Dangers Of Pharmaceutical Drug Fosamax

Osteocrenosis of the Jaw and Other Negative Side Effects Of Fosamax:  The drug Fosamax, alendronate sodium,  is given to people ostensibly to strengthen the bones. It is classed as a ‘bisphosphonate’ drug, and it was approved as a bone treatment  by the American Food Drug Administration Board, in 1995.

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Other brand names of the same type-drug,  alendronate sodium are:  Avedia, Actonel, and Zometa.

In 2004, after many people had reported side effects from taking this drug, and, I think, the manufacterers had been taken to court,  the manufacturers, Merck & Co., were requested by the FDA to include written warnings about the drug on the medication packet.  So far, Merck & Co have proceeded to warn the medical profession about the adverse  side effects of Fosamax, but not the patient.

Some of this information reported on this page is from a web-site  “Fosamax Lawsuit Information Centre”.  These people offer a free case review, should you be already considering filing a law-suit against the makers of Fosamax and similar drugs, because of ill health caused by taking these drugs.

People with osteoporosis, including post-menopausal and steroid-inducing osteoporosis, or cancer, or Paget’s disease, are often prescribed this drug, because it can increase bone mass and reduce the leaching of calcium from the bones.  But this practice should be questioned, as the chemical ingredients in Fosamax are foreign to the body and are not a natural part of bone formation. The resulting bone mass will be inferior to that which is built up by taking good food and appropriate nutritional supplements.  And, although it may help to strengthen the bones for a time,  there is a stong possibility that the drug Fosamax may severely impair your health.

Actually, it often has just the reverse of the bone-enhancing effects it is supposed to.  Femur fractures are common with people who take the drug Fosamax, and this goes to show that Fosamax actually weakens the bones, rather than strengthening them.

I am writing this post, because a dear friend of mine has just been ‘put on’ this drug, after chipping a vertebrae as the result of a fall off a garden wall, whilst gardening, onto hard concrete  below.  But no other damage was suffered, and no bones broken, which all goes to show that his bones, at almost 89 years,  must be still good and strong and hard.  He should not need any drug such as Fosamax to strengthen his bones.  The chipped vertebrae came about because of the five-foot drop over the wall to the concrete below, not because his bones were weak.  If his bones were weak, then there would have been at least a broken wrist, or a leg, or some fracture, you would think. All he has damaged, albeit very painful, is a chip to a vertebrae. He is a lucky man not to have suffered more after this accident.

This friend has avoided taking medications all his life, which I think has attributed to his remarkable good health.   He still does manual work, as well as having an advisory role on a large orchard. He and his wife still  live in their  own house, where she still cooks him delicious and nutritious meals three times a day.  I really hope that he takes my warning about the dangers of taking Fosamax, else his excellent physical and mental  health be spoiled.

The one very serious condition which has been related to the drug Fosamax is Osteocrenosis of the jaw.  This can be a very painful and distressing condition which has led, in some cases, to the jaw having to be removed. This condition is often accompanied by anaemia, or lack of iron.

So it is probable that Fosamax disturbs the natural processing and retention of  several vital minerals in the body.  Iron is one mineral whose assimilation seems to be affected by Fosamax.  Some of the side effects reported below are classic symptoms of calcium and magnesium deficiency, which would strongly suggest that this drug upsets the absorption of calcium and magnesium.

There are many other side effects to the Fosamax drug, which will be listed below.

The natural nutritive supplements which feed the bones are far better to take than Fosamax.  The naturally occurring vitamins and minerals which feed the bones, such as magnesium, calcium and Vitamin C,  do not pose a danger to the health of the body, and will not cause the worrying and debilitating side effects which Fosamax often does. It is far better to eat calcium/magnesium rich food, with plenty of Vitamin C rich fruits, and take some extra bone-enhancing food supplements than to risk poisoning your body with Fosamax, or alendronate sodium.

Severe allergic reactions to Fosamax can be experienced by some people.  These reactions may be experienced soon after beginning a course of Fosamax, or they may develop later. The most worrying effect of taking Fosamax long-term is that it can cause, as mentioned before,  a type of paralysis of the jaw called osteonecrosis.  Over 3000 people have been recorded as having ostenecrosis since 2003.  In America, there are lawyers who specialize in Fosamax claims.  This should give you some idea about the very real risks in taking Fosamax, as there are already many people who have made claims against the manufacturers of Fosamax, because of ill health they have suffered as a consequence of taking Fosamax.

The following is a list of some of the symptoms which have been reported as having been caused by Fosamax, or similar drugs.  There will be many more than these:

Allergic Reactions such as Hives or Rashes

Back Pain


Bone Pain



Difficulty Breathing


Femur Fractures

Flu-like symptoms – fuggy head, runny nose, sore throat etc


Itchy flakey skin

Jaw swollen and/or painful

Joint Pain

Low Blood Calcium, which is characterized by muscle spasms, muscles cramps,   twitches, and sore joints.

Mouth Sores

Muscle pain

Numbness of feet or hands or fingers


Osteonecrosis or paralysis of the jaw

Pain around the jaw

Passing black or bloody stools

Sore or swollen joints

Sore throat

Stomach Pain

Swollen joints or feet or hands

Swollen tongue or lips

Swelling of legs ankles or hands

Taste Affected

Tightness in the chest


Lives could be saved if, as well as Vitamin C treatment,  homeopathic medicine were at least given a try in some of these ‘incurable’ illnesses.  Let’s pray that the pharmaceutical companies loosen their strangulating hold on the medicine industry, and let Homeopaths prove the worth of their science.

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Swine Flu: Intravenous Vitamin C

Vitamin C and Cancer

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera


Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

Curing The Incurable With Vitamin C

RoundUp Herbicide Causes Severe Candidiasis

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity



Mercury Thimerosal In Vaccines Is A Danger To Children’s Health

Dangers Of Childhood Immunization

Dr Rebecca Carley has stated that children will receive around 2370 times the allowable safe dosage of mercury, if they were to receive every recommended vaccine for the first two years of life.  This is a serious concern if you are considering, or have gone along with, a vaccination programme for your child.

Congressman Dan Burton apparently instigated an investigation by the FDA  into the use of mercury in childhood vaccinations, after his own grandchild became autistic following the administering of vaccinations  This FDA investigation resulted in a recommendation that mercury be avoided by drug manufacturers.  However, an outright ban was not implemented, and so mercury is still  used in many pharmaceuticals, including some childhoold vaccines.

This is alarming, that substances known to be harmful to man, and especially to children, are still allowed to be used in the making of antibiotic vaccinations.  In the hearing on the issue of Thimerosal/Mercury and its dangers to health, Congressman Dan Burton questioned pharmaceutical representatives about it.  He high-lighted the fact that Mercury/Thimerosal has been known to be a dangerous substance since 1929, yet it has continued to be used in pharmaceuticals including vaccinations. The only known test of mercury/thimerosal was in 1929, and all the people involved in the test died soon after of meningitis.

Congressman Dan Burton is pushing to have criminal charges brought against any agencies, including drug manufacturers and government departments, who  knew about this 1929 research-result which proved the imminent dangers of ingesting mercury/thimerosal, yet never-the-less, still condoned its use in vaccinations.  He is reported as having said, at the hearing:

“You mean to tell me that since 1929 we have been using Thimerosal and the only test that you know of is from 1929, and every one of those people had meningitis, and they all died?”

Mercury is a heavy metal which is very toxic to the body, and especially to the growing brain and body of a child.  Mercury has a profound effect on the nervous system and on brain development.  Mercury  poisoning in adults can cause nervous system diseases such as Parkinson’s, or Multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s.  In children, Mercury poisoning would be more likely to result in impaired brain and motor function development, making the child less bright, and with slow co-ordination and speech development.  Even if  your child  does not have obvious Autistic symptoms, he or she still could be affected by the Mercury, and other poisons, being present in vaccines.

More than 50% of parents in America, whose children have become Autistic, relate the onset of the condition to vaccination.

Mercury is just one of the many reasons why vaccinations should be avoided, and why homeopathic preventatives should be used instead.  There is a prophylactic, or preventative,  homeopathic treatment for every infectious disease.  Childhood illnesses respond very well to homeopathic treatment, especially if the child has not had its immune system  impaired with vaccinations, medications, and environmental poisons such as insecticides and pesticides.

Did you know that vaccinations were halted in Japan last year, on March 8th 2011, after four children died following immunization?  This is just ONE instance of vaccinations having a proven negative effect on the health of children.  Because of these children dying,  Pfizer and Sanofi brands of vaccines were stopped  in Japan, while an investigation was carried out.  But many children die all over the world because of immunization drugs.

In 2010 Australia halted its vaccination programme after many children were reported suffering side effects from the treatment.  Nausea, vomitting, dizziness and seizures were some of the symptoms.  But this is only the tip of the ice-berg, the part that we can see.  Vaccination antibiotics have a far-reaching, on-going, negative effect on the nervous system, the brain, and the body than these immediate side-effects we perceive.

Some researchers believe that the rising incidence of crime, of violence and social unrest, has much to do with childhood vaccinations.

Childhood vaccines are marketed as if they are safe.  But generally speaking, they are not safe, because of the pollutants they may contain, and because of the fact that the negative side effects of using these vaccinations may not even be known for several years.

Vaccinations are very strong anti-biotics.  Many adults are known to have suffered very bad reactions from having strong anti-biotics.  I know of one case which happened to a friend of mine about a year ago.  She was bitten by a dog in the course of her work.  She was rushed by her bosses to the doctor.  The doctor immediately gave her an anti-biotic injection to prevent rabies.  It might have also been a vaccination for tetanus.  Anyhow, the antibiotic she had was aureomycin, which she had taken on occasion in the past without any obvious ill-effects.   Within hours, her face had swollen up, and the skin had gone a bright red.  I saw her about six months after the incident.  Her face was still swollen and red, and  looked to be permanently scarred as a result of the toxic reation from the antibiotic.  She says, a year later, that the scarring has not gone away.

Yet I bet that no action was taken in this case to make the pharmaceutical company accountable for whatever was in this anti-biotic preparation. Cases like this are numerous.  The statistics on ‘medical misadventure’ most surely would not indicate the true numbers of people affected, or anything like the  real  and on-going negative effects suffered by many  people as a result of taking anti-biotics and vaccinations.

It is just such a pity that my friend did not go to see a homeopath on the day she got the dog-bite. If she had not been in such a panic, she might have thought of this.  Homeopathic medicine does work, and does not pose the dangers to health which immunization or vaccinations and antibiotics of any kind do.   Homeopathic Ledum is the one which I used to sugstitute  Tetanus vaccinations.  For rabies, there are many good homeopathic remedies which could have been used instead of the aureomycin vaccination.  Hydrophobia, Belladonna, Stramonium, Lachesis, Agave, Cantharis and Fagus are some of the remedies which Dr John Clark lists  in his “The Prescriber’, as potential treatments for rabies.

Drug giants have been on the war-path of natural healers and  homeopaths since the early 1920’s, when the pharmaceutical companies began to gain ground in America.  These big companies managed to get all literature and research results about homeopathic medicine banned from being published in  American medical journals.  This was to prevent homeopathy from ‘taking off’ in America – It was already immensely popular in Britain and Europe, and even the Royal family were converted to using homeopathic medicine.  So the drug giants decided to retain their monopoly of the health trade by keeping the public ignorant about homeopathy, and forbidding proper research and test results to be put into the public domain.  This has had a bad effect on the reputation of homeopathy. But on the other hand, the pharmaceutical companies have carried on using  potentially dangerous chemicals and substances such as mercury in their own pharmaceuticals, despite research showing them to be  decidedly harmful.

Black Walnut For Restoring Tooth Enamel

Medicinal Herbs: Thankyou to Charlie, who wrote in asking about Black Walnut as a restorative herb for tooth enamel.

DSCO 1851Photo taken at Dunedin Botanical Gardens by Merrilyn on Holly’s camera.

Restorative Diets such as those used for cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and other diseases, have proven successful in many cases, for restoring tooth enamel.  Often, people have discovered that their teeth have repaired themselves whilst following a strict dietary and cleansing regime to treat eczema, psoriasis, or a life-threatening disease.

However, there are some specifics which are helpful in keeping tooth enamel healthy, and even in repairing tooth enamel.  Black Walnut is one of them.  Comfrey is another.  Prickly Ash is another.  Nettles, called ‘Stinging Nettles’ are another.

So what is it about the Black Walnut,  the Juglans nigra, which gives it such a great reputation for facilitating healing, including the regrowth of tooth enamel?  Louise Tenney who wrote the book ‘Today’s Herbal Health’, 1983, gives a summary of the healing attributes of the Black Walnut, in which she includes its ability to heal tooth enamel.

Valuable Minerals in Black Walnut:  For a start, Black Walnut Husks and Leaves are rich in important healing minerals.  Some of these, according to Louise Tenney, are organic iodine, magnesium, manganese,  Vitamin B15, silica, iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorous.

Iodine, especially, is a natural anti-bacterial, which would make Black Walnut helpful for the teeth.  Iodine helps to keep harmful germs in the mouth at bay. So the use of Black Walnut and other herbs which have a high organic iodine content, will help to kill off those germs which eat away at the teeth.  In this sense, Black Walnut would be very helpful for the restoration of the tooth enamel.

Silica is another important mineral which helps to keep harmful germs at bay, as well as having an important function in building strong teeth, bones, hair and nails.  Silica is found in the Black Walnut husks and leaves, as well as in Comfrey, Stinging Nettles, and Prickly Ash.  Comfrey is one of the richest sources of silica, which is a good enough reason to have the plant brought back for the general public to use again:  At present, many countries have banned comfrey because the drug companies have convinced governments that it can cause cancer and should be banned.  But this is really so that they have the monopoly on all the healing ingredients contained in comfrey.  People have been using comfrey as a healing herb TO GOOD EFFECT for thousands of years.  Stinging nettles are another rich source of silica, but commercial herbicides and people’s desire to control our road-side verges have almost put this vauluable healing plant into extinction.

Avoid Chemcials including Food Additives: Of course, it is not enough to simply use Black Walnut tincture, or another iodine product, on a daily basis.  For Black Walnut tincture to be effective on the teeth, you would need to have a nutritious diet, with plenty of protein, green vegetables, and plenty of raw salad material to keep the teeth clean and the saliva alkaline.  The same goes for using Comfrey in the diet, or Nettles, or Prickly Ash rubbed onto the gums and teeth – You need to be following a sound and healthy diet, rich in green vegetables both raw and cooked, with adequate protein, and little or no sugary foods, for the teeth to restore themselves.  You also need to avoid any harmful chemicals such as those food additives which are put into all sorts of packaged food these days.  Even breads contain preservative, which are very bad for the teeth as well as the general physical, mental and emotional states of well-being.

Cleansing With Castor Oil:  Periods of cleansing, where raw foods are eaten for a day, or several days, depending on the advice of your health practitioner, can be helpful in removing toxins from the body.  Ridding the body of toxic chemicals, and avoiding contact with chemicals, can help the general health as well as the health of the teeth.  Jacqui Davison was following the cancer-cure outlined by Dr Max Gerson, who cured many people of cancer during his life-time.  Castor Oil was one of the most important ingredients of his cancer cure.  Dr Gerson’s diet for reversing cancer also healed the tooth enamel on Jacqui’s teeth.  However, it must be remembered that Jacqui followed this diet with its rigorous cleansing procedures, for almost a year before she realized that her teeth had repaired themselves.  Healing of the teeth takes as long as it takes to heal an invasive cancer, and it requires the same amount of vigilant effort.

Gluten Sensitivity, Cancer and Allergies Related To Vaccinations, Preservatives and Other Chemicals.

Food Additives, Agricultural Chemicals, and Vaccinations  all weaken the immune system, and are the likely reason for the fact that asthma, gluten intolerance and other allergies are on the rise.  More and more people are finding that they have allergic reactions after eating bread and other foods which have gluten in them.  In New Zealand, where agricultural science prides itself on being ‘ahead’ of the rest of the world in terms of machinery and chemicals to control weeds and insects, more and more people are suffering from asthma, hay fever, eczema, cancer, and other conditions each year.

More People are Becoming Sick in Civilized Countries:    New Zealand has the highest incidence of asthma of anywhere in the world. New Zealand also has one of the highest rates of breast cancer in the western world.   These diseases are becoming prolific in so-called  CIVILIZED countries – countries which use modern chemical ways to manage weeds, countries where vaccination of children is the norm,  and countries where ready-made commercial items such as bread, cake and meats are part of the average diet.  These commercial items all have preservatives and other food additives in them, unless you have bought an organic product with no chemical additives.

This should tell us something immediately, without having to wait for relevant research to be done to prove a point. What is the difference between the life-styles and  foods people eat in a poorer country, where little or no cases of asthma, cancer and allergies are found, and the foods and life-styles of people from a richer country, where disease of all kinds is on the rise?  –  The answer is No chemicals of any kind, unless the marketing of these products has already begun by those big international corporate drug and chemical companies who seem eager to pollute every last bit of the planet.

It is  everything to do with ‘life-style’, which is not just living a healthy life in the outdoors, but a life-style where there is an absence of agricultural chemicals, no food additives, and no modern vaccinations and other drugs. Healthy people are found in the pockets on earth where people do for themselves much more,  spending time outside growing food without chemicals, and without  using medical drugs and vaccinations.

Healthy people living a healthy life-style without chemicals are generally strong and have a natural immunity to most disease, in which case there should be little need for modern drugs.   Of course antibiotics do have their place in emergency situations, but I am an advocate for the homeopathic alternatives to vaccinations, drugs and medications, and, of course, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A, should there be a need  for assistance in combatting infections.  Homeopathy, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and herbal options for treating infections and preventing disease should be used for illness whenever possible, as these things do not harm the immune system as do vaccinations and other antibiotics.  Many children who were healthy before vaccinations suddenly have developed allergies and sensitivity to gluten after being given vaccinations.

The  agricultural poisons we pour onto our soils, including artificial fertilizers,  which get into our food, and poison the air and the waterways, are having an adverse effect on our health.

Vaccinations and food additives  are further undermining the health of our children, and ourselves.

Actually, there is enough research around already, which shows that vaccinations, agricultural chemicals including artificial fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, all affect the health and the immune system, making us more vulnerable to infections of various kinds, and predisposing us towards  cancer and allergies.

I have noticed that bought baking products from our ‘New World’ supermarket, such as bread, doughnuts, cake, biscuits, pastries and chocolate, have a worse effect now than these foods, bought from the same supermarket, did a couple of years ago. I get a strong headache fairly soon after eating any of this shop’s baking now, similar to the effect of foods with monosodium glutamate in them.  I suspect that they are now  using some ready-made flour product which has unknown rising agents and preservatives in it –   Whereas previously, they made their own baking mixture up, which had less of the harmful additives in it.

These products have heightened my gluten intolerance.  All preservatives, colourings and other artificial food additives have an immediate effect on the bacteria in the bowel – they act like antibiotics, killing off the good bacteria in the bowel along with the bad ones.  This affects digestion adversely.  You may find that you seemingly are intolerant to gluten, when all along, it may be that the preservatives and other food additives in bought bread and baking are the real cause behing your sensitivity to wheat.

The other factor, of course, is that agricultural chemicals are used in the growing of wheat, unless the farmer is using organic no-chemical methods to grow his food.  These chemicals get into the very fibre of the wheat, and these chemicals have a synergistic effect with other chemicals which are used in food processing, such as the bleach which is used in processing wheat flour.

Home made bread,  made from organically-grown and organically processed wheat may in fact be OK for many people who are otherwise allergic to wheat which has been grown and processed by normal chemical means.  However, once someone has become sensitive to gluten and other allergens, it can be very hard to reverse the condition.

Controlling Your Allergies In New Zealand

Toxic Chemicals In The Form of  Vaccinations, Agricultural Herbicides, Pesticides and Artificial Chemical Fertilizers – These are the OBVIOUS reasons that people get allergies.  Yet they are rarely   mentioned in public discussions by doctors and specialists in allergy control. Why is that, you may ask – Well, there is a lot of  money to be made by doctors, specialists, and drug companies, who are likely to give you yet another drug or concoction of some sort, ostensibly to ‘help’ your allergy symptoms.  If the real cause of allergies and other problems such as high or low blood pressure was made known,  – i.e  that the chemicals in our food, medications and environment are the cause of ill health and allergies, there would be no need for around 95% of all medications. The drug companies, and many specialists, would go broke if all toxic chemicals and  vaccinations were outlawed.  Simple as that.


Toxic chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, insecticides and vaccination drugs were not even mentioned on TVNZ Channel One this morning, 9th November 2011, when an allergy specialist from an allergy ‘clinic’ was interviewed just before 9AM on their breakfast programme.  The specialist said that allergies to many things, including pollen, kiwifruit, apples, peanuts and other foods, are on the rise all over the developed world.

Question:  Why is that, he was asked.

Answer:  One hypothesis, the allergy specialist said, is that children, especially, do not develop their immune systems properly, because they are kept in sterile environments when they are young.  This, as we all know, is a factor in people having deficient immune systems.  If you are not exposed to germs in the environment, your immune system does not develop immunity to these germs, and the result is that you have low immunity to things like flu and other infections, and are likely to suffer allergies.

But NO MENTION was made  by the allergy specialist about the methods which are commonly used to get rid of germs, and bugs and weeds, -vaccinations, antibiotics,  herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, and artificial fertilizers  which are widely used in our country and in other  ‘developed’ countries of the western world –  These things, as well as killing off all the helpful germs, actually do damage to your body, to your liver, your brain, and your immune system.  They cause cancer, for a start, as well as allergies.

And no mention on this interview with the allergy specialist about  the  effects of antibiotics, which are pumped into our children via the vaccinations which governments, at the will of the drug companies, are trying to make mandatory world-wide.  Antibiotics, including vaccinations, are harmful to the health and should never be used unless there is an emergency.  Each vaccination and antibiotic that you give your child will be lowering your child’s natural immunity, and causing harm to the liver and immune function.  These chemicals and antibiotics not only cause allergies, they cause  depression, alcoholism, arthritis, cancer, infertility, parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, autism,  and other conditions of ill health, if not now, then later in life.

The allergy specialist went on tho say that ‘ “There are still holes in this argument of sterile environments”, and that this theory  of  environments being too sterile  has not been fully accepted.  Does he not have a brain, or is he being paid bonuses by some  drug company for not mentioning toxic chemicals such as vaccinations, artificial fertilizers,  agricultural and household insecticides and weed killers, etc as being the REAL CAUSE OF ALLERGIES?  The allergy specialist has everything to be gained if  the real cause is kept secret, which is that toxic chemicals in food and environment, and vaccinations, cause allergies:  There is money to be gained by  drug companies, doctors, and  allergy specialists while people continue to get sick from drugs and environmental poisons.

The allergy specialist refrained from stating the obvious – the part of his hypothesis which is missing, actually – and that is that toxic chemicals used in both agriculture and about the house, and medical vaccinations, are the real reason that people are increasingly suffering from allergies.

Antibiotics and Vaccinations  Weaken the Immune System:   Be warned that those vaccinations you give your child will weaken your child’s immune system, making him or her more likely to suffer allergies of various kinds.  The allergy specialist did not mention the vaccinations which are given on a mamoth scale to children in New Zealand and all over the so called ‘developed’ world.

Food Is Contaminated With Toxic Chemicals:  No wonder that the allergy specialist mentioned that in New Zealand, many people suffer allergies from kiwifruit.  Did you know that an antibiotic is currently being used on kiwifruit in New Zealand, in an effort to curb the disease which threatens to wipe out all our kiwifruit orchards?   I have noticed that kiwifruit over the past two years tastes of a chemical which I cannot identify, but which gives me a headache.  Formerly, before this chemical was being used, our kiwifruit was not so toxic.  Now I know that, whatever other chemicals are being used to grow kiwifruit, there is a good dose of the antibiotic Streptomycin in it.  Streptomycin is the antibiotic being sprayed on kiwifruit vines.  So kiwifruit – which should normally be a wonderful food, high in Vitamin C, and cleansing fibre for the intestines, are probably causing more harm than good now, because of the poisons you will be ingesting with every kiwifruit eaten.  Your children will be taking in the antibiotic Streptomycin, as well as many other chemicals – The antibiotic Streptomycin on its own is enough to cause problems with your immune system function, and give you allergies.

Organic Food is Best:  But even organic food will have traces of agricultural chemicals which have been used in the past.  Protecting your organic plants from toxic spray which is being used down the road is always a problem for the organic farmer or agriculturalist.

Vaccinations and Antibiotics are just the worst thing for growing children.  They will predispose your children to allergies, arthritis, cancer, heart problems, and other things later in life.  Evidience of the failure of the vaccination system can be seen in the escalating incidence of glue ear, and complications because of measles, mumps, and other common childhood infections.

I have proved that no vaccinations is best.  After my eldest child, whom I had allowed the plunket nurse to vaccinate, developed terrible eczema, stomach pain, ear trouble, and sleeplessness, I decided that never would I allow any child of mine to be vaccinated again.  My daughter has a year old child who  is  a second generation child of a no-vaccination family.  He is breast fed on demand.  He has had NO ear trouble,  NO allergies, and nor has he had any illness of any kind.  This is nature’s way, given that his environment is chemical free, and he is breast-fed – that he should be immune from infections such as measles, until he is old enough to cope with these infections naturally.  Of course he WILL get measles, mumps, and other infections, but his immune system will naturally beat off these diseases, and strengthen his immunity in the process.

Trouble is that many babies being born in New Zealand are being born to parents who were vaccinated as children.  This means that the parents’ immunity has been interfered with, and so the new baby will not have as strong an immunity as it normally would, if the parents had not been vaccinated.  This is why these epidemics of measles and other childhood diseases have become rampant, and especially virulent.   95% of New Zealanders have apparently been vaccinated.  This means that 95% of the population are likely to have weaker, sickly children who are less able to combat these common childhood illnesses without suffering complications of some kind.  But if mankind is to survive at all, then it is important that we build up the immunity of the next generation.  This will take some skill and extreme care, to get the next generation surviving without the use of antibiotics and vaccinations.  This is where the expertise of a classical homeopath, ayurvedic practitioner, and vitamin therapist will be necessary, if you decide not to immunize or vaccinate your child.  It CAN be done.   I believe all vaccinations and immunizations should be discarded in favour of the homeopathic alternatives, to get our children back to health again.