Antibiotic Sage Herb Whitens Teeth And Strengthens Gums

Natural Remedies:

Home Remedy To Whiten Teeth And Help Restore Tooth Enamel.

Important:  It is best to avoid the use of Sage if you are breastfeeding, or if you are pregnant.

Common garden Sage, Salvia Officianalis, has similar properties to Black Walnut, which is reputed to be a powerful herb for restoring tooth enamel and preventing tooth decay.

Rubbing crushed fresh Sage leaves onto the teeth can help remove plaque and bacteria, the things which cause tooth decay.

Sage is strongly antiseptic, antiviral and antibiotic, and this is why it is still used in some herbal toothpastes.  It is also a natural whitener of the teeth.  So Sage is a very efficacious and attractive addition to a non-toxic toothpaste.

Geddes and Grosset, in ‘Herbal Remedies and Honeopathy’, 2001, give some constituents of the volatile oil of Sage as being ‘salvene, pinene, cineol, vorneol, thujone and some esters’.  Certainly sounds impressive.  Their book also suggests that fresh leaves can be rubbed onto the teeth and gums for a cleaning and strengthening effect.

Another source gives the active ingredients of Sage as being: 50% Thujone with flavanoids, diterpene bitters, resin, saponins, tannins, triterpenoids, phenolic acids, and oestrogen-like substances. (see International Masters Publishers – no date)

Note:  Sage is not recommended for expectant mothers, nor breast-feeding mothers.

The powerful antiseptic and antibiotic qualities of common garden Sage were well-known many centuries ago:  Thyphoid fever, and other fevers, have been treated in the past with Sage, or herbal combinations which include Sage. (see ‘Herbal Remedies  and Homeopathy’ published by Geddes and Grosset.)

Culpeper says it is used to treat the Plague if the juice of Sage is taken with vinegar.

This information of its former uses could suggest Sage might be a powerful natural antibiotic to use when modern medicine fails.  Swine Flu, and other types of untreatable fevers could very well respond to strong infusions of Sage, or a mixture of the juice of Sage taken with vinegar, as Culpeper suggests for Plague.

Culpeper does not mention Sage as a whitener of tooth enamel, but we have information that the Sage herb was indeed used for that purpose in Culpeper’s time.

Several, more modern herbalists have written about the old uses of Sage, and its modern applications.  We have already mentioned Geddes and Grosset’s information above.

More information is given us about traditional Sage use in ‘The Illustrated Plant Lore’ by Josephine Addison, 1985, England.

Josephine says that Sage herb has been known and used  since the seventeenth century for cleaning and whitening the teeth.  She mentions a daily mouth and teeth cleanse which consisted of a lemon juice mouthrinse, followed by a rubbing of the teeth and gums with fresh Sage leaves.

Josephine Addison has another interesting tit-bit of information on Sage:  At Tunbridge Wells in England, a place famous since ancient times for its medicinal waters, Sage leaves were given to recipients of the healing waters.  Apparently, the Tunbridge Wells water stains the teeth, and so Sage leaves were traditionally used to whiten the teeth after taking the water.

For Regrowing Tooth Enamel:  Sage used daily on the teeth will help your teeth stay healthy.  For new tooth enamel to grow, you need to combine your Sage treatment with a regenerative diet, such as used by Dr Gerson, and Jacqui Davison, who grew new teeth while she was on a diet to treat cancer.  She was not expecting to regrow her teeth, but this happened whilst she was on a diet, similar to Gerson’s, to treat her so-called terminal illness.

Natural Remedies

Culpeper says of Sage that it ’causes the hair to become black’.

Garden sage has many therapeutic uses.

In the garden, its flowers provide medicine and nectar for the bees, as well as a herbal tonic to the neighbouring plants.

It is well-known as an aid to oral hygiene.  It has strong antiseptic qualities and is supposed to whiten tooth enamel.

Sage is still used today in some tooth-pastes.  It is reputedly one effective remedy for bleeding gums,  and improving gum health:  The crushed fresh leaves are massaged several times a day onto the gums and teeth.

The tea is gargled to relieve sore throats, colds and flu,  and ulcers in the mouth.

It can be effective to reduce fevers, and has been used in the past for thyphoid fever. (see ‘Herbal Remedies  and Homeopathy’ published by Geddes and Grosset.)

It is a valuable nerve medicine, and is a useful stomach remedy for improving a weak appetite.

Natural Herbal Hair Dye and Tonic:  Sage can help restore healthy hair and improve the colour.

Strong sage tea encourages hair growth and darkens the hair, if it is used on a regular basis. Many herbalists describe it in their writings:  see John Heinerman’s ‘Encyclopedia of Fruits Vegetables and Herbs’.

Rosemary is another wonderful herb which can help hair growth, but it does not have such a darkening effect on the hair, as sage does.

Recipe For Sage Hair Dye:  Here is a simple, natural hair dye and tonic which you can try.  It is perfectly safe to use, as it does not contain any harmful additives such as you might find in commercial dyes for darkening the hair.

Take two cups of fresh sage leaves and put into a stainless steel saucepan.

Add one cup of dry black tea leaves

Add half a cup of cider vinegar and eight cups of water.

Simmer very gently, with no lid, for one hour on a very low heat.  You should have around half the original quantity of liquid left at the end of an hour.  If you need to add a little more water, make sure you do so well before you finish simmering the brew.  If you add more water at the end of the simmering, then your mixture will not keep so well.

Take off the heat after an hour of simmering.  Set aside to cool.

Once your sage mixture has cooled properly, strain it off.

To the liquid remaining add the same amount of vodka.

Put into a bottle with a screw-top lid and store in a cool place.

Massage around a tablespoonful of the sage infusion into the hair each day.  Use more or less, depending on how much hair you need to cover.

Massage the sage tonic well into the roots of the hair as well, so that it feeds the scalp and hair follicles.  Massaging the scalp with the sage tonic will help the hair to grow again.

The oils in the sage leaves will put a natural shine to the hair.

Once the hair is sufficiently darkened, which may take several weeks, you can reduce the amount of applications each week.  Once or twice a week may be enough to maintain the darker colour.

Sage is really very good for the hair in so many ways.

Alternative Sage Tonic Without Alcohol:  You could make up your sage tea without the alcohol if you wish.  Only, remember that your mixture will not keep for longer than a week, and it must be kept in the fridge.  You could make up a lesser amount, enough to last a week, and then make up a fresh brew of tea for the following week.

My new book is available on Amazon:

Read more about how Jacqui regrew her teeth, and the Gerson alternative treatment for cancer, on my other posts:

Diet To Help Regrow Tooth Enamel

Regrow Teeth

Juicing Cancer Diets and Regrowing Tooth Enamel

List Of Foods To Help Regrow Tooth Enamel

Regrow Your Tooth Enamel

Regrow Tooth Enamel

Dentists Can Use Minerals To Regrow Tooth Enamel

Yes – This was on the news just now – NZTV Channel 3, 23rd August 2011. But this is NOT a new innovation -I have been writing about this method of repairing tooth enamel for quite some time now.   Some forward-thinking, innovative, caring  dentists have been using special combinations of minerals for decades, for the purpose of regrowing tooth enamel. Many of them have been making up their own combinations of minerals to use on patients’ teeth.   ‘Mineral cocktails’, they are called.  But thank you  to Hilary Barry and Mike McRoberts, for making this news public on national television tonight.

Perhaps it is the internet which has decided all those sceptic, unbelieving or unwilling dentists to come out with the truth at last. Suddenly, we are brought  this exciting information on how teeth can be regrown, when many of us have been enlightened for quite a long time now.

There has to be a pay off for the drug and chemical companies marketing this new cocktail of chemicals, of course.  The treatment is likely to be VERY expensive, to make up for all those lost visits for fillings which won’t fall out any more.  How can they fall out  if there is no filling, and no cavity?  No show without Punch.  But – There is no hiding the fact now that tooth enamel can regrow itself through diet, or with the application of the appropriate minerals.

We, who are interested in natural therapies and the healing power of the body, have known for decades that dental enamel can repair itself, if the diet is nourishing and alkaline enough, with no sugar or chemicals such as preservatives, colourings, etc, or processed flours or dairy foods.

Jacqui Davison and Edie May both  published books in the 1980’s which recorded their progress on diets and cleansing methods to reverse the condition of cancer.  Both these women had terminal cancers, and lived to tell the tale because of their belief and persistence in following the prescribed natural cure of Dr Max Gerson.  Castor oil was part of their cures, as were daily enemas and green vegetable juices every hour.  The diet was mainly raw foods, which are alkaline.

After they realized that they were not dying after all from cancer, the next realization was that their teeth were repairing themselves.  Their hair began to regrow as well.

List Of Foods To Help Regrow Tooth Enamel

Repairing The Teeth

I have had many letters about whether people can, or cannot, regrow their tooth enamel.  There is no answer to this question – For a start, I am not a dentist and cannot give advice on people’s teeth, especially when I have no idea about the age, the health, the circumstances of the individual, and so forth.

Each individual case is different, which is why professional help should be sought if you are contemplating to follow any sort of health programme for the purpose of reversing a serious illness such as cancer or multiple sclerosis, or for the purpose of regrowing your tooth enamel.  I would advise you to see a good experienced naturopath, an ayurvedic practitioner, or a homeopath or herbalist. Consulting a naturopathic dentist would be a very good option if you wish to repair tooth enamel, as it is possible that the dentist could apply minerals to the teeth to help them repair themselves.

The Jacqui Davison/Gerson diet, and other wheatgrass programmes have worked well for curing many cancers and have repaired teeth in the process.  But there are other therapies which have worked equally well, such as a macrobiotic diet which is based on the Japanese diet, or the traditional Indian diet of Ayurvedic medicine. Indian people who have been brought up on traditional Indian food such as dahl, rice, and vegetable curries, with or without meat, usually have beautiful teeth, which shows how good this kind of diet is for the health.

I have written much about the Gerson therapy for cancer, and Jacqui Davison’s case, where new tooth enamel was grown while she followed Gerson’s therapy for cancer.

But not everyone has the ability, the perseverance, or the time, or the money, to put into following such rigorous programmes as Gerson’s, or other strict therapies recommended for cancer.

So – a modified diet is the best approach for most people, unless they are extremely determined and wish to follow the Gerson diet to the letter, with its castor oil doses every second day, daily enemas, and vegetable juices every hour, among other things.

A Basic Diet For Good Health:  I devised a special diet for my family many years ago.  I found  this diet to be good by trial and error. This diet was formulated  mainly to prevent my eldest child from suffering from eczema: Basically, all pre-packaged food, or processed food, was avoided completely so that no preservatives, colourants, or flavourings  were consumed at all.

All food was made at home. We omitted dairy foods, wheat foods, bread, sugar and yeast foods.  No coffee, tea or alcohol was used.  After following the diet for 9 months, to help my son’s eczema, we discovered one day that the small hole which had developed in his new front tooth had healed itself.  This proved that good nutrition, and avoiding harmful things in the diet, really does help tooth enamel to regenerate itself.  Although being young helps as well:  I have heard of other children who have had small cavities which have healed themselves naturally.

Now, I know that this diet  I devised is a similar one which is promoted for prevention and cure of candida.  This anti-eczema diet of ours is similar to the macrobiotic and Indian diets, where any cooked meats and fish are used, with any cooked vegetables and rice. But I was not following any specified programme as such:  I simply used all the foods which were healthy, and abandoned all that were unhealthy for us.  My son’s eczema was my barometer:  Eczema would appear on his arms very soon after eating anything which he was ‘allergic’ to, such as cow’s milk, wheat, and sugar, or yeast foods. He had been subjected to 245T aerial spraying over our house in the Hokianga when he was not much more than a year old. This had affected our health very badly.

After a while, I found that goat’s milk was tolerated by the whole family.  At first, I used fresh, unpasteurized goat’s milk to supplement breast feeding my youngest child. Then, when he was a little older, I found that powdered goat’s milk did not cause any reaction to any of my children, and so this was included in the daily diet also.  But for a long time, we did not use milk at all.

Basically, the foods we avoided were all wheat, all sugar, all dairy except for butter. Using butter was recommended by Walter Last – I found butter to be very healthful, but not so cow’s milk.

So I am going to list all of the foods which proved beneficial for us in preventing eczema, and which eventually repaired the enamel on my son’s tooth

List of Basic Foods To Help Regrow Tooth Enamel

All Cooking Oils were good, especially Olive oil, Grape seed oil, Rice bran oil.

All fruits are ok in small amounts, although citrus  or very acid fruits were not so good.  I found that using oil or protein with fruit helped the assimilation of the fruit sugar.  A banana mashed with an egg yolk, and a tablespoon of olive oil, with a little rice, and dessicated coconut, made a very good desert which was assimilated easily, without skin reaction.  This might not suit everybody with eczema or allergies though.  But generally, if you have a sugar disturbance, then eating oils or fats or protein with a fruit will aid the absorption of  its sugar content. Remember to munch a stalk of celery after each meal, especially if you have had a sweet dish. This is very important for children.

Alfalfa spouts:  These are very alkaline – one of the most alkaline foods of all.  Very good to include these in your daily salads.


Almond milk is excellent, combined with sesame or sunflower seeds.  This is a good calcium-rich substitute for dairy milk





Avocado and Avocado Oil


Beans – All dried beans were good.  Also fresh green beans


Beetroot – Grated raw beetroot in salads with grated apple.  Or cooked beetroot.

Besan Flour


Brown rice

Brussels Sprouts


Cabbage – Raw in Cole-slaw, or cooked.




Channa Flour


Coconut – Fresh or Dessicated coconut

Coconut Milk or Cream

Comfrey – If you can get it.  Comfrey is especially high in silica and other minerals which aid the growth of the teeth, hair, nails and bone.  I used comfrey tea quite frequently, and occasionally put a leaf in with the silver beet, maybe two or three times a week.   Very good to use in the diets of growing children.

Cornmeal – Both fine yellow cornmeal and coarse grain. Tinned kernels were also good.



Dates – We used a lot of dates on Walter Last’s recommendation.  Walter wrote a wonderful book called ‘Heal Yourself’. Dates are an ideal substitute for sweetening. I used dates to sweeten desserts, with coconut as well.  These sweets were not as sweet as if you were to use sugar, but the family got used to these less sweet desserts. We found dates did not cause an allergic reaction, whereas sugar, wheat and dairy foods, except for butter, did.

Eggs.  Only use Free-range eggs. Preferably organic.  2 raw egg yolks are taken daily on the Gerson diet. Raw egg yolk is healthy, but not raw egg white.  The white must be cooked. Raw egg yolk can be used with olive oil to make aioli, a Mediterranean substitute for butter.  Aioli is a great way to add more protein and olive oil into the diet, as it can be used as a salad dressing, as well as a dip, or a replacement for butter.


Fish – All fish was good, except for smoked fish or flavoured tinned fish. Tinned tuna, sardines in oil were good. I avoided tinned fish in sauces.


Grapes and Grapeseed Oil


Kumara or sweet potato





Mung Beans – Cooked and sprouted. Sprouted mung beans for salads are a great food, as they are rich in enzymes, vitamin C, and are alkaline in nature.


Olive Oil and Black Olives

Onions – red and white. Spring onion and chives. All the onion family are very good.



Pea Flour

Peppers – All peppers green and red



Raisins – Like sultanas, we only used these occasionally.  Dates were better.



Sesame Seeds and Sesame oil

Silver Beet (in moderation – I would not use this two days in a row, as I found it had too much oxalis acid to use too often)

Spinach (in moderation – same as for silver beet)

Sultanas – I used these only in moderation and not very frequently.  Dates were better for sweetening.


Sunflower Seeds and Sunflower Oil






All meats chicken and fish were used. I would say that we used more protein to replace wheat, generally, although we did use rice and cornmeal breads, and other grains from the list above on a daily basis.

We avoided all fermented foods while on this diet, including tofu and tempeh.  No vinegars, tomato sauce or soy sauces were used. Vinegars are yeast foods, which can cause candida. The above foods, generally, were good for treating candida. Fruits are used in moderation.  Too much fruit sugar can cause candida and eczema, which is why we used fruit in moderation.  We found fruit best if almonds or sunflower seed, or a drink of almond milk was taken at the same time.

Clean the Teeth with Alkaline Foods:  We used raw celery or carrot or apple at the end of any meal, especially if there was a dessert.  My children also had raw carrot apple,  and celery in their lunch boxes, to finish their meal, although they say they didn’t eat it very often.  However, I made sure that they did so at home.

Help Teeth Regrow Reply to Becca’s Query

Key Points of the Diet for Helping to Grow Tooth Enamel

Hello Becca – I lost your comment somehow on my site – However, the answer, in a nutshell, has come to light, so here is the reply which I formerly had posted up for you.

Your comments on any of this material are welcomed.  I make every attempt to answer questions where I am able.

Thankyou to all my readers, especially to all those people who make valuable comments and provide us with new information.

Have a great Christmas and New Year – regards, Merrilyn.

2010/11/12 at 11:45 pm | In reply to becca.

Hi Becca, Thankyou for your comment.
The key things to avoid are sugar, dairy foods and wheat. Avoiding gluten is important. Use brown rice instead of wheat products. No bread or pasta.
The other key factor is to eat lots of RAW CELERY and CARROTS. End each meal with these.

Chewing a stick of celery after each meal keeps the mouth alkaline.  Eating raw celery – or carrot – cleans your teeth naturally.  Celery juice and celery fiber do wonders for the teeth.

Celery has natural antibiotic-like properties, and it helps to kill damaging bacteria in the mouth which cause decay. Eating raw celery and carrots also provides plenty of fiber for your digestion. Your intestines will be cleansed by eating these raw foods, which means that they will process your foods more efficiently.
Eat as much of your food raw as you can. All protein foods are OK – flesh foods and vege. Raw and cooked vegetables are good. Always eat something raw with every meal.
It takes a while to notice the effects of such a programme, especially to regrow tooth enamel. But you should see some positive results after about 3 months if you follow the diet faithfully.
Regards, Merrilyn

PS Remember that there ARE people about who have proved that you can regrow teeth.  Jacqui Davison is one such person who has written about her experience with cancer, and the diet which cured her.  After a year of following a specific diet and following detoxification procedures, Jacqui had grown new teeth as well as a full head of dark hair.  Her hair had gone grey before she got the cancer, but it grew back to its natural colour after she adopted the Gerson approach to cancer therapy which included lots of raw vegetable juices and raw foods.

My son grew back tooth enamel after 9 months of following a gluten free, wheat-free, dairy free, and sugar free diet. We ate plenty of protein during this period, as well as heaps of salads.

Alternative Therapies For Cancer Do They Work

Alternative Medicine Therapies.

Alternative therapies for cancer – Do they work?

Doctor Max Gerson, Dr Anne Wigmore, and two New Zealand healers, Dr Walter Last and Dr Eva Hill, are some of my favourite alternative cancer therapists.

These doctors have all written books on their methods of natural healing.  They are  all highly qualified medical people who have turned to natural means to cure people of disease.  These people have  cured many, many people over the course of their careers, of cancer, and other degenerative disease, and helped many more to prolong their lives.

One is not to assume, though,  that their methods are infallible:  not everybody survives cancer, whether it is treated by orthodox radiation and chemotherapy, or by alternative means.

Note:  Do see your doctor or health professional if you think you have cancer.  This article is not intended for people who want to do a ‘home cure’, but is intended for information only.

All of these health pratcitioners used detoxification methods with a diet of optimum nutrition in the form of raw food and juices, to help cure their patients.

Raw food and raw vegetable and fruit juice is essential in these alternative therapies.  Raw food, which provides optimum fiber, is cleansing to the bowel. It is also rich in enzymes,  antioxidants, including Vitamin C and other nutrients, all of  which help to heal disease, including cancer.

Dr Max Gerson founded a clinic which is still run today in Mexico.  He originally began in the USA, but was chased out of America by the  FDA, medical authorities and the drug barons, who obviously were threatened by  his astounding success in healing disease without the use of drugs.

The secret is in the elimination of toxins.  Detoxifying the Body through natural means is essential.  Raw foods help with this, but it is important to hurry up the process of detoxification, especially in advanced cases of disease.

Castor Oil Treatment:  The famous components of Dr Max Gerson’s diet, apart from the regular juices and raw salads, and a breakfast of oatmeal porridge with grated raw apple, are castor oil and coffee enemas. Two tablespoonsful of castor oil are taken every second day with a cup of black coffee. This is followed by an enema within five hours. Dr Gerson was convinced that the healing properties of castor oil would help to save many lives.  He began administering this to his patients.  He noticed that for many people this was the answer, but saw that the more debilitated patients often had a major decline in their health on the third day after having taken castor oil, even when they had initially improved.

He put this down to the fact that the castor oil was releasing poisons from the liver too quickly for the intestines to eliminate them:  These poisons   were being reabsorbed into the blood, which was causing poisoning by auto-intoxication.  This was when he had the bright idea of introducing enemas, in combination with regular doses of castor oil every second day, to flush away those poisons in the intestines.

It was the simple enema, in combination with the castor oil which detoxified the liver, which was responsible for his success in turning the condition of cancer around so that it could be beaten.

Miracle Cure of Jacqui Davison.

Jacqui Davison, who survived cancer using the castor oil, enema, and raw foods with juices, also wrote a book on her recovery from cancer.  She had been given up by the medical profession to die.  Her daughter persuaded her to try the Gerson approach.  She agreed to the treatment, fully expecting that she would still die, as she had been given only days to live.  But, day by day, and then week by week, she still was not dying, but was, instead, slowly recovering strength.  She fully overcame the disease:  The ‘side effects’ of the castor oil, enema and high nutrient programme resulted in her growing a new head of hair and a new set of teeth after a year on the diet and detoxification regime.

Jacqui’s success story is no ‘wishy washy’, ‘pie in the sky’ story:  Her story is well documented.  It is a fact that she had been abandoned by the medical authorities.

Dr Anne Wigmore Cured Cancer: Dr Anne Wigmore’s case is interesting. She had been diagnosed with cancer after a growth was discovered.  She had read the Gerson therapy, as I recall, but devised her own method for curing herself of cancer.  The main cleansing tool which she used was wheat grass juice.  She got better, after between 6 months and a year,  using her detoxification method, and raw food later, but when she announced to the medical profession that she had cured herself of the cancer which they said she had, their response was:

  • “Oh, well it couldn’t have been cancer if you’ve  cured it, then”.  So she agreed, this time, to a biopsy which proved there had been cancer growing in her breast. She had been opposed to the knife going in, initially, as she felt that would spread the cancer about her body, but she agreed to this operation so that the medical authories would know for sure that she HAD beaten cancer.

Sure enough, the reults were positive – it was cancer.  But, as she had predicted, the knife cut caused the cancer to start up again, and this time it took her two years to beat the cancer properly.

Macrobiotic Diet As Therapy: I have heard of people who have recovered from cancer and other disease using only a macrobiotic diet, which is not raw food, but high fiber cooked rice and vegetables. I believe it is the elimination of dairy, wheat and sugar in this diet which helps its efficacy, but no doubt the combination of nutritious alkaline foods, eaten with brown rice, has a healing effect.

Then again, recovery using this type of diet, or indeed any type of diet,  will  depend really on the sort of cancer being treated,  how severe the disease is, what resources one has to grow or  buy organic foods and look after oneself, emotional support, and determination with a strong will to live.

Walter Last and Detoxification:  Dr Walter cured many people of disease in the Northland area before he went to Australia in the 1980”s.  He wrote a book called “Heal Thyself”.  His methods were similar to Gerson’s in that the enema was an all-important tool for quickening detoxification. Walter’s diet allowed you to eat millet or cornmeal porridge in the morning.  His maxim was ‘Never eat cooked food on its own without something raw’. Raw food, especially mung bean sprouts,  however, was still the basis of his diet. The  addition of two raw egg yolks a day, with sips of calf liver juice at meal-times  for extra enzymes, vitamins B6 and B12, iron  and other  minerals, were complimentary to  his diet.

Enzyme Rich Calf Liver Broth is another integral part of Walter Last’s diet for recovering from disease. See my post on how to make this.

Freshly Pressed Juices:  These are an integral part of many alternative therapies for cancer, including Walter Last’s approach, Dr Anne Wigmore, and Dr Gerson’s. These healers favoured freshly pressed wheat grass juice, but organic carrot juice, beetroot, celery, apple and other vegetables and fruits were used.  A  glass of fresh  juice was recommended  every hour on Walter’s diet, and also on the Gerson programme.

I don’t know  so much  about the specifics of Dr Eva Hill’s treatments, or if there were any,  except that she used raw foods as the main component:  I have only ever seen one book which she wrote. I must find this book again to refresh my memory on her methods.

When I had a breast lump about twenty years ago, I read Dr Eva Hill’s book, which inspired me so much.  I also had  the books by Dr Gerson, Dr Anne Wigmore, and Walter Last and devoured the information in these as well as  any others I could lay my hands on.  I devised a treatment for myself which was ‘do-able’.

I bought a juicer and proceeded. We were lucky enough to keep a good vegetable garden at the time, which meant I had the added therapy of not only eating plenty of organic fresh vegetables and fruits,  but of being out there in the life-giving garden much of the time.

I took castor oil every second day followed by a cup of black coffee, with an enema about two hours after the castor oil.  I used several enemas a day – from three to five in the beginning of the treatment.  I  had a fresh juice every hour, took  Walter’s calf liver juice at meal-times, had two raw egg yolks a day, ate heaps of sprouts in salads, used olive oil, used enemas, did meditation. After three months, the lump had gone away.  I was elated.  Thinking I was cured,  I began eating other foods again, including a bit of dairy, wheat  and cooked food. To my alarm, the lump began to grow again.  So I went back on the diet and eventually, after several months,  the lump went away for good.

See my other posts on  alternative therapies for cancer:

  • Ridding the Body of Cancer.
  • Cancer/ Programme for Anthony
  • Vitamin C For Cancer Patients
  • Preventative Medicine
  • Why dogs Get Cancer
  • Alternative Therapies for Cancer
  • Uses of Castor Oil