Candida Outbreak NZ May Relate Fukushima Nuclear Contamination

Cancica Albicans can be caused by Chemicals, Radiation, and Electromagnetic forces.

I have had several interesting letters of late to do with radiation from Fukushima and how it might be affecting health here in New Zealand.  You can read these letters in the COMMENTS under  my post entitled  ‘What foods can I eat to avoid radiation’.  Ange has submitted several letters worth reading, as they contain good information.

Funnily enough, this week I have had a sudden attack of Candida, which manifests itself in my stomach.  Stomach aches and cramps and skin problems are the early signs of Candida for me.  I haven’t had this for quite a while.  I usually get it when the neighbours spray poisonous chemicals around the garden, to kill weeds and insects.  It usually lasts for a couple of weeks, until I have cleansed the toxins out of my system, then my health returns to normal.

Insecticide, fungicide as well as herbicide were actually sprayed around my house environment several weeks ago, which made me very sick.  The stuff was close to my door where the gardeners had washed out their spraying gear,  and I could not escape the fumes at night.  I was very ill for around a week, and felt on the verge of collapse. So the current candida could be an aftermath of this.

I also have bought plastic containers to store household gear including books.  Plastics really disagree with me, and I find that having these, or cardboard boxes, in the room where I am sleeping causes candida  and restless sleep quite soon after they are introduced.  The plastic containers are actually in my storeroom, but this is still a bit close for my comfort, and I plan to put these into a garage soon.

However, a friend of mine has also suddenly ”come down’ with chronic candida.   She went to a naturopath to get diagnosed on a machine, which gave her a definite result of candida.  The naturopath said that it was a common problem right at the moment, and that many people had come to her recently with candida problems.  In my friend’s case, she is also suffering the aftereffects of Brodifacoum poisoning which the council did on Shakespear Park on the Whangaparaoa Peninsula last year.  30 tonnes of Brodifacoum were reported to have been aerially dropped on the Peninsula, in three divided spreadings of 10 tonne each.  After the event of Brodifacoum poisoning at Shakespear Park, 10,000 native sea gulls were reported dead along the nearby coast, and at Maraetai, which is not very far away as the ‘crow flies’.  These deaths were said to be a result of storms at sea, but I feel sure they had something to do with the Brodifacoum pellets which were dropped by air all around the park. Anyway – the point is that this Brodifacoum is a very potent poison which is used to kill rats and other rodents, and which is banned in many countries.  This stuff alone would be enough to affect your health and give you candida for a start, along with other illnesses, if you live within a few kilometres of where the poison was dropped.

Interesting that the council assured us that the poison would only be dropped on the park side of the fence, and not on the beach side of the fence, yet they organized for workers to walk along the beach to pick up any stray bits of Brodifacoum bait after the aerially drop had been done.  If the stuff had fallen on the beach at all, there was a chance it could be picked up so that sea gulls did not eat it – but if the stuff fell a few more metres away and into the sea, it could not be recovered by people at all.  Which would mean that sea-gulls would possibly eat it.

I believe that radioactive fallout could have also contributed to this recent outbreak of candida albicans in Whangaparaoa-Orewa,  New Zealand.  My guess is that many people in other countries miles and miles away from Japan will be affected by the radiation chemicals coming from Japan, and that this will be manifested first of all with classic candida symptoms, or ‘yeast’ problems.

Poisonous chemicals themselves cause the natural intestinal flora to ‘go hay-wire’, causing the ‘bad’ bacteria to proliferate so that they destroy many of the ‘good’ bacteria in the digestive system.  When we get too many of the  candida albicans variety we suffer ‘yeast’ symptoms which can range from headaches to diarrhoea to constipation to bone pain, nerve pain, stomach pain, depression, skin disorders and the like.  Arthritic symptoms are common with people who have on-going yeast-candida problems.

The other reason why the nuclear disaster in Japan last year could have made the candida problem worse, is that the extra heat from the explosions there, and from the nuclear reactors themselves, will be contributing to a higher-than-usual air temperature globally.  Global warming, generally speaking, is contributing to people succumbing to yeast problems, as well as a diet too rich in sugars, wheat flour, gluten, and fermented foods.

It only takes a fraction of a degree in temperature, higher or lower, for the regular, simple organisms to change their normal patterns of behaviour, and for new varieties of bacteria and other organisms to develop and proliferate.  Our bodies are not used to the new conditions which global warming, and insecticides, herbicides, and food preservatives, etc, are imposing on our immune systems.  Our bodies have to adapt to these new, strange conditions, such as the effects of radiation.  One of the very first signs of disruption in the way the body functions, is the candida problem, as this is one of the organisms which thrives in these new, toxic environment. Agricultural and household chemicals, radiation from cell phones, electricity transformers, micro-waves, TV aerials, radiation from Fukushima, are all factors which will be contributing to the prevalence of candida-related illnesses.

I have just read a report from  the NZ Herald, Thursday 23 March 2012, which indicates  that the radioactive contamination from Fukushima  has been poisoning the environment for the past year since the earthquake-tsunami in Japan.  This article is entitled:

‘Fukushima contamination detected 640km away in Pacific Ocean’.

This report is no surprise to me.  The report on radiation, which is from Salt Lake City, states that the Pacific Ocean has  radiation ‘readings of up to 1000 times more than previous levels, scientists reported’.  The article goes on to diffuse the impact of the news, with Ken Buesseler of the Woods Hale Oceanographic Institution assuring us that the cesium-137 levels are far below levels which are considered to be  harmful.  Yeh, right.  Your guess is as good as mine, except that I think I would prefer to follow my own instincts, which tell me that any amount of radioactive contamination in the sea and air is going to be a bad thing.  And 1000 times more than before sounds to me like quite a lot more.

Candida is a naturally occurring organism which lives in the digestive tract.  When our diets and environments are healthy, then Candida is no problem, and it lives in harmony with the ‘good’ bacteria in the bowel.

However, there are some things which  interfere dramatically with the natural balance of the bowel flora, and this causes sickness.  Radioactive contamination is one of them.  Radiation and electromagnetic forces from electrical transformers, cell phones and towers, and satellites, etc,,  and environmental pollutants such as pesticides, herbicides and radioactive contaminants cause a reduction of the beneficial bowel flora.  When  these negative conditions prevail, the beneficial bacteria are destroyed in great numbers, which  gives the opportunity for  the rogue  yeast, Candida Albicans, to gain  ground and proliferate.

This causes the yeast Candida to over-run the body, instead of it remaining in a healthy balance with the other bacteria in the intestines.

Candida, if left untreated,  can cause arthritis, poor eye-sight,  poor brain function, cancer, alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, parkinsons’s disease, and many other conditions.

Foods To  Avoid To Treat Candida:

The way to treat it is to lay off all yeast foods for a start.  Avoid all wheat products, especially bread.  Gluten is bad for candida.  No vinegars, and no  sauces, as these mostly contain vinegar, which is bad for candida.  No yoghurt. Avoid all alcohol. As well, you should avoid sugar, avoid honey  and very sweet fruits, until you are better.

Green vegetables which are alkaline rather than acid foods, good oils and butter, and all protein foods, including meats, fish and eggs, are considered to be good for most people in treating candida.  When protein is deficient in the diet, and too many carbohydrates such as bread are used instead, this can lead to candida.  So make sure you have a balanced diet, plenty of protein, plenty of greens, and eat plentiful amounts of raw celery.  This is very good for curing candida, as it helps to detoxify the whole system, and it is one of the most alkaline foods available to us.

Garlic is very good for curing overgrowth of candida.  So is calcium ascorbate, an alkaline form of Vitamin C.  NZ kawakawa is especially good.  You can eat 2 leaves per day as a  herbal supplement to help get the candida under control.  Avoid eating too many potatoes or sweet potato and kumara and carrots – Potatoes have a lot of starch which turns to sugar readily – bad for candida – and carrots are very sweet, which also feeds the candida.

Fasting for a few days on fresh raw greens and boiled water can be effective in getting the candida under control.

Castor oil every second day for a week or so will eliminate the candida very quickly.  Castor oil does not seem to affect the beneficial bacteria, which is helpful.  The same goes for epsom salts which is high in magnesium.  This can eliminate the candida very quickly without affecting the beneficial bacteria. You can take a desertspoonful in about half a pint of warm water first thing in the morning or last thing at night.  Take this every second day until you have gotten over the worst of the candida attack.  This should take only several days.  Then you can reduce the dose to once or twice a week, as a preventative measure.

Calcium ascorbate does the same – gets rid of the unwanted poisons and candida, without harming the good bacteria in the intestinal flora.  An adult can take between 1000mg to 3000mg per day  until you feel better from the attack of candida, then lower the dose to a maintenance dose of between 500mg to 1000mg per day.

If you are really desperate, then the occasional dose of aspirin can help.  Two tablets used on those rare occasions when the infection is rife can do wonders. Aspirin should not be taken daily, though, as it weakens the vital organs, especially the kidneys,  when used too often. Salt is another inhibitor of candida, but of course you should not consume too much salt. If you are not on a sodium free diet, then a wee sprinkle of iodized salt could be used on meals just until the infection has passed.  Iodine is another good thing to help get candida under control, as are the B vitamins.  Use a small dab or two of iodine on the soles of the feet, or on the scalp, twice a week. Take a Vitamin B complex which is yeast-free.

Celery and Tuna Detox Diet

Detoxification using Celery

I have first hand experience with asbestos, heavy metal, and formaldehyde poisoning.

This diet worked for myself when I was so seriously ill with asbestos and heavy metal poisoning that I almost died.

I don’t know anyone else at all who has done this diet:  I don”t think it would be advisable for cancer.

Chemical poisoning had occurred in my body so suddenly, that there was not time for cancer to develop.  The situation was a matter of life and death: There was not time to muck about with specialists, and so I had to quickly devise some diet which would keep me alive but not make my condition any worse.

I had cleared a burned out house and section which I had bought.  The house, which had an asbestos roof, and tons of lead paint, very common on Waiheke Island of yesteryear,  had burned down while under contract, and instead of taking this as a dire warning from spirit to leave the place alone, I bought the house for the section value, and set about clearing it.

This was certainly my undoing, and very near the end of my life.  My young son was also affected quite badly, as he had accompanied me onto the section every day when I went about clearing it.

After several weeks of clearing the exploded asbestos and melded plastic and paints, I was collapsing at the drop of a hat.  I had to stop going onto the property completely, and had to abandon the project of rebuilding the house.

I had ulcers in the soft tissue of my mouth and nose, and almost constant diarrhoea.  My digestion had  very nearly stopped completely due to chemicals and consequent candida infection.  There was almost nothing I could eat now.

Just the touch of a piece of fruit onto the mouth brought about a wave of thick, white candida thrush immediately, and this covered the tongue and sides of the mouth.  Bleeding of this tissue was the next thing to occur. I could feel the candida travelling through my whole digestive system after just a whiff of any sugar or fruit. The standard carrot juice detox was completely out of the question, as carrots are so sweet.

Anyway – after collapsing onto the street in busy Queen Street, Auckland City,  I was taken up to Auckland hospital. Collapse in Queen Street, where busy traffic vented out their lead-laden fumes, happened because my overloaded system simply could not take even a breath of any more pollutants.

I was lucky I had my son with me this day. He had already procured me some aspirin from a shop as I lay paralysed on the ground, on the street, by the time the ambulance arrived.  On Waiheke island, we had discovered that aspirin alleviated the feelings of collapse a little.  This had happened one afternoon when my neighbour offered me some aspirin as I lay in agony, unable to move off the floor.  Garlic was another remedial measure.  And Kawakawa leaves, freshly chewed, also worked to avert complete collapse.

Anyway, by the time we got up to the hospital in the ambulance, the aspirin had begun to work and I was able to walk in unaided.  A specialist saw me.  Without doing blood tests or blood pressure, he listened to my heart, which was still racing abnormally in an effort to rid the blood of the poisons.  He listened to my heart and told me I had a ‘condition’ called tachycardia, a condition which i would have to take medication for, for the rest of my life.

It might be worthwhile for people to note that I DID NOT HAVE A HEART DISEASE, YET THE SPECIALIST AT THE HOSPITAL WAS PROMPTING ME TO BEGIN MEDICATION FOR TACHYCARDIA.  I have not had tachycardia since I recovered:  I only had symptoms of tachycardia because of the asbestos, lead, mercury, formaldehyde, and other chemicals which i had ingested from the burned out house and section.

I believe that many people who have been diagnosed with certain conditions, especially heart conditions, do not really have these conditions for life.  Chemicals can bring on malfunction of the heart, liver, kidneys, nervous system, and brain, as well as give you cancer.  Often, detoxifying the body will restore the heart function, and that of the other organs, to normal.

I tried to tell him that i was sick because of chemicals, but he would not listen.  I knew my heart was healthy, as having 5 babies had put me through heart and blood pressure tests each time, and these were always healthy.

So – no one would listen to my reasoning.  No professional within my reach would help me or be able to help me more than myself, I was sure.   I was the one who knew what had caused this illness, and I was the one who would have to experiment and persevere in order to recover and get well.  Though at the time, I doubted that I would ever be able to eat normally again.

I sold everything up and went to Australia with my two younger children, where we lived simply in a caravan park and I struggled for my life. This was a period of much drawing, painting, reading, and building with Leggo blocks, for them. And a long period of recovery for me. However, I was grateful to be alive.

I discovered that the only foods, initially, which did not cause rampant candida to overtake my whole system, was celery and tinned tuna fish in oil.

Mostly, i ate celery – lots of it each day, with small amounts of tuna three or four times a day.

For a few weeks, this is all that i could eat.

After a bit, I found I could take small amounts of almonds, although in the beginning, these were slightly problematic in that the candida returned temporarily after eating these.

Other foods which were tolerable under very hygienic conditions were fresh lettuce and sprouts.  However, the problem with sprouts is that yeasts begin to grow on these the minute you begin soaking them.  And commercial sprouts have been sitting in their bags for a time, so they are riddled with yeasts.  Any food which had a trace of sugar or was yeast infected, proved to bring on an attack of candida, which consequently led me to collapse.

Eventually, after 6 months of eating almost nothing else except celery and tuna fish in oil, I got better.  After about this time I found I was able to eat almonds, lettuce and sprouts more comfortably.  Although cooked food was still better left until much later in the piece.  Eventually, I was able to eat cooked broccoli.  I remember this day – the first cooked food which did not bring on an attack of candida.

During all this time, I was using castor oil every second day to rid myself of poisons.  I did this for at least three months. As the time progressed, i think that I did not take it every second day, but I certainly took castor oil at least once a week.

Other things i found helpful were caprylic acid. This is not good to take for long periods, though, as it is hard on the kidneys.  Consequently, I took this only as an emergency measure, when something had given me an attack of candida.

Non-acidic Vitamin C:  Calcium ascorbate powder, which is a non acidic form of Vitamin C, was also really effective.  I took this every day – between 1000 mg and about 3000 mg per day.

Other aids were:  garlic, kawakawa leaves, and the occasional aspirin helped me through.  Aspirin was taking, like caprylic acid, only in emergency.  I found both these to be helpful, but both caused kidney pain, and so they had to be used with moderation.

And of course,, with the castor oil trearment, i used enemas as well – with small amounts of sea salt.

Regrow Your Tooth Enamel

The Key Points Of The Diet To Regrow Teeth:

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I have just had a comment from Becca who is attempting to improve her teeth with diet.  Here is a summary for Becca and for anyone else interested in working on diet to help the condition of the teeth.

It takes a while to regrow tooth enamel, so you have to be prepared to follow the programme for at least 6 months.  My child’s tooth enamel repaired itself after 9 months on such a programme.

My friend who came for advice about her diseased gums recovered completely after only 3 months on the diet.  However, in this case, the tooth enamel itself was not the problem, but her diseased gums:  She was told by a dental specialist that she would lose all of her teeth if she did not have them all removed one by one and scraped.  Each tooth was going to cost $5,000 to fix.  After three months of putting all her energies into the diet and getting well, she went back to the dentist to show him the result.  He said that there couldn’t have been anything wrong with her teeth if she had got better by diet alone, even though it was HIS diagnosis that said she had an incurable gum disease in the first place.

Of course, there are multiple ways in which you can improve the health of your gums and strengthen tooth enamel. Here is just one suggested method, which is similar to that method which we followed.

Merrilyn’s new book is available on Amazon:


  • Remove sugar, dairy foods and wheat altogether.  Avoiding gluten is important.
  • Stay Gluten Free: Instead of wheat pasta and bread, use brown rice.
  • Avoid vinegar and other fermented foods. No alcohol.  No sauces such as tomato sauce, or soy sauce. It is important to avoid fermented foods, as well as gluten, dairy and sugar, because these foods feed candida, or yeast infection.  Candida albicans is the source of many problems with health, including poor gums and teeth.
  • No preservatives.
  • EAT LOTS OF RAW  CELERY and CARROTS;  The other key factor in regrowing your tooth enamel and improving the health of your gums is to eat lots of RAW CELERY and CARROTS.  End each meal with these. This improves digestion, as well as the health of the teeth.
  • KEEP THE MOUTH ALKALINE:  Chew a stick of celery after each meal to keep the mouth alkaline.  Celery is a natural germicide and antibiotic which will keep those tooth-eating beasties in check. Celery will help to discourage those damaging bacteria which cause decay.
  • Celery is well known for its ability to help build strong bones:  It helps to build strong teeth as well.
  • Celery is a high fiber alkaline food.   Eating raw celery and carrots too, helps to provide plenty of fiber for your digestion. Your intestines will be cleansed by eating these raw foods, which means that they will process your foods more efficiently.
  • Eat as much of your food raw as you can.  Begin sprouting mung beans and alfalfa at home.  Mung bean sprouts and alfalfa sprouts are especially alkaline.  These clean the teeth as well, keep the mouth alkaline, and provide more fiber for the bowel.
  • All protein foods are OK. Eating meat will not do your teeth any harm as long as you eat enough alkaline salads and cooked greens to go with it. Generally speaking, high quality protein is good for those on anti candida diets. Protein eaten with raw foods will help your teeth to grow. If you are vegetarian, then make sure your protein is adequate:  supplement with plenty of sprouts, nuts and seeds and pulses.
  • Organic free range eggs are excellent.  Try to eat two free range egg yolks each day.  This is very nourishing for the body and easy on the digestion.  You can include these with your olive oil dressing for your salad, or put them into a smoothie such as a banana smoothie with almonds, sesame or sunflower seeds.  Two raw egg yolks per day is recommended for vegetarians especially.
  • Use plenty of sesame seeds and sunflower seeds,  and coconut milk, especially if you are on a vegetarian diet. These are all very high in calcium and essential fatty acids.
  • All raw and cooked vegetables are good.
  • Always eat something raw with every meal.

It takes a while to notice the effects of such a programme, especially to regrow tooth enamel. If you really put the effort into following this diet, and faithfully exclude wheat, dairy, sugar, and yeasts, then you should see some positive results  on your general health after about three months.  If you were to continue on for another 6 months beyond that, you should see your tooth enamel beginning to repair itself.

Calcium Ascorbate Powder: This is a non-acidic form of Vitamin C which helps keep the body alkaline.  It also kills bacteria and works as a potent digestive which maximizes your vitamin and mineral intake from the food you eat. It helps to detoxify the body.

Calcium Ascorbate was used in treating my friend’s gum problem.  My family also used this quite frequently, which would have helped my child to regrow tooth enamel.    You need to take at least 1000 mg once or twice per day.

Castor Oil Treatment: People on cancer diets who have regrown their tooth enamel have used castor oil as part of their treatment.  I think that taking castor oil even once a week will have a beneficial effect on your teeth.  However, if the person is young, or healthy, with a strong recuperative power, regrowing tooth enamel can be done without castor oil.

See Merrilyn’s other post

Diet To Help Regrow Tooth Enamel

Help Irritable Bowels

How To  Help Irritable Bowel Syndrome
A Gluten Free Diet:

  • Avoid all wheat such as bread and pasta, and all foods which contain gluten. Avoid barley and rye also, as these contain gluten.

Avoiding gluten means avoiding many commercially prepared products such as baked beans and cornflakes, unless the product specifically tells you that it is gluten free. Wheat is used to thicken baked beans, and corn flakes are often flavoured with malt which contains gluten.

  • Omit dairy foods from the diet as well, except for butter, unless you have a reason for avoiding butter. Instead of using dairy products, use coconut milk and cream in your cooking, and prepare home-made nut and seed milks for use on porridge, for cooking, and in smoothies.
  • Do not use processed foods such as margarine.
  • Avoid all food which has preservatives in it.
  • Avoid all sugar, dairy milk and cheese, wheat, and fermented foods.  Candida is often the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, and sugar, dairy products,  yeasts and even gluten in wheat can feed candida overgrowth. It is important to avoid sugar for a time, as well as wheat.
  • Do not use artificial sweeteners to replace that sugar.  Sorbitol and mannitol are damaging to the liver and kidneys.

It is really important to avoid all yeast, as in bread and alcohol,  sugar, and all condiments such as tomato sauce, oyster sauce, or soy sauce, as these all contain yeast ferment:  Vinegar is a fermented food, and this must be avoided, at least until you have recovered.
Alcohol is a sugar food as well as a yeast food:  Quit alcohol.
Quit smoking, if you are a smoker.

  • Cook Your Own Food: It is best to prepare all your meals at home.  This way, you can be sure that no preservatives, no gluten, dairy or sugar or yeast products will end up in your food.
  • Adopt a High Fiber, Alkaline Diet.  Use more green vegetables in the diet, both raw and cooked.  Sprout mung beans and alfalfa so that you have them on hand to use daily.  Use brown rice as a wheat substitute.  You can use meat, chicken and fish in moderation.  Freerange eggs are good.  Try to procure organic free range meats and eggs.  Sunflower seeds and sesame seeds will provide extra protein and calcium.
  • Use Ginger as a Medicine: Half a teaspoon of powdered ginger  roots taken each day can help irritable bowel syndrome. This can be added to honey, or made into ginger tea.
  • Freshly grated ginger root can also be used to make a tea.  Use half a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger to a cup of hot water.  Let this sit for ten minutes, then drink the tea before your meal.
  • Peppermint Tea, fennel tea, chamomile and hops are also helpful to sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome.  You can experiment with these to see which of these work best for you.
  • Garlic helps to combat candida:  Add garlic to your cooking, and add crushed raw garlic to your oil salad dressing.  Do not use garlic if it causes tummy upsets.
  • Cut down on your coffee drinking:  Caffeine in coffee can over- excite the system, including the bowel.  Caffeine also interferes with the balance of intestinal flora, which causes candida to proliferate in the bowel.:  This can be a cause of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • It is a good idea to have a professional colonic cleanse at a colonic irrigation clinic.  Home enemas are also good, if you know how to use them, but getting a thorough cleanse done professionally cannot be beaten.  Sometimes irritable bowel syndrome occurs simply because of congestion in pockets of the bowel.  This does not stop bowel movements entirely, but causes a partial blockage where toxins gather.  Water colonics can get rid of this toxic material so easily.  You might find that your bowel settles down after the effete matter has been removed from it.

Gentle massage of the tummy with olive oil can help.  End with three clockwise circles around the outside of the solar plexus area.

Iodine Heart Palpitations

Iodine Can Cause Heart Palpitations: Iodine is very necessary for good health and for the function of the thyroid gland.

Too much iodine, though, can result in heart palpitations if you use it too often or too much at a time. Heart palpitations are often a sign that you have too much of a chemical in your body, unless you are unfortunate enough to have some serious illness.

Sensitive people often get heart palpitations when they get within close proximity to any strong chemical.  Even being near a quantity of homeopathic preparations, or herbal infusions, can give some people heart palpitations.  Some people may be sensitive enough to experience heart palpitations by simply coming into contact with iodine.  These people who are extremely sensitive will probably experience heart palpitations by getting  too close to electricity power transformers or cell phones and other sources of electro magnetic energy and radiation.  If you are one of these sensitive people, then it is probably best to avoid using liquid iodine.

Iodine sensitive people should not use iodine to regrow hair. Use kelp in your food instead, and eat more fish to get your daily iodine  requirements.  You need iodine to maintain a healthy thyroid, keep glandular functions normal, and to prevent goitre.

For Sensitive People Wishing To Regrow Hair:  Drink oat straw tea to help  hair growth, and have oatmeal porridge daily. These are both rich in silica, which helps hair growth.  You can use oat straw tea as a rinse for your hair after washing.  This combines well with using apple cider vinegar, which is  a nutrient rich tonic for the hair.

Having candida, or yeast infection, can also cause heart palpitations,  make you more sensitive to chemicals, and produce allergy reactions to some foods.

This is why, when using iodine to improve hair growth and treat hair loss and other conditions, we only need one or two dabs of the iodine on the scalp or the soles of the feet.  Iodine is absorbed through the  pores of the skin, which is why you do not need to paint iodine onto the skin every day.  Once a week is probably enough for most people, especially for small children, who will only need one dab.

After two or three weeks of treatment for your hair loss,  you could leave the iodine alone for a few weeks before doing another few weeks of iodine treatment.

Avoid using liquid iodine if you are having reactions to it.