How To Make Home Made Homeopathic Remedies

Natural Remedies: Homeopathy And Why It Works

In the event that Homeopathic remedies may be denied us because drug companies manage to get them banned, OR standard allopathic medicines suddenly become unavailable, here is a method for making Homeopathic remedies at home. You never know – the day could come when we will need to produce our own medicines.

Homeopathy is a safe alternative to medicinal drugs.  There are several thousand known remedies, with new ones being proven each year.  When the right remedy, or remedies, are chosen, they can work miracles in diverting a range of  illnesses, from childhood whooping cough, croup, bronchial complaints, scarlet fever, and tetanus,  to arthritis, hypertension,  rheumatism and depression.

Homeopathy is an example of ‘Isopathic’ medicine, that is, the treatment uses remedies from the same substance that will actually cause the illness in its undiluted form.

(Not to be confused with the other ‘I’ term in medicine – Iatrogenic – An Iatrogenic illness is doctor-caused illness, or drug-caused illness)

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Some doctors and other health professionals claim that homeopathy cannot work, because ‘it doesn’t have anything in it’, but these people are ignorant about the way in which Homeopathy does its magic. They do not understand the principles of homeopathy.  Yes, it has very little of the original substance in it, but the healing essence of the final homeopathic product is in its vibration, and not in a measurement of a ‘substance’.  These sceptics are measuring the wrong thing in the homeopathic remedy, when they assess it as having ‘no active ingredient’, and what’s more, they have no experience of using it.  Homeopathic remedies work by vibration, not by substance.  Many doctors and drug pharmacists cannot grasp this concept, because they have been conditioned to think in material terms of substance alone.

These sceptics seem to fail to see that ‘like cures like’, and that we often use the principles of homeopathy in our daily lives without even thinking about it.  They are also blind to the fact that homeopathic principles have been used in some allopathic medicines for some time now.  Quinine is one example. Digitalis is another. X-Rays for skin cancer is another.  All these things can produce the disease which they are used to treat.

The original substance in a homeopathic remedy is chosen because of the symptoms it produces in a healthy individual.  A common, everyday example of how this happens is in the humble onion, and its relative the garlic clove.  If you eat these things raw, or even peel an onion, and you are in a healthy condition, you are likely to get a runny nose, or begin sneezing or coughing.  You may even feel your temperature rising.  These are healthy reactions. Well, when you are sick, onions and garlic can be used to CURE these symptoms, these complaints.  If you feel you are getting the flu, or a cold, then onions and garlic are the best things to take to alleviate those symptoms which present as a runny nose, sneezing and a temperature rise.  And so you can use the homeopathic preparation, made from the plant or substance which produces those symptoms, to reverse the condition.

I have come across two methods for making homeopathic remedies, and I shall describe both of these here.

One method for the process is derived from the book by the homeopathic physician Dr James H. Stephenson, M.D., entitled ‘A Doctor’s Guide to Helping Yourself with Homeopathic Remedies’.  This book was first published by Parker Publishing Co. Inc., New York, in 1976.  I have added to the basic steps suggested by Dr Stephenson, with a few pointers of my own, to make it easier for the beginner.

Here Is How You Make Your Own Homeopathic Remedy:

Use a small, clean, sterilized bottle.  It is important that the bottle does not have a trace of another herb or substance in it.  However, you can use the bottle unwashed if it is the container which held the herb tincture or essence you wish to use as your homeopathic remedy.

You are going to dilute your original essence either six times, or twelve times.  These dilutions are the common, recognized potencies for basic homeopathic medicine.  The six-dilution method results in what is called a 6C potency, the remedy which has been diluted twelve times is called a 12C potency.

First of all, you need to have a small quantity of the substance you wish to make into a remedy.  Make an infusion of the herb you wish to use, or make an essence by soaking a little of the herb in alcohol for a few days. Or, as mentioned above, simply use the unwashed container which held the original remedy you wish to use.

To make the first dilution, take one part of the original essence, or ‘Mother Tincture’,  and add it to nine parts water.  See the recipe below for making the ‘Mother Tincture’.

Dr Stephenson endorses the idea which many homeopathic experts have, that enough of the original substance is left inside the bottle to begin the second dilution, after you discard the first dilution from the bottle.  But the theory is that with each dilution, you use one part of the solution containing the substance, and nine parts water or diluted alcohol.  If you use this method, then I think that this will result in a ‘C’ potency, which is 1:100 – one part original essence and 99 parts water or alcohol.

Dr Stephenson says that the ‘C’ potency is made from the ratio of 1 part activating substance, and 9 parts water or alcohol.  But other books give the 1:10 ratio as being an ‘X’ potency, which makes sense.

So – Decimal factor ‘X’ is in dilution of 1:10.

Decimal factor ‘C’ is in dilution of 1:100.

Whichever of these systems you use, you would use the same chosen ratio each time you dilute and succuss the mixture to the required potency. i.e. if you simply use the remains in a bottle, which would give you a ‘C” potency, then you would use a similar amount of remedy in the bottle each time, which will keep the ‘C’ ratio consistent:  Simply tip out the remains after each dilution and shake up (succussion) before filling the bottle again.

If you decide to make the ‘X’ dilution, then you would use one/tenth of the remedy each time, filling up the bottle with 9/10 water or alcohol or both.

You must shake the solution vigorously with every dilution.  Put the lid on the bottle and shake it hard, banging the bottle on the back of the arm each time. This is known as ‘succussion’.  Succussion releases the energy of the material being used, fixing it into the dilution.  Dr Stephenson recommends 15 vigorous shakes with each dilution.  Some people use more shakes each time.

Each time, after the succussing of the remedy, empty out the bottle until you have one tenth of the remedy left in the bottle.  Add more diluting liquid to top the bottle up, and succuss again.  Do this either six times, or twelve.  With the last dilution and succussion, it is important to use some alcohol as your last diluting substance.  This will keep the remedy for years, if you add a quantity of vodka to the last shaking.  If you use all water, the remedy will not last more than a few days.

I use pure vodka to keep my remedies.  One part vodka, one part boiled water or distilled water.

Note: Sensitive people need to take care when making home-made homeopathic remedies.  Coffea, I have found, is extremely potent before it has been diluted properly.  The in-between dilutions are very strong – much stronger than coffee in its pure form.

Reactions can be minimized by using rubber gloves, and by using  just small amounts of the product when making your remedies.  A 15ml bottle is ideal.

How to make your own Mother Tincture:  Chop up your chosen material, such as a herb and soak it in alcohol or a mixture of 90% alchol and 10% water.

Put on the lid of the jar and leave for two weeks.  Shake the herbal mixture several times each day to distribute the healing ingredients through the tincutre.

After two weeks you can store the Mother Tincture indefinitely by keeping it in an air-tight bottle and keeping it in the dark.  Using a brown or dark green bottle is preferable.


Spider’s Web To Treat Asthma, Consumption, Fever, And Ague

My ancient  “Vitalogy Book of Food and Harmless Home Remedies”, written by two doctors in 1904, gives some fascinating information about the use of Spider’s Web, Araneas Tela as, an oral remedy.  It is, apparently, a natural remedy that not only was used in helping to heal cuts and wounds, but was also recommended  for treating asthma, fever and ague.

This Vitalogy Book of Food and Harmless Home Remedies really does seem to have some wonderful recipes in it.  However, I wonder about the safety of some of the given remedies. No different to the questionable use  and safety of some modern-day medicines, I guess.

Whilst I have never ever tried taking a spider’s web orally, I have often snatched down a nice, lengthy cobweb to wrap around a cut on myself or my children. Cobwebs for wounds is a common old folk-lore remedy. Cobwebs have properties which help to stem bleeding, which makes them a great first-aid tool, especially if you do not have plasters or other help at hand.

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Although I might try putting a spider’s web around a cut or wound, swallowing pilules of spider web as an experiment does not appeal to me.  But, if  for some reason I was suffering a life-threatening asthma attack, stuck out in the country with no reliable medicine, I might even try swallowing a spider’s web, if I could find one,  in the hope that it might avert the attack.

So – for your information, I quote this excerpt which comes from the pens of ‘Vitalogy’ Doctors Wood and Ruddock. Nowadays, I guess we call ‘Vitalogy’ Naturopathy, or Holistic Medicine. Doctors Wood and Ruddock copyrighted their health manual  in 1904. My copy of the book was published by the ‘Vitalogy Association’ of Chicago, Illinois, in 1923.   The Queen Mother, who was a great fan of homeopathic medicine, and my Grandma Edie, would have been just four years old when this book was written, and 23 when my copy was published.

Doctors Wood and Ruddock say, in ‘Vitalogy’, p.582-3:

‘The cobweb of the spider is said to be almost a specific for fever and ague.  When rolled into an ordinary-sized pill, two or three will be generally sufficient to effect a cure, but more may be taken if necessary, and to be used every two or three hours.

Some physicians give it in about five-grain doses.  For consumption, where it has been used, it is said to have produced surprising effects.

It is also very valuable in asthma.

Applied externally, it will check the bleeding of wounds.  The brown or black spider produces for the purposes above indicated the best web, and it is usually found in cellars, dark out-houses and barns.

It is recommended in wakefulness, spasms and nervous excitement, and generally produces the most delightful state of bodily and mental tranquility.  (WARNING – THIS SOUNDS LIKE A SEDATIVE.  REMEMBER THAT NOT ALL SPIDER’S WEBS MAY BE SAFE TO USE AS ORAL MEDICINE.  SOME OF THOSE AUSSIE ONES MIGHT BE LETHAL, SINCE MANY OF THEIR SPIDERS ARE SO POISONOUS)  It is given in doses of four and five grains, in the form of pills, three times a day.


Possible Homeopathy For Meningitis If Vaccinations Don’t Work

Homeopathy And Vitamin C Therapy

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Sadly, a young girl has just died of Meningococcal disease in Wellington, New Zealand. She was only twelve.  She had been vaccinated for the disease, but succumbed to it anyway.  Which poses the question:  How long ago, I wonder, was she vaccinated for Meningitis, and is it possible that she succumbed to the disease BECAUSE she had been vaccinated?

Alternatives to Vaccination should be being explored by doctors all over the world.  And we hope that the drug companies do not get to patent ‘natural’ remedies so that they can make a profit from such simple remedies as Vitamin C, and Homeopathy.

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Many doctors and hospitals, backed by drug companies who lay down the law on these things, are reluctant to use alternative therapies such as Homeopathy and Vitamin C treatment.  Even when patients are dying in hospital, when vaccinations and antibiotics have not worked, and the patient has been given up for dead,  they will give every excuse for NOT trying Vitamin C therapy.  Homeopathic treatments are not used either, because drug companies do not want any competition for their pharmaceutical drugs which make them trillions of dollars of profit every year.

A case of swine flu in 2012, Auckland, New Zealand  proved that hospitals are beholden to the drug companies and will do anything to avoid using an alternative therapy to the one provided by the drug companies.  They would rather let a person die than to use any alternative remedy which might save that person’s life.  Because, if they use an alternative which works when their antibiotics have failed, then people will question the value of antibiotics and vaccinations.  The drug companies do not want people to question their methods.  Legal drugs are big business, not only for the pharmaceutical companies, but for the whole of the medical profession.

Vitamin C Can Kill Viral Illnesses, as well as Bacterial Illnesses:  In 2010, a man who had swine flu was being treated in an Auckland hospital.  Antibiotics were failing, and the man’s life was nearing its end.  Nurses had been instructed to take him off life support and to let him die.  Luckily, his family were present, and they did not allow this to happen.  They asked for Vitamin C to be administered in megadoses, as they had heard that Vitamin C could cure swine flu, as well as many other infectious diseases, if it is given in megadoses.  The hospital refused, saying that Vitamin C would not work, and the man would die anyway.  The family said “If you don’t give him Vitamin C, and he dies, then we will sue you.”  So, after a prolonged and tense debate,  the hospital gave the man the Vitamin C, and he recovered.

I believe that megadoses of Vitamin C should be given to children suspected of having Meningococcal Disease.  Even before the disease has been analyzed properly, Vitamin C could be safely given.  Since it can kill both viral and bacterial infections, it is the best measure to take if you are not sure what the disease is.  The diagnosis of the girl who died of Meningococcal disease on Monday is still given as ‘suspected meningitis’, according to television news on Wednesday, which gives an indication of the uncertainty around her disease.

Consequently, while the ‘word is out’ about Vitamin C curing swine flu and other infectious diseases, most doctors would not have any idea what homeopathic remedies might be effective in treating a case of cholera, or whooping cough,  swine flu, or anything else.  Doctors have been largely kept ignorant about how to use Homeopathy, and indeed, most of them think that Homeopathy does not work, because the myth that homeopathy does not work has been perpetuated by the drug companies since about 1920.  “There is nothing in it”, they say.

How Homeopathy Was Suppressed By Powerful Drug Companies:  In the 1920’s, the American drug companies sought to silence homeopathic doctors, by getting government agencies such as the FDA to make it illegal for any practicing doctor to publish any research whatever on homeopathy.  ALL RESEARCH FINDINGS, AND PROVINGS OF THE HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, WERE FORBIDDEN TO BE PUBLISHED IN ANY MEDICAL JOURNAL, OR ANY OTHER PUBLICATION.

This wiped out the main competition to the drug companies empire building.  Many homeopathic hospitals and teaching schools in America were closed down, and doctors who still practiced homeopathy were declared to be ‘quacks’.

However, in England, homeopathy did not suffer such a tragic fate.  Everyone has heard of the Royal Homeopathic Hospital in London. Until recently, there were around 20 Homeopathic hospitals operating over the United Kingdom.  Difficult economic times has led to the closure of many of these hospitals, as well, I think, as the declining knowledge about Homeopathy.  Drug companies fiercely promote their medicines world-wide:  They have the money behind them to promote and sell their pharmaceuticals.  Whereas homeopathy is not ‘patented’ by anyone:  There is no money to be made out of Homeopathy.  The idea with Homeopathy is that you do not put people ‘on’ to medications for life, essentially so that you can profit from them.  Generally speaking, in homeopathy, you treat the person until they get well, in which case  there is no reason to keep taking a medicine anymore.

The Royal family were great supporters and believers of homeopathy.  The Queen Mother used it all her life and lived to be 101. (A friend of mine said, when I told him about the Queen Mother  – “Well – imagine – she might have lived to be a hundred and ten if she hadn’t used all that stuff! – It might have ruined her health.”  A joke, of course)

Alternatives To Vaccination:  Vitamin C and Homeopathy.  Vitamin C is well-known as a prophylactic and a remedy for infectious diseases.  But Homeopathy works in preventing and curing illness too, if the right remedy can be found.

Some Homeopathic Remedies Which Might Be Effective In Cases Of Meningococcal Disease:

Dr John H. Clarke, M.D. suggests several remedies for meningitis in his book ‘The Prescriber’.  These remedies have specific potencies which actually have to be made up by a homeopathic chemist.  They might be of interest to some doctors who wish to explore homeopathic alternatives to antibiotics and other drugs. Some of these Homeopathic remedies which Dr Clarke recommends are:

Arnica 1, 1h. if the meningitis is due to a bang on the head,

Aconite 3, 1h when the patient has become fearful, anxious, restless, and has dry skin and is thirsty.

Belladonna 3, 1h. for when the patient is delirius, trying to run away, with flushed face and dilated pupils.

Bryonia 3, 1h. when there is pain with white tongue and nausea, but not much delirium, as well as depression and stupor.

Helleborus n. 3, 1/2h. for when there is pain at the back of the head and neck accompanied by much depression.

Apis 3X, 1h. if the patient is extremely nervous and makes shrill cries during sleep.

Sulphur 6, 1h for use after Apis or other remedies, especially if the patient has a hot head but cold feet.

For Tubercular meningitis – Dr Clark recommends Bacil. 30-200 taken in a single dose of 4 globules.

If the meningitis is due to a knock on the head, with resulting concussion:  Give  either Apis or Bryonia followed by Arnica.

Zinc. met. 6, 2h can be given after Belladonna or Helleborus, when the fever has subsided.

For “Typhoid meningitis” or “Spotted Fever”, Dr Clarke recommends

Meningococcin 6-30, 4h. – and Cicuta virosa 3, 1h.  If symptoms of blood poisoning are present, use Crotalus 3, 1h.  For pain getting worse behind the ears and down to nape of neck, use Am.c. 200, 2-4h.  If all else fails to relieve the spasm, use Actimon r. 3, 1/4h whilst spasms continue.  Then Gelsemium 1, 2h if there is paralysis, and for any deafness – first a 6, 4h followed by Sulphur 6. 4h.

Read Dr Clarke’s booklet ‘The Prescriber’ for more details.

Of course, a doctor must be seen if your child is sick.  Meningitis is a notifiable disease, and it is very dangerous.  These homeopathic remedies might be useful to keep on stand-by, though, in case of an emergency, or in case vaccination has not worked to keep the illness at bay.

Homeopathy For Emergencies:  I would keep these remedies in my medicine cupboard for emergencies:  Arnica 30, Aconite 30, Bryonia 30, Belladonna 30, Mercurius 30, Ledum 30, Sulphur 30, Helleborus 30, and Drosera 30.  You would use the chosen remedy every 15 minutes for around 6 doses, then spread the dose out to half hourly, then hourly, lessening off the dosage as the patient improves.  Usually, after the first day of being given the appropriate remedy, the patient begins to improve.  Then you can give a dose of just four or five drops once a day for about a week, or as long as it takes for the patient to recover.  If there is no change after using a remedy for several hours, then the remedy might need to be changed.

The Usefulness Of Keeping Homeopathic Remedies At Home:  It can be very frightening in those wee small dark and lonely hours of the morning when your child suddenly becomes sick.  In these cases, you can use the appropriate homeopathic remedy while you are on your way to the doctor’s or the hospital.  This pro-action, of taking a homeopathic remedy before any other medication can be sought, could just save a person’s life.  You might even find that by the time a doctor gets to see you at the hospital some hours later, that your child might have nearly recovered from having been given the right remedy.  Such a case I always found to be with using Drosera for Whooping Cough and Croup.  Once I remember being suddenly alerted in the middle of the night, hearing my baby suddenly having difficulty breathing.  I gave him Drosera 6C or 30C immediately, whilst we were preparing to race to the emergency doctor.  On the way, in the car, after having given him a few more doses of Drosera, we realized that the emergency situation was no more.  He was breathing normally again.  So we went home.

Ledum is a prophylactic (a preventer) of Tetanus.  I never had any of my children vaccinated  and used homeopathic Ledum instead, whenever I thought that Tetanus could be present.  Apparently, no case study has ever shown that the Tetanus vaccine really does anything to stop people getting tetanus.  As is the case with the whooping cough vaccine, or the meningitis vaccine, people can still get these disease though they have been vaccinated.  Which is a good enough reason to keep the appropriate homeopathic remedies in the cupboard.

It is always best to get professional advice from a qualified Homeopath before taking any Homeopathic remedy, especially if you or your child is unwell.  It is important to get the RIGHT remedy.  Sometimes there are several remedies which will do the trick, but sometimes, there might be only one or two which will cure the condition.  Also, sometimes you may need a constitutional remedy as well, and for this, you need to have a proper consultation, with your ‘case’ being taken, so that the appropriate remedy can be found.

In an emergency you may not have time to see a homeopath, especially if vaccination has failed.  So go along to a qualified homeopath NOW, to get his advice on what remedies you should keep in the medicine cupboard, in case of an emergency.

Some Useful Posts:

Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Vitamin C and Cancer

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera

Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Apples Can Help Asthma Bronchitis Heart Health and Constipation

Natural Remedy

Apples should be eaten every day, whenever they are available.  The old adage, ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ is a reminder of the efficacy of apples in avoiding illness of many kinds.  Apples are rich in Vitamin C and other plant chemicals such as pectin, which benefits the health by soothing mucous membranes and increasing resistance to disease.

Apples contain quercetin which is an anti-cancer component, as well as being helpful for the heart and lungs health.  Quercetin , like pectin, has an anti-inflammatory action on the mucous membranes.

Apples are a healing food which have vitamin B17 laetrile in their pips, which is an anti-cancer component.

Apples are good for the teeth.  They are a famous  preventer or cure for constipation and colitis, and for lowering bad cholesterol in the blood.   Apples are helpful for maintaining heart health and in stabilizing blood pressure. They are also thought to prevent alzheimer’s, if they are eaten regularly.

But did you know that the Lungs can benefit from apples?  Asthma and bronchitis  or persistent coughs can be helped by eating apples.  The apple diet is not a ‘stand-alone’ treatment, but it is well worth eating a meal of apples if you have a bout of coughing. Of course, you must visit your doctor or naturopath, homeopath or ayurvedic practitioner if you have a lung problem of any kind.  But do consider apples as part of your treatment.

Eating an apple desert such as the one I have listed below, or eating two grated apples raw, can relieve coughing almost immediately.  I have noticed benefits to the lungs from eating both raw and cooked apple, but I think that if you have a persistent cough, or wheezing, then the cooked apple eaten warm has more benefit.

I have been using apples, both raw and cooked, to cure a chest complaint which I have had for a while.  I think it was pleurisy. The cough was helped immediately I began the apple treatment, and the chest pain disappeared after several weeks of incorporating apple in my daily diet. It seems that my immune system stays strong while I continue to eat apples every day.  When I relaxed the apple treatment, as well as the homeopathic, herbal (olive leaf and zinc)  and vitamin supplements I have been taking, the cough came back with an inkling of the same chest pain I had had before.

I did see a doctor about this, and had an X-Ray done – just one – to see if there was any cancer on the lung.  But the X-Ray showed only hyper-ventilated lungs, and, fortunately, no trace of cancer.  The doctor could not help me any more that that, since I did not want to take an antibiotic.

So I pulled out all stops to do a natural cure. The apple treatment is an integral part of the programme I followed, which included various vitamins, herbal remedies, homeopathy, and abstaining from bread and wheat, with very few dairy products or sugar.

Here is a simple but delicious recipe for a stewed apple meal to help a persistent cough.

Recipe for Stewed Apple Dessert:

Grate two large apples with their skins left on.  Do not peel the apples.  I like granny smiths, but any apple will do. 

Put your apples into a saucepan with 2 and a 1/2 cups of water.

Bring to the boil and turn the heat down.  Cook gently for 5 minutes.

Turn off the heat.

Add half a cup of dates.

Add 3/4 cup of oatmeal bran, or rolled oats. I prefer the oatmeal bran, as I think it has more nutrients than standard oatmeal.

Stir.  Put the lid on the pot and leave on the warm stove with the heat turned off.

Wait for five minutes, then serve.   Put either a knob of butter on top of the apple dessert, or a tablespoonful of olive oil.

If you have a sudden attack of coughing, then take the apple desert on its own as a meal. Eat a large bowl of it.  Make sure you use some of the pips of the apple in the dessert, as these contain valuable healing nutrients, such as laetrile, or vitamin B17, also known as amygdalin.  And do keep the skins on the apple.  Healing components such as pectin and potassium have a high concentration in the skin of the apple.  So make sure to use that skin.  If you grate the apples, then the skin is easy to eat once the apple has cooked.

Apples Are Anti Cancer Food

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away, as our Mums used to tell us.

‘A’ Stands For ‘Apple’.

Apples are healing.  Apples are versatile.  They can be eaten raw, juiced into fresh drinks, made into an apple and beetroot salad, or cooked in delicious deserts such as apple crumble, apple strudel, and apple dumplings.  Apples can be made into wine, or cider.  The famous  second century court physician Galen, who also treated the gladiators, apparently presecribed apple wine for almost every ailment imagineable.  ‘AA’  in Galen’s time must have stood for  “Apples.  Apples.”

Raw Apples Provide Essential Fibre:  Raw apples, eaten whole or grated up, are a nutritious healing food which can help you to avoid or to treat diseases such as cancer and arthritis.  Eat the seeds too, as these are rich in Vitamin B17, also known as Laetrile, or Amygdalin, which is an anti-cancer agent. Raw apples eaten daily will help your colon stay clean and healthy.  Maintaining clean and healthy intestines will keep disease away.

Apples are Gluten Free:  Apples should be put at the top of the list of that Gluten-Free Diet.

Apples have an alkaline effect on the body, which is very healthy.  Alkaline foods help prevent degenerative diseases such as arthritis and cancer from taking hold.

Heart and Lungs Benefit:  The flavanoids in apples, such as quercetin,  are beneficial for the heart and for the lungs.  Some naturopaths recommend an apple to avert an attack of asthma.

Rheumatism and Arthritis:  The humble apple is a traditional remedy to alleviate rheumatism and prevent arthritis.

More Benefits of  The Apple:  It is a great preventer of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as being an easy and effective cure for constipation, as well as for diarrhoea.  A diet of apples, done for three days, is a powerful cleanser of the whole body.  The apple is regarded as a specific for the prevention of bowel or colon cancer because of its high fibre, as well as the specific healing chemicals it contains, such as pectin, and laetrile Vitamin B 17 in its seeds.

Apples are rich in potassium, which is another thing about apples which is good for your heart.  This mineral helps to eliminate fluid retention.

They are high in Vitamin C, which helps to keep connective tissues strong, and which keeps the immune system healthy.

Apples are high in pectin.  This is a valuable  soluble fibre which plays a part in healing mucous membranes and in keeping the colon healthy.  Pectin has a healing effect on the mucous membranes.  Pectin helps lower cholesterol. It also helps to stabilize the blood sugar level, which makes it a good addition to the diet of the hyperglycaemic.  Eating plenty of apples will help to prevent you from becoming hyperglycaemic.

Apples contain Laetrile, also called Amygdalin, or Vitamin B17:  This plant chemical is proven to have an effect on cancer cells, and it is a good vitamin to include in your diet for protection against cancer.  Vitamin B17, Laetrile, is found in quite high concentrations in the seed of the apple.  Apricots, plum pips, nectarine pips, and peaches all contain Laetrile Vitamin B17 in their kernels.  Just don’t eat too many in a day. These pips also contain a form of cyanide, and so one needs to be careful with the dosage.  Probably the seeds of one apple should be plenty, without risk of over-dose.  There is a story about a man who wanted to get really healthy through taking extra Vitamin B17.  He saved up all his pips in a cup and then ate them all at once.  He died soon after, according to the story.

But this doesn’t mean apple pips are bad for you – you can also die from eating carrots, and only carrots, if you do it for long enough.  A carrot or two a day would be good for you, and so are apple pips if you eat only four or five little pips per day.

Apples are a great dieting food.   They are a  delicious low-calorie dieting food which will help you to decrease your waist-line without too much trouble.  Apparently, people who eat plenty of apples tend to be slim.

Apples are a tasty and healthful addition to your children’s lunch-box.  Eating an apple after lunch will help your children’s teeth to stay healthy.

The Benefits of Quercetin:  Apples are rich in the anti-cancer chemical quercetin, as well as anti-cancer laetrile.  Quercetin is a flavanoid chemical which also helps to lower cholesterol and stabilize blood pressure.  Beside pectin in apples, quercetin is also  helpful in averting diseases such as cancer, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease.

No wonder the humble apple is  regarded as such a healthful food.

Recipe For Apple and Beetroot Salad:  This salad is an easy-to-make high fibre dish.  It can be used daily for helping the bowel to heal, or as part of a diet to heal cancer.  It is an ideal combination to use if you are doing a three-day cleanse, in which case you would eat it three times a day.  But check out with your doctor or naturopath to see whether this is ideal for you.

Simply grate one apple and one beetroot onto a salad dish.  Mix together.  You can either eat it just as it is, or:

Add around a teaspoon of grated fresh ginger. Pour over a tablespoon of olive oil, or another good oil of your choice, and a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice.   Dried raisins or sultanas complement the flavour of this salad.  An avocado can also be sliced into it, along with some fresh spinach.  A few slices of fresh, sweet orange make this whole combination really delicious.