List of Herbs To Stimulate Circulation

Improve Circulation With Herbs: Some people feel the cold so dreadfully, and they can do nothing to keep warm.  In extreme conditions, this is called ‘Raynaud’s Disease’.  Some medications can cause ‘Raynaud’s Disease’.  Remember that it  is essential that adequate exercise is taken, to stimulate the blood flow.  But here are some herbal suggestions, to add to your exercise regime,  which might help you to feel warmer.DSCO 1672

Cayenne Pepper: This is one of the best herbs for circulation problems. Just a little  Cayenne Pepper can be sprinkled into the socks, or into the shoes.  Believe me, this works very well to increase the warmth in the body.  Too much for too long can cause sweating and over-heating, so use it very moderately.  The over-heating effect of Cayenne  can be very useful if you are doing a detox, as this aids the removal of toxins through the pores of the skin, and stimulates the other organs to eliminate waste, and function as they should.

Other, similar herbs which have a similar effect to Cayenne pepper, and which can be sprinkled into the shoes to improve circulation are Black Pepper and Ginger.

Ginger Tea For Circulation:  Ginger tea is another easy and simple method to stimulate circulation and promote good general health.  You can use either powder ginger, or root ginger to make your tea.  Ginger tea is safe to drink, and four or five cups of ginger tea can be taken each day.  Use half a teaspoon of ginger powder to one cup of tea, or more if you like.  With fresh ginger, chop up a tablespoon of ginger roots, put into your cup, and pour boiling water over.  Infuse for several minutes, until it has cooled, then drink.  You can use these ginger roots later in the day, as there is still goodness left in them after making one tea.

The Ginger Foot Bath: This is another simple remedy for improving the circulation, and stimulating the digestion.  Put a tablespoon of powdered ginger into a couple of litres of hot water.  Cool until the ginger foot bath preparation is a comfortable temperature.  Soak the feet for 10 minutes in the foot-bath, topping up with more hot water if necessary.

Garlic is one of the best home remedies for improving the circulation.  Use garlic every day in your cooking.  Fresh garlic is really best, if you can handle it.  Chop up a teaspoon of garlic very finely and take as you would a medicine, with a glass of water or your favourite milk. Some people find garlic just too strong for their delicate digestive systems.  If you are one of these, then use another remedy instead of garlic.

The List of Herbs Which Aid Circulation Are:

Black Pepper

Cayenne Pepper


Clary Sage








Help Irritable Bowels

How To  Help Irritable Bowel Syndrome
A Gluten Free Diet:

  • Avoid all wheat such as bread and pasta, and all foods which contain gluten. Avoid barley and rye also, as these contain gluten.

Avoiding gluten means avoiding many commercially prepared products such as baked beans and cornflakes, unless the product specifically tells you that it is gluten free. Wheat is used to thicken baked beans, and corn flakes are often flavoured with malt which contains gluten.

  • Omit dairy foods from the diet as well, except for butter, unless you have a reason for avoiding butter. Instead of using dairy products, use coconut milk and cream in your cooking, and prepare home-made nut and seed milks for use on porridge, for cooking, and in smoothies.
  • Do not use processed foods such as margarine.
  • Avoid all food which has preservatives in it.
  • Avoid all sugar, dairy milk and cheese, wheat, and fermented foods.  Candida is often the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, and sugar, dairy products,  yeasts and even gluten in wheat can feed candida overgrowth. It is important to avoid sugar for a time, as well as wheat.
  • Do not use artificial sweeteners to replace that sugar.  Sorbitol and mannitol are damaging to the liver and kidneys.

It is really important to avoid all yeast, as in bread and alcohol,  sugar, and all condiments such as tomato sauce, oyster sauce, or soy sauce, as these all contain yeast ferment:  Vinegar is a fermented food, and this must be avoided, at least until you have recovered.
Alcohol is a sugar food as well as a yeast food:  Quit alcohol.
Quit smoking, if you are a smoker.

  • Cook Your Own Food: It is best to prepare all your meals at home.  This way, you can be sure that no preservatives, no gluten, dairy or sugar or yeast products will end up in your food.
  • Adopt a High Fiber, Alkaline Diet.  Use more green vegetables in the diet, both raw and cooked.  Sprout mung beans and alfalfa so that you have them on hand to use daily.  Use brown rice as a wheat substitute.  You can use meat, chicken and fish in moderation.  Freerange eggs are good.  Try to procure organic free range meats and eggs.  Sunflower seeds and sesame seeds will provide extra protein and calcium.
  • Use Ginger as a Medicine: Half a teaspoon of powdered ginger  roots taken each day can help irritable bowel syndrome. This can be added to honey, or made into ginger tea.
  • Freshly grated ginger root can also be used to make a tea.  Use half a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger to a cup of hot water.  Let this sit for ten minutes, then drink the tea before your meal.
  • Peppermint Tea, fennel tea, chamomile and hops are also helpful to sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome.  You can experiment with these to see which of these work best for you.
  • Garlic helps to combat candida:  Add garlic to your cooking, and add crushed raw garlic to your oil salad dressing.  Do not use garlic if it causes tummy upsets.
  • Cut down on your coffee drinking:  Caffeine in coffee can over- excite the system, including the bowel.  Caffeine also interferes with the balance of intestinal flora, which causes candida to proliferate in the bowel.:  This can be a cause of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • It is a good idea to have a professional colonic cleanse at a colonic irrigation clinic.  Home enemas are also good, if you know how to use them, but getting a thorough cleanse done professionally cannot be beaten.  Sometimes irritable bowel syndrome occurs simply because of congestion in pockets of the bowel.  This does not stop bowel movements entirely, but causes a partial blockage where toxins gather.  Water colonics can get rid of this toxic material so easily.  You might find that your bowel settles down after the effete matter has been removed from it.

Gentle massage of the tummy with olive oil can help.  End with three clockwise circles around the outside of the solar plexus area.

Ginger For Arthritic Pain

Benefits of Ginger

Ginger Helps Arthritis: Research has shown that ginger is effective in treating arthritic pain. Just half a teaspoon of powdered ginger taken each day can ease the pain of arthritis. Alternatively, 35g, or about 6 teaspoons, of freshly grated ginger roots can be taken each day to help pain relief.

Ginger increases circulation, which is probably why it has such a beneficial effect in treating arthritis:

More blood circulates to the arthritic joints, and inflammatory poisons are carried away more efficiently when ginger is added to the diet.

How To Take Your Ginger To Help Arthritic Pain:

Take your powdered ginger in ginger tea.

Add ginger to your cooking. Curries and stews and cakes and cookies can be laced with ginger to good effect. Go easy on the ginger cookies, though, as too much sugar is bad for arthritis.

Mix your half teaspoon of powdered ginger with a teaspoon of honey and take as a medicine daily.

Use Olive Oil or Grape Seed Oil:   Use more natural  good quality  oils in the diet. Putting raw olive oil  on at least one meal a day will help to lubricate oil joints and will benefit your brain and nervous system.   Massage your tender joints with olive oil each night to help circulation. Massage with olive oil also has a healing effect on the inner tissues of the area being massaged.

Ginger Footbath: Use a daily ginger footbath to help increase circulation and alleviate arthritic pain. See the post on Ginger footbath, and Footbaths.

Turmeric is related to ginger. It is a traditional herb which is used in Ayurvedic treatment of arthritis. It has an antioxidant effect and can help reduce inflammation and reduce pain in arthritis. Curcumins, the active ingredient in turmeric, is added to some arthritis supplements.

White Willow Bark and Devil’s Claw can also  be helpful in treating arthritic pain.

Prevent osteoarthritis: Use ginger daily. Eat more oily fish in your diet and take extra cod liver oil, or halibut liver oil. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish are essential for preventing arthritis. Omega-3 in fatty fish can help to reverse damage to the cartilage which leads to osteoarthritis.

Diet For Preventing Or Treating Arthritis:

Keep the diet alkaline. Eating alkaline foods will reduce pain and help to remove inflammatory toxins from around those sore achy joints.   That means eating plenty of alkaline green vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, lettuce and especially mung bean sprouts and alfalfa sprouts.  These last two items are especially alkaline.  Start sprouting your own mung bean and alfalfa seeds so that you have a fresh supply to use every day.

Supplements Which May Benefit Arthritis: Niacinamide, glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate supplements can be helpful in treating arthritis. See your doctor or health professional for advice, especially if you are taking medication for any condition.

Ear Ache Remedies

Home Remedies For Ear Ache

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Of course, you should see your doctor or homeopath or naturopath or ayurvedic practitioner if you have ear trouble.  If your child has an ear ache, you should definitely get professional advice immediately, in case it is a chronic ear infection  which might dagmage the ear drum, or worse, a case of meningitis.

Toxic Chemicals: Make sure you avoid coming into contact with, or using any toxic chemicals.  These can cause ear ache, head ache, sinusitis,  and many other health problems which are very serious.  Exposure to formaldehye from paints, nail varnish, and compressed building board can cause ear congestion.  Exposure to toxic sprays such as Roundup also can cause ear trouble.

Simple Ear Ache:  For on-going, or recurring ear ache, there are several home remedies which can work. Of course, megadoses of Vitamin C are a usually a quick way to rid yourself of ear trouble.  Vitamin A also helps reduce infection and swelling.  Here are some other natural alternatives which can help cure that earache:

INHALATIONS Are Effective For Ear Ache:

Sea Salt Inhalation:  An inhalation of just a tablespoon of sea salt which is added to a litre of hot water can help ear ache.  It works because the steam, and the sea salt, serve to decongest the sinus passages which are connected to the ear.  Put a towel over your head, and over the bowl which has the sea salt solution in it.  Keep the head over the bowl and under the towel for five minutes.  Repeat as necessary.

Ginger Inhalation For Ear Ache: Follow the method as for sea salt inhalation, but use two teaspoons of powdered ginger root in the bowl of hot water.  Some sea salt can be added to this mixture as well.

Onion Inhalation: Follow the instructions as for the sea salt inhalation, but instead of sea salt, slice up half an onion, skin and all, into the bowl of hot water.

Garlic Inhalation: You can use garlic instead of onion in the inhalation if you wish.  Use two or three good sized cloves.

EAR DROPS: Plain old olive oil is a traditional home remedy for ear ache.  You can pep up the olive oil therapy by using any one of the following remedies.

NOTE: You will choose ONLY ONE of the following home made ear drop remedies. You can use ear drops AFTER you have used an inhalation of any one of the above inhalations, but use only ONE REMEDY at a time in the ear.

Garlic Oil As Ear Drops:You can crush a clove of garlic, add it to two tablespoons of olive oil, and use this as ear drops.  Infuse  the garlic in the olive oil for five minutes or so before you use it.  If you do not have garlic but you have onion, you can use onion instead, to infuse in the olive oil.

Ginger Oil As Ear Drops: Crush up a teaspoon of raw ginger root, add it to two tablespoons of olive oil and leave to infuse for five minutes.  Put a few drops into the ear and plug the ear with cotton wool.

You can keep the remainder of your home made garlic oil ear ache drops, or your ginger oil ear drops,  for a day or two. Use as necessary.

Homeopathy For Ear Ache:  Levisticum Ear Drops are really very good for helping inner ear infections and blockages.  Other Homeopathic remedies:  Aconite, Arsenicum alb., Belladonna, Capsicum, Causticum, Chamomilla, Ferrum phos., Hepar sulph, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Silicea, and Sulphur.  The remedy should be chosen to fit the other main symptoms, for instance:  Belladonna is usually very good when the cheeks are red and flushed and hot.  Read about the Homeopathic Alternatives and get an idea about what remedy has what symptoms:

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

Drink Plenty of Fluids such as Ginger Tea, Chamomile Tea, Licorice Tea, and Comfrey Tea if you can get it.  A tea made from the herbal ‘weed’ Marshmallow, or from the related Hollyhock, can be helpful in getting rid of an ear ache and sinus or bronchial trouble.

Massage For Ear Ache

This is very helpful in relieving pain, removing wax,  and in draining the inner ear of fluid.  Gently press the points behind the ear, starting from the top of the ear, behind the ear.  Work downwards gently, encircling the shape of the ear.  Once you have reached the ear lobe, pull the ear lobe slightly three times.  Then press the outside of the back of the ear.

PALMING THE EARS: Finish the massage by rubbing your hands together to create heat, then put the hands over the ears.  Hold them over the ears for a minute, then repeat the hand rubbing process and place the hands over the ears again.  Do three times.

SPIRITUAL HEALING:  You can do this ‘Laying On Of Hands’ to treat your own ear ache, or that of another person.  Again, put the hands over the ears, shut your eyes, and try to feel Divine Energy helping you to fix your ears and your whole being, or to help the person you are aiding.  Pray for help as you do this.

YOGA CHANT FOR THE EARS: the sound which corresponds with the ear function is ENG.  Make sure you are sitting up, or standing up straight to do this – it is not good to chant whilst you are lying down, as it strains the throat and larynx. ENG really benefits the ears.  If you chant ENG for just one minute each day, you will find you have fewer ear aches than before.  It is good to stretch out the neck, with the chin thrust forward, as you make the ENG sound.  This helps to drain the sinuses and the middle ear passages.

EDGAR CAYCE recommended Simple Yoga Head And Neck Exercises for reducing ear ache and ear infection.  Again, these work by stimulating the blood circulation to the head area, which affects the ears.  The movement created by these head exercises helps to drain the ears in much the same way as the ENG chant.  NOTE:  You CAN do the ENG chant after or before you do your head and neck exercises.

  • The Head and Neck Exercise: Make the movements slow and controlled.  Keep the breathing steady and relaxed.
  • Stand upright.  Head erect.  Drop the head forward slowly onto the chest.  Do three times.
  • Drop the head to the right hand side. Try to breathe out as you slowly drop the head down to the shoulder, and breathe in as you bring the head up to the erect position again.  Repeat three times.
  • Drop the head three times to the left side, following the instructions as for the right side.
  • Drop the head very carefully to the back of the neck.  Again, repeat three times.  Breathe out slowly with the drop, breathe in slowly as you draw the head up again.

Detoxify With A Detox Diet:  This is a good idea if you have ear ache.  Often ear ache happens because our systems get clogged.  Ear ache is just a sign of a clogged system, a warning sign which should tell us that we need to clean out, upgrade our diets and probably get more exercise.

Castor Oil will very often cure a simple ear ache.  This is because the castor oil works very quickly to eliminate effete matter in the intestines:  Waste material which sits around in the system creates many harmful toxins which are reabsorbed through the intestines if we allow it.

Alkaline Diet:  To help prevent ear ache, include more fiber in the diet, more alkaline green vegetables, fresh fruit, and have less of the acid forming foods such as dairy products, sugar and wheat bread and pasta.  Try to use brown rice instead of wheat products.

Read about the Homeopathic Alternatives:

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

Lives could be saved if, as well as Vitamin C treatment,  homeopathic medicine were at least given a try in some of these ‘incurable’ illnesses.  Let’s pray that the pharmaceutical companies loosen their strangulating hold on the medicine industry, and let Homeopaths prove the worth of their science.

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera

Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Ginger Roots In Folk Medicine

Ginger Roots In Folk Medicine

Zingiber officinale

The ginger family, Zingiberacea, has been used in folk medicine all over the world for many centuries.  Ginger roots are carminative, rubefacient and stimulative., and as such have a role to play in preventative medicine.

The roots, leaves, shoots, and influorescence of the ginger plant can all be used in healing, but ginger roots are the part of the plant which is the most potent.  Ginger roots are the parts mostly used in folk medicine.

Ginger as a Digestive Aid:  Ginger roots have a fine reputation as a digestive tonic. The therapeutic compounds in ginger, camphene, phellandrene, zingiberene and zingerone give ginger rubefacient, or counterirritant and carminative properties.  These compounds in ginger also help break down fats and therefore aid the body in its digestion of fats.

Ginger For Nausea: Ginger tea can be helpful in alleviating travel sickness, or motiion sickness. It can be used to counteract morning sickness in pregnancy, although some herbalists advise pregnant women to avoid using ginger.

Ginger In Ayurvedic Medicine:  Ginger roots have been used to treat cholera, anorexia and inflamed liver in traditional ayurvedic medicine.

Ginger Is a Respiratory Medicine In China: Ginger tea has long been used in China for treating coughs, colds and flu. The Chinese regard Ginger as a lung and kidney strengthening medicine: Its helpful action on the kidneys, and its ability to help dissipate poisons from the body has earned ginger the reputation of being a hangover medicine. Ginger helps headache which often comes from a hangover or from over indulgence in rich foods.

Ginger To Help Circulation Problems: Ginger-oil massage is a traditional treatment in Japan, where it is used for massaging sore joints as well as spinal stiffness, and for promoting good circulation.

Pain Relief: Ginger is useful in treating painful joints, as it helps to draw the blood to the area, stimulating circulation, which helps remove toxins and alleviate pain.

Sinus congestion can be relieved by either taking a ginger inhalation, or by using a ginger compress. Kidney problems, menstrual cramps and rheumatic and arthritic pain and gout can also be helped by using a ginger compress over the affected area.

Ginger For Ear Ache:  Ear ache can be relieved by plugging the ear with cotton wool which has been soaked in diluted ginger-oil or a strong infusion of ginger tea. If you are using ginger oil, then you use must dilute the essential oil in olive oil – one drop of essential oil in about two teaspoons of olive oil. A few drops of this mixure may be put into the ear. Or you can soak a cotton wool pad in this diluted ginger oil and place in the ear. Garlic oil, or freshly pressed garlic juice, can be used in the same way for helping ear ache: Dilute the garlic oil in a little olive oil before putting in the ear.

A ginger footbath is a good invigorating tonic for the whole body, as this increases circulation.

Varicose veins can be helped by using a ginger footbath.