Aspirin For Cancer

Does Aspirin Reduce Cancer Rates

Aspirin is a synthetic form of a natural medicine which comes from White Willow Bark.  The herb, which is unadulterated,  is the best form of this medicine to take, but even then, long periods of taking white willow bark would not generally be recommended by most alternative therapists.

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The British medical magazine The Lancet has come out with an article which claims that Aspirin can reduce the likelihood of one’s succumbing to cancer.

Mind you, alternative health practitioners have known about the value of aspirin in treating cancer and melanoma for decades.  It’s just that the findings of alternative health practitioners is not taken too seriously on the whole:  alternative therapists do not have the backing of big drug companies to aid their research.  And this leads me to wonder just who is behind this latest ‘Prevent Cancer With Aspirin’ craze?  You can bet that some powerful drug company is behind this:  Watch out for a price increase on Aspirin……..

Yes – Aspirin has been used as part of at least one alternative method for CURING cancer for at least 50 years or more.  Dr Max Gerson found that using aspirin, combined with Vitamin C, was effective in counteracting the pain in his cancer patients, as well as being effective in playing a part in reducing their cancers.  Vitamin C was used with the Aspirin, as this helped reduce the negative reactions of aspirin.

However, this treatment is a little different to what the lancet is recommending.  The Lancet, according to what i have gleaned from the BBC report on the 8th December 2010, is not suggesting that Vitamin C be taken with the Aspirin treatment.  This means that the negative effects of the aspirin will not be alleviated at all.  Also, the lancet is suggesting that people take Aspirin over a long period, which could be very HARMFUL to people.

On the 8th December, the local New Zealand Herald  reported the Lancet as saying that the longer Aspirin was taken, the better were the benefits.  The Lancet studies reportedly said that over 20 years of taking Aspirin reduced  the risk of getting  prostate cancer by 10 %, and that a reduction of  60% for oesophageal cancer was documented, and that the risk of bowel cancer was reduced by a third over the same period of time.

Aspirin Can Cause Internal Bleeding: Dr Max Gerson, and others, did not recommend the use of Aspirin over long periods.  Rather, they saw Aspirin, in combination with Vitamin C to enhance the benefits of the Aspirin,  as being used as a shorter-term medication until the cancer patient had recovered.  And this is because Aspirin CAN BE DAMAGING TO THE KIDNEYS.  ASPIRIN CAN ALSO DAMAGE THE CAPILLIARIES.  ASPIRIN CAN CAUSE STROKE AND HEART ATTACK.  ASPIRIN CAN CAUSE BLEEDING OF THE STOMACH AND BOWEL.

Of course, the Lancet says that you should consult your doctor about taking Aspirin in order to prevent your risk of cancer, or heart disease or stroke.

But why not use your common sense instead?  Aspirin should never be taken as an on-going medication.  Whilst it might have about a 20% effect in reducing the risk of cancer, taking aspirin does not ensure that you never get cancer.  it only reduces the risk  by about a quarter.  And meanwhile, by taking Aspirin long-term, you will be eroding your kidneys, heart, liver, and other organs.

For further reading on suggested natural cancer treatment read

Vitamin C and Cancer

Self Heal Herb

Herbal Medicine

The Benefits of Prunella Vulgaris

This is a beautiful, wee medicinal  plant which is often dismissed as a weed.

Prunella Vulgaris has a longish purple flower. It grows more or less as ground cover, and is often found growing in lawns and on grassy banks. It is found in New Zealand and in the less hot parts of Australia. It was introduced to our parts of the world when the early settlers arrived from Europe in the 18th century.

Self Heal, or Prunella Vulgaris, used to be very common in New Zealand.  However:  If you find Prunella Vulgaris growing anywhere around your house and garden, then nurture it.  It is a valuable herb which is fast disappearing from our lawns and gardens because of the use of commercial grass mixes and pesticides and herbicides which have killed many plants off.

Common names for Prunella Vulgaris are:  Self Heal, carpenters herb, sticklewort, touch and heal, all heal, woundwort, Hercules’ woundwort, hock heal.

Prunella vulgaris, or ‘self heal’,  belongs to the Lamiaceae family.

This plant has been used in herbal medicine since the days of the ancient Greeks who commonly used self heal to treat sore throats and cases of tonsillitis.

Its purple flower is calming, which gives it some use as a nervine to calm anxiety, lower blood pressure, and to help soothe the heart and lungs.

The famous ‘Doctine of Signatures’, in later medieval times, came up with another theory as to why self heal should be effective in treating several conditions. This is truly interesting, because the idea of ‘the doctrine’ seems very fanciful and romantic, but this magic theory only backs up what the ancient Greeks were already using the herb for, even without a ‘Doctrine of Signatures’.

The ‘Doctrine of Signatures’ recognized ‘Self Heal’ as being important to the medicine of man because of the flower’s likeness to the shape of the throat. This likeness was an indication that the plant was beneficial for the treating of diseases of the throat such as quinsy and diptheria. Part of the flower resembles that of a billhook or sickle, and this indicated its use in treating the wounds, sores and gashes which were common amongst field workers who used these implements.

Olive Leaf Tea

Olive Leaf Benefits Health:

The value of olive oil in treating gall bladder and liver disfunction and in strengthening the heart is discussed on several other posts on this site. Olive oil is well known as having value as a detoxifier of these organs  and as a laxative. Olive oil is a natural liver cleanser.

But today, let’s look at the benefits to the health in using olive leaves as an infusion and as a tea.

Olive Leaf Is a Natural Antiseptic

Olive leaves are a natural antiseptic. Leaves of the species olea europaea, from the Oleaceae family, can be infused in boiling water to make an antiseptic solution. This infusion, once it has cooled, can be used to bathe sores and cuts and bruises.

Circulation: A well as lowering the blood pressure, this olive leaf infusion can help to improve circulation. It is therefore a good remedy for varicose veins. It can be used externally to bathe varicose veins and to use as a footbath. A footbath of olive leaf infusion can help relieve varicose veins and improve circulation to the legs.

Olive Leaf Tea can be taken internally to help lower blood pressure, and improve circulation, provided you are not already on any medication to alter your blood pressure. Check with your health professional before using olive leaves to lower your blood pressure.

Olive Leaf Tea is rich in nutrients, one of which is an antioxidant called Oleuropein. Olive leaf tea is a tonic which can help reduce free radical damage. It is also a relaxant which can soothe frayed nerves.

Olive leaf tea, and also olive oil itself, is a gentle and safe natural laxative.

Olive Leaf Tea can be made from any of the following varieties of olive tree:

Olea Arbequisa: This comes from Catalonia in Spain. It produces a small brown olive fruit.

Olea Kalamata: This variety comes from the Kalamata region in Greece. It has a large black fruit.

Olea Picholine: This variety is French. Its fruit is a longish green olive.

How To Preserve Olives

Home Made Olives

Olives are Gluten Free. These preserves are delicious, and very nutritious, being rich in antioxidants such as Vitamin E.

All you really need to preserve your olives at home is plenty of salt and water. Brine made with water and salt, and just a dash of olive oil for the final part of the operation, will produce you delicious home made olives that will keep for a year at least.

Here is one way to preserve olives:

Olives are very bitter and inedible in their raw state. They need to be cured of this bitterness, and so we use salt to remove the bitter flavour. This done over a period of time:

Generally, green olives will take about 12 to 14 days, and black olives between 10 to 12 days to cure.


Begin by washing your freshly picked olives. Remove any stalks from the olives. Now put them into a ceramic or glass bowl or large open necked jar. Do not use stainless steel or any other metal, as this will spoil your olives – even stainless steel has a reaction to salt.

Step Two: Make your brine. Use one cup of sea salt to every 20 cups of water. Pour this over your washed olives.

Step Three: Put a plate or other ceramic or glass weight on your olives to hold them down beneath the brine. All olives must be covered with brine.

Step Four: Leave for 24 hours. Then drain off the brine.

Step Five: Make a fresh lot of brine.Pour over the olives and leave for another 24 hours.

Step Six etc: Keep changing the water every 24 hours for 10 to 12 days, or for as long as is needed to produce a nice sweet olive.

TheFinal Step: When you are satisfied with the flavour of your olive, put them into jars suitable for storing. Then make a brine using 1 cup of sea salt to only TEN cups of water. This final brine is double the strength that we used before.

Bring this brine to the boil and dissolve all the salt. Let this cool to warm then pour over your olives in the jars.

Leave an inch or so at the top of the jar. Top with virgin olive oil to prevent the air getting in, and seal.

How To Use Your Home Made Olives:

Simply open a jar. Then drain off the brine and wash with fresh water several times. Fill with more fresh water and keep the olives in the fridge as you use them.

Alternatively, you can use olive oil to fill the jar with at the eating stage. You still need to keep the olives in the fridge though. This olive oil can abe used for cooking with.

Help Teeth Regrow Reply to Becca’s Query

Key Points of the Diet for Helping to Grow Tooth Enamel

Hello Becca – I lost your comment somehow on my site – However, the answer, in a nutshell, has come to light, so here is the reply which I formerly had posted up for you.

Your comments on any of this material are welcomed.  I make every attempt to answer questions where I am able.

Thankyou to all my readers, especially to all those people who make valuable comments and provide us with new information.

Have a great Christmas and New Year – regards, Merrilyn.

2010/11/12 at 11:45 pm | In reply to becca.

Hi Becca, Thankyou for your comment.
The key things to avoid are sugar, dairy foods and wheat. Avoiding gluten is important. Use brown rice instead of wheat products. No bread or pasta.
The other key factor is to eat lots of RAW CELERY and CARROTS. End each meal with these.

Chewing a stick of celery after each meal keeps the mouth alkaline.  Eating raw celery – or carrot – cleans your teeth naturally.  Celery juice and celery fiber do wonders for the teeth.

Celery has natural antibiotic-like properties, and it helps to kill damaging bacteria in the mouth which cause decay. Eating raw celery and carrots also provides plenty of fiber for your digestion. Your intestines will be cleansed by eating these raw foods, which means that they will process your foods more efficiently.
Eat as much of your food raw as you can. All protein foods are OK – flesh foods and vege. Raw and cooked vegetables are good. Always eat something raw with every meal.
It takes a while to notice the effects of such a programme, especially to regrow tooth enamel. But you should see some positive results after about 3 months if you follow the diet faithfully.
Regards, Merrilyn

PS Remember that there ARE people about who have proved that you can regrow teeth.  Jacqui Davison is one such person who has written about her experience with cancer, and the diet which cured her.  After a year of following a specific diet and following detoxification procedures, Jacqui had grown new teeth as well as a full head of dark hair.  Her hair had gone grey before she got the cancer, but it grew back to its natural colour after she adopted the Gerson approach to cancer therapy which included lots of raw vegetable juices and raw foods.

My son grew back tooth enamel after 9 months of following a gluten free, wheat-free, dairy free, and sugar free diet. We ate plenty of protein during this period, as well as heaps of salads.