Dr John Clark lists  in his “The Prescriber’, as potential treatments for rabies.

Drug giants have been on the war-path of natural healers and  homeopaths since the early 1920’s, when the pharmaceutical companies began to gain ground in America.  These big companies managed to get all literature and research results about homeopathic medicine banned from being published in  American medical journals.  This was to prevent homeopathy from ‘taking off’ in America – It was already immensely popular in Britain and Europe, and even the Royal family were converted to using homeopathic medicine.  So the drug giants decided to retain their monopoly of the health trade by keeping the public ignorant about homeopathy, and forbidding proper research and test results to be put into the public domain.  This has had a bad effect on the reputation of homeopathy. But on the other hand, the pharmaceutical companies have carried on using  potentially dangerous chemicals and substances such as mercury in their own pharmaceuticals, despite research showing them to be  decidedly harmful.