Gallbladder Cleanse With Apples Olive Oil And Lemon Juice

Natural Remedy For Treating And Preventing Gall Stones Or For Constipation

Here is a very effective and easy-to-do method for preventing gall stones.  It will expel existing small gall stones and help to break up larger stones.  Do it just once in a while to keep the Gallbladder free of stones and stale bile.

It is also useful as a detox which will help to remove toxic chemicals from the digestive system. This makes it a helpful treatment for chronic cases of candida, especially when exposure to toxic chemicals has occurred.

Of course, do see your doctor or naturopath if you are experiencing any pain to do with the Gallbladder.

The raw apple, olive oil and lemon treatment is also effective for stubborn cases of constipation.  Because of its great detox effect, it is a good thing to do occasionally for prevention of bowel cancer and other maladies caused by auto-intoxication, such as arthritis.

Walter Last recommends a similar method for expelling gall stones, and I have tried it myself with good results.

So – one of the best methods for a Gallbladder flush:

Raw Apple, Olive Oil and Lemon Juice Gallbladder Cleanse.

Three Days On Apples:  Begin the treatment with eating only raw, grated apples for three days.  Raw apple, grated with its skin still on, cores and all, has a wonderful healing effect on the digestive system.  It is roughage-packed, full of Vitamin C and other antioxidants, as well as phytochemicals which help prevent cancer.

You can eat some whole apples as well with the diet, but grate them also, so that you eat plenty as a salad at mealtimes.
Each night while you do the raw apple days, take one tablespoonful of olive oil with some lemon juice – and a spoonful of lecithin if you have it.
Don’t worry if you don’t have lecithin, as the oil and lemon will work as a cleanser, even without it.
On the third apple day, take 1/2 cup of olive oil with 1/2 cup of lemon juice, mixed together.  Swallow the lot down in one dose.  It is surprisingly easy to take when lemon juice is combined with the olive oil.

There is an option of using orange juice instead of the lemon, but lemon juice is more acidic, more antiseptic, and is a  quicker-acting remedy.
Straight after you have swallowed your Olive Oil and lemon drink, lie on the right side for 2 hours with a pillow under the hips.

The Castor Oil Pack
The other thing you can do on the days you are eating only raw apple is to use Castor Oil on a
pack.  You put this on the outside of your stomach/gall bladder area.
Easy to make – first buy a bottle of castor oil.  Pour around 2 tablespoons over a white cotton or woollen cloth – not too big – just big enough to cover a good area of the stomach.
You leave the Castor Oil Pack on all night with a plastic over it, and something around the outside, like tightish pants, to hold it there.  You can loosely bandage it in place if you want to.
Every night, on the nights you take your raw apple, put the Castor Oil pack on the stomach.  Leave it on for the whole night.

Save the castor oil pack each morning to use again the following night.  Put a little more oil on occasionally to keep it moist.

You do three nights on, and take it off during the day.  Even after you have taken the Olive Oil and Lemon to eliminate stones, you can keep up the routine with the Castor Oil Pack to ensure the healing of the Gallbladder.
The same routine pattern applies after you have finished the raw apple and olive oil treatment- Three nights in a row with no pack. Then three nights on again with the pack.

You can use the Castor Oil Pack indefinitely in this way – 3 nights on, 3 nights off.  No pack during the day-time.

Good Foods To Aid Gallbladder Function and Prevent Gallstones:

Drink plenty of water each day.  Less coffee and tea, and more water.

Eat fewer animal fats and products.  Eat more of the healthy Omega-3 fatty acids which are contained in oils such as Olive Oil, fish oils, and linseed or flax oil.  One to two tablespoons of any one of these oils per day is a good preventative measure against developing gall stones.

Try to incorporate olive oil as a daily commodity in the diet.

Eat plenty of fibre-rich foods, such as fruits, green vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds.  More fibre in the diet will take away the unwanted cholesterol from the system.  Since gall stones are apparently made up of, mainly, cholesterol, more fibre is essential to prevent stones from forming.

Apples and pears are especially good for the Gallbladder, as well as for improving bowel function.

Try to avoid wheat products, such as breads and cakes.  Avoid pasteurized dairy milk and switch to either raw milk, if it suits your digestion, or soya milk.

See earlier posts on the subject:

Gall Bladder Cleanse

Gall Bladder Stones Treatment

Orange Olive Oil Drink For Gall Bladder Bowel Cleanse

Castor Oil Pack



Home Made Eucalyptus Oil For Chest Troubles, Colds Or Sore Joints

Natural Remedies

Eucalyptus Oil, which is a wonderful herbal remedy for colds and flu, coughs, sore chests and sore joints, used to be a stand-by in the medicine chests of yesteryear.

Eucalyptus oil, which is made from the Australian Gum tree, is beneficial to the lungs and the circulation of the blood when it is massaged into the affected areas. Rheumatism and arthritic joints, as well as varicose veins, can benefit greatly from a gentle massage of warmed Eucalyptus and Olive Oil.

But now the herbal eucalyptus oil has been sadly removed from the pharmacy shelves, along with many other very useful and comparatively harmless remedies we used for a myriad of afflictions.

The reason for the removal of Eucalyptus from the shop shelves is, I am sure, because home remedies are being discouraged by the pharmaceutical companies.  Every time we use a home remedy instead of going to the doctor to get a prescription for some drug or another, both the doctor, and the pharmaceutical company whose drug he/she  would have chosen, lose out on a sum of money.

So – now we have been denied access to eucalyptus oil from the health or chemist shops, we must make our own.

Here is a very simple procedure for the making of a home-made eucalyptus oil.  It is not anywhere near as strong as the beautiful tincture of Australian eucalyptus oil  which many of us  used to use for colds and flu, pleurisy of the lungs, or for rubbing on arthritic joints.  But you will find the effect of this home-made oil almost as good.

Here is how you make it, in only 10 minutes.

I keep a young gum tree in a pot for the purpose of using it medicinally.  Pick about four or five nice young leaves off your gum or eucalyptus tree.

Cut up the leaves with scissors, using the stalky bits of the leaves as well.

Put the cut leaves into a small iron saucepan and cover them with olive oil.  About half a cup of olive oil should suffice.

Put the pot onto the stove and heat up the oil and eucalyptus leaves.  Use a moderately hot plate for this, and take care not to burn your olive oil.

When the oil is almost simmering, turn the stove off, but leave the saucepan on the hot plate so that the leaves can marinate in the hot oil for a while.

After around ten minutes, the oil will be cooled enough, and ready to use.  Spoon off a tablespoonful or as much as is needed for immediate use.

This eucalyptus oil is very soothing for a sore, congested chest.  Rub it into the ribs at the side and cover the chest area in the front. Massage the oil into the collar bone area as well. Then do the back of the chest.

I find that I need to wash off most of the oil after twenty minutes or so. After that time, the eucalyptus oil seems too intense for comfort. But twenty minutes is enough time for the active ingredients in the combination of olive oil and eucalyptus to have a favourable effect on the lungs, as well as a tonic effect on the circulation.

NZ Manuka Tea Bush Remedy Diuretic For Dropsy And Arthritis

Natural Herbal Remedies

Here is another great New Zealand remedy which is made from the well-known New Zealand Manuka Bush.

I quote again that piece of wisdom coined by the famous NZ herbalist healer who published a book on herbal medicine in 1889:

‘It is no use denying the existence of the form of folly which despises things because they are cheap and easily got’.  Doctor Neil believes that this is the reason the Manuka remedy has not been more widely used.

Most people have heard of the therapeutic qualities of Manuka Honey, which is very expensive and exported the world over now.  It has a reputation as being a relief to arthritis sufferers.

But how many people know that Manuka tea, which is very cheap because it is readily available in our gardens and parks, is also very therapeutic?

Manuka  is also known as ‘Tea Tree’, and this is because it was used as a tea by the early settlers to New Zealand.  When their stocks of ceylon tea were running dry, or non-existent, then they would resort to using tea made from the Manuka bush – Tea Tree.

Dr James F. Neil recommends the following dosage in his 1889 herbal ‘The New Zealand Family Herb Doctor: A Book on the Botanic Eclectic System of Medicine’.

How To Use Manuka Tea As A Diuretic Medicine For Dropsy:

Take a handful of blossoms and twigs.  Put them into a jar and pour over one pint of boiling water.  Leave to infuse. Dr Neil does not give instructions as to how long you should leave the herb in, but I would estimate 30 minutes to be a good time.  Then strain off the tea.

He says to take half a cupful two to six times a day.

On the previous page he describes a treatment for another dropsical patient whom he told to use a quart of water on a handful of herbs.  He does not tell us whether he used cold or hot water for this infusion – I imagine it would be boiling water as in making tea. The patient was told to drink freely of the Manuka tea, and the dropsy was cured.

Dr Neil does not specify the Manuka tea for arthritis or rheumatism, but I am sure it could be a helpful medicine for both these conditions.

Many people swear by Manuka honey for helping arthritis.

If I was treating myself, I would use only half a cupful of the tea taken twice a day for just three days at a time.  Then I would take a break  to assess whether there was any improvement, or any side effects, before using again.

To Make A Tincture of Manuka

Dr Neil says to use 2 ounces of Manuka flowers and twigs to a pint of alcohol.  Full strength vodka is the cheapest way to make a tincture these days.

Infuse the Manuka in the alcohol for a week, then strain and bottle.

Adult Dose:  For treating dropsical conditions, or as a diuretic medicine to help arthritis or rheumatism, take from one teaspoon to a tablespoonful of the Manuka tincture.

Natural Remedies

Culpeper says of Sage that it ’causes the hair to become black’.

Garden sage has many therapeutic uses.

In the garden, its flowers provide medicine and nectar for the bees, as well as a herbal tonic to the neighbouring plants.

It is well-known as an aid to oral hygiene.  It has strong antiseptic qualities and is supposed to whiten tooth enamel.

Sage is still used today in some tooth-pastes.  It is reputedly one effective remedy for bleeding gums,  and improving gum health:  The crushed fresh leaves are massaged several times a day onto the gums and teeth.

The tea is gargled to relieve sore throats, colds and flu,  and ulcers in the mouth.

It can be effective to reduce fevers, and has been used in the past for thyphoid fever. (see ‘Herbal Remedies  and Homeopathy’ published by Geddes and Grosset.)

It is a valuable nerve medicine, and is a useful stomach remedy for improving a weak appetite.

Natural Herbal Hair Dye and Tonic:  Sage can help restore healthy hair and improve the colour.

Strong sage tea encourages hair growth and darkens the hair, if it is used on a regular basis. Many herbalists describe it in their writings:  see John Heinerman’s ‘Encyclopedia of Fruits Vegetables and Herbs’.

Rosemary is another wonderful herb which can help hair growth, but it does not have such a darkening effect on the hair, as sage does.

Recipe For Sage Hair Dye:  Here is a simple, natural hair dye and tonic which you can try.  It is perfectly safe to use, as it does not contain any harmful additives such as you might find in commercial dyes for darkening the hair.

Take two cups of fresh sage leaves and put into a stainless steel saucepan.

Add one cup of dry black tea leaves

Add half a cup of cider vinegar and eight cups of water.

Simmer very gently, with no lid, for one hour on a very low heat.  You should have around half the original quantity of liquid left at the end of an hour.  If you need to add a little more water, make sure you do so well before you finish simmering the brew.  If you add more water at the end of the simmering, then your mixture will not keep so well.

Take off the heat after an hour of simmering.  Set aside to cool.

Once your sage mixture has cooled properly, strain it off.

To the liquid remaining add the same amount of vodka.

Put into a bottle with a screw-top lid and store in a cool place.

Massage around a tablespoonful of the sage infusion into the hair each day.  Use more or less, depending on how much hair you need to cover.

Massage the sage tonic well into the roots of the hair as well, so that it feeds the scalp and hair follicles.  Massaging the scalp with the sage tonic will help the hair to grow again.

The oils in the sage leaves will put a natural shine to the hair.

Once the hair is sufficiently darkened, which may take several weeks, you can reduce the amount of applications each week.  Once or twice a week may be enough to maintain the darker colour.

Sage is really very good for the hair in so many ways.

Alternative Sage Tonic Without Alcohol:  You could make up your sage tea without the alcohol if you wish.  Only, remember that your mixture will not keep for longer than a week, and it must be kept in the fridge.  You could make up a lesser amount, enough to last a week, and then make up a fresh brew of tea for the following week.

My new book is available on Amazon:


Rhubarb Use In Constipation Cancer, Arthritis, Psoriasis

Natural Remedies

There are two types of Rhubarb.  The Chinese variety, Rheum Officinale, is the one mostly used in herbal medicine.  However, garden rhubarb, Rheum Rhaponticum, also has some value in treating certain diseases.

Remedy For Constipation:  The stalks of Garden Rhubarb are, of course, an aged-old remedy for constipation.  I think that this makes it a very helpful treatment in diseases such as cancer, arthritis and psoriasis:  Cleaning out the bowels of effete matter is imperative in treating any disease, as this is usually where the disease originates.

Rhubarb Root For Constipation: In using Garden Rhubarb for treating constipation, the most potent part of the plant to use is the dried root.  It must be dried and powdered or chopped before using, and only a half teaspoon can be taken in one dose.  Do not use this remedy more than once a week, as it is very vigorous in its action:  overuse can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Poisonous Leaves:  NEVER use the leaves of the Rhubarb plant.  These are very poisonous, as they contain large amounts of oxalic acid.  You can safely eat the stalks of Rhubarb, but never the leaves.

Stewed Rhubarb Stalks And Apple: This is a delicious combination which is often served as a dessert on its own, or used in a crumble as a treat. Simply stew your chopped Rhubarb stalks with an equal amount of grated, unpeeled apple.

In the absence of dried root, eating a cupful of stewed Rhubarb and apple  each morning will surely waken up a lazy bowel.

Because of its laxative qualities, eating rhubarb and apple frequently will help to prevent cancer, arthritis and other degenerative disease.

Eat Plenty Of Other Stuff Too:  Do not overdo the rhubarb.  It is high in oxalic acid which can deplete your body of calcium if your diet is deficient in this and other nutrients. This can result in arthritis-type symptoms and bone pain.

If you use Rhubarb frequently, be sure to eat plenty of other foods which contain calcium, protein and oils, such as good quality milk, fish, sesame seeds, almonds and nuts.

Or, alternatively, use lots of carrot juice, or cabbage, to counter the depleting effect of Rhubarb.

Natural Cancer Treatment: Rhubarb has apparently been used in China for treating some types of cancer. (See ‘Miracle Healing Herbs’ by John Heinerman, PhD, published byPrentice Hall, 1998)

Mammary Tumours: Rhubarb contains good amounts of potassium, calcium, and Vitamin C.  It is also reputed to contain the laxative ingredients rhein and emodin,  which have shown to be effective in treating mammary tumours in mice.

Malignant melanomas have also responded to the use of rhein and emodin compounds.  The dose given in John Heinerman’s book is 50mg per kilogram of body weight as a daily dosage.

Herbal Recipe For Treating Arthritis and Psoriasis: I have not tried this remedy, but this recipe adapted from Heinerman sounds to be very good.  The cabbage juice contained in the mixture would, I think, help to reduce the depletion of calcium.

He macerates 1 cup of Rhubarb root with half a cup of chopped Rhubarb stalks.

To this is added 10 tablespoonsful of powdered grape root – the Oregon variety if you can get it.

8 X 50mg zinc tablets are pounded into the mixture.

The resulting mix is then put into a screw-top jar, and 3 cups of good gin or rum put over it. I think a good vodka would do the trick just as well.

Shake twice a day for two weeks, then strain the mixture.

The final addition is One and a Quarter cups of cold cabbage water.  This is obtained by gently  simmering half a chopped cabbage in two pints of water for half an hour, or until the water has reduced to about half or less.

Put the Rhubarb liquid, together with the cabbage water, into a bottle and screw on the lid.

I would keep it in the fridge, to make sure it does not ferment before you use it up.

Dose is one teaspoonful five times a day before meals and before morning tea and afternoon tea.

John Heinerman says this is helpful for treating Arthritis and Hepatitis. Skin diseases such as Psoriasis, Eczema, Herpes and Acne Vulgaris should all benefit from this herbal tonic.

My new book is available on Amazon:







Enemas Essential Aid To Recovery In Cancer, Parkinson’s, Arthritis

Natural Remedies

Well, I am bored and exasperated with telling people who have their ears blocked as well as their intestines,  that they need to take enemas to hasten their recovery from cancer.

Now I know how frustrated Walter Last, and other healers attempting to cure people of their cancers and other diseases, feel when people ignore their best advice.

All over the world, cancer sufferers following a ‘natural’ approach to healing are pouring down all that carrot juice, along with their supplements like mega Vitamin C, Garlic, and Pau d’Arco or whatever, expecting to make a full recovery on diet and supplements alone.  Sometimes people do get better using just treatments such as these, but usually they do not make a complete recovery.

Time and time again, people have come to me to ask what to do to reverse their cancer.  I give them a well-tried formula which includes enemas, then they go away and do just about everything else EXCEPT for enemas.

Just as I did, when Walter Last instructed me to use enemas with my recovery diet all those years ago.  I went away and seemed to make a remarkable recovery on his diet, without the enema, until, suddenly, all those toxins being expelled so quickly by the liver began to be reabsorbed into my blood-stream.  I could have died, especially with all that 2,4,5,T, Dieldrin, and goodness knows what in my system.

Fortunately for me, when I returned in great distress to see Walter, he berated me and said I was never to see him again for treatment if I was not going to follow his advice.  I left his clinic extremely embarrased, with the enema he had made me buy.  Just as he said, the painful symptoms of detoxification disappeared as soon as the intestines were washed out with water using the enema.

So I have first-hand experience on how instructions for that part of the treatment generally fall on deaf ears. Because people have an extreme aversion to the idea of putting water up the bum, they decide they will not do it, whilst pretending at first to go along with it.

Or they might prefer to argue the point:  “And can you prove this, that enemas are beneficial?  Where is your evidence?”. they might ask.

Well, it is not rocket-science.  Facilitating the quick expelling of toxins from the liver and bowel  has to be beneficial in treating diseases such as cancer, where toxins have built up to an extreme.

Even bowel diseases such as diverticulitis will benefit hugely from using the enema, because the water expands the intestines out so that those mis-shapen pockets we call diverticulitis can be encouraged to expel their rubbish, which allows a reshaping and rebuilding of a healthy bowel again.

And time and time again, I have seen the cancer people who fail to use enemas whilst doing an all-natural recovery programme, fail to recover completely.

They get better for a while, then suddenly go down-hill quickly.

This is what Dr Max Gerson found in treating his cancer patients.  At first, on his mainly raw-food programme, and castor oil every second day, his patients seemed to show an immediate improvement.

But then, after two weeks or so, they suddenly would become extremely, seriously ill, even worse than when they first began the detoxification process.  And they often died at this point.

He figured it was because the toxins being released from the bowel were not getting away quickly enough.  His patients, he decided, were dying because of auto-intoxication, from the rapid release of toxins from the liver which get reabsorbed as they travel through the intestines.

I have known quite a few people in my life who have listened to my advice about the natural-cure for cancer.  There are, of course, many different methods, but I have found the Gerson idea of using castor oil every second day, 2 tablespoons per dose, with daily enemas and a cleansing diet, to be the most effective way of treating cancer and other diseases.

On Waiheke Island years ago, there was a spate of breast cancers.  Interestingly enough, I had gone to Waiheke a few years earlier to cure a breast lump which I was afraid was cancer.  After three months of the castor oil, enemas and raw food treatment, except for one bowl of oatmeal porridge each morning, taken with a grated raw apple, I was better.

Suddenly, all at once, there were half a dozen women whom I knew who had breast cancer on Waiheke.  They all went for orthodox treatment, except for one.  They all died within a year or so, except for the one person who decided to do the ‘natural-cure’.

However, my one friend who did the natural thing decided she would not use castor oil or enemas.  She upped her intake of salads and carrot juices, and all the other good foods, but she refused to take an enema to wash out her bowel.  She lived for five years in a nursing home, and then she died.

I am quite sure that if she had done the suggested recovery programme to the letter, and used castor oil and enemas, then she would have gotten better within the year and would not have had to stay in the nursing home.

And she would have bee alive as you or me today.

My new book is available on Amazon: