Healing Broken Capillaries on the Face

Broken veins on the face take a time to heal. They take time to arrive, generally, and they take time to heal.  Healing broken capillaries requires an all-out wholistic approach.

Avoid Alcohol and Cigarettes. First of all, it is important to cut out those gin and tonics, indeed, all alcohol, and smoking. These are probably the worst things for the veins.

It is very important to lower the blood pressure if it is at all high. Alcohol, smoking, and of course, toxic chemicals in the form of insecticides, herbicides, fertilizers and petro-chemicals all have a deleterious effect on the health, including the veins and small capillaries.

Even some medications, taken on a regular basis, can cause a break-down in the small capillaries. A common example is simple aspirin. People often take this to thin the blood in order to hopefully prevent strokes. But this can cause internal bleeding and a seeping of the blood in the small veins which shows up as “broken veins”. If you take aspirin or its counterpart, you most probably have already noticed that wee red spots show up on the tender skin of the upper belly. This is an indication of the bleeding which is going on through the capillaries as a result of  taking this type of medication.  These go away, in time, if the aspirin-for-stroke treatment is discontinued.

Keep the Diet Alkaline

An alkaline diet is important in healing any disease. High fiber greens such as  cooked broccoli, and lettuce and sprouts  in salads, apples, bananas, are all good foods to help your health. Eat good quality oils such as avocado oil, grapeseed oil, wheatgerm oil, to get adequate vitamin E to help with the healing of the broken capilliaries. Eat adequate protein: fish is an especially good  healing food.

Do go and talk to a naturopath or homeopath (or your doctor) to see about alternatives and if it is safe for you to discontinue with your medication.

Hints for healing and to remove broken capillaries:

Avoid alcohol, tobacco, toxic chemicals, make-up, and medication (if your health professional advises it is safe to do this)

Take an active role in stabilizing your blood pressure it it is high. More greens, more fruit, enough good quality protein each day. Avoid sugar, cut down on coffee. Avoid dairy products except for butter. Cut down on bread: Instead, use more brown rice in the diet.

Vitamin E Supplement  Take the maximum dose of vitamin E which is very helpful in strengthening the walls of the veins and capillaries. (But do not take vitamin E if you are taking blood thinners such as warfarin)

Vitamin C/Ester C  Take 1000 mg of vitamin C morning and night. This also helps remove toxins in the veins, and aids in their  healing.

Cayenne Pepper Use cayenne pepper daily. Just a small amount on your food will give you the benefit of an improved circulation. You can put a little cayenne pepper in your shoes to get the same effect.  Cayenne pepper, because it improves the circulation in the larger blood vessels,  helps reduce the small broken capillaries on the face.

Use comfrey leaves – boil up a couple in a cup of water until they have become very soft. Let them cool, then mush  up and apply over the face before bed.  Leave on the face for 5 minutes. Put the remainder in the fridge to use over the next 2 or 3 days. If you can’t obtain comfrey, then you could use cut cucumber to lay over the cheeks for five minutes. Yoghurt smeared on the skin is another food which helps to aid healing.

During the day, use apple cider vinegar which is high in potassium and vitamins to dab onto the skin several times a day. This combines well with the comfrey or yoghurt treatment.

You could try the herbal/homeopathic Weleda brand of cosmetics. These are truly petro-chemical free and are totally organic.