Radiation Causes Bone Loss

Cancer Patients And Bone Loss

Radiation is damaging to the cells of the body.  Radiation can cause cancer, as well as bone loss.

Alternative Cancer Therapies are available.  Consider carefully before you agree to incorporate radiation therapy as part of your cancer treatment.

Intravenous Vitamin C As Cancer Treatment:  Pam Stevens recovered from Breast Cancer, mainly by using high doses of Vitamin C and  an alkaline diet.  Lymphatic drainage  therapy was another important part of her therapy, which helped her to beat the disease.  Pam describes the details of her recovery in her book “Breast Cancer:  Why Women Are Dying Needlessly’. PMS Publications, Albany Auckland, 2007.
In the beginning, when she first discovered that she had cancer, she  had her breast removed.  She began taking Tamoxifen, an alternative to chemotherapy.  She did not want to have either chemotherapy or radiation ‘treatment’, as she was convinced by reading literature on the subjects, that these treatments were going to damage her body and undermine her ability to recover.
She has a chapter in her book on how radiation causes bone loss.
Pam Stevens is not a fan of radiation therapy at all, and says that the  New Zealanders  who could not have radiation therapy because of a radiaographer’s strike were ‘the lucky ones’.
She questions the logic in spending thousands of dollars each year to send people to Australia for specialist radiation treatment.

We have been brain-washed into thinking that radiation is a necessary  and vital part of cancer treatment as a matter of course.  Public perception does not match the reality, that radiation treatment is known to be destructive to body cells  and that 80% of all people who are diagnosed with cancer, die.
Professor Ted Bateman, PhD, and his colleagues at Clemson University, have proved that bone loss results from radiation. Tests were done on mice with just one radiation dose of two Gy.  This resulted in between 29 and 39% of bone loss in the mice, no matter what type of radiation was used. This is a similar dose to what is given in cancer treatment, although some treatments use far higher doses than this, perhaps between 70 and 80 Gy.
Professor Bateman’s experiment shows conclusively that severe bone loss can result from even just one dose of radiation.  Many people report fractures after having had radiation treatment.
Pam quotes the common phrase “Doctors recommend it all the time so it must be alright”
This reminds me of something which happened years ago when I was expecting my first child.  My gums began to bleed somewhere during the second half of the pregnancy.  I was seeing the medical people at St Helen’s Hospital in Auckland.  I told them that my gums were bleeding and asked them what I could do.  The answer from the doctor was “Oh – don’t worry about it.  90% of the women who come in here have bleeding gums’.
I endeavoured to find out what the cause was myself.  The angels were with me, and I was led up to this little fusty old room in Queen street, where an old healer saw patients.  He had some books out on a table for reading there, or for purchase.  As I leafed through one book on natural cures, I came across a remedy for bleeding gums:  Vitamin C was the answer.  What’s more, the book gave a perfectly natural source, which meant I could cure myself without having to even purchase Vitamin C tablets.  Our budget was stretched at this time, as evidenced by the bleeding gums, which meant we were not eating enough raw fruits and vegetables.  Nor could we afford Vitamin C tablets.
The book said to scrape the inside  pith of a grapefruit or a lemon, about two tablespoonsful. It said  that this was  one of the richest sources of Vitamin C and Vitamin K, both of which help to prevent scurvy,  stop haemorrhages, nose bleeds, and gum bleeding.  EAT SOME EVERY DAY was the advice.  I began doing this, and the bleeding stopped immediately.  Natural Vitamin C from the pith of grapefruit, cured my bleeding gums.
Intravenous doses of Vitamin C   Was Used As An Alternative To Radiation and Chemotherapy.  This treatment cured Pam Steven’s breast cancer.

Important References on the adverse effects of radiation treatment are given in the following books and journals:
Morgan, G, Ward, R., & Barton, M.  The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5 year survival in adult malignancies.  Clinical Oncology (R Coll Radiology), 2004; 16 (8): pp. 549-60
Braverman, A. M.D. Medical Oncology in the 90’s.  Lancet, August 1991: p.901
Mathe,  G.  scientific Medicine Stymied, Medicines Nouvelles, 1989.
Moss, R. PhD  Questioning Chemotherapy, Equinox Press, 1995

Help Stop Smoking With Baking Soda

Baking Soda is Alkaline. It can help to neutralize toxins in the body and reduce acidity.  A less acid body is less stressful and may help you to recover from addictions.

However, if you are on medications, or low sodium diet, then you should ask your doctor or naturopath before using baking soda.

It is good to be a non-smoker.  Give it up and become more healthy.  Enjoy the fresh air and those lovely walks again, without getting puffed-out.

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Addicts of tobacco and alcohol and other drugs notoriously favour acid-forming foods such as  red meats, pork, coffee, and dairy foods, sugar and wheat-foods such as pasta and bread.

The Best Dietary Measure To help Yourself Stop Smoking Is:

To cut out acid-forming foods and adopt an alkaline diet which avoids the use of dairy foods,  sugar, gluten and all wheat products including bread and pasta.

Eat Alkaline Greens: Eating plenty of raw greens will help to make your body more alkaline. Try to eat brown rice instead of wheat bread. Use more vegetables and fruits in the diet, with easily digested protein such as lentils, beans, free range eggs,  soy products, and sprouted seeds such as mung beans and alfalfa.

Sprouted seeds are especially alkaline and provide many important enzymes which your digestive system needs to function well.  Include plenty of sesame seeds and sunflower seeds in the diet.  These are rich protein and calcium foods and they are more on the alkaline side than acidic flesh foods.  Sesame seeds and sunflower seeds are  dairy-free and calcium-rich foods which will help your frayed nerves to settle.

Diet To Help Your Digestive Function: Eating these foods will take a lot of stress out of your digestive function.  This   will have a beneficial trickle-down effect on your nerves, which will  help you in your goal to stop smoking. You will digest your food better, and have more of a sense of well-being than before, when you were eating more acidic and heavy foods.

I have mentioned baking soda in an earlier post entitled ‘Giving Up Smoking’. In this post, I mention Richard Webster, who is an exponent of the baking soda remedy to help stop smoking.

See Merrilyn’s other postsfor more ideas:

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Giving Up Smoking

Richard Webster has devoted many years to helping people with behavioural problems, including people’s addiction to smoking. He published a booklet which accompanied some tapes  called ‘Ezi-Stop’. This was published by Prestige Marketing 1995.

The alkaline nature of baking soda makes it effective in neutralizing acids in the body.  An acid body can be made alkaline through taking a little baking soda each day.

Baking soda is suggested as a remedy to help stop smoking by  Richard Webster and other experts in the field, because it  can have an immediate effect to stop you taking that cigarette which you imagine you really need. However, baking soda  should never be substituted for eating a healthy alkaline diet.

Two Week Treatment: Also, it is not advisable to keep taking baking soda indefinitely.  Use it for a couple of weeks, then stop for a couple of weeks before you start using the baking soda again,  even if you have not managed to quit smoking yet.   Too much baking soda taken on a regular basis is not good for your kidneys.

The Technique For Using Baking Soda To Stop Smoking: Simply put a touch of baking soda onto the tongue whenever you feel the urge to smoke.  This technique is not recommended for people who are on specific low sodium diets, or who have high blood pressure.

However, considering that smoking can actually GIVE you high blood pressure,  I think that I would rather opt for a touch of baking soda, which might reduce my desire to smoke and do some good to my health in the long run, rather than take another cigarette.

Also look at the post entitled ‘What Happens When You Give Up Smoking’, and ‘Calcium Rich Foods’. ‘Detox Diets’ might also be helpful.

Homeopathic Remedies to consider might be those suggested by Dr John H. Clark in his book ‘The Prescriber’.  Just one remedy should be selected, depending on the symptoms, constitution and habits of the person trying to quit smoking. Read his book for dosage recommendations: Nux vom., Camphor, Stroph., Phos., Plumb. acet., Spigelia, Calc. phos., China, Arsen alb. He says homeopathic medicine can be of great assistance in breaking the habit of tobacco. The appropriate remedy can help break the desire for tobacco.


How To Get Calcium From Natural Food

Natural Calcium Supplements

Do you know that you can get enough calcium from your food, even if you do not use dairy products?

As a matter of fact, vegetarians who are strict enough to exclude dairy products  usually have better calcium absorption, and a higher bone density than people who eat meat and dairy foods. That is if they are supplementing their diets with natural, calcium rich foods.

Dairy-Free Calcium Foods: Making dairy free milks out of almonds, or sesame seeds, or sunflower seeds is an excellent way to provide your body with the calcium it requires.   Milk made out of these ingredients nutritious and has a healthy alkaline effect on the body.

You can use any one, or a combination of these seeds.  You can also add the odd chopped Brazil nuts, hazelnuts,  or a few cashews to enrich the milk.  Brazil nuts are high in selenium, so they are a good addition to your home-made, dairy-free milk.

Sesame Seeds Are Calcium Food:  Sesame seeds are one of the richest calcium foods.  One good handful is supposed to supply 1200mg of calcium and magnesium, which is more than you get in a glass of milk. Sesame seeds are also rich in essential fatty acids, which help brain and nerve function, and keep the skin and other organs healthy.

Put some in your dairy-free milk mix, and add to your home-made smoothies.  You can use the whole, or ground seed on your porridge each morning.  Get into the habit of adding  a  sprinkle over salads and cooked food.

You need to chew up the sesame seeds well to get the maximum benefit from them.  If your teeth are not so good, then you can grind your sesame seeds up in a coffee grinder, or blend them into a banana smoothie.

Sesame seeds are a wonderful food to add to your daily diet:  They will complement a vegetarian diet and are an excellent supplement for those in need of extra calcium nourishment.  Using just one generous handful per day will surely benefit your health

Sunflower Seeds Are Calcium Food: Sunflower seeds are also rich in calcium, as well as essential fatty acids. To get the best out of sunflower seeds, it is best to eat them raw. You can grind your sunflower seeds up into a meal to put on porridge, or to sprinkle over a salad or cooked food.

They are great to add to a smoothie for extra calcium.  If you are making a smoothie, then soak your sunflower seeds for 15 minutes before blending them up.

If you are making sunflower seed milk, then soak them for 15 minutes before blending.

Coconut and Coconut Milk: Coconut is extremely rich in calcium, protein,  and essential fatty acids.  Have you thought just how the Pacific Island people have grown into such a healthy, tall, strong people without the traditional cow which Europeans have relied  on as a calcium and protein source?  Pacific Island people eat a lot of fish, which supplies calcium and other nutrients, but the daily component of the diet is coconut milk.

Sardines and Mackerel: Small fish which are eaten with the bones are very good for their calcium value.  Try to eat some every day, unless you are on a strict vegetarian diet which excludes fish, in which case you will eat more of the alternative calcium foods such as sesame seeds and sunflower seeds

Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts and Cabbage:  All the brassica family are very high in calcium.  These are very healthy, not just because of their high calcium content, but because  they are alkaline foods, and they provide your system with lots of healthy fiber. Other brassicas are cauliflower and kale.

Healing Chants and Mantras

Sound Healing: Mantras.

Mantras have the power to transform the body, mind and spirit. Using mantras in sound healing is a form of spiritual healing which can be used to treat specific conditions, balance the chakras and elevate the consciousness. Reciting or singing mantras on a regular basis can have a positive influence on your health and your sense of well-being.  The sound of your own voice resonating through your body has a powerful effect on the physical body and the aura.  This is why singing songs is also beneficial for the body.

The most famous and most widely used mantra is the OM chant. This is a universal sound which is used in Tibetan Budhism as well as in many other countries and cultures. The Amen sound of Western Christianity has a similar vibration to the Oriental-derived OM chant.

The OM Chant is a good all rounder:which covers physical and emotional needs. Om helps to balance out the chakras so that the energies are well distributed through the body. Chanting OM on a regular daily basis will give a boost to the nervous system, providing more oxygen to the brain, enhance the digestion, help balance the endocrine system, improve the circulation, relax the mind and body, and provide spiritual upliftment.

There are Tibetan Buddhist Chants which correspond to each chakra, or energy centre of the body. Om relates to the spine and solar plexus.

Eng relates to the nasal passages, ears and brain. First discovered this magical chant in an article by a medical doctor of the 1950’s: He had discovered Tibetan Buddhism sound healing chants and wrote a treatise on their practical use. ENGcan be chanted for short periods on its own to help combat ear ache, ear infections and sinus congestion. Be careful not to overdo the chanting: If you are not used to chanting, you could very well over=excite the brain and nervous system by doing too much at a time. Just a minute of chanting ENG, or OM for that matter, is enough to begin with. These chants help toxins to become released in the body, so if you have toxins to be cleared, you might get a big rush of them into the blood stream which could be distressing. Short and sweet is the thing. Dp just a little at a time, and build up as you feel you are able.

Some modern correlations of the Tibetan-derived chants have been given in a book on sound healing by Jonathan Goldman.

1st Chakra, the Root Chakra: This writer suggests that UH, as pronounced in Huh, be used to stimulate and balance the base chakra He suggests making the UH sound seven times whilst conctntrating on the base, or root chakra which is at the lower centre of the trunk line, above the pubic bone. This chakra is called the ‘root’ chakra, because it is the one most connected with earth with being grounded, and the basic functions of life.

The 2nd Chakra, or sacral chakra, is situated about two to three finger widths below the navel. This chakra is more related to reproduction, the production of sexual hormones, and the creative impulse. The OOOO sound resonates to the sacral chakra. Again, seven times, no longer than a minute’s worth, is enough chanting to begin with.

The 3rd Chakra, or solar plexus chakra, is found slightly above the navel. This is the centre of the nervous system and is the controlling force of the entire body. Good digestion requires that this energy centre is kept well charged. In Buddhism, this is the seat of the soul.

OH is a compatible sound to make to resonate with the Solar Plexus vibration.

The 4th Chakra, or heart Chakra, issituated in the middle of the chest, between the nipples. Tjhis, as the name would suggest, governs heart as well as lung function. It is also associated with love, compassion and forgiveness. This is the spot where Jesus is shown with a bleeding heart in the Catholic religion. AH is a agood sound to make to resonate with the heart chakra.

The 5th Chakra, or Throat Chakra, is situated at the centre of the throat. This controls communication, speech, voice production, hearing, memory, thyroid function and lymphatic drainage, EYE is a compatible sound to make for the throat chakra resonance.

6th Chakra, or Third Eye chakra: This governs spiritual awareness, psychic ability, dream recall, imagination and helps calm the brain. AYE is the sound to make for the third eye chakra. Only chant this sound for a minute, as any longer could hyperactivate this centre if you are not used to chanting. Om also heightens this chakra and will help enhance spiritual awareness.

7th Chakra or Crown Chakra: This is at the crown of the head, and is the centre of spiritual development. Most people do not have a fully opened crown chakra, which means that most people have not realized their highest spiritual potential yet. EEE is the sound which corresponds to the Crown Chakra.

Ear Ache Remedies

Home Remedies For Ear Ache

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Of course, you should see your doctor or homeopath or naturopath or ayurvedic practitioner if you have ear trouble.  If your child has an ear ache, you should definitely get professional advice immediately, in case it is a chronic ear infection  which might dagmage the ear drum, or worse, a case of meningitis.

Toxic Chemicals: Make sure you avoid coming into contact with, or using any toxic chemicals.  These can cause ear ache, head ache, sinusitis,  and many other health problems which are very serious.  Exposure to formaldehye from paints, nail varnish, and compressed building board can cause ear congestion.  Exposure to toxic sprays such as Roundup also can cause ear trouble.

Simple Ear Ache:  For on-going, or recurring ear ache, there are several home remedies which can work. Of course, megadoses of Vitamin C are a usually a quick way to rid yourself of ear trouble.  Vitamin A also helps reduce infection and swelling.  Here are some other natural alternatives which can help cure that earache:

INHALATIONS Are Effective For Ear Ache:

Sea Salt Inhalation:  An inhalation of just a tablespoon of sea salt which is added to a litre of hot water can help ear ache.  It works because the steam, and the sea salt, serve to decongest the sinus passages which are connected to the ear.  Put a towel over your head, and over the bowl which has the sea salt solution in it.  Keep the head over the bowl and under the towel for five minutes.  Repeat as necessary.

Ginger Inhalation For Ear Ache: Follow the method as for sea salt inhalation, but use two teaspoons of powdered ginger root in the bowl of hot water.  Some sea salt can be added to this mixture as well.

Onion Inhalation: Follow the instructions as for the sea salt inhalation, but instead of sea salt, slice up half an onion, skin and all, into the bowl of hot water.

Garlic Inhalation: You can use garlic instead of onion in the inhalation if you wish.  Use two or three good sized cloves.

EAR DROPS: Plain old olive oil is a traditional home remedy for ear ache.  You can pep up the olive oil therapy by using any one of the following remedies.

NOTE: You will choose ONLY ONE of the following home made ear drop remedies. You can use ear drops AFTER you have used an inhalation of any one of the above inhalations, but use only ONE REMEDY at a time in the ear.

Garlic Oil As Ear Drops:You can crush a clove of garlic, add it to two tablespoons of olive oil, and use this as ear drops.  Infuse  the garlic in the olive oil for five minutes or so before you use it.  If you do not have garlic but you have onion, you can use onion instead, to infuse in the olive oil.

Ginger Oil As Ear Drops: Crush up a teaspoon of raw ginger root, add it to two tablespoons of olive oil and leave to infuse for five minutes.  Put a few drops into the ear and plug the ear with cotton wool.

You can keep the remainder of your home made garlic oil ear ache drops, or your ginger oil ear drops,  for a day or two. Use as necessary.

Homeopathy For Ear Ache:  Levisticum Ear Drops are really very good for helping inner ear infections and blockages.  Other Homeopathic remedies:  Aconite, Arsenicum alb., Belladonna, Capsicum, Causticum, Chamomilla, Ferrum phos., Hepar sulph, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Silicea, and Sulphur.  The remedy should be chosen to fit the other main symptoms, for instance:  Belladonna is usually very good when the cheeks are red and flushed and hot.  Read about the Homeopathic Alternatives and get an idea about what remedy has what symptoms:

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

Drink Plenty of Fluids such as Ginger Tea, Chamomile Tea, Licorice Tea, and Comfrey Tea if you can get it.  A tea made from the herbal ‘weed’ Marshmallow, or from the related Hollyhock, can be helpful in getting rid of an ear ache and sinus or bronchial trouble.

Massage For Ear Ache

This is very helpful in relieving pain, removing wax,  and in draining the inner ear of fluid.  Gently press the points behind the ear, starting from the top of the ear, behind the ear.  Work downwards gently, encircling the shape of the ear.  Once you have reached the ear lobe, pull the ear lobe slightly three times.  Then press the outside of the back of the ear.

PALMING THE EARS: Finish the massage by rubbing your hands together to create heat, then put the hands over the ears.  Hold them over the ears for a minute, then repeat the hand rubbing process and place the hands over the ears again.  Do three times.

SPIRITUAL HEALING:  You can do this ‘Laying On Of Hands’ to treat your own ear ache, or that of another person.  Again, put the hands over the ears, shut your eyes, and try to feel Divine Energy helping you to fix your ears and your whole being, or to help the person you are aiding.  Pray for help as you do this.

YOGA CHANT FOR THE EARS: the sound which corresponds with the ear function is ENG.  Make sure you are sitting up, or standing up straight to do this – it is not good to chant whilst you are lying down, as it strains the throat and larynx. ENG really benefits the ears.  If you chant ENG for just one minute each day, you will find you have fewer ear aches than before.  It is good to stretch out the neck, with the chin thrust forward, as you make the ENG sound.  This helps to drain the sinuses and the middle ear passages.

EDGAR CAYCE recommended Simple Yoga Head And Neck Exercises for reducing ear ache and ear infection.  Again, these work by stimulating the blood circulation to the head area, which affects the ears.  The movement created by these head exercises helps to drain the ears in much the same way as the ENG chant.  NOTE:  You CAN do the ENG chant after or before you do your head and neck exercises.

  • The Head and Neck Exercise: Make the movements slow and controlled.  Keep the breathing steady and relaxed.
  • Stand upright.  Head erect.  Drop the head forward slowly onto the chest.  Do three times.
  • Drop the head to the right hand side. Try to breathe out as you slowly drop the head down to the shoulder, and breathe in as you bring the head up to the erect position again.  Repeat three times.
  • Drop the head three times to the left side, following the instructions as for the right side.
  • Drop the head very carefully to the back of the neck.  Again, repeat three times.  Breathe out slowly with the drop, breathe in slowly as you draw the head up again.

Detoxify With A Detox Diet:  This is a good idea if you have ear ache.  Often ear ache happens because our systems get clogged.  Ear ache is just a sign of a clogged system, a warning sign which should tell us that we need to clean out, upgrade our diets and probably get more exercise.

Castor Oil will very often cure a simple ear ache.  This is because the castor oil works very quickly to eliminate effete matter in the intestines:  Waste material which sits around in the system creates many harmful toxins which are reabsorbed through the intestines if we allow it.

Alkaline Diet:  To help prevent ear ache, include more fiber in the diet, more alkaline green vegetables, fresh fruit, and have less of the acid forming foods such as dairy products, sugar and wheat bread and pasta.  Try to use brown rice instead of wheat products.

Read about the Homeopathic Alternatives:

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

Lives could be saved if, as well as Vitamin C treatment,  homeopathic medicine were at least given a try in some of these ‘incurable’ illnesses.  Let’s pray that the pharmaceutical companies loosen their strangulating hold on the medicine industry, and let Homeopaths prove the worth of their science.

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera


Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity