Regrow Tooth Enamel

How People Have Regrown Teeth:

This post is in answer to Amalhator’s comment on one of  my recent posts about how to grow new teeth, entitled Regrow Teeth.

Thankyou for your comment Amalhator.

There are some dental experts who specialize in growing new enamel on teeth.  This is done  with specially prepared natural formulas of minerals and vitamins which aid the reparation of the natural tooth enamel.

It is recommended that you see a health professional about your teeth if you wish to regrow tooth enamel. A dental expert should help you. This post is intended for information only, and so you might like to discuss these methods with your health professional before giving any of these methods  a go, of course, with your dentist’s  approval.

Tooth enamel and new hair can be regrown through diet and detoxification methods.  Whether you succeed in growing new teeth using the same method as Dr Gerson and Jacqui Davison will depend on how strictly you follow their methods,  and how long you follow their diet and detoxification methods.

If you are youngish, then your ability to regrow new tooth enamel will be stronger than if you are old with a weakened vitality.  However, it must be stressed that success  in growing new teeth naturally does  require a huge commitment:   following any type of  alternative method as  recommended  by Dr Gerson, Walter Last, Dr Anne Wigmore, Dr Eva Hill is not  easy by any means.

Cases of people who have regrown their teeth and their hair can be found, going back 50 years or so,  in some of Dr Max Gerson’s cancer patients who overcame the disease.

From written reports on his successes, and the book by Jacqui Davison who cured her own melanoma through following much of the Gerson treatment, we can deduce that these natural methods for treating cancer actually work to regrow tooth enamel and to regrow hair, as well as being effective in  curing cancer:  Many of those who recovered from cancer reported miraculous changes to the state of their teeth.

The recovery of the teeth occurred because the diet contained optimum amounts of all the necessary vitamins and minerals to cure cancer, and for the maintaining of excellent health.  These minerals and vitamins nourished the blood which fed the nerves of the teeth, and so the teeth regrew.

Those teeth which had the nerve removed, or which were ‘capped’, did not regrow, because there was no nerve left to feed the tooth. The nerve of the tooth must be intact for a tooth to regrow.

Hard Work To Grow New Tooth Enamel: These cancer patients had very specific diets which excluded cooked food, dairy,  wheat, sugar and flesh foods for very long periods.  That means NO dairy foods, NO meat, NO Wheat,  NO cooked food, but raw salads with almost every meal, and fresh organic vegetable juices on the hour every hour.  After several weeks,  two raw egg yolks a day were included in the diet to supply protein, fats and vitamins.

The diet also had specific  vitamin and mineral supplements  which aided recovery.  However, many people have recovered from cancer using  similar methods to Dr Gerson’s without the addition of nutritional supplements.

Dr Eva Hill, who worked in New Zealand about the same time as Dr Gerson worked in Americal and Mexico, cured many people of serious disease by raw food alone. Walter Last, and Dr Anne Wigmore are two other doctors who have cured people of life threatening disease by using diet and detoxification methods. These people have all written books on their successes which detail their use of diet, and detoxification.

Oatmeal Porridge: In the main, the only cooked food which was eaten at the beginning of the Gerson therapy was oatmeal porridge, which was eaten with a grated raw apple every morning.

The oatmeal porridge must have had a bearing on the recovery of the health and the hair, as oatmeal is very high in silica, which helps bone, hair and teeth to grow.  Silica, and calcium, are both necessary to combat cancer.

Iodine is another essential for treating cancer and for improving the health of the hair teeth and nails:  liquid iodine can be used for iodine intake.  Just several dabs onto the skin twice a week should be sufficient for most healthy people.

Calves’ Liver Broth for Enzymes and Iron: Walter Last used calves’ liver broth in his cancer treatments:  This supplies important nutrients and enzymes to the body, a teaspoon or two at a time, several times a day, without having to eat the meat. See my post on how to make calf liver broth. Eating the meat itself is avoided in treating cancer, as meat putrifies in the bowel, which must be avoided at all costs if you have cancer.  The idea is to keep the bowels as clean as they can be in treating cancer, and this must apply also if you are attempting to grow new teeth.

Castor Oil for Detoxification and Healing: The special diet  recommended by Dr Gerson was  used in combination with intense detoxification methods.  The integral parts of the detoxifaction process included the use of castor oil and enemas.

Castor Oil is a very powerful healer, as well as a detoxifying agent. Castor oil has the ability to draw out poisons from the body tissues.  It also helps to transfer valuable healing vitamins and minerals over all parts of the body.  I believe that castor oil was an integral part of the recovery of these cancer patients, including the regrowth of hair and newly grown tooth enamel.

Enemas are important in the Gerson therapy, and in Walter Last’s treatments. However, you really need the advice of a professional in using these along with any alternative cancer therapy.

One Case of Cured Gum Disease:  Years ago, I had one amazing success of curing a person with a gum disease which threatened the life of my friend’s teeth.  She had been tole by a dentist that each tooth must be removed, scraped, treated, and then reinserted back into her gums.  Each tooth was to be treated individually, one at a time, and these operations were going to take place over a period of about six months at a cost of around $5,000 per tooth, which, twelve years ago or so, was a large amount of money.

Basically, she could not afford to keep her teeth, and she came to me to see if I could help her.

Tooth Cavity Repaired Through Diet: Now I had seen tooth enamel regrow while my family and myself were on a totally dairy free, and wheat-free, and  sugar-free diet.  It was not a total raw foods diet, as we ate cooked vegetables and also  had meat, chicken, fish, and eggs, and rice, and other gluten free grains – but for years we did not touch dairy, wheat, or foods sweetened with white sugar.

One day, I noticed that my son, who was about 10 years old, had developed a cavity in one of his lovely front white teeth. I did not take him immediately to see the dentist, because the cavity was quite small – I resisted getting such a small cavity drilled out, as that would make the cavity even bigger, and I had a mouth full of teeth which were mainly fillings because of this kind of dentistry.

We kept on with the diet which was necessary because my son had chronic allergy to wheat, milk and sugar at that stage.  After around six months, when rechecking the mouth, I found that the cavity had simply disappeared.  The hole had completely repaired itself without us  having to  see a dentist.

This was entirely coincidental, as I had been treating eczema with diet, not holes in teeth.

I had had earlier success myself with this kind of diet in curing a breast lump. Anyway – I published a couple of little books on the subject, and so my friend came to see me about  the gum disease and the costly treatment which her dentist proposed for her.

Now not many people are really that keen to do the alternative cancer treatment seriously.  Many people, even those with cancer, will do a little of it, but not the works, which includes enemas and castor oil.

But my friend, to my surprise, did everything to the letter.  Three months later, the gum disease was totally cured and she looked about twenty years younger, full of vitality.

She went back to see the dentist to show him how healthy her teeth and gums were, and to say that she would not need this operation after all.  The dentist  told her that he must have been wrong in his diagnosis.  he said he had made a mistake, because  she couldn’t have had this gum disease after all, if she had ‘cured’ herself naturally, as she said she had. He said the disease was incurable.

But before she ‘cured’ herself, he was more than happy to go along with his undisputed diagnosis, remove all her teeth, and charge her around $50,000 to $100,000 for what he said was a necessary and urgent operation.

Natural Ways to Regrow Hair in Children

How To  Regrow Hair in Children: Basically, the condition of the hair is an indicator for the health of the whole body.  In promoting hair regrowth, we have to work on improving the whole body vitality.

1) Regrow Hair Through Diet

If your child has thin hair, or hair which has fallen because of an illness, you really should check with your doctor or naturopath or other health professional as to the cause and possible remedies.

Meanwhile, you can begin a programme of diet which will include many of the foods which help hair growth.

Oatmeal Porridge:  Make porridge every morning.  Porridge is very high in silica and other minerals which are utilized for hair and bone growth, not to mention teeth. Eating oatmeal porridge regularly really helps your skin too.  You will notice the skin becomes smooth and silky when oatmeal porridge is eaten every day.

I like to use pure oat bran, which contains most of the natural goodies in the outer part of the grain.

Add Extra Nourishment: Make your oatmeal porridge up using enough water to make it smooth and not stodgy.  Cook it gently for five minutes or so, depending on what type of oats you are using.

Serve the porridge out – we will assume that we are serving one adult-sized plate here, which you can use part of, or all of, depending on the size and age of your child: Grate one whole apple over the adult sized plate of oatmeal porridge.  Of course, you will use a smaller quantity of everything for a yound child.

Eating raw apple with the porridge helps the digestion of the grain, and provides more roughage to the bowel as well as extra potassiumPotassium in apples,  and other nutrients, will  help with hair growth. Walter Last, a famous healer, was adamant that you eat some raw food with EVERY meal, as this provides enzymes and vitamin C, etc, to help digest the cooked food. The raw apple will aid digestion so that you gain the optimum nutrient value from the food – this will benefit hair growth.

Add one good tablespoon of sesame seeds onto the porridge.

Add one tablespoon of ground sunflower seeds. Grind these up in your blender.  You can make a couple of cupfuls up to last a week or so.

Almonds: If you have some almonds, you can grind three or four of  these up in your blender with the sunflower seeds.

Linseed, or flaxseed is also excellent for the hair.

Sesame seeds alone contain high amounts of calcium and magnesium:  one handful is supposed to contain about 1200mg of calcium and magnesium, which is about as much as you would get in a glass of unadulterated milk.  They contain protein, which is needed for hair growth. They also contain omega 3 fatty acids which help hair growth, brain function, eyesight, the nervous system, and help create a sense of well being.

Sunflower seeds are also high in fatty acids, protein,  vitamin E and other goodies.

Almonds, of course, are a rich source of protein, vitamin E, magnesium and other minerals.

These foods – sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, linseed/flaxseed, and almonds are high octane foods.  They are ideal supplements for the vegeraian diet, or in helping people recover health.

Don’t make the porridge too rich by using too much of these wonderful foods at once.  The amount you use will vary according to the body weight of the child and the state of his or her appetite.

Milk, or just a knob of butter, or some ghee, with a dollop of honey or dark brown sugar, makes this porridge just delectable.  You can use dairy or soy milk if you want, but the sesame, almonds and sunflowers can substitute milk protein if milk is not tolerated.

Green Vegetables. The high calcium greens are the best for hair growth: boccoli,  brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, are all excellent.  Carrots help hair growth as well, and some should be eaten every day for good general health.

If you have access to comfrey, then using a little of this mixed in with your silverbeet or spinach or cabbage will give extra nourishment to the nerves and hair follicles.  Comfrey is very high in silica, which is why it has been called ‘knitbone’ for centuries – it was used to help heal broken bones, which gives you something of an idea as to its healing qualities.

Organic free range meats and poultry and eggs should all be sought, for the sake of the animal as well as for the health of your child. The same applies to dairy milk, if that is what you use.  Organic and freerange – it is worth paying the little bit extra to get the quality and a  kinder product.

Oily Fish such as sardines, mackerel, salmon and tuna are all rich in omega 3 fatty acids and other nutrients, including iodine, which aid the growth of healthy hair.

Egg yolk is high in nutrients which help general good health, including hair growth. Egg yolk contains lecithin which helps your liver and gall bladder to process fats so that your body can use them.  Egg yolks on their own are used in some cancer therapies, when meat is avoided.  Dr Gerson used raw egg yolk in his clinics.  Walter Last used raw egg yolk as a substitute for flesh protein in his treatments for cancer and other disease.

Banana Smoothies for Hair Health: You might try using an egg yolk in your blender to make those banana smoothies. These can be  enriched with a little sesame seeds or sunflower seeds.  You can make these smoothies up using your favourite milk, or, instead, add a few almonds instead of milk.  Fresh orange juice goes will with a dairy-free banana smoothie, although some people would dislike combining an acid fruit with a sweet one.

Pure orange juice is another food which is good for the health including hair regrowth.  It is high in riboflavin, iron, vitamin C and other nutrients.

2) Massage with Olive Oil or Castor Oil. Massaging the scalp regularly with either olive oil or castor oil really helps hair regrowth.  Leaving it on overnight is just the best thing.  But even leaving on for several hours before washing it out with soap and warm water will benefit the hair.

3) Iodine dabbed onto the scalp once or twice a week helps hair growth.  Note:  Use only a very small amount for young children.  One drop every two weeks should be enough for those under five years old.  Check with your naturopath or ayurvedic practitioner or other health professional.

4) Apple Cider Vinegar is just the best thing for helping the hair to grow.  It contains many nutrients which feed the hair follicles, and your nervous system, and the cider vinegar works to keep your scalp at a nice acidic level.  Soaps and shampoos are alkaline, and an alkaline scalp tends to make the hair fall out.

Put apple cider vinegar onto the scalp straight after you have towel dried your child’s  hair.  Massage it well into the damp hair and scalp.  Do not use your iodine treatment on the same day as you apply the cider vinegar.  Put the iodine onto the scalp 8 hours later, or on the following day after washing the hair.

Calcium Ascorbate for Varicose Veins

Calcium Ascorbate is a Healer.

Calcium ascorbate for Varicose Veins: Calcium Ascorbate has the power to draw poisons out from the body.  Vitamin C  is an antioxidant and has a healing effect on the tissues of the body:  Calcium ascorbate is one of the best ways to take megadoses of vitamin C for the purposes of healing, as this is a non-acidic form which is soothing on the gut.  Ester C is another type of non-acidic vitamin C which you can use to help heal varicose veins and other conditions.

The antioxidant and healing effects  of Vitamin C, especially when used in non-acidic form such as calcium ascorbate and ester C,  make  Vitamin C  one of the most valuable vitamins in helping to cure any disease.

Calcium ascorbate for varicose veins is highly recommended.  It will help to dissolve build-ups of calcium deposits and other matter in the veins.  It can help to reduce blood clots, and will help to thin the blood.  It will help to heal the walls of the veins and arteries and make them strong.  It will help in the assimilation of your food so that you gain the optimum nutrition from the food which you eat.

Of course, you must ask your doctor or health professional if you are sick or have varicose veins.  Professional advice must be sought, especially  if you are already taking medications or treatments of any kind, to see if Vitamin C is suitable for you to use.

Some medications thin the blood, and these must not be taken in combination with vitamin C, as Vitamin C also thins the blood. This brings to mind the question of whether warfarin is necessary at all to thin people’s blood:  this is derived from rat poison, and has many negative side effects.

Vitamin C such as calcium ascorbate,  garlic, ginger, cayenne pepper and fresh fruit and vegetables are some of the natural things which  thin the blood.  This is why doctors often tell people who are taking warfarin and suchlike drugs,  to avoid these items.   But in an alternative treatment these drugs  would not be used at all:  high doses of calcium ascorbate or some other vitamin C would be presecribed in combination with some other treatments, including a specially   designed  diet whose objective is to thin the blood, if that is what is necessary.

However, if you are not taking medications, then Vitamin C in the form of calcium ascorbate powder, or ester C, is  generally speaking one of the most safe vitamins which you can use.  It is not dangerous to use, and we hope that it will always be available to us for purchase at local supermarkets and health stores, so that we can help our own condition of health without having to go to a doctor for a prescription.  And without having to pay double the price to a drug company who might be capitalizing on the product.

Vitamin C and Cancer


Alternative Cancer Treatments:

How Vitamin C Inhibits Cancer Cells

No Cancer Notebook small

Very recently, in June 2015, it was reported on National Radio that New Zealand research scientists have proved for a fact that Vitamin C does have an effect on cancer cells. Actually, they are not the first, as the Australian doctor, Dr Brighthope, the American Dr Levy, and others have been writing about their studies into the effectiveness of Vitamin C for many years now.

There is a wealth of research which shows that Vitamin C can stop cancer from growing, that it can reduce the size of cancers,  and that Vitamin C can prevent cancer from developing in the first place.

The following quote is from

(OMNS September 15, 2010)

‘It is entirely false to assert that we do not know how much vitamin C is effective against cancer. Indeed, the opposite is true: we do know, and we are failing our duty to patients when we fail to recommend vitamin C as adjunctive cancer therapy.

There are many controlled studies that demonstrate that vitamin C is indeed effective against cancer, improving length of life and quality of life. Positive studies have typically used between 10,000 and 100,000 mg/day intravenously. As Dr. Fernando Cabanillas correctly noted, success with 10,000 mg/day by IV was initially reported back in the 1970s by Cameron and Pauling.’

NOTE:  Although I would take the alternative approach every time, readers should not necessarily follow my advice.  Different things work for different people. DO see a doctor or a suitably qualified health professional if you think you may have cancer or some other degenerative disease.

For years, the debate about Vitamin C and Cancer has continued, with some alternative health therapists using megadoses of Vitamin C to treat cases of cancer and other degenerative disease, whilst orthodox medicine stood outside the square insisting that their methods, which exclude the use of Vitamin C, were best.

The efforts and successes of the proponents of Vitamin C have largely been ignored, or minimized in many cases.  Medical magazines are resistant to publishing material which is controversial. The power of persuasion of drug companies, and their readiness to stamp out opposition, are managing to keep the wonders of Vitamin C a big secret.

Professor Ian Brighthope has said ‘Unfortunately, as long as IV/C (intravenous vitamin C) has the potential to bankrupt hospitals, it doesn’t matter how well it works.’  -Quote from

Using Vitamin C as part of a ‘natural’ treatment for cancer has been used for over 50 years:  Dr Max Gerson , who used it in his famous cancer clinics, was driven out of America by the drug companies and the FDA, really because these powerful organisations did not want Dr Gerson challenging the effectiveness of their drug and radiation methods for cancer, when his own methods were so hugely successful.

You can read Dr Gerson’s book, Cancer – 50 Cases, to get greater insight into his work.  The book by Samuel E. Epstein, The Politics of Cancer, gives many instances of drug coverups and how alternative practitioners such as Dr Gerson have been hunted down and ostracized by the strong arm of the FDA, which is backed by the pharmaceutical companies.

Alternative therapies are kept such a secret, most people don’t even consider a ‘natural’, or  alternative cancer therapy when they first discover they have cancer.  I met a woman at the Newmarket pools recently, who was due to have her breasts taken off because of malignant breast cancer.  I told her about the clinic in Remuera, Auckland, which gives intravenous Vitamin C for cancer and advised her to go there for advice before having the operation.  ‘Oh, I don’t believe in Vitamin C.  If it worked, then we would all hear about, and the hospitals would be using it,’ she said .  She was wrong. She believed implicitly in the medical system.  She was not even mildly aware that modern medicine is one of the biggest industries in the world, or that the medical profession are basically puppets for the multinational drug companies, who refuse to  accept alternative methods which could pose a threat to their monopoly on the health ‘industry’.

Another recent major happening which should elevate the status of Vitamin C in treating any serious disease, also occurred very recently, again, –  in New Zealand.

The case which has drawn attention to the media is one where  Vitamin C cured a case of swine flu and hairy cell leukemia. The man, who was in hospital, was not improving with the current regular methods of treatment.  The family of the man requested that he be given Vitamin C in megadoses: they had read somewhere that this could be effective.  However, the medics denied this treatment at first, saying that it would not do any good.

The family did not give up, and threatened legal action unless Vitamin C was administered before the man died. So the hospital authorities relented, gave the man the megadoses of Vitamin C, and the result is that the man recovered from Swine Flu and Hairy Cell Leukemia.

We had coverage on the case by reporters from Channel 3 and Channel 1, TVNZ, which was excellent.

I hope that the subject still remains ‘hot’ news, as it very well should be.  So often, when major alternative ‘findings’ come to light here, they quickly get drowned by other competing factions, and are then conveniently forgotten – sometimes it is years before we have any more reporting on similar issues.

Lives could be saved if, as well as Vitamin C treatment,  homeopathic medicine were at least given a try in some of these ‘incurable’ illnesses.  Let’s pray that the pharmaceutical companies loosen their strangulating hold on the medicine industry, and let Homeopaths prove the worth of their science, as well as the Vitamin C therapists.

See also



No Cancer Notebook small


Preventing Head Lice

Prevent Head Lice Returning

I have just had a very good comment from Andrea who used the olive oil treatment for treating head lice.   I have given several methods for getting rid of head lice  in the posts  entitled ‘How to Get Rid of Head Lice’ and ‘Does the Olive Oil Treatment Work For Head Lice?’

Andrea has found the olive oil treatment to be successful in getting rid of the head lice which her children had brought home from school.  But now she wants to know whether she should stop sending her children to school, as they will get reinfected.

Well, the straight answer is ‘NO, you don’t stop sending your children to school’.  Send your children to school just as usual.

The idea is to use natural remedies  on the hair at home, once you have gotten rid of the lice, so that the lice do not come back. I will go over some of the things you can do which help to deter lice.

The thing is, that you can catch lice in many places about town: riding on the bus, sitting in the movie theater, rubbing shoulders with people in crowds, or playing with children at school.  You can also reinfect the family at home, because lice and their nits will still be about the house somewhere, mainly on the sheets and pillow cases. So you see, it is best not to worry about where or when you might catch lice and in how you can avoid them, but to work on prevention methods instead.

What To Do To Prevent Head Lice Coming Back

  • First of all, try to wash all the clothes in hot water if you can.
  • Next, make sure that you iron all your family’s sheets and pillowcases and bed clothes.  You can use a steam iron to iron those woolen blankets. Also make sure to iron all shirts and singlets.
  • Cotton and wool products are the best things to use, as these withstand heat, whereas synthetic fibres such as polyester duvee fillings do not take the heat, which makes those fibres great homes for tiny things such as lice, nits and dust mites.  Also, I have found that that theses creatures prefer the magnetic-electrical field which synthetic fibres create .  Synthetic fibres are bad for us because they interfere with our own body’s energies, as well as attracting lice and dust mites.
  • After every wash of the hair, you should apply real apple cider vinegar to the scalp.  Just a quarter of a cup or so will do.  Apple cider vinegar  makes the scalp acidic, and the potassium and minerals in the apple cider vinegar are very good for the hair.   When you wash your hair with soap or shampoo, it makes the hair alkaline, and lice just love alkaline scalps.  So by putting on the vinegar, you deter those lice, because they can’t stand the acid nature of the apple cider vinegar..  They really don’t like it.  It will help to kill any remaining nits as well, if you use it regularly.
  • Then, no more than twice a week, put just two or three finger dabs of liquid iodine onto the scalp and massage it in.  You don’t need to cover the hair with this.  You MUST NOT cover the hair with iodine, as it is absorbed into the pores of the scalp, and you might get toxic effects if you do this.  Iodine is necessary for good health, but we only need just a tad now and then.  A little of the iodine will be transferred over the head with brushing, and this is enough to have an effect on any head lice.  Just two dabs of IODINE on the scalp twice a week will  help prevent catching head lice from other people, or off the couch, or something.  NOTE – DO NOT PUT IODINE ONTO THE SCALP STRAIGHT AFTER YOU PUT ON CIDER VINEGAR.  YOU MUST WAIT AT LEAST EIGHT HOURS BEFORE PUTTING ON ANY IODINE.  It is not dangerous to use them together, but they just do not mix together very well.  They work best when they are used separately, at different times.
  • Use the olive oil treatment once a week, whether you can see any lice or not.  This will take care of any stray lice which are about, and prevent them from laying eggs in the hair.  Olive oil is very good for the hair and nourishing to the scalp.  You can tell the children to regard it as a conditioner rather than a  regular lice treatment.
  • Other things which work as preventatives, or prophylactics, are the essential oils lavender, rosemary, tea tree, pine oil, eucalyptus oils. But you only need a drop or two once  or twice a week.  I find that these were not popular with my children, as they have a strong smell which caused them to be teased at school. Iodine worked better for us as a preventative, as it does not smell at all, and you need so little of it for it to work in preventing head lice.
  • Extra Vitamin B is helpful in dettering head lice.  Use the dose for children as stated on the bottle.  Keeping the diet rich in alkaline foods such as carrots, apples, broccoli, bean sprouts, lettuce, cabbage etc goes a long way to helping prevent head lice.  Try to reduce the amount of wheat and bread and pastries in the diet, and encourage the children to eat carrots, celery and apples for snacks instead of sweets or bread.  A good balanced meal once or twice a day, with protein, plenty of  greens and rice or potatoes is a good standard, of course.
  • Finally, BRUSHING the hair is so important.  This energises the scalp, the nerves, and encourages hair growth.  Brushing helps your scalp to stay healthy, and a healthy scalp helps to deter head lice.