Baking Soda and Maple Syrup Cure for Cancer

What is the baking soda and maple syrup cure for cancer? It would seem to be an alternative method for treating cancer and other disease which is gaining in popularity.

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This is not a recipe which I have tried myself, although I must say that it sounds very appealing because of the maple syrup component of the ‘treatment’: It brings to mind the old-fashioned sweet we used to call ‘hokey-pokey’. This was a delicious caramel-toffee-like sweet made of treacle, or golden syrup, butter, sugar and baking soda. The baking soda, which was added to the other ingredients once they were heated, made the syrup bubble up into a foam, which hardened into an aerated toffee once it had cooled.

Could this delicious sweet be at all related to the baking soda and maple syrup cure for cancer? Perhaps hokey-pokey might serve just as well? On second thoughts, I doubt it.

Nevertheless, baking soda is an extremely alkaline product which can effectively turn the pH of the body from acidic to alkaline. This is an important aspect of healing anyone of a life-threatening disease.

Some writers on the subject claim that half a teaspoon of baking soda should be taken at hourly intervals throughout the day in order to attack advanced cancers.

Whilst baking soda can be used to keep the body alkaline and to prevent an acidic body, it must be remembered that baking soda has a deleterious effect on many vitamins, minerals, and their assimilation into the blood stream. A steady supply of baking soda throughout your digestive system could damage your stomach linings just as readily as an acidic product such as vinegar. It will also upset your intestinal flora in your bowel which will interfere with the normal absorption of vitamins and minerals. So whilst you might be keeping your body alkaline through taking medicinal doses of baking soda or a baking soda and maple syrup mixture, the negative effects might outweigh any positive benefits you may get from taking baking soda, whether or not it is mixed with maple syrup.

If I had cancer, or was helping someone else who had a terminal cancer, I doubt very much whether I would opt for the baking soda/maple syrup treatment. I would prefer to follow the Gerson diet, or a Gerson-type approach, and that which is used by many other famous healers, whereby castor oil is used to reduce the cancer growth. The castor oil treatment is taken every second day. Two tablespoons of castor oil is taken in the morning. This is followed up with a cup of black coffee and then an enema within five hours of taking the castor oil. With this therapy, a cleansing diet of chlorophyll-rich greens and their juices would be used in combination with large doses of calcium ascorbate Vitamin C. These are natural anti-oxidants which help to reduce cancer cells. These natural anti-oxidants would not only nourish the body but help you to keep the body alkaline and prevent it from becoming acidic.

I think that baking soda and maple syrup, or hokey-pokey, might best be left out of your therapeutic regime until you have recovered your health.

Megadoses of Vitamin C, the Gerson system which uses castor oil and much raw food, and herbal and homeopathic remedies are the methods I would prefer to use to treat cancer.

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination.  There are several posts here which discuss some alternative cancer treatments.

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