Regrow Your Tooth Enamel

The Key Points Of The Diet To Regrow Teeth:

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I have just had a comment from Becca who is attempting to improve her teeth with diet.  Here is a summary for Becca and for anyone else interested in working on diet to help the condition of the teeth.

It takes a while to regrow tooth enamel, so you have to be prepared to follow the programme for at least 6 months.  My child’s tooth enamel repaired itself after 9 months on such a programme.

My friend who came for advice about her diseased gums recovered completely after only 3 months on the diet.  However, in this case, the tooth enamel itself was not the problem, but her diseased gums:  She was told by a dental specialist that she would lose all of her teeth if she did not have them all removed one by one and scraped.  Each tooth was going to cost $5,000 to fix.  After three months of putting all her energies into the diet and getting well, she went back to the dentist to show him the result.  He said that there couldn’t have been anything wrong with her teeth if she had got better by diet alone, even though it was HIS diagnosis that said she had an incurable gum disease in the first place.

Of course, there are multiple ways in which you can improve the health of your gums and strengthen tooth enamel. Here is just one suggested method, which is similar to that method which we followed.

Merrilyn’s new book is available on Amazon:


  • Remove sugar, dairy foods and wheat altogether.  Avoiding gluten is important.
  • Stay Gluten Free: Instead of wheat pasta and bread, use brown rice.
  • Avoid vinegar and other fermented foods. No alcohol.  No sauces such as tomato sauce, or soy sauce. It is important to avoid fermented foods, as well as gluten, dairy and sugar, because these foods feed candida, or yeast infection.  Candida albicans is the source of many problems with health, including poor gums and teeth.
  • No preservatives.
  • EAT LOTS OF RAW  CELERY and CARROTS;  The other key factor in regrowing your tooth enamel and improving the health of your gums is to eat lots of RAW CELERY and CARROTS.  End each meal with these. This improves digestion, as well as the health of the teeth.
  • KEEP THE MOUTH ALKALINE:  Chew a stick of celery after each meal to keep the mouth alkaline.  Celery is a natural germicide and antibiotic which will keep those tooth-eating beasties in check. Celery will help to discourage those damaging bacteria which cause decay.
  • Celery is well known for its ability to help build strong bones:  It helps to build strong teeth as well.
  • Celery is a high fiber alkaline food.   Eating raw celery and carrots too, helps to provide plenty of fiber for your digestion. Your intestines will be cleansed by eating these raw foods, which means that they will process your foods more efficiently.
  • Eat as much of your food raw as you can.  Begin sprouting mung beans and alfalfa at home.  Mung bean sprouts and alfalfa sprouts are especially alkaline.  These clean the teeth as well, keep the mouth alkaline, and provide more fiber for the bowel.
  • All protein foods are OK. Eating meat will not do your teeth any harm as long as you eat enough alkaline salads and cooked greens to go with it. Generally speaking, high quality protein is good for those on anti candida diets. Protein eaten with raw foods will help your teeth to grow. If you are vegetarian, then make sure your protein is adequate:  supplement with plenty of sprouts, nuts and seeds and pulses.
  • Organic free range eggs are excellent.  Try to eat two free range egg yolks each day.  This is very nourishing for the body and easy on the digestion.  You can include these with your olive oil dressing for your salad, or put them into a smoothie such as a banana smoothie with almonds, sesame or sunflower seeds.  Two raw egg yolks per day is recommended for vegetarians especially.
  • Use plenty of sesame seeds and sunflower seeds,  and coconut milk, especially if you are on a vegetarian diet. These are all very high in calcium and essential fatty acids.
  • All raw and cooked vegetables are good.
  • Always eat something raw with every meal.

It takes a while to notice the effects of such a programme, especially to regrow tooth enamel. If you really put the effort into following this diet, and faithfully exclude wheat, dairy, sugar, and yeasts, then you should see some positive results  on your general health after about three months.  If you were to continue on for another 6 months beyond that, you should see your tooth enamel beginning to repair itself.

Calcium Ascorbate Powder: This is a non-acidic form of Vitamin C which helps keep the body alkaline.  It also kills bacteria and works as a potent digestive which maximizes your vitamin and mineral intake from the food you eat. It helps to detoxify the body.

Calcium Ascorbate was used in treating my friend’s gum problem.  My family also used this quite frequently, which would have helped my child to regrow tooth enamel.    You need to take at least 1000 mg once or twice per day.

Castor Oil Treatment: People on cancer diets who have regrown their tooth enamel have used castor oil as part of their treatment.  I think that taking castor oil even once a week will have a beneficial effect on your teeth.  However, if the person is young, or healthy, with a strong recuperative power, regrowing tooth enamel can be done without castor oil.

See Merrilyn’s other post

Diet To Help Regrow Tooth Enamel

Help Irritable Bowels

How To  Help Irritable Bowel Syndrome
A Gluten Free Diet:

  • Avoid all wheat such as bread and pasta, and all foods which contain gluten. Avoid barley and rye also, as these contain gluten.

Avoiding gluten means avoiding many commercially prepared products such as baked beans and cornflakes, unless the product specifically tells you that it is gluten free. Wheat is used to thicken baked beans, and corn flakes are often flavoured with malt which contains gluten.

  • Omit dairy foods from the diet as well, except for butter, unless you have a reason for avoiding butter. Instead of using dairy products, use coconut milk and cream in your cooking, and prepare home-made nut and seed milks for use on porridge, for cooking, and in smoothies.
  • Do not use processed foods such as margarine.
  • Avoid all food which has preservatives in it.
  • Avoid all sugar, dairy milk and cheese, wheat, and fermented foods.  Candida is often the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, and sugar, dairy products,  yeasts and even gluten in wheat can feed candida overgrowth. It is important to avoid sugar for a time, as well as wheat.
  • Do not use artificial sweeteners to replace that sugar.  Sorbitol and mannitol are damaging to the liver and kidneys.

It is really important to avoid all yeast, as in bread and alcohol,  sugar, and all condiments such as tomato sauce, oyster sauce, or soy sauce, as these all contain yeast ferment:  Vinegar is a fermented food, and this must be avoided, at least until you have recovered.
Alcohol is a sugar food as well as a yeast food:  Quit alcohol.
Quit smoking, if you are a smoker.

  • Cook Your Own Food: It is best to prepare all your meals at home.  This way, you can be sure that no preservatives, no gluten, dairy or sugar or yeast products will end up in your food.
  • Adopt a High Fiber, Alkaline Diet.  Use more green vegetables in the diet, both raw and cooked.  Sprout mung beans and alfalfa so that you have them on hand to use daily.  Use brown rice as a wheat substitute.  You can use meat, chicken and fish in moderation.  Freerange eggs are good.  Try to procure organic free range meats and eggs.  Sunflower seeds and sesame seeds will provide extra protein and calcium.
  • Use Ginger as a Medicine: Half a teaspoon of powdered ginger  roots taken each day can help irritable bowel syndrome. This can be added to honey, or made into ginger tea.
  • Freshly grated ginger root can also be used to make a tea.  Use half a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger to a cup of hot water.  Let this sit for ten minutes, then drink the tea before your meal.
  • Peppermint Tea, fennel tea, chamomile and hops are also helpful to sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome.  You can experiment with these to see which of these work best for you.
  • Garlic helps to combat candida:  Add garlic to your cooking, and add crushed raw garlic to your oil salad dressing.  Do not use garlic if it causes tummy upsets.
  • Cut down on your coffee drinking:  Caffeine in coffee can over- excite the system, including the bowel.  Caffeine also interferes with the balance of intestinal flora, which causes candida to proliferate in the bowel.:  This can be a cause of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • It is a good idea to have a professional colonic cleanse at a colonic irrigation clinic.  Home enemas are also good, if you know how to use them, but getting a thorough cleanse done professionally cannot be beaten.  Sometimes irritable bowel syndrome occurs simply because of congestion in pockets of the bowel.  This does not stop bowel movements entirely, but causes a partial blockage where toxins gather.  Water colonics can get rid of this toxic material so easily.  You might find that your bowel settles down after the effete matter has been removed from it.

Gentle massage of the tummy with olive oil can help.  End with three clockwise circles around the outside of the solar plexus area.

How To Draw The Cho Ku Rei

Tibetan Buddhist Healing Symbol:  Cho Ku Rei

The Cho Ku Rei, or Choku Rei,  is a symbol which has enormous healing power.

It can be used for healing on yourself or on others.  It can be used in the immediate situation, to treat people who are present, or it can be used for absent healing.

I use the Cho Ku Rei as part of my own Spiritual Healing Technique.  Choku Rei can be used to enhance the effect of ‘the laying on of hands’ as well as in various types of mental and spiritual healing.

How To Draw The Cho Ku Rei:

The Cho Ku Rei  can be drawn in two ways:  You can begin the initial opening line in towards the centre from the left, or from the right.  If you are performing it on yourself, on the forehead, beginning it on the left and heading towards the centre will increase the healing energy.  Drawn the other way, from the right hand side in helps one to focus on the God energy:  drawn this way can be interpreted as ‘God Is Here’.

So – begin on the left side of your brow, several inches up  above the left eye.  With your index finger, draw the symbol in towards the centre of your brow, directly above the nose.

Now, without lifting your finger, or your pen if you are drawing it on paper, bring the movement down in a sraight line until your finger is between the eye-brow centre.

Now you begin the spiral, the corkscrew movement:  In one regular movement, create a large circle moving up towards the right eyebrow, on upwards, and then bring the circle back over the original line you drew down from the forehead.  Continue the circle around, moving inwards of the circle, so that you end up with a corkscrew.  You draw three circles altogether, each one inside the outer one.

Finish the Cho Ku Rei on your left side, the same side which began with the straight line in from the left.

If you are doing this symbol over another person, you might reverse the symbol so that you still begin on THEIR left side for the healing energy to be empowered.

You will reverse it for the calming and meditative effect.

For Physical Ailments: The Cho Ku Rei symbol can be performed over the site of a physical ailment, or it can be used over the brow, as given above.

See Merrilyn’s post entitled “Cho Ku Rei” for more details on using this symbol.

Ginger For Arthritic Pain

Benefits of Ginger

Ginger Helps Arthritis: Research has shown that ginger is effective in treating arthritic pain. Just half a teaspoon of powdered ginger taken each day can ease the pain of arthritis. Alternatively, 35g, or about 6 teaspoons, of freshly grated ginger roots can be taken each day to help pain relief.

Ginger increases circulation, which is probably why it has such a beneficial effect in treating arthritis:

More blood circulates to the arthritic joints, and inflammatory poisons are carried away more efficiently when ginger is added to the diet.

How To Take Your Ginger To Help Arthritic Pain:

Take your powdered ginger in ginger tea.

Add ginger to your cooking. Curries and stews and cakes and cookies can be laced with ginger to good effect. Go easy on the ginger cookies, though, as too much sugar is bad for arthritis.

Mix your half teaspoon of powdered ginger with a teaspoon of honey and take as a medicine daily.

Use Olive Oil or Grape Seed Oil:   Use more natural  good quality  oils in the diet. Putting raw olive oil  on at least one meal a day will help to lubricate oil joints and will benefit your brain and nervous system.   Massage your tender joints with olive oil each night to help circulation. Massage with olive oil also has a healing effect on the inner tissues of the area being massaged.

Ginger Footbath: Use a daily ginger footbath to help increase circulation and alleviate arthritic pain. See the post on Ginger footbath, and Footbaths.

Turmeric is related to ginger. It is a traditional herb which is used in Ayurvedic treatment of arthritis. It has an antioxidant effect and can help reduce inflammation and reduce pain in arthritis. Curcumins, the active ingredient in turmeric, is added to some arthritis supplements.

White Willow Bark and Devil’s Claw can also  be helpful in treating arthritic pain.

Prevent osteoarthritis: Use ginger daily. Eat more oily fish in your diet and take extra cod liver oil, or halibut liver oil. The omega-3 fatty acids in fish are essential for preventing arthritis. Omega-3 in fatty fish can help to reverse damage to the cartilage which leads to osteoarthritis.

Diet For Preventing Or Treating Arthritis:

Keep the diet alkaline. Eating alkaline foods will reduce pain and help to remove inflammatory toxins from around those sore achy joints.   That means eating plenty of alkaline green vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, lettuce and especially mung bean sprouts and alfalfa sprouts.  These last two items are especially alkaline.  Start sprouting your own mung bean and alfalfa seeds so that you have a fresh supply to use every day.

Supplements Which May Benefit Arthritis: Niacinamide, glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate supplements can be helpful in treating arthritis. See your doctor or health professional for advice, especially if you are taking medication for any condition.

Pesticides Cause Cancer

Causes Of Cancer
Most pesticides are carcenogenic, which means that they cause cancer.   These chemicals damage the environment and other animals as well as ourselves.   They are damaging to plant life and the health of the ocean.

Look for an alternative to using these harmful chemicals.Unless your product is a natural organic one such as Weleda put out, then chances are that it will contain very  harmful carcenogenic chemicals.

Most pesticides are fat soluble, which means that they can be stored easily in fatty tissues in the body, such as the breasts.  Many pesticides are known to be carcenogenic.  They are also known to interfere with the balance of  hormones and their production.
The plain old fly spray which people spray around the house is damaging to the health.  These sprays  contain poisons which are generally cumulative.  This means that they will build up in your liver and fatty tissues. As they build up in your body, the danger of getting cancer becomes more likely.
Get Rid Of Toxic Household Products: No pesticides  should be used at any time.  There are homeopathic and organic products which will help deter insects.  It is really far better to put up with the insects than risk your health and that of your family by using chemical poisons.
Chemical Scarves Used On Field Workers:  I was alarmed to see on BBC news several weeks ago- late October, 2010 if you want to search BBC news for it –  that a new  chemical, and a new method for deterring mosquitoes has been discovered.  This new method is being trialled in– was it Sri Lanka or Africa –, where the poor field workers are the subjects of the experiment.  Scarves have been soaked in a chemical which will kill mosquitoes and help to repel them.  These scarves are being worn by these poor field workers, who are happy that they will be spared the diseases which are carried by mosquitoes. Unfortunately,  this experiment will most surely result in these poor people succumbing to disease such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and other degenerative disease.

WHO is Sponsoring These Pesticide Scarves: It is an outrage that WHO – World Health Organization – is sponsoring the use of these chemical scarves.  Some chemical company somewhere, who is  ALREADY AWARE  about the toxic side effects of wearing such a toxic scarf,, will be benefitting financially from the sale of these chemical scarves to  WHO.
Harmful chemicals  which can cause cancer and other disease are also found in air fresheners, oven cleaners, and many cosmetics.  Even baby products, such as talcum powder, has added chemicals which can potentially cause cancer.
Read:  Darbre ‘Concentrations of parabens in humen breast tumours.  Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2004;  Vol 24 (1): pp. 5-13