List Of Homeopathic Remedies As Alternatives To Conventional Medicine

Basic Homeopathic ‘Natural’ Remedies

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Homeopathy is a wonderful healing tool which can be used in the home.  Many ailments can be treated with Homeopathic Remedies.  Homeopathy can restore the mind and emotions to a healthy state, resulting in a more healthy, positive attitude.

Of course, if you or your child has a serious infection, you must see your doctor, or a health professional for advice.  The purpose of this article is to give information as to  some homeopathic alternatives, which you may discuss with your doctor or health professional.

Because Homeopathy is not harmful to the body, it can be used instead of the harmful synthetic drugs which often lead to sickness in themselves:  By using the Homeopathic alternative, one avoids loading the body with weakening poisons which could contribute to disease later on in life.  Anti-biotics and vaccinations are the most common offenders in this case.

Most infections will respond just as well with homeopathic treatment, and this alternative medicine should be used where possible instead of anti-biotics.

Homeopathic medicine is a safe alternative to vaccinations:   For example, Belladonna was proven by Hahnemann as a prophylactic for Scarlet Fever.  It is worth discussing the alternatives to vaccination with your Homeopathic physician, who will be able to prescribe the most effective remedy in the most effective potency for the condition.

Bruising, shock, tetanus (treatment and prevention), croup in children, flu, hay fever, whooping cough, measles, mumps, chicken pox, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, and behavioural problems are just some of the many troubles which can be helped with homeopathic treatment.

Below are listed some of the main homeopathic remedies which could be useful in the making of a home treatment kit.  If a pharmacy or health food store cannot be found to stock these homeopathic remedies, most can be bought by writing to Weleda Products, Havelock North, Hastings, New Zealand. Weleda are connected to the Rudolph Steiner movement, and grow all their own organic plants for use in their Homeopathic and herbal medicines. Usher’s Odeon Pharmacy in Tutanekai Street, Rotorua used to stock the Weleda Homeopathic remedies.   B.K. Moore’s  Pharmacy was always the best supplier of Weleda Homeopathic Remedies in Auckland.

List Of Homeopathic Remedies which may be used as alternatives to conventional medicine:

ACONITE:  An effective pain killer.  Use at start of cold or flu, especially if the cold or flu has developed due to a change in the weather.  Aconite is good for conditions which come on suddenly.

ARNICA:  This is known as ‘the mother’s little helper’.  It is extremely useful when you have young children, as it is so effective for bruising and shock.  Use for bruising, mental or physical.  It helps alleviate pain from any injury:  It can help with an injury even years after the event of injury, both emotionally and physically.

APIS:  For insect stings.  Ledum is another good one to use where there is an allergy to insect stings – But only use as an intermediary measure until you can get your child to the doctor.

ARS ALB:  This  is a great anti-dote to many toxins.  It can be used to counteract suspected food poisoning.  It can help get rid of the bad effects of tobacco and alcohol.

BELLADONNA:  Useful for fevers.  A good children’s remedy.  Scarlet fever is said to be helped by Belladonna.  Belladonna, if given in time,  acts as a prophylactic for Scarlet fever:  This was proved by Hahnemann who began the science of homeopathic medicine.  Belladonna is good for right-sided complaints, e.g. pleurisy-like pain in the right side of the chest.

BRYONIA:  For colds, pneumonia, pleurisy, mastitis – wherever there is a mucous complaint or a build up of body fluid.  Bryonia helps to dry up fluid.

CALENDULA:  For cuts and wounds.  Can be used externally and internally.

CHAMOMILLA:  Good for teething children; for toothache; for too much coffee.  A good, safe, calming remedy.

CARBO VEG:  This can be used for some infectious diseases:  Some cases of measles and whooping cough may respond to carbo veg.  Carbo Veg is also known as an anti-haemorrhage remedy, which might mean it could be used for heavy periods.  It is a common remedy to treat alcoholism.

COFFEA:  Homeopathic coffea is a remedy which will help to put you to sleep quickly. Coffea is also an anti-dote to many drugs.  It is important not to be taking drinks of coffee while you are taking homeopathic coffea, or any other remedy.

CROTALUS:  This remedy is supposed to be good for infections such as malignant diphtheria, malignant jandice, malaria, and alcoholism. (I’ve not tried this one).

DROSERA:  For whooping cough, or any bad cough, or laryngitis.  I found it very useful in cases of children’s croup, which can come on very suddenly in the night.  It is also an anti-tuberculosis remedy and is recommended where there is a history of TB in the family.  I found Homeopathic Drosera to be of enormous use when my children were young:  If they got whooping cough,  then Drosera worked so quickly to alleviate it that there was never a need to head for the hospital.  At the first sign of infection in the community, I would use Drosera to help prevent them getting Whooping Cough.

DULCAMARA:  When pimples arise before a period.  For sensitive skin, ring-worm, warts.

GELSEMICUM:  Another good remedy for influenza.  Good for some headaches.

HYPERICUM:  For cuts or wounds.  Use especially if there are cuts or wounds from rusty nails or other objects.  If your house is situated on land where there once were horses, then tetanus could be feared:  Hypericum is regarded as a tetanus preventative.  Personally, I favoured Homeopathic Ledum, which is also a prophylactic, or preventative,  for tetanus.

IGNATIA:  This can be used for grief, fear, or worry.  Ignatia helps to strengthen the spirits.

LEDUM:  I never used Tetanus injections for my children, and stopped them for myself once I discovered Homeopathic Ledum. Ledum has been proven as an anti-tetanus medicine.  It can be used after getting a wound from a rusty object if you suspect there may be tetanus in the soil.  Where horses have been kept in the past, tetanus is always a possiblity.  Homeopathic Ledum acts to prevent tetanus if it is given early enough, and it also has been used to treat tetanus.

NUX VOMICA:  For over-eating, eating poor food or drink, such as alcohol and rich food.  For indigestion, constipation, wind, and sleeplessness.  Nux Vomica is regarded as one of the best remedies for constipation.

OPIUM:  This remedy is supposed to anti-dote lead poisoning.  Lead poisoning is really a serious consideration for young families:  People often buy an old house to ‘do up’.  This means that the old paint, which had lead in it, gets spread around the house.  This is a terrible danger for young babies who are learning to crawl, as even if the paint flakes are vacuumed up, there is always a residue of lead dust around, especially when sanding of the wood is done.  Even young toddlers are at risk, because they play on the floor.  I have known several cases of serious lead poisoning in my life, where young families have set out to build their dreams by buying an old house, which they ‘do up’, only to fall very ill themselves, and have their children become ill too.  Better to avoid doing up an old house, especially when you have a young family.  But if you suspect that lead could be in your environment, and your child has become hyperactive, then Opium could help.  See your doctor or health professional if you have concerns over lead poisoning.

PULSATILLA:  For mumps, measles, styes and boils.  Use for periods where menstruation is slight or delayed.

RHUS TOXICODENDRON:  Homeopathic remedy for Chicken Pox.  Rhus tox can be useful for chills or rheumatic pains, especially if the condition is worse for wet weather.  Rhus Toxicodendron has been used to treat many other conditions, including  arthritis, rheumatic pain, sciatica and shingles.

SAMBUCUS:  Another remedy for croup in children, especially the sort which strikes around midnight.

SABADILLA:  Good for hay fever in young children.

SULPHUR:  A great cleansing remedy.  Good for treating warts if Thuja fails.

THUJA:  Homeopathic Thuja can counteract the bad effects of vaccinations. It is a must in the homeopathic first aid kit.  Good for the treatment of warts, and other skin troubles which have come about since having vaccinations, or antibiotics.  Even when the vaccinations or antibiotics were given years ago, homeopathic Thuja can remedy the health.  Use if bad health has occurred after vaccinations.  Homeopathic Thuja 30C can be bought in most health shops and some pharmacies. For purchasing homeopathic remdies, remember Weleda, who make their own homeopathic remedies.  They are in Havelock North, Hastings N.Z

Thanks to A.C. Gordon Ross and H. Fergie-Woods:  Their wonderful little homeopathic books are the sources of much of this information.  I have added my own experiences and thoughts into my “List of homeopathic remedies”.

A.C. Gordon Ross’ book is called ‘Homeopathic Green Medicine’, and it is published by Thorsons Publishers.

H. Fergie-Woods book is called ‘Essentials of Homeopathic Prescribing’, and it is published by Speight Books.

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

Reading these posts might be helpful if you have decided to forfeit those much-promoted and often dubious flu injections.

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Vitamin C and Cancer

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

List Of Homeopathic Remedies As Alternatives To Conventional Medicine

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera

Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Homeopathy For New Strain Of Avian Flu When Vaccines Don’t Work

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Easy Wheat-Free Bread Recipes

Gluten-Free Cooking is so easy when you know how.  The secret is in the flours you use to substitute that wheat.  Cornmeal, Arrowroot flour,  Fine Millet, Soy Flour, Tapioca Flour, Rice Flour, and Besan Flour, or Chick -Pea Flours, can all be used to make breads.  Learning how to combine them to good effect, so that you get a nice lightish loaf, is the secret.  This can take some practice before you get the perfect loaf.


But here are some really neat “Never Fail”  Corn-Bread Recipes which are all Yeast-Free,  Gluten-Free, and Wheat-Free. Yeast free breads are ideal for people who suffer from candida infections and eczema due to candida:  Yeasts of any kind encourage candida albicans to take off in the digestive tract, and so foods which contain yeast, such as vinegars, wines, soy sauces, and breads, are best avoided by yeast-sensitive people.

This particular Yeast-Free recipe is very high in protein, and is a good substitute for meat.

Easy Wheat-Free Corn-Bread Recipe

5 oz fine millet flour

3 oz fine yellow cornmeal

2 tablespoons of peanut butter

3 teaspoons of baking powder

About a cup of goat’s milk, or soy milk, or water if you do not have milk.

1 or 2 eggs

2 tablespoons soya oil, or rice bran oil, or olive oil.

A pinch of sea salt.

Mix all ingredients together and bake in a greased shallow pan for around 30 minutes in a moderate oven.  This mixture can be used as a topping for bean dishes, or vegetable pies of any sort.

For variation, a finely chopped onion can be added to the mixture with a teaspoonful of curry powder.   I used to make these yeast-free, wheat-free bread recipes  several times a week for my children.

Cornmeal Bread With Soy Flour

1 1/2 cups fine yellow cornmeal.

3 tablespoons soy oil or another cooking oil

1 cup goat’s milk or soy milk

3/4 cup soy milk powder – or soy flour

3 tablespoons of peanut butter

1 tbsp goat’s milk powder, or other milk powder.

2 eggs

1 teaspoon cream of tartar

1 teaspoon baking powder.

Beat all ingredients together.  Pour into a greased flattish dish, or alternatively, bake in muffin tins.  This wheat-free bread recipe is also good to use over the top of a vegetable pie, or a bean dish.

It makes a very nice bread to accompany a meal, especially when it is served hot with butter.

Delicious Corn-Bread Pie

1 tin of creamed corn

1/2 cup fine yellow cornmeal

1 onion, finely diced and fried lightly in a little butter

1/2 cup goat’s milk, or soy milk, or yoghurt

1/3 cup olive oil

3 eggs

1/4 cup besan flour, known as chick-pea flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

Mix all ingredients together and pour into a greased oven dish.  I found that a cast iron frying pan made a great cooking vessel for this wheat-free, gluten-free cornbread.  You need to take care in bringing out the cast iron pan when it is ready, and to keep it away out of reach of children until it cools:  It is a temptation to grasp the hot handle which will, of course, burn you when it comes out of the oven unless you use adequate cloths around it.

Leave the cornbread to cool just a little before cutting and serving with butter, salad, and/or cooked vegetables.  A freshly-made hot tomato sauce with chopped basil is a nice accompaniment.


Restless Leg Syndrome Homeopathic Remedies

Natural Cures For Restless Leg Syndrome


While there are some good Homeopathic remedies, and other natural treatments for Restless Leg Syndrome, it is best to see your health professional if you are bothered by an on-going condition of restless legs.  There may be a serious underlying cause, such as diabetes, or hypothyroidism with polyneuropathy, or iron deficiency resulting in anaemia,  or varicose veins,  poor circulation,  or some other condition.

On the other hand, some medications which are being taken for some conditions may very well bring about the condition known as ‘Restless Leg Syndrome’. For example,  H2 histamine blockers such as rantidine, known as  ‘Zantac’, or cimetidine, known  as ‘Tagamet’, and anti-depressants such as amitriptyline,  known as ‘Elavil’,  can cause restless leg syndrome.  Even drugs like Warfarin, which is used in rat bat, can cause restless legs.

Herbicides and pesticides cause many disturbances of the human metabolism, including the agitation of the nervous system, which can result in restless leg syndrome:  It is best to avoid using any chemical  or poison unless it is absolutely necessary.

Electricity wires such as those shown above can cause restless leg syndrome.  Sleeping next to an electricity meter box, or electrical wires in the wall, or having your cell phone near you, working for long periods near electrical wiring, or spending too many hours driving a car each day, can also cause the condition known as ‘restless leg syndrome’.

Too much alcohol and nicotine can  cause  restless leg syndrome, as can too much coffee.  Alcoholics very often suffer from chronic restless leg syndrome, as well as  from a general restlessness which causes them to pace about all the day.  If alcohol is the problem, and you are addicted, then taking a Homeopathic remedy may not be of much help. You need to give up drinking.  On the other hand, the right remedy could be conducive to your  giving up the bottle. 

And so you should check out your restless leg syndrome symptoms with your naturopath or homeopath, doctor, or other health professional.

However, for archival purposes,  here are some natural treatments  which I have found useful for improving the condition known as ‘Restless Leg Syndrome’.  I have out-lined some of the common  Homeopathic Remedies  at the end of the list.

1.  Take Exercise In A Natural Environment: I have found that whenever I have had the condition of ‘restless legs’, there has been an easy solution to the problem.  More often than not, it is because I have not spent enough time ‘grounding’, or ‘earthing’ my body. And often, not enough exercise has been taken, such as walking or swimming.  Not enough contact with the earth, or water, and not enough exercise, can cause restless legs.

Even before you try the homeopathic remedy which is best suited to you, it is a good idea to add some more exercise to your daily health regime, and also check out the other factors in this list, such as Electro-magnetic disturbances:

2.  Electro-magnetic fields: Restless legs are usually one of the first symptoms of electro-magnetic build-up in the body.  If you spend too long at a computer, on a cell-phone,  or in a building where you are exposed to lots of electro-magnetic interference from electricity wires and appliances and other people’s cell-phones, and you spend too little time walking bare-feet in natural surroundings such as on the grass, then there is a very good chance that your restless leg syndrome may be a simple matter of electricity build-up.

Where your house and your bed are situated can have a bearing on restless leg syndrome.  If there is a transformer at the gate, then you will have a higher radiation level about you then the house a few doors away:  Living too close to power transformers and high tension wires, or cell-phone transmitters, can contribute to restless leg syndrome.   If your bed is situated right next to power plugs, or light switches on the wall, then you will suffer electro-magnetic disturbances, which also will affect the energy running through your legs.  Pull your bed away from meter boxes, fuse boxes, television sets, and all electrical wiring in the walls.

Solution To Disperse Electro-Magnetic Energy:  Walk bare-feet on the cool, damp grass in the morning when there is still dew about.  Take a swim, or a shower, or a bath.

3.  Synthetic Sheets and Clothing: These can cause magnetic build-up in the body and cause your legs to be restless.

4.  Colours Which Excite the Nerves, namely Red, Orange and yellow, can cause restless legs, especially if you are trying to sleep in sheets which have these stimulating colours.  Choose preferably white or cream sheets, or very soft pastel shades of pink or lemon or mauve.  Blue and Green are very cooling and soothing colours:  Personally, I think that white or cream is best to sleep in, but you could experiment with blue and green PURE COTTON sheets to see if this helps you.  You need to sleep in colours which soothe the nerves, not stimulate them, which is why you would avoid red or orange or yellow sheets.

5.  To Counter-act Over-Stimulation of the Nerves, and remedy Electro-magnetic build-up in the body, whether it be from the wearing of synthetic fibres, or from the excessive use of  gadgets such as computers, or cell-phones,  all that is required is to walk bare-feet on the grass, or on a beach, so that the build-up of electricity is drawn into the ground.

6.  Drink Plenty of Water.   Water therapy, or ‘Hydro-therapy’,  is another very good remedy for restless leg syndrome if the cause is electro-magnetic energy:  Swimming, or taking a bath or a shower will disperse this surplus of electro-magnetic energy.

7.  Magnesium Deficiency: This can cause restless legs with cramps. Not enough green vegetables in the diet can cause a magnesium deficiency. Eat more green vegetables and supplement the diet with Magnesium.

An easy remedy for magnesium deficiency is to take just a 1/4 teaspoon of epsom salts each morning in hot water.  Epsom salts are very high in Magnesium.

8.   Improve the Elimination of Toxins:  Congested bowels can cause Restless Leg Syndrome.   De-tox the body with Magnesium via the epsom salts:   Just 1/4 teaspoon daily in water will  help to clear toxins from the body and the intestines.  Sluggish bowels and toxins in the body can be another reason why restless legs and cramps can be experienced.

Castor Oil Treatment: Another quick and effective remedy for removing toxins from the body is to take 2 tablespoons of castor oil in the morning with a cup of black coffee to follow.  You might find that one dose of castor oil is enough to cure those restless legs.  If you find that the castor oil helps, then repeat the dose once every week or two to help eliminate toxins and keep your blood pure.  More raw salads and fruit will help also.

Some Restless Leg Syndrome Homeopathic Remedies which have proven helpful for some people are the following:  NOTE – Homeopathic Remedies are often negated by coffee, and sometimes tea.  Strong essential oils such as eucalyptus, or tea tree oil, clove oil, and other pungent preparations can negate the effect of a Homeopathic remedy.  So it is important to avoid using these things whilst you are taking a Homeopathic remedy, otherwise you will spoil its effect.

Aconitum Napellus; This remedy is characterized by the sudden onset of symptoms.  Getting chilled, and being in cold dry winds sometimes bring about the symptoms.

Arsenicum Album; This remedy is often characterized by a restlessness and deep sense of anguish which often comes on after midnight. The patient has a fear of suffocation and usually feels worse lying down.   Often there is sweating with this remedy, and burning pain.  The symptoms might also include pain and tightness in the chest, and a feeling of pressure about the head.

Avena Sativa; This Homeopathic remedy can be useful in giving the exhausted and nervous individual a deep, dreamless sleep.

Causticum; This remedy is often of benefit to people who have urinary troubles such as enuresis, or weak bladders which cause the involuntary passing of small amounts of urine.

Coffea; Homeopathic Coffea is a great natural sedative which may help if the patient is wide awake with no inclination to sleep.  Coffea may help those who drink too much coffee:  Homeopathic Coffea is derived from coffee.  Of course, for the remedy to work, you need to avoid coffee for the duration of treatment with Homeopathic Coffea.


Pulsatilla: This remedy is good for tearful, anxious  individuals.  If your restless leg syndrome is accompanied by feelings of sadness and remorse, then the Homeopathic remedy Pulsatilla may help.

Rhus Toxicodendron;

Sulphur; The Sulphur patient is restless and often sleeps in ‘cat-naps’, with frequent waking.  Burning sensations often go with the Homeopathic remedy sulphur.

Zinc Metallicum.

You would use only one remedy, and use only a low potency, such as 6X, 6 C, 12X, 12C, or 30X or 30C.

How To Make Liquid Organic Comfrey Fertilizer

Nitrogen-Rich Comfrey Fertilizer

Here is how to make Comfrey Fertilizer for your garden.  Comfrey is rich in many nutrients, including nitrogen, and natural phosphates which are all good for the soil.

Using natural fertilizers such as Comfrey Fertilizer will encourage the worms to come.  Worms are really beneficial for your garden, as they aerate the soil, as well as carry nutrients from the top of the ground to the roots of your plants.

To Make your Organic Comfrey Fertilizer:  Simply put some comfrey, leaves, roots, flowers, and all, into a bucket.  You can almost half fill the bucket with Comfrey plant material.  Fill up the bucket with water, and leave the bucket to stand outside in a quiet place,  with a loose-fitting lid on the top to keep insects from falling in.

You can safely spray this over your plants to good effect.  The high silica content, and perhaps the allantoin too, help to discourage insects and fungus or bacteria from attacking your plants.

Add Potency To The Organic Fertilizer By Adding Onion or Garlic: Make your own natural organic insecticide and plant anti-biotic by adding left over onion skins, or garlic to your mix.     These can be a good addition to the Comfrey organic fertilizer, as garlic and onion  help to discourage pests and protect against diseases.  You would add these things into the original fertilizer mix, with the  comfrey and water, at the beginning of the process.

How To Make Comfrey Tea.

Comfrey The Miracle Herb: I love Comfrey.  It helps all manner of conditions such as broken bones, irritable bowel syndrome, is a marvellous herb for skin and hair, and acts as a digestive tonic in mild doses.

Update:  I have just visited my sister in Napier, June 2014, and I was delighted to see that she has planted an orchard of about 25 trees.  Around the base of each tree she has planted comfrey, as the comfrey helps to draw up minerals from the soil which in turn benefits the fruit trees. Comfrey works symbiotically with the fruit trees.

So it looks like the ban on comfrey has been forgotten in the meantime.  Thank God.

Earlier, I wrote: The ban on it should be lifted, as Comfrey is such a valuable household medicine, which is why I am actively promoting Comfrey.  There is a danger that Comfrey will become a forgotten herb, because of the powerful drug companies having banned Comfrey.  We must not let them have their way and let the herb fall into decline.  Their ruling has resulted in Comfrey not being talked about – it is a ‘No No’ because the drug companies decided this is how it should be. Governments have been persuaded by the drug companies to ban or restrict Comfrey, in effect, so that the drug companies may benefit.  Why was Comfrey banned?  “They” gave the reason that Comfrey may cause cancer.  Comfrey was fed to pigs over three months, so the report which I read said, and this resulted in the pigs getting cancer.

I really do not believe that there is any danger of Comfrey causing cancer under normal usage, such as in Comfrey tea.  You would have to eat an awful lot of it for it to be a danger.  “They” probably fed these pigs nothing else but Comfrey for three months.

Carrots and Vitamin A Poisoning: If you feed any animal a diet of  only carrots for three months, these animals would perish.   And I know this for a fact, unfortunately, because of my own experience.  I once was on a carrot juice diet, and thought that I would feed the carrot pulp to my very greedy rooster, who, of course, dominated the roost, and the food scene.

I thought that the carrot pulp would cut down on the food bill for my rooster.   But alas:  After he had had about a week on this diet of mainly carrot pulp, he suddenly got ill.  The skin on his legs turned yellow.  He became paralysed, and the poor creature  had to be destroyed.  This was a terribly sad lesson for me.  I had to learn to be more generous, and not to worry about wastage such as carrot pulp.

Comfrey Is No More Poisonous Than Carrots:  Carrots can make you die if you eat enough of them, because of their high Vitamin A content:  If you eat only carrots, your skin becomes yellow, and you end up with Vitamin A poisoning.  So will green potatoes cause disastrous effects.  But governments do not ban carrots, or potatoes because of their POTENTIAL hazard to the health.  It is the same with Comfrey – yes, there is a POTENTIAL danger, and you would suffer if you had a steady diet of it, and ate nothing else. But people are no more likely to over-use Comfrey than they are green potatoes, or carrots.

There was never any link with Comfrey and cancer, at least not until the drug companies discovered Comfrey’s miraqcle ingredients, the main one being Allantoin, a cell-proliferant,which they desired for themselves. So  the drug companies ban Comfrey, but they do not ban carrots. THEY can use the marvellous ingredients of Comfrey in their drugs and cosmetics, but they deprive us of the natural source, so that they may profit from having hijacked the herb.

There is a danger that people might forget how good a herb Comfrey really was, and is, because of their ban world-wide on the growing of Comfrey, and the sale of the fresh or dried herb.

So – another promotion for Comfrey:   Comfrey tea is high in silica which benefits the bones, hair, nails, teeth, the skin, the nervous system, and aids the healing of wounds. It can be used to help chest ailments such as bronchitis.  It contains allantoin, which aids healing. Comfrey  has iron for the blood, Vitamin B12 for the nerves and the general health, and is a soothing tonic for the digestive system and the nerves.

Here is How To Make Comfrey Tea: Cut up two leaves of Comfrey.  Put into a pot and pour over a pint of boiling water.  Let the mixture infuse for a couple of minutes, as you would ceylon tea, and then pour. You can use these leaves once more, as long as you use them within two or three hours.  After that, they will begin to ferment, which is not good.  The comfrey pulp may be put over any skin abrasion to aid healing.