Drugs Or Detox:
Dizzy Spells Can Be Caused By Chemical Poisoning
There is an advertisement which has been running for several weeks now on New Zealand television. This is an ad put on by ‘Sovereign’ NZ doctors, which encourages people to go and see their doctor or one of their many specialists.
That is all very well – we all need to see a doctor sometimes for emergency situations, such as an injury, and sometimes for genuine long-standing health complaints. Sometimes people really do need to take long term medication.
However, I dislike this advertisement particularly because it gives the impression that medications are the answer for very common complaints – blurred vision with dizzy spells and dropping things. These three are all suffered by the fit-looking young man in the ad.
Blurred vision, with dizzy spells and dropping things could mean that you have a middle ear infection, or some terrible disease like a brain tumour, or diabetes, or even multiple sclerosis or cancer. In these cases, you would need a doctor or a health professional, however, this is not the most likely scenario for most people.
The youngish man pictured in the ad, who says he had blurred vision with dizzy spells and who was dropping things eight months ago, probably does not have these things at all. For a start, he is an actor, but seriously, his said complaints would most likely be caused by factors which could be avoided or reversed. A simple detox diet, might be the answer. Or avoidance of exposure to elcetro-magnetic waves – transformers, cell-phones – keeping a distance from cell-phone towers and high tension wires – things like that.
This really is the crux of my argument: That more doctors should be looking towards life-style and environmental factors in treating disease. Chemicals in the environment, as well as radiation from cell phones, towers and electricity transformers, are responsible for most conditions of disease. Disease is not a random thing which ‘strikes’ people down. Disease is something which can be cured by cleansing the system as in a detox diet, adopting a healthy diet, and avoiding the use of harmful chemicals and anything else which harms the body.
Prevention is Better Than Cure: At the first sign of blurred vision, dizzy spells and dropping things, remedial health measures should be taken which will eliminate them.
Taking a medication to mask the situation so that you can carry on poisoning yourself will give you a worse condition in the end. Cancer or other degenerative disease is likely to set in.
The cause of the problem will be allowed to carry on doing its destruction to your body if you take prescription medicine. Drugs will simply compound the toxic problem, and give you the illusion that all is well.
Chemical Poisoning: Most otherwise healthy people should first consider the possibility that some sort of chemical poisoning, or auto intoxication through bad bowel elimination, not enough exercise, inadequate sleep, or deficiencies in the diet, might be causing dizzy spells. Any one, or a combination of these things, can lead to your body and brain becoming fatigued, and this could be the reason for those dizzy spells with blurred vision, and dropping things.
Poisons in the intestines, and contact with toxic chemicals, do affect our health profoundly: Contact with insecticides can cause blurred vision and dizzy spells. Autointoxication, as in stored toxins in the liver and bowel, can cause blurred vision, dizzy spells and dropping things.
Chemical Poisoning in New Zealand: Here is an example of how some chemicals cause a common complaint: Many people in New Zealand are given medications for sinus and hayfever during spring and summer, as if this is an inherent condition which they HAVE to take medicine for. ‘Pollen’ is blamed in every case.
But the fact is that the period when the pollen is flying is exactly the time when, in New Zealand, anyway, spray is being poured on our soil in a big way. City councils spray roadside verges and pavement areas, and park grounds, to kill weeds. Farmers and fruit-growers are beginning their spraying programmes at this time. Householders will often get out their spray guns and spread poison around the garden. People fumigate their houses with carcenogenic toxic insecticides to get rid of spiders, ants and cockroaches.
So the pollen in the air is contaminated by many, many sources, and by many different chemicals which are harmful to insects and to ourselves, our children, and our pets.
The average person, and most doctors, blame pollen every time. Insecticide and herbicide use is conveniently ignored. This is great news for the chemcial manufacturers, and the drug companies: One feeds off the damage of the other. The chemical companies carry on making their chemicals and making their profit, while the drug companies make their money out of people getting sick after the use of chemicals.
To suggest that a young person who has dizzy spells and drops things needs medication, most probably long term, prescribed by one of ‘sovereign’s ‘specialists’ is irresponsible. We need Jamie Oliver here to show these doctors a thing or two, I reckon.
Detox Diets: There are sensible things which you can do to eliminate poisons from the body and get the digestive system and intestines functioning properly again. A colon cleanse can do wonders for your health, because accumulated poisons are elminated quickly via this method.
Avoid Harmful Chemcials: This is one way that you can improve your health dramatically, and help to avoid disease like cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and the like.
Get Yourself Well: People need to be educated into doing the right thing for their health. Taking a medicine is usually NOT the answer, as this does not address the root cause of the problem, or problems. Any one of the ‘natural medicine’ practitioners will take a good look at why you are unwell, and try to fix the problem, rather than mask it with a drug.
Taking more drugs to add to those toxic chemicals already stored in the body will only invite cancer and other degenerative disease to settle in.
Naturopathy, ayurvedic medicine, chinese medicine, herbal remedies, acupuncture or homeopathy will all attempt to cure your dizziness or other health complaints without the need to take drugs for the rest of your life. It may be that you still need to see a doctor if detox measures and diet do not work, but there is a good chance that they will.
Practitioners of alternative therapies look to the cause of the complaint and go from there.
Detoxifying the body, and getting the digestive system and intestines functioning properly again is usually the start of the getting well process. An appropriate diet is given. Suitable exercises, enough rest, and an adjustment to the life style, avoiding anything harmful, are all advocated.
Prevention is Better Than Cure
Avoid Taking Medication For The Rest Of Your Life: Get Yourself Well. Some people might really have some serious disease which needs a doctor’s or a specialist’s attention. But for most people, this scenario of having to take a medication indefinitely can be avoided. The answer is to take action early enough: Address the causes of the complaints right away, rather than take a medicine to mask the symptoms.
Possible Causes Of Those Dizzy Spells
- Chemical Poisoning: Chemcials in our environment are number one. Herbicides, pesticides and all toxic chemcials cause ill health. Often dizziness is an early sign of toxicity or a reaction to a chemcial. You should look at your work environment as well as your home environment and try to eliminate contact with any toxic chemicals. Petrol, brake fluid, engine oil, oven cleaners, strong disinfectants, are all capable of producing dizzy spells and making you sick. Brake fluid and products with formaldehyde in them will very quckly give you dizzy spells and cause you to drop things. These chemicals are very weakening to the body, the brain, and the immune system.
- Inadequate fiber in the diet, and not enough alkaline greens, not enough fresh fruit and vegetables, can cause dizzy spells. This is because toxins gather in the bowel if they are not eliminated properly. From there, they get reabsorbed back into the blood stream via the walls of the colon.
- Not enough water or liquid such as herbal teas.
- Too much coffee can dehydrate the body, which leaves the intestines with inadequate water to process the food and eliminate waste. Excessive coffee drinking also depletes your body of minerals and vitamins and kills off the beneficial bacteria in the bowel.
- Chemicals and preservatives in your food can cause many disturbances of the body and brain: sluggish digestion and dizziness and headaches are some of the first symptoms.
- Inadequate iron and inadequate Vitamin B, especially Vitamin B6 and 12, can cause dizziness and weakness.
- Antioxidants can help you detoxify: Extra Vitamin C can help reduce toxins in the body, and help you to eliminate toxins quickly through the intestines. Large doses of Calcium ascorbate, Vitamin C, has been found to be effective in treating cancer and in cancer prevention. It is recommended by many therapists and many doctors, for treating serious disease.
The trouble with modern medicine is that it works hand in glove with the drug companies who make medicines, and these people want you to believe that you simply need one of their expensive drugs. If you are on it for the rest of your life, then this benefits the drug companies, the specialists and doctors to whom you have given your trust.
There ARE many good doctors out there: But the impression given by the sovereign ad is that taking a medication is all that is needed, rather than fixing the cause.