How Can I Prevent Scarlet Fever?

Homeopathic Remedies as a Natural Preventative of Scarlet Fever

There is ONE truly great prophylactic Homeopathic Remedy which has been well proven as a preventative of Scarlet Fever.  A ‘Prophylactic’ is the medical term for ‘preventative’.

This prophylactic for Scarlet fever is a well-tried  homeopathic remedy called Belladonna.  Homeopathic Belladonna was proven by Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathic medicine.  He found Belladonna to be a good and effective  homeopathic preventative for Scarlet Fever.  It is a perfectly safe and natural remedy to use as a preventative for this disease.

Important Note:  Belladonna in its natural organic state is extremely toxic.  The plant Belladonna should never be used to create a medicine.  In Homeopathic Remedies, only a trace of the original plant or mineral is used in solution.  Then, this dilution is further diluted.  And then diluted again, and so on.  The plant material, or other mineral or compound used, cannot be detected in the  finished product, yet there is a powerful vibrational force within the potion, which corresponds to the original plant.   It is this force which inspires the immune system of the body to get into gear and throw off the disease, which the chosen remedy has targeted.

W.A. Dewey says that “Hahnemann’s discovery that Belladonna is a prophylactic in scarlet fever has been abundantly verified in practice”, which sounds like an excellent recommendation.  The effectiveness of Homeopathic Belladonna would seem to deem vaccination unnecessary:  Belladonna will not harm a person’s immune system, whereas vaccinations have the potential to upset the immune system. This quote from W.A. Dewey above,  comes from page 322 of his book entitled:  “Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics”. This book is published by B Jain Publishers, PVT, New Delhi- 110 055.

Using Homeopathic Belladonna as soon as an outbreak of Scarlet Fever occurs may save your child from getting the disease.  At least, the remedy should help to minimize the effects of the disease, and to shorten the duration of the illness.

We should allow that the new strain of Scarlet Fever which has developed in Hong Kong, may not respond as well to Belladonna treatment as the old, common variety of Scarlet Fever did.  However, it is very likely that the characteristics of the disease remain the same, and so Belladonna should still act the same way – as a preventative, or  prophylactic to use the medical term, on this new strain.

Vitamin C As Natural Treatment For Scarlet Fever

Mega doses of Vitamin C have been proved to inhibit bacteria and virus growth. This fact makes Vitamin C extremely potent as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent, thus making it effect as a Prophylactic for Scarlet Fever and other infections.  Vitamin C therapy has been closely researched by many top research doctors, one of them being Dr Goodhope, who comes from Melbourne, Australia.   He has used Vitamin C therapy successfully in the treatment of Swine Flu, which is a particularly voracious disease to cure.  From his studies, and from my own experience with Vitamin C, I would guess that Vitamin C taken in large doses several times a day would combat Scarlet Fever.

Taking a good amount of Vitamin C on a Daily Basis could work as a prophylactic, so that the Scarlet Fever was avoided completely, or lessened in its effect.  For an adult of average weight, I would use 1000mg of Calcium Ascorbate three times a day, while any  epidemic was rampant.  I would halve this dose for a young teenager who might be at risk of getting Scarlet Fever.   For a child between three and five years, I would give two doses of 500mg per day, just while the infection was around.  Then, after several days, I would reduce the amount to one dose of 500mg per day.  If the motions become too loose, then you reduce the dose, or stop for a day.

Since children between three and five years of age are most susceptible to the Scarlet Fever infection, I would also give the child a low-potency Halibut Oil capsule daily, for three days.  This will also help as a Prophylactic for Scarlet Fever.  Do not use the especially high potency, but the average low-strength capsules.

When my children had infections of any kind, I found that giving an extra amount of Halibut Liver oil capsules helped to bring the infection down very quickly.  If they were sick, then I doubled the dose just for around 24 hours.

Colour Therapy:  Blue Lighting For Scarlet Fever and other Infections

Although I have not tried this, since my children never had Scarlet Fever, I am confident that using Blue lighting will help children who already have succumbed to this disease.  Blue Light helps to reduce red inflammation, which there obviously is quite a bit of in Scarlet Fever, as the name signifies.

Using colour therapy to treat Scarlet Fever, or any other fever, is quite straight-forward.  All you do is to buy a low-wattage blue bulb, and put it into the light socket in your child’s room.  If the infection is severe, you can leave the light going for most of the night.  But, as the fever comes down, you need less of the blue lighting.  So keep a watch – when there is an improvement, you reduce the exposure to the blue light.  Turn it off for a few hours.  Turn it on again only if the fever is still there and the child is restless.

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Homeopathic Belladonna is the classic remedy for Scarlet Fever. It will help prevent it if given at the first sign of an outbreak.  It is also one of the best remedies to help to cure it if you get the illness.  More about this later on:

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Who Is Susceptible to Scarlet Fever:  Children under the age of five are usually more susceptible to Scarlet Fever, but children up to the age of 15 can succumb to this childhood illness.   Scarlet Fever is not usually life threatening these days.   Scarlet Fever has not been so much of a problem illness since antibiotics such as penicillin were invented.  Penicillin and other antibiotics have been effective in bringing Scarlet Fever outbreaks under control, because they kill off the germs which cause Scarlet Fever.  But there is a down-side to using antibiotics, or vaccines, for the common childhood illnesses:

Scarlet Fever In Hong Kong: The trouble with this new Scarlet Fever outbreak in Hong Kong is that it seems to be a particularly virulent strain which might have mutated, or immunized itself somehow against the common antibiotics  which are used to treat the illness.  It does not seem to be responding to antibiotics.

Now this IS a worry, because it suggests that the Scarlet Fever bacterium may have gotten so strong BECAUSE of our use of antibiotics to manage the common childhood diseases.   Bugs find other ways to survive if they are bombarded with antibiotics.  They become stronger, and more resilient.

And this is always the concern which people have about child immunization, because the more vaccines, or immunizations, or innoculations that your child is given, the weaker your child’s immune system becomes.  This means that your child’s immune system might be weakened to such a large degree that it cannot naturally fight off any unknown diseases, such as new strains of the common illnesses.

Vaccinations Weaken The Immune System: If a child is continually being vaccinated for this or that, then that child’s system will expect the help of a vaccine for anything and everything which comes along.  Their systems will not be able to tackle these new diseases.  When the day comes that there is not a vaccine to protect your child, because the disease has suddenly mutated and formed a new strain of bacteria, then there will be serious cause for concern.

Alternatives To Antibiotics: Of course, if your child is sick, then you must see a Doctor.  But in the meanwhile, you might be interested in finding out more about the natural remedies and treatments for scarlet fever which are listed below.

Natural Remedies For Scarlet Fever/Vitamin C and Homelopathy

Vitamin C Therapy: Remember that large quantities of Vitamin C, especially Calcium Ascorbate, or Ester C,  have an antibacterial and antiviral effect:  This treatment has been proven to be effective in the treatment of Swine Flu, and many other disease. But you could go to a Homeopathic doctor, or an Ayurvedic medicine  practitioner,  BEFORE your child gets sick, to investigate the alternatives of treatment for these childhood illnesses.

How To Prevent Scarlet Fever:

Hahnemann, who discovered Homeopathy, discovered that Homeopathic Belladonna is a prophylactic in Scarlet Fever.  This is an incredibly useful piece of knowledge in the case of a Scarlet Fever outbreak, as a prophylactic is a PREVENTATIVE

Belladonna is a preventative of scarlet fever. So, you would begin taking the Homeopathic Belladonna as soon as there was a warning about an outbreak, BEFORE your child got the infection.

More On Belladonna as a Natural Remedy For Scarlet Fever: W.A. Dewey says in his book “Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics“, that Belladonna for preventing Scarlet Fever “has been abundantly verified in practice.”  We do not know for sure that this new strain will also respond to Belladonna, but it is quite likely that Belladonna will be just as  effective.

Homeopathic Sulphur is reputed to be the next best thing for the treatment of Scarlet Fever. (see W.A. Dewey)

I found Homeopathy to be a wonderful alternative to allopathic medicine and antibiotics.  It seemed to be especially effective in treating my children, I think, because children generally are quite sensitive, and so they respond well to Homeopathy.  People who have used mountains of antibiotics and other medications do not respond so well to Homeopathic treatment, because their systems have become hardened through long term use of medications.

Homeopathic Remedies: So here are some Homeopathic remedies which have been used to treat Scarlet Fever.  Again, I urge you to go to a Homeopathic practitioner, or an Ayurvedic professional, before your child gets sick.

If your child is sick, then do not hesitate – go to the doctor.

Generally speaking, only one remedy should be used at a time.  You can buy an Aconite, Belladonna, Chamomilla mixture at most health shops, called ABC.  This is a good general remedy for many children’s ailments, and it might still be good for treating or preventing Scarlet Fever.    However, for a serious disease, the remedy needs to be chosen carefully.  Each remedy has a specific action, and so the ‘case’ needs to be examined thoroughly before deciding on a remedy.

List of The Most Common Remedies for Scarlet Fever: Belladonna; Gelsemium; Bryonia; Ailanthus; Rhus toxicodendron; Lachesis; Ammonium carbonicum; Zincum.  These remedies are outlined in the book “Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics” by W.A. Dewey, B. Jain Publishers PVT. Ltd. New Delhi.  He also states that Homeopathic Belladonna was discovered by Hahnemann to be a prophylactic of Scarlet Fever:  It prevents Scarlet Fever.

Other Homeopathic remedies which W.A. Dewey indicates could be useful for different stages of the disease are:  Cuprum; Calcarea carbonica;  Kali sulphuricum;  Rhus tox;  Arsenicum;  Sulphur. Of course, only one remedy would be chosen out of this list, perhaps to follow up the treatment which might have begun with Belladonna, or Gelsemium.  Get some professional advice, unless you know your Homeopathic medicines.

More Reading:

Lives could be saved if, as well as Vitamin C treatment,  homeopathic medicine were at least given a try in some of these ‘incurable’ illnesses.  Let’s pray that the pharmaceutical companies loosen their strangulating hold on the medicine industry, and let Homeopaths prove the worth of their science.

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Swine Flu: Intravenous Vitamin C

Vitamin C and Cancer

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera

Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

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Curing The Incurable With Vitamin C

RoundUp Herbicide Causes Severe Candidiasis

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Linden Tree Tea To Soothe Nerves

Linden Tree

The Botanical Name of the Linden Tree is  Tilia cordata. The Linden Tree is also known as Tiglio.

The flowers of the Linden Tree  are beautiful – lemon-cream in colour, and highly fragrant.  Many poems and songs have been written about the lovely Linden tree with its alluring fragrance and welcome shade.

Linden Tree flowers contain a valuable  essential oil.  Linden Tree flowers have been used for centuries to make a soothing herbal tea to calm frayed nerves. Linden Tea, and the essential oil,  have a mild sedative effect, and calm the emotions.

The main active ingredient in Linden Tree flower oil is farnesol.  This substance, as well as the flavanoids, gallic and catechnic tannins present in Linden Tree flowers, make the essential oil also very useful in the making of cosmetics.

Aubrey Hampton discusses the use of Linden Flower essential oil in his book called “What’s in Your Cosmetics?” In this book, he discusses both natural and synethetic ingredients, and of course, Linden Flowers are one of the healthful,  non-toxic, natural ingredients which are used in the making of some cosmetics.

Test Purity Of Water With Lovage Herb

Lovage Essential Oil

Levisticum officinale is the Botanical name of Lovage. Lovage is a sweet smelling and calming herb.  It has several common Folk names, some of which are:   Old English Lovage, Smellage, Smallage, and Maggi Herb.

All parts of Lovage contain medicinal properties.  The  volatile oil  of Lovage contains some well known substances which are used in cosmetics, such as:  angelic acid, phthalides, glucoside, gum and resins.

Lovage oil also contains Ligulin which is a colourant, and it is this Ligulin colourant which is the magic ingredient in our water-purity test.  I discovered this water test in Aubrey Hampton’s wonderful book “What’s In Your Cosmetics?”  This book was published in 1995 by Organica Press, Florida, USA.

Aubrey says that he uses Lovage Oil to test the purity of water.  He recommends dropping just one drop of lovage oil into the water to be tested.  The Ligulin component will cause the water to turn a bright crimson red if the water is pure.  If the water is impure at all, then the red will turn to blue.

I have not tried this formula out, but I should think that you would use only a small amount of water – say a quarter of a cup full.  Otherwise the Ligulin in the Lovage Oil may be too diluted to have an effect at all.

Of course, it will be necessary to purchase a pure essential oil of Lovage.  Any synthetic equivalent will not do.  But having purchased your Pure Essential Oil of Lovage, you could entertain your children with this  water-testing experiment.

Show them how it works yourself by dropping one drop into various types of water:  Try sea water to see what happens.  Try the  water from a near-by stream.  Try tap water, try rain water,  and try bottled water. Use the same volume of water for each experiment so that you can judge the colour differences.

Note:   Do not give the Lovage Oil to your children to play with, as Essential Oils can be very potent and should be kept away from children and guarded carefully.

Lovage  is used in Folk Medicine as a diuretic, a stomachic and an expectorant.  It is a common flavour enhancer in foods and drinks.  Because of its soothing and non-irritating effect, it is useful as a de-sensitizing agent for certain skin conditions.  It is supposed to be good for acne.

Its ability to soothe the skin make Lovage a valued cosmetic component.

Medicinal Uses Of Sunflower Oil

The Sunflower:  Marigold Of Peru

Other names for the Sunflower are:  Sola indianus,  and  Chrysanthemum peruvianum. The Sunflower has been used for thousands of years as a food and as a medicine in South America.

Sunflower oil has cleansing properties:  It is  both a diuretic and an expectorant, which are both cleansing functions.

Sunflower seeds are very rich in  protein and in essential fatty acids. These nutrients are essential for the good health of the nerves, brain and eyes, and for the general health.  More than half a sunflower seed is made up of the valuable and highly nutritive Sunflower oil.

Other important health-giving substances in Sunflower oil are:  Helianthitanic acid, inulin, levulin, and Vitamin E.  This makes Sunflower oil a valuable ingredient in the diet as well as a useful and nourishing oil to use on the skin.  It is used in many face creams, lotions, soaps,  and as a massage oil base.

In folk medicine, an infusion of  Sunflower seeds has been used as a remedy for whooping cough.  According to Aubrey Hampton, in “What’s In Your Cosmetics?”,  Organica Press, Florida, 1995,  sunflower seeds have  been successfully used in Russia to treat cases of malaria.

The nutritious oil in sunflower seeds has a comforting and soothing effect on the nerves, and this  soothing and relaxing effect gives sunflower seed oil a somewhat mild aphrodisiac effect.  Sunflower seeds are also helpful in increasing fertility.

Sunflower seeds are rich in protein, and calcium, as are sesame seeds.  Calcium, protein and fatty acids are helpful in calming the brain before sleep.  Eat a handful or two at bed-time to ensure a comfortable, easy sleep.  To get the maximum value from the sunflower seed, it is best to grind up a cupful in your blender.  Grind the seeds without water, until they have formed a coarse-to-fine powder.  Take a good tablespoon of this at bed-time as a calcium supplement for the benefit of the brain, the nerves, and a good night’s sleep.