Low Sperm Count Natural Remedies

A Low Sperm Count

This is something which troubles many men these days. Stressful lifestyles, nutritional deficiencies, and chemical poisoning via toxins in our food, and chemicals in the  environment, are to blame.

Electromagnetic radiation in the form of electromagnetic energy which is emitted from high tension wires, and electricity transformers, and radio waves which now literally bombard into our city environments via satellites to run all sorts of technology, including  massive amounts of cell phones,  are responsible for many health problems which people suffer these days.  Diseases which can be caused by electromagnetic energy and radio waves in the atmosphere are:  cancer, nerve disfunction diseases such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis and infertility/low sperm count.

Much can be done to improve fertility and low sperm counts.  However, if the cause is due to radiation and chemical poisoning which has damaged the genes before birth, then not a lot can be done.  An example of this would be if either of your parents had been exposed to 245T, or Agent Orange, in Viet Nam:  This has caused birth defects and infertility in many young people born in Viet Nam since the war, and in the children of soldiers who fought in the war.  A low sperm count could be the result  if you had been exposed to many X rays, or your mother had been exposed to excessive X ray radiation before you were born.

However, if you were born healthy and your infertility problem, or low sperm count,  has resulted from a stressful lifestyle, then you have a good chance of being able to restore your health and improving your sperm count.

Avoid alcohol and other drugs: It is important to stop using alcohol or any kind of drugs, unless they are prescribed, of course – even then, many prescription drugs can damage the health and lower your sperm count.

Alcohol has an acidic effect on the body, and this is to be avoided if you are trying to bring up your sperm count.

Marijuana is one of the worst kind of drugs for interfering with both brain  and sexual function. Alcohol also has a bad effect on the reproductive organs. Both these drugs interfere with digestion and rob you of  the essential vitamins and minerals which are necessary for the proper functioning of the body.  Marijuana and alcohol and other drugs  DO affect your sperm count and your general health by depleting the body’s resources, and by weakening the nervous system.  It is essential that you  avoid these drugs if you wish to improve your sperm count.

Stop Smoking and Reduce Coffee. These are two very important requirements to improve your health and restore the sperm count to normal.

A Detox Diet is important at the beginning of your treatment:  in order to get  your body functioning normally again, you need to eliminate the poisons being held in the body.  Getting rid of toxins in the blood and in the liver will help you to improve your general health and your sperm count.

Using Castor Oil To  Detoxify can be helpful in improving the health of the whole body.  Using castor oil once or twice a week, combined with a diet which includes many fresh fruits and vegetables, and adequate protein, could improve your sperm count.

Fasting on fruit and vegetable juices is one way which you can detoxify the body.

An Alkaline Diet:  Keep the diet on the alkaline side to avoid a low sperm count.  Alkaline foods include:

  • Most fruits:  Apples are especially alkaline.  Grapes are also good. Kiwifruit, pears, peaches, apricots, prunes, dates, are all good alkaline foods.
  • Most vegetables – especially the green leafy vegetables such as silver beet and spinach. Some of the other alkaline vegetables are:   globe artichokes,  broccoli, green beans, kale, cabbage, carrots, olives, parsnips, swede, garlic, onions, leeks, beetroot.
  • Sesame seeds and sunflower seeds are excellent alkaline foods for bringing up your sperm count.  These are very high in calcium, especially sesame seeds, and this makes them a high quality food for revitalizing the sexual organs.  The calcium and essential oils in sesame seeds and sunflower seeds make them good nerve food, which you need more of to counteract that stress you feel, and to help you sleep well.  Munch a handful of sesame seeds and sunflower seeds just before you go to bed.
  • Almonds, too, are a great restorative food.  You can eat six to nine a day to help improve your sperm count and your general health.
  • Avoid Acid Foods:  These are sugar,  wheat and wheat products, including bread. Bread is one of the worst offenders of the acid-making foods we eat in western diets.  Try to avoid eating bread completely, and switch to eating rice instead. Sugar is a very damaging food as well, and is best avoided whilst you restore your health.
  • Brown rice is more alkaline than white rice and has more nutrients than white rice, including vitamin B. This is an excellent food to replace pasta, bread and pastries in your meals. Brown rice  is even  less acid forming than potatoes.
  • Meat is an acid-producing food. Cut down on your meat intake and try to eat more vegetarian proteins instead, such as sunflower seeds, almonds, avocado, and dahl made with lentils and split peas etc and organic free range eggs.
  • Best to avoid dairy products for a time, until you have recovered.  Dairy products, with the exception of butter, have a mucous-forming effect on the digestion, and this can interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.
  • Eggs are good, especially egg yolk without the white.  This is a restorative, nutritive food which is given to people with serious diseases such as cancer. Two raw egg yolks can be taken a day if you are on are vegetarian diet.  Of course, ensure that they are free range and organic if that is possible.  If you are on medication for high cholesterol, or some other condition, then check with your doctor or health professional before you take raw egg yolk.
  • Try to eat at least two thirds of your food from the vegetable and fruit range.

Herbs May Be Helpful: Some herbs which are recommended for low sperm count are:

Damiana, ginseng, ginkgo,  saw palmento, celery seeds, liquorice and ginger.

Note:  Ginseng should be avoided if there is any sign of high blood pressure. Ginkgo is not recommended for people who have low blood sugar, as this herb lowers your blood sugar.   Ask advice from your doctor before you try any of these herbs  if you are on any medication at all.

Tight Clothing , Synthetic Underwear, and Circulation: Encourage good circulation by avoiding all  synthetic fibres, or clothing that is too tight.  Go for the more loose style of  cotton underwear. Clothing which is too tight interferes with circulation, and you need good circulation to feed your whole body for it to funciton properly.  Synthetic fibres are bad because they, too,  interfere with  circulation and the flow of energy about the body.

Get Regular Exercise:  This is important to get the circulation going well so that your body organs can be fed the vital nutrients necessary for good health. If you don’t take regular exercise, then this could cause a low sperm count.

Supplements to help with low sperm count:

  • Iodine:  This is very important for the proper function of the body.  Iodine is needed by the thyroid gland – a deficiency could be the very reason your sperm count is low.  To rectify an iodine deficiency, simply dab on some liquid iodine to the scalp or the soles of the feet.  This needs to be done once or twice a week.  Two or three dabs with the finger is enough.  You will keep absorbing the iodine through the pores of  your  skin, even after it has dried.
  • Take a supplement of zinc and magnesium.  A shortage of zinc can result in reproductive problems.  In New Zealand and many other parts of the world, there is a deficiency of zinc in the soil, which means that vegetables grown on these soils will be deficient in zinc.
  • Take a vitamin B complex daily – just the stated dose.
  • Take Vitamin E daily – again, just the stated dose.

Acupressure Points To Massage:  You can do so much towards improving the function of the body by doing shiatsu massage.  By massaging the appropriate  acupuncture points each night, you can restore deficient organs to normal health.

Low sperm count can be treated by using massaging the following points each night before you go to sleep.  The exercise only takes about two minutes all up – it is not an extensive massage, and you can do it sitting up in bed.  All that is needed is for the associated points to be reminded briefly that they need to ‘up’ their performance, and this is how you do it:

  • The sexual organs, whether male or female, are found on the inside of the foot, in the groove  just behind and below the knobbly  ankle bone.  Press into this area with the thumb – just three or four presses is enough.
  • Then move to the outside of the calf muscle, about halfway up the leg:  press three good presses into this point.
  • Move to the knee area:  Working first on the fight knee-cap:   Press in  from the outside of the knee-cap,  working towards the base of the knee-cap.  Work inwards underneath the knee-cap, inching forward slowly so that you get all the points in this area. Pressure needs to be firm, but not so hard that you hurt the bone.
  • Then press behind the knee, at the centre of the crease at the back of the knee.
  • Next, move up to the centre of the front of the thigh.  Press three good deep movements into the very centre of the front of the thigh.
  • Next, repeat all these previous pressure movements on the other leg.
  • Then, after doing the point at the centre of the thigh, come up to the pelvic bone.  Press all along the upper bone, just underneath the outer edge.
  • Come up to the stomach.  Press very gently just three times on the upperside of the navel, about one finger length away from the navel.
  • Move up to the chest area. Press  just below the lower rib cage, in the soft spot at the centre of the chest. Do three light presses here.
  • Move up to the area at centre of the body, on the middle of the rib cage, centred directly between the nipples.  Press this three times, more firmly than the last pressure point.
  • Come up to the neck area – press the point on the lower side of the adam’s apple, on the bone which lies directly below the adam’s apple.
  • Move upwards to the very top of the throat, in the crease where the chin begins, just above the adam’s apple.  Press very lightly here, three times.
  • Move up to the centre of the chin.  Press firmly three times with your thumb or index finger.
  • Move to the outside of the eye in the groove which lies there.  Press this gently three times, on both sides.
  • Move to the front of the ears and press the three fingers in gently.  Do both sides.
  • Do the centre crease inside the elbow on both arms. Move down towards  the hands, pressing the inside of the lower arm gently as you do so.
  • Then press the  ‘Hoku’ point which lies between the thumb and second finger.  It lies in the web where these two fingers are joined with flesh.
  • Put your hands over your ears now, so that much of your head is covered.  Close your eyes and hold for half a minute.
  • Go to the solar plexus area and gently rub the tummy three times in a clockwise movement.

This routine is really not time consuming, because you are only at each acupuncture site for about 5 or 10 seconds.  Do every night for at least three weeks.  Take a break for a week, and begin the three-wek treatment again until you no longer need it.

Impotence Cured: Dr Edward Wagner, with Sylvia Goldfarb, have reported in their book ‘How To Stay Out Of The Doctor’s Office” a case of a man who was cured of impotence by following  recommendations similar to those given above:

This patient’s  circulation was improved by taking yohimbe, (don’t know this one),  ginseng, saw palmetto berries, damiana, vitamin E and zinc. He also took a regular vitamin and mineral combination once a day.  He avoided alcohol and coffee and sugar,  stopped smoking, and took up exercising at the gym.  The end result was that his wife gave birth to twins.

Risperdal Children

Effects of  Risperdal on Children

A friend has just sent me the gist on an article which The New York Times published  recently: This information has been disseminated by the Alliance For Human Research Protection.

The New York Times article alerts us as to the dangers of prescribing medications to children. The side effects of many medications are little known or just not considered by the many doctors who prescribe children risperdal and other such drugs.

However, one should not have to wait for ‘scientific proof’ to work out that toxic chemicals in medications will have many negative consequences in the long run, including poor immune function and a susceptibility to disease. Find an alternative to toxic medications for the sake of your children’s health.

The recent article by Duff Wilson which appeared on the front page of the New York Times has brought a stern reality home: Toxic drugs are still being prescribed to children without any regard to the effects on the health of these children. Risperdal children are obviously at risk both psychologically and physically, as this article illustrates.

Unnecessary Toxic Medications: Many children in America are being treated unnecessarily with psychotic drugs and sleeping pills which they most surely do not need and should not be taking.  Television programmes which have been aired over the past year have given us an insight into how many parents rely on medications such as sleeping pills and other psychotic drugs so that their children will become passive and sleep much of the time.

Basically, many toxic medications are being given out to children just because the parents claim that their children are ‘unmanageable’ or have some attention deficit disorder.

Bad parenting and toxic chemicals in food such as preservatives and colourings, etc, can cause sleep deprivation and symptoms of  ‘attention deficit disorder’ and other psychosis. That is not to say that the parents of Kyle Warren were ‘bad’ parents at all – they were doing as their doctor instructed  – just that many people who give their children medications are doing so because it is an easy option because it makes a child docile, and because their doctor permits it.

Duff Wilson’s article discusses the case of an eighteen month old child, Kyle Warren,  who was prescribed  risperdal.  By the age of three, his mental condition had deteriorated, obviously because of the risperdal  medication he was taking.  At this point he was prescribed MORE toxic medications, which included sleeping pills, Prozac and a medication to treat attention deficit disorder.

How crazy is that?   This poor wee boy suffered because of  risperdal, a  drug which should never have been prescribed for him at all. And then he was prescribed MORE toxic drugs.  Prescribing prozac for children, or risperdal, or any other drug, simply should never be allowed.

Attention deficit disorder is something we may all get if we were to take risperdal every day for a year and a half, especially if we were given this from the age of only 18 months.

Luckily, this poor wee boy was rescued by doctors whose intervention saved his life.  But there are many children who are not so lucky:  Many children today are taking medications which are actually undermining their intelligence, their solcial skills, and wheir physical being.  These drugs are gradually killing children:  their lives are being shortened and devalued.

NO TOXIC MEDICATION should ever be prescribed to children.  There are alternative therapies  which can help children who are unruly or who have behavioural problems.

Some Sensible Alternatives To Toxic Medications:

Homeopathy for children is one alternative to replace those harmful drugs. Homeopathic remedies are very effective and are completely non toxic.  Of course, you need to see a professional homeopath if your child is seriously disturbed or is ill.  But there is a homeopathic remedy for EVERY ailment you can think of.  It is just a matter of finding the appropriate remedy, or remedies, which requires someone with experience to determine.

Correct Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency:  Vitamin and mineral deficiency can cause hormonal imbalance:  Hormonal imbalance  can cause sleeping and behavioural problems in children.

Avoid Chemicals in Food: Processed food must be avoided, as processed food is generally loaded with preservatives and colourings and flavourings which are very harmful to your child.  Chemicals such as preservatives, colourings and flavourings interfere with the normal  physical and mental development of your child.

If you ensure that your child NEVER has any food which has any chemicals in it of any kind, then you are going a long way to improving the health, both physically and mentally, of your child.

Organic Insecticides

Organic insecticides Which Really Work

It is important to use non-poisonous insecticides on your pet. Poisonous chemicals which are in many flea killers, ant killers and cockroach products, are partly to blame for the many cancers, arthritis, and nerve and muscular diseases which our pets, and ourselves, are often afflicted with.

Toxic chemicals put an overload on the body’s organs, especially the liver.  Toxic chemicals also affect the heart, kidneys and bladder.  Toxic chemicals can  cause heart palpitations, fluttering of the heart, weakness of the heart, and heart attack.  Toxic chemicals can cause cancer. These affflictions can affect your own state of health, as well as that of your pet.

If the effects of the many toxic chemicals we use in our environment were understood, in food production, and to control weeds and pests, then there would not be a need to take the many drugs such as warfarin and others which are widely distributed to prevent heart attacks and stroke.  We would not have so much cancer about either, if the use of poisonous chemicals in our environment were eliminated.

Cancer Prevention: Using organic insecticides will go a long way to preventing liver damage, cancer, and other degenerative disease.

Protect Your Pets by using  natural products to eradicate or control fleas and other pests in the home. By using organic insecticides on your pets and in your household, you are not only lowering the risk of cancer in  your family and your pets,  but will be contributing to a more healthy environment.  It is important not to support the manufacturers of poisonous products:  by NOT buying their products, we are making a contribution to a healthier poison-free environment.

Weleda Products To Treat Fleas and Other Pests.

One way in which you can help protect  the health of you, your family and your pets is by making organic insecticides at home. I have a post which gives some recipes for organic insecticides.

However, there are a few commercial products which are totally safe to use.  Weleda products are one of the safe brands to buy.  Their herbal and homeopathic combinations are well tried, safe, and effective remedies.  I can really recommend their flea treatment.  Go check out the range of Weleda products – it is ages since I used their flea treatment, but here is how it worked for me:

The Weleda homeopathic flea treatment which I used  cost less than $10 at the time.  Of the liquid, I used only three drops in a pint of water.  This was put into a spray bottle.  I think I shook the bottle a few times with the water and the homeopathic liquid in it, then the potion was ready to use.

We had moved into an old villa which was infested with fleas.  It had been shut up for some time in the summer, and the fleas had had a ball.  If you walked down the hallway and looked down at your legs, you could pick off dozens of fleas.

I sprayed the homeopathic flea lotion around the house in the evening, making sure the hallway, which was worse affected, was done in every corner.

Unbelievable result. By morning, there was not a flea to be found. I have no idea where they went.  They had simply disappeared.  No dead fleas to be found.  We never, in the year that we spent at that house, had a flea problem there again.

Home-Made Lavender Insecticide:

By chance, once, when I was experimenting with herbal essences, and  potions which would work for head lice, I came across a home made remedy which had just as potent an effect as the Weleda homeopathic for fleas.

This was in the summer, just after I had used the Weleda flea treatment, so I had just increased my  knowledge on the making, and the use, of homeopathic remedies.

In the early summer, when the lavender was fresh and clean after the spring rain, I picked a heap of lavender, enough to fill a two pint jar with lavender.  I put hot water over it, added a couple of tablespoons of honey, the juice of a lemon, then screwed the lid on just lightly, so that the fermentation gases could escape, but the insects not get in.

I left the jar for three weeks, sitting on the window sill in the sun.  I shook the jar a little every day, tightening the lid first so that the liquid would not spill, then loosened it again when the jar lay rested on the window sill.

After three weeks, I drained off the liquid, which I poured over another fresh lot of lavender, with a little added honey.   The same procedure was followed.  Three weeks in the sun, shaking lightly every day.  After three weeks, again, the same routine was applied – more fresh lavender, and the last liquid poured over the new lavender.

After the third infusion, I drained the liquid off.  This was by now the colour of purple lavender, and had a very strong, beautiful aroma.

I found, when using this liquid, that it was impossibly strong if it was used neat.  So I had the bright idea, coming from the homeopathic principle, that just a few drops of this may work.

I used three drops only in half a pint of water which was in a spray bottle.  I shook up the bottle and sprayed this over hair lice.  They disappeared, just as the fleas had done with the Weleda treatment.  I used it on our dog, which eradicated her fleas just as effectively.

See another post on making lavender lotion

Home Made Lavender Lotion Insecticide

Homeopathic Rat Treatment:  I have not personally used this potion, but I have seen it on the list of products which Weleda make. It is a few years since I saw this advertised, but my guess is that they still make it.

Why Dogs Get Cancer

Natural Remedies:

Some Clues On Cancer In Pets

It is not an uncommon thing these days for animals to get cancer.  Our household pets often succumb to cancer.

Even animals in the wild are suffering this disease.  Soon after I first published the gist of this article on my website,  Channel 3 TVNZ featured a nature programme which showed a koala being treated for cancer in Queensland, Australia. The vets on the programme said that they often treated koalas for cancer.This was around 25th September, 2010.

Agricultural chemicals and industial pollution surely must be the reason that koalas living in the bush of  Queensland, are getting cancer. Glyphosphates found in the common weedkiller RoundUp have been linked to cancer. This herbicide is used widely in New Zealand, and probably Australia too. The World Health Organization has announced that glyphosphates ‘probably cause cancer’. Gobal warming and the erosion of the ozone layer might be a factor too.

There is almost always a catalyst, a toxic chemical which can be identified as the cause of cancer.  If it isn’t toxic chemicals in the air and on the land, it could very well be some poisonous product we are using or putting on our bodies.  Jacqui Davison, who famously recovered from terminal cancer and regrew her hair and teeth in the process, had her cancer analysed. Results showed that her cancer had developed from her toe nail.  She had kept her nails permanently painted with nail polish, which is loaded with formaldehyde, one known cause of cancer.

Well, nail polish won’t be the reason for cancer in those koalas, or our household pets, but there are some obvious ways in which dogs and cats can get poisoned. Here are the main ones:

  • Herbicide such as RoundUp, a glyphosphate, sprayed onto grass verges where dogs and cats may walk.
  • Chemicals in food, such as agricultural herbicides, growth hormones, and antibiotics in animal feed which is  given to chickens, sheep and cows.   Preservatives, artificial flavourings and flavour enhancers in dog and cat food  are also bad.
  • A diet high in processed food which is deficient in important life-giving minerals and vitamins.
  • Toxic flea killers and de-wormers.  The poisonous flea collar is one of the worst culprits.  The  poor animal has to continually absorb the chemicals from such, all the day and night long.

Most insecticides which are used to deflea cats and dogs are incredibly toxic. Harmful chemicals should never be used anywhere in our environment, but toxic flea collars and potions have an added hazard. You have to remember that every time you pat your pet you get some of the poison from its coat or flea collar on your hands.  These flea killers are made to be absorbed readily through the dog’s skin, and they are just as readily absorbed through your own skin too.

A seemingly harmless thing such as a flea killer will have ongoing negative effects on you and your pet which cannot really be measured.  The harmful effects of a simple little flea killer are big.  Cancer and arthritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, are some of the serious degenerative  diseases which can be caused from chemicals found in many poisonous flea killers.

It might take several years for sickness to develop in your dog, or yourself, because of a poisonous insecticide which you use regularly on your pet.  But it is inevitable that your pet will eventually suffer with the use of harmful pesticides on his or her skin.

Toxic Pesticides Can Cause Depression: Pesticide use also affects the emotional and physical states  of your pet.   Your pet is affected immediately upon  coming into contact with flea poisons.  Flea  usuallymake an animal feel sick for a start. Have you noticed your dog getting depressed, losing the appetite, looking sad and moping around,  or getting hyperactive after applying flea killing chemiclals to its coat, or giving it a pill for the eradication of fleas?

You see the same effect on cats, who often get jittery after having flea killers put on them. You often see dogs and cats in a frenzy, trying to rub this stuff off on the grass immediately after they have been dosed.

The two main long term effects of using toxic chemicals on your pets, or giving them poisons internally, are arthritis and cancer.  Types of muscular dystrophy are also not uncommon in dogs and cats. Depression, hyperactivity and diseases of the nervous system can also develop when toxic chemicals are used regularly on your pets.

The answer is ‘no’ to  poisonous chemicals. We must stop using harmful chemicals on our pets, or anywhere in our environment.  There are organic products which will do the job of getting rid of fleas.  There are home-made remedies which we can make to kill fleas or to deter them.  These remedies may not be quite as effective as the harmful commercial poisons, but it is far better to have the odd flea about than risk getting cancer or arthritis yourself, or have your dog or cat suffer these diseases.

Poisoning From Unknown Herbicides: The legal spraying of poisonous herbicides such as glyphosphate around the place is a serious problem.  While people are still allowed to use toxic chemicals wherever they choose, we have no control over our exposure or the exposure of our pets to these toxic chemicals.

But dogs and cats are especially at risk, because they absorb the chemicals which are sprayed on the grass straight into their little paws. They have DIRECT contact with these harmful chemicals which are sprayed about the place. Herbicide use around parks and grass verges in the city pose a real threat to all dogs and cats living in the area.  On farms, dogs are at risk when paddocks are sprayed with chemicals, as are the animals who will eventually get to eat the grass. All toxic herbicides and insecticides should be banned.  Only natural organic, or herbal, or homeopathic herbicides and pesticides should be allowed, especially where food is produced, or in the cities where people, and dogs and cats roam.  That means there is  no suitable  and safe place for the use of any toxic chemicals.

Preventative Medicine

Preventative Medicine is really what it should all  be about:  far better to prevent a malady of the health rather than wait for it to happen, and then have to seek  drug treatments which are expensive and which, most probably, will not cure the condition anyway.

Just how popular is ‘Preventative Medicine’?  How much do people really care about ‘Preventative Medicine’?

Today is the 30th August 2010, and there are only 11 searches recorded for the day in Google’s search engine for ‘Preventative Medicine’, which is nothing really, considering that there are 177 searches for ‘warfarin’ and 177 for ‘side effects of warfarin’.  Imagine that – 177 people in a day looking up the side effects of warfarin, and only a portion of that – only 11 people all over the world, looking up ‘Preventative Medicine’.

Warfarin in my opinion, is one of the worst modern drugs. It is dished out to people willy nilly, and once you begin taking it, it seems you are on it for life.  I don’t know of ANYONE who has taken warfarin just  for a while until they get better.  Warfarin is a blood thinner.

Now – Calcium Ascorbate is a  natural blood thinner.  So is Garlic a natural blood thinner.  So is Ginger.  So is Cayenne Pepper.  So is grapefruit a natural blood thinner. There are many foods which thin the blood naturally, without having to take Warfarin for life.

One of the bad things about taking Warfarin is that you have to avoid all the naturally occuring blood thinners like grapefruit and other high vitamin C foods. This is not good for the liver or the gall bladder – or anything else, I should imagine.

I know somebody who began taking Warfarin in his early 30’s and has been taking it for almost 40 years.  He has recently had his gall bladder  removed because of cancer, and is now waiting for a liver operation to remove some of the liver, because there is now cancer in his liver.   There was still time  before the last operation for an alternative treatment, if only he had realized, however now that he has entered the cycle of operations which remove  vital organs, or parts of them, his vitality is decreasing rapidly, and so alternative cures would have a hard job revitalizing this man’s body. Also, he has taken Warfarin for so long now that he cannot imagine being able to live at all without it.  He believes his life depends on it.

Why is this?  Why are people not so tuned in to thinking about preventative medicine?

I quote from the 2005  ‘Touch For Health:  The Complete Manual’, written by John Thie, the founder of ‘Touch For Health’,  and his son Matthew Thie.  It is published by DeVorss and Co,  P.O. Box 1389, Camarillo CA 93011-1389:

  • page v of the Introduction reads “…..The Touch for Health book and educational program was my way of providing some simple tools and processes that each of us can use to regain a role and authority in our own care.
  • Today, more than 30 years later, things have by and large gotten worse.  While awareness of these problems has increased, and there is a resurgence of traditional and alternative approaches to healthcare, drug companies have become more aggressive in their advertising, manipulative of research, whether public or private, and there is ever greater emphasis on “conditions” requiring long-term and even life-long medication.  Our profit driven, high-tech medicine, arguably the most advanced crisis care ever developed, has become costly and dangerous, while simpler preventative measures seem to have fallen by the wayside.
  • In fact, the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States.”

These authors give some alarming statistics on the practices of modern American orthodox medcicine. They claim that:

  • “Tens of millions of people unnecessarily take antibiotics, 9 million people are unnecessarily hospitalized, 7.5 million unnecessary medical and surgical procedures are performed, 2.2 million people have adverse drug reactions to prescribed medicines, and 783,936 deaths are caused by conventional medicine each year.

The fact is, that most disease can be prevented.  There are a wide range of alternative health practitioners who can advise on methods to prevent disease becomoing established, and whose methods are effective in treating even more serious disease.  However, preventative medicine is really the key.

The idea is to increase body vitality so that the immune system is strong and your powers of  resistance to disease are working optimally.

Yoga exercise which teaches good breathing,  meditation exercises such as yoga nidra, good diet, positive thinking  including Reiki healing, the Power of Prayer and Spiritual healing, and Music therapy,  are so important in helping to prevent disease.  Acupressure techniques, including  DoIn, Tsubo, Shiatsu, Qi Gong, and the more modern Touch For Health, are all ways in which your Prana, or vital energy can be maximized, and so they are all helpful in restoring health and preventing  disease.

Visiting an Ayurvedic health practitioner, or a Chinese or Tibetan herbalist, or a homeopath are some of the alternatives which can improve the vitality and immunity and prevent a serious disease from setting in.

Our health practitioners, ideally, should recognize the symptoms of a disease early in the piece so that remedial action can be taken, the vitality improved, and a natural recovery is assisted.

Modern medicine, on the other hand, tends to define a disease which people get stuck with, along with the expensive drug which people believe is necessary.

Most people have a reverence and respect for the doctor’s word. The doctor, backed up by the drug company who is making the profit, tells them that they must take a certain drug for a certain condition, and that they will need to keep taking that drug for goodness knows how long.   People  usually don’t know any better,  so they accept treatment without question, and the drug companies like it this way.

Some people like it this way too, as it means they do not have to DO anything about their condition if they believe that a medicine-drug is all that they have to take to manage their disease.  Disease, unless you are unlucky from birth or some unusual  freak event,  often  comes at us  through our own  poor lifestyle choices –  bad living,  poor nutrition and negative thinking.

However, the biggest causes of disease in our modern society are:

Environmental toxins, medical drugs,  poisons and preservatives in our food, and electromagnetic radiation from modern technology such as cell phones and living close to excessively high power sources:  these  all lead to disease.  This is really why alternative therapies  such as detox diets which help you to detoxify chemicals from your body,  and foods and methods which improve your vitality and immune function, are so important in preventing disease.

The authors of ‘Touch For Health’ refer people to the article entitled “Death By Medicine” at www.lef.org/magazine/mag2004/mar2004_awsi_death_01.html