Ginger For Arthritic Pain

Benefits of Ginger

Ginger Helps Arthritis: Research has shown that ginger is effective in treating arthritic pain. Just half a teaspoon of powdered ginger taken each day can ease the pain of arthritis. Alternatively, 35g, or about 6 teaspoons, of freshly grated ginger roots can be taken each day to help pain relief.

Ginger increases circulation, which is probably why it has such a beneficial effect in treating arthritis:

More blood circulates to the arthritic joints, and inflammatory poisons are carried away more efficiently when ginger is added to the diet.

How To Take Your Ginger To Help Arthritic Pain:

Take your powdered ginger in ginger tea.

Add ginger to your cooking. Curries and stews and cakes and cookies can be laced with ginger to good effect. Go easy on the ginger cookies, though, as too much sugar is bad for arthritis.

Mix your half teaspoon of powdered ginger with a teaspoon of honey and take as a medicine daily.

Use Olive Oil or Grape Seed Oil:   Use more natural  good quality  oils in the diet. Putting raw olive oil  on at least one meal a day will help to lubricate oil joints and will benefit your brain and nervous system.   Massage your tender joints with olive oil each night to help circulation. Massage with olive oil also has a healing effect on the inner tissues of the area being massaged.

Ginger Footbath: Use a daily ginger footbath to help increase circulation and alleviate arthritic pain. See the post on Ginger footbath, and Footbaths.

Turmeric is related to ginger. It is a traditional herb which is used in Ayurvedic treatment of arthritis. It has an antioxidant effect and can help reduce inflammation and reduce pain in arthritis. Curcumins, the active ingredient in turmeric, is added to some arthritis supplements.

White Willow Bark and Devil’s Claw can also  be helpful in treating arthritic pain.

Prevent osteoarthritis: Use ginger daily. Eat more oily fish in your diet and take extra cod liver oil, or halibut liver oil. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish are essential for preventing arthritis. Omega-3 in fatty fish can help to reverse damage to the cartilage which leads to osteoarthritis.

Diet For Preventing Or Treating Arthritis:

Keep the diet alkaline. Eating alkaline foods will reduce pain and help to remove inflammatory toxins from around those sore achy joints.   That means eating plenty of alkaline green vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, lettuce and especially mung bean sprouts and alfalfa sprouts.  These last two items are especially alkaline.  Start sprouting your own mung bean and alfalfa seeds so that you have a fresh supply to use every day.

Supplements Which May Benefit Arthritis: Niacinamide, glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate supplements can be helpful in treating arthritis. See your doctor or health professional for advice, especially if you are taking medication for any condition.