Organic USA Farmers Sue Monsanto For Contamination Of Crops

Monsanto Against Sustainable Agriculture.

Monsanto is the biggest corporation of all those corrupt organizations who are attempting to gain control of our food supply for their own profit.

The latest court case is happening right now, with USA farmers sueing Monsanto for contamination of their wheat crops.

A March against Monsanto is planned by NYC Free Schools and Food Justice in USA for the 23rd May, 2015.  The headline reads:

‘They have poisoned the food supply through negligence, and undermined the farming system through monopolization.’  See the links below for details.

Monsanto is well-known for its litigious actions: Since 1997, Monsanto have taken 145 people to court over patent infringement, and it has not lost a case yet.

DuPont, the next biggest GM seed producing company after Monsanto, is also on the war-path.  It is been reported that DuPont plans to employ ex-policemen to check on farmers to investigate whether there is any of their GM seed on their properties.

In 2011, a group of around 50 American organic farmers got together to preemptively sue Monsanto before Monsanto could sue them for rogue Monsanto seed found in their fields.

If Monsanto were being reasonable and fair, they would understand that the last thing an organic farmer would want in his paddock is one of Monsanto’s genetically-modified plants, and so they would not ever sue an organic farmer.

Basically, anyone who is not buying these big companies’ genetically modified seed is at risk of attack by the seed giants.

There is money to be made for Monsanto in sueing people, and every time they squash a small farmer, they gain ascendancy in the battle to own and control the world’s food supply.

The organic farmers lost their case against Monsanto in 2011, and again in 2013.  But now, in 2015, a burgeoning group of almost 300,000 organic farmers are once more taking Monsanto to court for contamination of their crops.

Organic famers are not just worried that they might be sued by Monsanto if a trace of GM seed shows up in the farmer’s paddock:

Organic farmers are also concerned that heirloom seed is being genetically changed by Monsanto’s GMO seeds.  Heritage canola seed, which produces the world’s canola oil, has become near-extinct because of contamination by Monsanto’s ‘RoundUp Ready’ variety of canola seed.

All plant varieties are at risk from being genetically changed by Monsanto’s GMO seeds, if Monsanto seed of the same plant type is growing in the area.

Monsanto’s genetically modified seed is becoming dominant, as it invades crops of traditional seeds, changing  seeds forever, and this is putting our food chain at risk.

It was hoped that this lawsuit might take a spoke out of the predatorial giant Monsanto wheel.  Disappointing that  just this week, on Monday 26th January, 2015, the Supreme Court has ruled in favour of Monsanto in yet another case against Monsanto.

But this is not the end of the battle by organic farmers against the threat of Biotech giant Monsanto’s right to sue if they find any of their genetically modified and patented seeds in an organic farmer’s field.

Monsanto currently have the law on their side, which means they have the right to sue for patent infingement against any farmer if their seed is found without the farmer having paid for the patented seed.  This law applies even when the seed has arrived in a field quite naturally, via wind or cross-pollination by insects.

How unjust is that? The law supports this Mafia of agriculture, no matter what.  ‘Pay your dues, or look out. We will kick your arse.’  This is the underlying message given by Monsanto and the other seed giants such as DuPont.

To date, Monsanto have successfully sued to the tune of 23 million dollars against farmers who, they say, have used their patented seed without paying for it.

In March, 2011, a group of 50 farmers sought a legal decision to support them in prohibiting Monsanto from sueing them if Monsanto seeds showed up in their farms.  They lost.  The court decided that the assurance from Monsanto held good – that they would not sue if only small amounts of their product was found on any farm.  This assurance is on their website.  The judge ruled this Monday the 26th January, 2015, that the former ruling was still good enough – that the assurance on the Monsanto website was legally binding.

Andrew Kimball, the lawyer working on behalf of the American ‘Center For Food Safety’ in 2013, said about the decision by the judge, that Monsanto’s website pledge not to sue farmers was sufficient:

Quote from Reuter’s article, address below:  “It is a very bizarre ruling that relies on a paragraph on a website,” he said. “It is a very real threat to American farmers. This is definitely appealable.”

Apart from the worry of being sued by Monsanto if a trace of their seed shows up in your paddock, there is also the worry that Monsanto’s genetically modified seed is becoming dominant, as it invades crops of traditional seeds.

Ethically, it would seem that Monsanto is also at fault because of its genetically-modified corn, cotton and soybean seeds which they have developed to be resistant to the glyphosphate-containing weedkiller, ‘RoundUp’.  These seeds are called ‘RoundUp Ready’.

The bad side effects of using RoundUp is well documented, and for Monsanto to continue its marketing ploys on this harmful glyphosphate, by creating seeds that will withstand the poison, is criminal in itself.

Glyphosphates are very bad for bees and other pollinating insects, and they are a bad thing to get into the food chain because they harm the health of people and animals alike. Some countries have banned the use of Glyphosphate-containing weedkillers such as ‘RoundUp’.  Mexico has already banned it, and Holland has just this year ruled it out at the beginning of 2015.

Send your Monsanto story to  [email protected], or leave a comment on this post.

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Bee-Killing Insecticides Banned In Europe, But Now Bayer Sues

Environment:  Food Chain At Risk.

Below, see the petition to sign, to keep bee-killing poisons out of our environment and protect environment.

Neonicotinoid insecticides were recently banned in Europe, in 2014.  But now Bayer, who makes some of these bee-killers, is sueing the European Commission to have the ban overturned.

Bayer and Syngenta are two of the largest companies in the world which market agricultural chemicals.  They both claim that the decision made by the European Commission to ban bee-killers is unfair.

To bleat ‘Unfair’ somewhat weakens the severity of the issue at hand – we are not squabbling over marbles here.  The earth is being poisoned and ruined for future generations by these irresponsible and greedy companies who don’t care a stuff about our health, or the health of the bees, or the planet.

They stand to lose billions of dollars because their insecticides have been banned, and so they are fighting for the right to keep poisoning our environment with their unnecessary and dangerous chemicals.

The European Commission instigated the ban on Neonicotinoid insecticides and other substances because of the overwhelming scientific evidence which proves these poisons to be destructive  to the bee population.

That they harm bees is one very good reason to ban these insecticides.  The other reason why they should be banned is because they also harm humans, animals, birds, natural fauna, trees and anything which lives.  Toxic agricultural chemicals have a lot to do with the increasing instances of cancer, arthritis, Parkinson’s and other immune system dysfunctions.  The nervous system is affected badly by toxic insecticides and herbicides.

World Famine:  This could be the result if Bayer wins their lawsuit against the European Commission.  Insecticides such as Neonicotinoids, which are derived from nicocotine, and even herbicides such as Monsanto’s Glyphosphate-containing RoundUp poison, are devastating the bee population.

Without the bees, our crops will not produce, and nor will the fruiting trees around the world. World wide famine will be the end result without bees and all the other pollinating insects which are at risk from the use of toxic chemicals.

Sustainable Agriculture:  Everybody the world over needs to get into sustainable, organic agriculture instead of using chemicals.

Sustainable agriculture also means not allowing the big pesticide and herbicide companies to manipulate our seeds, so that we are forced each year to buy new seed from them.  They are working towards a situation where we will only have their genetically modified, one-off seeds available.  In this situation, they will have TOTAL control of the food sources.  Unbelievable profits for them if everybody has to buy their patented seeds every year.

World Famine:  This is a dangerous situation, as it means if they make errors, and seeds go wrong, we could all starve, if we don’t die from cancer first.

These big pesticide-herbicide companies are causing many problems with food supply already.  Their control over the food supply is not the solution to poverty in the world, it serves only to profit them immensely.

We must fight for the right to harvest and use our our own seed, and the right to buy and use traditional, heritage seeds from people who are keeping the old, self-perpetuating varieties alive.

Monsanto is one of the major culprits in the war to gain complete control over seed production and usage. As I write this article, people are being sued by Monsanto for breaking their rules.

Bees Die From Pesticide:  Read more on how destructive pesticides actually are:  millions of bees were found dead on a single Canadian farm in December, 2014.  Go to

Only a minute amount of Neonicotinoid-containing substance is required to drastically affect the health of a hive.  Read my post of a few years back which reports the scientific evidence showing that exposure to homeopathic doses of Neonicotinoids made bees fall sick with viral diseases such as viroa. I use the term ‘homeopathic’, because the quantities which were used in this test were so small as to be undetectable as the original substance.

The scientists knew that the bees had been exposed to minute traces of the insecticide.  These bees fell prey to ‘Bee Colony Collapse Disorder’, whereas the bees who had been protected from the minute doses of insecticide did not get sick.

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

Bees Killed By Insecticide

Robot Bees will not be the answer.  This is a ridiculous idea which some scientists, obviously working for the Big Insectide companies, have come up with.  We won’t be fobbed off with the erroneous idea that robot bees will be just as good as real, live bees.  For a start, bees work in our gardens for free, whereas, for sure, we would have to pay for these robot bees to work our gardens, trees and crops. So robot bees will profit the big pesticide companies yet again.

Robot bees is a horrible idea.

Nature cannot be replaced.  These arrogant big chemical companies, who profit from the poisoning of the planet, pretend to play God with their desire to rule and manage the world.

Here is the link for the petition to sign:  To keep the European Commission’s decision to ban all bee- harming insecticides.

Someone sent an email to me recently which said ‘Don’t knock pesticides and herbicides.  We have come a long way since the starvation days of the Irish Potato Famine…….These chemicals have their purpose.’

Not true at all, dear writer.

The Irish Potato Famine was a political thing.  It came about because of poverty brought about by the British  confiscation of land, and the Corn Laws, another British device which kept the Irish people so poor that all they could afford to eat was potatoes.

The Irish Potato Famine did not occur because of a lack of pesticides.

One third of the Irish population was reliant solely on potatoes.  So around one third of the population died from starvation when the potato crop was stricken.

Poverty lead to lack of biodiversity, i.e. there was no range of different crops and fruits.  All people had to plant was potatoes.

With monocultures of crops, where thousands and thousands of acres are sown with the same crop, disease is always a problem.  I doubt that poisonous chemicals would have been the answer.  Anyway, what is wrong with the ancient, organic , bio-diverse methods of agriculture which have kept the human race going for thousands of years?

Such lack of biodiversity is not only to blame for the potato blight which ruined the crops, but for so many of the population starving and dying.

The Irish Potato Famine was political in that it was a very convenient thing for the British:  It kept the Irish ‘situation’ under control.  The people were, if they hadn’t died already,  too sick to fight for their rights.  The British could easily have sent over food, knowing that the potato crops had failed, and that the people would starve.  But, instead, they let them starve.

Back to sustainable agriculture:

Get back to organic ways of gardening, farming and agriculture.  This is the only safe way to go, for the good of the earth’s soil and all that lives on it.

This is an erroneous idea, that we need chemicals such as Nicotinoids to control insects, or Glyphosphates, such as is used in Monsanto’s ‘RoundUp’, to control weeds, nor their genetically-modified seeds.

Sustainable Agriculture:  Organic farming and orcharding, and organic gardening, is the only way to preserve the bees and produce good, healthy food which will not poison us in the long run.

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Glyphosate In RoundUp Banned In Holland

Dutch Government Bans Over The Counter Sales Of Glyphosphates, Including RoundUp.

Mexico and Russia have already banned Monsanto’s ‘RoundUp’ herbicide, and other Glyphosphate products.  France and Brazil are also planning to follow in the footsteps of Mexico, Russia and Holland, by banning Glyphosphates.

In Holland, the Party For The Animals has  been campaigning for a ban on glyphosphate-containing herbicides such as RoundUp, as well as neonicotinoid insecticides.  From the end of 2015, no more glyphosphates will be sold in garden centres in Holland for private use.

This move  to restrict the use of Glyphosphate-containing herbicides shows great promise for our future health. I hope that New Zealand will join the other countries which are about to follow suit with a RoundUp and Glyphosphate ban, as well as a Neonicotinoid ban.  However, what the world needs is a complete ban on such harmful poisons as Glyphosphate and Nicotinoids.

Nicotinoid poisons are used in many insecticides, and, like Glyphosphate, kill bees and other useful little insects, butterflies and moths.

These substances are a very great danger to our environment and to our health.  The extent of the damage is impossible to predict, but it is known for a fact that Neonicotinoid poisons are a primary cause of ‘Bee Colony Collapse Disorder’.  Read my earlier post about ‘Bee Colony Collapse Disorder’ and the relationship to Neonicotinoid poisons.

All chemical herbicides and insecticides are harmful to our own health, as well as the health of all animals, insects, birds, and trees, which inadvertantly affects the general health of the planet.

New Zealanders, generally speaking, are too trusting of the assurances of chemical and drug companies.  They use RoundUp and other dangerous herbicides and insecticides without any regard for their own health, or the health of the people who will be subjected to their toxic spraying procedures.  They believe that they must be safe, otherwise you would not be able to buy them. Wrong.

RoundUp, and other harmful Glyphosphate-containing products have been sold over the counter for years, in user-friendly packaging, with the assurance from the garden centre assistants that the stuff is pretty harmless.

My own family of farmers and orchardists have obstinately stuck for generations now, to the mistaken ideas that poisonous chemicals are necessary for food production, and that they do not pose a problem for our health at all. Meanwhile we watch family members succumbing to cancer, alzheimer’s, and mysterious fatal diseases of the nervous system.

Of course, the assurances given by the chemical and drug companies about the harmlessness of ‘RoundUp’ and other toxic chemicals is a fallacy.

RoundUp is surely a major poison in our environment, and is the cause of many on-going health problems, as well as degenerative diseases such as Cancer and Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Arthritis, Osteoporosis and other diseases.

Glyphosphate in RoundUp can also cause mental and emotional troubles, such as depression, insomnia, and skin diseases. It also affects the eye-sight, as I have found.  Read my earlier post on RoundUp and Candida for more information about ill-health and RoundUp.

RoundUp is also killing off our valuable wild herbs called ‘weeds’, the very herbs which are needed by bees and other insects to stay healthy, and which serve as medicine for the soil itself,.

Monsanto and other chemical companies which make and profit from the sales of Glyphosphate herbicides have much accounting to do for their deliberately misleading blurbs about the innocuous effects of their product.  The situation is not too much different to the cigarette companies  who have mislead people about the ‘harmless’ effects of smoking for over a period of around 50 years or more.  Now we know for a fact that smoking is very dangerous for the life and health of the individual smoker, as well as the people nearby who inhale second-hand smoke.  As if we couldn’t tell without the evidence anyhow.

Crops Will Still Be Sprayed:  But still there is much work to be done, in Holland and elsewhere, as this law change and resulting restriction on Glyphosphate-RoundUp sales will only affect the common householder.  Farmers and orchardists, and councils and government bodies will still have the right to use Glyphosphate poisons where and when they choose.

The crops will still be sprayed, as will the grass verges around the towns and parks, and bushwalk reserves.

This is an unknown quantity, but even with the proposed ban on private Glyphosphate use, probably more than 75% overall of the current RoundUp or Glyphosphate usage will still be poured into our environments and onto our food crops.

We need an outright ban on all toxic chemicals used in agriculture,  not just on Glyphosphate and Neonicatinoids.  Sustainable, organic agriculture is the only way to go.

Sustainable Food and Sustainable Agriculture

‘Sustainable Pulse’, is a website which is aimed at protecting the health of people, animals and planet.  It promotes organic systems of weed and insect control instead of chemical controls, and endeavours to increase awareness about the dangers of using toxic chemicals on our crops and in our environment.

Here is an excerpt from ‘Sustainable Pulse’ about the dangers of Glyphosphate, which is a component of commonly used RoundUp.  This was posted on 4th April, 2014.

‘Glyphosphate is increasingly associated with health problems such as infertility, birth defects, damage to the nervous system, Parkinson’s disease and several forms of cancer. In addition to health risks for humans, the usage of chemical pesticides can also lead to loss of biodiversity and difficulties with purifying drinking water.’

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Causes Of Dizziness Can Be Environmental and Lazy Bowels

Drugs Or Detox:

Dizzy Spells Can Be Caused By Chemical Poisoning

There is an advertisement which has been running for several weeks now on New Zealand television.  This is an ad put on by ‘Sovereign’ NZ doctors, which encourages people to go and see their doctor or one of their many specialists.

That is all very well – we all need to see a doctor sometimes for emergency situations, such as an injury, and sometimes for genuine long-standing health complaints. Sometimes people really do need to take long term medication.

However, I dislike this advertisement particularly because it gives the impression that medications are the answer for very common complaints – blurred vision with  dizzy spells and dropping things.  These three are all suffered by the fit-looking young man in the ad.

Blurred vision, with dizzy spells and dropping things could mean that you have  a middle ear infection, or some terrible disease like a brain tumour, or diabetes,  or even multiple sclerosis or cancer.  In these cases, you would need a doctor or a health professional,  however, this is not the most likely scenario for most people.

The youngish man pictured in the ad, who says he had blurred vision with dizzy spells and  who was dropping things eight months ago,  probably does not have these things at all.  For a start, he is an actor, but seriously, his said complaints would most  likely be caused by factors which could be avoided or reversed. A simple detox diet, might be the answer.  Or avoidance of exposure to elcetro-magnetic waves – transformers, cell-phones –  keeping a distance from cell-phone towers and high tension wires – things like that.

This really is the crux of my argument:  That more doctors should be looking towards life-style and  environmental factors in treating disease.  Chemicals in the environment, as well as radiation from cell phones, towers and electricity transformers, are responsible for most conditions of disease.  Disease is not a random thing which ‘strikes’ people down.  Disease is something which can be cured by cleansing the system as in a detox diet, adopting a healthy diet, and avoiding  the use  of harmful chemicals and anything else which harms the body.

Prevention is Better Than Cure: At the first sign of blurred vision, dizzy spells and dropping things, remedial  health measures should be taken which will eliminate them.

Taking a medication to mask the situation so that you can carry on poisoning yourself will give you a worse condition in the end. Cancer or other degenerative disease is likely to set in.

The cause of the problem will be allowed to carry on doing its destruction to your body if you take prescription medicine.  Drugs will simply compound the toxic problem, and give you the illusion that all is well.

Chemical Poisoning: Most otherwise healthy people should first consider the possibility that some sort of chemical poisoning, or auto intoxication through bad bowel elimination, not enough exercise, inadequate sleep, or deficiencies in the diet, might be causing dizzy spells.   Any one, or a combination of these things, can lead to your body and brain becoming fatigued, and this could be the reason for those dizzy spells with blurred vision, and dropping things.

Poisons in the intestines, and contact with toxic chemicals, do affect our health profoundly: Contact with insecticides can cause blurred vision and dizzy spells. Autointoxication, as in stored toxins in the liver and bowel, can cause blurred vision, dizzy spells and dropping things.

Chemical Poisoning in New Zealand:  Here is an example of how some chemicals cause a common complaint:  Many people in New Zealand are given medications for sinus and hayfever during spring and summer, as if this is an inherent condition which they HAVE to take medicine for. ‘Pollen’ is blamed in every case.

But the fact is that the period when the pollen is flying is exactly the time when, in New Zealand, anyway, spray is being poured on our soil in a big way.  City councils spray roadside verges and pavement areas, and park grounds, to kill weeds.  Farmers and fruit-growers are beginning their spraying programmes at this time. Householders will often get out their spray guns and spread poison around the garden. People fumigate their houses with carcenogenic toxic insecticides to get rid of spiders, ants and cockroaches.

So the pollen in the air is contaminated by many, many sources, and by many different chemicals which are harmful to insects and to ourselves, our children, and our pets.

The average person, and most doctors, blame pollen every time.  Insecticide and herbicide use is conveniently ignored.  This is great news for the chemcial manufacturers, and the drug companies:  One feeds off the damage of the other.  The chemical companies carry on  making their chemicals and making their profit, while  the drug companies  make their money out of people getting sick after the use of chemicals.

To suggest that a young person who has dizzy spells and drops things needs medication, most probably long term,  prescribed by one of ‘sovereign’s ‘specialists’ is irresponsible.  We need Jamie Oliver here to show these doctors a thing or two, I reckon.

Detox Diets:  There are sensible things which you can do to eliminate poisons from the body and get the digestive system and intestines functioning properly again.  A colon cleanse can do wonders for your health, because accumulated poisons are elminated quickly via this method.

Avoid Harmful Chemcials:  This is one way that you can improve your health dramatically, and help to avoid disease like cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and the like.

Get Yourself Well: People need to be educated into doing the right thing for their health.  Taking a medicine is usually NOT the answer, as this does not address the root cause of the problem, or problems.  Any one of the ‘natural medicine’  practitioners will take a good look at why you are unwell, and try to fix the problem, rather than mask it with a drug.

Taking more drugs to add to those toxic chemicals already stored in the body will only invite  cancer and other degenerative disease to settle in.

Naturopathy, ayurvedic medicine, chinese medicine, herbal remedies, acupuncture or homeopathy will  all attempt to cure your dizziness or other health complaints without the need to take drugs for the rest of your life. It may be that you still need to see a doctor if detox measures and diet do not work, but there is a good chance that they will.

Practitioners of alternative therapies look to the cause of the complaint and go from there.

Detoxifying the body,  and getting the digestive system and intestines functioning properly again is usually the start of the getting well process.  An appropriate diet is given.  Suitable exercises, enough rest, and an adjustment to the life style, avoiding anything harmful, are all advocated.

Prevention is Better Than Cure

Avoid Taking Medication For The Rest Of Your Life:  Get Yourself Well. Some people might really have some serious disease which needs a doctor’s or a specialist’s attention.  But for most people, this scenario of having to take a medication indefinitely can be avoided.  The answer is to take action early enough:  Address the causes of the complaints right away, rather than take a medicine to mask the symptoms.

Possible Causes Of Those Dizzy Spells

  • Chemical Poisoning:  Chemcials  in our environment are number one.  Herbicides, pesticides and all toxic chemcials cause ill health.  Often dizziness is an early sign of toxicity or a reaction to a chemcial.  You should look at your work environment as well as your home environment and try to eliminate contact with any toxic chemicals. Petrol, brake fluid, engine oil, oven cleaners, strong disinfectants, are all capable of producing dizzy spells and making you sick.  Brake fluid and products with formaldehyde in them will very quckly give you dizzy spells and cause you to drop things.  These chemicals are very weakening to the body, the brain, and the immune system.
  • Inadequate fiber in the diet, and not enough alkaline greens, not enough fresh fruit and vegetables, can cause dizzy spells.  This is because toxins gather in the bowel if they are not eliminated properly.  From there, they get reabsorbed back into the blood stream via the walls of the colon.
  • Not enough water or liquid such as herbal teas.
  • Too much coffee can dehydrate the body, which leaves the intestines with inadequate water to process the food and eliminate waste.  Excessive coffee drinking also depletes your body of minerals and vitamins and kills off the beneficial bacteria in the bowel.
  • Chemicals and preservatives in your food can cause many disturbances of the body and brain:   sluggish digestion and dizziness and headaches are some of the first symptoms.
  • Inadequate iron and inadequate Vitamin B, especially Vitamin B6 and 12, can cause dizziness and weakness.
  • Antioxidants can help you detoxify:  Extra Vitamin C can help reduce toxins in the body,  and help you to eliminate toxins quickly through the intestines.  Large doses of Calcium ascorbate, Vitamin C, has been found to be effective in treating cancer and in cancer prevention.  It is recommended by many therapists and many doctors, for treating serious disease.

The trouble with modern medicine is that it works hand in glove with the drug companies who make medicines, and these people want you to believe that you simply need one of their expensive drugs.  If you are on it for the rest of your life, then this benefits the drug companies, the specialists and doctors to whom you have given your trust.

There ARE many good doctors out there:  But the impression given by the sovereign ad is that taking a medication is all that is needed, rather than fixing the cause.

Is Autism Related To Vaccinations

Autism and Vaccinations

Last night, around midnight on Channel One TVNZ, we had a documentary entitled ‘Mercury Falling’,  (not ‘Mercury Rising’),  which looked at several cases of autism in New Zealand. It discussed the idea that mercury and other environmental poisons might be to blame for autism.  Mercury is an added component to some vaccinations.

DSCO 1795Photo by Merrilyn, Decembewr 2012, of a healthy child who is NOT autistic and who has never had any vaccinations.

It is a shame the documentary was shown so late:  Midnight on Sunday night wouldn’t have impacted very well on the public, as most people are in bed at that hour.  Interesting.  Autism New Zealand and a Vaccination authority did the documentary.  It was very well done, I thought.

The idea that vaccinations are one major cause of autism was allowed, but of course we had a couple of doctors who defended vaccinations, saying that  “there isn’t any proof that vaccinations have caused autism”.

This comment in the defence of vaccination is of interest to me, because it is meaningless:  Doctors are NOT REQUIRED TO KEEP A RECORD OF PATIENTS WHO SUFFER ADVERSE REACTIONS TO VACCINATION – which means, first of all, that the real casualties of vaccination conveniently slip by the notice of the authorities and the drug companies, and, secondly, that the medical profession have no grounds at all in the defence of vaccination.  There ‘is no proof that vaccinations have caused autism’, because there has been no evidence collected by these doctors who support vaccination.

This documentary looked at alternative options of treatment.  Thanks to the family who gave their time and allowed television into their personal lives to make this important documentary so that we, the public, might benefit.

There is no doubt in my mind that the vaccinations were the trigger for the autistic condition which appeared in two boys in the documentary,  who belonged to the same family.  These children, who are a year or two apart in age, were ‘normal’ at birth. But both children became ‘victims’ of autism at the age of three months, after the standard vaccinations had been given.  The documentary indicated that most parents of autistic children in America have said that their children began to develop autistic symptoms after  vaccinations were administered.  I will relate a similar story about my own children after talking about this documentary and the family involved.

Louise, the Mum of the boys, said that both children had had  a dramatic change in behaviour – for the worse – after they were given vaccinations at the age of three months. They became extremely unsettled and cried for no reason for long periods, whereas they had been settled beforehand. They showed no signs of developing speech at the normal age, and now that they are a little older,  they still do not speak.

In America, much research has been done into the incidence of autism in children.  Cases of autism rose dramatically when vaccination programmes were stepped up, which was about the same time as the drug Thimerosal was added to vaccinations.  This was in the 1990’s:  Autism grew to epidemic proportions from this time onwards.

Louise heard about another wee autistic boy in New Zealand who had been successfully treated by New Zealand doctor Dr Godfrey. Dr Godfrey is a specialist in environmental health and toxicology. The wee boy, who had had a remarkable recovery from autism due to Dr Godfrey’s methods of healing, was pictured on the programme. He looked healthy and happy, and intelligent, could express himself well,  and showed interest in the cameras, the TV men and all that was going on. The contrast to Louise’s boys was quite apparent.  They did not make eye contact and were very sad by comparison.  Louise, of course, was excited by the prospect that her children might  recover under the same treatment which had been given by Dr Godfrey to this wee boy.

Thanks to Dr Godrey’s efforts:  There WAS a perceptible improvement after beginning the treatment.  However, after months on the chelation therapy, to rid the children’s bodies of mercury and other heavy metals, there was not as much improvement in Louise’s children as what she had hoped.  It is possible that the treatment may have been successful if it had been followed for a longer period.  It is also possible that Louise’s children have been more damaged by environmental causes  than the child who had recovered.

It was pointed out that chelation therapy, and other alternative measures to treat autism and environmental diseases, is a costly treatment in New Zealand:  it is not supported by our medical systems here to the same extent as it is in the USA.  Louise said “Doctor Godfrey is on the right track. But chelation therapy in New Zealand is not supported by the hospitals’ . Louise and her husband could not continue with the costly treatment.

Next, Dr Levinson, an American doctor who is a specialist in the same field as Dr Godfrey, offered to give the treatment as a gift.  This was a wonderfully generous gesture, however, there were problems with getting important samples of blood and urine sent to America to be analyzed. This was necessary, to measure and identify poisons in the children’s blood and to adapt the treatment accordingly as poisons were eliminated.

It was established early on in the treatment that there were other heavy metals besides mercury, which would still be posing a problem with health.  But eventually Louise became worn out and depressed and gave up on the treatment  directed from America under Dr Levinson.

Louise, if you get to read this – I think you have done remarkably well. You have displayed enormous courage.  To have not one, but two children with autism is not easy.  You have tried so hard, and acted out of love for your dear children.

I think it is good to remember that these poisons can take several years to be eliminated from the body.  I know chelation therapy is meant to act more quickly than other kinds of elimination diets and processes, and that this has not met with your expectations of the treatment – but perhaps you shouldn’t give up with some sort of alternative treatment.  There are some very good and clever homeopaths around.  Homeopathy is one type of treatment which is fairly  affordable, and less espensive  than  chelation treatment. Appropriate homeopathic remedies can negate poisons in the blood. There are other detoxification measures which can be taken besides homeopathy.

It might be worthwhile going to see an Ayurvedic practitioner, or a Chinese herbalist. Spiritual Healing would be good, no matter what treatment you give.  Even if you do nothing, Spiritual Healing might help to trigger off a favourable response of some sort – maybe to point you in the right direction for some sort of help.  It is just great that your Mum has come to live with you.  She is a real angel.

And you look beautiful with that new hair-cut.

It is good to remember, too, that everything happens for a reason.  Sometimes, it doesn’t matter what you do with a sick person, no treatment of any kind will have any effect.  This does not mean that we should give up, though.  Try to keep an open mind, keep faith  and let the right thing come to you. This is very hard,  I know, when you are caught up in it all.  Words come cheap. But all that effort which you have put in so far will not be wasted in the long run. Nothing good ever is.

I wrote an article just in the last week entitled ‘Introduction To Homeopathy’. In this article, I explained that I had turned to homeopathy and other natural modalities of healing after my first born child, who was a ‘good’ baby, had become puffed out with a reddened complexion, and with persistent crying, after he was given his first jab at three months old.  After this first jab, he became a ‘difficult’ baby. It took weeks, if not months, for him to settle  down again.

This was in 1974, and I have no idea at all what chemicals were in these vaccinations.  I have heard that some vaccinations were contaminated, but even if they are not ‘contaiminated, I think they’re pretty risky things to be giving babies. You just can’t tell how a child will react, and the outcome of the vaccine can hardly be determined until the child has grown up.

Anyway, by the time he had settled down again, he was six months old and was meant to have yet another injection.

I remember trying to dissuade the plunket nurse at the door, telling her that the vaccination had caused much distress to my baby.  She told me that he might die of any one of several diseases if I didn’t allow her to give the injections every three months.  So I reluctantly let her in to give my baby the next shot. Same thing happened, only worse, after the second shot. He cried a lot, would not sleep, and seemed to be in  constant pain with what we call ‘colic’. He was slightly swollen with what looked like water retention. These symptoms lasted for weeks.

I decided at that point there would be no more vaccinations or innoculations AT ALL.  So when the plunket nurse next visited when my baby was 9 months old, I sent her away. I refused all injections.  No more of my children had vaccinations of any kind after that. I read all I could about homeopathy so that I could avoid the doctor as much as possible, for all those common childhood illnesses.

So I had the best of intentions to avoid all innoculations and vacinations. Alas, my next child was born sick as a direct result from our house  being sprayed for several hours by helicopter with 245T while she was still in the womb. My wee son and I were in the house at the time, and we both became very ill with eczema or psoriasis,  developed allergies to many foods, and had  breathing problems similar to asthma which I had never experienced before.  About three months after the spraying incident, my new baby was born with  similar health problems, only worse:  She had terrible breathing difficulties.  She could not digest breast-milk. Her vitality was extremely low, yet she had been born a healthy size.

Contaminated breast milk did not help: While I was still pregnant, we had continued to drink the stream water, which was our only water source, after the spraying.  My milk would have been contaminated heavily with 245T from the run off  into the stream, as well as the direct contact with the spray. We were also drinking cow’s milk from a farm up the road where there was much spraying of chemicals, including the use of 245T, known as ‘agent orange’ in Viet Nam.

So we began our trips to the local hospital for treatment.  It was mentioned by the doctor there that she may have had cystic fibrosis,  but this was never confirmed. We did tests which were inconclusive.  She may have had a propensity for cystic fibrosis, but I am sure that the 245T was ultimately responsible for bringing the condition out, because my older child who was with me the day of the spraying, and myself, were both very sick  with similar complaints for at least a  couple of years after this incident.

Anyway, after all that, she died at three months from ” hospital misadventure”, because a nurse aid gave her about half a cupful of ventolin from a test-tube.  They had been giving her just half a teaspoonful in the evenings, but never any more than this. This nurse marched into my room with the test-tube one evening, and simply poured it down my baby’s throat in front of me. My baby swelled out within about half an hour, and her skin went blotchy.  In the morning, just before we were raced away by ambulance to another hospital, the ‘good’ sister who came on duty said my baby had had heart failure within half an hour of being given the ventolin the night before, and had suffered brain damage as a result. A month later, after the transferral to the bigger hospital, we agreed to our daughter having life support taken from her. She died at just three months old  after a short life of immense struggle.

I had been to the doctor after the 245T spraying, while I was pregnant, to explain that both my one-year-old and I were both ill with breathing difficulty and nausea because of the spraying.  The doctor  was insistent that 245T would not have affected my health or the health of my one-year-old. He said no, that would not have made us sick.  He said  ” There is no evidence to say that 245T is  harmful to the health’…… A load of cods-wallop………utter nonsense, he said.

He took my pulse and blood pressure, told me I was a hypochondriac, because  there was nothing at all physically wrong with me, and there was nothing wrong with 245T either. This was farming country.

How often do you hear doctors saying stuff like this on the television? Every week, you hear some doctor banging  on about proof:

There is no evidence to suggest’……..begins the argument. How many people need to die before the authorities take any notice? How many people need to suffer?  How many children have to suffer before drug companies and doctors stop testing out their medicines on them?

All issues are the same – when someone is making money out of a product, it is usually very difficult to get that product highlighted as to its negative effects on health.

Despite the sadness in the story, I accept that my dear daughter was destined to spend just a short time on this earth, and that there was a definite reason for her coming here.   It did not seem to matter where i went, or how I tackled the problem of her illness:  There were definite elements of her suffering that were right outside my sphere of control.  Maybe these experiences were designed to foster compassion in me, and get me interested in the subject of natural health in a big way – Who knows?  I only know that  she is not far away from me, and that  the outcome of her short life has certainly been positive in the long run.

There is meaning in everything, and value in every experience. I pray that Louise’s boys might be helped.