Chant To Soothe Your Nerves and Increase Energy

Singing and Chanting Is Music Therapy which is very healthful for mind,  body, and soul.  Thousands of books have been written about how to use chants and singing to improve the spiritual consciousness, and create a more healthful being. This article will tell you how to practice the OM chant, and give examples of several other chants.

Music Therapy is an age-old science:  Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician and philosopher, formulated ‘prescriptions’ of music for specific purposes around 2,500 years ago.  “Prescriptions’ of music were given to his students for the purposes of  increasing concentration, and to aid sleeping and relaxation.

Rudolph Steiner is one famous psychic and teacher of the last century to recognize the value of music in healing and to write about it.   He also formulated a music therapy which uses different combinations of notes to produce different effects in the body and psyche.

The Hindu and Buddhist traditions have hundreds of different chants and tunes which are sung because of their spiritually enhancing qualities.  Singing and Chanting are an integral part of all the great religions of the world, including the Christian faith,  and this is because singing, especially singing Praise, is one of the most beneficial things that we can do for the mind, the body, and the soul.

Religious chants,  soulful arias, and tuneful folk ditties are generally more effective for soothing the nerves than singing any rowdy pop song, of course.  The singing should be done sweetly to have a good effect on yourself and the people around you.

Chanting a mantra, which can be a traditional Indian mantra, or a phrase which uses just a few affirmative words, is especially soothing for the nerves and the mind:  If it is practiced for 20 minutes at a time on a daily basis, this will produce a deep tranquillity in mind body and spirit.  People have been healed of sickness through the singing of chants and mantras on a regular basis.

I will list just several of my favourite chants:  There are many, many more, but these ones I find to be wonderfully healing.   Whichever you choose, try to practice it for 20 minutes at a time, at least once a day:  Regular chanting and singing sessions of up to 20 minutes  per day will bring you good health and peace of mind.  If you are severely stressed, or seriously ill, then repeating the exercise twice a day might help, though you might have to start out with just a few OM chants to begin with, and build up gradually.  Your strength will improve with doing this exercise, whether you are sick or no. The secret in building up that Prana, or nervous energy, is to increase the time of chanting or singing gradually. If you are healthy, then, of course, a 20 minute session of OM chanting, or chanting some other mantra, would be quite manageable.

OM Chant For Peace Of Mind:  The Buddhist chant ‘OM’ is  one of the most effective sounds for soothing the nerves, increasing vital energy, called ‘prana’, and improving the soul.  This is a universal sound which has been sung for thousands of years.  The universal sound OM, when chanted for a length of time, produces vibrations up the spine, in the brain, and throughout the whole body.  This sound, when chanted, helps to unblock the channels of vital energy, and this is very beneficial for the nerves.

How To Do Your Om Chanting To Soothe the Nerves:   Sit down in a quiet place.  If you can, then sitting cross legged on the floor or the ground is good, and the lotus position even better.  But the chanting still has a beneficial effect even if you sit in a chair.  The main thing is that the back be straight.

Close your eyes, rest your hands gently on your thighs, take a long, slow, deep breath in, and release the breath with the sound of ‘OMMMMMMMMMM’.  Just let the air come out naturally, slowly and evenly in a long exhale, so that the OMMMM sound is increased for as long as the breath.

When the breath has fully exhaled, rest in that spot for a second, before inhaling again.  Let the inhalation be nicely drawn out too, so that the breath in is deeper than the usual inhalation.  Fill the lungs up with beautiful air, then repeat the ‘OMMMMMMMMMM’ chant again.

It is important not to overdo it.  If you are not used to Om chanting, or singing or chanting at all, then the rush of oxygen to your brain, nerves and blood might cause you to feel dizzy.  Take it easy.  Build up slowly.

Hindu Prayer Which Increases Vital Energy and Soothes Nerves:

This prayer is a chant which is sung repeatedly.  It is an especially beautiful thing, and is a favourite of mine.  I learned it at the Satyananda Yoga Institute in Auckland many years ago, when they had a centre in Grey Lynn.

The words are:  Sri Ram, Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Rama Ram

Sri Ram, Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Rama Ram.

The song is very rhythmic, and you might want to clap your hands with this one as you sing it.  Sit on the floor, legs crossed, if that is comfortable for you.  Otherwise, sing the chant in a chair.  Again – straight back is necessary.  The melody, as given in the key of C major will go:

E……E, D,      E     E   E    D,      E    E      F    G      F…E   E…….

Sri   Ra-m,    Ja-ya  Ra-m,     Ja-ya,  Ja-ya   Rama  Ram

D……D, C,     D     D   D     C,     D   C      D   ED    C…B     A

Major and Minor Keys:  This chant is interesting:  It begins in what we call, in western music, a major key, but it ends in the relative minor of that key.  In analysis, this is would have a very beneficial effect on the mind and body, because it is incorporating both the ‘sad’  but softer effect of the minor key with the more cheerful and bright major key.

Singing this chant regularly brings you closer to God and increases awareness of  the infinite.  It also, like the OM chant, increases energy flow and encourages spiritual aspirations.


Homeopathy For Shingles

The Herpes Zoster Virus:  Shingles is caused by the Herpes Zoster virus, which is the same virus which causes chicken pox.  The virus can remain dormant in the body for years, and then suddenly make an appearance when stressful conditions arise, such as a physical or emotional shock, or exposure to chemicals which weaken the immune system.  The Shingles condition causes terrible itching, similar to having chicken pox, with the characteristic little red specks over the skin.

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Having a vaccination for Chicken Pox does not prevent you from getting Shingles:   Shingles can occur in people who have been vaccinated.   I recommend Homeopathic treatment for Chicken Pox rather than vaccination, but you will need to see a professional homeopathic physician about this.

Homeopathic Ranunculus bulbosus is highly  recommended  for treating Shingles, the dose being 6C up to four times daily. This remedy is especially good if the Shingles rash is mainly on the trunk of the body.  Ranunculus bulbosus helps the pain of Shingles, and should bring relief in a couple of days.  If improvement is not noted, then you must see a health professional for his or her advice.

See Merrilyn’s January 2013 post entitled ‘List of Homeopathic Remedies For Shingles‘ for more information on the subject of shingles.

Stephen Messer, who is a practicing naturopathic physician in Oregon, gives Ranunculus bulbosus as being one of the best remedies for helping  Shingles.   He and his remedy are  mentioned in the book ‘New Choices In Natural Healing’, edited by Bill Gottlieb, the former editor of ‘Prevention’ magazine.

Yoga and Meditation are recommended for people with Shingles.  Quiet restful music is also very helpful, as is sitting quietly in a leafy glade where there might be heard the music of a waterfall and the birds singing.  Anything which soothes the nerves is helpful to the Shingles sufferer.  Music therapy, with gentle bird sounds, running water, joyful singing, and string quartets, are all good.

Blue Lighting for just 20 minutes before bed would be very good to quieten the nerves.  All you need for this is a blue light bulb. Blue light will help  to soothe the angry red of the skin as well as calm the nerves.   20 minutes of exposure to a blue light could be very helpful applied in the morning as well.

Breathe Vital Force Into The Solar Plexus while you are lying under the blue light.  This is a marvellous exercise for taking in ‘prana’ or life force, and distributing it through the body and brain.  It benefits the nervous system, and so is especially good for shingles sufferers. Here is the exercise, to be done twice a day, or three if you feel the need.

Breathing Exercise For Shingles To Calm Nerves and Improve the Vital Force: Simply close the eyes, and  put the fingertips on the solar plexus area at the centre of the stomach.  Press slightly.  Hold the fingers there while you breathe in very deeply with your eyes closed. As you breathe in slowly, count One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.  Don’t worry if you cannot make it to ten.  Just do what is comfortable.

Now, still with the eyes closed, place your fingertips gently on your forehead, at the eyebrow centre space  just above the nose.  Hold the fingers out while you breathe out slowly.  Count to yourself as you breathe out:  One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.  Then place the fingers back on the solar plexus to begin the round of breathing in again.

Repeat the Whole Exercise Ten Times, ten breaths in and ten breaths out.  At a snail’s pace, of course.

Yoga Nidra is also excellent to help Shingles nerves. I have a post on this which you might like to look at.

Cayenne Pepper For Pain:  Another home remedy for helping the pain of Shingles is Cayenne Pepper, according to Allan Magaziner.  He says that the pharmaceutical medicine commonly prescribed for Shingles pain is a preparation called ‘Zostrix’.  This  is derived from capsaicin, which comes from hot peppers.  In order for it to be efffective, a little Cayenne Pepper needs to be taken with each meal.

Vitamins B and Vitamin C are essential for helping Shingles sufferers.  If you are on medication, then you must ask your doctor about these.  Vitamin B helps reduce stress in the body, and so does Vitamin C.  Vitamin C helps to eliminate toxins from the body, which is helpful in any disease.  Taking 1000mg of  Calcium Ascorbate,  a non-acidic form of vitamin c,  at bed-time, will help you to sleep well, as it is a mild tranquillizer.  If the Shingles is very irritating, then the dose of Calcium Ascorbate Vitamin C can be increased to 2000mg twice a day, and then reduced again when the symptoms subside.  Vitamin C in large doses works as an antibiotic, and an antiviral medicine.

Other Homeopathic Remedies For Shingles:  Dr John H. Clarke recommends Rhus toxicodendron 30, three times daily if there are Shingles on the scalp as well.  He says that three days only of the Rhus tox 30 is needed, usually.

I have found Rhus tox to be useful for shingles on the legs – three doses daily of Rhus tox 30 to begin with for several weeks – then once a week after about a month.  After three weeks or so of one dose a week, a daily dose was given for another month.  Repeat the procedure as necessary.

Other recommendations of Dr Clarke are:  Variol. 6, 4h for general cases of shingles.  this is often followed by one of the following:   He recommends Rhus tox 3, 2h for people who have not reached middle age, and Mezer. 3, 2h. for shingles in older people.  When there is ‘intractable’ pain, he recommends Pru. spi. 30, 3h.  He uses Arsen. 3, 4h for chronic cases.

A useful lotion which can help soothe Shingles and relieve the pain is Cantharis.  This, like the above remedies, would have to be prepared by a chemist.  The proportions he gives for the lotion are:  Cantharis, 3x, ten drops to the ounce.  This is applied externally only, on linen cloth or gauze.

No Cancer Notebook(1)A reprint of Merrilyn’s 1980’s Health Book entitled: NO CANCER NOTEBOOK is available for purchase.

The price is $60 New Zealand currency.

Minimum Dose In Homeopathy Has Been Proven As Effective

Homeopathy Works: Opponents of Homeopathy love to spout emotive words which will induce the public to ignore Homeopathy, such as ‘quackery’ and ‘nonsense’.  ‘Totally crazy’, is a favourite term of one New Zealand doctor right now, who is trying to get his medical colleagues banned from using homeopathic medicines in their surgeries.  This sentiment is driven by the drug companies who fear Homeopathy as a competitor for their prescription drugs.

Homeopathy has never been allowed to ‘take off’ – the drug companies and medical authorities in the USA have seen to that.

We expect that all doctors are well-educated honest individuals who have the interest of the patient first and foremost.  We, the public, do not see any of these people as having  ulterior motives in prescribing all those vaccinations, blood thinners, and the like.  Sadly, this is not the case, although I think that many doctors themselves are conditioned by the drug companies into thinking that there is nothing better than prescription medicine.

Meanwhile, the drug companies have banned comfrey from our herbal gardens and household usage, and many other valuable herbs besides.  Now, they are trying to get herbal medicine restricted, if not banned, and Vitamins and  homeopathic medicine restricted or banned as well.

Their main argument against homeopathy is that ‘there is nothing in it’, and that homeopathy is nothing more than a placebo.  Well – I have an argument for these doctors, which I will share with you presently.

Many doctors who should know better, stand on the band rotunda claiming that there is no proof that Homeopathy works, and that there is no power in ‘the minimum dose’.  This is simply untrue:  For a start, these doctors resist gaining any knowledge about using homeopathy, and they resist learning about the many success of homeopathic medicine.

The opponents of homeopathy also manipulate statistics by not publishing vital information about homeopathic medicine. There is a wealth of documented provings, and research into minimum-dose-homeopathic medicine, which go back almost 200 years.  But these research findings are never divulged to the public.  In fact, in the USA in the 1920’s, it was illegal for homeopathic physicians to publish any findings or information on the effect of homeopathic medicine. This marked the official beginning of the movement to keep homeopathy out of the public domain, under wraps,  and discourage doctors from using it.

The drug companies began to gain great wealth in the 1920’s, and this wealth manifested an influence and certain prestige amongst the learned medical circles.  Governments always like big companies who generate big tax dollars and foreign revenue for them.  So the drug companies were given an influence and a pride of place which over-rode any strivings of the humble homeopath to practice his healing art:  Homeopathy is not a money-making concern, as there is no dependency built upon homeopathy, which there is in allopathic medicine.  This means that there is not a lot of  money to be made in homeopathic medicine, because people do not need life-long prescriptions of homeopathic medicines.  It is the dependency upon drugs, and their on-going use, which the makers of prescription drugs feed and thrive upon.

So of course, these drug giants do not want to let Homeopathic medicine gain a hold.  If given a chance, it could very quickly over-ride the popularity of allopathic medicine.

Well – here is the experiment which I read about, and which proves that a minimum dose DOES COUNT, and IS EFFECTIVE.

This research was outlined in the New Zealand Herald last year:  Research scientists found a cause of ‘Bee colony collapse disorder”:  The main reason they discovered that bees were dying in their droves was that they were exposed to VERY small amounts of a nicotinoid poison which was being used as an insecticide.  Nicotinoid toxins are common in insecticides at the present moment, because they are very effective.

Now the interesting thing was that the bees were dying, though this nicotinoid poison could not be detected in their systems.
But the scientists had previously deliberately exposed these bees to a certain amount of nicotinoid toxins:  They KNEW that the bees had been exposed to this poison.  All the bees who had come into contact with a minimum dose of nicotinoid poison caught viruses which killed them.  But the bees who did not come into contact with minimum amounts of poison, did not get sick from a virus, and did not die from either infection or poison.

This experiment should be a warning against using toxic herbicides and pesticides, as it shows that even tiny amounts of poison can cause a myriad of health disfunctions:  If chemicals do this in insects, then there is a liklihood that humans and other animals will be affected by the same poisons as well, although just how – who knows?  We should not be waiting to find out.  All toxic chemicals should be banned from being sprayed into the environment, anywhere at all.

This shows how miniscule amounts of certain substances  CAN and DO have an effect on the living organism.

Homeopathy uses the power of the minimum dose to effect healing:  Certain substances will produce a certain effect on the body if they are used in the natural state.  Digitalis is one remedy which will cause you to die of heart failure if you eat a leaf or two from the plant.  But when digitalis is used homeopathically, it becomes a strengthener of the heart, and will help many heart conditions.

There are many, many, homeopathic remedies,  each one having very specific properties which negate those very same symptoms of illness which the primary product will induce in a healthy person.

There are, and always have been, alternatives to allopathic medicine. Prescription medicines have their place, of course, and we would not be without surgery, which saves many lives.  But for many complaints, Homeopathy would cure them, thus removing any need to stay on prescription medicine for the duration of the life.

If you wish to avoid risk-laden vaccinations, then Homeopathic medicine is a fine alternative.  There are no permanent side effects to homeopathy, which there very often are with antibiotics, vaccinations and many other prescription medicines. Go see your Homeopathic physician for advice about those vaccination alternatives, for a start.

Save Homeopathy – Brief History And A Royal Horse Called Hypericum

Royal Patronage of Homeopathy: King George VI and Queen Mary  were great patrons of Homeopathy.  They named one of their horses Hypericum, which is the name of a well known homeopathic remedy.  King George VI’s  ‘Hypericum’ hit the headlines by winning the ‘1000 Guinea Race’ in 1946. The Royals are still great patrons of homeopathy, to which they owe their good health and longevity:   Queen Elizabeth II has her own homeopathic physician.

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Homeopathic medicine became accepted in Britain soon after Dr Samuel Hahnemann founded it in 1799.   Homeopathic medicine  there became very popular due to the work of one eminent physician who came from the upper class.  This was Dr Florian Quin:  He introduced homeopathy to many of his colleagues, and to his society friends, which included the Royal family.  Although Queen Victoria did not use homeopathy, the Royals before her, and after her reign, have all endorsed the use of homeopathy as a safe alternative medicine.

Dr Quin  met Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathic medicine,  after he had graduated from his medical studies.  He became converted to Homeopathic medicine in the early 1820’s,  and studied Hahnemann’s theories and remedies in depth.  He worked as a physician  in Moravia, a geographical region of Czechoslovakia, where he had success using Camphor for a cholera epidemic.  His successes inspired him to return to Britain, to introduce homeopathy to the upper classes, and to the King and Queen of Great Britain.

Note:  Read Merrilyn’s later post from 23 February 2013, entitled:  UN Refuses Compensation To Haiti For Cholera.  The cholera epidemic of 2012 could have been prevented and treated largely with the use of Homeopathic Camphor.  This is a safe and inexpensive alternative to giving people vaccinations for Cholera.

Drug companies fear homeopathy: Homeopathy was never given a chance to gain ground in America, despite there being plenty of interest:  The American Institute of Homeopathy was founded in 1844, but the New York State Medical Society immediately reacted by calling homeopathy ‘quackery’, and they set out to undermine it.  Drug companies collaborated with the American Medical Association to have the teachings of Hahnemann discredited, just when homeopathic medicine was becoming very popular.  They manipulated the press to prevent homeopathic medicine from competing with their pharmaceuticals.  They achieved this by banning any literature on homeopathic treatments and research, which had the effect of keeping the public ignorant about homeopathic successes.  No research documents were allowed to be published in any medical journals. Doesn’t that sound familiar?   In the USA, in 1910, Homeopathy was pronounced to be legally unprofessional and unscientific.  Many homeopathic institutions closed down, and homeopathy there fell into decline.

This pressure from the drug companies and the American Medical Association,  forced the  Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia to abandon homeopathic medicine and adopt the ways of allopathic treatment instead. This happened in the 1920’s, when pharmaceutical companies were gaining much power, with a stronghold on the medical and drug-watch organizations.

Homeopathy is not the only modality to  suffer from the pressures of the medical associations and the drug giants.  Many other alternative therapists have been driven out of America, or had their practices closed down, because their brand of therapy is declared to be ‘quackery’ by the jealous drug giants.  Dr Max Gerson, who formulated a successful alternative treatment for cancer, was closed down by the American medical authorities, with the backing of the drug companies.  He escaped to Mexico, where he established a very successful clinic, despite the attempts of the AMA to stop him from practicing his alternative therapies.  His treatments have cured many people of cancer, and are still used today in many health practices.

Homeopathy Opponents Getting Stroppy Now:  There is a very worrying movement at the present time to restrict  or ban homeopathic medicine  in Britain, where homeopathy has been used and widely accepted for over 170 years now.  This movement to discredit and ban homeopathy has its proponents also in New Zealand, Australia, and other more remote places of the world.

I have just read about a demonstration which took place outside Booth’s the chemist, in London, on 30th January, 2010,  which was supposed ‘to bring awareness that homeopathic medicines have nothing in them’. This statement in itself is highly suggestive of ‘quackery’ and the placebo, those words ‘nothing in them’ having been carefully chosen deliberately, to draw a negative emotional response from the uneducated of the public.

Homeopathic ‘nothing in them’ remedies effect cures in animals, as well as people.  This is fact, and an argument which explodes  the myth that homeopathy is effective only as a placebo. Homeopathy is NOT a placebo:  The correct remedy will cure even infectious diseases, in animals, or people.  And it is quite certain that these medical and drug people who oppose homeopathy have never ever seen an experienced  homeopath to have their case taken, and the correct remedy applied.  They will never have followed a case through from beginning to end, to see what progress has been made.  They do not want homeopathy to be given a fair trial at all, as a fair trial might convert people to homeopathy from allopathic medicine, once they were enlightened as to the  astounding healing qualities of homeopathy. And so they conveniently brand it ‘quackery’, or ‘totally crazy’, as one such uneducated and closed-minded doctor in New Zealand has voiced.

This movement against homeopathy wants to see doctors banned from prescribing homeopathic medicines, and Booth’s, and all other homeopathic chemists,  prohibited from  issuing homeopathic medicines.

This demonstration against homeopathy which took place outside Booth’s the chemist in London, is, no doubt, part of a very well-organized movement which is  driven by the drug companies.  The pharmaceutical giants see homeopathy as competition for their prescription drugs.  If they succeed in getting homeopathic pharmacies stopped from issuing homeopathic medicines, then homeopathic medicine will cease to exist, as without the chemists, we will have no remedies to use.

Homeopathy has been used successfully by homeopathic physicians to treat illnesses of many kinds, including infectious epidemics.  Dr Quin used the homeopathic remedy Camphor to treat an outbreak of Cholera.  Homeopathic remedies can counteract tetanus.  Homeopathic Belladonna can counteract, and prevent, Scarlet fever.  Homeopathic remedies can counteract and prevent many other infectious diseases, removing any need to vaccinate. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of recorded successes from the use of Homeopathic prescribing, but these successes are not reported to the public.  In America, any writing on homeopathic research, or  writings on how homeopathy could be used effectively, were banned from medical magazines and papers.

Homeopathy is under threat today, as is Herbal medicine, and Vitamin therapy, by the same powers which tried to discredit it a century ago.  Now, the suffocating and tenacious arms of the drug giants and their collaborating doctors are reaching out, not just all over America:  they are extending to Britain and the rest of the world  to devour the likes of Booth’s, the homeopathic chemist, so that they have a world-wide monopoly on all medicines.

The reason they wish to discredit homeopathy is not that they believe homeopathy to be a placebo with ‘nothing in it’.  No, the reason they want to have homeopathy banned is because Homeopathy is a threat to their empire, especially now that we have the internet.  Controversial  topics  such as ‘does homeopathy work?’ , and the answer: YES HOMEOPATHY DOES WORK,  cannot be kept secret any more.  The drug giants and their collaborating doctors are now desperate to have homeopathy banned,  because it is such a good, safe, cheap, and readily available  alternative to allopathic medicine, and the world is finding out about it as fast as the internet can convey the message.

Sources:  ‘Australian Sourcebook of Natural Health’ by Nevill Drury, 1981 and 1985, published by Pitman’s,  Wellington,  New Zealand.

‘History of Homeopathy in Britain’, by Peter Morrell. Online document.


How Does Homeopathy Work?

Homeopathic Medicine:

“Like-Treats-Like” and “The Minimum Dose”:  These are the two main principles of Homeopathic Medicine.

A Few Facts About Homeopathy In Britain: In 1977 there were six Homeopathic HOSPITALS operating in the United Kingdom under the auspices of the National Health Service.  These hospitals all ran out-patient departments where people could get homeopathic treatment.  The Royal Family have their own Homeopathic Physician and do not use allopathic medicine if they can avoid it.  The Queen Mother, who lived beyond a 100 years, used Homeopathic medicine all her life.

Homeopathy has a long tradition in India, where it has been incorporated into treatments by many Ayurvedic medicine practitioners.  Much new research into homeopathic medicine is done in India, and many of the best text-books,  used in Homeopathy Colleges throughout the world, are printed and published in India.

Homeopathy works.  It is a wonder-medicine. Around 200 years ago, a  physician from Leipzig, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, discovered the principles of  homeopathy, and the secret of ‘the minimum dose’.   He observed how a dose of  Cinchona bark GAVE him the symptoms of Malaria, and that these symptoms were negated when he gave himself the minimum dose of Cinchona bark in a homeopathic, specially diluted, preparation. Actually,  Quinine is derived from Cinchona bark, the same substance  used in allopathic medicine to treat malaria.  But the interesting thing about the homeopathic medicine for malaria, is that the same substance used in allopathic medicine, Cinchona, will work in homeopathic dilution, both to prevent and treat malaria.

These dilutions of the original substance mean that the body does not have to process the original raw material, which can sometimes be harmful to the body:  but it can benefit from the properties of the plant which remain behind in the dilution, and which are easily assimilated by the body.

So – Homeopathy can heal diseases.  It can also prevent them.  Here is an example:  Dr Hahnemann discovered that homeopathic  Belladonna, in the minimum dose,  worked specifically as a preventative of Scarlet Fever, as well as a treatment.  Belladonna is poisonous in its original plant state, and will bring on symptoms similar to scarlet fever:  But in the homeopathic dilutions, this very same plant will REVERSE the symptoms of scarlet fever. There are many other homeopathic remedies  which can be used to counteract and prevent infectious diseases:  Thus homeopathy can substitute vaccination.

There are  Homeopathic remedies which can heal bruises, and which will act as pain relievers for emotional and physical complaints,  specific homeopathic remedies for specific infectious diseases,  specific homeopathic remedies  which act as prophylactics, to prevent illnesses occurring, remedies which can be taken to counteract the bad effects of prescription medicines and vaccinations, and remedies to negate the effect of  environmental pollutants.

Childhood Infectious Diseases and Other Complaints: There are  Homeopathic remedies  for each of  all the childhood diseases, such as mumps, chicken pox, scarlet fever, and many more.  Homeopathic Ledum is one  remedy to counteract tetanus, to save your child from having yet another vaccination .

Each homeopathic remedy is capable  also of fixing a multitude of complaints which often seem unrelated to the main health complaint.  There are general  emotional and physical symptoms which go with each remedy, and if you have several of these general symptoms which belong to a  particular remedy, that will be the remedy to take for your condition.  That remedy, if it has been chosen correctly,  will also cure the other side issues which accompany the main complaint, such as irritability, intolerance of other people,  or anger, depression, or crying for no reason,  or not sleeping, or sleeping too much, or lack of appetite,  or too much appetite, and many more.   The right remedy will fix any symptoms such as these, whilst it will cure the main condition.

So Homeopathy is a wholistic medicine – It looks at the whole body to assess all the  physical and emotional symptoms, not just the apparent disease.  Generally speaking, after the condition and the accompanying symptoms have been alleviated or cured, there is no need for on-going treatment, a situation which allopathic medicine seems to thrive on.

Now most antibiotics and allopathic medicines are not capable of doing this, of fixing all the complaints together, with one medicine.  These unique qualities of Homeopathic prescribing make it a real threat to many doctors and to drug companies, who fear that, if Homeopathy ‘takes off’, that it might impact on their pharmaceutical sales, and the amount of visits a doctor might expect from his patients.

So just how does a Homeopathic remedy work?   One concept put forward by the British Homeopathy Association  comes close to explaining the phenomenon of how homeopathy can possibly work in microscopic doses, so small, that the original element cannot be detected in many cases.  This concept is that water has memory – It remembers the influences of the past, and can remember the influences of the substances which have infused it, such as are used in the original substances of  homeopathic medicine.

Modern science, I think because of ulterior motives,  has resisted explaining the workings of Homeopathy.  True, it is  difficult to explain just how  it works, since Homeopathy contains such tiny  amounts of the original healing substance.  This healing substance often cannot be detected at all  in the final potency.  This is one point which opponents of Homeopathy  use in their attempts to discredit Homeopathy.  The other is that Homeopathy uses ‘like to treat like’, which is said to confound the medical profession. Yet, they already know about these principles, as we shall see.

Why not accept the phenomena as fact?  There are instances in allopathic medicine of ‘like treating like’, and also of ‘the minimum dose.  “What are those examples”, you may ask.  Well – X-ray ‘therapy’ is one instance of the  ‘like treating like’  principle.   The radiation in X-rays is known to cause cancer, yet,  this treatment is used to TREAT people with cancer in conventional allopathic medicine.   Another example is the instance of using Digitalis as a heart medicine – This remedy,  in allopathic medicine, incorporates the ‘like treats like’ principle, as well as ‘the minimum dose’ principle, just as in Homeopathic medicine:   Digitalis will kill you of heart attack if it is taken fresh from the plant, yet in a minimum dose, the digitalis  in microscopic amount will help to prevent heart attack.  This is the same principle which  explains the workings of Homeopathic medicine, the ‘principle of the minimum dose’.

People accept X-rays as a fact, yet we cannot see them.  It takes a leap of the imagination to accept that an X-ray zapp, which we cannot see,  might cure you of thyroid cancer, or breast cancer, or cancer of the testicles, yet people put their faith in the doctor’s hands every day and line up for this treatment.  Which often does not work.  People very often die just the same.  But nevertheless, X-ray treatment, which we know will kill good healthy cells at the same time  that it kills cancer cells, is widely accepted as a treatment for cancer.  Surely this defies logic?  Yet Homeopathic medicine is shoved behind the door because some doctors say that it is not logical.

So why this ‘set’ against Homeopathy?  There is one doctor in New Zealand right now who really hates his colleagues using Homeopathy at all.  He has written articles for the paper about it, probably egged on by the drug companies,  and is trying to get these Homepathic-friendly doctors banned from prescribing Homeopathic medicines.  This surely is a crime, because Homeopathy is a safer alternative to using most prescription medicines.  There are never any cases of ‘medical misadventure’ which are reported daily in allopathic medicine, where wrong medicines have been given, some resulting in death.

Homeopathy is a far safer option to antibiotics, vaccinations and many other prescription medicines.   It is wrong to deprive people of safe alternative treatments which DO work, such as Vitamin C therapy, and Homeopathy.