HIV Baby Possibly ‘Cured’ In America

Is This A Cure For AIDS Or An Act Of God?  A Dubious Question.

DSCO 1794Note:  This is not the baby the post is about. Photo taken by Merrilyn on Holly’s camera, 26th December, 2012.

BBC have just given us this story of hope:  A child who is now two and a half, has been free of the AIDS virus for over a year.  This news item has just come over our BBC news through the night, 3AM 5th March 2013.

The story goes:  In July, 2012, a  mother from Mississippi gave birth to a baby girl.  However, it was just discovered at this time that the woman had the HIV virus.  Because of the late diagnosis, she had not been taking any medication to alleviate the disease. So it was feared that her baby  might  also have had the AIDS virus.  As a desperate remedial measure, the baby was given a megadose of antibiotics for three different illnesses within hours of her birth.

It is possible that a ‘functional’ cure may have been affected.  The key factor in the treatment is that a cocktail of strong antibiotics were given immediately after the child was born, and these could be effective in keeping the virus at bay.

The mother took the child home.  After a year, she stopped giving her child any medication.  When she took the child back for examination a year after this, when the child was two and a half, there was no trace of the AIDS virus.

However, spontaneous recovery of AIDS has been known to happen before.  It may not be the aggressive antibiotics which caused a so-called cure.

The other point to keep in mind is that it is not known whether or not the baby girl really did have HIV.  According to the BBC science reporter, it is difficult to ascertain for sure whether or not a new-born child has got the virus.

One point which was not considered at all on the BBC News item was this:  If the child really did have the AIDS virus, then spontaneous recovery could have occurred, not just because ot the antibiotics, but through specific foods the woman gave her baby in that first year, or through vitamins, or homeopathy, or some other unknown environmental factor.

There are other things in the world which cure disease, apart from antibiotics.  Vitamin and Mineral therapy should always be considered.  Herbal Medicine and Homeopathy are other avenues to explore in the treatment of HIV and the AIDS virus.

However, how wonderful it would be if this cocktail of antibiotics do in fact cure HIV in new-born babies.


No Cancer Notebook(1)A reprint of Merrilyn’s 1980’s Health Book entitled: NO CANCER NOTEBOOK is available for purchase.

The cost is $60 New Zealand currency.  This includes postage.

Send an email to [email protected] to order.



Swine Flu Vaccine Dangers and Alternative Treatments

Antibiotics and Vaccinations Weaken The Immune System. One should examine the SAFE ALTERNATIVES, which will be mentioned in this article, before heading in for those flu shots, or the ‘Tamiflu’.

There is a huge push for people to be vaccinated for flu, and a huge push to have children vaccinated, not just for flu, but for measles, mumps, whooping cough and other childhood illnesses.  This is a worry.

Question Those Vaccination Programmes: Mass Vaccination Programmes mean big profits for the multi-national drug-making giants.  So, pharmaceutical companies welcome the so-called epidemics, especially when vaccination is made mandatory because of the scare of an epidemic, as this creates a massive demand for their products, and generates billions of dollars for these drug firms.

Next thing those drug-company business geniuses must ask themselves is:  If there isn’t an epidemic, why not create one?  If you can convince the public that there is a scare of epidemic, then they will all run to the doctor’s to get their vaccination shots anyway.

So – Make some propaganda for vaccination: All you need is one or two unfortunate people to have died from Swine Flu, or another rather obscure disease, such as the ‘Avian’ flu, and you can convince people that there is an epidemic threatening the country. Put an article about it in a few papers, advertise on television, and people will go in their droves to buy those vaccines.

This is propaganda for vaccination:  This is how it worked in 1976, when a flu epidemic was declared in the USA:  Only one person actually died from this  flu, so reports say,  but the authorities jumped on the band-wagon, and a national emergency was declared which saw millions of people being vaccinated for the flu.  Only thing was – this vaccine hadn’t been tested properly.  This experiment had disastrous consequences:  Hundreds of people died as a result of taking this flu vaccine in 1976, and many more were made paralyzed for life. THIS information has been conveniently ignored by the drug companies, and governmental authorities, who use fear-mongering tactics to get people vaccinated.

There is presently a similar situation going on: There is no swine flu epidemic – more people die of regular flu in the states  each week, than of swine flu.   More  deaths were recorded in a week from regular flu in the USA, in 2009,  than deaths from swine flu over a period of 3 months.  Yet people fear swine flu more than they do the regular flu, because publicity is engineered to have this effect. We fear the new, so new diseases and epidemics are highlighted to get the desired reaction from the public – trotting in for a vaccine is the average response.

The other important point is that, for the average healthy person, there need be no deaths from swine flu, because it has been proven that  Vitamin C kills the Swine  the flu virus.  Professor Ian Brighthope at the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine has done much research into the use of Vitamin C to treat infectious diseases.

So why the panic for vaccination? Because the public are not informed about the alternatives to vaccination:   Drug companies, with the support of the media, see to it that their products dominate the market, and that information on vaccine alternatives is conveniently swept under the carpet.

But wait – there’s more: It has been proven that intravenous Vitamin C, given once a month, has acted as a prophylactic against flu.  After over a year’s clinical experiments at the Hale healing institute in America, no patients who had been having the vitamin C therapy succumbed to the flu, despite there being an ‘epidemic’.

The public are deliberately kept ignorant about the successes of Vitamin C therapy, and Homeopathy, and other treatments.  The conspiracy gets more evil when you consider that, even when people are dying from Swine Flu in hospital, they are STILL denied Vitamin C therapy. Even though  clinical studies prove that Vitamin C kills the Swine Flu virus,  these poor patients are persuaded, while in hospital, to take chemotherapy instead.  Chemotherapy usually ends the life of a  weakened Swine-flu victim pretty quickly.

Barbara Loe Fisher who was President of the National Vaccine Information Centre (she might still be) discusses how a so-called epidemic of flu was created in 1976. Only 1 person died, yet this was called a national epidemic.  Mass vaccinations occurred, and hundreds of people died as a result.  Many more were left paralyzed because of the bad effects of the vaccination.

Vaccines, including the swine flu vaccine,  always pose a danger to the public, because the total sum of their side effects  cannot be assessed until years after the vaccination event.  “Investigate Before You Vaccinate”, as the famous  book suggests:  Even if people have not died after being vaccinated recently, the alternatives to Vaccines, such as Homeopathy, and Vitamin C, are far safer. Vaccinations are very damaging to the auto-immune system.  Vaccinations contain antibiotics, and all antibiotics interfere with the normal healthy functioning of the immune system.

Vaccinations increase your risk of suffering alzheimer’s, cancer.  Vaccinations increase the risk of autism in children, and many other conditions.  Vaccinations very often bring on the flu, instead of preventing it.  This can be a big health issue for elderly people.  Flu vaccines often bring on flu-like symptoms such as runny nose, sore throat, swollen neck glands, sore ears, and the like.

Many people who were healthy before taking a vaccine, have suddenly become unhealthy after having taken a vaccine, with eczema, tiredness, and bone pain developing as permanent conditions.  Vaccinations for flu, and other antibiotics,  degenerate the nervous system, which could cause diseases such as parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis in some people.  In some people, damage is done to the brain cells, causing memory loss.  Heart, lungs, kidneys and liver are all affected.  The blood pressure can rise after vaccinations.

“But how do I protect myself against serious diseases, such as ‘Swine Flu”? you might ask.  Many people think that they cannot survive illnesses such as “Swine Flu” unless they take vaccines, yet they feel uncomfortable about vaccination:  A damned if you do, and doomed if you don’t situation.

The good news is that there are some very good alternatives to vaccinations:  Swine flu has been scientifically proven to respond to Vitamin C therapy:  Vitamin C is capable of killing viruses, and even the tenacious swine flu virus finds it hard to battle with Vitamin C.  People have recovered from Swine Flu, when they were expected to die, after being given intravenous doses of Vitamin C, anywhere from 50 grams per day to a 100 gms, depending on body weight.  Some doctors have documented their findings, also, that Vitamin C, when given in a regular monthly large dose intravenously, can protect against flu viruses in times of an epidemic.

SO – Research Shows That Vitamin C is a Preventative For Swine Flu, as well as a Treatment For Swine Flu:  Vitamin C will act as a prophylactic when it is taken in a large enough dose before you get the flu, and will minimize the effects of flu if the virus has infected your system already.  People have recovered from Swine Flu after they have been given intravenous Vitamin C in large doses

Homeopathic medicine, Vitamin C Therapy, and herbal medicine are  safe  alternatives to vaccinations.  There is a Homeopathic Remedy for almost every illness you can think of.  There are Homeopathic Prophylactics, or Preventatives, for flu and many other diseases. Vitamin C works as a Prophylactic and as a treatment for many infectious diseases, but the Homeopathic alternatives are also effective.   See my other recent posts on Vaccination alternatives:  In some of these you will find many Homeopathic Remedies for flu and other illnesses.

Note:  If you choose to use Homeopathy, it is advisable to seek professional advice for successful treatments, unless you know your remedies.

Homeopathic Thuja is a good remedy for the bad effects of vaccination:  Where illness, eczema and the like have come about AFTER being vaccinated, Homeopathic Thuja 30C is often of benefit.


Preventing Macular Degeneration

Preventing Macular Degeneration
Keep your intake of Vitamin C to 1000 mg if you are near-sighted. A maintenance dose of 500 mg a day is probably best, unless you are treating a specific life-threatening disease like cancer, or multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease.
High doses of Vitamin C might be linked to some cases of retinal detachment in near-sighted people, although this is
not conclusive.A high dose is considered to be more than 3000 milligrams of Vitamin C.

Vitamin A is necessary – up to 25,000 international units daily. 8,700 international units daily is a safe
maintenance dose. Carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, apricots, rockmelon, swede, kumara should be eaten plentifully on a
daily basis.
Copper – one milligram for every 10 milligrams of zinc. Carrots are high in copper, and onions and garlic are good for
zinc, which make these vegetables ideal commpanions in a meal.
Zinc – 15-90 milligrams. Consult your health professional before taking zinc. 15 milligrams is considered safe.Too much
zinc can rob your body of copper.
Selenium 50-200 micrograms. A sensible amount is more like 50-100 milligrams.
The best food sources are Garlic and onions, mushrooms, cabbage and fish.
Vitamin E – 15-90 milligrams -but not if you are taking blood-thinning drugs – check with your doctor if you are on
any medication before you add Vitamin E to your supplements. Vitamin E thins the blood a little, so if you combine it
with other drugs which do the same thing, you could be in trouble.
Glutathione, found in fresh greens, and yellow and orange foods. This is destroyed in cooking. Glutathione helps to
form an anti-oxidant enzyme which is thought to help protect the eyes.

Counteract Memory Loss:  A failing memory often goes hand in hand with degeneration of the eye-sight.
Eat some quality fats with your meals:  olive oil, small amounts of butter, oily fish, and avocado are all good brain and eye food. Avoid high-fat meals, especially fried foods and fatty meats.
Vitamin B Complex should be taken, as well as extra B6 and B12. These two B vitamins are specifics for counteracting memory loss. Taking them with the B complex  ensures that you do not get an imbalance of Bvitamins.

As soon as you notice your memory improving, then cut back on the extra B6 and B12, but continue to take the
B complex. Try the combination of all three, the B complex, B6, and B12, for a trial of two weeks to see if you improve.

The run-down on the specific B Vitamins for memory: B6 – this helps make dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. These are all neuro-transmitters, which aid the brain in its sending of messages, and storage of material. These neuro-transmitters also help you to keep your ‘joie do vivre’, and  have a calming effect on the brain.

B12 is also beneficial for long and short-term memory. It helps create an alertness in the brain. Vitamin B12 improves
yourproblem-solving ability. It also helps the brain to recognize patterns and pictures from the past: this helps keep
the facilities of discernment and decision making working optimally.

Liver Broth for B Vitamins.
This is a home made tonic which is extremely high in B Vitamins, Iron, and other minerals. It is no use to those who
have an aversion to meat, or are vegetarian. Personally, I do not like to eat meats these days, however, if I were to
be tested with a life-threatening illness, or had dangerously low amounts of Iron and B vitamins, then I would use
this remedy for the time needed to get my health back on track again. Ideally, it should be taken in conjunction with
a detoxing diet of juices and optimum amounts of raw vegetables and fruits.

Living Without Vitamins

We are going to have to become a lot more creative and inventive in our healing methods if the government and the ” powers that be”  manage to ban the counter-sales of vitamins and minerals, herbs and homeopathic medicines.

We are told that this is for the benefit of our health, that these things can be dangerous if taken without consultation, that safe dosage may be exceeded, and so we need an intermediary, if we are to use these things at all. This intermediary, a doctor or a qualified health practitioner then will be paid to prescribe for us, sell us expensive equivalents of the relatively cheap herbs and vitamins we use already, and tell us what to do with them.

It is hard to believe that our safety is the main cause of concern  by either the government or the drug companies.

Alcohol and tobacco and party drugs cause more ill health and deaths than do the taking of vitamin and mineral supplements. But we don’t have to go to the doctor or any other accountable body to get prescriptions for these potentially dangerous items.

Comfrey, or “Knit-bone” was banned several years ago. This was a  famous and well-tried healing herb, used from olden times unto the present day. Its name “knit-bone” impies its healing nature, which derives from its high silica content,  its high content of minerals, vitamins, and a cell proliferant which speeds up the growth of new cells in the body, including bone tissue.

Comfrey tea is soothing to the digestion, and because of its high silica, is good for hair, bones and teeth when used as a herbal tea.

We usually add some peppermint or chamomile herb to the tea, as it is fairly tasteless on its own. It puts a wonderful shine to the hair if used as a rinse. (The next best thing to compare to comfrey for hair, bones, teeth and nails is oat-straw tea.)  I used to add comfrey to silverbeet,  so that we could benefit from its nutrients. The alkaline quality of comfrey counteracts the acid from the silverbeet.

Its silica-sliminess makes a fantastic dressing for burns and wounds. I once cured a scald on my child’s arm by placing cooked, cold, wet comfrey dressings continually over the wound. This took about five days or so to heal, but when it did, there was barely a trace of a scar.

An article came out in our New Zealand papers which suggested eating comfrey could cause cancer in pigs. That was the end of it, basically. The herb was taken off the shelves of the health stores, and, furthermore, the plant itself was made illegal here in New Zealand.

I never knew anyone who ate comfrey in quantities. It was unpalatable to eat on its own, so there was never any danger of eating too much of the stuff. I never knew anyone who had “O-Deed” or died from eating comfrey. My opinion is that the green outside skin of a potato would be  more potentially hazardous to the health, as this contains a poison, saponin, which does affect the liver badly, and could contribute to a cancerous condition if you ate enough of it: yet potatoes have not been banned.

The idea of banning potatoes on the grounds that the saponin contained within the green of the skin , known to be a carcenogen, is hazardous to health, is as ridiculous as it was to ban comfrey on the grounds it could cause cancer in pigs.

I doubt that comfrey has accumulative effects of a negative nature. So few people used the herb, but the people I knew who did use it, used it moderately. They were generally  health-conscious people who avoided the use of toxic chemicals and the ingestion of allopathic medecines, and generally were very fit and strong.

I have never found out who engineered the comfrey ban, but I can guess. Comfrey saved us on many an occasion from having to go to a doctor and from using prescriiption medecines.

Drug companies have already successfully won over the rights to produce iodine and gentian violet. These medecines were taken, respectively, off the market in New Zealand at precisecly the same time they were taken off the shelves in Australia, between 5 and 10 years ago. This shows that, even then, drug companies were working globally toward gaining control over pharmaceuticals. The reason that both these medecines were hated by drug companies is that they were cheap and lasted for many a long year, as opposed to the concocted products which drug companies sell for the treatment of the same conditions and for about three times the price.

It is a pity that iodine had to go: apart from preventing infection when painted onto a wound or graze, a weekly daub of a small part of the sole of the foot gave us enough iodine to help our immune systems, keep the endocrine system in balance, prevent thyroid problems, help form healthy teeth, bones, nails, and grow healthy hair.

In the days when I still had iodine to use, I found its effects remarkable in encouraging hair growth.

I found this out after using iodine to treat eczema-like patches on the scalp.  I had allowed this condition to developed mainly because of using milk which I was allergic to. After several weeks, on the spots where I had been dabbing iodine every two or three days, thicker hair began to grow.

Cider vinegar, which you still can buy, is the next best thing in maintaining a healthy scalp and in promoting hair growth. I just rub the neat vinegar into the scalp after washing, which neutralizes the alkaline effect of soap or shampoo, and feeds the scalp with potassium and other mineral salts.

Since the writing of this article several years ago, iodine has been reintroduced, but it is an extremely diluted form, and you have to buy it from the chemist, or drugstore if you live in U.S.A. Previously, you could buy it in supermarkets, and it was, of course, a very cheap option for an iodine source.

The thing which we will probably all feel compelled to do before long, is to grow our own vegetables in soil which we ourselves have enrichened with the nutrients it is lacking. The best way to do this is to collect sea-weed from the beach after a storm and to bury this well underneath the top-soil layer.

Sea-weed is extremely high in iodine, and contains all the other trace elements which we need, and  we therefore need to put this into our soils for our vegetables to be a rich source of these things.

Then, we would have no need for buying iodine or for buying health supplements such as the minerals and vitamins which are now under threat by a change in legislation.

Of course, this will result in a radical change of life-style for all of us: hopefully, more shared, communal gardens will evolve in the cities and towns, with the land mass breaking up into smaller, more manually manageable farm plots being developed to feed and maintain the health of their local communities.