Homeopathic Eupatorium Perfoliatum Its Uses And Sequences

Natural Remedies:

Homeopathic Eupatorium perfoliatum is one of the main remedies used today for influenza.  It is also useful for colds, for intermittent fevers, such as in malaria, arthritic headaches or migraine headaches when the other symptoms correlate to the remedy, and for gout and its associated bone pains and swellings. (see Kent)
It acts chiefly on the bones, stomach and liver, on the occiput, bronchial tubes, and muscles of chest, back and limbs. (C.M.Boger)

Homeopathic Eupatorium perf. is compatible with, and can be followed well by, Natrum mur and Sepia.

Eupatorium perf. is a similar remedy to Nux vom in that they both have aching and pain in the bones, feeling as if they would break.  The main difference is that Nux vom patients are very irritable, whilst the Eupatorium perf. patient is not irritable, but is decidedly sad and anxious.

Eupatorium perf. can be bought in a homeopathic combination with Arsen alb and Gelsemium, which are also known for their great flu-relieving qualities.

Eupatorium perfoliatum, often called ‘Boneset’  which name arose because of its affinity with the bones, is an ancient herb well known to Dioscorides, who recommended it for old ulcers, snake bite, dysentery, chronic fevers and liver ailments. (Harvey Farrington, MD)

The herb is common in North America, where it gained a reputation as a cold and flu remedy amongst the early settlers of New England.  It is still used today in northern and eastern rural areas for their typical flu and fevers, especially when bone pain and chill is a characteristic of the malady.

In warmer climates, such as the southern areas of America, where influenza is less common than in the cold climates of the north, Eupatorium perfoliatum is used more for malaria and dengue fever.  Kent points out that remedies seem to work differently, on different diseases, depending upon the climate.

Characteristics of Homeopathic Eupatorium perfoliatum:

Bone pains almost always go with the remedy.  Pain in the back, legs, wrists and ankles particularly. The whole body aches intermittently. There is often back pain and chill which seems to emanate from the small of the back, spreading up the back and into the limbs.

The lower leg bones and calves are often affected.  Dropsy of the legs can occur, especially after malarial attacks or gout.  Swelling of the lower legs and feet.

Left wrist can feel sore, as if it is dislocated.

Pain in the eye-balls is often experienced.  Any illness which has this pressure on the eye-balls should respond well to Eupatorium perf.

Painful pressure on the forehead – as in a migraine – a sure indication of the remedy according to Bayes. (W. A. Dewey)  Arthritic headaches.

Restlessness, sadness and anxiety are usually present.

Thirsty.  Often nauseous after drinking.  Smell of food offends. A yellowish colour to the complexion.

Symptoms often worse in the morning and for cold air.  Symptoms can alternate their time frame, being prevalent between 7-9 in the morning on one day, but on the evening of the following day, (Dewey) or at midday the following day according to another source.

Symptoms (fever, chill, headache, bone pain) often display a recurring cycle of either three days, or seven days. (Kent)

The patient is chilled.  Often chill comes after drinking.  Chill can start at small of the back.

Worse lying on right side.

Headache and bone pain can alternate.

Boring headache, pain at back of neck, sometimes alternating with gouty pain in joints.

Gout pains of ankles, elbows, big toe, finger joints.

Sweating relieves many of the symptoms, although not the headache. Sweat seems to be scanty.

Vertigo, and a feeling as if falling to the left is common.

Dry, hacking cough. Painful cough which requires chest to be clutched while coughing.

Hoarse in the morning.  Larynx and upper part of respiratory system are sore. (Dewey)

A laryngeal tickle causes coughing. (C.M.Boger)

Summary of Uses: Eupatorium perf. can help relieve catarrhal fevers, colds and flu, intermittent fevers, malaria, headaches, gout, bone swellings, swelling of legs and ankles.