Monsanto Against Sustainable Agriculture.
Monsanto is the biggest corporation of all those corrupt organizations who are attempting to gain control of our food supply for their own profit.
The latest court case is happening right now, with USA farmers sueing Monsanto for contamination of their wheat crops.
A March against Monsanto is planned by NYC Free Schools and Food Justice in USA for the 23rd May, 2015. The headline reads:
‘They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.’ See the links below for details.
Monsanto is well-known for its litigious actions: Since 1997, Monsanto have taken 145 people to court over patent infringement, and it has not lost a case yet.
DuPont, the next biggest GM seed producing company after Monsanto, is also on the war-path. It is been reported that DuPont plans to employ ex-policemen to check on farmers to investigate whether there is any of their GM seed on their properties.
In 2011, a group of around 50 American organic farmers got together to preemptively sue Monsanto before Monsanto could sue them for rogue Monsanto seed found in their fields.
If Monsanto were being reasonable and fair, they would understand that the last thing an organic farmer would want in his paddock is one of Monsanto’s genetically-modified plants, and so they would not ever sue an organic farmer.
Basically, anyone who is not buying these big companies’ genetically modified seed is at risk of attack by the seed giants.
There is money to be made for Monsanto in sueing people, and every time they squash a small farmer, they gain ascendancy in the battle to own and control the world’s food supply.
The organic farmers lost their case against Monsanto in 2011, and again in 2013. But now, in 2015, a burgeoning group of almost 300,000 organic farmers are once more taking Monsanto to court for contamination of their crops.
Organic famers are not just worried that they might be sued by Monsanto if a trace of GM seed shows up in the farmer’s paddock:
Organic farmers are also concerned that heirloom seed is being genetically changed by Monsanto’s GMO seeds. Heritage canola seed, which produces the world’s canola oil, has become near-extinct because of contamination by Monsanto’s ‘RoundUp Ready’ variety of canola seed.
All plant varieties are at risk from being genetically changed by Monsanto’s GMO seeds, if Monsanto seed of the same plant type is growing in the area.
Monsanto’s genetically modified seed is becoming dominant, as it invades crops of traditional seeds, changing seeds forever, and this is putting our food chain at risk.
It was hoped that this lawsuit might take a spoke out of the predatorial giant Monsanto wheel. Disappointing that just this week, on Monday 26th January, 2015, the Supreme Court has ruled in favour of Monsanto in yet another case against Monsanto.
But this is not the end of the battle by organic farmers against the threat of Biotech giant Monsanto’s right to sue if they find any of their genetically modified and patented seeds in an organic farmer’s field.
Monsanto currently have the law on their side, which means they have the right to sue for patent infingement against any farmer if their seed is found without the farmer having paid for the patented seed. This law applies even when the seed has arrived in a field quite naturally, via wind or cross-pollination by insects.
How unjust is that? The law supports this Mafia of agriculture, no matter what. ‘Pay your dues, or look out. We will kick your arse.’ This is the underlying message given by Monsanto and the other seed giants such as DuPont.
To date, Monsanto have successfully sued to the tune of 23 million dollars against farmers who, they say, have used their patented seed without paying for it.
In March, 2011, a group of 50 farmers sought a legal decision to support them in prohibiting Monsanto from sueing them if Monsanto seeds showed up in their farms. They lost. The court decided that the assurance from Monsanto held good – that they would not sue if only small amounts of their product was found on any farm. This assurance is on their website. The judge ruled this Monday the 26th January, 2015, that the former ruling was still good enough – that the assurance on the Monsanto website was legally binding.
Andrew Kimball, the lawyer working on behalf of the American ‘Center For Food Safety’ in 2013, said about the decision by the judge, that Monsanto’s website pledge not to sue farmers was sufficient:
Quote from Reuter’s article, address below: “It is a very bizarre ruling that relies on a paragraph on a website,” he said. “It is a very real threat to American farmers. This is definitely appealable.”
Apart from the worry of being sued by Monsanto if a trace of their seed shows up in your paddock, there is also the worry that Monsanto’s genetically modified seed is becoming dominant, as it invades crops of traditional seeds.
Ethically, it would seem that Monsanto is also at fault because of its genetically-modified corn, cotton and soybean seeds which they have developed to be resistant to the glyphosphate-containing weedkiller, ‘RoundUp’. These seeds are called ‘RoundUp Ready’.
The bad side effects of using RoundUp is well documented, and for Monsanto to continue its marketing ploys on this harmful glyphosphate, by creating seeds that will withstand the poison, is criminal in itself.
Glyphosphates are very bad for bees and other pollinating insects, and they are a bad thing to get into the food chain because they harm the health of people and animals alike. Some countries have banned the use of Glyphosphate-containing weedkillers such as ‘RoundUp’. Mexico has already banned it, and Holland has just this year ruled it out at the beginning of 2015.
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Read these articles from
- U.S. farmer lawsuit filed against Monsanto over GMO wheat
- Monsanto says tests so far show commercial wheat seed free of GMO
- Mystery deepens on how genetically modified U.S. wheat landed in field
- Obama takes action to curb frivolous patent lawsuits
- REFILE-Kansas wheat farmer sues Monsanto over rogue wheat release