Homeopathy and Home Remedies For Arthritis

Arthritis Home Treatments

Many cases of arthritis have been cured with curative diets and additional remedies such as Vitamin C, especially the calcium ascorbate type, and Homeopathic treatments.

Arthritis often develops because of an acidic body, accompanied by toxic build-ups which emanate from the toxins harboured in the bowels.  When constipation exists, or the bowels are lazy, then this toxic material starts to be absorbed through the intestinal walls.  Thus auto-intoxication of the body becomes a permanent condition, and this leads to the joints and bones being affected.

Vitamin C in the form of Calcium Ascorbate has cured many people of arthritic conditions, especially when the condition is recognized and averted in the early stages before deformities set in.  Taking 1000mg per day, or more if necessary, keeps the body alkaline and stops acidity. Vitamin C also  helps to alleviate pain, and reduces inflammation in the joints.  Some authorities recommend 1000mg with each meal.  This causes looseness in the bowels, which is a good thing, as it gets rid of those poisons in the bowels.  The idea is to decrease the dose until the bowels are functioning normally.  For some people, this may be 1000mg a day, for others, 2000mg, or even 3000mg per day.

Castor Oil Treatment: Castor oil is a powerful rejuvenator.  It draws poisons out of the whole body, beginning with the intestines and liver.  If it is taken regularly, it will even begin to dissolve the calcified build-ups around the joints.  (Vitamin C is capable of doing this also).  Dr Gerson recommended 2 tablespoons every second day for his cancer patients, and for people suffering other degenerative disease such as arthritis.  A remedial dose for the treatment of arthritis, without adopting the strict Gerson method, would be to take 2 tablespoons of castor oil once a week, followed by a cup of ginger tea, or chamomile tea, or black coffee.

Homeopathy can be very helpful for some people.  The following are some of the more common remedies for treating arthritis, but there are many more.

Rhus toxicodendron is one Homeopathic remedy which is commonly effective for treating arthritis.  With Rhus tox, there is pain and stiffness in the joints which is made worse by cold weather. The symptoms are better for warmth and movement.  If you use the 30C potency, then one dose per day is recommended, whereas if you use the 12C potency, you would use two or three doses in a day. Stop the treatment when improvement is noted.

Homeopathic Bryonia:  With the Bryonia patient, the  symptoms are always worse for movement, no matter what the weather.   The patient generally feels better for remaining still and lying on the painful side. There is  dryness  and heat with Bryonia – the patient drinks a large amount at a time.  The joints are painful and hot, and there may be swelling.  Use the same dosage as for Rhus tox above.  Cease the treatment when improvement is noted.

Homeopathic Chamomilla is useful for the rheumatic pains which are common with aged people.  Oversensitive, bad-tempered and better for movement are the qualities of the Chamomila patient.  There is often intolerance to people, as well as  hyper-sensitivity to pain.  The patient is worse at night and often has to walk about to relieve the pain. J.N. Singhal recommends a 200 dilution.  But the potencies above, mentioned under the Rhus toxicodendron remedy, could apply also.

Homeopathic Cimicifuga can be useful for restlessness combined with aching muscles.  The symptoms are usually worse in the morning, and for cold.   Usually one 30C dose of Cimicifuga brings relief.

Home Remedies For Constipation and Homeopathic Treatment

Help Clear Toxins Naturally With Homeopathy: “All Sickness Begins In the Bowel”. Homeopathy can normalize your intestinal functions which will improve your general health.  The old saying which says that : “All sickness begins in the bowel” happens to be  true. In curing any disease, the first thing in wholistic medicine is to clear the bowels and normalize their functioning.

No Cancer Notebook small

The bowel is responsible for many things.  The processing of food and the absorption of life-giving elements is one of the main functions of the bowel.  But the other main function, which concerns many of us from time to time, is the elimination of the waste products after the food has been processed.

Now it is important for these waste products to move quickly through the intestines.  Agricultural chemicals, and chemicals found in processed foods, make it even more important that the elimination processes work well, as when these chemicals sit around in the bowels, disease will set in.

If the action of the intestines is too slow, which results in constipation, then you will be absorbing the toxins from those waste products back through the walls of your intestines and into the blood.  This happens when the material in the bowel sits around for too long. If this is a habitual thing, then the poor cells of your body become poisoned over time, and weakened.  The liver  becomes overloaded, as it cannot rid the body of these poisons which are continually being fed back to it through the blood.  This state of constipation  sets the stage for degenerative diseases such as cancer and arthritis, or multiple sclerosis and parkinson’s disease, to take hold.  You are also more susceptible to contracting infectious diseases such as the flu virus when your intestines are clogged.

Fasting and Roughage: This is why fasting occasionally, and taking remedial measures to keep those bowels functioning efficiently, is very very important.  Fasting regularly on raw fruits and vegetables and their juices, and eating plenty of raw salad material each day, which provide roughage and vital enzymes,   can do a lot towards preventing constipation, and preventing  cancer.

Drink Plenty of Water:  Many people suffer constipation because they forget to drink enough water, or any at all.  If you are a big coffee drinker, then you need to drink at least an equivalent amount of water compared to the volume of coffee you imbibe.  Coffee is dehydrating, and being dehydrated is one of the common causes of constipation.

So – You need to pay attention to the diet to prevent constipation, and  drink plenty of water to keep those bowels running smoothly and keep your health good.

The Grated Apple and Potato  Cure:  To Be Taken Before Meals: This is a very simply home remedy for constipation.  The recipe provides much roughage to clean the bowel out, and it also provides plenty of healing vitamins, minerals,  and pectin to nourish and heal the bowel.  A good amount of Vitamin C is taken into the body by using this apple and potato cure on a regular basis. All you do is grate one whole, washed potato, with its skin still on; then grate one apple, skin and all.  Mix the two together and eat the whole lot 20 minutes before breakfast.  Then repeat the whole procedure before lunch, or before the evening meal if you prefer.

This is very healthy for the body and the intestines.  It helps to prevent candida occurring, and will help your hair, teeth, bones and nails to stay healthy. You can keep doing the apple and potato cure indefinitely.  You will never get scurvy or constipation again.

As well as these dietary measures, you can do a lot to cure constipation and restore the regular functioning of the bowel by the taking of a Homeopathic remedy.  Three of the most effective Homeopathic remedies for constipation are  Nux vomica (called Nux vom.), Natrum muriaticum (called Nat. mur), and Graphites.

Dosage for Nux vomica: This is a good remedy if the patient is  sensitive and a bit run down and depressed.  Often there is a nervousness, and  sensitiveness to cold:  the patient feels chilly. These people often like stimulants such as coffee, tea and alcohol.  The Nux vomica remedy helps to counteract the effects of  these stimulants.  Menstruation is often copious with the period beginning early and lasting longer than usual.  A 6X dose can be taken several times a day, for several days or until the problem ceases.  The  30C potency would be taken once  a day.  Stop taking the remedy when you are better.  The 6C or 12 C potencies, can be bought at most health food stores, and some pharmacies.

How To Order Homeopathic Remedies: Weleda Products in Havelock North, Hastings area, New Zealand, make homeopathic preparations and also grow their own organic herbs and plants for the use in their medicines.  I like to support the Weleda brand whenever I can, as  they have a long tradition of making homeopathic remedies, and so their homeopathics are the ‘true blue’ and unadulterated recipes.

Castor Oil is a famous home remedy for constipation.  Castor Oil is a wonderful rejuvenator of the liver.  It is used in many  alternative cancer treatment programmes.  It is also used to help people with arthritis.  Cancer and arthritis can develop because of a life-time of constipation and clogged, toxic bowels. The fact that  this famous bowel remedy  is used to treat and cure cancer is indicative of the relationship between toxicity in the bowel and cancer.  A healthy, clean bowel  which is free of toxins will serve as an immunity against cancer and degenerative disease.

In treating serious degenerative conditions such as cancer and arthritis, Dr Gerson used 2 tablespoons of castor oil every second day for many months.  But of course, this dose would not be used by ordinary people for the sake of treating constipation.

Dose Of Castor Oil For Constipation for when the bowels are clogged. One or two tablespoons could be taken in the morning, followed by a cup of ginger tea, or black coffee, or chamomile tea.  This could be taken once a week as a remedial measure, to help to clear toxins from the liver as well as the intestines.  I believe castor oil is a preventative of cancer, arthritis, and other diseases, because of the fact that it attracts poisons to it.  This has a deep cleansing effect of the tissues throughout the body, not just in the intestines.

Vitamin C For Constipation:  Use 1000mg of calcium ascorbate, which is a non-acidic type of Vitamin C.  Take with a large glass of water.  Repeat the dose four hourly until you get results.  A remedial dose of Vitamin C can be taken regularly – 1000mg per day should work to keep those bowels regular.  Remember to take plenty of water with it.

Tamarind for Constipation: Tamarind is used in Indian cooking.  It is a complement to the curry spices.  Tamarind is an effective laxative.  Take half a teaspoon in a glass of hot water.  It is necesary to take a glass of milk, or yoghurt, or coconut milk straight afterwards, as tamarind tends to draw out calcium, as it is high in oxalic acid.  Milk of any kind, and fats and oils, help prevent this happening.

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

Reading these posts might be helpful if you have decided to forfeit those much-promoted and often dubious flu injections.

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Vitamin C and Cancer

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera


Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Homeopathy For New Strain Of Avian Flu When Vaccines Don’t Work

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Homeopathy Remedy For Hangover

Natural Remedy For Hangover With Homeopathic Treatments.

I do not drink alcohol any more.  I have the same problem as Peter from Coronation Street. In our New Zealand episodes,  which are about a year behind the UK,  Peter has just started sneaking alcoholic drinks and pretending to his family, and Leanne, that he is not drinking.  But everyone discovered the disturbing truth on Thursday:  He got drunk at the opening party for his and Leanne’s new bar.

Oh dear. …..There, but for the Grace of God, go I.  Peter, we were all wishing that you wouldn’t take that first drink.  Anyway – Here is ‘one for you’,  Peter. Let’s hope this  fixes that sore head that you’ll have in the morning. The best Homeopathic remedy to take for Hangover, which is also used  to treat depression, irritability, constipation and some digestive problems,  is Nux Vomica.

Homeopathic Nux vomica is a remedy which is recommended in several homeopathic manuals for helping hangover, and for treating alcoholism..   It is even mentioned in the book “New Choices In Natural Healing” which is put out by ‘Prevention” magazine.  My copy is 1995, published by Rodale Press, Pennsylvania, USA. In this book, Dr Mitchell Fleisher recommends Homeopathic Nux vomica for hangover, in a 6C or 12C potency.  He suggests taking a dose every three or four hours until the symptoms of hangover  improve. You can buy these potencies, 6C, and 12C,  from most health shops.

Remedies For Alcoholism:

These are taken from the well regarded Homeopathic manual,  “The Prescriber”, by John H. Clarke, M.D., who does not give any remedies for the hangover, but instead, gives several for the treatment of the cause of the problem:  Alcholism.

Nux vomica appears at the top of  Dr Clarke’s list as a treatment for alcoholism.

This great book, “The Prescriber”, was first published in the 1950’s.  It is such a valuable book, and there was so much demand for it in the Homeopathic profession, that it was reprinted in 1995 by Jain Publishers in New Delhi.

Dr John H. Clarke recommends  total abstinence and Nux vomica 3, 4h. for treating alcoholism when there is morning vomiting with tremulousness.

He recommends Avena 5.3, gtt. v. 8h,  followed by Zinc. 6, 4h. when there is irritability combined with nervous depression. Total abstinence would again be required.

When there is chronic vomiting with a white-coated tongue, he uses Homeopathic Antimon. tart. 6, 4h. Total abstinence is again needed to recover.

If there is cirrhosis of the liver he recommends   Sulphur 30 or 200.

Homeopathic Quercus 3-3x, 4h. is the remedy which Dr Clarke recommends for ‘Old drunkards”. Quercus is the botanical name for ‘oak’, and the remedy  is made from the old oak tree.

These remedies would need to be made up by a homeopathic chemist.  However, they give you an idea as to the remedies which may still work in the 30C potency:  These are readily available in most health shops:  The 30C potency is what you can buy without going to see a professional Homeopath.

Note:  Without the Homeopathic chemist, Homeopaths cannot survive.  As Dr Clarke points out in his “The Prescriber”, it would be impossible for one person to make up all his own remedies, even if he had the skill, and the plant, and mineral materials needed were available to him.  Many homeopathic chemists have closed down, and so there is a risk that Homeopathic medicine might disappear.  We urgently need new Homeopathic pharmacists  to keep the tradition of Homeopathic medicine alive.  Food for thought for young people who might consider training as a Homeopathic chemist.  There will be a dire need in a few years.

Facts On Vitamin C

Vitamin C Boosts The Immune System

Vitamin C is essential for good health, and for preventing disease. Important Note: If you are on prescription medicine of any kind, then you should ask your doctor whether Vitamin C is good for you to use.  This is because some medications do not work with Vitamin C.  Also, Vitamin C is a natural blood thinner, so if you are already taking a blood thinning medicine, such as Warfarin,  then Vitamin C could be dangerous for you, as it could cause excessive blood thinning, combined with your medication.

Vitamin C is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, and many dried fruits as well.   It helps rebuild tissue, oxygenates the cells, removes poisons, and prevents disease from attacking the body.  Taking ample amounts of Vitamin C in the diet each day will help to protect you against illness.

Vitamin C is a natural Antioxidant. Other important vitamins which are antioxidants are Vitamin E, and Beta-carotene, a form of Vitamin A.  These antioxidants have the power to negate and remove poisons from the body.  Vitamin C’s antioxidant qualities mean that it counteract the effects of ‘free radicals’.  ‘Free radicals’ is the term given to the effects of poisons such as car exhaust pollution,  cigarette smoke, radiation, herbicides and pesticides, food additives and other poisons.  Over time, ‘free radicals’ can cause cancer and clog the arteries.

Vitamin C To Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack. So – Vitamin C helps to avoid heart attack and stroke by naturally thinning the blood, and by removing ‘free radicals’ from the blood.  It also helps to protect the heart and arteries by keeping the arteries clean and free from plaque build-ups. Vitamin C is also helpful in reducing high cholesterol (some types), and in maintaining a balanced blood pressure.

Vitamin C Acts as a Mild Sedative: A dose of around 1000mg of calcium ascorbate powder, taken just before bed-time, will help to relax the nerves and the brain, and to induce sleep. Calcium ascorbate Vitamin C is a non-acidic type of Vitamin C which is tolerated better by most people than the standard ascorbic acid type.  Ester C is another non-acidic Vitamin C which I have found very good for sensitive stomachs, and for people with candida.  Vitamin C  calcium ascorbate works also works as a mild anti-depressant for some people.  It has this effect, partly, I think, because of its action in removing toxins from the liver and intestines.  Once the bulk of these toxins are gone, many people find that their depression is gone also.

Vitamin C is an  Anti-biotic, an Anti-Histamine,  an Anti-Viral, and an Anti-Fungal medicine.

Vitamin C in megadoses Is An Alternative Treatment For Cancer.

Vitamin C is a Cure For Constipation: Take 1000mg of  Calcium Ascorbate Vitamin C with a large glass of water every 4 hours until you go to the toilet.  Then try taking 1000mg per day with that important large glass of water:  This will act as a preventative for constipation if you still have trouble.

Fasting on Fruits and Vegetables To Up Vitamin C: An abundance of Vitamin C in the diet helps you to stay healthy and boosts the immune system.  Fasting for one day a week on only fresh raw fruits and vegeatbles and their juices is a good way to get that extra Vitamin C into the body, and cleanse out toxins.  Vitamin C enhances the health and goes a long way to preventing and treating illnesses of many kinds. Fresh fruits and vegetables, or their juices, and plenty of salad material, should form part of the daily diet for everyone, as these things are rich in Vitamin C. These foods help to prevent you from getting sick.  People who have cancer and other serious illnesses often use cleansing raw fruit and vegetable diets for a time, until their condition has improved.

Vitamin C For Chemical Poisoning: Vitamin C can help to reduce the build-up of toxins in the body, so that degenerative disease, such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, may be avoided or averted. A daily dose of 1000mg Vitamin C can be taken to keep those free radicals away. If you are suffering some kind of toxic poisoning, then you need to see a professional health therapist so that the correct remedial dose may be given.

In cases of chronic poisoning, say metallic poisoning from lead or mercury, or poisoning from agricultural chemicals, then high doses of Vitamin C may need to be given intravenously to promptly counteract the poisoning effects. In these cases, anything from 50 to 100 grams might be used intravenously. You need to see a doctor or naturopath to have intravenous Vitamin C administered.

Case Of Chemical Poisoning Cured With Oral Vitamin C Calcium Ascorbate:I have had experience of severe chemical poisoning myself.  This poisoning occurred because of handling broken asbestos roofing, and clearing toxic ash, including lead and mercury from paints and plastics,  from a section which I had bought.  I used 1000mg of calcium ascorbate vitamin C powder to counteract the effects of having all those toxins in my bloodstream. I used this orally, taking it several times a day whenever necessary.  If there was a danger of imminent collapse,  I also used garlic, an antioxidant, and another antioxidant called  kawakawa, which is a native bush plant of New Zealand.

So, in combination with the Vitamin C treatment, I used my Celery and Tuna diet to detox, and also these herbal medicines: garlic and kawa kawa.  I chewed several cloves of raw garlic to avert the attacks of racing heart and collapse, and  munched up a couple of kawa kawa leaves from the bush once or twice a day, if they were needed.  All I could eat for many months was raw celery and tinned tuna fish in oil.  After about six months there was considerable improvement, but I still had to follow a strict diet and use the calcium ascorbate vitamin C on a daily basis for quite a long time.

Homeopathic Preparation Helped To Restore Health: After about 9 months, when I had improved quite a bit, I discovered the Weleda Homeopathic preparation which had Thuja occidentalis, eucalyptus, and some other remedies in it.  This was marvellous and acted as a tonic, increasing appetite and vitality hugely.

Vitamin C is anti-bacterial, so it is a natural anti-biotic. Vitamin C is anti-fungal. Vitamin C is anti-viral, which gives it the capacity to kill many viral infections.

Vitamin C kills the Swine Flu virus. Large amounts of Vitamin C taken intravenously, around 50 to 100 grams per day, depending on body weight, are needed to combat Swine Flu.  Of course this needs to be administered by a doctor or suitably qualified person. Many people have survived due to intravenous Vitamin C being given to treat Swine Flu, and there are many case studies which you can examine which support this claim.

Vitamin C For Infectious Disease: The work of Professor Ian Brighthope in Australia, and Dr Cathcart at the Hale Clinic in America, prove that Vitamin C is efficacious in treating infectious disease. Dr Cathcart has kept records of people who visited his clinic for a monthly shot of Vitamin C.  This was taken as a preventative medicine, a prophylactic, for the flu and any other infectious diseases which might be around.  After a year of keeping records, Dr Cathcart found that not one of his Vitamin C patients  had gotten the flu virus, despite there being a so-called flu ‘epidemic’ in the area.

So – Vitamin C Works As A Preventative For Flu.

Vitamin C is a Prophylactic For Flu, and is also a Prophylactic of other infectious diseases. There are many reports which indicate that Vitamin C, given in large enough doses during times of epidemics, will decrease children’s risk of contracting diseases such as chicken pox, measles, mumps, and whooping cough.  Vitamin C in large enough doses has been shown to minimize the effects of these illnesses if a child already has succumbed to an infection.

So Vitamin C can be used as a Preventative Medicine, instead of vaccination. However, you need to get professional advice on this.  If your child is sick, or anyone has the flu or another illness, then you need to seek medical help.

Read some of Merrilyn’s other related posts on using Vitamin C for treating cancer, etc.

Swine Flu Vaccine Dangers and Alternative Treatments

Antibiotics and Vaccinations Weaken The Immune System. One should examine the SAFE ALTERNATIVES, which will be mentioned in this article, before heading in for those flu shots, or the ‘Tamiflu’.

There is a huge push for people to be vaccinated for flu, and a huge push to have children vaccinated, not just for flu, but for measles, mumps, whooping cough and other childhood illnesses.  This is a worry.

Question Those Vaccination Programmes: Mass Vaccination Programmes mean big profits for the multi-national drug-making giants.  So, pharmaceutical companies welcome the so-called epidemics, especially when vaccination is made mandatory because of the scare of an epidemic, as this creates a massive demand for their products, and generates billions of dollars for these drug firms.

Next thing those drug-company business geniuses must ask themselves is:  If there isn’t an epidemic, why not create one?  If you can convince the public that there is a scare of epidemic, then they will all run to the doctor’s to get their vaccination shots anyway.

So – Make some propaganda for vaccination: All you need is one or two unfortunate people to have died from Swine Flu, or another rather obscure disease, such as the ‘Avian’ flu, and you can convince people that there is an epidemic threatening the country. Put an article about it in a few papers, advertise on television, and people will go in their droves to buy those vaccines.

This is propaganda for vaccination:  This is how it worked in 1976, when a flu epidemic was declared in the USA:  Only one person actually died from this  flu, so reports say,  but the authorities jumped on the band-wagon, and a national emergency was declared which saw millions of people being vaccinated for the flu.  Only thing was – this vaccine hadn’t been tested properly.  This experiment had disastrous consequences:  Hundreds of people died as a result of taking this flu vaccine in 1976, and many more were made paralyzed for life. THIS information has been conveniently ignored by the drug companies, and governmental authorities, who use fear-mongering tactics to get people vaccinated.

There is presently a similar situation going on: There is no swine flu epidemic – more people die of regular flu in the states  each week, than of swine flu.   More  deaths were recorded in a week from regular flu in the USA, in 2009,  than deaths from swine flu over a period of 3 months.  Yet people fear swine flu more than they do the regular flu, because publicity is engineered to have this effect. We fear the new, so new diseases and epidemics are highlighted to get the desired reaction from the public – trotting in for a vaccine is the average response.

The other important point is that, for the average healthy person, there need be no deaths from swine flu, because it has been proven that  Vitamin C kills the Swine  the flu virus.  Professor Ian Brighthope at the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine has done much research into the use of Vitamin C to treat infectious diseases.

So why the panic for vaccination? Because the public are not informed about the alternatives to vaccination:   Drug companies, with the support of the media, see to it that their products dominate the market, and that information on vaccine alternatives is conveniently swept under the carpet.

But wait – there’s more: It has been proven that intravenous Vitamin C, given once a month, has acted as a prophylactic against flu.  After over a year’s clinical experiments at the Hale healing institute in America, no patients who had been having the vitamin C therapy succumbed to the flu, despite there being an ‘epidemic’.

The public are deliberately kept ignorant about the successes of Vitamin C therapy, and Homeopathy, and other treatments.  The conspiracy gets more evil when you consider that, even when people are dying from Swine Flu in hospital, they are STILL denied Vitamin C therapy. Even though  clinical studies prove that Vitamin C kills the Swine Flu virus,  these poor patients are persuaded, while in hospital, to take chemotherapy instead.  Chemotherapy usually ends the life of a  weakened Swine-flu victim pretty quickly.

Barbara Loe Fisher who was President of the National Vaccine Information Centre (she might still be) discusses how a so-called epidemic of flu was created in 1976. Only 1 person died, yet this was called a national epidemic.  Mass vaccinations occurred, and hundreds of people died as a result.  Many more were left paralyzed because of the bad effects of the vaccination.

Vaccines, including the swine flu vaccine,  always pose a danger to the public, because the total sum of their side effects  cannot be assessed until years after the vaccination event.  “Investigate Before You Vaccinate”, as the famous  book suggests:  Even if people have not died after being vaccinated recently, the alternatives to Vaccines, such as Homeopathy, and Vitamin C, are far safer. Vaccinations are very damaging to the auto-immune system.  Vaccinations contain antibiotics, and all antibiotics interfere with the normal healthy functioning of the immune system.

Vaccinations increase your risk of suffering alzheimer’s, cancer.  Vaccinations increase the risk of autism in children, and many other conditions.  Vaccinations very often bring on the flu, instead of preventing it.  This can be a big health issue for elderly people.  Flu vaccines often bring on flu-like symptoms such as runny nose, sore throat, swollen neck glands, sore ears, and the like.

Many people who were healthy before taking a vaccine, have suddenly become unhealthy after having taken a vaccine, with eczema, tiredness, and bone pain developing as permanent conditions.  Vaccinations for flu, and other antibiotics,  degenerate the nervous system, which could cause diseases such as parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis in some people.  In some people, damage is done to the brain cells, causing memory loss.  Heart, lungs, kidneys and liver are all affected.  The blood pressure can rise after vaccinations.

“But how do I protect myself against serious diseases, such as ‘Swine Flu”? you might ask.  Many people think that they cannot survive illnesses such as “Swine Flu” unless they take vaccines, yet they feel uncomfortable about vaccination:  A damned if you do, and doomed if you don’t situation.

The good news is that there are some very good alternatives to vaccinations:  Swine flu has been scientifically proven to respond to Vitamin C therapy:  Vitamin C is capable of killing viruses, and even the tenacious swine flu virus finds it hard to battle with Vitamin C.  People have recovered from Swine Flu, when they were expected to die, after being given intravenous doses of Vitamin C, anywhere from 50 grams per day to a 100 gms, depending on body weight.  Some doctors have documented their findings, also, that Vitamin C, when given in a regular monthly large dose intravenously, can protect against flu viruses in times of an epidemic.

SO – Research Shows That Vitamin C is a Preventative For Swine Flu, as well as a Treatment For Swine Flu:  Vitamin C will act as a prophylactic when it is taken in a large enough dose before you get the flu, and will minimize the effects of flu if the virus has infected your system already.  People have recovered from Swine Flu after they have been given intravenous Vitamin C in large doses

Homeopathic medicine, Vitamin C Therapy, and herbal medicine are  safe  alternatives to vaccinations.  There is a Homeopathic Remedy for almost every illness you can think of.  There are Homeopathic Prophylactics, or Preventatives, for flu and many other diseases. Vitamin C works as a Prophylactic and as a treatment for many infectious diseases, but the Homeopathic alternatives are also effective.   See my other recent posts on Vaccination alternatives:  In some of these you will find many Homeopathic Remedies for flu and other illnesses.

Note:  If you choose to use Homeopathy, it is advisable to seek professional advice for successful treatments, unless you know your remedies.

Homeopathic Thuja is a good remedy for the bad effects of vaccination:  Where illness, eczema and the like have come about AFTER being vaccinated, Homeopathic Thuja 30C is often of benefit.