Iodine Vitamin C To Protect Against Radioactive Fallout

Protect Against Radiation Damage

Iodine, Vitamin C, and Chlorophyll  will all help to protect you against absorbing radioactive elements from the nuclear fall-out at Fukushima.

The dire situation in Japan, where all six of the nuclear reactors at Fukushima’s Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant have heated to dangerous levels,  now  means that everybody all over the world should be mindful of the effects of the radioactive fallout which has belched from these reactors into the air.

Some ‘experts’ have said that the radiation will stay in the immediate area.  But common sense tells most of us that this is not so – The same air we breathe moves about, across the seas, all over the world. So while the people who live closest to the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant will suffer the most,  there will still be an effect on people and the general environment at an international level.

Iodine Helps Prevent Damage From Radiation: The USA government have recognized this.  They have issued out free IODINE TABLETS to people along the USA  coast, in line with Japan, and the winds which will bring across the radioactive poison.

There is not a lot around on what you can do to prevent radiation from destroying your health. Most people have not had to deal with the situation on such a grave level before.

Causes of Cancer:Radiation

However, it IS a fact that IODINE will help in preventing cancer from radiation.  That is, unless you have been unfortunate enough to be so close to a nuclear explosion that the radiation causes severe burning of your whole nervous system, and  dried out your bone marrow.

Even  X rays cause radiation damage, which is why they should  be avoided: Although X rays have a small amount of radiation, compared to the levels being emitted from the Fukushima Nuclear Plants,  X rays are radioactive. Each time you have an X ray, you absorb radiation, and this can lead to cancer and other degenerative disease, in time.

Iodine is a good preventative for cancer because:

If your iodine levels are low, then your thyroid gland will take in, and retain, the radioactive material.  If you have a high iodine level in your body, then the thyroid gland will not take in radioactive iodine.  Radioactive iodine builds up in the body and is not eliminated very easily.  This is what causes cancer:  When you are exposed to radioactive material such as that which comes from a nuclear power reactor, you run the risk of getting cancer and other disease.

The amounts of radiation at Fukushima, around the plant where workers have been doing their best to contain the situation, has been 10,000 times greater than that you would receive from one small X ray.  This is why the workers were taken out a few days ago.  However, many of them have since gone back in, for periods of up to only 15 minutes at a time, to try and get the cooling systems working so that a terrible disaster may be stopped.  These workers have been likened to Samarai Warriors, working for the good of their country at the expense of their lives.

These courageous workers, who have described their job as a ‘suicide mission’, might benefit from taking IODINE – and also LARGE AMOUNTS OF VITAMIN C, to help counteract the effects of absorbed radiation.

Here is a suggestion for a home-made IODINE SOLUTION which comes from the cancer treatment used by Dr Maud Frere.  Whilst this is a specific of Dr Frere’s cancer treatment, the dose gives you an idea of how much you might take to prevent absorption of radioactive material from the air and food.

IODINE SOLUTION: Mix One Drachm of iodine tincture with four ounces of water.

Keep in the fridge, or in a cool place.  Take one teaspoon every day, at any time of the day.

Alternatively, you could use Lugol’s solution, which is an Iodine preparation.  Follow the instructions.  I will post up  more information on Dr Gerson’s use of Lugol’s solution at a later date.

Kelp and Spirulina Combat radiation: These seaweeds are exceptionally high in Iodine, chlorophyll,  and other minerals.  One reader commented yesterday (read their comment) that they would need to have half a cup of kelp per day to get the recommended amount of iodine in order to prevent radiation being absorbed.  I thought that this could be done, if you could not buy liquid iodine, or tablets, or lugol’s solution.  If I had to take kelp for my precautionary Iodine intake in the event of exposure to nuclear fall out, then I would take a tablespoon three times a day in something like a banana smoothie – presuming that you could still buy these things.

I read years ago of a person who had been near Hiroshima at the time of the WW II bombing.  This person had been very ill from radiation sickness and had used large doses of spirulina to get well.

Spirulina is very high in Chlorophyll, which also helps to eliminate poisons from the body.

I think that IODINE alone is not enough to prevent damage from radioactive fallout.  To prevent disease taking hold because of radiation, you need iodine, for a start.  But you also should be taking large amounts of non-acidic Vitamin C

Chlorophyll, which exists in all green vegetables, is also effective in helping to combat the effects of radiation.  Wheat grass juice, made from your own home-grown wheat grass, is a wonderful source of chlorophyll and Vitamin C, iron and other nutrietns, and would be an excellent addition to the diet of anyone who suspects they may be exposed to radiation fall-out.  Wheat grass juice is a great antioxidant, and helps to remove poisons from the body.

NON ACIDIC VITAMIN C is an essential thing to take if you have been exposed to radiation, or think that there is a danger of exposure occurring. The dose should be, for an adult, anything from 1000 mg a day to around 5000 mg. Some therapist use massive amounts intravenously for treating serious cases of cancer, and things like swine flu, where it has proved to be exceptional in its healing ability.  These doses can be as high as 75 grammes per day.  Of course, you would need to see a professional to have this kind of treatment.  But if I had been exposed to large amount of radiation and was very sick because of it, then I would go for the intravenous injections of Vitamin C.

For most people, the best way of self treating for expected or already experienced radiation poisoning is to get calcium ascorbate powder, or tablets, or some other form of non acidic Vitamin C such as Ester C. A common dose is between 1000 and 3000 mg per day.  Take 1000 mg at a time, 2 or 3 times a day.

It is a good thing to take this at meal times, as the vitamin will help you to digest your food.  If you are suffering radiation sickness, then your ability to digest food will be impaired, and Vitamin C in its non-acidic form will help you with this.

You will experience loose bowel motions at first.  This is a good thing, as it means poisons in your body are being released.  But then reduce the amount a little so that you are not running to the toilet too often.

Depending on the severity of the radiation poisoning, you would vary the dose.  Many cancer treatments use large amounts of Vitamin C in treating cancer and other degenerative disease.  It will also act as a powerful agent in helping to rid your body of radiation poisons.

Vitamin A Beta Carotene:  I would also take 25,000 I.U. four times daily if I had been exposed to severe radiation. This is the dose recommended by DrEdward Wagner, an Australian doctor, for the treatment of cancer.

Vitamin A beta carotene stimulates the immune system and helps the body to get fid of free radicals.

Benefits of the Common Cold

Colds Help You Detoxify

In Dr Eva Hill’s book, “Why Be Scared of Cancer”, 1979, she says

“Instead of looking for that elusive cure for that hated episode, (the common cold), the Medical Scientists should learn to recognize it as nature’s first line of defence.

To do this, it is necessary for them to open their eyes and forget most of what they have been taught and have never questioned.” (page 11)

“Why Be Scared of Cancer”, published by G.W.Moore, Auckland, New Zealand, 1979, is an introduction to the causes of cancer and the ways in which this disease can be avoided, or helped, and possibly cured, if you have it.

Cancer Prevention: Dr Eva Hill tells us that the common cold should be welcomed, once or twice a year, as this is nature’s way of naturally eliminating toxins out of the body, and getting rid of poisons out of the body surely helps to avoid getting cancer. Of course, other infections such as the flu also help the body to purify. Detoxification and Diet are the two ways to prevent and cure cancer.

Antibiotics and other medications, preservatives in food, growth hormones in food, herbicides and pesticides, and radiation; all these things inhibit the body’s capacity to manifest a good, healthy infection. Taking medication to stop a cold also stumps the body’s attempt to rid itself of toxins naturally.

Of course, getting colds all the time is no good. If you get colds frequently, then this shows that your immune system is weakened. This can be because of lack of nutrients in the diet, and not enough vital raw food.

A trauma, or shock to the system can leave the immune system weakened, causing you to succumb to colds too often. And chemicals in your environment or diet might also cause your body’s defences to work overtime.

Supplements of zinc, iodine via kelp or spirulina, halibut liver oil, vitamin B and vitamin C all help to improve the body’s resistance to overcome a cold quickly.

And, of course, garlic is just the best thing, with ginger being a good runner up.

You cannot beat those lemon drinks with ginger and honey, or cinnamon, turmeric,  or garlic, to help move a cold along.

Do try and beat your colds naturally, through these wonderful foods and spices. This will benefit your health and help to prevent degenerative disease such as cancer and multiple sclerosis, or arthritis.

Taking medications to stop a cold in its tracks is the worst thing you can do, as the toxins in the body will stay there, building up over time so that you may fall prey to serious disease.

The Three Day Fast: One way in which you can bring about a cold or some other clearing infection is to fast on raw foods, or drink only fruit or vegetable juice every hour. A three day fast works wonders in promoting a mini-infection so that toxins can be released from the body. Strong people may even be able to sustain a water fast for three days. But fresh juice, or fruit every hour, is just as good in its cleansing effect.

Medical Causes of Death

Food Matters Documentary:

This documentary has been around for a while, but I have only just had the opportunity of viewing it.  This is a really great video:  Everyone would benefit from seeing it, in my opinion.  Fantastic to have these clever medical people promoting raw food and ‘natural’ cures through diet and detoxification.

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Angus commented recently:

So you believe that patients admitted to hospital run a significant risk of actual harm?
I have seen figures of 50,000 per year touted around. I believe this refers to the US and is actually a corruption of a study of admissions over a ten or more year period back in the fifties. Of course, the paper has been swamped by repetitions of more recent assertions that it represents an annual death toll- a number which would be noted, surely by the media on a more daily basis:
“News in today, there were another 120 deaths by stuff-ups in hospitals around the country today, just as there were yesterday and all last week… Lawyers have never had it so good…”
Let me know when you are aware that admission to a public hospital involves care by a team of doctors, nurses and auxilliary staff from pathology, physio, occupational therapies, admin, all of whom (Believe me) are happy to find fault with poor behaviour or practice… And correct it.
I’ll ask my next patient whether they’d like a homeopathic anaesthetic when I’m on my next shift. And I’ll see if I get deregistered for suggesting a homeopathic dose of antibiotics prior to the surgeon’s incision.
Shall let you know the outcome…

BTW, I was working in ICU during the H1N1 outbreak and saw some pretty hairy stuff. It really obliterated some lungs for a while necessitating use of ECMO, Prone ventilation and High frequency oscillatory ventilation amongst other techniques. As well as the viral insult, these patients were dealing with MODS and secondary VAPs.
At what stage would you like to see the homeopath introduced? I think that it would be wonderful to have one attend at any stage to see just how far out of their depth they would really be in such a situation.

Submitted on 2013/06/18 at 5:47 am | In reply to Angus.  Merrilyn says:

Accidents DO happen. We can never know just how many people suffer iatrogenic illness. But iatrogenic illnesses and deaths certainly do occur from time to time.

Only a year ago or so my cousin came back from Australia to have a cancerous portion of his bowel removed. Guess what? The surgeon removed the TOP part of his bowel, when it was the BOTTOM part of the bowel which should have been removed. The mistake was discovered just as he was waking up. So he was shot back into the operating theatre to have the bottom part removed. Too late to put back the good, top part of the bowel the surgeon had mistakenly cut out.
This ‘accident’ was, like many, not reported as negligent practice. Many such-like mistakes go unrecorded, because people are too nice to complain.

My own daughter was initially made sick from aerial drops of 245T -same ingredients as Agent Orange which contains Dieldrin – We were intensively sprayed in a country area while I was pregnant. This made us all very sick. After she was born, when her breathing was so bad, and she was so ill, doctors guessed she might have had cystic fibrosis, but this was never confirmed.

Anyhow, interesting to note that the actual CAUSE of her death was an overdose of Ventolin done by a young nurse at the hospital we were staying in. This caused heart failure and brain damage almost immediately after a whole test-tube full of ventolin was poured down her throat. I saw it happen. We eventually took her off life support after a month because there was no improvement. We had to let her die.

Interesting to note too, that I went to the doctor after the spraying, because my own health had suddenly become so bad, with asthma-like symptoms among other things. I wanted the doctor to note that the spraying had made me and my young son sick, so that our symptoms from 245T poisoning were recorded. My hopes were to get the stuff banned.
The doctor told me that there was nothing wrong with 245T – no record of it causing illness in humans – and that my illness was all in my imagination. What an ignorant doctor – the stuff was already banned overseas at that stage, but NZ was still manufacturing it.
This should give you some idea about the influence the chemical and pharmaceutical industries have on our society, how lies are told, and how rules are bent so that they can continue to profit where they can.”

In the documentary “Food Matters”, Doctor  Ian Brighthope, Dr Victor Zeines, Dr Andrew Saul and other eminent physicians have important things to say about drug marketing, drug dependence, and that good nutrition is what is really needed for people to get well.

Professor Brighthope is a Vitamin C specialist, and Dr Victor Zeines is a holistic dentist, which gives you some idea about the professional aptitudes of the doctors who present information on “Food Matters”.

Adverse Reaction to Medical Drugs
Prescription drugs certainly do have their place in today’s medicine. However, alternative treatments, which incorporate raw foods as the healing catalyst, need to be promoted so that people really can improve their health. There really should be no need for dependence on prescription drugs, and when they are used,  they need to be used with caution, as the following details indicate:

Iatrogenic Illness:  An iotrogenic illness is an illness which has been caused by a doctor or an administered pharmaceutical drug. Thousands of people die in America each year of iotrogenic illness.

Death Due To Prescription Drugs: Adverse drug reactions kill more people in Britain annually than car accidents.  Recent statistics, taken from the documentary “Food Matters” indicate that 10,000 people die annually from prescription medicine in Britain, while 3,500 people die annually from road accidents.
This is incredible.  Why are we not warned about this?  We have plenty of advertisements on our New Zealand television to try and prevent road deaths, but there are none to warn us about the dangers of taking prescription medicine.  And yet prescription medicine kills  almost three times as many people as road accidents.
This mysterious silence is because of the vested interests of the drug company giants.
Adverse drug reactions in Britain, resulting in death, are even higher than the death rates for prostate cancer:  Prostate cancer kills 9,000 people a year in Britain, whereas death resulting from an adverse drug reaction is 10,000 people a year.
Prescription Drugs can help some people, however, they are not the answer for everybody:  They should not be regarded  by the majority as a long term solution to a medical problem.
Prescription medicine is best taken in the short term, when no other alternative readily presents itself.  Long term medication almost always results in side effects of one sort or another, which are often worse than the original condition which the medication was first prescribed for.  Death can, and has, resulted from adverse side effects to prescription drugs.
The medical specialists who feature on the documentary “Food Matters” stress the importance of natural, raw food in counteracting disease –  They promote raw, organic foods for preventing disease, and  for curing it.  51% of your food should be eaten raw, according to these doctors.

The aim  of the documentary “Food Matters” is to educate us into the wiles of the drug companies, and their manipulations of the medical system.  These alternative  doctor who feature on “Food Matters”s are providing us with the obvious, natural, healthy alternative to long term medication: food.
One  of these doctors who will seem familiar to New Zealanders and Australians is Professor Brighthope. He is an Australian doctor, a vitamin C specialist, who has was interviewed on  New Zealand’s ’60 minutes’  recently, and in another  New Zealand documentary,  in relation to Vitamin C being effective in treating swine flu.
People have the opportunity of improving their general health so that the body stands a chance of fighting off a diseased condition. Eating 51% raw food, as the doctors on “Food Matters” recommend, will help prevent you from getting the same thing again.
Even when prescription medicine is resorted to in an emergency, for the short term, hopefully, diet and detoxification should be taken seriously, for the long term, so that the body and the immune system become stronger.
The doctors on ‘Food Matters’ all stress the importance of diet and detoxification in averting disease.
This documentary gives an enlightening discussion on just how and why we have lost faith in our body’s ability to heal itself: Promotions by drug companies serve to seduce the public into thinking that they need to have medical drugs to survive.  Drug companies make enormous profits from keeping people on prescription drugs, and so they have a vested interest in coaxing us to be drug dependent.
They have a big influence on doctors and all the medical profession. Even the medical journals are funded by drug companies’ advertisements.  Drug companies are rich and powerful, so that they can afford to monitor and manipulate much of the drug research going on.
Recently, findings from research done two years ago have shown that 3/4 of the people taking cholesterol lowering drugs in America are taking them unnecessarily.  This is 30 million people a year, out of the 40 million people who are on prescription medicine to lower their cholesterol.

What Is Castor Oil Used For?

Medicinal Uses of Castor Oil

Castor Oil Plant: Sources of Information:  The Reader’s Digest  ‘Magic and Medicine of Plants’, Published in 1994,  Surrey Hills NSW and John Lust’s herbal,  entitled ‘The Herb Book’. (publisher etc to be given)

The Castor oil Plant, ‘Palma Christi’.

The Castor Oil Plant has been known for centuries as the  ‘Palma Christi’, the Palm of Christ.  This gives an indication of just how highly the plant has been regarded over many  centuries.

Its botanical names are:  Ricinus  communis L., and it belongs to the Spurge Family, a Euphorbiaceae.   It is native to India and parts of the Mediterranean, but now grows in many parts of the world.

Castor Oil plant, the Palma Christi, has a long history: The seeds of the plant have been found in some ancient Egyptian tombs which date back 4000 years,  according to the Reader’s Digest herbal.  Dioscorides and Pliny in their writings which are almost 2000 years old,  both mention the therapeutic aspects of the castor oil plant as a purgative oil and laxative.

The Castor Oil Plant grows  in Australia and New Zealand as a free-range weed.  You can find it in many overgrown gardens and along the banks of railway lines.  These days, though, it is becoming harder to find, because councils, farmers and householders often use dire methods of weed eradication which are eliminating many varieties of plants from our botanical lists.  Big  weed-cutters  are used along banks to eradicate weeds, and herbicides are used by many people: these practices are causing many medicinal ‘weeds’ to become scarce.

Castor Oil is pressed out from the seeds of the plant.  The oil is not poisonous, but the seeds and leaves of the plant are poisonous. So you must never use castor oil leaf or seeds to make your own remedies for internal use.  The leaves, however, can be used externally in poultices which can be laid on the body.

Castor oil, which you can buy in most supermarkets, health shops and chemist shops or drug stores, comes from  Brazil,  India, and other places where it is farmed commercially.

In Medicines: Castor oil is a valuable vegetable agent which is used in ayurvedic medicine, some orthodox  medicines,  and cosmetics, especially lip-sticks and eye-cosmetics.

For Intestines: It is famous for its laxative effect and as a remedy for constipation.It cleanses the intestines of old debris.

Liver and Gall Bladder: It benefits the liver and gall bladder. Castor oil removes toxins from the liver, helps eliminate stale bile, and helps to dissolve gall stones.

Eyes: Castor oil benefits the eyes, and so castor oil is found in some eye medications. Castor oil is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for some eye diseases, such as cataract if it is caught in the early stages.

Castor Oil  benefits hair growth when applied externally, and taken internally on a regular basis, such as in the Gerson Cancer Therapy. Castor Oil can be applied once a week to thinning hair, or to baby’s scalp to encourage hair growth.  Leave it on for several hours, or overnight, then wash out with good  quality natural soap.

Ricinoleic acid is the active ingredient of castor oil. Ricinoleic acid is the purgative agent.  This is used in some contraceptive jellies, creams and foams.  Castor oil, because of its ricinoleic acid content,  is also used in industry to make things like nylon and linoleum.

In Africa and parts of Europe, castor oil leaves have been used as an external application on the breasts to increase lactation.

Castor Oil is a valuable healing oil, both externally and internally.  It has been used by many alternative cancer therapists, such as Dr Max Gerson, Walter Last and Dr Ann Wigmore. Jacqui Davison wrote a book on how she recovered from cancer using castor oil therapy, which she learned about from the writings of Dr Gerson.

Gerson Castor oil Treatment For Cancer: This therapy can be used to treat many degenerative diseases, not just cancer.  Dr Gerson devised a treatment which included the use of castor oil.  The dose of castor oil was 2 tablespoonsful every second day. Castor oil is a powerful detoxifier, which makes it a very good medicine for cancer patients.   It cleans out the liver, gall bladder, and intestines.  It has the ability to draw out poisons from other parts of the body, including the site of tumours.  However, to do this treatment, you need professional advice and much preparation and determination.  The Gerson Castor Oil Therapy is very hard work, but it has saved the lives of many people.

Castor oil is an integral part of the treatment which Dr Gerson used.  Other essential aspects of the regime were: daily enemas; porridge for breakfast, eaten with one raw, grated apple;  High Vitamin C intake: fresh vegetable and fruit juices every hour; salads at every meal.  Extra Vitamin C was given, and vitamin C was also combined with 2 aspirin for a ‘natural’  pain relief.

Castor Oil And Ginger For Weight Loss

Vitamin C and Cancer


Alternative Cancer Treatments:

How Vitamin C Inhibits Cancer Cells

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Very recently, in June 2015, it was reported on National Radio that New Zealand research scientists have proved for a fact that Vitamin C does have an effect on cancer cells. Actually, they are not the first, as the Australian doctor, Dr Brighthope, the American Dr Levy, and others have been writing about their studies into the effectiveness of Vitamin C for many years now.

There is a wealth of research which shows that Vitamin C can stop cancer from growing, that it can reduce the size of cancers,  and that Vitamin C can prevent cancer from developing in the first place.

The following quote is from

(OMNS September 15, 2010)

‘It is entirely false to assert that we do not know how much vitamin C is effective against cancer. Indeed, the opposite is true: we do know, and we are failing our duty to patients when we fail to recommend vitamin C as adjunctive cancer therapy.

There are many controlled studies that demonstrate that vitamin C is indeed effective against cancer, improving length of life and quality of life. Positive studies have typically used between 10,000 and 100,000 mg/day intravenously. As Dr. Fernando Cabanillas correctly noted, success with 10,000 mg/day by IV was initially reported back in the 1970s by Cameron and Pauling.’

NOTE:  Although I would take the alternative approach every time, readers should not necessarily follow my advice.  Different things work for different people. DO see a doctor or a suitably qualified health professional if you think you may have cancer or some other degenerative disease.

For years, the debate about Vitamin C and Cancer has continued, with some alternative health therapists using megadoses of Vitamin C to treat cases of cancer and other degenerative disease, whilst orthodox medicine stood outside the square insisting that their methods, which exclude the use of Vitamin C, were best.

The efforts and successes of the proponents of Vitamin C have largely been ignored, or minimized in many cases.  Medical magazines are resistant to publishing material which is controversial. The power of persuasion of drug companies, and their readiness to stamp out opposition, are managing to keep the wonders of Vitamin C a big secret.

Professor Ian Brighthope has said ‘Unfortunately, as long as IV/C (intravenous vitamin C) has the potential to bankrupt hospitals, it doesn’t matter how well it works.’  -Quote from

Using Vitamin C as part of a ‘natural’ treatment for cancer has been used for over 50 years:  Dr Max Gerson , who used it in his famous cancer clinics, was driven out of America by the drug companies and the FDA, really because these powerful organisations did not want Dr Gerson challenging the effectiveness of their drug and radiation methods for cancer, when his own methods were so hugely successful.

You can read Dr Gerson’s book, Cancer – 50 Cases, to get greater insight into his work.  The book by Samuel E. Epstein, The Politics of Cancer, gives many instances of drug coverups and how alternative practitioners such as Dr Gerson have been hunted down and ostracized by the strong arm of the FDA, which is backed by the pharmaceutical companies.

Alternative therapies are kept such a secret, most people don’t even consider a ‘natural’, or  alternative cancer therapy when they first discover they have cancer.  I met a woman at the Newmarket pools recently, who was due to have her breasts taken off because of malignant breast cancer.  I told her about the clinic in Remuera, Auckland, which gives intravenous Vitamin C for cancer and advised her to go there for advice before having the operation.  ‘Oh, I don’t believe in Vitamin C.  If it worked, then we would all hear about, and the hospitals would be using it,’ she said .  She was wrong. She believed implicitly in the medical system.  She was not even mildly aware that modern medicine is one of the biggest industries in the world, or that the medical profession are basically puppets for the multinational drug companies, who refuse to  accept alternative methods which could pose a threat to their monopoly on the health ‘industry’.

Another recent major happening which should elevate the status of Vitamin C in treating any serious disease, also occurred very recently, again, –  in New Zealand.

The case which has drawn attention to the media is one where  Vitamin C cured a case of swine flu and hairy cell leukemia. The man, who was in hospital, was not improving with the current regular methods of treatment.  The family of the man requested that he be given Vitamin C in megadoses: they had read somewhere that this could be effective.  However, the medics denied this treatment at first, saying that it would not do any good.

The family did not give up, and threatened legal action unless Vitamin C was administered before the man died. So the hospital authorities relented, gave the man the megadoses of Vitamin C, and the result is that the man recovered from Swine Flu and Hairy Cell Leukemia.

We had coverage on the case by reporters from Channel 3 and Channel 1, TVNZ, which was excellent.

I hope that the subject still remains ‘hot’ news, as it very well should be.  So often, when major alternative ‘findings’ come to light here, they quickly get drowned by other competing factions, and are then conveniently forgotten – sometimes it is years before we have any more reporting on similar issues.

Lives could be saved if, as well as Vitamin C treatment,  homeopathic medicine were at least given a try in some of these ‘incurable’ illnesses.  Let’s pray that the pharmaceutical companies loosen their strangulating hold on the medicine industry, and let Homeopaths prove the worth of their science, as well as the Vitamin C therapists.

See also



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