Order Of Consonants To Make A Stimulating Mantra

Sound Healing Using Mantras:  Rudolph Steiner’s method of using consonants to make a soothing, healing mantra is outlined two posts before this one.  To remind you, the order of consonants for a soothing mantra is D, F, G, C, and H.

How To Create a Stimulating Mantra:  Rudolph Steiner’s method for creating a stimulating effect in a mantra is achieved by organizing the consonants :  L, M, N, P, and Q,  in that order.  A stimulating mantra could be used to create energy before undertaking some task, either mental or physical.

The idea is that you  make up your own mantra, using these letters to begin each word of the mantra.  Steiner uses only five letters for the making of the mantra, but these letters can be duplicated, as long as they are in the same order, I have found. Of course the other sounds you have chosen, and the imagery too, will have an impact on the force or the quality of the mantra as a whole. You can experiment to see which of the sounds work best to your ear.

Here are some examples of how the letters would be used to make a stimulating mantra:

Lapis Lazuli, Moonstones, Nickel, Pyramids, Quicksilver.

Luxembourg, Minnesota, Neapolitan, Peruvian, Quebec.

Legend, Myth, Nostradamus, Periwinkle, Quintessential.

Lovage, Marigolds,  Moonbeams, Nasturtiums, Peach,  Quercus

Look, March, Nest, Ponder, Query.

Levitation, Meditation, Neptune, Pennsylvania, Quakers

Repeat your own mantra invention several times, until you feel that the desired effect has been reached.  This is best done in a quiet room, either sitting on the floor or in a chair.

You can choose a string of words which make up an affirmation of some sort.  Or you can choose words just for their sound effect – The mantra does not necessarily have to have a meaning.  However, I think it is best to avoid words which have definite negative connotations.  For instance, you would avoid using the word  Lethargy, as saying this too many times over could cause you to feel lethargic.  There are many other good words to choose from, without having to use ‘Lethargic’, or ‘Lethal’, etc.  Legato, Lustrous, Luscious, Lottery, Louisiana, Lumberjack, or Lothario,  would be better choices for the “L” word.