Natural Remedies That Really Work:
Arsen Alb is one of the more commonly used Homeopathic Remedies. It is considered by many homeopaths to be a prophylactic and a great remedy for general colds and flu. This makes it an ideal remedy to have on hand if you have decided to forfeit those much-promoted and often dubious flu injections.
Pic of a bonny Mother and Child who have never had vaccinations of any kind: Read Merrilyn’s post entitled: ‘Health Without Vaccinations or AntiBiotics’.
Kent’s ‘Materia Medica’, a widely studied text-book on homeopathy, indicates Arsen alb for some forms of Asthma.
Physical symptoms indicating Arsen alb: The patient characteristically feels chilled and needs warmth, except for the head, which is often burning. The skin is cold and damp to the touch. Sweaty, cold and clammy. There is often a severe headache when Arsen alb is needed. ‘Irritable, restless and discouraged’ best describes the Arsen alb patient.
The Arsen alb patient is thirsty but cannot drink much at a time. There is an ongoing thirst for frequent small sips of drink.
Mental symptoms indicating Arsen alb might include: Feelings of extreme sadness, depression, wanting to die, mental anguish and anxiety. Wanting to avoid people because of a fear you have offended them in some way goes with Arsen alb. Ongoing sadness is one of the classic symptoms of the Arsen alb patient.
Homeopathic Aconite is another good remedy for when the symptoms come on after getting damp or chilled. But Arsen alb is another useful remedy to remember in cases of damp and chill.
I recently had a bad flu which got better with the use of Arsen alb. This is all I used to treat this intensely debilitating form of flu. I put up a post a few days ago on just how effective the Arsen alb was for treating this virus. Within two weeks I was almost recovered, except for a trace of a cough.
Then I went to Auckland for a job interview, and to hang out with friends. Unfortunately, on my way to my job interview, I got damp walking in the rain.
Getting wet in drissly rain just about always brings on a chill or a cough or cold of some sort, unless I can treat it right away with heat, hot showers, dry clothes, and the help of homeopathic remedies such as Aconite or Arsen alb.
Next thing, without my homeopathics and home comforts, I had severe bronchitis. I had left my Arsen alb remedy at home, so I had to endure the cough until I returned home five days later, when I again began the Arsen alb treatment. As beforehand, I took four or five doses or more of the remedy during the day, five drops at a time for each dose. I had a piano committment the following day which involved walking a distance in cold air, so the cough did not have a chance to improve on that day. But on the second day of taking Arsen alb, with the whole day at-home, resting and keeping warm, the bronchitis has gone again.
Diesel fumes and other pollution in Auckland also seemed to excacerbate my cough, which had arisen as an aftermath flu and getting wet. Each time I went out in my friend’s car, especially along busy, congested roads such as the motorway, I suffered an asthma-like difficulty in breathing. I really don’t think I can live back in the city anymore. The clean country air of Morrinsville really suits me, and I have had no chest problems, except for this bout of flu, since I came here eight months ago.
Arsen alb works very well for me to treat irritation of the lungs which arises from allergies. I think it is a remedy well worth considering for people who get asthma, especially if they suffer from allergies of various kinds.
I must mention that I DID consume quite a lot of hot lemon drinks over this recovery period. The lemon juice action works very well with Arsen alb, I think. Remember not to use coffee, or very little of it, if you are using Homeopathic remedies to cure infections of any sort. Coffee negates the action of most homeopathic remedies. So – Wait to get well before you begin drinking coffee again.
See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:
Reading these posts might be helpful if you have decided to forfeit those much-promoted and often dubious flu injections.
Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012
List Of Homeopathic Remedies As Alternatives To Conventional Medicine
Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum
Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever
Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives
Homeopathy For New Strain Of Avian Flu When Vaccines Don’t Work
Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity
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