Apple Tree Bark Remedy For Gall Stones Kidneys and Fever

Natural Remedies

Apples are a wonderful cleansing food.  Three days on the raw apple diet is an easy method to rid the body of toxins and freshen up the blood. Drinking apple juice at meal-times can remove acidity and be a help to digestion.  But what about Apple Tree Bark as a medicine?

Jethro Kloss, the famous Seventh Day Adventist herbalist who wrote ‘Back To Eden’ in 1939, apparently used the apple tree bark remedy to cure many people of different ailments.

This book was reprinted in 1981 by Loma Linda, CA: Back To Eden Publishing.

Tree barks have been commonly used in healing by native American Indians, in Australia by aboriginal people, and in New Zealand by the Maori.  In European herbal medicine, tree barks such as white willow bark, slippery elm, and silver birch  have been used as a remedies  for certain ailments.

see my older post on silver birch leaves as medicine

However, not much is written about using Apple Tree Bark as a remedy.  The apple is well known for its therapeutic qualities, as is its cider vinegar, but no mention is made of using apple tree bark in any of the herbals I have so far read.

I have just encountered it in John Heinerman’s ‘Miracle Healing Herbs’, which a friend has just lent to me.  This book gives an account of how Jethro Kloss used this medicine, and how it was one of the most commonly prescribed medicines of his repertoire.

The success which Jethro Kloss had with Apple Tree Bark, and the endorsement of its use by John Heinerman, make it well worthwhile to record it here.

This is how it is used:

Bring one litre of water to a boil with two or three tablespoons of grated Apple Tree fruit bark added to it.

Once it is boiling, reduce the heat and simmer gently for twelve minutes.  Take off the heat after twelve minutes and let stand for a further 38 minutes.

Strain the liquid off into a jar and keep in the fridge.

It is taken one cupful at a time, either warm or cold, depending on what condition you are treating – I presume, one cup per day – John Heinerman does not say how frequently it is to be taken.

It is taken warm for:

abdominal cramps (warm or cold), dysentery, delayed menstruation, fever, gall bladder attacks, indigestion, kidney problems (warm or cold), toothache.

It is taken cool for:

abdominal cramps, boils, insect bites and stings, kidney problems, liver and spleen problems, nausea and vomitting, rabies.


For skin problems such as boils, eczema, and insect bites, a poultice of the apple liquid can be used on the skin as well as the drink taken internally.

To make a poultice, soak a piece of clean white linen or cotton in the apple liquid.  Wring out and place over the area to be treated.

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Fast Home Remedies for Acne

Fast Home Remedies for Acne

Merrilyn’s Three Day Porridge Cleanse.  This treatment works  mainly  by healing the acne from the inside by cleansing the liver – you eat  porridge to help assist cleansing, and nourish the body whilst you are doing it.  With this treatment, determination is the key factor, as its success relies on your persistence in avoiding other cooked foods and dairy products.

This treatment is designed to rid the body of all those harmful poisons which it is harbouring, as it is these, essentially, which make you sick. The theory is that if you cleanse  the intestines, which cleanses  the blood, and you provide nourishing and cleansing foods to the digestion after that, then the skin and all other organs should  function normally again.

The following procedure is a treatment which has been successful with some poeple.  However, you should visit your doctor or health professional for advice if you have an ongoing problem with acne. Sometimes an antibiotic, Chinese medicine,  a traditional Tibetan Buddhist remedy,  homeopathy, or some other modality might be needed to treat the acne, especially if there is some underlying inherent cause such as a hormonal imbalance.

Day One:   Eat the following high fiber food at breakfast,  between 7 and 8 am each day. It is good to get into a routine for breakfast.  Try to keep to the same time, as this helps the digestion.

Oatmeal Porridge:  Make up a big plate of oatmeal porridge for breakfast- about a cup or two of porridge.  Grate a large apple up whole, preferably an organic apple, and put this on top. Add four or five chopped dates for sweetening.  Add two tablespoonsful of olive oil, or grapeseed oil, or a knob of butter, and a tablespoonful  of ground linseed/ flaxseed and  a tablespoon of sesame seeds.  Eat the lot without any added sweetening or milk. If you add milk or sugar to this porridge, you spoil the cleansing effect.

The high fiber of this breakfast provides the start of your cleanse. If you are still hungry after this, then fasting on apples will enhance the effect of your cleanse. Eat another apple, or some grapes.  But no more cooked food for the day.

On the first day, at ten o’clock take one tablespoon of castor oil, followed by a cup of black coffee.  If you like, you can use a herbal tea instead, like chamomile or pepperment. If you feel nauseous after the castor oil, then drink more herbal tea.  Peppermint tea helps to quell nausea.

On the hour, every hour through the day, eat an apple,  eat some grapes, or take a glass of carrot or apple  juice.

Of course you can do this cleanse without using enemas, but enemas are strongly recommended, especially if the body has become very toxic.  Auto intoxication can occur from eating too many processed foods, and not enough fiber or raw food.  Or you may be sensitive to the gluten in wheat which can cause the bowel to malfunction:  this causes toxicity in the body.  You might have been exposed to chemical poisons over the years which have accumulated in your liver.

You  really need to use an enema within five hours of taking the castor oil. Dr Max Gerson found that using an enema quickened up the healing process, because it ridded the body quickly of all the poisons which begin to escape from the liver once you take the castor oil. Home enemas are inexpensive and easy to perform.  However, if you really cannot bring yourself to irrigate your own bowel, then go to see a professional for a colonic irrigation.

For lunch, make up a big salad of any raw vegetables that you fancy.  Lettuce and sprouted mung beans, avocado,  grated carrot, grated beetroot, chopped spinach – any of these is good. You can take a glass of carrot juice  or apple juice with this.

For tea, make another big salad of raw vegetables.  Take another glass of carrot juice or apple juice.

Day Two:  Follow the same procedure as for day one, but do not take any castor oil on the second day.

Day Three:  Follow the same procedure as for day one, but increase the castor oil dose to two tablespoonsfuls.

Fourth Day – How to break  the Three Day  Cleanse:  Keep eating the oatmeal porridge in the morning.  Start eating brown rice at meal times. Keep eating plenty of salads at midday and for the evening meal, but add good quality protein to the meal, with the addition of cooked green vegetables.

Aim at eating more protein in the diet, with plenty of green vegetables, and less of the grain carbohydrates.

Try to stay off dairy products, except for butter.  Dairy products create mucous in the body which clog up the digestive system.  Avoid wheat products, especially bread which is risen with yeast.  Bread eating in Western diets  is another cause of so much illness. 

Avoid all products which have yeast added, or which are fermented. This includes all alcohol, vinegar,  and products which have yeast added, like soy sauce, tofu and tempeh.  Tomato sauce is made with vinegar, so it is best left alone until you recover properly.

Substitute rice for bread:  Eat a plate of brown rice with some protein, oil, and some vegetables instead of munching on a slice of toast or bread. Have some brown rice ready cooked ready in the fridge to use each day as a wheat substitute.

Eggs are good for the skin.  Eggs contain protein, and lots of vitamins.  Eat several each week, unless you have an allergy, or your doctor has instructed you not to eat them.  Raw egg yolk is even better than eating the whole egg when you are on a diet of maximum nutrition.  Egg yolk contains natural lecithin, which helps you to digest fats.

Fish is nourishing to the skin hair and nails.  Sardines, mackerel, salmon, tuna, are all good as tinned fish, but you can eat any fresh fish- hopefully it comes from clean unpolluted waters.

Eat plenty of green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, silver beet, cooked cabbage, raw lettuce and sprouted grains and seeds.

Eat several pieces of raw fruit a day.

Eat a handful of sesame seeds at least once a day for extra calcium. One heaped tablespoon contains about 1200mg of calcium and magnesium.

Avoid drinking too much coffee.  Avoid drinking tea made with milk in it, as milk becomes hard to digest once it is mixed with milk. This causes strain on the liver, and the result is undigested protein material which polllutes your bowels and your skin.  Black tea is better.  Drink more green tea and herbal teas.

Avoid alcohol and other drugs.

Drink  several glasses of water during the day, or freshly pressed carrot or apple juice diluted with water.

Herbal Teas and Hot Water:  Drinking  medium-to-hot water on its own, or in a herbal tea, or a green tea, helps to cleanse toxins out of the system, and is very beneficial for acne.  If you drink three or four  herb teas or green tea in a day, then you can  drink less tap water.  Vary your teas a little – two cups of green tea in a day is enough.  Try some chamomile or rose hip for variation.

Treat the acne affected area with probiotic yogurt or fresh kiwifruit juice.  Put either of these on the skin each day and leave for at least an hour if you can.  Continue  with daily treatments, while you follow your special acne cleansing diet above, until the acne has cleared up.

Herbal Steambaths can be helpful in treating acne, in combination with other treatments such as the liver cleanse above.  Use fresh or dried herbs such as sprigs of lavender or rosemary or calendula.  Put between 1/2 to 1 cup of fresh herbs in a bowl.  Pour over boiling water. Leave to cool for a minute, so that the water is not actually boiling.  Then use as a steam bath:  cover your head with a towel, and keep the head several inches over the bowl so that the pores of your skin will benefit from the steam.  This cleanses the pores, and the steam and the active herbal vapours help to reduce infection.

Take care not to get too close to the hot water – you do not want to burn either your lungs or your skin. Steambath for about 5 minutes, or less if it is uncomfortable.

The Apple Diet


This post is going to tell you  about the benefits of fasting on apples.

The apple diet is a cleansing diet.  The fame of the humble, healing apple goes back for centuries. Dr Max Gerson used the apple as part of his famous cancer treatment, and it is still used today by people who follow the Gerson treatment.

The apple diet is one of the simplest, one of the most pleasant, and one of the best ways in which you can detoxify your body of chemicals and slush.

Apples are such a great food. They are rich in pectin,  vitamin C, potassium and other trace elements. They have an enormous amount of good quality fiber. They have an alkaline efect on the body, so you can reduce acidity by eating an apple after a meal. Eating an apple after a meal also helps you to absorb vitamins, iron, calcium,  and other minerals from your food. Apples are great food as snacks, too;  instead of going for that pastry or cookie, you could eat an apple, or even a few slices while you watch television or prepare dinner.

Apples are great for the teeth, of course. Children should all be given one apple at least per day.

The Apple Cleanse Diet is simple: All you do is eat raw apples for a few days. You can munch away at whole apples, or you can grate the apple up,  skin and core and all. In the Gerson diet for treating cancer and other immune diseases,  a whole organic apple is grated up each morning, to have on the big plate of oatmeal porridge, which is the only cooked item used in the initial cleansing period on the Gerson diet.

Three days of  straight apple eating is a standard period for a cleanse, but if you do not feel up to it, then do only one day on the apples. You will find that each time you repeat this one day or so on the apple diet,  you get a little stronger, your resistance will improve, and tackling the diet will become easy.

You can eat just as many as you like. This is a great exercise for all those who wish to lose weight, or who have eating addictions: no need for guilt on the amount of apples you eat – there are absolutely no limits.  Eating lots of apples just on their own WILL NOT MAKE YOU FAT. You will LOSE fat instead, if you can eat apples, and only apples, for three days at a time.

Your digestive system, especially your bowels, will benefit from the bulk of the fiber in the apple diet.  This bulk thoroughly cleanses the bowel of effete matter and any toxins it may be harbouring. The honorable apple contains high amounts of pectin, especially in the pips, and peptin has a great healing effect on the tissues of the body, including the intestines.

Your nervous system will benefit from a day or two on apples.

Your liver, gall bladder and kidneys and bladder will also benefit from a few days of eating only apples. If the apple diet is done regularly, say one day a week, or three days every few weeks, then you will be gradually diminishing any toxic deposits in these organs.

The same goes for the brain: after a few days on the apple diet, you will notice that your brain is much sharper, and so is your eyesight. The nutrients in apples help feed the nerves which affect the eyesight and brain. Because the apple diet cleanses the blood, there are less toxins in the blood which feeds your brain and eyesight: this, in itself, causes a rejuvenation of brain and eyesight.

Note- before attempting the apple diet,  ask your health practitioner if you  can safely do this diet, especially if you have any medical condition for which you are getting treatment.

Do not continue the apple fast for more than three days at a time.  Apples are great food, and they are wonderful for taking toxins out of the body and healing it:  However, after using apples to restore a healthy body,  you need  to include proteins , oils and fats, calcium-rich foods, and  iodine and iron in the diet again. A normal, healthy diet which includes proteins and plenty of fresh and cooked green vegetables should follow the apple diet.

The apple diet is made most effective in its detoxification effects when a bowel wash is done. If you have never done a cleanse before, then you might have large amounts of toxins to expel, and these can make you feel sick initially. Colonic irrigation  at a clinic is a good idea if you can afford it. The more you persevere with fasting on apples on a regular basis, the less toxic your body will become.