Garlic For Treatment of Infections

Herbs For Healing: Garlic

Allium sativum, or Garlic, has been used for thousands of years as a healing medicine, as well as a food condiment.  It has a history as long as your arm, and in the last century much has been recorded about its use.   It is listed in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia as an effective treatment for sinusitis, common cold, and upper respiratory tract infections.  However, Garlic is also useful for many other infections and conditions.

Garlic is a powerful anti-oxidant which has the ability to neutralize toxins in the body and strengthen the immune system.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic. Louis Pasteur discovered the antibiotic effect of garlic, or allium sativum.  Since then, garlic has been widely used in the treatment of infection: Albert Schweitzer used garlic in Africa to treat amoebic  dysentery and cholera.  Garlic was reportedly used  on wounds during the first and second world wars as a preventative of gangrene.

Garlic has recently been found to be effective in treating ‘untreatable’ illnesses such as AIDS, which is a viral infection resulting from a suppressed immune system.  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFS, is another difficult illness which is helped by garlic. There are many viruses and conditions  which do not respond to prescription antibiotics and other allopathic medicines, but which will often respond to Garlic, allium sativum.

The active ingredients of Garlic are its sulphur-containing compounds. The most important of these is thought to be Allicin. It also contains diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide, which are also sulphur-containing anti-viral substances.  Allicin causes the strong odour in Garlic:  Since this is the most potent anti-viral ingredient in Garlic, it is thought that using Garlic fresh is better than using deodorized capsules.

Garlic is capable of helping difficult viral conditions such as herpes simplex, coxsackie viruses, rhinovirus, influenza B, and Candida albicans.  The healing compounds in garlic inhibit the growth of staphylococcus, streptocuccus, bacillus, Brucella and Vibrio, which covers all these illnesses.  It is also useful for treating childhood illnesses such as chicken pox, mumps and measles. 

In herbal medicine Garlic is  made more effective  for the treatment of some conditions when it is used in combination with other herbs, and other modalities. One of the herbs it is often used in conjunction with is Echinacea. Echinacea and Garlic together make a powerful anti-viral and immune-enhancing  medicine.

Help Teeth Regrow Reply to Becca’s Query

Key Points of the Diet for Helping to Grow Tooth Enamel

Hello Becca – I lost your comment somehow on my site – However, the answer, in a nutshell, has come to light, so here is the reply which I formerly had posted up for you.

Your comments on any of this material are welcomed.  I make every attempt to answer questions where I am able.

Thankyou to all my readers, especially to all those people who make valuable comments and provide us with new information.

Have a great Christmas and New Year – regards, Merrilyn.

2010/11/12 at 11:45 pm | In reply to becca.

Hi Becca, Thankyou for your comment.
The key things to avoid are sugar, dairy foods and wheat. Avoiding gluten is important. Use brown rice instead of wheat products. No bread or pasta.
The other key factor is to eat lots of RAW CELERY and CARROTS. End each meal with these.

Chewing a stick of celery after each meal keeps the mouth alkaline.  Eating raw celery – or carrot – cleans your teeth naturally.  Celery juice and celery fiber do wonders for the teeth.

Celery has natural antibiotic-like properties, and it helps to kill damaging bacteria in the mouth which cause decay. Eating raw celery and carrots also provides plenty of fiber for your digestion. Your intestines will be cleansed by eating these raw foods, which means that they will process your foods more efficiently.
Eat as much of your food raw as you can. All protein foods are OK – flesh foods and vege. Raw and cooked vegetables are good. Always eat something raw with every meal.
It takes a while to notice the effects of such a programme, especially to regrow tooth enamel. But you should see some positive results after about 3 months if you follow the diet faithfully.
Regards, Merrilyn

PS Remember that there ARE people about who have proved that you can regrow teeth.  Jacqui Davison is one such person who has written about her experience with cancer, and the diet which cured her.  After a year of following a specific diet and following detoxification procedures, Jacqui had grown new teeth as well as a full head of dark hair.  Her hair had gone grey before she got the cancer, but it grew back to its natural colour after she adopted the Gerson approach to cancer therapy which included lots of raw vegetable juices and raw foods.

My son grew back tooth enamel after 9 months of following a gluten free, wheat-free, dairy free, and sugar free diet. We ate plenty of protein during this period, as well as heaps of salads.

Honey and Cinnamon Diet

The Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon: Honey and Cinnamon  work well together.  This combination has been used over centuries to help treat colds and flu and other minor health ailments.   Note: Some people have an allergy to cinnamon: cinnamon does not necessarily work for everybody.  Ask your doctor or naturopath or ayurvedic practitioner before you use cinnamon as a treatment.

Nowadays, many people are looking to the honey and cinnamon diet to help reduce weight,  and to help lower cholesterol and blood sugar.  In my experience, honey and cinnamon really do work together to help you lose weight;  but of course, the amount of weight lost will  depend on  what and how much you are eating whilst you take this remedy.

Effects of Honey-Cinnamon-Ginger-Lemon Juice on Ear Infection and on Weight Loss:

I had reason to use a  honey and cinnamon diet  recently, with some added ginger powder and lemon juice,  to treat an ear infection on the right side – the cell phone ear.  Incidentally, using the cell phone over the past week whilst I had the infection increased the pain and the swelling dramatically. To my mind, cell phone usage is probably about 70% of the cause of this recent trouble. The other 30% would be liver and bowel toxins which need clearing, combined with the effects of using a toxic incense recently:  smoke causes congestion in the sinuses, and this can cause ear infection.

The object of using the honey and cinnamon diet was specifically to treat the ear, and not to lose weight.  Anyhow, I rested as much as I could, with spiritual healing; a hot-to-warm hot water bottle on the ear; tea tree combined with olive oil put  in and massaged around the ear; and between four to six cups of ginger and cinnamon tea with lemon juice and honey each day for about three days.  After the three day period, only one or two cups a day was taken for a few days longer.

Dose which I used:  I used a small teaspoon of powder per cup of tea, from a jar which had one part cinnamon powder to two parts ginger powder in it. Four to six cups of cinnamon-ginger-honey-lemon juice tea were taken for the first three days, then I cut the tea down to one or two cups per day.  However, I think this dosage was a bit too intense, as I shall explain.

I did lose quite a bit of weight over the past week, partly because the ear infection made me feel sick and took away my appetite.  However, I am pretty sure  the cinnamon powder itself, combined with ginger,  also quelled my appetite, and caused me to lose weight: this was an unexpected, but rather pleasing side effect on its own, but for the side effect of nausea.

Cinnamon bark contains a compound called coumarin, which is toxic to the liver in large amounts. I felt that it was the coumarin in the cinnamon powder which made me feel slightly nauseous:   I have since judged the dose I took – four to six cups  a day, of cinnamon and ginger tea,  to be on the high side, because of the side effects which I experienced.

Sensible Usage:  Four to six cups of cinnamon ginger tea daily is  rather excessive, as this equates to about two teaspoons of cinnamon for the day, far more than you would ever eat in a cookie, or a curry, or anything else. I think no more than one to two cups of this tea daily would have been a better dose for my body type.

Be careful not to overdose on cinnamon: There are many different recipes being passed about for using honey and cinnamon in various combinations and dosages, and for a wide range of health issues:  a big list of remedies for using cinnamon with honey was given to me only two weeks ago.  I think this source may have been the internet.  However, the doses on this two page hand-out ranged from using just one teaspoon of cinnamon, which is still high, in my estimation, to using two tablespoons of cinnamon.

Two tablespoonsful of cinnamon  is just ridiculously excessive and could be very damaging to your liver and your health if you are using the type of cinnamon known as cassia cinnamon.

Cassia cinnamon contains large amounts of coumarin.  Ceylon cinnamon does not have such high amounts of coumarin in it, and so ceylon cinnamon is the type of cinnamon which should be used if you are going to use the honey and cinnamon diet, or cinnamon teas.

In my experience, the honey and cinnamon with ginger and lemon did help my ear infection, and did cause me to lose weight. However, I believe that whilst this combination effected a cure, it also made me feel sick.   I would caution anyone intending to try this combination to ask a medical person, or an alternative practitioner first, especially if you are taking any medications, or even vitamin and mineral supplements.

And taking more than one teaspoonful at a time of a 3 to 1 mix of ginger and cinnamon will probably have the effect of harming your liver.  You will definitely lose weight, because your liver will be put under strain, and so you will eat less,  but using large doses of cinnamon in order to reduce weight is NOT a healthy way to lose weight.  Your liver is vital to good health, and anything which might cause damage or strain to the liver must be avoided.

Cinnamon, therefore, because of its coumarin content which can affect the liver adversely,  must be used in moderation.

Note for Denture Wearers: Cinnamon and dentures do not go well together. Anyone who has a plastic denture must be careful not to use cinnamon tea too often.  If you do use the honey and cinnamon diet, under the guidance of a health practitioner, then you should really remove the dentures before drinking the tea.  This is because cinnamon has the power to extract chemicals from plastic, which will cause an ongoing leaching of chemicals into your body.