Antibiotic Sage Herb Whitens Teeth And Strengthens Gums

Natural Remedies:

Home Remedy To Whiten Teeth And Help Restore Tooth Enamel.

Important:  It is best to avoid the use of Sage if you are breastfeeding, or if you are pregnant.

Common garden Sage, Salvia Officianalis, has similar properties to Black Walnut, which is reputed to be a powerful herb for restoring tooth enamel and preventing tooth decay.

Rubbing crushed fresh Sage leaves onto the teeth can help remove plaque and bacteria, the things which cause tooth decay.

Sage is strongly antiseptic, antiviral and antibiotic, and this is why it is still used in some herbal toothpastes.  It is also a natural whitener of the teeth.  So Sage is a very efficacious and attractive addition to a non-toxic toothpaste.

Geddes and Grosset, in ‘Herbal Remedies and Honeopathy’, 2001, give some constituents of the volatile oil of Sage as being ‘salvene, pinene, cineol, vorneol, thujone and some esters’.  Certainly sounds impressive.  Their book also suggests that fresh leaves can be rubbed onto the teeth and gums for a cleaning and strengthening effect.

Another source gives the active ingredients of Sage as being: 50% Thujone with flavanoids, diterpene bitters, resin, saponins, tannins, triterpenoids, phenolic acids, and oestrogen-like substances. (see International Masters Publishers – no date)

Note:  Sage is not recommended for expectant mothers, nor breast-feeding mothers.

The powerful antiseptic and antibiotic qualities of common garden Sage were well-known many centuries ago:  Thyphoid fever, and other fevers, have been treated in the past with Sage, or herbal combinations which include Sage. (see ‘Herbal Remedies  and Homeopathy’ published by Geddes and Grosset.)

Culpeper says it is used to treat the Plague if the juice of Sage is taken with vinegar.

This information of its former uses could suggest Sage might be a powerful natural antibiotic to use when modern medicine fails.  Swine Flu, and other types of untreatable fevers could very well respond to strong infusions of Sage, or a mixture of the juice of Sage taken with vinegar, as Culpeper suggests for Plague.

Culpeper does not mention Sage as a whitener of tooth enamel, but we have information that the Sage herb was indeed used for that purpose in Culpeper’s time.

Several, more modern herbalists have written about the old uses of Sage, and its modern applications.  We have already mentioned Geddes and Grosset’s information above.

More information is given us about traditional Sage use in ‘The Illustrated Plant Lore’ by Josephine Addison, 1985, England.

Josephine says that Sage herb has been known and used  since the seventeenth century for cleaning and whitening the teeth.  She mentions a daily mouth and teeth cleanse which consisted of a lemon juice mouthrinse, followed by a rubbing of the teeth and gums with fresh Sage leaves.

Josephine Addison has another interesting tit-bit of information on Sage:  At Tunbridge Wells in England, a place famous since ancient times for its medicinal waters, Sage leaves were given to recipients of the healing waters.  Apparently, the Tunbridge Wells water stains the teeth, and so Sage leaves were traditionally used to whiten the teeth after taking the water.

For Regrowing Tooth Enamel:  Sage used daily on the teeth will help your teeth stay healthy.  For new tooth enamel to grow, you need to combine your Sage treatment with a regenerative diet, such as used by Dr Gerson, and Jacqui Davison, who grew new teeth while she was on a diet to treat cancer.  She was not expecting to regrow her teeth, but this happened whilst she was on a diet, similar to Gerson’s, to treat her so-called terminal illness.

Natural Remedies

Culpeper says of Sage that it ’causes the hair to become black’.

Garden sage has many therapeutic uses.

In the garden, its flowers provide medicine and nectar for the bees, as well as a herbal tonic to the neighbouring plants.

It is well-known as an aid to oral hygiene.  It has strong antiseptic qualities and is supposed to whiten tooth enamel.

Sage is still used today in some tooth-pastes.  It is reputedly one effective remedy for bleeding gums,  and improving gum health:  The crushed fresh leaves are massaged several times a day onto the gums and teeth.

The tea is gargled to relieve sore throats, colds and flu,  and ulcers in the mouth.

It can be effective to reduce fevers, and has been used in the past for thyphoid fever. (see ‘Herbal Remedies  and Homeopathy’ published by Geddes and Grosset.)

It is a valuable nerve medicine, and is a useful stomach remedy for improving a weak appetite.

Natural Herbal Hair Dye and Tonic:  Sage can help restore healthy hair and improve the colour.

Strong sage tea encourages hair growth and darkens the hair, if it is used on a regular basis. Many herbalists describe it in their writings:  see John Heinerman’s ‘Encyclopedia of Fruits Vegetables and Herbs’.

Rosemary is another wonderful herb which can help hair growth, but it does not have such a darkening effect on the hair, as sage does.

Recipe For Sage Hair Dye:  Here is a simple, natural hair dye and tonic which you can try.  It is perfectly safe to use, as it does not contain any harmful additives such as you might find in commercial dyes for darkening the hair.

Take two cups of fresh sage leaves and put into a stainless steel saucepan.

Add one cup of dry black tea leaves

Add half a cup of cider vinegar and eight cups of water.

Simmer very gently, with no lid, for one hour on a very low heat.  You should have around half the original quantity of liquid left at the end of an hour.  If you need to add a little more water, make sure you do so well before you finish simmering the brew.  If you add more water at the end of the simmering, then your mixture will not keep so well.

Take off the heat after an hour of simmering.  Set aside to cool.

Once your sage mixture has cooled properly, strain it off.

To the liquid remaining add the same amount of vodka.

Put into a bottle with a screw-top lid and store in a cool place.

Massage around a tablespoonful of the sage infusion into the hair each day.  Use more or less, depending on how much hair you need to cover.

Massage the sage tonic well into the roots of the hair as well, so that it feeds the scalp and hair follicles.  Massaging the scalp with the sage tonic will help the hair to grow again.

The oils in the sage leaves will put a natural shine to the hair.

Once the hair is sufficiently darkened, which may take several weeks, you can reduce the amount of applications each week.  Once or twice a week may be enough to maintain the darker colour.

Sage is really very good for the hair in so many ways.

Alternative Sage Tonic Without Alcohol:  You could make up your sage tea without the alcohol if you wish.  Only, remember that your mixture will not keep for longer than a week, and it must be kept in the fridge.  You could make up a lesser amount, enough to last a week, and then make up a fresh brew of tea for the following week.

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Read more about how Jacqui regrew her teeth, and the Gerson alternative treatment for cancer, on my other posts:

Diet To Help Regrow Tooth Enamel

Regrow Teeth

Juicing Cancer Diets and Regrowing Tooth Enamel

List Of Foods To Help Regrow Tooth Enamel

Regrow Your Tooth Enamel

Regrow Tooth Enamel

Home Made Castor Oil and Egg Conditioner To Help Hair Growth

Natural Remedy For Dry And Falling Hair


Of course you need to pay attention to your diet if your hair is falling.  More protein in the diet, more Vitamin B rich foods such as liver, brewer’s yeast if you are vegetarian, more organic free range eggs, more almonds, sunflower seeds and sesame, and more dark greens such as broccoli.  Cooked comfrey, a leaf or two added to silver beet once or twice a week,  can do wonders for the hair.  Comfrey tea, or nettle tea, taken as a drink, provides silica to the bones  and teeth, and to the hair follicles. The silica in comfrey or nettle tea  helps to build strong hair, bones, nails and teeth.

Some medications can cause the hair to thin.  The oral contraceptives, for women, are probably the main worry for hair health.

Use this  home made castor oil and egg nourisher to help restore the hair to its former beauty.  You can condition the hair with this once or twice a week, which should help improve hair growth if it is used regularly in combination with an improved diet.

Recipe For Home Made Castor Oil and Egg Conditioner:

You will need

2 free range eggs

1 tablespoon of castor oil

1 tablespoon of wheatgerm or almond oil

1 tablespoon of glycerine

2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar

2 drops of rosemary oil if you have it.

Put all ingredients for the home made conditioner into a small bowl and beat all together.

Now wash the hair with your usual shampoo or sunlight soap.  Towel dry, and then apply the castor oil and egg conditioner mixture above.  Massage well into the scalp and cover all the hair too.  Leave on for half an hour.  Put a shower cap over the head with a warm towel over the top.

Wash out with shampoo or soap and warm water after half an hour.  You will need to use several applications of shampoo or soap.  Use rosemary tea as the final rinse for the hair.  Rosemary is rich in silica and oils, and puts a great shine on the hair.

Rosemary Tea For Final Hair Rinse:

Use one cup of rosemary leaves and stalks simmered in one and a half  cups  of water for five minutes.  Strain and cool.  Massage into the hair at the end of the last shampoo while the hair is still wet.

How To Make Natural Citrus Dye To Darken The Hair

‘Herbs For Health And Beauty’ by Margaret Roberts describes this oil as an ‘Arab remedy for darkening grey hair’.  It is a remedy made just from the green peel of green citrus fruit. It will take about three months to mature, so get your ingredients together to put some down now, so that you can have your oil ready to use in three months time.

Verona-399Photo by Lok

Home Made Citrus Oil To Darken Hair

Take eight GREEN, unripe oranges or grapefruit.  Thinly peel off the green rind of the unripe fruits, and chop it up finely.  Put the peel into jars which have screw top lids.  Warm up enough sunflower oil, or corn oil, to cover the peel in the jars.  Leave in a dry place such as the pantry, for three months to infuse.  After three months time, your citrus oil for darkening the hair will be ready. Massage through enough of the oil to cover all of the hair, and scalp.  Gently massage well into the scalp, then cover with a shower cap and leave for half an hour.  The hot wet towel treatment could be used to increase the colouring action of the oil on the hair.  After half an hour, shampoo or soap the oil out of the hair in the shower.  Several applications of soap or shampoo will be needed to get the oil out.

Use this citrus oil treatment once a week.  After a while, with regular weekly use,  the darkening of the hair will become apparent.

Citrus Oil Treatment will also help to stimulate the hair growth.  Citrus Dye to darken the hair will also work as a conditioner on the hair, to give the hair lustre and body.

Natural Organic Home Made Herbal Hair Dyes

Commercial Hair Dyes are mostly VERY bad for the health.  This is because the harmful  chemicals which are in them get absorbed through the pores of your skin.  After entering through the pores of the skin, they enter the blood-stream, and find their way to the liver and other parts of the body.  The liver stores nutritive elements for the body to use, but it also stores harmful chemicals as well, which is why using cosmetics on your skin, using herbicides, pesticides, and other chemicals, should be avoided.  Chemicals stored in the liver can cause cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and other diseases.

It is best to  avoid using those harmful commercial hair dyes, and use natural herbal hair dyes instead.  These don’t have the same vibrant colours which commercial hair dyes have, but they are still effective for either darkening or lightening the hair.

Powdered henna is a popular herbal dye and conditioner which is used for dying the hair, as well as the fingernails. This can be bought at many health food shops, and at shops which stock Indian spices.  Henna herb usually produces  a bright red colour, which can give wonderful red highlights to dark hair.  If your hair is going grey, though, then henna powder does not work so well on the hair as a dye.

Here are a few suggestions for dying the hair with some other, easily procured,  natural herbal hair dyes which you might like to experiment with.

Natural Herbal Red Hair Dye With Privet Leaves and Guavas.

Boil up  two cups of  privet  leaves and two cups of red guavas  in just enough water to cover.   Simmer for twenty minutes.  Let the mixture cool, then strain, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.  Use the mixture to rinse the hair with.  This colour will become more intense if the rinse is applied once daily for three days.  This rinse could make your hair dry, so be mindful of that if your hair is already dry.  A few drops of almond oil could be massaged into the scalp and hair after the dye has dried.

Other vegetable and herbal material which can be used to make a red dye for the hair are:  chopped raspberry leaves, chopped raddish leaves or radishes, chopped beetroot leaves or beetroot, and cranberries.  You would use 2 cups of your chosen vegetable or fruit, to 2 cups of privet leaves, just the same as the recipe above.  Myrtle leaves can be used instead of privet leaves, in which case you would use 2 cups of myrtle leaves to, say,  one cup of chopped beetroot and one cup of chopped  radish leaves.

Natural Herbal Hair Dye With Brown Colouring: 

Strong Sage Tea for brown colour:  Simmer one cup of chopped sage leaves in two cups of water for 10 minutes.  Let cool, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and use as a hair rinse.

Strong black tea can be added to the sage tea for added effect.

Walnut Herbal Dye for dark brown colour:  Pick 20 green walnuts which still have their outer husks on.  Put into a bowl.  Chop one cupful of walnut leaves and add to the bowl.  Sprinkle over one rounded tablespoon of sea salt.  Pour over just enough boiling water so that the walnut leaves and green nuts are covered.  Leave overnight.  Use the next day as a rinse.  This rinse will  darken the hair the more often you use it, so it could be applied several days running. Again, this herbal mixture is quite drying:  It might not be suitable for all hair types.  You could try massaging a little almond oil into the scalp after the dye has dried.

Alternatively, 2 cups of walnut leaves could be chopped and simmered in enough water to cover, for 20 minutes.  Let cool, strain, and add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.

Other herbal material which produces a dark dye for the hair: rosemary leaves, stalks and flowers,  globe artichoke leaves, marjoram leaves, and elderberries and  elderberry leaves.  Select two cups of the herb, chop up, cover with boiling water,  and simmer for 10 minutes.  Leave overnight to infuse.  Strain and use in the same way as for the other herbal rinses, massaging into the scalp and hair for three days in a row.

Herbs To Lighten The Hair:  Simmer for 10 minutes 2 cups of chamomile flowers, or privet or myrtle flowers, in just enough water to cover.  Leave to cool, then add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.  Use as a rinse for the hair.

Rhubarb Root To Lighten The Hair:  Boil one cup of rhubarb root in two cups of water for 20 minutes.  Let cool, then add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.  Use as a rinse on the hair.

Hollyhock Flowers To Lighten The Hair:   Use 2 cups of hollyhock flowers and 2 cups of water.  Simmer for 10 minutes.  Allow to cool, then add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and use as a rinse for the hair to help lighten it.

Use Honeysuckle To Lighten The Hair:  Use 2 cups of flowers, stalks and leaves from the honeysuckle plant.  Simmer in 4 cups of water for 20 minutes.  Allow to cool, add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and use as a hair rinse.  More effect is noted if it is used over a period of several days.