Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Vaccinations Do Not Always Work.  This is the sad lesson for a family whose 12 year-old daughter died of Meningitis on Monday.

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Note:  See Merrilyn’s post following this one, entitled: 

Possible Homeopathy For Meningitis If Vaccinations Don’t Work

Vaccinations may help to prevent a bacterial disease, but vaccinations are no good on viral diseases.  If this case of meningitis was a viral one, then the antibiotics in the vaccine given her will have been ineffective for that reason.  But Vitamin C works on both viral and bacterial diseases…….

Alternatives to Vaccinations:  Two other therapies can be used instead of vaccinations, and these are massive doses of Vitamin C when the disease presents itself, and Homeopathy for prevention and cure.

And this is why Vitamin C therapy and Homeopathic Medicine should not be suppressed by doctors or by drug companies or anyone else.

Homeopathic Medicine is a non-harmful, non invasive alternative to vaccinations.  Whereas vaccinations  are invasive to the body, and can harm the immune system, the homeopathic remedies do not cause harm to the immune system.

Vitamin C has cured people of infectious diseases when they were expected to die.  Only two years ago, a man who had swine flu recovered because his family persuaded doctors to give him intravenous Vitamin C in massive doses.  The medics at the Auckland hospital where he was being treated were about to take him off life support and let him die.  He lives today, because he was given Vitamin C.

Everyone should learn about basic Homeopathy:  It has stopped people dying of cholera, of scarlet fever, polio, tetanus, and other infectious diseases in the past.  It could well save the life of your child in an emergency.  However, Homeopathic remedies work best when the patient has not been exposed to a plethora of vaccinations and other antibiotics beforehand. It is best to choose one or the other – vaccinations or homeopathy.

If  you decided to vaccinate, but your child  nevertheless gets sick from the very disease which he or she has been vaccinated for, then it is possible that the appropriate Homeopathic remedies may not work either.  This is because vaccinations upset the equilibrium, and harden a person’s sensitivity to all manner of things, including homeopathic remedies.  However, in an emergency if nothing else can be done, it is always worth a try to use a homeopathic remedy on a vaccinated child.

And I would ALWAYS give large amounts of Vitamin C in an acute illness such as suspected meningitis.  With or without vaccinations, Vitamin C can kill viruses and bacteria when it is given in large enough doses.  It is a good thing to keep Vitamin C in your cupboard in case of an emergency, as well as Homeopathic Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius, Ledum, Arnica, Arsen alb., and a few others.

Sad Death Of A Vaccinated Girl:  Just this week, a 12 year old Wellington girl has died  of suspected Meningococcal disease, only hours after showing the first symptoms.  Amanda Crook-Barker had stayed home from school on Monday, 3rd September, because she was feeling a little sick and had a sore throat.

Within a short time she had started vomitting.  Shortly after vomitting, whe manifested a rash, which is one of the classic symptoms of Meningococcal disease.  One identifyer of meningococcal disease is that the rash does not disappear when you press the area.

Within two hours of the rash appearing,  at 5 PM, Amanda had died.

Her father said that the rash quickly overtook her, and by the time the ambulance came to take her to hospital, she was black, as if bruised, all over her body.  He only described her condition in an interview on television tonight, 5th September, so that other people might recognize the symptoms and act more quickly if their children became sick.  Amanda’s condition deteriorated so quickly, there was hardly time to recognize the stages of the  fast-accelerating illness, and the family certainly did not anticipate that things would develop the way they did, and claim their daughter’s life within hours.

It is most likely, though, that even if she had gone to hospital earlier in the day that the disease may not have been diagnosed.  On the news tonight, her illness was described only as ‘suspected meningococcal disease’.  Even if her diagnosis was certain, it is likely that antibiotics may not have reversed her condition.  She had already had a vaccination for meningococcal disease.  The only treatment which may have saved her life could have been a megadose of Vitamin C  in combination with a homeopathic remedy such as Arsen alb, Aconite, Belladona, Mercurius, or Crotalus.

Over the past month there have been five cases of meningitis reported in the Auckland region.  Fifteen cases were reported in Wellington last year.

A doctor appeared on the news tonight to warn people that they still could succumb to meningitis, even though they had been vaccinated.  The doctor said that there are many strains of meningococcal disease, and there is not necessarily a vaccine for every one of these.

Some extra reading on alternatives to vaccinations:

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Swine Flu: Intravenous Vitamin C

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera

Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Homeopathic Remedies For Pleurisy As Recommended By Dr John Clarke, MD.

Get Professional Advice For That Lung Problem: 

Hi Devanshu.  Thankyou for your question on Homeopathic Remedies for Pleurisy. I would urge you to take your wife to see a health professional immediately.

You might like to look up my latest post entitled Homeopathic and Herbel Remedies For Sunstroke to see how I tackled the problem of pleurisy which followed the sunstroke.  But do see a doctor.

General Advice For People:  You need to promptly visit your health professonal if you have a lung condition, or any inflammation or infection in the lungs.  Consult with your Homeopath, Naturopath, Ayurvedic practitioner, Chinese Herbalist, or Doctor for a professional opinion on your condition, and whether or not Homeopathic remedies can be safely used at your stage of an illness.  Homeopathic remedies do work, but it is not a good idea to begin your homeopathic experimentations on such serious diseases as pleurisy.  If there is an emergency, it is very often a good idea to take an antibiotic rather than meddle with homeopathic remedies, unless you have the guidance of someone experienced in the science of Homeopathy, who is likely to  prescribe exactly the right remedy to reverse the condition.

Homeopathic Doctor John Clarke wrote a wonderful little hand-book of natural remedies, entitled ‘The Prescriber’.  This was first published in the 1950’s, and was reprinted in 1991.

‘The Prescriber’ is a valuable text-book for people who wish to learn to treat illness with homeopathic remedies.  It tells exactly what remedy to use for each stage of an illness, and for what particular symptoms, and how often the dose.  I recommend that you try to obtain this book if you want to become skilled in using homeopathy.

Dr John Clarke recommends a range of remedies for the treatment of Pleurisy of the lungs.  Only one remedy would be chosen at a time, to treat specific symptoms which accompany the pleurisy.  You would need to get advice from your Homeopath on which of these remedies would most suit your condition, or the condition of the person you are trying to help.

These remedies are:  Aconite, Sulphur, Cantharis, Bryonia, Hapar sulph, Belladonna, Arsen alb, Apis, and Asclepias tuberosa.

Aconite 3, 1h. can be used at the beginning of the pleurisy, when there is heat, restlessness and anxiety, but ‘before effusion has occurred’.

Sulph. 3, 1h can be used after the effusions have occurred, and when there are sharp pains which make all movement very painful.

Cantharis 3, 1h can be used when there is not much fever, but with fluid effusions.

Bryonia 2, 1h is good for the violent pains in the side of the ribs, and when there is excessive effusion and fever. Bryonia is recommended when the pain is worse from the slightest movement.  Bryonia is often  characterized by the pain being lessened when lying on the painful side.  If the pain gets better from lying on the sore side, then Bryonia is often a good remedy to use.  Personally, I have used Bryonia many times for distressing lung conditions.  It is a great remedy for helping to dry up mucous, or effusions.

Belladonna 3, 1h can be used when the pain becomes worse for lying on the sore side, ahd when there is a high fever with a very flushed face.

Sulphur 3x-30 can be used for persistent effusion.

Hepar sulph 6, 4h when the condition has become chronic, with the formation of pus.

Dr Clarke recommends tapping of the lungs when the fluid is excessive,  When the patient has not improved at all  from treatment, and there is a  ‘danger of fainting’ and of ‘threatening asphyxia’, then your doctor may have to tap the fluid from the lungs.  Sometimes people need this treatment even when they do not respond to antibiotics.

After the acute stage, Dr Clarke suggests Ars alb 3, 4h, if the fluid is slow to be absorbed.  Apis 3x, 2h is another remedy which can help to dry up the fluid near the end of the illness.

Asclepias tuberosa o is a very good and useful general remedy for Pleurisy according to Dr John Clarke.  The dose he recommends is 15 drops in a little water, taken every hour until improvement is noted.

An Onion Poultice Is A Powerful Natural Remedy for Treating Lung Conditions:  I have used this remedy successfully on many occasions.  It can be used in conjunction with the appropriate homeopathic remedy.

You cut up one whole onion, skin and all.  Cover the onion with water, and simmer for 20 minutes or so.  Even the fumes of this concoction will help congested lungs.  After the onion has simmered for 20 minutes, allow to cool so that the mixture is still hot, but comfortable to the touch.  Then soak a clean, dry tea-towel in the onion concoction.  Wring out and place over the chest while still hot.  Put over a plastic sheet to protect clothing and bedding, and cover again with womething warm, such as a piece of woollen flannel.

Put a hot water bottle over all of the coverings, pull up the blankets, and prepare to sweat out the congestion in the lungs.  You can heat up the onion water again in an hour, to reapply a fresh hot poultice.  Leaving the poultice on the chest increases the sweating, which decreases the infection.  Even when the poultice has cooled down, it will still have the effect of encouraging sweating.

But do none of this without visiting your doctor or homeopath or health professional first.

Merrilyn’s book is available on Amazon:



Minimum Dose In Homeopathy Has Been Proven As Effective

Homeopathy Works: Opponents of Homeopathy love to spout emotive words which will induce the public to ignore Homeopathy, such as ‘quackery’ and ‘nonsense’.  ‘Totally crazy’, is a favourite term of one New Zealand doctor right now, who is trying to get his medical colleagues banned from using homeopathic medicines in their surgeries.  This sentiment is driven by the drug companies who fear Homeopathy as a competitor for their prescription drugs.

Homeopathy has never been allowed to ‘take off’ – the drug companies and medical authorities in the USA have seen to that.

We expect that all doctors are well-educated honest individuals who have the interest of the patient first and foremost.  We, the public, do not see any of these people as having  ulterior motives in prescribing all those vaccinations, blood thinners, and the like.  Sadly, this is not the case, although I think that many doctors themselves are conditioned by the drug companies into thinking that there is nothing better than prescription medicine.

Meanwhile, the drug companies have banned comfrey from our herbal gardens and household usage, and many other valuable herbs besides.  Now, they are trying to get herbal medicine restricted, if not banned, and Vitamins and  homeopathic medicine restricted or banned as well.

Their main argument against homeopathy is that ‘there is nothing in it’, and that homeopathy is nothing more than a placebo.  Well – I have an argument for these doctors, which I will share with you presently.

Many doctors who should know better, stand on the band rotunda claiming that there is no proof that Homeopathy works, and that there is no power in ‘the minimum dose’.  This is simply untrue:  For a start, these doctors resist gaining any knowledge about using homeopathy, and they resist learning about the many success of homeopathic medicine.

The opponents of homeopathy also manipulate statistics by not publishing vital information about homeopathic medicine. There is a wealth of documented provings, and research into minimum-dose-homeopathic medicine, which go back almost 200 years.  But these research findings are never divulged to the public.  In fact, in the USA in the 1920’s, it was illegal for homeopathic physicians to publish any findings or information on the effect of homeopathic medicine. This marked the official beginning of the movement to keep homeopathy out of the public domain, under wraps,  and discourage doctors from using it.

The drug companies began to gain great wealth in the 1920’s, and this wealth manifested an influence and certain prestige amongst the learned medical circles.  Governments always like big companies who generate big tax dollars and foreign revenue for them.  So the drug companies were given an influence and a pride of place which over-rode any strivings of the humble homeopath to practice his healing art:  Homeopathy is not a money-making concern, as there is no dependency built upon homeopathy, which there is in allopathic medicine.  This means that there is not a lot of  money to be made in homeopathic medicine, because people do not need life-long prescriptions of homeopathic medicines.  It is the dependency upon drugs, and their on-going use, which the makers of prescription drugs feed and thrive upon.

So of course, these drug giants do not want to let Homeopathic medicine gain a hold.  If given a chance, it could very quickly over-ride the popularity of allopathic medicine.

Well – here is the experiment which I read about, and which proves that a minimum dose DOES COUNT, and IS EFFECTIVE.

This research was outlined in the New Zealand Herald last year:  Research scientists found a cause of ‘Bee colony collapse disorder”:  The main reason they discovered that bees were dying in their droves was that they were exposed to VERY small amounts of a nicotinoid poison which was being used as an insecticide.  Nicotinoid toxins are common in insecticides at the present moment, because they are very effective.

Now the interesting thing was that the bees were dying, though this nicotinoid poison could not be detected in their systems.
But the scientists had previously deliberately exposed these bees to a certain amount of nicotinoid toxins:  They KNEW that the bees had been exposed to this poison.  All the bees who had come into contact with a minimum dose of nicotinoid poison caught viruses which killed them.  But the bees who did not come into contact with minimum amounts of poison, did not get sick from a virus, and did not die from either infection or poison.

This experiment should be a warning against using toxic herbicides and pesticides, as it shows that even tiny amounts of poison can cause a myriad of health disfunctions:  If chemicals do this in insects, then there is a liklihood that humans and other animals will be affected by the same poisons as well, although just how – who knows?  We should not be waiting to find out.  All toxic chemicals should be banned from being sprayed into the environment, anywhere at all.

This shows how miniscule amounts of certain substances  CAN and DO have an effect on the living organism.

Homeopathy uses the power of the minimum dose to effect healing:  Certain substances will produce a certain effect on the body if they are used in the natural state.  Digitalis is one remedy which will cause you to die of heart failure if you eat a leaf or two from the plant.  But when digitalis is used homeopathically, it becomes a strengthener of the heart, and will help many heart conditions.

There are many, many, homeopathic remedies,  each one having very specific properties which negate those very same symptoms of illness which the primary product will induce in a healthy person.

There are, and always have been, alternatives to allopathic medicine. Prescription medicines have their place, of course, and we would not be without surgery, which saves many lives.  But for many complaints, Homeopathy would cure them, thus removing any need to stay on prescription medicine for the duration of the life.

If you wish to avoid risk-laden vaccinations, then Homeopathic medicine is a fine alternative.  There are no permanent side effects to homeopathy, which there very often are with antibiotics, vaccinations and many other prescription medicines. Go see your Homeopathic physician for advice about those vaccination alternatives, for a start.

Homeopathy Remedy For Hangover

Natural Remedy For Hangover With Homeopathic Treatments.

I do not drink alcohol any more.  I have the same problem as Peter from Coronation Street. In our New Zealand episodes,  which are about a year behind the UK,  Peter has just started sneaking alcoholic drinks and pretending to his family, and Leanne, that he is not drinking.  But everyone discovered the disturbing truth on Thursday:  He got drunk at the opening party for his and Leanne’s new bar.

Oh dear. …..There, but for the Grace of God, go I.  Peter, we were all wishing that you wouldn’t take that first drink.  Anyway – Here is ‘one for you’,  Peter. Let’s hope this  fixes that sore head that you’ll have in the morning. The best Homeopathic remedy to take for Hangover, which is also used  to treat depression, irritability, constipation and some digestive problems,  is Nux Vomica.

Homeopathic Nux vomica is a remedy which is recommended in several homeopathic manuals for helping hangover, and for treating alcoholism..   It is even mentioned in the book “New Choices In Natural Healing” which is put out by ‘Prevention” magazine.  My copy is 1995, published by Rodale Press, Pennsylvania, USA. In this book, Dr Mitchell Fleisher recommends Homeopathic Nux vomica for hangover, in a 6C or 12C potency.  He suggests taking a dose every three or four hours until the symptoms of hangover  improve. You can buy these potencies, 6C, and 12C,  from most health shops.

Remedies For Alcoholism:

These are taken from the well regarded Homeopathic manual,  “The Prescriber”, by John H. Clarke, M.D., who does not give any remedies for the hangover, but instead, gives several for the treatment of the cause of the problem:  Alcholism.

Nux vomica appears at the top of  Dr Clarke’s list as a treatment for alcoholism.

This great book, “The Prescriber”, was first published in the 1950’s.  It is such a valuable book, and there was so much demand for it in the Homeopathic profession, that it was reprinted in 1995 by Jain Publishers in New Delhi.

Dr John H. Clarke recommends  total abstinence and Nux vomica 3, 4h. for treating alcoholism when there is morning vomiting with tremulousness.

He recommends Avena 5.3, gtt. v. 8h,  followed by Zinc. 6, 4h. when there is irritability combined with nervous depression. Total abstinence would again be required.

When there is chronic vomiting with a white-coated tongue, he uses Homeopathic Antimon. tart. 6, 4h. Total abstinence is again needed to recover.

If there is cirrhosis of the liver he recommends   Sulphur 30 or 200.

Homeopathic Quercus 3-3x, 4h. is the remedy which Dr Clarke recommends for ‘Old drunkards”. Quercus is the botanical name for ‘oak’, and the remedy  is made from the old oak tree.

These remedies would need to be made up by a homeopathic chemist.  However, they give you an idea as to the remedies which may still work in the 30C potency:  These are readily available in most health shops:  The 30C potency is what you can buy without going to see a professional Homeopath.

Note:  Without the Homeopathic chemist, Homeopaths cannot survive.  As Dr Clarke points out in his “The Prescriber”, it would be impossible for one person to make up all his own remedies, even if he had the skill, and the plant, and mineral materials needed were available to him.  Many homeopathic chemists have closed down, and so there is a risk that Homeopathic medicine might disappear.  We urgently need new Homeopathic pharmacists  to keep the tradition of Homeopathic medicine alive.  Food for thought for young people who might consider training as a Homeopathic chemist.  There will be a dire need in a few years.

Can Homeopathy Help Pre-Menstrual Tension?

Homeopathy:  Alternative to Prescription Medicine and Other Drugs.

Homeopathy does not work for everybody: Your Pre-Menstrual Tension might not be helped by Homeopathy if you have had a life-time of taking prescription medicines such as vaccinations, anti-biotics, paracetamol and other analgesics.  The use of such medications and other drugs, such as tobacco, alcohol and marijuana, might have caused  your system to  have become de-sensitized to Homeopathic Remedies.  But for many people, Homeopathy provides a safe, natural,  and non-addictive substitute for many prescription medicines.  And the beauty of homeopathy is that once you get improvement, you generally stop taking the remedy, which means that there is not an on-going dependence on Homeopathy, which there often is on prescription medicines.

The other marvellous thing about Homeopathy is that if you strike on the right remedy to help your complaint, all your other associated, and perhaps unassociated, health complaints generally get fixed up at the same time. (I like this old spelling of marvellous – it is only recently that dictionaries dictated that it should be spelled with only one ‘l’)

So – Here are some Homeopathic Remedies to help prevent Pre-Menstrual Tension. These are just a few of the possible natural homeopathic remedies which might help PMT.  There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of Homeopathic Remedies.  I will list just several of the more well-known remedies which you might like to experiment with.

It is recommended that you see a Homeopathic practitioner, or an Ayurvedic practitioner, if your condition is serious.  However, for the people whose symptoms are uncomfortable more than terribly distressing, experimenting with one or two Homeopathic Remedies   might be very helpful in reducing your  symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Tension –  PMT.

Aconite: This remedy is famous for the SUDDEN onset of symptoms.  If your headache has come on quickly, and feels worse for moving, then Aconite might be good.  It can be useful for people whose periods are scanty or late.  It often goes with a distended stomach and fluid retention.  If you get stomach troubles before the period, or any kind of gastro-intestinal disturbance, then Aconite could help.  With Aconite, there is often restlessness, especially at night, and pain which is worse in the evening or at night.  The person does not like the painful part, usually the stomach, or back, to be touched.  Often sneezing goes with the Aconite patient.

There is a remedy called ABC, which is a mixture of Aconite, Belladonna, and Chamomilla which you could try.  These remedies are known to complement each other, and are useful for treating many common conditions, including some cases of  Pre-Menstrual Tension.  Homeopathic Remedies which complement Aconite are Coffea and Sulphur.  Sulphur is often used as a folllow-up remedy to Aconite, to finish off the process of healing.

Other common remedies which are sometimes used for PMT are: Coffea, Chamomilla, Bryonia,  Nat. Mur,  Pulsatilla and Sepia…

to be continued…….