Food Glyphosate Levels From RoundUp Increased 500 Times Since 1994

Environment and Health

RoundUp, which contains glyphosate, is not biodegradable.  Interesting, I think, that Monsanto had to be taken to court a couple of years ago, to get them to remove their false claim of ‘biodegradable’ from the packaging of their RoundUp weedkiller.

RoundUp weedkiller, and Monsanto’s related RoundUp Ready seeds and plants, are a multi-billion dollar industry. For over 20 years, they have marketed their RoundUp weedkiller as ‘biodegradable’, happily duping farmers, agriculturalists, city councils, governments, and the general public about the safety of RoundUp, which contains glyphosate, an ingredient which WHO,  World Health Organization,  last year declared is a ‘probable cause of cancer’.

Some organic farmers use RoundUp, which misleads people into thinking RoundUp must be OK.  But RoundUp and glyphosate are not safe, and should never be used in the organic industry, if at all. How can this be, that organic producers can use glyphosate weedkiller? Well –  Monsanto has cleverly convinced governments everywhere that a small amount of glyphosate is acceptable, which is why some organic farmers can call their stuff organic:  as long as they make sure that they are within the so-called ‘safe’ range, then they can call their stuff organic, when in fact it is not at all.

I heard the tail end of a documentary on Radio New Zealand about a month ago.  They reported that German scientists have found that levels of glyphosate,  the active ingredient in the weedkiller called RoundUp, have increased 500 times since 1994,

1994 was the year that Monsanto introduced their ‘RoundUp Ready’, genetically modified seeds, to the agriculture industry.  RoundUp Ready seeds are patented seeds, which means you have to buy them, and these patented seeds are designed to withstand any amount of glyphosate-containing RoundUp.  This means that the farmer, or grower, can spray any amount of glyphosate-containing weedkiller over these genetically modified seeds, or growing plants,  and the weedkiller will not kill the genetically modified seeds or plants, but it will kill everything else that grows around the RoundUp Ready plants.

So the plant keeps on growing, whilst any amount of glyphosate weedkiller, known as RoundUp, or – new name change to dupe the public -G360, which still contains glyphosate, is sprayed on regularly to kill the weeds.  This glyphosate-containing weedkiller is absorbed into the plant.  As the plant keeps on growing, it absorbs some of the glyphosate weedkiller each time a spraying occurs.  Then WE GET TO EAT IT.

So, no wonder that glyphosate levels in our food is up 500 times since 1994, when RoundUp Ready seeds were first marketed by Monsanto.

And no wonder that asthma and other breathing problems, plus eczema, arthritis, candida related sicknesses such as cancer, depression and nervous diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and parkinsons, are all increasing rapidly.

I am currently living in the wild west of New Zealand spraying culture in Dunedin.  Hundreds of miles of country roads are sprayed regularly with tonnes and tonnes of weedkiller.  Maybe the council is not using glyphosate anymore, I do not know, but the effect on our health is still disastrous.  Last year, I took photos of one of the town’s water reservoirs, which had been sprayed right around with weedkiller, with the adjoining road heavily polluted with sprayed, dead grass which you could see for miles down the road.

Dunedin is a very small city, so the country is very close to us, no matter where you live here.

It is obvous that my grandsons are being affected by the spraying.  Each time a massive spraying occurs, they succumb to asthma-like illness.  I notice that many old people get pneumonia, severe flu, or other illnesses after sprayings occur.

1080 pesticide is another problem to our health.  This affects the nervous system very dramatically, which is not a surprise, since it kills wildlife by destroying their nervous systems.  Large areas of land have been poisoned with 1080  in Dunedin over the past few months, which I am sure caused much lung disease, depression and heart troubles in our community.  I became very ill with a mysterious nervous condition, resulting in extreme weakness, when the nature reserve only a few doors down was dosed with 1080 recently.

It is such a shame that New Zealand ‘Forest And Bird Society’, and, I think, even the ‘Green Party’, endorse the use of 1080 pesticide.  They have no idea about the damage being done to all wildlife, and our water and food chain, through use of 1080, but keep a romantic idea of preserving the native bush and birds without any sense of reality.


Glyphosate Ban In Europe Still To Be Fought June 2016

Natural Health and Agriculture At Risk Because of Monsanto’s Glyphosate:

Avaaz need our help to continue the battle against Monsanto’s glyphosate, which is marketed as ‘RoundUp’ by Monsanto.

Glyphosate-containing ‘RoundUp’ is probably Monsanto’s main money earner.  It has for many years been falsely marketed as a ‘safe’ weedkiller, or herbicide.  Farmers and householders, and town and city councils all over the western world widely use glyphosate weedkillers, believing that it does no harm.

But WHO, World Health Organization, last year in May, 2015, declared that glyphosate ‘probably’ causes cancer.  After all these years of governments ignoring the issue, it is really something for WHO to hint at the danger to health.

In my experience, glyphosate poisons also disturb the natural intestinal flora of humans and animals alike, leading to conditions such as candida, or yeast infection, and excacerbating conditions such as arthritis  depression and obesity.

Glyphosate is destroying flora and fauna all over the world:  It helps to kill off bees and other insects and spiders which are important in the natural scheme of things for the pollination of plants. A ban on Monsanto’s glyphosate poison will help save our bees.

Glyphosate will eventually kill off everything except the Monsanto-made genetically engineered seeds, which means the planet will potentially be over-run with Monsanto’s genetically modified crops to the exclusion of everything else.

Monsanto’s glyphosate-containing RoundUp poison will eventuate in Monsanto, and other major agricultural companies, dominating the agriculture of the world.  Only their genetically modified seeds, known by Monsanto as ‘RoundUp Ready’ crops  will survive, and we will have to pay to grow any of these crops. We will not be allowed to use any old seeds we have around, but will have to pay for the seed giants’ patented seeds.

Wild herbs and flowers are already at risk because of glyphosate RoundUp weedkiller. Already, these plants which can cure disease, such as dandelions, plantains, self-heal and comfrey, are being destroyed on our waysides and even in our lawns and parks.

Healing through natural herbal medicine will be a thing of the past, and people will be even more reliant on pharmaceutical drugs than they are now.

People’s health will suffer if glyphosate is not banned for good:  Glyphosate gets into our organs and pollutes our bodies, making us less resistant to diseases.  It is also a likely cause of obesity.

No heritage plants or trees will be available – the chemical and seed giants will make us pay for their patented seeds and fruit trees too.  And the quality of these new hybrid plants and seeds will most likely be inferior to our older type, more disease-resistant plants and seeds.

Food sources should not be owned by anybody. – Food and water are basic human rights of all mankind, and it is deplorable that these chemical and seed companies are working towards controlling humankind and profiting by making them dependent upon their system of agriculture.

Donate if you can, to Avaaz, who are actively working towards a world ban on Monsanto’s glyphosate-containing herbicide.

Please help us to spread the word and send the following link to friends:

Weight Loss Research Shows Thunder God Vine Slows Appetite

Natural Remedies

Harvard Medical School has just published a paper in the science journal ‘Cell’ on 20th May, 2015 which indicates the Chinese herb ‘Thunder God Vine’ could be very promising for curing obesity.

Radio New Zealand gave us a report on the new findings today, Saturday 23 May, 2015, just before 1PM.

With the numbers of obesity growing throughout the world now – over a third of the population is supposed to come under the obese category – the need to find a non-toxic and effective remedy for weight loss is becoming urgent.

A selection of herbal remedies, known to be helpful in weight loss, were used in the recent Harvard studies:  The one which came top of the list for its effectiveness was the Thunder God Vine.  It has the remarkable capacity to slow down the appetite because of a compound called Leptin.

Leptin warns the brain that you have had enough to eat. People who are deficient in Leptin eat too much because they still feel hungry, even after eating a full meal.

This ancient herb, which is native to China, Korea and Japan, has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries.

Research on mice at Harvard has proved that Leptin in the Thunder God Vine reduced appetite, causing weight loss.  A reduced food intake resulted in a 45% weight loss over several weeks of taking the herb each day.

And there have been no toxic effects observed in the use of the herb.

The Leptin within the Thunder God Vine looks to be very promising for curing obesity:  It has the capacity to awaken the appetite centre in the brain, so that instead of ignoring those signals to stop eating, when you already have a full tummy, the brain will have the right response.  With the help of Leptin from the Thunder God, you should feel full after a meal, and not want to overeat.

Of course, the herb will not be enough on its own in maintaining a healthy body.  Adequate exercise must be taken.

Food choices should still be sensible ones, with sugary foods, wheat flour breads and cakes all omitted from the diet Yeast products should be avoided too.

It is really best to avoid dairy foods as well, and use soya milk instead of dairy milk. Remember that the pastures where dairy cows graze have been sprayed with many chemicals, and these chemicals get absorbed in concentration in the cow’s milk.  Some of these chemicals can cause cancer and other health problems, such as obesity and depression. See the paragraph on herbicides and pesticides below.

Another negative aspect of dairy milk is that it is spoilt for human consumption by pasteurization. Pasteurized milk is difficult to digest properly, and many people  have a problem with it.  Dairy milk, and especially pasteurized dairy milk, causes mucous to form in the intestines, and this milk makes a home for intestinal parasites, or worms.

If the milk is not digested properly, then it causes bloating in the bowel, which causes the stomach to swell.  Wheat products can do the same thing.  Wheat bread is especially bad when it is made with yeast, as the yeast tends to continue fermenting in the intestines.

Food additives in the way of colourings, preservatives and flavourings, are a must to avoid.  Many of these chemicals have very damaging effects on the health, as well as the appetite.

Another thing to be careful to avoid is herbicides and pesticides, as these can interfere with the body and brain functions in many ways which are damaging to health.  The glyphosphate weedkiller such as RoundUp is very bad, and I believe that the world-wide use of this is one major cause of obesity.  It damages the natural intestinal flora, killing off the beneficial bacteria and increasing others, such as candida albicans, which causes yeast infections.

Basically, RoundUp and many other agricultural chemicals alter the balance of organisms in the bowel.  When candida gets out of control, it means you do not digest your food properly, your immune system is weakened, and you are likely to fall sick.  Deficiencies in nutrients can arise, which can lead you to be continually hungry.

When these chemicals are sprayed continually around your environment, then you really are in trouble.

The other thing that some of these herbicides and pesticides do is alter the hormonal secretions:  The pineal and pituitary glands, I find, are noticeably affected.  These centres seem to become inflamed and disconnected from the brain after exposure to weed-killer such as glyphosphate-containing RoundUp.  These important energy centres can get out of control, doing their own thing regardless of what the body needs. The disturbances in their normal functioning can cause a feeling of alienation from the world, as well as depression and appetite disturbances.

Last, but not least, meditation and yoga can help enormously to de-stress the body and brain.  Yoga Nidra, an ancient practice of relaxation, is a wonderful technique which can relax the brain,  allowing you to reprogramme yourself, devoid of the emotional clutter which prevents you from really enjoying your life.

Natural Remedies

Culpeper says of Sage that it ’causes the hair to become black’.

Garden sage has many therapeutic uses.

In the garden, its flowers provide medicine and nectar for the bees, as well as a herbal tonic to the neighbouring plants.

It is well-known as an aid to oral hygiene.  It has strong antiseptic qualities and is supposed to whiten tooth enamel.

Sage is still used today in some tooth-pastes.  It is reputedly one effective remedy for bleeding gums,  and improving gum health:  The crushed fresh leaves are massaged several times a day onto the gums and teeth.

The tea is gargled to relieve sore throats, colds and flu,  and ulcers in the mouth.

It can be effective to reduce fevers, and has been used in the past for thyphoid fever. (see ‘Herbal Remedies  and Homeopathy’ published by Geddes and Grosset.)

It is a valuable nerve medicine, and is a useful stomach remedy for improving a weak appetite.

Natural Herbal Hair Dye and Tonic:  Sage can help restore healthy hair and improve the colour.

Strong sage tea encourages hair growth and darkens the hair, if it is used on a regular basis. Many herbalists describe it in their writings:  see John Heinerman’s ‘Encyclopedia of Fruits Vegetables and Herbs’.

Rosemary is another wonderful herb which can help hair growth, but it does not have such a darkening effect on the hair, as sage does.

Recipe For Sage Hair Dye:  Here is a simple, natural hair dye and tonic which you can try.  It is perfectly safe to use, as it does not contain any harmful additives such as you might find in commercial dyes for darkening the hair.

Take two cups of fresh sage leaves and put into a stainless steel saucepan.

Add one cup of dry black tea leaves

Add half a cup of cider vinegar and eight cups of water.

Simmer very gently, with no lid, for one hour on a very low heat.  You should have around half the original quantity of liquid left at the end of an hour.  If you need to add a little more water, make sure you do so well before you finish simmering the brew.  If you add more water at the end of the simmering, then your mixture will not keep so well.

Take off the heat after an hour of simmering.  Set aside to cool.

Once your sage mixture has cooled properly, strain it off.

To the liquid remaining add the same amount of vodka.

Put into a bottle with a screw-top lid and store in a cool place.

Massage around a tablespoonful of the sage infusion into the hair each day.  Use more or less, depending on how much hair you need to cover.

Massage the sage tonic well into the roots of the hair as well, so that it feeds the scalp and hair follicles.  Massaging the scalp with the sage tonic will help the hair to grow again.

The oils in the sage leaves will put a natural shine to the hair.

Once the hair is sufficiently darkened, which may take several weeks, you can reduce the amount of applications each week.  Once or twice a week may be enough to maintain the darker colour.

Sage is really very good for the hair in so many ways.

Alternative Sage Tonic Without Alcohol:  You could make up your sage tea without the alcohol if you wish.  Only, remember that your mixture will not keep for longer than a week, and it must be kept in the fridge.  You could make up a lesser amount, enough to last a week, and then make up a fresh brew of tea for the following week.

My new book is available on Amazon:

Yoga Nidra Deep Relaxation

Soya For Weight Loss And Lowering Cholesterol

Castor Oil And Ginger For Weight Loss

March Against Monsanto Planned New York 23 May 2015

Bach Flower Remedies For Young People

DSC01902Natural Remedies:  Bach Flower Remedies can help the emotions of adolescence.

The Bach Flower ‘Rescue Remedy’ is always a good stand-by for extreme distress, such as shock, grief, or the nerves of exams.  The ‘Rescue Remedy’, which is a combination of several of the standard Bach Flower Remedies, can be used pretty much like the homeopathic Arnica remedy, which is another good one for shocks of all kinds, emotional or physical.

Personally, I have found the ‘Rescue Remedy’ to be very effective as an emergency treatment for nerves and shock.  I have also occasionally used other combinations of the flower remedies for specific emotions, at times when things have been ‘difficult to swallow’ in the outside world.  Bach Flowers are excellent for treating any negative emotions which are being held.

Nigel Dawes and Fiona Harrold recommend some specific remedies to help teenagers with common problems of adolescence.  Their book ‘Massage Cures’, which is published by Thorsons Publishing, Northamptonshire, UK, 1990,  has some very helpful information on the subject of massage therapy and using essential oils and Bach Flower remedies to cure some common ailments and states of anxiety.

Here are some of the remedies gleaned from ‘Massage Cures’, which might be useful for some problems of  adolescence:

Shock, Grief or General Distress:  Bach Flower ‘Rescue Remedy’.

For Exam Nerves:  Combine White Chestnut, Hornbeam and Larch.

For General Depression:  Sweet Chestnut combined with Gorse.

Feeling inadequate, inferior, and lacking confidence:  Larch.

Crab Apple:  Feeling one is unattractive or ugly.  For problems of puberty – e.g difficulty adapting to menstrual cycle. The voice-breaking in adolescent boys.

Not able to stand up for oneself.  Too submissive. Being bullied:  Centaury.

Resentment and feeling powerless to change one’s predicament:  Willow.

For Anorexia or Bulimia:  Willow.   

Apathy.  Disinterested in things.  No enthusiasm:  Gentian.

Doubt and indecision about future career-path:  Wild Oat.

For Feeling isolated.  Feeling alienated from one’s parents:  Willow.

Some other remedies which might be worthwhile trying are:


Aspen for being pessimistic about life or fearing the future.

Elm for feeling overwhelmed by study and responsibilities.

Impatiens for impatience.  Being snappy and irritable.

Olive for exhaustion.

White Chestnut for excessive worry.  Restless sleep or insomnia.

Walnut for difficulty adapting to changes. Walnut is a great courage-builder.


No Cancer Notebook(1)A reprint of Merrilyn’s 1980’s Health Book entitled: NO CANCER NOTEBOOK is available for purchase.

The cost is $60 New Zealand currency.  This includes postage.

Send an email to [email protected] to order.







Flu Vaccination Brought On Asthma And High Blood Pressure

On The Bad Effects Of  Vaccination

For a start, the flu vaccination, in this case, brought about a bad dose of flu the very next day – the very thing the flu vaccination was meant to prevent!


Immunization  Has Debilitating Effects For Some People:  This is a story about how vaccination caused influenza, asthma and high blood pressure in a person immediately after she had a flu injection. 

If only she had known about the effectiveness of Homeopathic Arsen Alb., she may have been spared the consequences of the flu jab.  Read:

Homeopathic Arsen Alb For NZ Flu May 2013

There is much literature around on the bad effects of vaccination.  The debate is still a very hot one, with drug companies and much of the medical profession pushing to keep those vaccinations going.

Antibiotics used in vaccination programmes are incredibly large money-earners for the drug-pharmaceutical industry, as well as the medical profession,  and so, like the tobacco story, it can be a very difficult thing persuading people that vaccinations can be harmful, because so much money is spent on propaganda in favour of vaccination or immunization.

These big organizations manage to get institutions such as the FDA alongside, who then pressure for mass vaccinations to be  made mandatory.  Even WHO, the ‘World Health Organization’, in tow with the pharmaceutical companies, go about the world vaccinating thousands upon thousands of people in those underdeveloped countries where they are least likely to find resistance.  Programmes like these bring in massive profits for the drug companies.

However – This is not working out for them so well in Pakistan at the moment, where the Teleban are cracking down on the vaccination programmes being run there by WHO.  The Teleban, and many other Pakistani people,  are suspicious that the vaccines might cause infertility, among other things, and quite rightly so, in my opinion.  Read my post entitled: Fake Vaccinations So Teleban Kill Polio Workers In Pakistan which has a bit more on this story.  See also some of my other posts on the subject of Vaccination and Vaccination Alternatives:

Link Between Vaccination And  Obesity New Study Suggests BBC Report;  

Possible Homeopathy For Meningitis If Vaccinations Don’t Work; 

Is Vaccination Related To Autism;

Useful Homeopathic Remedies For Measles.

Importance Of Magnesium In Preventing Heart Attack And Lowering Stress

And now – For the story on how immunization for flu weakened the immune system, bringing on asthma and high blood pressure, amongst other things:

I have just met a lady who has been made very ill from having a routine flu injection.  Four years ago, she and her husband went in to get their ‘flu shots’.  That year nothing unusual happened.

But the following year, just before going on holiday to Australia in 2010,  they decided to get their flu vaccinations done to ensure they did not catch anything while they were away.  They got their vaccinations done three years ago this April.

On this occasion, the flu vaccination caused a health crisis in this woman’s life.  Her husband did not have any trouble with the vaccine, apparently, although I have not spoken to him.

The first adverse reaction to the flu vaccine was to immediately get a bad dose of the flu.  My friend became suddenly very ill with the flu the following day after having the vaccination.

After she recovered from the flu, she found she had developed asthma, which she had never ever experienced in her life before.

The asthma grew worse.  By the time they had gone over to Australia on their holiday, she was in dire straits with the asthma, and had to be hospitalized.  Her blood pressure had also soared, when she had not had a blood pressure problem before.

Her blood pressure was suddenly dangerously high – 180 over 120.

After being discharged from the hospital in Australia, they returned to New Zealand, whereupon she went back to the doctor to complain about the effects of the vaccination.  This doctor dismissed the idea of vaccination being the cause of her demise in health.  He said her sudden bad health had nothing at all to do with the vaccination for flu.

But she had become IMMEDIATELY ill with the flu after having the vaccination, and the flu was followed on by asthma and extremely high blood pressure, as well as a feeling of lethargy and depression.  My friend did not believe the doctor at all. She changed her doctor right away to one who has been helping her to gradually reduce all the medications she has been put on to manage the asthma and hypertension.

Incidentally, she has found that her blood pressure problem has improved greatly with the addition of magnesium to the diet.  She has almost weaned herself off the high blood pressure medication.  Her new doctor supports her attempts to reduce her high blood pressure through natural means.

The first doctor who ignored her complaints about the flu injection, insisting that the flu injection had not caused any demise in health, is typical of many doctors who support the pharmaceutical industry:  They refuse to acknowledge any harmful effects of their vaccinations.

It is not compulsory for doctors to keep a record of the bad effects of vaccination.   I wonder why?  It is obvious.   Ignoring the harmful effects of vaccinations means that the proof against vaccinations remains hidden.  This is very convenient for the drug companies, because there is no register kept which lists just how many people suffer ill effects from vaccinations or immunizations, and there is no record kept of the type of illnesses which people succmb to after having vaccinations done.

Which is why I keep writing these articles up – in an attempt to help disseminate information which might antidote the potentially harmful propaganda which is continually churned out by the drug companies and much of the medical profession.

Useful Books To Read:  ‘Your Health At Risk – What Doctors And The Government Aren’t Telling You’ by Toni Jeffreys Ph.D.  Published 2005 by Crow’s Nest Publishing, Warkworth, New Zealand and also by Axiom Press Australia.

‘Vaccination – A Guide For Making Personal Choices’ by Dr Hans-Peter Studer.  First published in English by Floris Books in 2004.

Complete List of Gluten Free Foods for People with Wheat Sensitivity