Preventing Macular Degeneration

Preventing Macular Degeneration
Keep your intake of Vitamin C to 1000 mg if you are near-sighted. A maintenance dose of 500 mg a day is probably best, unless you are treating a specific life-threatening disease like cancer, or multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease.
High doses of Vitamin C might be linked to some cases of retinal detachment in near-sighted people, although this is
not conclusive.A high dose is considered to be more than 3000 milligrams of Vitamin C.

Vitamin A is necessary – up to 25,000 international units daily. 8,700 international units daily is a safe
maintenance dose. Carrots, pumpkin, broccoli, apricots, rockmelon, swede, kumara should be eaten plentifully on a
daily basis.
Copper – one milligram for every 10 milligrams of zinc. Carrots are high in copper, and onions and garlic are good for
zinc, which make these vegetables ideal commpanions in a meal.
Zinc – 15-90 milligrams. Consult your health professional before taking zinc. 15 milligrams is considered safe.Too much
zinc can rob your body of copper.
Selenium 50-200 micrograms. A sensible amount is more like 50-100 milligrams.
The best food sources are Garlic and onions, mushrooms, cabbage and fish.
Vitamin E – 15-90 milligrams -but not if you are taking blood-thinning drugs – check with your doctor if you are on
any medication before you add Vitamin E to your supplements. Vitamin E thins the blood a little, so if you combine it
with other drugs which do the same thing, you could be in trouble.
Glutathione, found in fresh greens, and yellow and orange foods. This is destroyed in cooking. Glutathione helps to
form an anti-oxidant enzyme which is thought to help protect the eyes.

Counteract Memory Loss:  A failing memory often goes hand in hand with degeneration of the eye-sight.
Eat some quality fats with your meals:  olive oil, small amounts of butter, oily fish, and avocado are all good brain and eye food. Avoid high-fat meals, especially fried foods and fatty meats.
Vitamin B Complex should be taken, as well as extra B6 and B12. These two B vitamins are specifics for counteracting memory loss. Taking them with the B complex  ensures that you do not get an imbalance of Bvitamins.

As soon as you notice your memory improving, then cut back on the extra B6 and B12, but continue to take the
B complex. Try the combination of all three, the B complex, B6, and B12, for a trial of two weeks to see if you improve.

The run-down on the specific B Vitamins for memory: B6 – this helps make dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. These are all neuro-transmitters, which aid the brain in its sending of messages, and storage of material. These neuro-transmitters also help you to keep your ‘joie do vivre’, and  have a calming effect on the brain.

B12 is also beneficial for long and short-term memory. It helps create an alertness in the brain. Vitamin B12 improves
yourproblem-solving ability. It also helps the brain to recognize patterns and pictures from the past: this helps keep
the facilities of discernment and decision making working optimally.

Liver Broth for B Vitamins.
This is a home made tonic which is extremely high in B Vitamins, Iron, and other minerals. It is no use to those who
have an aversion to meat, or are vegetarian. Personally, I do not like to eat meats these days, however, if I were to
be tested with a life-threatening illness, or had dangerously low amounts of Iron and B vitamins, then I would use
this remedy for the time needed to get my health back on track again. Ideally, it should be taken in conjunction with
a detoxing diet of juices and optimum amounts of raw vegetables and fruits.

Calcium and Colon Cancer

Calcium Helps Prevent Cancer:

The relationship between Calcium and Colon Cancer has been proven.

People who have an abundant intake of calcium-rich foods in their diets tend to have less colon cancer than those whose intake is less than 800 milligrams per day.

The RDA, or recommended daily allowance of calcium is 800 mg daily, but this amount seems conservative in the light of studies which show that a higher intake of calcium than this does protect against many diseases. It is recommended that you try to have more than 1000 mg daily, half of which should come from your high fiber greens, to help prevent colon cancer. Fiber itself , like calcium, performs a great function in controlling cholesterol levels and helping to prevent colon cancer.

Expectant and breast-feeding mothers, and growing teenagers, need a minimum of 1300 mg daily.

You get 600 mg of calcium per every two cups of whole-milk that you drink – nearly the recommended daily allowance. However, for those who cannot take milk  because of milk allergy, there are many other excellent sources of calcium which rate very well in their content. Dolomite powder is the richest, most concentrated source of calcium, beating milk by far. One teaspoon of dolomite powder contains about 2500 milligrams of calcium. This alone would give you more than the RDA.

The home-made calcium tonic which is listed below is nearly as high as Dolomite for its calcium and magnesium content.

One cup of broccoli yields about 160 milligrams of calcium. If your meal were to include 3/4 cup of baked beans, then you would have another 80 milligrams of calcium. All the brassica family contain high amounts of calcium. These are: broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and kale. Parsley is also extremely rich in calcium and other minerals and vitamins, including iron. These vegetables also contain amounts of Vitamin C, which is also needed in order to assimilate calcium efficiently. Eating fruit after a meal helps the absorption of many minerals and vitamins, including calcium and iron.

You can see, looking at the high amounts of calcium in some of these foods,  just how easy it is to obtain all your dietary requirements of calcium through eating the RIGHT foods. Eating any of these foods on a regular basis, with the added bit of Dolomite powder, or a teaspoon or two of the calcium tonic, or drinking a cup of two of milk, will keep your calcium levels on the high side.

If your diet is too rich in fats ( but we DO need fats) or proteins, or grains, or cocoa/chocolate, silverbeet/spinach, or soy bean products, then you need to increase your broccoli/brussels sprouts/cabbage intake with your meal to compensate for calcium lost through these foods. Cocoa, spinach,  silverbeet , and yams all contain high amounts of oxalic acid, which latches on to calcium in the body, robbing it of some of the available calcium. However, the effect of oxalic acid in  greens like spinach and silver beet etc can be negated by eating baked beans, or an egg, or oily fish such as sardines or mackerel, with these foods. Or you could follow the meal with a glass of milk to counteract the oxalic acid.

Remember to include vitamin D in the diet if you are relying on vegetable sources for your intake of calcium. Vitamin D is  necessary for the assimilation of calcium in the body.

You can get Vitamin D from the sun’s rays falling directly onto your skin. A daily dose is beneficial. You can also get good amounts of Vitamin D from oily fish, cod liver oil, butter, and eggs. Dolomite powder, which has high concentrations of both calcium and magnesium, is usually enriched with Vitamin D to help the absorption of calcium in the body.

Home made Calcium-rich tonic

This is really simple to make. It provides nearly as much calcium and magnesium as the equivalent amount of Dolomite powder. Crumble the dry egg shells of two free range eggs. Use a mortar and pestle if you have one. Put the macerated egg shells into a glass jar. Cover with apple cider vinegar and leave for about 24 hours. Keep in the fridge. Take a teaspoonful daily, or more often if you have a condition like osteoporosis, where more than a maintenance dose is required. The acid in the vinegar is neutralized by the calcium in the egg shells, so this combination should not upset those delicate stomachs which cannot normally take apple cider vinegar.

This tonic will keep for about a week in the fridge, after which time you should make a fresh mixture up. The egg shell powder is OK to take with the liquid. The cider vinegar begins the break down of the egg shell, softening it considerably, even after only 24 hours. The stomach acids, and your foods, will take care of the rest of the break-down it it hasn’t completely dissolved.

Borage and Silica

Silica Content in Borage

Borage, Borago officinalis, or Bugloss,  is the next best thing to Comfrey for its wondrous healing properties.

Borage, like Comfrey, has an especially high silica content. Silica helps hair, nails, teeth and bone to grow. So drinking a daily cup of weak borage tea, or adding the odd leaf or flowers to your salad will provide extra silicic acid to aid the growth of your hair and nails, and help keep your teeth and bones strong.

Borage Tea Hair Rinse

Borage tea can be used as a hair rinse after shampooing to aid hair growth and give a shine to the hair.  Using borage as a rinse means that your hair roots will benefit immediately from the silica and other minerals in borage: once the rinse is applied to the scalp, the minerals in the tea are absorbed readily into the pores of the scalp where they nourish the hair  and vitalise the blood stream.

For Inflammation Of Internal Organs

Borage tea hs a therapeutic function on the  liver, uterus, lungs, stomach and bowels. It helps form healthy tissue on mucous membranes. It has been used to treat  inflammation resulting from pleurisy, peritonitis, and as a calmative for the nerves. It is also helpful in treating conditions of the bowel such as colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. For these conditions you would take a therapeutic dose for a period of up to three days only. See dose at bottom of page under ‘Childbirth’.

For Varicose Veins

Borage can be used as a poultice to help  varicose veins. Simply pour boiling water over borage leaves. Use enough water  in a saucepan to cover a cupful of leaves. Simmer for three minutes.  Stand aside until cool, then lightly squeeze the borage leaves and pat out into a shape which will cover the sore area on the legs. Put a piece of plastic over the poultice and lightly bind with a bandage. Leave on for half an hour with the legs raised level with the buttocks.

Borage  tea will help with the problem of haemorrhoids, which are a type of swollen vein. The tea helps reduce inflammation when taken internally. Borage ointment can be applied externally to ease pain and reduce swelling on veins and haemorrhoids.

Recipe For Borage Ointment

To make a Borage ointment for this purpose, use half a cup of tightly packed, chopped borage leaves. Put 100 mls of glycerine into a small heat-proof bowl, put over a small saucepan of boiling water and steam for half an hour. Let cool, then strain. Store in a small corked bottle, or one which has a good screw top lid. Use as an ointment when needed.

Skin Tonic For The Bath

Borage leaves and barley, one cup of each, can be simmered together for an hour. Cool the liquid and add to the bathwater for a soothing, silica-rich soak.  This improves the skin.

For Childbirth and To Increase Milk Flow

Borage tea helps to reduce the pain of childbirth in much the same way as raspberry tea does. Borage tea made from leaves and flowers helps to stimulate the milk flow in nursing mothers. For either of these specific requirements, you would normally take a stronger tea for a three day period.

The dose: One teaspoon of dried flowers and one teaspoon of dried leaves infused in a cupful of boiling water taken twice daily for three days. Stop if milk flow has begun. For childbirth, begin the borage treatment as soon as you think labor has begun. Borage taken during labor will help with milk flow after baby is born.

Note: Do not continue with this dose of borage for longer than three days. Long term use of borage on a daily basis is not advised.

Baking Soda and Maple Syrup Cure for Cancer

What is the baking soda and maple syrup cure for cancer? It would seem to be an alternative method for treating cancer and other disease which is gaining in popularity.

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This is not a recipe which I have tried myself, although I must say that it sounds very appealing because of the maple syrup component of the ‘treatment’: It brings to mind the old-fashioned sweet we used to call ‘hokey-pokey’. This was a delicious caramel-toffee-like sweet made of treacle, or golden syrup, butter, sugar and baking soda. The baking soda, which was added to the other ingredients once they were heated, made the syrup bubble up into a foam, which hardened into an aerated toffee once it had cooled.

Could this delicious sweet be at all related to the baking soda and maple syrup cure for cancer? Perhaps hokey-pokey might serve just as well? On second thoughts, I doubt it.

Nevertheless, baking soda is an extremely alkaline product which can effectively turn the pH of the body from acidic to alkaline. This is an important aspect of healing anyone of a life-threatening disease.

Some writers on the subject claim that half a teaspoon of baking soda should be taken at hourly intervals throughout the day in order to attack advanced cancers.

Whilst baking soda can be used to keep the body alkaline and to prevent an acidic body, it must be remembered that baking soda has a deleterious effect on many vitamins, minerals, and their assimilation into the blood stream. A steady supply of baking soda throughout your digestive system could damage your stomach linings just as readily as an acidic product such as vinegar. It will also upset your intestinal flora in your bowel which will interfere with the normal absorption of vitamins and minerals. So whilst you might be keeping your body alkaline through taking medicinal doses of baking soda or a baking soda and maple syrup mixture, the negative effects might outweigh any positive benefits you may get from taking baking soda, whether or not it is mixed with maple syrup.

If I had cancer, or was helping someone else who had a terminal cancer, I doubt very much whether I would opt for the baking soda/maple syrup treatment. I would prefer to follow the Gerson diet, or a Gerson-type approach, and that which is used by many other famous healers, whereby castor oil is used to reduce the cancer growth. The castor oil treatment is taken every second day. Two tablespoons of castor oil is taken in the morning. This is followed up with a cup of black coffee and then an enema within five hours of taking the castor oil. With this therapy, a cleansing diet of chlorophyll-rich greens and their juices would be used in combination with large doses of calcium ascorbate Vitamin C. These are natural anti-oxidants which help to reduce cancer cells. These natural anti-oxidants would not only nourish the body but help you to keep the body alkaline and prevent it from becoming acidic.

I think that baking soda and maple syrup, or hokey-pokey, might best be left out of your therapeutic regime until you have recovered your health.

Megadoses of Vitamin C, the Gerson system which uses castor oil and much raw food, and herbal and homeopathic remedies are the methods I would prefer to use to treat cancer.

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination.  There are several posts here which discuss some alternative cancer treatments.

Reading these posts might be helpful if you have decided to forfeit those much-promoted and often dubious flu injections.

Jason Vale’s Recovery From Cancer Using Prayer and Vitamin B17, Called Laetrile

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera

Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity

Best Vitamins For Hair Growth

Vitamin B complex, Biotin,Vitamin C, Zinc and Iodine are the best vitamins and minerals to encourage hair growth. Of course, you also need a nutritious diet with plenty of alkaline foods such as green vegetables, and adequate protein.  If you are on a budget, then the first things to consider buying would  be things like  eggs, fish, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, greens and fruits, and IODINE . However, there are many more Vitamins and Minerals which are necessary for good health and for the growing of new hair. There are also a variety of conditions which can lead to hair loss, and so we will look at those things in this article too.

IMG_6820Photo taken by Merrilyn 25th December 2012, Dunedin.

In this article we will discuss the possible causes of hair loss, the range of foods which may be helpful as sources of essential elements, and also the additional best vitamins for hair growth.

There are several main issues to consider in treating hair loss.

If you have a physical condition such as diabetes, or a thyroid disorder, then you might suffer hair loss. These conditions, of course, must be treated by a doctor, and any vitamin therapy you might consider should be discussed with your doctor if you have a medical problem of any kind, especially if you are taking medication.

If hair loss is a hereditary condition, then growing new hair might be difficult to achieve, especally for men; however, it is certainly worth a shot to give your diet an overhaul and to use vitamin and mineral supplements over a period of 4-6 months, even if hair loss is hereditary:  You might be able to stave off the condition of hair loss with massage, supplements, a few drops of iodine applied to the scalp several times a week, and optimum nutrition.

Many women suffer hair loss after childbirth, or because of deficiencies which arise because of heavy menstruation. This type of hair loss responds well to good nutrition, rest, and added supplements.

A traumatic event such as the loss of a loved one, or major surgery,or chemotherapy can cause hair to fall rapidly and effect a general decline in health. The hair loss which can result from trauma also responds well to good nutrition, and supplements, when combined with a good amount of rest.

However,exposure to excessive amounts of radiation can mean a slower recovery to health, which affects hair growth. Even radiation from power lines, transformers, and close proximity to electrical wires and appliances in the living, working, or sleeping environment can cause hair loss. If this is the main reason your hair is falling out, then you need to correct the environmental causes: Vitamins and minerals and diet will help, but the problem cannot be cured if your environment is toxic in any way. A poison-free, radiation-free environment is a prerequisite for any healing, including encouraging hair growth.

Poor nutrition,which includes  a diet deficient in protein, green vegetables and fruits, or a diet which is generally lacking in the essential vitamins and minerals necessary for good health, can cause hair loss. Not enough protein, oils and fats in the diet causes a slowing of hair growth, and a dry scalp which causes hair to fall.

Sudden crash diets can cause hair loss. Studies of people who suddenly reduced their calorie intake to 800 calories per day, or less, showed that these crash dieters experienced dramatic hair loss.

Some medications cause hair loss. Warfarin and heparin, both of which are blood thinners, cause hair loss in 50% of the people who take them. The contraceptive pill  depletes vitamin and mineral content in the body which can lead to hair loss. Some other drugs which are known to interfere with vitamin absorption and which produce hair loss are: amphetamines, propranolol which is used as a blood pressure medecine, and oral gold which is prescribed for arthritis.

Using hair dyes cause hair loss. Many dyes contain p-phenylenediamin, which not only thins your hair out, but can cause  heart problems and cancer.

Generally, vitamins and minerals which help sugar metabolism, thyroid function, and kidney function have a beneficial effect on the hair. Symptoms of these conditions or weaknesses are often displayed by thin, falling hair. All those trace elements which help to regulate blood sugar levels should be included in the list of “Best Vitamins For Hair Growth”. Hypoglycemia, or rocketing blood sugar level, is a chief cause in most people’s condition of hair loss. If good nutritional food is eaten, sugar is minimized in the diet, and the correct supplements given to help correct hypoglycemia, then you will find the hair begins to grow again.

Vitamin and mineral supplements really can make a difference to the condition of your hair and, in many cases, encourage new growth. You really need the whole range of vitamins and minerals in your diet for maximum health benefits from the food you eat: Vitamins and minerals are often activated, or assisted in their efficacy, by another vitamin or mineral. Some of the best vitamins for hair growth, assuming your diet includes a range of vegetables, fruits, proteins and whole grains, are:

VITAMIN A, or RETINOL, helps to prevent a dry scalp and dandruff. It is conducive towards general good health and for growing healthy hair. While deficiencies of Vitamin A/Retinol can lead to hair loss in combination with other deficiencies, an excess of this Vitamin can also result in excessive hair loss. Vitamin A is thought to be commonly deficient in about 33% of American and Australian/New Zealand children, and also deficient in about 20% of adults in these countries. Carrots, pumpkin, apricots, rockmelon, mango, in fact any yellow/orange fruit or vegetable will provide you with enough Vitamin A if some of these foods are eaten on a daily basis.

Too little Vitamin A will deplete your body of some of your Vitamin C intake.

VITAMIN C, which is a good, general all-rounder, helps all functions of the body, including the absorption of some vitamins and minerals,and the regrowth of bones, teeth and hair and nails. It also is effective in the counteracting of toxins and in the elimination of waste products from the body. Ester C, or Calcium Ascorbate, or some other non-acidic form of Vitamin C is the best one to go for: the non-acidic type is gentle on the stomach.

VITAMIN  C when taken with IRON helps to cure anemia, which can be a cause of hair loss. Prevention of anemia is assisted by adequate intakes of zinc.

Without adequate iron, the body inhibits hair growth as a self-preservation measure, and will only allow hair to grow again when the iron is restored to the body. Anemia can arise because of heavy menstrual periods or after childbirth. Iron is needed to cure anemia, but it is important that enough Vitamin C is taken in order for the iron to be assimilated into the body. 50 milligrams of iron taken with 100 milligrams of Vitamin C is a good remedial measure: you would take this until your iron levels are normal, which should be only a matter of weeks if your diet is nutritionally sound: Check with your doctor for advice on when to start and when to stop.

NOTE: Lack of zinc can contribute to an anemic condition. If your zinc intake is adequate, and your diet is good with a variety of foods eaten which cover the range of vitamins and minerals, then you should not develop anemia. Taking iron supplements can make you constipated. Talk to your naturopath or doctor about what is best for you.

IMPORTANT: It is best when taking IRON supplements that you get medical advice. Some people can build up an excess of iron in the blood. If you are not anaemic, then do not take an iron supplement: It is a safer practice to follow an iron-rich diet without taking an iron supplement, as this way you will not exceed a healthy iron level.

Foods which are high in iron are egg yolk, red meats, green vegetables such as kale, broccoli, spinach and silver beet should be included in the daily diet for people who have iron deficiency because of childbirth or menstruation. If you take a large glass of orange juice ,which is high in Vitamin C, you will maximize the iron intake from these vegetables.

VITAMIN B COMPLEX is essential in treating hair loss. This vitamin helps to alleviate stress and is functional in processing your carbohydrates, both of which help to keep your hair on. The B complex components which are helpful in growing healthy hair may be broken down into the following specifics, however DO NOT OVERDO any one of the Vitamin B complex over a long period. It is good to take a B complex tablet with any extra Vitamin B component so that you do not get an imbalance of any one of the complex. Best to get your health practitioner’s advice on what combinations to take.

VITAMIN B1, or THIAMINE: This is very helpful in keeping your brain and nerves healthy so that you can allow those new hair follicles to grow. Deficiencies can cause depression and constipation. It helps you manage stress and imparts a general feeling of well-being.

Some good sources of Thiamine are milk, orange juice, peanuts, wholemeal flour, green peas, sweet corn and wheat germ. Brewer’s yeast is especially high.

VITAMIN B2, or RIBOFLAVIN: This is important as a vehicle to take blood sugar to the muscles, brain, and eyes. Cataracts can form with a deficiency of Riboflavin, and serious hair loss can result  when levels remain low. Milk is a great source of Riboflavin, so if you do not have a problem with the digestion of milk, then this is an affordable option to increase your Riboflavin. Baking soda, and baking powder can destroy Riboflavin, so baked products using these ingredients may not give you your requirement of this vitamin. Sunlight also affects Riboflavin adversely.

Riboflavin is thought to be one of the most deficient B Vitamin in people’s diets. It is added to many foods in America to help prevent deficiencies.If you are taking the contraceptive pill, then this vitamin could be deficient, along with B6, B12 and Folic Acid.

Some good sources of Riboflavin are: milk, eggs, avocado, brussels sprouts, broccoli and mushrooms.

FOLIC ACID is another B Vitamin which is necessary for healthy hair. Inadequate folic acid can cause extreme anxiety, poor mental health, and premature greying of the hair: the greying of the hair can, in many cases, be restored with treatment of this B component, and mental/emotional factors relieved. Folic acid also helps prevent anaemia, which can be a cause of hair loss. Folic acid is necessary for healthy blood, hair, eyes, and a healthy brain.

Folic acid is found in orange juice, eggs, milk, brewer’s yeast, oatmeal porridge, wholemeal flour, peanuts, spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, pumpkin, silver beet, sweet corn, cauliflower, peas and tomatoes.

INOSITOL is another important B vitamin which helps hair grow. Excessive hair loss can result with insufficient inositol in the diet. It is important because it helps with the digestion of foods, and helps to produce lecithin in the body. It is important not just for the hair, but for the health of eyes, bone marrow, intestines, arteries, liver, kidneys and heart.

Inositol is found in orange juice, milk, peanuts, brown rice, wholemeal flour, beef, baked beans, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, sweet corn, raw tomatoes, lettuce, liver and wheat germ.

PANTOTHENIC ACID  is another important B vitamin. It aids digestion, helps protect against radiation and is a good anti-stress vitamin, thus it is helpful for hair growth. Baking soda can destroy this vitamin. It is manufactured in the body, but is also found in eggs, milk, avocado, peanuts, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms and brown rice.

BIOTIN, or Vitamin H, is a recommended vitamin for hair growth. This encourages the hair to grow, it thickens and strengthens the hair strands, and reduces shedding of the hair. Biotin is manufactured in the intestines, so the production of biotin can be halted if you have taken antibiotics, or are on medication which inhibits the biotin manufacture. Some biotin is drawn from the foods we eat.

Eggs, peanuts, liver and brewer’s yeast are good sources of biotin.

IODINE  is especially important for healthy hair. It is best to simply apply this to the scalp several times a week, just a few drops at each application, and massage into the scalp. Iodine is absorbed readily through the pores of the skin and scalp, so there is no need to take this orally.

Iodine nourishes the thyroid gland. It helps in the maintaining of energy levels and regulates cholesterol in the blood. It aids heart function and blood circulation. Applied to the scalp, it is absorbed easily into the tissues where hair is formed, helping it to grow.

MANGANESE  is important in helping to regulate blood sugar levels, so this makes it a necessary component in your diet if you are treating a condition of hair loss. It is found in milk, banana, orange juice, peanuts, baked beans, silverbeet and tomatoes, dolomite powder, molasses and treacle.Fish and avocado are also good sources.

ZINC is especially important in building a strong body, improving immune function and in increasing  hair growth. Zinc helps prevent anaemia, which can cause hair loss. It helps the conversion of carbohydrates to energy in the body and is important in keeping the blood sugar stable. If the blood sugar begins to fluctuate, then hyperglycaemia can result, which leads to thinning hair.

See also

Merrilyn’s new book is out on Amazon:  See The No Cancer And Good Health Notebook

No Cancer Notebook(1)