Colour has the ability to change the body’s vibration, transforming the vibrations of sickness into the vibrations of wellness. Light is essential to life: All colour comes from the Sun, from the life source. Colour is simply white light which has been broken down through the workings of atmosphere.
But the effect of colour on the human psyche, and the physical body, cannot be underestimated: This is why art is so important to man. The beauty or the horror of a painting, through colour, has the power to influence the emotions and affect our thought patterns in quite profound ways. Each painting has a definite auric body of its own, which is the energy or vibration which surrounds the painting itself.
Many clairvoyants can see the colour in the body’s aura, the ‘auric body’, and can tell before an illness strikes, that this illness is about to happen. This is because sickness shows up first in the auric body, the shining light of colour which surrounds the outside of all living beings, and indeed all objects, all matter. When illness is imminent, the colours of the aura often become jaded, and holes, the absence of colour, can be evident over the part of the body which is unwell.
An experienced colour therapist who has clairvoyant ability can thus avert an illness if it is discovered before it takes hold in the physical body.
Kirlian Photography: Thanks to the work of W.J. Kilner, who developed the ‘Kilner screen’ to photograph the colours of the aura, the science of colour therapy cannot be ignored or dismissed as quackery any more – The existence of the aura, and its being a mirror of the body in vibration, is now a proven fact. Everything about the present state of the body’s health is recorded in the aura, and everything about the past, including past lives, is recorded there also.
Many people today are developing sensitivity to colour, to auras, to vibrational frequencies, and to past life experiences. Many people are developing healing ability, or psychic ability: These abilities are becoming more prevalent as the world economic powers continue to drive our planet towards destruction. It will be the people with these increased powers of perception who will save our planet and its people.
As the numbers of those people who are developing spiritual awareness grows, so the negative forces in the world will begin to diminish and dissipate. It is not enough just ‘to believe’ in the second coming – I believe that it is important to be able to ‘see’, to have vision, to have developed the ability to heal, to have a sense of compassion for all sentient beings, as the Christians, Hindu, Moslem and Buddhists all say, if we are to save the world from destruction. And so we all have a duty to keep our health good, to try to develop our healing abilities, develop our sense of compassion, and a sense of goodness, so that we can help our fellow man and do our best for mankind, the planet and all sentient beings.
well – Rome wasn’t built in a day, as they say.
Meanwhile, using colour therapy can help us to develop the emotional and spiritual aspects of the character, as well as help to heal physical conditions of sickness and infirmity in ourselves or other people. Colour therapy can bring harmony to the body and to the soul. Colour balance will enhance our vital force. A balanced aura will help us keep good health, and will aid us in our work to try to help others.
Yellow and Orange: These are invigorating and warming colours. Yellow and orange are the colours of the sun’s life-giving rays. They cheer and give energy. Yellow and orange help to dispel depression. They also help to enhance the digestion by helping the liver, the gall bladder, and the elimination process.
Get Rid of The Blues With Yellow-Orange Colour: In the middle of winter, if you have ‘the blues’, you can use an orange or a yellow light bulb over the solar plexus area for half an hour each day, or until you feel better. The orange or yellow light negates the excess of blue in the aura by charging up the solar plexus area with the colour of sunshine. This is a great remedy for restoring the nervous system. It works very quickly to get rid of depression and lethargy. Finish off the treatment with green or blue on the forehead for just five minutes.
Yellow and Orange colours have the ability to dissolve gall stones and cleanse the liver. Chamomile tea is on the yellow ray, as are lemon drinks, castor oil, dandelion root coffee, and Vitamin C. These yellow-ray foods have a beneficial effect on the liver, and also help to dissolve calcium deposits in the joints. The yellow-orange treatment on the solar plexus can be a very good remedy for arthritis for this reason.
Yellow and Orange For Vitality: Digestion can be greatly improved, and general vitality increased, by putting a yellow or orange coloured light-bulb over the solar plexus area of the body. Do this each day for around half an hour, until you feel you no longer need the treatment. Keep the bulb about a foot away from the body, and take care not to let the bulb touch any fabric or your skin while it is turned on. This treatment I have found to be very effective for treating candida in the digestive system, for improving bowel function, and for giving one a sense of ‘joie de vivre’. It is very good for debilitated persons.
Visualize the Colours Needed: It is possible to take in the yellow-orange colours of the spectrum by visualizing these colours, and breathing them into the system. You could lie with your eyes closed, hands on the solar plexus, and breathe these colours into the solar plexus, just as if you had a light bulb shining on your stomach. It takes some practice to visualize a colour permeating the body, but it can be done.
Wear Yellow and Oranges more often in the winter time: This will help you to Maintain A Positive Attitude and keep gloominess at bay.
Botanical Gardens At Dunedin: Photos by Merrilyn on Holly’s Camera.
Walking through gardens to admire the colours of trees and flowers is very therapeutic and good for the soul. We are naturally given a dose of ‘colour healing’ every time we do this.
Blue Lighting : Blue can help reduce fevers and high temperatures. A blue light bulb is a very useful thing to have for those sudden infections which children sometimes get. Combined with other therapy, such as homeopathy, and Vitamin A and C treatment, blue lighting can quickly bring a temperature down and help a child to recover from an illness.