Apple Tree Bark Remedy For Gall Stones Kidneys and Fever

Natural Remedies

Apples are a wonderful cleansing food.  Three days on the raw apple diet is an easy method to rid the body of toxins and freshen up the blood. Drinking apple juice at meal-times can remove acidity and be a help to digestion.  But what about Apple Tree Bark as a medicine?

Jethro Kloss, the famous Seventh Day Adventist herbalist who wrote ‘Back To Eden’ in 1939, apparently used the apple tree bark remedy to cure many people of different ailments.

This book was reprinted in 1981 by Loma Linda, CA: Back To Eden Publishing.

Tree barks have been commonly used in healing by native American Indians, in Australia by aboriginal people, and in New Zealand by the Maori.  In European herbal medicine, tree barks such as white willow bark, slippery elm, and silver birch  have been used as a remedies  for certain ailments.

see my older post on silver birch leaves as medicine

However, not much is written about using Apple Tree Bark as a remedy.  The apple is well known for its therapeutic qualities, as is its cider vinegar, but no mention is made of using apple tree bark in any of the herbals I have so far read.

I have just encountered it in John Heinerman’s ‘Miracle Healing Herbs’, which a friend has just lent to me.  This book gives an account of how Jethro Kloss used this medicine, and how it was one of the most commonly prescribed medicines of his repertoire.

The success which Jethro Kloss had with Apple Tree Bark, and the endorsement of its use by John Heinerman, make it well worthwhile to record it here.

This is how it is used:

Bring one litre of water to a boil with two or three tablespoons of grated Apple Tree fruit bark added to it.

Once it is boiling, reduce the heat and simmer gently for twelve minutes.  Take off the heat after twelve minutes and let stand for a further 38 minutes.

Strain the liquid off into a jar and keep in the fridge.

It is taken one cupful at a time, either warm or cold, depending on what condition you are treating – I presume, one cup per day – John Heinerman does not say how frequently it is to be taken.

It is taken warm for:

abdominal cramps (warm or cold), dysentery, delayed menstruation, fever, gall bladder attacks, indigestion, kidney problems (warm or cold), toothache.

It is taken cool for:

abdominal cramps, boils, insect bites and stings, kidney problems, liver and spleen problems, nausea and vomitting, rabies.


For skin problems such as boils, eczema, and insect bites, a poultice of the apple liquid can be used on the skin as well as the drink taken internally.

To make a poultice, soak a piece of clean white linen or cotton in the apple liquid.  Wring out and place over the area to be treated.

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Can I Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Weight Loss And Good Health?

Natural Remedy For Losing Weight:

Apples, and Apple Cider Vinegar, are age-old remedies which have been commonly used to help normalize weight, regulate the bowels, strenghten the heart and over-all, to improve the health.

The Apple Diet is a great cleansing techique to follow for a few days.  Eating only raw, grated  apples for three days can help to reduce the weight considerably.

Apples are a wonderful food. They are an extremely nourishing, healthful food which helps the health in a myriad of ways.

However, while eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away, using vinegar made with apples may not suit all people

It is not recommended that people suffering long-standing candida use apple cider vinegar.  They should stick to eating fresh apples, if fruit sugar is tolerated, and most certainly should avoid fermented foods of any kind, including apple cider vinegar.  See the section below for an explanation on how yeast allergies can occur.

What are the healthful effects of eating apples, or using apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar, which is made from the whole apple, skin, pips and all, contains all of the valuable nutrients inherent in the apple, but you have to remember that it is a fermented food which may not suit everybody.

Apples, or cider vinegar, have the ability to neutralize an acid body and restore the pH level to normal.  They are useful in preventing hypertension and they can help to lower high blood pressure.

Apples have the ability to lower blood cholesterol.

Apples, and Apple Cider Vinegar, are rich in potassium, phytochemicals and other agents which strengthen the immune system and help prevent cancer.

Apples are good for the heart.

The pips of the apple contain laetrile, also called amygdalin, or Vitamin B17, which is used in some natural programmes to treat cancer and other degenerative disease.  You can eat a few pips each day to help prevent such diseases.  Eating some apple pips each day could also be helpful in reducing weight.

For the average healthy person who does not suffer candida problems, cider vinegar does not have any harmful side effects, as do some other methods for reducing weight.  Normal people of a robust constitution can safely use a daily dose of apple cider vinegar for weight control without any fear of adverse reactions.

Cider Vinegar as a daily tonic and remedy to reduce fat: 

It is best to take your apple cider vinegar for weight loss first thing in the morning, before breakfast or coffee. Take two tablespoonsful in a glass of hot water.

Apple cider vinegar, taken each morning, will help to expel any parasites living in the intestines or elsewhere.

It is an acidity regulator which helps to balance the acid-alkaline ratio of the body, known as the pH level.

It helps to neutralize harmful toxins in the vital organs and blood.  The liver, gall bladder, pancreas, kidneys and intestines all benefit from the antiseptic and nourishing effects of apple cider vinegar, taken on a regular basis.

Cider Vinegar is beneficial for all parts of the body:  It helps strengthen the bones and nerves.  It helps eyesight.  It strengthens the brain and it can help prevent and improve alzheimer’s disease.

It is wonderful for the hair.  Taking apple cider vinegar daily, and rinsing the hair with it after each wash, helps encourage hair growth.

Applying it to the hair while wet after washing gives the hair a lovely sheen and helps to prevent head lice from settling in.

When Not To Use Apple Cider Vinegar or Vinegar Of Any Kind:

Having said that, some people are extremely sensitive to yeasts of all kinds, and their systems are not suited to take vinegars of any kind.

An extreme sensitivity and aversion to yeasts can arise if a person has suffered major damage due to toxic chemicals,  such as heavy metal poisoning, or asbestos poisoning, or poisoning from apoxy resin or agricultural chemicals.

This is not a common problem, but if you have been exposed to large amounts of these toxins, or perhaps herbicides and pesticides, then chronic candida can strike, in which case you need to avoid even apple cider vinegar for a while.

Candida feeds on yeasts of all kinds, including those which are used in the making of vinegar.  So, in the case of chemical poisoning, when candida overgrowth is chronic, it may be that you have to wait to detoxify somewhat before cider vinegar can be tolerated even as an external treatment.  Some people may never tolerate it.

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Gluten Free Almond Fruit Cake Recipe

Healthy Treat Recipe Uses No Wheat, No Butter, No Oils.

This Almond Fruit Cake Recipe Uses No Grains At All

Here is a welcome little recipe for people with sensitivity to wheat and other grains.  Those who have coeliac diseases will enjoy this one.

Just the thing for a children’s party when some children are on gluten free diets, or for those school lunches to provide a healthy snack filled with protein-rich goodness.

If you prefer, and no one is allergic to peanuts, then peanuts could be substituted for the almonds.

You will need:

4 eggs

1/2 cup boiling water

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon cream of tartar

3/4 cup brown sugar

2 cups ground almonds – or use cashews or peanuts if preferred

1 cup of minced sultanas or raisins

1 cup of minced dates

Beat up the eggs well.  Add the sugar and beat again.

Pour the boiling water over the baking soda and stir.

Add all other ingredients, including the cream of tartar, into the bowl containing the beaten egg mixture.

Now pour over the hot water and baking soda mixture.

Stir all ingredients well.

Put the cake mix into a buttered and floured tin or pyrex dish.  About 23 cm square is fine.

Bake on 180 C for around 3/4 hour, or until the cake is lightly browned and smelling delicious.

Leave to cool, and then ice if desired.

You could use a straight icing sugar icing with cocoa powder.  Alternatively, you might like to use a philadelphia cheese icing with a little lemon juice added.  Simply add enough icing sugar into your philly cheese to make a smooth, spreadable consistency.  Add the lemon juice.  Mix in well.  Then spread over your Almond Fruit Cake.

Or use without icing and simply slice into squares when cold.

Delicious treat for school lunches.

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Wake Up New Zealand America’s TPPA Puts Agriculture At Risk

March Against TPPA 7th March 2015

These protest marches against TPPA really are a statement against corporate greed in New Zealand.  The TPPA will serve to profit those huge multi-national corporations, such as Monsanto, Bayer, Du Pont and Syngenta, whilst minimizing our own profit. More for them, and less for us.

The price of food is bound to go up.

Disappointing that the turn-out yesterday to the Nation-wide protest against TPPA was so low.  The marches over the country did not attract anything like the numbers who have protested against ocean oil drilling, or the sale of assets marches.

The low response to the anti TPPA protest is largely because most New Zealanders still do not have a clue about the TPPA.  Many have never heard of it.

And this ignorance is just what is intended by our New Zealand National government, and the drivers for TPPA from America.

How come the public has no knowledge about the TPPA and what it will do to our way of life?

The title is a nebulous one, for a start. ‘TPPA’ has been chosen deliberately to disguise the reality of the proposed movement which will have our rights whittled away.

We have so many abbreviations for this and that in government departments .  SIPS,  WINZ, MAF,  Who cares if there is another one?

But the media – newspapers, TV and radio, have been primed to keep any discussion about TPPA to a minimum.  I did hear that ‘Campbell Live’ ran a good programme about the erosion of rights, and the economic impact for New Zealand.  But nought else on TV, radio or newspaper.

And so, in Hamilton, there were only around 200 demonstrators, by the looks of the photos on Facebook.

And in Auckland, where the protesters usually come out in their thousands to support a just cause, were only 1500 to 2000 at the most.  The low turn-out shows how TPPA means nothing to the average New Zealander.

Not that protesting has had any influence thus far on this government.  The majority of people were against the sale of public assets, and despite many marches of huge numbers, petitions to government, etc, they still charged on ahead to sell off public assets which our predecessors have worked hard for.

New Zealand Growers Will Suffer With TPPA:  Because of TPPA, virtually everybody in agriculture will be at risk of being sued.

Our heritage seeds and trees are all at risk  Because of Monsanto’s huge presence in agriculture, their modified seeds are taking over, which is putting our heritage seeds and trees and plants at risk..  Many old varieties of seed and fruits have died out because of the monopolization of the big agriculture companies.

Expect To Be Sued If You Lose A Heritage Crop Due To a Rogue Patented Variety

Losing our heitage plants is one thing – but having to pay for the contamination and loss of our own crops, because patented rogue seed has taken over our crops, is another.

TPPA will put us under American law, which means any of us can be sued for our crops accidentally being contaminated by genetically modified patented seeds, such as those which Monsanto produce.

In America, some of these big companies are employing people to go around the countryside testing all crops.  If it is found that cross-pollination with their patented varieties has occurred, then you will be fined or sued.

Is This What We Want? Aready, innocent farmers, in America and other countries, are being sued by Monsanto and other agri-giant companies because their seeds, or a cross-pollinated version of them, have been found on the farmer’s property.  This will happen in New Zealand too, if the TPPA comes into force.  We will have to abide by American law which favours these big seed and chemical giants.

The situation is most bizarre and corrupt.  Monsanto, Syngenta and DuPont, among other seed producing corporations, have their seeds virtually all over the world now.  They proliferate naturally, by wind and birds carrying the seeds to other locations, away from their original planting sites.

The farmer who grows his own heritage varieties of seed is not protected at all if his or her crops become contaminated by Monsanto’s genetically altered patented seeds.  The law is on Monsanto and the other big companies’ side.

Freedom Of Speech Will Be A Thing Of The Past: The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, known as The TPPA agreement, will severely curtail our Freedom Of Speech and weaken our human rights.

We will not be allowed to discuss the ill-effects of any poison, such as the glyphosphate-containing RoundUp, or neonicotinoid poisons which cause bee colony collapse disorder, killing bees and other pollinating insects.  Because if we do make a statement against the use of these toxic chemicals, then we stand to be sued by those overseas chemical manufacturers of the said chemical, for loss of sales, loss of revenue.

Such is American law.

They will say ‘there is no proof’ or ‘prove it’.  But without sharing our stories about the ill-effects of toxic chemicals, there will be no body of case studies to examine, and we will be none the wiser, except for the ‘research’ which they tell us to be true.

Other related articles:

Bayer Says Stop Campaign To Save Bees Or We Will Sue

Bee-Killing Insecticides Banned In Europe, But Now Bayer Sues

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

Nicotinoid Insecticides Kill Bees And Harm Humans

March Against Monsanto Planned New York 23 May 2015

Organic USA Farmers Sue Monsanto For Contamination Of Crops

Here is an interesting document entitled ‘Negotiating Healthy Trade In Australia – Health Impact Assessment of the Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement.’  Read about how food labelling could be affected, and how alcohol and tobacco advertisements might be affected to the detriment of the nation’s health.

My new book is available on Amazon:


Cider Vinegar Socks And Onion Pack For Coughs Fever And Flu

Natural Remedies For Fever And Coughs

Apple Cider Vinegar Socks Applied to the Feet To Reduce Fever

Of course you should see your doctor or natural health practitioner in the case of a fever, especially with a child.  But here is a simple remedy you can try in conjunction with their advice.

The idea of  reducing a fever by soaking socks with cider vinegar is taken from International Masters Publishers ‘Nature’s Medicine Chest’ – sorry, no date on this publication here.

I have not personally tried this remedy, but it sounds like a good one to me.  ‘Nature’s Medicine Chest’ say that it works well for children who have a fever.

Note: I think that the onion water idea, which I have outlined below, could also be used as a treatment for fever by applying to the feet.

Mineral And Vitamin Content Of  Apples:  Apples are a wonderful food.  They are rich in phtytochemicals which help prevent cancer and other diseases.  They are high in potassium and pectin, both of which help heart function and keep the immune system strong.

Apples also contain reasonable amounts of magnesium, calcium and sodium, phosphorous, choline, and Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E.

Apple cider vinegar contains all of the apple’s therapeutic value.  Cider vinegar is strongly anti-bacterial and has a cleansing and tonic effect on the whole body.  Drinking small amounts of diluted apple cider vinegar on a daily basis can help prevent candida overgrowth in the intestines.

Apple Cider Vinegar Sock Treatment:  The cleansing quality of the vinegar, plus the  inherent nutrients which are absorbed through the soles of the feet, aid the healing process and somehow help to bring a fever down.

It could be a very good remedy to use in conjunction with other therapies, such as homeopathy, for bringing down the fever which accompanies measles, mumps, or chicken pox.

With this method for bringing down a fever, all you do is to soak a pair of cotton socks in a cold solution made with equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and water.

My advice is to make sure you use pure cotton socks, and preferably white ones which will not contain dye.  Synthetic or nylon socks should not be used for this treatment, as the cider vinegar will draw out chemicals from the fabric.  Use white cotton socks.

Dip the socks into the cider vinegar solution, wring out, and put the wet socks onto the patient.  Reserve the apple cider vinegar solution so that you can repeat the process every half hour or as necessary.

Onion Pack On The Chest For Obstinate Coughs Or Pleurisy

In the past, I have used boiled onion water for the treatment for bronchitis and pleurisy.  All you need is a couple of litres of water and a large onion, which you chop and boil up until soft, skin and all.

This treatment. although a bit of an effort to perform, has been a life-saver for myself.  A large cloth or towel is soaked with the onion water, wrung out, and wrapped, while still hot, around the chest and back.  With this treatment, you leave the onion cloth on for several hours.  Wrap a plastic around so the bed-clothes don’t get damp, and then a layer or two of blanket to keep the heat and moisture in.

It is a good idea to drink plenty of hot lemon drinks, or simply hot water, while you sweat it out with the onion pack on.  Try to drink several pints over two or three hours.

This remedy has proved to be effective when nothing else seemed to work.  It broke the cough and reduced the fever after an hour or two.

I think that apple cider vinegar, diluted half and half with water, could be just as effective as the onion water remedy for putting on the chest when fever and cough are present.  But onions are cheap, and cider vinegar is not, unless you make it yourself.  So, seeing you need to have a quantity of liquid for the soaking of the towel, I would stick to the onion remedy for the treatment of choughs with the wet chest wrap.

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