Environment Crisis: Bees Are Dying By The Millions
SumOfUs, who are working hard to save the bees, have been threatened by Bayer because of their campaign to stop the use of harmful-to-bees pesticides.
Bayer is already on the warpath of the European Commission, who have banned some insecticides because of the evidence which shows them to be harmful to bees.
Bayer want the European Commission’s ruling overturned so that they can continue right on with making and selling and profitting from their evil toxic sprays. I wrote about Bayer’s incredibly irresponsible response to the EC’s ruling on:
Bee-Killing Insecticides Banned In Europe, But Now Bayer Sues
Heading for a Major Environmental Disaster: We need bees and pollinating insects to fertilize our crops, orchards and gardens. Without enough of these pollinators there will be world-wide famine and we will all starve.
Many insecticides and herbicides currently on the market are killing bees by the millions, as well as many other pollinating insects.
Neonicotinoid insecticides are mainly to blame for the rapid decline in bee numbers across Europe, America and New Zealand.
Of course, there are other factors involved in the phenomenon of a declining bee population, such as lack of diversity in agriculture, and climate change, but there is plenty of evidence to show that neonicotinoids really do affect bees in a devastating way. Read my post on Bee Colony Collapse Disorder from way back in 2011:
Nicotinoid Insecticides Kill Bees And Harm Humans
The trouble is that these multinational corporations, which manufacture the harmful agricultural chemicals used the world over, do not wish to stop profiting from the sale of their harmful chemicals. It is a multi-billion dollar industry.
So these big greedy companies are fighting all the way to keep their products on the market.
Save The Bee campaigners SumOfUs have received a letter from Bayer which threatens legal action unless SumOfUs stop their campaign to save the bees. SumOfUs desperately need funds to help fight the legal battle against ‘the deep-pocketed Bayer’ on the issue of their campaign to protect the bees.
See if you can donate a little. SumOfUs, who have influence because of their international following and their website ‘voice’, are fighting this legal battle for the rest of us. If we all give just $5 or $10, we are doing our bit to help gain a good result. Go to SumOfUs website
Read about New Zealand parliament’s concerns over bee welfare and their suggested moratorium on the use of neonicotinoid poisons . Thankyou Alexis for posting me this link:
‘While the Nats go to war, looks like the Greens are trying to stop the use of neonicotinoids in NZ.’
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