Bleeding Gums A Sign Of Vitamin C Deficiency

Natural Health Remedy

Scurvy and bleeding gums is what you get with a Vitamin C deficiency.

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The ‘Limey’s of British ships discovered that taking plenty of limes, which are rich in Vitamin C, to supplement the diets of sailors, protected them from getting the deadly scurvy.  Blleeding of the gums is one symptom of scurvy, or Vitamin C deficiency.

I discovered that Vitamin C deficiency was related to gum disease early on in the piece.  I was pregnant with my very first child at the ripe old age of 23.

After a few months, my gums began to bleed after cleaning the teeth.  Next thing, they seemed to be bleeding after eating crunchy fruits such as apples and carrots.

We went along to the hospital, where I was booked to give birth to my baby, for a check up.

The doctor came in and checked me out.  “Is there anything you would like to tell me? – any questions?”  I decided to mention the bleeding gums.

“Oh – don’t worry about that!  Bleeding gums are NORMAL”, he said.  “90% of the pregnant women coming in here have bleeding gums”.

I went away from the hospital decidedly disappointed in the healing skills of this doctor.  Why wasn’t this doctor interested in finding out WHY people got bleeding gums, especially when 90% of his patients had them?

Bleeding gums are NOT normal.  I had never had bleeding gums before I became pregnant.  If so many people have bleeding gums, then they must ALL be lacking something in their diets, or taking something which is causing it.

I decided to check out the problem of bleeding gums myself.  My Guardian Angels were with me, I am sure, because I was led within days into the strange but wonderful little healing clinic above a shop on Auckland’s Queen Street.  A healer was operating up there, who was the real thing – generous enough to let me browse through his healing books which he had on display. I think he might have asked me what I was looking for.  I told him I had bleeding gums.  The information was revealed, one way or another, within a minute or two, without any expensive consultation, that the problem was likely to be a deficiency of Vitamin C.

I couldn’t afford to buy Vitamin C tablets at the time, but the healer told me, or maybe I read it in his books,  to eat a grapefruit each day.  He said to eat the inside peel, the pith, of the grapefuit as well, since that was where most of the Vitamin C was stored.

I expressed my gratitude to this lovely man and went on my way.  We got hold of a good supply of grapefruit, which were growing in most people’s gardens several decades ago.

I did as the man had said, and ate one whole grapefruit each day, including the white pith from the inside of the skin.

Within a week, the bleeding gums had disappeared.  I never had bleeding gums again during the course of the pregnancy, and did not ever have the problem again.

It was a good lesson in how important Vitamin C is to the health of the body, and to the gums.

Merrilyn’s new book is out on Amazon:


No Cancer Notebook(1)



List Of Herbal Teas And Their Uses

DSCO 1667Herbal Health: Herbs For Enjoymehnt And As Herbal Medicine.

Herbal Teas are a great alternative to drinking all that regular tea and coffee.  Coffee and tea definitely have their uses, and are very enjoyable to take, but when we overuse coffee and tea we can harm our health.

Here is a list of some of the more popular herbal teas to try.  You can grow many of them yourself in your herb garden, which will help nature along by providing flowers for the bees, which in turn helps bees to thrive and do their job of pollinating our food crops for us when the time is right.  Angelica, Borage, Catnip, Chamomile, Dandelions, Marigolds, Nettles, Feverfew, Lemon Balm, Peppermint, Spearmint and Yarrow are all easy-to-grow herbs which will grace your garden and attract the bees too.

Alfalfa Tea:  This is very good as a digestive, as a tonic, a cleanser, and to make the body alkaline.

Angelica Tea:  This herb has a soothing effect on the digestive system and is very pleasant to take.

Aniseed Tea:  A very good digestive aid.  Helps alleviate flatulence.

Blackcurrant Tea:  A digestive.  Provides some Vitamin C, Iron, and Flavanoids.  Very pleasant to drink.

Blueberry Tea:  Similar qualities to Blackcurrant Tea.

Borage Flower Tea:  Helps lift the spirits and alleviate depression.  Rich in silica which is good for nails, teeth and hair. Do not use if you are pregnant.

Catnip Tea:  Very soothing and good for the digestion.  Helps remove flatulence.

Chamomile Tea:  Has a soothing effect on the digestion and on the nerves.  Great to give in teaspoon doses to teething babies.

Chicory Tea:  Useful as a substitute for coffee.  Good for the liver.

Cornsilk Tea:  Useful in increasing the flow of urine.  Good as a kidney cleanser and blood cleanser. All herbs which benefit the kidneys have a helpful effect on hair growth and shine.  Cornsilk tea can be used as a hair rinse.

Dandelion Tea:  Made from the flowers or the roasted root, this is a very palatable tea.  The leaves can be used too, but they do not taste so good.  All parts of the dandelion help the liver and increase bile production.  Also good for the kidneys.

Fennel Tea:  Good for the taste buds. Helpful to the pancreas. A digestive aid.  Good for flatulence.  Teaspoon doses of a weak tea can be given to babies to relieve colic.

Fenugreek Tea:  A nutrient-rich tea which is very alkaline in its effect.  Used in alternative programmes sometimes to treat cancer, arthritis, and other conditions.  Helps with prevention of cancer.

Ginger Tea:  Made from fresh ginger root is best, but dried powdered ginger can also be used if you do not have fresh ginger on hand.  Add a slice of lemon and a little honey.  A wonderful aid to the digestion and helpful in driving away melancholy.

Hibiscus Flower Tea:  The Hibiscus flowers are very refreshing to take.  They can be added to other flowers such as rose petals, or chamomile, to make a soothing tea.

Hollyhock Tea:  This is a demulcent.  Two or three flowers can be combined with chamomile or rosepetals or another herb of your choice to make a palatable tea.  Hollyhock is soothing to the nerves and to the mucous membranes.  Useful in cases of persistent cough or sinus trouble.

Nettle Tea:  Nettles are great to grow in the garden.  Make sure they are away from the play area though, as they do sting.  Rich in silica which is good for hair, teeth, nails and bone health.  Nettle tea can be used as a hair rinse to nourish the scalp and create shiny hair.

Rose Petal Tea:  This is a lovely tea when it is made from old-fashioned sweet scented petals.  You can use the petals dried or fresh.  A slice of orange can be added to make a delectable, refreshing, soothing tea.


No Cancer Notebook(1)A reprint of Merrilyn’s 1980’s Health Book entitled: NO CANCER NOTEBOOK is available for purchase.

The cost is $60 New Zealand currency.  This includes postage.

Send an email to [email protected] to order.








Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

On The Bad Effects Of  Vaccination

For a start, the flu vaccination, in this case, brought about a bad dose of flu the very next day – the very thing the flu vaccination was meant to prevent!


Immunization  Has Debilitating Effects For Some People:  This is a story about how vaccination caused influenza, asthma and high blood pressure in a person immediately after she had a flu injection. 

If only she had known about the effectiveness of Homeopathic Arsen Alb., she may have been spared the consequences of the flu jab.  Read:

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

There is much literature around on the bad effects of vaccination.  The debate is still a very hot one, with drug companies and much of the medical profession pushing to keep those vaccinations going.

Antibiotics used in vaccination programmes are incredibly large money-earners for the drug-pharmaceutical industry, as well as the medical profession,  and so, like the tobacco story, it can be a very difficult thing persuading people that vaccinations can be harmful, because so much money is spent on propaganda in favour of vaccination or immunization.

These big organizations manage to get institutions such as the FDA alongside, who then pressure for mass vaccinations to be  made mandatory.  Even WHO, the ‘World Health Organization’, in tow with the pharmaceutical companies, go about the world vaccinating thousands upon thousands of people in those underdeveloped countries where they are least likely to find resistance.  Programmes like these bring in massive profits for the drug companies.

However – This is not working out for them so well in Pakistan at the moment, where the Teleban are cracking down on the vaccination programmes being run there by WHO.  The Teleban, and many other Pakistani people,  are suspicious that the vaccines might cause infertility, among other things, and quite rightly so, in my opinion.  Read my post entitled: Fake Vaccinations So Teleban Kill Polio Workers In Pakistan which has a bit more on this story.  See also some of my other posts on the subject of Vaccination and Vaccination Alternatives:

Link Between Vaccination And  Obesity New Study Suggests BBC Report;  

Possible Homeopathy For Meningitis If Vaccinations Don’t Work; 

Is Vaccination Related To Autism;

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles.

Importance Of Magnesium In Preventing Heart Attack And Lowering Stress

And now – For the story on how immunization for flu weakened the immune system, bringing on asthma and high blood pressure, amongst other things:

I have just met a lady who has been made very ill from having a routine flu injection.  Four years ago, she and her husband went in to get their ‘flu shots’.  That year nothing unusual happened.

But the following year, just before going on holiday to Australia in 2010,  they decided to get their flu vaccinations done to ensure they did not catch anything while they were away.  They got their vaccinations done three years ago this April.

On this occasion, the flu vaccination caused a health crisis in this woman’s life.  Her husband did not have any trouble with the vaccine, apparently, although I have not spoken to him.

The first adverse reaction to the flu vaccine was to immediately get a bad dose of the flu.  My friend became suddenly very ill with the flu the following day after having the vaccination.

After she recovered from the flu, she found she had developed asthma, which she had never ever experienced in her life before.

The asthma grew worse.  By the time they had gone over to Australia on their holiday, she was in dire straits with the asthma, and had to be hospitalized.  Her blood pressure had also soared, when she had not had a blood pressure problem before.

Her blood pressure was suddenly dangerously high – 180 over 120.

After being discharged from the hospital in Australia, they returned to New Zealand, whereupon she went back to the doctor to complain about the effects of the vaccination.  This doctor dismissed the idea of vaccination being the cause of her demise in health.  He said her sudden bad health had nothing at all to do with the vaccination for flu.

But she had become IMMEDIATELY ill with the flu after having the vaccination, and the flu was followed on by asthma and extremely high blood pressure, as well as a feeling of lethargy and depression.  My friend did not believe the doctor at all. She changed her doctor right away to one who has been helping her to gradually reduce all the medications she has been put on to manage the asthma and hypertension.

Incidentally, she has found that her blood pressure problem has improved greatly with the addition of magnesium to the diet.  She has almost weaned herself off the high blood pressure medication.  Her new doctor supports her attempts to reduce her high blood pressure through natural means.

The first doctor who ignored her complaints about the flu injection, insisting that the flu injection had not caused any demise in health, is typical of many doctors who support the pharmaceutical industry:  They refuse to acknowledge any harmful effects of their vaccinations.

It is not compulsory for doctors to keep a record of the bad effects of vaccination.   I wonder why?  It is obvious.   Ignoring the harmful effects of vaccinations means that the proof against vaccinations remains hidden.  This is very convenient for the drug companies, because there is no register kept which lists just how many people suffer ill effects from vaccinations or immunizations, and there is no record kept of the type of illnesses which people succmb to after having vaccinations done.

Which is why I keep writing these articles up – in an attempt to help disseminate information which might antidote the potentially harmful propaganda which is continually churned out by the drug companies and much of the medical profession.

Useful Books To Read:  ‘Your Health At Risk – What Doctors And The Government Aren’t Telling You’ by Toni Jeffreys Ph.D.  Published 2005 by Crow’s Nest Publishing, Warkworth, New Zealand and also by Axiom Press Australia.

‘Vaccination – A Guide For Making Personal Choices’ by Dr Hans-Peter Studer.  First published in English by Floris Books in 2004.

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity


Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

What About  Using Homeopathy For Measles As Well As Vitamin A?  Homeopathy Is An Alternative To Vaccination Or Immunization.

Medical Aid To Syria Includes Vitamin A

News on New Zealand television TV3 17 December 2012 at 8AM.

The Director General of Unicef, speaking from Wellington, has just been interviewed on TV3.  He was talking about the aid-initiative in Syria, which is being led by Unicef.  His concerns were for the children of Syria, and that a measles outbreak could occur.  This, unless preventive measures are taken, would be devastating for the vulnerable children in Syria, who have been affected by the disruption there.  Homelessness and poverty are real issues.

Great to hear that Vitamin A is being given to boost the immunity of these children who are susceptible to measles.  The Director General said that an immunization programme is being carried out, and that Vitamin A is being supplemented.

My new book has more information on natural remedies:

Vitamin A Can Work As A Prophylactic or Preventative.  If illness develops, then Vitamin A can minimize the effects of the illness and make for a quick recovery:

At last.  Vitamin A being used in an international attempt to help prevent or alleviate child-hood illnesses.  Immunization should not  be necessary at all, if adequate Vitamin A is provided,  with Vitamin C, along with adequate nutrition.  And if Unicef were to give out appropriate homeopathic medicine for the treatment of measles and other childhood infections,  instead of immunizations or vaccinations, then things would be near perfect in my opinion.

Homeopathy Can Work As a Prophylactic and certainly can be used to alleviate the symptoms of illness if an infection has begun:

Many vaccinations or immunizations, are problematic to the health of the individual vaccinated.  Adverse reactions can appear at the time, but the immune system can be damaged which can cause health problems later in life.  Type 2 Diabetes is one condition which has been related to vaccinations.  Obesity is another condition which may be related to vaccination.  Then there is autism, depression, cancer, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s, and arthritis, to name a few others.  Other chemicals in our environment, such as toxic pesticides and herbicides, and harmful additives in food, also play a part in all these diseases, I am sure.  But vaccinations are probably the very first assault on the immune system that a small child has to suffer.

So.  It has taken a long time for Unicef to recognize that Vitamin A is effective against measles.  Vitamin A will also help protect against other childhood illnesses, such as mumps, scarlet fever, whooping cough – you name it.  Now Unicef is giving out Vitamin A, when orthodox medicine has for so long ignored this treatment.  Let’s hope that they will not continue to exclude homeopathy from their range of treatments, but will begin to examine the use of homeopathy as an alternative to standard vaccinations and immunizations.

Note:  Large doses of Vitamin C are also effective in resisting, combatting, or minimizing the effects of  childhood illnesses such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, scarlet fever, and many others.

Homeopathy Considered Effective For Measles:

I think that there is a nosode which can be prescribed by a homeopathic physician to help prevent measles.  But there are some common remedies which are also effective in helping prevent or to treat measles.

Dr James Stephenson, in ‘Helping Yourself With Homeopathic Remedies’, published in 1976 by Parker Publishing, New York, gives several remedies for measles.  See the post after this one for details of how these remedies may be used.

Aconite, Antimon tart, Arsen alb, Bryonia, Chamomila, Rhus tox, Phosphorous, Pulsatilla and Sulphur, are some that Dr Stephenson recommends for measles.  Each remedy has specific indications, and you would use the remedy which has the closest indications to those symptoms shown by the individual.


Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Vaccinations Do Not Always Work.  This is the sad lesson for a family whose 12 year-old daughter died of Meningitis on Monday.

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Note:  See Merrilyn’s post following this one, entitled: 

Possible Homeopathy For Meningitis If Vaccinations Don’t Work

Vaccinations may help to prevent a bacterial disease, but vaccinations are no good on viral diseases.  If this case of meningitis was a viral one, then the antibiotics in the vaccine given her will have been ineffective for that reason.  But Vitamin C works on both viral and bacterial diseases…….

Alternatives to Vaccinations:  Two other therapies can be used instead of vaccinations, and these are massive doses of Vitamin C when the disease presents itself, and Homeopathy for prevention and cure.

And this is why Vitamin C therapy and Homeopathic Medicine should not be suppressed by doctors or by drug companies or anyone else.

Homeopathic Medicine is a non-harmful, non invasive alternative to vaccinations.  Whereas vaccinations  are invasive to the body, and can harm the immune system, the homeopathic remedies do not cause harm to the immune system.

Vitamin C has cured people of infectious diseases when they were expected to die.  Only two years ago, a man who had swine flu recovered because his family persuaded doctors to give him intravenous Vitamin C in massive doses.  The medics at the Auckland hospital where he was being treated were about to take him off life support and let him die.  He lives today, because he was given Vitamin C.

Everyone should learn about basic Homeopathy:  It has stopped people dying of cholera, of scarlet fever, polio, tetanus, and other infectious diseases in the past.  It could well save the life of your child in an emergency.  However, Homeopathic remedies work best when the patient has not been exposed to a plethora of vaccinations and other antibiotics beforehand. It is best to choose one or the other – vaccinations or homeopathy.

If  you decided to vaccinate, but your child  nevertheless gets sick from the very disease which he or she has been vaccinated for, then it is possible that the appropriate Homeopathic remedies may not work either.  This is because vaccinations upset the equilibrium, and harden a person’s sensitivity to all manner of things, including homeopathic remedies.  However, in an emergency if nothing else can be done, it is always worth a try to use a homeopathic remedy on a vaccinated child.

And I would ALWAYS give large amounts of Vitamin C in an acute illness such as suspected meningitis.  With or without vaccinations, Vitamin C can kill viruses and bacteria when it is given in large enough doses.  It is a good thing to keep Vitamin C in your cupboard in case of an emergency, as well as Homeopathic Aconite, Belladonna, Mercurius, Ledum, Arnica, Arsen alb., and a few others.

Sad Death Of A Vaccinated Girl:  Just this week, a 12 year old Wellington girl has died  of suspected Meningococcal disease, only hours after showing the first symptoms.  Amanda Crook-Barker had stayed home from school on Monday, 3rd September, because she was feeling a little sick and had a sore throat.

Within a short time she had started vomitting.  Shortly after vomitting, whe manifested a rash, which is one of the classic symptoms of Meningococcal disease.  One identifyer of meningococcal disease is that the rash does not disappear when you press the area.

Within two hours of the rash appearing,  at 5 PM, Amanda had died.

Her father said that the rash quickly overtook her, and by the time the ambulance came to take her to hospital, she was black, as if bruised, all over her body.  He only described her condition in an interview on television tonight, 5th September, so that other people might recognize the symptoms and act more quickly if their children became sick.  Amanda’s condition deteriorated so quickly, there was hardly time to recognize the stages of the  fast-accelerating illness, and the family certainly did not anticipate that things would develop the way they did, and claim their daughter’s life within hours.

It is most likely, though, that even if she had gone to hospital earlier in the day that the disease may not have been diagnosed.  On the news tonight, her illness was described only as ‘suspected meningococcal disease’.  Even if her diagnosis was certain, it is likely that antibiotics may not have reversed her condition.  She had already had a vaccination for meningococcal disease.  The only treatment which may have saved her life could have been a megadose of Vitamin C  in combination with a homeopathic remedy such as Arsen alb, Aconite, Belladona, Mercurius, or Crotalus.

Over the past month there have been five cases of meningitis reported in the Auckland region.  Fifteen cases were reported in Wellington last year.

A doctor appeared on the news tonight to warn people that they still could succumb to meningitis, even though they had been vaccinated.  The doctor said that there are many strains of meningococcal disease, and there is not necessarily a vaccine for every one of these.

Some extra reading on alternatives to vaccinations:

See Merrilyn’s other posts on Homeopathy and Herbal Alternatives to Vaccination:

No Antibiotics For H7N9 Bird Flu Virus 2013 Human Killer

Homeopathic Remedy Arsen Alb For Flu Allergies Asthma

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Swine Flu: Intravenous Vitamin C

Vaccinated NZ Girl Dies From Meningococcal Disease 3rd September 2012

Health Without Vaccinations Or Antibiotics

Homeopathic Remedy And Herbs For Cholera

Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Best Homeopathic Remedy For Whooping Cough And Croup

List Of Homeopathic Remedies For Ear Ache

List Of Complementary Homeopathic Remedies And Sequences

How Homeopaths Cured Some Cancerous Tumours

Doctors Used Homeopathy To Cure Fibroid Tumours

List Of Homeopathy Remedies For Shingles Herpes Zoster

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles

Vaccination Alternatives and Homeopathic Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Outbreak in Hong Kong/Homeopathic Alternatives

Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

Unicef Gives Vitamin A For Measles In Syria

Natural Treatments and Remedies For Scarlet Fever

Herbal Recipe For Cancer Doctor Uses Just Three Herbs

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Homeopathic Remedy To Reduce Craving For Tobacco

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity