Polio Virus Ten Year Cycle And Vitamin C Versus Vaccination

Polio Virus’ Ten Year Cycle Spreads To Cairo From Pakistan, 2013.

Vaccinations Do Not Necessarily Work:

Statistics can be manipulated.  In convincing the public on the efficacy of a vaccination programme, all that researchers who promote vaccinations need to do is to make sure the vaccine was introduced during the peak of a disease’s cycle, then, later,  measure the rates for that disease during the natural low period of its cycle.  Statistics will then tell you that the vaccination or immunization programme is working.

Better nutrition and living conditions are the reason for most infectious diseases more or less disappearing in civilized countries.  Tapped clean water, allowing for better hygiene, sewage systems, and the availability of good food are the best ways to combat the diseases of the poor.  These things are far more important than giving the poor vaccinations or immunizations.

Polio, as with most diseases, is best kept at bay during its natural peaks with better hygiene, clean drinking water, and better nutrition.

Vitamin A and C therapy, along with good diet, would be much more beneficial as Polio prevention than using vaccinations.

Much research has been done on the subject of Vitamin C for Polio and other infectious diseases.  Thomas E. Levy, M.D.,J.D., writes in his book ‘Curing The Incurable With Vitamin C’, 2002, that Polio is  both curable and preventable with Vitamin C therapy.  He refers to the work of Klenner, who summarized his work using Vitamin C for Polio in 1949.

Here is a quote from Klenner, via Galloway and Seifert’s written account in ‘The Journal Of The American Medical Association’, from page 54 of Levy’s book ‘Curing The Incurable With Vitamin C’:

‘It might be interesting to learn how poliomyelitis was treated in Reidsville, N.C., during the 1948 epidemic.  In the past seven years, virus infections have been treated and cured in a period of seventy-two hours by the employment of massive frequent injections of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C.  I believe that if Vitamin C in these massive doses – 6,000 to 20,000 mg in a twenty-four hour period – is given to these patients with poliomyelitis none will  be paralyzed and there will be no further maiming or epidemics of poliomyelitis.’

Why Consider Natural Alternatives To Vaccinations?

Vaccinations are given for specific diseases, which means you have to have quite a variety to prevent all the different viruses going around.

Multiple vaccinations are a very risky thing to human health, and we can never know exactly the damage that combined vaccinations do to the immune system.

Vaccinations do nothing to raise the health levels of a person – they just, hopefully, prevent it.

Leslie Roberts wrote on the 24th January 2013 that the polio virus has moved to Cairo from Pakistan.  The same strain of the virus was last observed in Pakistan, in September 2012.

‘A vaccination programme to treat children is being carried out in many countries to try and eradicate the disease.  But people do not seem to be aware, firstly, that the polio virus can be transmitted from a vaccinated person, and, secondly, that the virus has a 9 to 10 year cycle.’

The natural cycles of a disease, with its peak periods, and lulls, can mislead researchers into believing that their vaccines and immunization techniques are the reason the disease has been declining.  Such could be the case with Polio, because of its natural 10 year cycle.  If you count the polio cases during a lull period, then you could be satisfied because of the reduced numbers of people affected, that the vaccinations, which were given during the peak of the disease, have been effective.

Klenner, Levy, Dr Brighthope in Australia, and many other researchers, believe Polio can be treated and prevented with Vitamin C.  Polio can also be treated, like other childhood illnesses, with Vitamin A.

Natural Remedies

Culpeper says of Sage that it ’causes the hair to become black’.

Garden sage has many therapeutic uses.

In the garden, its flowers provide medicine and nectar for the bees, as well as a herbal tonic to the neighbouring plants.

It is well-known as an aid to oral hygiene.  It has strong antiseptic qualities and is supposed to whiten tooth enamel.

Sage is still used today in some tooth-pastes.  It is reputedly one effective remedy for bleeding gums,  and improving gum health:  The crushed fresh leaves are massaged several times a day onto the gums and teeth.

The tea is gargled to relieve sore throats, colds and flu,  and ulcers in the mouth.

It can be effective to reduce fevers, and has been used in the past for thyphoid fever. (see ‘Herbal Remedies  and Homeopathy’ published by Geddes and Grosset.)

It is a valuable nerve medicine, and is a useful stomach remedy for improving a weak appetite.

Natural Herbal Hair Dye and Tonic:  Sage can help restore healthy hair and improve the colour.

Strong sage tea encourages hair growth and darkens the hair, if it is used on a regular basis. Many herbalists describe it in their writings:  see John Heinerman’s ‘Encyclopedia of Fruits Vegetables and Herbs’.

Rosemary is another wonderful herb which can help hair growth, but it does not have such a darkening effect on the hair, as sage does.

Recipe For Sage Hair Dye:  Here is a simple, natural hair dye and tonic which you can try.  It is perfectly safe to use, as it does not contain any harmful additives such as you might find in commercial dyes for darkening the hair.

Take two cups of fresh sage leaves and put into a stainless steel saucepan.

Add one cup of dry black tea leaves

Add half a cup of cider vinegar and eight cups of water.

Simmer very gently, with no lid, for one hour on a very low heat.  You should have around half the original quantity of liquid left at the end of an hour.  If you need to add a little more water, make sure you do so well before you finish simmering the brew.  If you add more water at the end of the simmering, then your mixture will not keep so well.

Take off the heat after an hour of simmering.  Set aside to cool.

Once your sage mixture has cooled properly, strain it off.

To the liquid remaining add the same amount of vodka.

Put into a bottle with a screw-top lid and store in a cool place.

Massage around a tablespoonful of the sage infusion into the hair each day.  Use more or less, depending on how much hair you need to cover.

Massage the sage tonic well into the roots of the hair as well, so that it feeds the scalp and hair follicles.  Massaging the scalp with the sage tonic will help the hair to grow again.

The oils in the sage leaves will put a natural shine to the hair.

Once the hair is sufficiently darkened, which may take several weeks, you can reduce the amount of applications each week.  Once or twice a week may be enough to maintain the darker colour.

Sage is really very good for the hair in so many ways.

Alternative Sage Tonic Without Alcohol:  You could make up your sage tea without the alcohol if you wish.  Only, remember that your mixture will not keep for longer than a week, and it must be kept in the fridge.  You could make up a lesser amount, enough to last a week, and then make up a fresh brew of tea for the following week.

My new book is available on Amazon:

Vitamin A for Measles:

Vitamin A has been used in Syria for treating measles.  Read more on Merrilyn’s posts:

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Vitamin C and Cancer

Intravenous Vitamin C as Chemotherapy

Curing The Incurable With Vitamin C

Swine Flu: Intravenous Vitamin C

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012



Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Childhood Illnesses And How Homeopathy Can Be Used As An Alternative To Vaccination or Immunization.

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It is worth keeping in mind that vaccinations do not always work.  Some common childhood illnesses have developed strains which are resistant to vaccination antibiotics.  And sometimes complications can arise from vaccinations or immunizations as they are called.

I stopped having my children vaccinated after I witnessed  my first-born child suffering dreadfully because of vaccination/immunization injections.

Unhappily, I agreed to the first standard vaccination at 3 months old, after which his skin became reddened and blotchy, his little body swelled slightly, and he cried all the time because of digestion troubles.  These symptoms took several weeks to subside.

He had returned to a normal sleeping pattern, the swelling gone down, and the crying stopped, by the time the plunket nurse came around to our country home to give him the second shot at only 6 months old.  She had insisted that there was no other way to protect my child, other than to vaccinate, and that being in the country we needed to do this very urgently.  Again, sensing that this was NOT the right way to go about protecting my child’s health, I let her in to give my bub his second shot.  Same thing happened, only worse this time.  It was obvious that he had stomach pains as a result of the injection.  He swelled out as if he had water retention, and his skin became reddened again. He cried for long periods at night and his sleeping pattern was again disturbed.  It took a longer period for his health to return to normal after the second dose of the immunization medicine.

So when the plunket nurse turned up at the door again, when my baby was 9 months old, I had made my mind up that no child of mine would ever be vaccinated again.  My family, after that, had not even a tetanus injection.  Instead of relying on these antibiotic vaccinations, I read and read and read as much as I could about homeopathy, vitamins, colour therapy, herbs, and natural diets.  I also developed the use of the pendulum to help me select just the right homeopathic remedy for any suspected condition.

Mind you, it was always good to know that the hospital was available to us should anything go wrong.  A couple of times, when my youngest son had a midnight attack of croup, or whooping cough, we set off for the hospital in the middle of the night.  But we were spared the necessity of visiting the hospital after all:  I had already given him homeopathic Drosera just before leaving home, with Vitamin D and A rich Halibut liver oil capsules,  and these remedies suddenly did the trick as we drove along in the car, as we headed for the hospital.  His breathing became as regular as any healthy child after 5 minutes or 10, and so we turned the car around and went home again.

Measles, Mumps and Chickenpox can all be treated effectively with homeopathy, if the right remedy is given.  But because it can take some skill to choose the right remedy, I do not suggest that you simply decide not to vaccinate and hope for the best with your selections. You really need to have an experienced homeopath handy if you have no experience in using homeopathy.  So – see your doctor, herbalist, naturopath or professional homeopath in the event of any childhood illness.

However, the following  remedies, taken from Dr Stephenson’s book entitled  ‘Helping yourself With Homeopathic Remedies’, may be used as guidelines to help you to learn more about homeopathy in the treatment of measles:

For measles with sudden fever use Aconite or Sulphur.  You can start off with the Aconite, using a few drops of homeopathic Aconite every fifteen minutes for around 6 doses if the fever persists.  As the fever subsides, you stop using the remedy, or perhaps give just one dose per day.  Aconite, if used just for the first day or two, can be followed by homeopathic Sulphur, just one or two doses per day of the standard over-the-counter potency. I used to use the 6C, but the common potency these days is the 30C.

Homeopathic Sulphur, or Arsen alb, are useful remedies to use when the itching and burning sensation of the skin may be a problem.  The itching may begin after a few days, so you could switch to homeopathic Sulphur, or Arsen alb, after the initial Aconite has begun to work.

Bryonia is a wonderful remedy for bronchial complaints, and this can be used if bronchial troubles set in as a complication of the measles.  Drosera is another great one I would recommend for bronchial troubles, which actually isn’t mentioned in the list which Dr Stephenson gives. Don’t forget that Vitamin A to help overcome the infection.  Vitamin A and D, found in Halibut Liver Oil capsules, is very good in combatting lung infections.For small children, I would bite the capsules open and squirt the contents into my babe’s mouth, swallowing the remains of the capsule myself.  I sometimes used around 4 or 5 of these in one dose, repeating the same around an hour later if the infection persisted, and then no more.  You can overdose on these vitamins if they are used for a prolonged period.  So no more than two of these bigger doses, to be on the safe side.

Unicef Are Using Vitamin A as part of a measles prevention campaign in Syria.  At last, Vitamin A has earned its place in orthodox medicine.  It was always there, as physicians of old used to prescribe cod liver oil for everything.  But drug companies, and modern trends to ignore the remedies of old, put Vitamin A in cod liver oil in the back of the cupboard.  Now it is in the forefront again.  Praise Be.

Other related posts:

ed posts

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera


Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?


Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

What About  Using Homeopathy For Measles As Well As Vitamin A?  Homeopathy Is An Alternative To Vaccination Or Immunization.

Medical Aid To Syria Includes Vitamin A

News on New Zealand television TV3 17 December 2012 at 8AM.

The Director General of Unicef, speaking from Wellington, has just been interviewed on TV3.  He was talking about the aid-initiative in Syria, which is being led by Unicef.  His concerns were for the children of Syria, and that a measles outbreak could occur.  This, unless preventive measures are taken, would be devastating for the vulnerable children in Syria, who have been affected by the disruption there.  Homelessness and poverty are real issues.

Great to hear that Vitamin A is being given to boost the immunity of these children who are susceptible to measles.  The Director General said that an immunization programme is being carried out, and that Vitamin A is being supplemented.

My new book has more information on natural remedies:


Vitamin A Can Work As A Prophylactic or Preventative.  If illness develops, then Vitamin A can minimize the effects of the illness and make for a quick recovery:

At last.  Vitamin A being used in an international attempt to help prevent or alleviate child-hood illnesses.  Immunization should not  be necessary at all, if adequate Vitamin A is provided,  with Vitamin C, along with adequate nutrition.  And if Unicef were to give out appropriate homeopathic medicine for the treatment of measles and other childhood infections,  instead of immunizations or vaccinations, then things would be near perfect in my opinion.

Homeopathy Can Work As a Prophylactic and certainly can be used to alleviate the symptoms of illness if an infection has begun:

Many vaccinations or immunizations, are problematic to the health of the individual vaccinated.  Adverse reactions can appear at the time, but the immune system can be damaged which can cause health problems later in life.  Type 2 Diabetes is one condition which has been related to vaccinations.  Obesity is another condition which may be related to vaccination.  Then there is autism, depression, cancer, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s, and arthritis, to name a few others.  Other chemicals in our environment, such as toxic pesticides and herbicides, and harmful additives in food, also play a part in all these diseases, I am sure.  But vaccinations are probably the very first assault on the immune system that a small child has to suffer.

So.  It has taken a long time for Unicef to recognize that Vitamin A is effective against measles.  Vitamin A will also help protect against other childhood illnesses, such as mumps, scarlet fever, whooping cough – you name it.  Now Unicef is giving out Vitamin A, when orthodox medicine has for so long ignored this treatment.  Let’s hope that they will not continue to exclude homeopathy from their range of treatments, but will begin to examine the use of homeopathy as an alternative to standard vaccinations and immunizations.

Note:  Large doses of Vitamin C are also effective in resisting, combatting, or minimizing the effects of  childhood illnesses such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, scarlet fever, and many others.

Homeopathy Considered Effective For Measles:

I think that there is a nosode which can be prescribed by a homeopathic physician to help prevent measles.  But there are some common remedies which are also effective in helping prevent or to treat measles.

Dr James Stephenson, in ‘Helping Yourself With Homeopathic Remedies’, published in 1976 by Parker Publishing, New York, gives several remedies for measles.  See the post after this one for details of how these remedies may be used.

Aconite, Antimon tart, Arsen alb, Bryonia, Chamomila, Rhus tox, Phosphorous, Pulsatilla and Sulphur, are some that Dr Stephenson recommends for measles.  Each remedy has specific indications, and you would use the remedy which has the closest indications to those symptoms shown by the individual.