Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

DSCO 1786Natural Remedies For Whooping Cough: Homeopathic Drosera.

Hahnemann, the ‘Father of Homeopathy’, praised Homeopathic Drosera in the 30th potency so highly, he famously said that it cured nearly every case of whooping cough.  I would agree with Hahnemann, as I have found this to be a wonderful cure.  In my experience, it worked every time in treating both whooping cough and croup.  I used homeopathic Drosera  for all my four children when they succumbed to these bronchial infections, instead of antibiotics or vaccinations.

After witnessing the extreme distress and  adverse effects of vaccination jabs on my first-born child, who had two injections – one at three months, the other at six, I never vaccinated my children for anything again.  Instead, I read and read and read about alternative treatments for all the childhood illnesses, and developed a skill in using homeopathic medicine instead.

This action gave me the know-how in preventing illnesses, or at least in minimizing their effects should they strike my family.  It saved a good amount in doctor’s bills too.

The doctor’s, I had found, did NOT always know best, and often behaved like idiots.  At least, at the time, the ones I had the misfortune to meet did. One example of this was when we were aerial sprayed with the deadly 245T up in the Weka Weka Valley in the Hokianga.  All morning the helicopter flew over our house, dropping a deluge  of 245T herbicide about our house, garden, and our stream where our drinking water came from.  The spraying was intense,  since our house was situated in an area of dense blackberry.

My first-born child and I both suffered terrible health problems because of this reckless spraying programme which was done as a collaborative effort on the part of our neighbours.  I was pregnant at the time, and that baby, dear girl, died at three months.  She may have had cystic fibrosis, but whatever, her condition mimicked the symptoms which my young son and I had had from the 245T poisoning – asthma-like symptoms, digestive problems, and other things.  Her poor health, I was certain, was directly related to the spraying which had gone on when I was around 6 months pregnant.  When I went to the doctor, being pregnant, and very sick after the aerial spraying, hoping to put my case on the database for the record, he told me, quite wrongly:

‘There was no proof’, he said, ‘ that 245T (Agent Orange – Dieldrin) did any damage to the human body’, and that my sick symptoms were all in my imagination.  “Psychosomatic illness.  You think you are sick, but you are not’, he said.  But I WAS ill, and what is more –  it was already proven by research done in other countries, that 245T ingredients were VERY harmful to people’s health, as well as to the babies of children whose mothers or fathers had been exposed to the stuff.  It was already banned in America. This doctor was either a liar or an idiot, or both.

This experience had come shortly after I had agreed to my first-born child being vaccinated.  He was made very sick with these injections, the same symptoms appearing immediately after both doses.  These were continual crying, bloatedness, terrible colic which caused pain, red blotchy skin, and not sleeping at night.  When the plunket nurse came back at 9 months, to give my son his third injection, I sent her away and that was the end of all vaccinations for my children.  Not even a tetanus shot for any of them after that – Homeopathic Ledum was the prophylactic for Tetanus, and so I used this if ever they had cuts and scrapes and I suspected that horses may have grazed in the area once-upon-a-time.

I believe that immunizations and vaccinations would not be necessary if only people would arm themselves with some knowledge about Homeopathic remedies.

So – later on in the story, when I had four young children, two of whom were attending school, we began to be exposed to those common childhood illnesses which some people like to get vaccinations for.

I had read about Drosera being a prophylactic for whooping cough and croup.  My experiments with this remedy were entirely successful.

Once, my young baby had a sudden fit of croup and wheezing in the middle of the night which scared the living daylights out of us.  We got into the car to take him to the hospital.  I gave him Homeopathic Drosera just before we left, and another dose on the way to the hospital.  Within a short time, before we got to the hospital, the attack was averted and he was breathing normally again.  So we returned home, without having to visit the hospital.

Other Homeopathic Remedies For Whooping Cough as indicated by homeopathic Doctor Dewey:


Corallium Reubrum

Coccus Cacti




Antimonium Tartaricum


Magnesia Phosphorica

Kali Biochromicum

Coqueluchin or Pertussin.  This is a nosode derived from the Whooping cough bacterium.  Dr John H. Clarke, the framous London homeopath whose work I have referred to in other posts on this website, used the nosode with good results.  The Nosode usually works as a preventative.  Dr D.A. Dewey indicates in his book that the 30th potency and higher work better than the low dosage.

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

Reading these posts might be helpful if you have decided to forfeit those much-promoted and often dubious flu injections.

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Vitamin C and Cancer

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera

Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Homeopathy Awareness Week In NZ Not Given A Fair Go


No Cancer Notebook(1)A reprint of Merrilyn’s 1980’s Health Book entitled: NO CANCER NOTEBOOK is available for purchase.

The cost is $60 New Zealand currency.  This includes postage.

Send an email to [email protected] to order.


Round-Up Poison Causes Sudden Toxic Reactions

Agricultural Poison Causes Sudden Rash, Swollen Legs, Bone Aches, Ear Ache, Kidney Infection, and Dizziness. 29 January 2013.

DSCO 1856

Our local council has just done its rounds of ‘Round-Up’ weedkiller, an herbicide which is widely used in New Zealand to kill roadside weeds and weeds along footpaths and around parks.  Every six weeks or so, this seems to be the routine, and down here in this little country town where I now reside, it seems that nobody objects to this routine poisoning of our parks and streets which is done without warning.

Children and animals are at great risk from the laying of this poison around the park down the road, and around the streets.  And people who live in council flats, such as myself, are especially vulnerable to this poison called Round-Up, because the council comes and sprays the stuff within a metre of our houses.

We have been told for years by councils and farmers, who also use the stuff very liberally, that Round-Up is not toxic to humans in the amounts we are exposed to.  They believe also that the stuff ‘breaks down within a few weeks’.  I am not a scientist, but I can still taste the stuff in dandelion greens and other edibles,  growing within a foot or two of the spray-line, even after six weeks or longer.

Of course the idea that Round Up has no bad effect on humans, or bees, or birds, or pets, is a fallacy:  This story is a yarn spun by the chemical companies who profit from the selling of it, and adopted by councils, farmers and householders alike, because this herbicide poison is just so convenient, since it saves a lot of work, and a lot of money. The people who use it and profit from its use do not want to think too much about the possible harmful effects of the stuff.

There is plenty of evidence to show that Round-Up is NOT the harmless herbicide that it is claimed to be.

Both times the council have sprayed around our houses, I have had a sudden occurence of ear ache, dizziness, with bone pain which came on the day after the spraying.  This was followed a day or so later with terrible back pain which accompanied a sudden kidney infection.  My urine smelled strange, and the left kidney area was painful. I felt dizzy and had stomach cramps.

I realized it was the Round Up poison which had brought on these sudden symptoms, and took homeopathic Thuja immediately to counteract the toxic herbicide.  I took the Thuja three or four times a day for three days.  This helped.  When the back pain appeared, I also took 2000 mg of Vitamin C to get rid of the kidney infection el pronto. I also drank copious amounts of boiled water – about a glassful every two hours for the first twelve hours.

The interesting thing was that my friend suffered similar symptoms, as well as a severe rash, at the same time as I had these ailments.

Here is how the recent spraying just five days ago, on Thursday, affected my friend:

The day after the spraying, my elderly friend, who lives in an apartment which she owns, but which is run by the council, went out into her garden to do some gardening.  She did not realize that the council had been the day before and sprayed the verges of all the footpaths around the houses, just as they had done at my house, as well as the borders of her gardens, and a corner area which was a little overgrown.  She spent the morning tackling the weeds in the corner, unsuspecting of the danger she had put herself in. She was wearing sandals and knee-length trousers, so that her legs were exposed.

The following day, when I called in on her, she was in a bad way.  Her legs were considerably swollen with a bright, angry red rash all over the calves.  It looked like hives, only much worse.  She was complaining of chronic earache and said she felt dizzy.  I told her about the spraying, and said that she must avoid doing any gardening for a few days.  We bathed her legs and did some healing on them.  I suggested that she go down to the doctor’s, in case septocaemia should set in, but she decided not to do this.

Next day, on the Sunday, her legs were better after the treatment we had done. The earache was gone, and the redness of the rash had disappeared, although she still had welts which looked like the remains of hives, like little blisters.  On the Monday, she decided that the sprayed areas might be safe, and went back into her garden to clean it up.  By this time, the area in the corner was browned off after the spraying.  But the stuff was still potent.  It brought the rash up again.  I visited her in the afternoon and her legs were almost as red as they had been on the Saturday.

I knew it was the Round Up spray again, because I had been out after dark, barefoot, to put out milk for the hedgehog.  The soles of my feet burnt so badly after walking on the lawn, I had to wash them again to rid them of the poison.  That was four days after the spraying.

Round-Up is NOT a safe poison to be spraying around our gardens, our parks, our footpaths.  Auckland City Council, before it became the great amalgamation that it is now, used to use just hot water on the edge of its grass verges.  This is the method all councils should adopt, unless they give people more jobs to actually go around and physically manicure the edges of all green areas.

Note:  Homeopathic Thuja is invaluable for antidoting environmental poisons, as well as being useful to counteract the bad effects of vaccination.  I use it whenever I am exposed to poisons such as Round Up, along with Vitamin C in non-acidic form.

Note:  More concentrated spraying was done in and around our town and yards, by the council, on Friday the 1st March, 2013.  It was also done 2 weeks before that, as well as the spraying which occurred around 28th January 2013.  Of course, it was done before that time, but I have only just begun to record the instances of spraying round-up, or similar herbicides, in our town, from the date of 29th January, 2013.

More Spraying Done Causing Illness At Easter:  Spraying was done just prior to Easter, about the Tuesday before Good Friday, as I remember.  I was out when they did this, but the evidence was there when I returned.  As well, strong insecticide was sprayed to kill a wasps’ nest outside my door on the same day the herbicide was sprayed around.  The effect of both these sprays – an herbicide and an insecticide – put me out of action for a few days.  Dizziness, depression with much crying, and a piercing headache at the top of my scull on the left side was the result, especially on Good Friday and Saturday.  Difficulty breathing, heart palpitations and a soaring temperature with red flushed cheeks were also symptoms of spray exposure.  I felt so awful I thought about death and how I could hurry it up.   By Sunday the depression was gone, but my energy levels were so incredibly low, and the pains in my heart so intense, I felt I would collapse.  I managed to play the pipe organ for Easter Sunday Church, but it was touch and go as to whether I would fall off my seat or not.

It is around two weeks now since the last spraying was done just before Easter, April 2013.  I am recovering with the help of vitamins, herbs, and homeopathy.  The heart palpitations and pain disappeared within a few days after Easter, as did the breathlessness and feeling as if my diaphragm had ceased its lung action.  But energy levels are still chronically low.

These sprays, I believe, have a deleterious effect on the health of almost everyone who comes in contact with them.  But few doctors seem to be aware of this, and few are interested in documenting the effects of sprays on people.  Most people who are already aware of the toxic effects of sprays, like myself,  do not use doctors as a rule, so these spraying ‘incidents’ go unreported.  And what is the point, after a spraying ‘incident’ which affects the health dramatically,  in paying a doctor in the hope that they will take up the challenge to investigate the devastating effects of toxic sprays on people’s health?  Proving the point could be a costly business.

Keeping a record of these spraying dates might give people an idea about how much they are being exposed to these poisons.

Read also my post entitled ‘Round-Up Spray Causes Candidiasis’.

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

No Cancer Notebook(1)A reprint of Merrilyn’s 1980’s Health Book entitled: NO CANCER NOTEBOOK is available for purchase.

The price is $60 New Zealand currency.  This includes postage.

To order, email [email protected]


Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

DSCO 1735Natural Remedies To Help Prevent and Treat Scarlet Fever

Of course SEE YOUR DOCTOR OR PROFESSIONAL HOMEOPATH if you suspect Scarlet Fever. Scarlet Fever is very contagious and is a serious disease because of complications which can set in, such as lung and kidney afflictions.  The illness is contagious from the onset and until the skin begins to peel, after the fever has finished.  But here is some information about some vaccine alternatives which may prove to be helpful..

The ‘glass test’ can be done to test any rash which has appeared.  To test with the glass, simply press down the end of a glass over the rash.  If the rash does not disappear when the glass is pressed down over the rash, then it is probable that the person has Scarlet Fever.  However, do not rely on this test alone, because some cases of Scarlet Fever have ‘disappearing rash’.  See your medical professional.

Personally, I have never had any experience with treating Scarlet Fever, but since I have had enormous success with treating  the fevers of other childhood illnesses, such as whooping cough, croup, measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc, with Homeopathic medicines, I am confident that the words of the experts are true – that even Scarlet Fever can be prevented, and treated successfully, with the use of the appropriate Homeopathic remedies.

It is worthwhile remembering that Vitamin A in larger than usual doses also works as a preventative and a cure for most childhood illnesses.

I will elaborate on the advice of  certain Homeopathic doctors in this article, which follows on from previous articles on the subject of Homeopathy which I have written – see ‘Link Between Vaccination And Obesity New Study Suggests’ —  ‘Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever’–  ‘Scarlet Fever Outbreak In Hong Kong’‘Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles Epidemic In Syria’ — and ‘How Can I Prevent Scarlet Fever?’ for more info.

Alternatives to vaccinations, which may prove to be more effective than vaccination in the long run, are readily available to us in the form of Vitamin C therapy, Vitamin A therapy, herbs, and homeopathy.

Vaccinations, or Immunization, can be a very risky business.  The immune system can be severely impaired from vaccination – see my recent post about the lady in my street who got the flu the following day after vaccination, and who has developed chronic asthma since having that flu vaccination three years ago:  She had to be hospitalized for asthma, only days after getting the flu vaccine.  She had never ever had asthma before.

This brings us to another other thing about vaccinations – they do not always work to immunize the person against the illness for which vaccination was intended,  which is why everybody should be considering such safe alternatives as Homeopathy, Vitamins, and Herbal therapy.

You never know – you just might need this information if that vaccine does not work.  My post entitled ‘Scarlet Fever Outbreak In Hong Kong – Vaccination Alternatives’, illustrates why people should be interested in finding alternative remedies to vaccination:  Vaccination and antibiotics have failed to stop the scarlet fever outbreak in Hong Kong.

The other thing is that childhood illnesses have a purpose in developing the child’s immune system.  The majority of children do not suffer complications from having the common childhood illnesses, but instead, as Dr Studer tells us,  ‘often gain an important experience and take a leap forward in their physical and psychological development, following an illness’.  This, he says, is a common observation amongst paediatricians who have observed children who have not been vaccinated, but who have experienced the normal childhood illnesses.

Dr Hermann Michael Stellmann is quoted as saying: “It may sound almost heretical, but I am convinced that childhood illnesses make a healthier child in the end.”  See this quote on page 29 of Dr Hans-Peter Studer’s book entitled ‘Vaccination:   A Guide for Making Personal Choices’.

Homeopathic remedies are non-invasive, unlike vaccinations.  Homeopathic medicines can help to strengthen the immune system so that we can recover quickly from getting any illness.  They very often can work as a preventative, or act to lighten the effect of an illness.

So here we go – more info on Homeopathic Remedies for Scarlet Fever, in case those vaccinations have not worked.  Much of this information is drawn from the  book by  W.A Dewey entitled: ‘ Practical Homeopathic Therapeutics’, and also from the book ‘The Prescriber’ by Dr John H. Clarke, M.D.

Homeopathic Belladonna – The Classic Remedy for Scarlet Fever.  Hahnemann, the doctor who discovered homeopathy,  proved that Belladonna in homeopathic doses works as a prophylactic for Scarlet Fever. There are numerous provings which show Belladonna to be effective in treating scarlet fever, or as a prophylactic.  A prophylactic is a preventative.

You can give Homeopathic Belladonna in 30C potency, or 6X, as soon as you hear that there is an outbreak of Scarlet Fever about.  With the 30C, I would give one dose a day of just around four or five drops.  Do this for a week and then stop for a week.  Then repeat for another week as before.  If your child should succumb to the infection after the first week of preventive treatment, then give the Homeopathic Belladonna preparation immediately. Use several times a day if needed, to bring down fever, then reduce the dose to twice a day, then once a day as the temperature returns to normal.

The indications for Homeopathic Belladonna are when fever is present with bright rosy cheeks, sore throat, strawberry coloured tongue, and swollen glands. The pupils may be dilated. There may be delirium, twitching, and the patient is unable to sleep.
Homeopathic Belladonna is complemented by Calcarea carb., and also with Homeopathic Sulphur, which are other useful remedies to use in treating scarlet fever. Either of these remedies could be alternated with the Belladonna remedy, perhaps every hour on the first day, or until the fever has subsided.

Homeopathic Bryonia can be used for treating Scarlet Fever.  With this remedy there is a quick development of the rash, with thirst and sharp pains in the chest.

Homeopathic Ailanthus is described by Dr Dewey as having the ability to ‘save life oftentimes in the most desperate cases’.  This is one to remember for doctors whose patients have not responded to antibiotics, but who look near the end.  When the patient is in a stupor, with a ‘dark and purplish rash’….swollen throat and neck, nasal discharge, vomitting, headache, dizziness, drowsiness and prostration, with perhaps blood in the stools, watery and smelly discharges….then Homeopathic Ailanthus could be a life-saver.

Homeopathic Rhus toxicodendron can be used in ‘adynamic’ cases, and in the later stage of the disease, if rheumatic pains are present, with depression, weakness, restlessness and ‘eruptions do not come out well’.  Drowsiness with a smooth red tongue and swollen glands, with symptoms slow to come to a head.

Other useful remedies for Scarlet Fever might be:  Homeopathic Lachesis for ‘adynamic’ cases, Homeopathic Hydrocyanic acid, Arsenicum, Ammonium carbonicum, and Zincum.

Dr Dewey says that Zincum has been useful in treating children who are either restless and delirious, or very quiet and too weak to develop an eruption to expell the disease.  This inability to throw off the infection can result in brain symptoms such as meningitis with sharp pains in the head.  In this case, Dr Dewey recommends Zincum which can help to ‘bring out the eruption and save the life of the child.’

Emergency treatment can be gained from using the Schuessler cell salt remedies, which are homeopathic preparations.   Dr J.B. Chapman describes Kali mur as ‘the chief cell-salt remedy for the treatment of Scarlet Fever’….., when there are ‘eruptions, swelling, with white-coated tongue and albuminous urine.’

Dr Chapman says that Ferrum Phos is useful in the early stages, with ‘quick pulse, headache, shivering, sore throat, bleeding of the nose, and other initiatory symptoms’.  He suggests alternating Ferrum Phos with Kali Mur.

Kali Sulph could be useful in the later stages of the illness, to hurry up the rash and promote the peeling of the skin.  Useful if the eruptions are suppressed suddenly, with lack of perspiration but with high temperature and dry skin.  So says Dr Chapman.

Other articles on Homeopathic Remedies:

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies For Sunstroke

Natural Remedies For Sunstroke and Pleurisy:

New Zealand Heatwave Before Christmas 2012 Caused Sunstroke.  This post gives an account of the homeopathic treatments I used.

Note:  If you have sunstroke, you should certainly go to a doctor or alternative  health practitioner.  But this is how it all happened, and what I did to remedy the problem of sunstroke with subsequent pleurisy of the lungs:

I have had sunstroke twice before in my life, many years ago now.  I never expected to experience it ever again, since I have taken to wearing a hat most days when I am in the sun, and I am cautious about getting too much exposure.  My health certainly benefits from getting into the sun for short periods.

But just a few days before Christmas, we had a heat-wave in the little town which I have just moved to.  This town is around 130 ks inland, and around the same distance south of Auckland.  I moved here only two months ago.

Being new to the place, I guess I was caught unawares as to the dangers of the sun, which is much more intense here than the heat you get at a seaside resort such as Orewa,  from whence I came.

The day I left to go on my journey to Dunedin to see my family for Christmas, I mucked around in the garden for an hour or so, watering my plants well so that they would survive the week ahead without me.  I had on a cap, but the sun got the back of my neck, which is the most vulnerable spot for getting sunstroke.  Then I walked down to the town around 2PM to get a $2.40 Lotto ticket.  By this time the heat was incredibly intense, reminding me of the days we had heat waves at Kilkivan, an inland town in the middle of Queensland, when the temperatures would soar well beyond 40 degrees.

I hurried home when I realized how hot it was, and how it was making me feel ill already.

The next day, when I arrived in Dunedin, the effects of the sun the previous day were hitting very hard.  My children thought I had jet-lag.  But it was only around 3% jet-lag. I felt dizzy.  I was losing my balance and seeing stars when I looked up.  My temperature was extremely hot, especially around the head, I had an intense headache and I felt nauseous. My head was throbbing madly and I was experiencing some pain at the nape of the neck, stretching upwards on the right side of the scalp.

I hoped I would not have to go to the doctor or to the hospital.  I had left my community services card at home, so a trip to the doctor would be expensive.  Plus I preferred to avoid their pharmaceuticals if I could help it.

The only thing to do was to rest and get stuck into the homeopathic remedy which I chose out of my daughter’s collection, and to drink plenty of water.

Cooling the head by covering it with wet cotton cloths was the next thing.  Putting a wet band around so that the temples are covered, and another at the nape of the neck, is very helpful.

Homeopathic Remedy For High Temperature In First Stage Of Sunstroke: Aconite and Belladonna

The first day, when my hot head, chronic headache, and the accompanying dizziness and pain were the most worrying symptoms, I used a homeopathic combination called ‘Fevamed Relief’, which had Aconite 24x and Belladonna  30c in it.  These two are great for complaints which appear suddenly:  Aconite is always good when the symptoms suddenly appear, usually due to a chill or getting damp in a shower;  Belladonna is another one for when symptoms come on suddenly, but with the patient having a bright red face because of fever or high temperature. This ‘Fevamed Relief’ mixture also had Arsenicum alb 60x and Echinacea 24x in it.

This preparation was one specially designed for the feverish symptoms of babies and small children, but I found it to be equally effective in allaying the sunstroke symptoms which I was experiencing.

If I had been at home, I would have used either Aconite or Belladonna on its own, or alternated the remedies,  as I do not usually buy these combination remedies.  This was a ‘Naturopharm’ remedy, whereas I always buy Weleda homeopathics.

I took two or three squirts of this Aconite/Belladonna combination every 20 minutes or so for the first couple of hours.  Then I panned out the dose to one every hour.

I could feel an instant effect as soon as I took the remedy, although it took all that first day for the temperature to drop to near normal.

Pleurisy of the Lung Followed the Sunstroke:  Homeopathic Bryonia came to the fore.

The next day I found that the pulsating head, with accompanying headache, had gone.  But now there was intense pain in the right side of the chest and in the back on the right side,  which was probably pleurisy of the lungs. Bronchial problems can often come after over-exposure to the sun.  The peculiar thing was that it was a right-sided chest complaint, whereas in the past I have always had left-sided chest complaints.

Breathing was painful, and my chest hurt when I moved the torso around to get up off a chair or out of bed. I could hardly move.  It was possible that the Aconite/Belladonna preparation might have helped the bronchial problem too, but I felt as if this remedy had run its course and that no more help would be gained from continuing it.

I decided to switch the treatment to a homeopathic specific for bronchial troubles.  My daughter had a combination which had Bryonia 24x in it, so I beamed in on this one.  Bryonia is excellent for lung problems.  This remedy also had Colocynthis 30c, Carbo veg 24x, and Mag phos 60x in it.  This combination was called ‘Colimed Relief’, another Naturopharm baby remedy.  But again, it worked well for an adult too.

I took this remedy for two days, using around 10 doses of several squirts each the first day, and reducing to around 6 doses of several squirts the second day. On the second day of taking this Bryonia remedy, I coughed for around an hour, which brought up most of the fluid from the lungs.  By the end of that 2nd day, the chest and back pain was completely gone, and breathing had returned to normal.

This all saved an expensive visit to the doctor or to the hospital.  However, sunstroke can be dangerous, so I would urge you to see your doctor if you have these symptoms.  Try the homeopathic remedies only after you have visited the doctor, just to be safe.

Herbal Remedies for Sunburn:

A stong tea allowed to cool, of either Chamomilla recutita flowers, or Elderflower (Sambucus nigra), or Lavender officinalis, can be used to bathe the sunburn.  These herbs can be mixed together to make the infusion if you wish.

St John’s Wort is supposed to be a wonderful healer for radiation burns of all kinds.  Use just a few drops of the blood-red oil on the affected parts.

Aloe vera, something which many people have in their gardens or flower-pots,  is also very soothing and cooling.  Just slice open a leaf and squeeze out the gell to apply directly to the burnt area.

Homeopathic Hypericum or Calendula creams are useful to soothe and help the healing of the skin.  Homeopathic Cantharis is another which can be applied topically to reduce the sting of sunburn.  Homeopathic Cantharis in liquid form is possibly another alternative to Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, etc, for taking internally to treat sunstroke symptoms.  Personally, I have not ever tried this remedy.

Dr John H. Clarke, M.D., in treating sunstroke, lists most of the remedies which I found on those two baby homeopathic preparations of my daughter’s:  Aconite, Belladonna and Arsen alb.  These ones, which I found to be very effective, are some of the first remedies for sunstroke which he gives in his book ‘The Prescriber’.

I found ordinary ceylon tea good to drink during this period:  Tea actually helps bring down the temperature, which is why it is so frequently drunk in India.

Over the first couple of days after getting the sunstroke, I also found that putting a cold wet facecloth over the forehead and on the nape of the neck helped.



How To Make Home Made Homeopathic Remedies

Natural Remedies: Homeopathy And Why It Works

In the event that Homeopathic remedies may be denied us because drug companies manage to get them banned, OR standard allopathic medicines suddenly become unavailable, here is a method for making Homeopathic remedies at home. You never know – the day could come when we will need to produce our own medicines.

Homeopathy is a safe alternative to medicinal drugs.  There are several thousand known remedies, with new ones being proven each year.  When the right remedy, or remedies, are chosen, they can work miracles in diverting a range of  illnesses, from childhood whooping cough, croup, bronchial complaints, scarlet fever, and tetanus,  to arthritis, hypertension,  rheumatism and depression.

Homeopathy is an example of ‘Isopathic’ medicine, that is, the treatment uses remedies from the same substance that will actually cause the illness in its undiluted form.

(Not to be confused with the other ‘I’ term in medicine – Iatrogenic – An Iatrogenic illness is doctor-caused illness, or drug-caused illness)

Merrilyn’s new book is available on Amazon:

Some doctors and other health professionals claim that homeopathy cannot work, because ‘it doesn’t have anything in it’, but these people are ignorant about the way in which Homeopathy does its magic. They do not understand the principles of homeopathy.  Yes, it has very little of the original substance in it, but the healing essence of the final homeopathic product is in its vibration, and not in a measurement of a ‘substance’.  These sceptics are measuring the wrong thing in the homeopathic remedy, when they assess it as having ‘no active ingredient’, and what’s more, they have no experience of using it.  Homeopathic remedies work by vibration, not by substance.  Many doctors and drug pharmacists cannot grasp this concept, because they have been conditioned to think in material terms of substance alone.

These sceptics seem to fail to see that ‘like cures like’, and that we often use the principles of homeopathy in our daily lives without even thinking about it.  They are also blind to the fact that homeopathic principles have been used in some allopathic medicines for some time now.  Quinine is one example. Digitalis is another. X-Rays for skin cancer is another.  All these things can produce the disease which they are used to treat.

The original substance in a homeopathic remedy is chosen because of the symptoms it produces in a healthy individual.  A common, everyday example of how this happens is in the humble onion, and its relative the garlic clove.  If you eat these things raw, or even peel an onion, and you are in a healthy condition, you are likely to get a runny nose, or begin sneezing or coughing.  You may even feel your temperature rising.  These are healthy reactions. Well, when you are sick, onions and garlic can be used to CURE these symptoms, these complaints.  If you feel you are getting the flu, or a cold, then onions and garlic are the best things to take to alleviate those symptoms which present as a runny nose, sneezing and a temperature rise.  And so you can use the homeopathic preparation, made from the plant or substance which produces those symptoms, to reverse the condition.

I have come across two methods for making homeopathic remedies, and I shall describe both of these here.

One method for the process is derived from the book by the homeopathic physician Dr James H. Stephenson, M.D., entitled ‘A Doctor’s Guide to Helping Yourself with Homeopathic Remedies’.  This book was first published by Parker Publishing Co. Inc., New York, in 1976.  I have added to the basic steps suggested by Dr Stephenson, with a few pointers of my own, to make it easier for the beginner.

Here Is How You Make Your Own Homeopathic Remedy:

Use a small, clean, sterilized bottle.  It is important that the bottle does not have a trace of another herb or substance in it.  However, you can use the bottle unwashed if it is the container which held the herb tincture or essence you wish to use as your homeopathic remedy.

You are going to dilute your original essence either six times, or twelve times.  These dilutions are the common, recognized potencies for basic homeopathic medicine.  The six-dilution method results in what is called a 6C potency, the remedy which has been diluted twelve times is called a 12C potency.

First of all, you need to have a small quantity of the substance you wish to make into a remedy.  Make an infusion of the herb you wish to use, or make an essence by soaking a little of the herb in alcohol for a few days. Or, as mentioned above, simply use the unwashed container which held the original remedy you wish to use.

To make the first dilution, take one part of the original essence, or ‘Mother Tincture’,  and add it to nine parts water.  See the recipe below for making the ‘Mother Tincture’.

Dr Stephenson endorses the idea which many homeopathic experts have, that enough of the original substance is left inside the bottle to begin the second dilution, after you discard the first dilution from the bottle.  But the theory is that with each dilution, you use one part of the solution containing the substance, and nine parts water or diluted alcohol.  If you use this method, then I think that this will result in a ‘C’ potency, which is 1:100 – one part original essence and 99 parts water or alcohol.

Dr Stephenson says that the ‘C’ potency is made from the ratio of 1 part activating substance, and 9 parts water or alcohol.  But other books give the 1:10 ratio as being an ‘X’ potency, which makes sense.

So – Decimal factor ‘X’ is in dilution of 1:10.

Decimal factor ‘C’ is in dilution of 1:100.

Whichever of these systems you use, you would use the same chosen ratio each time you dilute and succuss the mixture to the required potency. i.e. if you simply use the remains in a bottle, which would give you a ‘C” potency, then you would use a similar amount of remedy in the bottle each time, which will keep the ‘C’ ratio consistent:  Simply tip out the remains after each dilution and shake up (succussion) before filling the bottle again.

If you decide to make the ‘X’ dilution, then you would use one/tenth of the remedy each time, filling up the bottle with 9/10 water or alcohol or both.

You must shake the solution vigorously with every dilution.  Put the lid on the bottle and shake it hard, banging the bottle on the back of the arm each time. This is known as ‘succussion’.  Succussion releases the energy of the material being used, fixing it into the dilution.  Dr Stephenson recommends 15 vigorous shakes with each dilution.  Some people use more shakes each time.

Each time, after the succussing of the remedy, empty out the bottle until you have one tenth of the remedy left in the bottle.  Add more diluting liquid to top the bottle up, and succuss again.  Do this either six times, or twelve.  With the last dilution and succussion, it is important to use some alcohol as your last diluting substance.  This will keep the remedy for years, if you add a quantity of vodka to the last shaking.  If you use all water, the remedy will not last more than a few days.

I use pure vodka to keep my remedies.  One part vodka, one part boiled water or distilled water.

Note: Sensitive people need to take care when making home-made homeopathic remedies.  Coffea, I have found, is extremely potent before it has been diluted properly.  The in-between dilutions are very strong – much stronger than coffee in its pure form.

Reactions can be minimized by using rubber gloves, and by using  just small amounts of the product when making your remedies.  A 15ml bottle is ideal.

How to make your own Mother Tincture:  Chop up your chosen material, such as a herb and soak it in alcohol or a mixture of 90% alchol and 10% water.

Put on the lid of the jar and leave for two weeks.  Shake the herbal mixture several times each day to distribute the healing ingredients through the tincutre.

After two weeks you can store the Mother Tincture indefinitely by keeping it in an air-tight bottle and keeping it in the dark.  Using a brown or dark green bottle is preferable.