March Against Monsanto Planned New York 23 May 2015

Why Is Monsanto So Toxic To Farming?

Monsanto’s monopoly of agriculture will see the end of sustainable, self-perpetuating agriculture if we are forced to buy their patented, genetically fucked-up seeds each year.

This article is a follow-up from the previous article,

Organic USA Farmers Sue Monsanto For Contamination Of Crops

They, and other big seed and agrichemical companies such as DuPont and Syngenta, will be the richer for monopolizing agriculture, whilst the people will be the poorer for having to pay annually to use their seeds.

We Will All Have To Pay For All Seeds – Reusing last year’s seeds will not be an option unless the tight and punitive control exerted by these big corrupt companies is ended.

The trouble is that genetically modified patented seed is spreading so rapidly throughout the world, there will be no original seeds left before long.  This will mean that Monsanto and such companies will be able to make EVERYBODY pay for ALL seeds, because the legality of the matter allows them to fine people, even when a farmer’s heritage seeds have become accidentally contaminated by patented, genetically modified seed.

Heritage Strains Are Disappearing.

Companies such as Monsanto are putting our Heritage Plants and Seeds at risk:  Heritage seeds are disappearing because of the predominance of Monsanto’s biotech, genetically modified seeds.

Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds are migrating onto organic farms, and non-biotech farms, which have their own seeds.  The result is cross-pollination of Heritage seeds and all other non-biotech seeds. These seeds are genetically changed, which means the original plant is lost.

Monsanto Gaining Stronghold On Agriculture: The ruthless litigious approach towards all competitors, including organic farmers, is resulting in a monopoly of our agricultural system by the Biotech giants Monsanto, DuPont, and other huge corporations.

Monsanto has so far taken 145 farmers to court for what they claim is ‘patent infringement’ of seed usage since 1997.   They have won all 145 cases which has seen them benefit by over 23 million dollars in damages.

The TPPA – Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement is a very real threat to agriculture and to Free Speech in New Zealand, and all the other countries involved.  The TPPA will put us under USA law, which means the big seed and agri-chemical companies will be able to sue anyone here who gets in the way of their profit and domination of the seed industry.  Read more about how it will affect us if it goes ahead:

We need to act now to prevent farmers and householders from being sued if Monsanto seeds have accidentally migrated onto farms or backyards, and to protect the right to grow whatever seeds we choose.

We want to be able to reuse seeds, whether or not they originate from Monsanto’s biotech laboratories.  Monsanto prohibits the saving of seed for the next year’s crop.

Say No To Monsanto’s Harmful RoundUp Weedkiller:  Act now to stop Monsanto and other chemical and seed giants from marketing harmful glyphosphate chemicals such as RoundUp.

Now Monsanto has developed seed strains which are resistant to the effects of RoundUp.  These seeds are marketed as ‘RoundUp Ready’.  Not only do you have a patented seed which you will have to pay for each year, you are encouraged to buy their RoundUp glyphosphate, which is extremely destructive to human health, natural flora and fauna, and especially to bees.

RoundUp and similar toxic weedkillers affect our immune systems very badly.  A weakened immune system can lead to cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, and many other diseases.

It’s immediate effect is on the helpful bacteria in the bowel:  They are destroyed, which means that candida can overtake the ‘good’ bacteria.  Candida infections pave the way to serious disease if you suffer long-standing candida trouble.

If you are being regularly exposed to glyphosphate-RoundUp and such chemicals, which often happens with council spraying programmes, or it is continually in your food supply, then you are at risk of cancer and other diseases, because of the digestive flora being out of balance.

RoundUp can seriously affect your health.

Join in the action against Monsanto and other seed and agrichemical giants by attending this protest.

New York City Free Schools and FoodJustice have organized this huge demonstration against Monsanto.  The date is the 23rd May, 2015.

See the links below for details of this must-not-miss protest against Monsanto.

On the facebook page which advertises the march against Monsanto, the caption reads:

‘They have poisoned the food supply through negligence and undermined the farming system through monopolization.’

Yes, and if I lived in New York, I would be sure to join this march.  I hope New Zealanders get together on the same day to protest against Monsanto’s monopolization of agriculture in NZ, and also against their continued use of the glyphosphate-containing RoundUp weedkiller, which is made by Monsanto.

RoundUp Glyphosphate weedkiller is used by New Zealand municipal authorities all over the country, as well as on dairy farms, orchards, and around market gardens. Our roadways, grass verges, parks, and nature walks are all sprayed with RoundUp to keep the weeds at bay.

Apart from the poisonous aspect of the stuff, it is a crime to be paying Monsanto for tons of RoundUp each year, when the simple weeding of these areas could give unemployed people a very pleasant job.

The European Commission has recently, in January, 2015, banned the use and sale of Glyphosphate weedkillers, which includes Monsanto’s RoundUp.

Glyphosphates, including RoundUp, have been already banned in Holland and Mexico, and other countries are bound to follow the example of these countries.

Glyphosphate-RoundUp has been proven to be destructive to bees as well as humans, yet Monsanto and other agrichemical companies are defending its use vehemently.

Now, typically, the European Commission is being sued by the chemical giants who claim the decision to ban Glyphosphates is ‘unfair’.

Unfair to them, they think, as they will lose huge profits because of this weedkiller being banned.  Doesn’t it remind you of the claims made by cigarette companies of yesteryear, that ‘there is no evidence to support the notion that cigarette smoking harms your health’?

Or about that other famous lie, where even New Zealand doctors told us here that ‘there was no evidence to prove that 2,4,5T was harmful to humans’, after it had been banned elsewhere, and while our fields and dairy lands continued to be poisoned with the stuff.   2,4,5T was used in VietNam war-time of the late 1960’2 and early 70’s with devastating effects – known to soldiers as ‘Agent Orange’.

The only reason 2.4.5.T was left available in NZ for so long was because Dow Chemicals were making the stuff right here in NZ,in New Plymouth.  And therein lies another tale of disastrous consequences.

Extremely selfishly greedy for profit, irresponsible, and downright corrupt, to want to keep marketing poisons such as RoundUp and other harmful agrichemicals, when all evidence proves them to be bad for plants, animals and nature generally.

Support the action against Monsanto and other agressive agriculture chemical giants by joining the march if you can.


My new book is out on Amazon:


Wake Up New Zealand America’s TPPA Puts Agriculture At Risk

Report: Monsanto Released Toxic Chemicals Hundreds of Times Without Giving Proper Notifications

Top Medical Journal, WHO Confirm: Monsanto’s Flagship Product Probably Causes Cancer

Bee-Killing Insecticides Banned In Europe, But Now Bayer Sues

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

Nicotinoid Insecticides Kill Bees And Harm Humans

Message of Solidarity from Maui, Ground Zero for Monsanto’s GMO Experiments

Monsanto Settles With Wheat Farmers Over GMO Wheat Contamination

Plot Twist: Questioning the Possibility of Monsanto Backing GMO Contamination Case

‘Altered Genes, Twisted Truth:’ Jane Goodall Promotes Attorney’s New Book on the Fallacies of GMO “Safety”

Do You Value Your DNA and Genetic Health? Stay Away from Monsanto Chemicals, Study Says

Glyphosate In RoundUp Banned In Holland

Dutch Government Bans Over The Counter Sales Of Glyphosphates, Including RoundUp.

Mexico and Russia have already banned Monsanto’s ‘RoundUp’ herbicide, and other Glyphosphate products.  France and Brazil are also planning to follow in the footsteps of Mexico, Russia and Holland, by banning Glyphosphates.

In Holland, the Party For The Animals has  been campaigning for a ban on glyphosphate-containing herbicides such as RoundUp, as well as neonicotinoid insecticides.  From the end of 2015, no more glyphosphates will be sold in garden centres in Holland for private use.

This move  to restrict the use of Glyphosphate-containing herbicides shows great promise for our future health. I hope that New Zealand will join the other countries which are about to follow suit with a RoundUp and Glyphosphate ban, as well as a Neonicotinoid ban.  However, what the world needs is a complete ban on such harmful poisons as Glyphosphate and Nicotinoids.

Nicotinoid poisons are used in many insecticides, and, like Glyphosphate, kill bees and other useful little insects, butterflies and moths.

These substances are a very great danger to our environment and to our health.  The extent of the damage is impossible to predict, but it is known for a fact that Neonicotinoid poisons are a primary cause of ‘Bee Colony Collapse Disorder’.  Read my earlier post about ‘Bee Colony Collapse Disorder’ and the relationship to Neonicotinoid poisons.

All chemical herbicides and insecticides are harmful to our own health, as well as the health of all animals, insects, birds, and trees, which inadvertantly affects the general health of the planet.

New Zealanders, generally speaking, are too trusting of the assurances of chemical and drug companies.  They use RoundUp and other dangerous herbicides and insecticides without any regard for their own health, or the health of the people who will be subjected to their toxic spraying procedures.  They believe that they must be safe, otherwise you would not be able to buy them. Wrong.

RoundUp, and other harmful Glyphosphate-containing products have been sold over the counter for years, in user-friendly packaging, with the assurance from the garden centre assistants that the stuff is pretty harmless.

My own family of farmers and orchardists have obstinately stuck for generations now, to the mistaken ideas that poisonous chemicals are necessary for food production, and that they do not pose a problem for our health at all. Meanwhile we watch family members succumbing to cancer, alzheimer’s, and mysterious fatal diseases of the nervous system.

Of course, the assurances given by the chemical and drug companies about the harmlessness of ‘RoundUp’ and other toxic chemicals is a fallacy.

RoundUp is surely a major poison in our environment, and is the cause of many on-going health problems, as well as degenerative diseases such as Cancer and Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Arthritis, Osteoporosis and other diseases.

Glyphosphate in RoundUp can also cause mental and emotional troubles, such as depression, insomnia, and skin diseases. It also affects the eye-sight, as I have found.  Read my earlier post on RoundUp and Candida for more information about ill-health and RoundUp.

RoundUp is also killing off our valuable wild herbs called ‘weeds’, the very herbs which are needed by bees and other insects to stay healthy, and which serve as medicine for the soil itself,.

Monsanto and other chemical companies which make and profit from the sales of Glyphosphate herbicides have much accounting to do for their deliberately misleading blurbs about the innocuous effects of their product.  The situation is not too much different to the cigarette companies  who have mislead people about the ‘harmless’ effects of smoking for over a period of around 50 years or more.  Now we know for a fact that smoking is very dangerous for the life and health of the individual smoker, as well as the people nearby who inhale second-hand smoke.  As if we couldn’t tell without the evidence anyhow.

Crops Will Still Be Sprayed:  But still there is much work to be done, in Holland and elsewhere, as this law change and resulting restriction on Glyphosphate-RoundUp sales will only affect the common householder.  Farmers and orchardists, and councils and government bodies will still have the right to use Glyphosphate poisons where and when they choose.

The crops will still be sprayed, as will the grass verges around the towns and parks, and bushwalk reserves.

This is an unknown quantity, but even with the proposed ban on private Glyphosphate use, probably more than 75% overall of the current RoundUp or Glyphosphate usage will still be poured into our environments and onto our food crops.

We need an outright ban on all toxic chemicals used in agriculture,  not just on Glyphosphate and Neonicatinoids.  Sustainable, organic agriculture is the only way to go.

Sustainable Food and Sustainable Agriculture

‘Sustainable Pulse’, is a website which is aimed at protecting the health of people, animals and planet.  It promotes organic systems of weed and insect control instead of chemical controls, and endeavours to increase awareness about the dangers of using toxic chemicals on our crops and in our environment.

Here is an excerpt from ‘Sustainable Pulse’ about the dangers of Glyphosphate, which is a component of commonly used RoundUp.  This was posted on 4th April, 2014.

‘Glyphosphate is increasingly associated with health problems such as infertility, birth defects, damage to the nervous system, Parkinson’s disease and several forms of cancer. In addition to health risks for humans, the usage of chemical pesticides can also lead to loss of biodiversity and difficulties with purifying drinking water.’

My new book is available on Amazon

RoundUp Herbicide Causes Severe Candidiasis

Environmental Poisoning:  How Round UP Herbicide Has Caused A Sudden Rampant Yeast Infection.

DSCO 1850Gardens and grass verges should never be sprayed with weedkillers such as RoundUp.  We are still being exposed to this terrible poison by councils all over the country who spray it around our pathways and parks on a regular basis.  There are better, safer methods of weed-control other than using RoundUp.  This is a photo of Dunedin Botanic Gardens where, I believe, RoundUp weedkiller is not used.

Curing Candida Infection:  Here is how it happened, and here is how I cured it:

I pray that all councils in New Zealand stop using herbicides around our towns.  There are safer alternatives, such as steam, and biodynamic methods, and homeopathic methods, which can be adopted instead.

My experience of being subjected to the herbicide RoundUp proves to me that yeast infections are very often the result of environmental poisons on the body.  RoundUp weed killer, and other herbicides and insecticides,  kill off the beneficial bacteria in the bowel, which means that the candida albicans organism has the opportunity to take over.

Environmental poisons such as RoundUp weaken your immune system drastically, starting with the reduction of the ‘good’ bacteria.  The whole system can be affected by poisons such as RoundUp, and very quickly too.  The whole nervous system suffers from the use of exposure to RoundUp.  Your eyesight, bones, blood pressure, skin, digestive system, hearing, and brain can all be affected.  Of course, sensitive people, which category includes children,  will suffer more than insensitive people.  Which is why this deadly poison should NEVER EVER be sprayed around lawns, houses, and streets where children often walk bare-foot.  We got no warning that this spraying was about to be done around our houses, but even with a warning we would not have been  spared from the damaging effects of this poison.

It is exactly a week since the council sprayed the herbicide all around the town, and all around the gardens and paths of our residential complex.

A few days after the spraying, I wrote about the immediate effects that this poisoning had had on myself, as well as those which my friend experienced.

The Vitamin C megadoses, plus homeopathic remedies, helped enormously during those first few days following the spraying.  But a week later, because of recontamination because of walking along the streets each day, and having the RoundUp still lying about our houses with no rain to dilute it, I have become very sick with an attack of candida.  Because the digestive system is affected, I now have to avoid using homeopathic remedies, herbs, cooked vegetables, coffee, etc, until the infection subsides.

Today, suddenly, the stomach pain became very severe and I felt that I would faint any minute.  Dizziness, pain in the head, blurry vision, nerve pain and nervous tremors, heart palpitations, and a racing pulse all manifested as a reaction to the RoundUp in our living environment, which we have had to put up with for a week now.

The yeast infection has affected every part of my system and I have had to resume the very strict candida diet, omitting all fruit, grains, potatoes and many other things.

I am taking non-acidic vitamin C in large doses – 1000mg-2000mg several times a day – around 8000mg on the first day.  I will reduce the dose by about half tomorrow.

I also took two 500mg tablets of Paracetamol in one dose, to quickly reduce the symptoms of poisoning.  A few hours later, I took just one more Paracetamol, with 1000mg non-acidic vitamin C.

These measures have brought the infection under control.

Unless I can persuade the council to stop spraying around our houses, I think I will have to move to a safer place.  I have not been exposed to such quantities of herbidice for many years now.  This is one hazard of living in a New Zealand country farming community – there is just not the awareness here of the danger of widespread herbicide use, compared to the  awareness which is growing in Auckland.

The first time they sprayed here was about six weeks ago, shortly after I arrived.  The symptoms were the same, with bone pain, dizziness, nausea, etc.  But with this second dose of RoundUp poisoning, six weeks later, I am suffering more severely, and the symptoms are longer-lasting.

My elderly friend did not realize the council had done any spraying around her house, and went out into her garden as usual.  She was barefoot, and waded into the area which the council had sprayed profusely, and which now, a week later, is totally brown and dead from the effects of the spray.  My friend got a terrible allergic reaction the next day, with swollen legs which were covered with a very angry-looking red rash.

The rash became a little better, but she has been wandering around on the grass near her house, bare-foot, and the rash came back again.  I was worried that she might get an infection in the skin, which was beginning to break in parts.  At her age, this could have been very dangerous.  She eventually went to the doctor to get an antibiotic, just in case septocaemia set in.

Read also Merrilyn’s post:  Round Up Poison Causes Sudden Toxic Reactions

Note:  The above treatment worked to remedy the sudden attack of candidiasis which had resulted from being exposed to the poisonous herbicide ‘Round Up’.  At the end of the first day, after powering into those 1000mg tablets of non-acidic Vitamin C, plus two doses of paracetamol, the attack subsided.  The following day I took another couple of doses of paracetamol, just one tablet each time, and took around 6 doses of 1000mg vitamin C tablets through the day.   I kept away from all fruits, cooked veges, grains, bread, biscuits, yoghurt, etc, which had the effect of starving out the candida.  I ate high protein food – that beautiful steak – for two days, by which time the infection was over. On the third day after the attack, I resumed eating a normal healthy diet, with fruit – and coffee too.  But I am avoiding yeast foods such as bread, and amping up the high quality protein and fat foods.

Now I am meticulously avoiding the areas around the town, and around my house, which have been sprayed with Round Up.  If it rains this weekend, the residues on the grass will hopefully be washed away.

And, after suffering many distressing symptoms, with much effort put in, and expense too – Vitamin C megadoses are not cheap –  I now have recovered from this deluge of Round Up spraying,  so my health should be perfect until the council come around to poison us all over again – in around 6 weeks’ time.

Herbicides should never be sprayed in public places.

On-Going Chest Pain Is It Lung Cancer?

Here is a quote from my recent post:

5th July 2013 – Unfortunately it appears as if the council are not going to stop the spray of RoundUp poison around our houses – weedkiller has been sprayed around the town and also about our flats.  Yesterday, I smelt the distinctive smell of weedkiller as I walked downtown.  It affected my breathing immediately and brought back the flu sumptoms.  Today, the weedkiller smell is very strong outside my flat. Best thing is to stay indoors to avoid walking in it and avoid breathing the fumes as much as possible.

Korean Kimchi Is Rich In Lactobacteria And Easy To Make

Recipe For Korean Kimchi

The other day, my daughter sent me a yummy recipe for Kimchi, which is a Korean fermented food, a little similar to the German Sauerkraut. Korean food  is one of the most healthy cuisines in the world, partly because of the Kimchi which usually accompanies it.  I rate Korean food at the top of the list of my favourites, along with  yummy Indian food and its wonderful spices. 

Dining out at our favourite Korean restaurants is relished by our whole family because of several reasons –

First, our Korean hosts are so friendly and welcoming, and the environment so clean and hospitable.  And secondly, the food is just great.  The price is affordable – around $11 or $12 for each main dish, and there is always plenty of it.  The Korean immigrants in New Zealand have certainly contributed much to our Auckland ‘scene’, and made dining out such an affordable pleasure.   I am grateful to my sons for beginning a new family trend – meeting for ‘Korean’ on a Thursday or Friday night.

So – I was excited to get a nice recipe from my daughter, for the Kimchi which we love so much.

Kimchi  is a bit of an acquired taste.  I think I was less keen on the Kimchi when our family first began eating out at what were to become our favourite Korean restaurants in Auckland, at least ten years ago.  But these days, we all head for the Kimchi as soon as it is presented on its dainty little china plates.

At the Nol Bu Ne on Wellesley Street in Auckland, and also at the Ill Mee, which is in Upper Queen Street, you are given at least two varieties of Kimchi, and a host of other tasty treats.  Around six or seven little dishes of accompaniments are put on your table before the main meal arrives.  There is always a sea-weed dish, and sauced potatoes, as well as the Kimchi, and our hosts give us a second helping if they see we have eaten one dish up before the meal comes.

Kimchi is rich in Lactobacilli bacteria, which help the gut to stay healthy.  These friendly micro-organisms provide valuable enzymes aid in the digestion of food, and have lots of other healthful nutrients besides.  Constipation is a thing of the past if you regularly eat Kimchi with your meals.

Of course, if you are currently treating a bout of candida which has taken hold, then you should not eat Kimchi until you have fully recovered.  Some people who are prone to candida infection may not be able to tolerate Kimchi or other naturally fermented foods for some time.  But, generally speaking, once you have conquered the candida, then eating Kimchi on a regular basis should prevent candida infections from returning.  This is because the Lacto-bacilli in Kimchi are a natural anti-dote to harmful bacteria.  Kimchi bacteria have an antibiotic effect on unwanted organisms in the bowel.

For Home-Made Kimchi, you can use virtually any vegetables, but the gist of the recipe is the cabbage.  The following is a fairly standard recipe:

2 heads of Chinese cabbage, or Napa cabbage.  You can use ordinary cabbage if you don’t have Chinese cabbage.

2 Daikon radishes, peeled and sliced finely.

4 or 5 medium size carrots, peeled and grated or sliced finely.

1 bunch of spring onions, chopped finely.

A large chunk of fresh ginger, scraped and grated.

1 cup of chopped garlic

1/4 cup of thick soya sauce

1/4 cup of honey

1 teaspoon chilli powder

1 1/4 cups of sea salt.

Method:  Roughly tear up your cabbage into bite-size pieces.  Cover with water and stir in one cup of the sea salt.  Re-stir the mixture around again in an hour, before leaving to soak overnight.  Next morning, drain off the brine.

Next step – add all your chopped vegetables to your cabbage, as well as the honey, soya, and the remaining 1/4 cup of sea salt.

Mix everything together, making sure that the honey and the salt has dissolved.

Next step – Bruise the vegetables with a wooden rolling pin, conserving the juice to add to the fermentation jar.  Place all the bruised vegetables into a wide-necked  jar, and press everything down well into the jar.

The essence of making good Kimchi is that the liquid always covers the product.  So check your Kimchi daily to make sure that it is weighted down below the level of the liquid.  You may need to make up a little more brine so that there is enough liquid to cover.  Use one tablespoon of sea salt to one cup of water.  The extra brine will dilute the flavour slightly, so only use this if you need to.

Keep a weight on the Kimchi while it ferments in a warm place, such as by the stove in the kitchen, or the hot-water cupboard.  And keep a clean tea towel over the top to prevent fruit-flies and other insects getting into it.

Leave the Kimchi to ferment for  up to a week, then put in the fridge with a lid on.

Begin eating.


Candida Quick Fix With Epsom Salts Still Needs On Going Modified Diet

Natural Remedies To Rid The Body Of Candida Without Antibiotics

Of course, you do need to consult with your doctor or naturopath or homeopath or ayurvedic practitioner before using any of these remedies.  And you would generally use only one of the following methods, depending on what your health practitioner suggests.

And after trying a ‘quick fix’ to eliminate candida, you need to still take care with the diet and avoid yeasts, alcohol, sugar, milk products and wheat as much as possible.

Remember that vaccinations and antibiotics can cause candida infections.  Even those flu jabs can weaken your immune system by interfering with the natural balance of organisms in the intestines.

I have found  some natural remedies which will tackle the onslaught of a sudden  candida infection.  They can reduce the  distressing symptoms of candida very effectively.

These remedies are epsom salts, castor oil, calcium ascorbate, and enemas.   Aspirin, baking soda,  garlic, and the kawakawa leaf, from the plant which is indigenous to New Zealand, are also helpful, but the first three mentioned are very quick to act, especially in conjuction with an enema.  Of course, there are many other remedies, such as  homeopathic thuja-echinacea, and herbs such as taheebo, or pau d’arco,  but I will talk here about the remedies which are easy to procure in New Zealand, and inexpensive as well – Epsom Salts, Castor Oil, and Calcium Ascorbate.

1) A Candida Quick Fix Using Epsom Salts:  This is very easy to do.  It works by cleansing the effete matter out of the intestines and other organs.  Rubbish hanging about in the body’s digestive process is a great breeding ground for candida.  Epsom salts also have an alkaline effect on the body and its digestive process – Making the body alkaline  through taking epsom salts for a few days stops the candida albicans from proliferating.  Thus epsom salts is  helpful in normalizing and balancing  the bowel flora again.

Dose For Epsom Salts as a Quick Fix For Candida:  Note:  If you have heart problems, or are unwell from any other disease, then you should not try this remedy.  Seek advice from your doctor.

If you are normally quite healthy, then an adult can take  a dose first thing in the morning, or last thing at night, of two teaspoons Epsom Salts dissolved  in about a pint of warm water.

Next day, repeat the dose with one teaspoon of Epsom Salts in another pint of warm water.  If you have a bowel motion soon after taking the Epsom Salts, then leave the next dose for a day or two.

Repeat for up to three or four doses taken over a period of four days to a week.  This should fix the Candida overgrowth.

You can take 2tsps once a week to help cleanse the insides and reduce candida.

I find that I do not have to follow such an extremely stringent anti candida diet if I use castor oil, or epsom salts, on a fairly regular basis.

2) Castor Oil As A Quick Fix For Candida:  This works in much the same way as the Epsom Salts cleanse, by removing the effete matter out of the bowel, so that there is no old rubbish left around for Candida albicans to breed in.  Somehow, Epsom Salts and Castor Oil do not affect the ‘good’ bacteria in the bowel, which makes them wonderful medicines in treating Candida complaints.

Take 2 tablespoons of castor oil with a cup of black, freshly made coffee, first thing in the morning, before breakfast.  You probably won’t feel like eating anything much after taking the castor oil.  When you do decide to eat breakfast, then eat something light, such as a boiled egg, or a bowl of oatmeal porridge with a grated apple – no sugar – no milk.  Fruit is not meant to be good for people with rampant candida.   I could not eat any fruit at all for a long time after becoming poisoned with asbestos and heavy metals, but these days, I find that eating fruit after taking castor oil or epsom salts works well to detoxify the body of any accumulated toxins and candida.

Wait for a couple of days, then repeat the castor oil dose.  This should fix most people’s candida overgrowth.  However, if your candida is the result of chemical poisoning, then you will have to take the castor oil on a regular basis – once or twice a week, depending on the level of your toxicity.  And you will need to be VERY careful to make sure you avoid all yeasts, sugars, wheat, and dairy products for a time.

If you suspect you have chemical poisoning, then seek professional advice from your health practitioner before tackling either castor oil or epsom salts.

3) A Third Method Which Is A Quick Fix For Candida is Calcium Ascorbate

Calcium Ascorbate is a non acidic form of Vitamin C.  This treatment works a bit like the Epsom Salts method because it makes the body alkaline.  Its effect is almost immediate, like Epsom Salts.  Calcium Ascorbate also works to neutralize toxins in the intestines, and to help eliminate those toxins out of the system.  These reasons make Calcium Ascorbate a very valuable natural therapy for treating Candida, and for helping to keep the body alkaline and free from disease.

1000mg once a day with a big glass of water is an appropriate dose for an adult.  If the infection is very bad, then you could take up to three doses a day of 1000mg each – just until the bowels start to loosen.  Then reduce the dose to between 500mg to 1000mg a day.

4) Using a Warm Water Enema helps to get rid of candida quickly.  You can use the enema in conjunction with any other treatment you decide to use. The enema works by washing out the debris from the bowel, so that  the candida organism has nothing to feed on.  Walter Last ALWAYS recommended the use of an enema – daily if necessary – to help cure any disease. I find his advice to be sound.  Cleaning the intestines with water does help with candida.  Dr Max Gerson is  another healer who insisted on daily enemas to cure his patients of any disease, including cancer.

For the enema, you can add half a small teaspoon of sea salt to around a litre of warm water.

Aspirin – salicylate acid – can be a great help, as can baking soda,  if you have a sudden attack of candida which causes pain in the stomach.  Both these remedies have an alkaline effect. Two aspirins can be taken with a big glass of water. Or a small teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.  Use these  remedies only as an emergency treatment.  It is not good to take aspirin regularly, and nor is it good to use baking soda regularly. Both these things weaken the kidneys, so only use them occasionally .

Calcium ascorbate vitamin C will also address a sudden attack of candida in the stomach.  Interestingly enough, Dr Gerson used to use aspirin combined with vitamin C as a pain-reliever for his cancer patients.  He found that taking the Vitamin C (which I think was Calcium Ascorbate) helped reduce the toxic effects of aspirin.

Recommended Modified Diet For Candida

Most important thing is not to use reheated food, or to leave food for longer than a few hours in the fridge before using.  Freshly prepared food is best.

This is a version of the diet which Walter Last gave to me many years ago.

It is sensible to try to stick to a yeast-free, sugar-free, wheat-free and dairy-free diet.  No alcohol, no vinegar, no sauces.  Sometimes organic, unpasteurized, fresh milk can be good, especially goat’s milk.  But generally, it is better to lay off milk and cheese.  Soy milk, I find, is often no good because the soy beans have begun fermenting a little in the processing.  Beef, fish, chicken and lamb are good.  Eggs are good, unless you have a specific allergy to them

Avoid processed meats, such as ham, corned beef, salami, and the like.  These often have chemicals and gluten  in them which are not good if you want to correct candida overgrowth.

All green vegetables are good.  Raw celery is especially good for candida, as it contains a natural antibiotic-antiseptic and is powerfully alkaline.

Garlic is another good natural antiseptic for candida.

Avoid mushrooms – these are a fungus, which is a type of yeast, and all yeasts must be avoided.

Be careful of carrots and other sweet fruits at the beginning of your treatment.  The sugar in these can be problematic.  But once the infection has been stemmed, grated raw apples and carrots, and cooked carrots, should be OK.

All good oils such as sunflower, olive, grapeseed, and butter are OK.  Olive oil is especially good.

Freshly cooked rice is good, but be careful not to leave any leftovers more than a few hours before using.  Cooked mung beans I find OK, especially if plenty of garlic and celery are added.  Be careful of all sprouted mung beans and other seeds, as they can get yeasts growing on them due to the several days it takes to grow them.  If your infection is not too severe, then freshly sprouted and carefully washed mung beans, or alfalfa, should be OK.

Toxic Pesticides, Toxic Herbicides, Household Bleach, Detergents, and other strong chemicals should be avoided. These, like radiation, all affect the balance of yeasts and other organisms in our environment, as well as the human body.

I find that candida problems, which manifest in the stomach and the skin with me,  are almost always due to chemical exposure.  I am likely to get a bout of indigestion, with stomach cramps, within a few days of people spraying poisonous insecticide about.  I have noticed that the council’s weed killer, which they have only recently started to use in north Auckland, when the north shore council combined with the big auckland council, brings on the candida symptoms.

I believe everybody in the vicinity of the grass-side verges which the council have sprayed will be susceptible to candida infections.  Only, many people will not realize that the cause of their  sudden headaches, or flu-like symptoms, or lethargy, or bone aches, or stomach cramps, or bowel disorders, or depression, etc, is directly related to the round-up, or whatever, which has been sprayed at their door.  They will trot along to the doctor to get diagnosed with various complaints, possibly even with arthritis which has come on suddenly, when, in fact, many of these complaints will be due to exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation which encourage candida yeasts.

The Brodifacoum poisoning of the Shakespear Park in Whangaparaoa will have increased the incidence, I believe, of candida-related sicknesses in the region.

These chemical sprays or pellets,  as well as household fly spray, bleach, or chlorine cleansers, quickly throw out the balance of bowel flora, which leads to candida becoming rampant.  The candida overgrowth, in turn, lowers the immune system even more, after the toxic chemicals have done their work, so that you might be vulnerable to any flu or viruses which happen to be floating about.  You will be more susceptible to infection until you have  eliminated the toxic chemicals, and combatted the candida so that the  bowel flora is restored.

Epsom salts, castor oil, vitamin c calcium ascorbate, and enemas, will all help to remove the chemicals affecting you, as well as clean the intestines of rubbish.

Radioactive chemicals from the nuclear disaster in  Fukushima, Japan, will be affecting people’s health on a world-wide scale.  Radioactive chemicals are very damaging to the body, as we know.

But – It only takes a small change in the air temperature, in humidity, and the level of chemicals in the environment, for candida to become rampant in an environment.  The people of Japan and the countries close to Japan, will be affected  profoundly, I believe, by this unseen, phantom yeast, because it affects the natural balance of bowel flora, and consequently, affects the immune system.

Which is why, I think, a daily dose of calcium ascorbate vitamin C is a good idea, to allay the effects of radiation chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, etc, etc, in the environment.  Some things we have no control over, and so we have to do the best we can.