Obesity Caused By Sugar Or Chemicals In Food And Environment?

Drink Water Instead of Sweetened Drinks Says New Zealand entrepreneur, Tony Fallkenstein.

Tony appeared on ‘Sunday’ Channel One, last night, 10 June, 2012,  hosted by Miriama Kamo.  He is campaigning for people to recognize that health will improve if water is used instead of all those sweetened drinks which children these days often drink too much of.  And he is right, of course.  Good water is good for you.  Commercial sugary drinks are not good for you.

However, the ‘Sunday’ people interviewed ALL failed to mention that chemicals in commercial drinks and food are also very harmful to the health. (And what about the effect of vaccinations?  Read Merrilyn’s later post from September 2012, entitled Link Between Obesity And Vaccinations New Study Suggests, BBC.

Commercial fizzy drinks are bad for you, because commercial sugary drinks contain not just sugar, but a host of very detrimental poisons which are equally as bad, if not worse, than the plain old sugar in those drinks.

Chemical additives can cause obesity, hyperactivity, depression, arthritis, cancer, and a lot more dreaded sicknesses.

Tony really is doing a great service to many families through his promotion of his ‘Just Water’ business.  By drinking his pure water instead of sweet drinks  which are laden with harmful preservatives and other chemicals, these families will run less of a risk of suffering obesity or degenerative disease later in life.  Their intake of chemical poisons will be dramatically reduced because of taking commercial sweet drinks out of the daily diet and switching to water instead.

And water is GOOD FOR YOU.

Tony has given out several million dollars worth of FREE water fountains to hundreds of families, so that they can begin to enjoy drinking water instead of heading for the fruit juices and fizzy drinks in the fridge.

His idea is a real hit.  Children just love to come home from school and pour themselves a nice cool water from the water fountain.

But in this latest attack on sugar, many ‘experts’ are conveniently leaving out chemical food additives as having anything at all to do with obesity.  Yet the effects of these chemical additives have been known for years.  These chemicals  WILL cause hormonal disfunction, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and much else.

Just look at the chemical cocktail in that flavoured drink you like to consume.  Read the fine print on those drinks.  Even drinks which contain real fruit juice often have added chemicals to colour, preserve, and enhance the taste.  And these chemicals are mostly always bad for you.

No use buying artificially flavoured drinks with no calories – because most of these sugar substitutes are known carcenogens, and will change your hormone balance even more quickly than plain old sugar.

A medical specialist said on the programme last night that obesity is caused by something disrupting the body metabolism.  He said that the main reason for obesity today is sugar, because sugar disrupts the glandular and hormonal systems of the body.  He should have pointed out that chemicals in our food are ruining our health.  Chemicals in our food, as well as vaccinations and unnecessary mediactions of many kinds, are actually programming us for extinction.  Leaving out sugar from our diets is simply not going to save us from extermination.

I think that sugar is taking too much of the blame for the obesity and diabetes epidemics which are striking all countries in the so-called developed world.  Because all the chemicals – colourings, flavourings, and preservatives, which are in these sugared drinks, are probably more to blame than sugar.

While it is not good to have too much sugar, at least it is a food.  All the chemical additives which are put into fizzy drinks and other foods, are NOT foods.  Many of them are carcenogens.  And this is why I believe that to point the finger of blame to sugar alone is not addressing the real problem at all.

Pharmaceutical companies, and chemical manufacturers, love to blame foods as being the culprit for our maladies.  Because then they can say “Take this special medication of ours which  will counteract the bad effects of this food…… or ‘take this new formula to replace this food’…… or ‘we have found this brilliant new medication will bring relief to  these symptoms of…arthritis…..diabetes…..”etc, etc.   Which is not helping to solve the problem at all.  These medications are actually adding to the overload of chemicals already in our food, and in our bodies.

Because, the fact is, that even if sugar is taken out of our diets completely, all the chemical food additives such as preservatives, colourings, and flavourings, will all still be found in most processed food.

Juicing Cancer Diets and Regrowing Tooth Enamel

Raw Food Diets and Juice Diets Which Heal Cancer Can Also Heal the Teeth.  Some people acci-dentally, if you excuse the pun, regrew their tooth enamel whilst they were on very strict diets and healing regimes to treat their terminal cancer.

When the cancer was finally cured after a year of being on a cleansing regime of mainly juices and raw foods, with minimum protein, and castor oil every second day followed by enemas, Jacqui Davison found that she had miraculously grown a new set of teeth.  Many people are interested in this idea.

We have a family member who is undergoing surgery for cancer of the thyroid next Monday.  We had hoped he would take the Vitamin C therapy and adopt a change of diet and lifestyle, and he may still do these things, but he has opted to have the surgery for a start. We are all pulling our socks up at the moment and are putting more effort into our own personal health because of this crisis.  We hope that he will do the same and adopt all the natural healing methods which will help him recover quickly from this operation.

Lach sent me a comment this morning in response to my post on Vitamin C Megadoses for Cancer and Alternatives to Surgery Radiation and Chemo.  He is excited because he has just gone out to buy a new juicer.  Learning about the alternative treatments for cancer, and how they worked for some people in regrowing their tooth enamel, has prompted Lach to take the diet thing seriously.  And so he has got himself a new juicer.

I have several posts up already on how the regrowing of tooth enamel was achieved by various people using versions of the anti-cancer diet.  These posts are:

Regrow Teeth

Regrow Tooth Enamel

Diet To Help Regrow Tooth Enamel

My posts which deal with detox techniques and diets to heal cancer and other degenerative disease might also be helpful for people who want to gain optimum health, and improve the health of their teeth.  A few of these posts are the following, but I have many more:

Diet and Detox for Cancer Programme for Anthony

Cancer Diet for Anthony

Castor Oil Laxative




Vitamin C Megadoses And Diet For Cancer As Alternative to Surgery Radiation and Chemo.

Cancer – Should You Have That Surgery, Radiation and Chemotherapy?

A family member of mine  called Robert has thyroid cancer.  He was told last week by hospital specialists that he had cancer of the tongue as well.

Yesterday, after his brother  had taken him to see the ‘Centre for Advanced Medicine’ in Remuera Road, where we hoped he would accept the intravenous Vitamin C therapy which his brother was willing to pay for, but which he declined to accept, he was elated to get a call from the hospital with the news that the lump in the tongue was not cancerous after all. This certainly is good news.  If he had had the tongue operated on, chances are his speech would have been impaired, for a start.

This is a shame that Robert declined to take the Vitamin C megadose for cancer, as I believe this might have dramatically reduced those tumours in the thyroid, around the neck, and in the tongue.  When your body becomes overloaded with toxins, the first things which rebel are your glands.  The glands about the neck become inflamed.  Lumps start to develop, perhaps about the neck first, then in the groin, and under the armpits.

But these lumps will often respond to megadoses of Vitamin C, even if that is all you do.  10gm a day of calcium ascorbate powder will usually have an effect. Of course, an even better thing is to employ a detoxifying diet with herbs, homeopathy, and meditation.  Laetrile or amygdalin in the form of apricot kernels – around 6 and not more than 9 daily – will help reduce most cancers in combination with appropriate diet and detox methods. 

Castor oil is a marvellous treatment for cancer, in combination with enemas and rejuvenating diet.  Dr Max Gerson proved this treatment effective and cure many hundreds of people over the years of terminal cancer. He used two tablespoons of castor oil every second day, followed by at least one enema five hours later.

The Thyroid is THE store-house for Iodine. Iodine is a specific for all thyroid problems, including cancer.   Excess radiation can cause thyroid cancer – If you are deficient in iodine, then you are particularly vulnerable to radiation of any kind., as the thyroid gobbles up radioactive particles of iodine to replace the organic iodine it should have been storing.  These radioactive iodine particles cause cancer.  This is why iodine was dished out to people in Japan after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, and to people in America who might have gotten the toxic drift from Japan.

Apparently, the specialist at the hospital told Robert that his guess was that Robert had been exposed to excess radiation over time.  We know he has – he travelled every weekend by plane from Wellington to Auckland and back for several years.  Aeroplane travel is an extreme health hazard because of high radiation levels.  Also, he works at a computer all day and often much of the night, to get projects finished.  The electromagnetic fields around computers and all electronic appliances and gadgets is deleterious to the health.

About one in four people will get some sort of cancer during their lives.  Sometimes these cancer diagnoses prove to be incorrect, and operations are done needlessly.

So – How far should you trust the doctors and specialists in their decision to have you operated on? Sometimes doctors make mistakes.  Sometimes they opt for surgery, radiation and chemotherapy when other restorative options could have been considered first.

Many people have shown that a combination of  diet change – eating cleansing, healing and nourishing foods, plus detoxification, plus meditation, will help or cure cancers of many different varieties.

You have to remember that the orthodox method of treating cancer is an industry.  It is business for many doctors, specialists, anaethasthatists, surgeons, and radiation and chemotherapy ‘experts’ all over the world. You accept their advice for cancer – they get paid.  Drug companies thrive on cancer.

Well – here are a few first-hand stories to interest you, which friends and family have told me.

My sister who is a naturopath just told me this morning that her friend was diagnosed with cancer of the retina a few months ago.  She came up to Auckland hospital to see a specialist who told her she would have to have her eye out.  This advice REALLY freaked her out and had the effect of her changing her attitude and devoting herself  completely to a health regime to reduce the cancer, using every natural means possible.  After several months of her changing her life-style , getting onto a healing diet, detoxification, and even giving up her job for the meantime while she restored her health, she has had confirmation that the retina cancer has reduced by around half already.

The phone has been busy since everyone got the news about my son and his thyroid-tongue cancer which turns out to be just thyroid cancer.  Again, just this morning, another friend phoned me to say that he had had tests done for cancer lumps five years ago.  The first tests showed positive.  But when, for some reason, he had more tests done several weeks later, these further two tests showed a negative result.  So it was just as well he didn’t act on the results of the first tests.

My cousin came back from Australia just after Christmas a year ago, to have a bowel cancer operation in Wellington.  He went in for the operation.  The surgeon was a man who had not met my cousin before.  The cancer was in the upper part of the intestine.  The surgeon took out the lower part of the bowel.  Then, just as my cousin was recovering from the anaesthetic, the surgeon looked at his ‘job sheet’ and thought he might have made a mistake.  So he phoned up the original specialist to check – AFTER he had cut out the lower part of the bowel.

Sure enough, he had operated on and removed the healthy part of the bowel.  So my cousin was taken back in for another operation, this time to remove the upper part of the bowel.  These two operations, one of which was entirely unnecessary,  left him with very little of his bowel.  The specialist afterward said “Oh, never mind.  You don’t really need all that much of the intestines anyway.”

But of course you do need your intestines.  The intestines ARE necessary:  As your food travels through your intestines, the job of the intestines is to absorb those nutrients into your body.

Diet And Detox For Cancer Programme for Anthony

How To Improve Your Breasts Without Implants.

Exercises Herbs Homeopathy and Diet To Help Breasts Naturally.

Exercise and a good life-style, of course, are the best things for your health and also for your breasts.  Good health should really be our objective, and so long as we are healthy, we should really be content with how our breasts are.  But sometimes breasts can waste away because of nutritional deficiencies, or lack of appropriate exercise, or because we are unhappy.  In these cases we can do quite a bit to restore our health again, and also improve the appearance and health of the breasts at the same time.

This article will give you a few home hints which may help to tone up the breasts without having surgery. The result may not be so instantly  obvious and dramatic as the breast implant solution, but believe me, natural is always best and safest for your health.

Breast implants are something to be avoided, in my opinion.  Any foreign material brought into the body will increase the risk of cancer, nervous system diseases, arthritis and other health problems.  So, unless it is absolutely necessary, operations of the cosmetic kind should be avoided.  Some products may be worse than others, but generally speaking, these man-made fabrics which breast implants are made of, all have a potential to harm your health once they are set inside you permanently.

Just look at all those poor women across the world who are now seeking to have their  implants removed because their PIP implants were made out of  toxic industrial-grade slicone.  These women who were mislead as to the safety of their implants now have a great  risk of getting cancer and other degenerative disease.

The word is out, and so thousands of women are frantically trying to get those faulty implants taken out. Many women have reported pain and illness since they were given these breast implants.  (2011 – 2012)   Some  of these implants have burst already, and this poses an especially bad health risk to the patient when the material is so very toxic.  There is always a danger of implants bursting, so even if the breast-plant material is certified as OK, whatever it is, if it gets the chance to leach into your system, it will do you no good.  I had a friend who, 20 years ago, had breast implants done, and who had to have the operation reversed five years later, to remove all the toxic filler which had burst out of its casing.

In some countries of the world, eg France, the government has stepped in to help these women get the toxic implants taken out for free.  But in Australia, the government has refused to acknowledge any responsibility, and so these women who had the faulty breast implants have to pay for the reversal themselves. It is very important that these women who now have industrial-grade silicone drifting through their bodies get that toxic stuff removed as soon as possible.

Here are some tips for improving your breasts without implants:

Simple Exercises For Toning Up the Breasts:

The Windmill Exercise is one of the best.  This increases circulation to the chest area, and improves the general circulation.  It will help the breast muscle as well as the lungs.  Simple hold out the arms and revolve them around in a windmill motion.  Do 20 turns in one direction, then do 20 turns going the opposite way, moving both the arms at the same time. You should try and do this exercise each day.

When your strength builds up a bit, you can try holding a small weight in each hand while you do the wind-mill exercise.  This will build more muscle on the chest area, as well as on the arms. Two one-litre plastic milk bottles which have been filled with water make good weights.  Take the exercise gently if you are using weights of any kind.  Do not strain the arm or shoulder muscles by using weights which are too heavy for you.

Arm Pushing Exercise For Toning Up the Breasts:

This is an easy yoga exercise which helps the chest muscles, as well as the arms.  Simply hold out your arms in front of you. Bend the elbows so that you can take hold of each arm with the opposite hand. Grip each arm between the hand and the elbow and hold it firmly.  Now push the right hand out towards the left elbow,  and vice versa, but gripping the arm tightly so that your hand does not actually move.  Hold the arm push for ten seconds, then release for ten seconds. Keep the arms in the arm hold, then repeat.  Again,  hold for ten seconds, release for ten seconds.  Continue this for around a minute, or until you feel you have done enough.  Build up the tension time gradually, and extend the overall time for the exercise to two or three minutes.  Do at least once a day.

Push-Ups Are Excellent Muscle Builders and Breast-Toners

If you can manage a modified press-up, where you keep the shins and knees on the floor, moving the upper body down to the floor and up again, then you have the ideal breast-improving exercise.  And proper push-ups would be even better, because there is more weight put on the arms, and this results in more tension and release for those chest and arm muscles.  Again, take it easy if you are not used to doing these exercises.  It is best to build up slowly.

Yoga Exercises.  The Bow is very good for developing the chest muscles and for toning up the digestive organs.  Lie on the floor on your stomach.  Reach back to take hold of your ankles.  Now pull up the front of the body, using the ankles as leverage to hold the body up.   The knees will come off the floor slightly as you pull and stretch backward holding the feet.   Hold for a few seconds, then release slowly, dropping the knees to the floor.  Rest for a few seconds, then repeat.  As you build up strength with practicing this exercise each day, you will be able to increase the amount of stretches you do, and prolong the period of tension.  Do not strain too hard or too long.

Relaxing Exercise To De-stress Body and Mind.  Yoga nidra exercise, or ‘the yoga of sleep’ is very helpful in restoring the health of the body, I have found.  You might like to read my posts on yoga nidra. Basically, the yoga nidra exercise involves lying down, closing the eyes, and visualizing each part of the body, starting from the fingers, up the arms, down the trunk, and down the legs.  Each part is focussed on individually with the ‘mind’s eye’, then left while you move onto the next part.  This has an incredibly soothing and healing effect on the mind and body.  I recommend it for helping improve the breasts when the cause of emmaciated breasts is actually tension and worry, which causes digestive problems.  This exercise helps improve digestion, which, in turn, will help to nourish your breasts.

Another really good exercise is Prana distribution.  You essentially transfer prana, or vital force energy, to the breasts, or whatever part of the body needs healing.  You need to do this lying down while you are relaxed.  Before you go to sleep would be a good time to do it.  Close your eyes and put your fingertips over the solar plexus are.  Breathe in slowly and deeply to the count of ten if you can get that far, then, as you exhale, put the fingertips over the chest area, breathing out slowly to the count of ten again.  Repeat up to ten times.  To begin with, you might need to count to six.  Build up the digits to ten as you train your lungs to take in more air, and to hold the air for slightly longer than usual.  This relaxes the body, soothes the mind, and oxygenates the blood more fully.  A very healthful exercise to do, whatever you are trying to heal or soothe.

Drink Plenty Of Soya Milk

Soya milk is high in natural estrogens, which encourage a feminine form.  Very good for the breasts, especially if you are under-weight.  Soya milk is a healthier alternative to drinking pasteurized cows’ milk.

Other nourishing foods for the breasts are sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and almonds.

Herbs Which Are Helpful For the Health of the Breasts

Bee Pollen To Help Breasts:  Dr Caroline Shreeve mentions Bee Pollen in her book ‘The Alternative Dictionary of Symptoms and Cures’.  Bee Pollen is reputed to enlarge the breasts, firm the breast tissue and improve the general shape of the breasts, according to Dr Shreeve’s report.

Evening Primrose Oil is supposed to be helpful for general breast health, and for reducing pain in conditions such as fibrocystic breast disease.  It is possible that Evening Primrose Oil also helps to maintain breast size and healthy breast tissue. Dr Shreeve recommends this dosage of Evening Primrose Oil:  3 X 500mg capsules taken twice daily. Of course no herbs or vitamins should not be taken if you are taking medication of any kind.  Check with your doctor or your naturopath or alternative therapist first, to make sure if it is right for you.

Essential Fatty Acids are ESSENTIAL for maintaining healthy breast tissue.  Sunflower seeds, almonds, pumpkin kernels, sesame seeds – try to eat some of these protein foods every day.  Egg yolk is also good.

Tonic Herbs to Improve General Health:  Dong Quai and Damiana are two herbs which could be considered to be helpful for improving breast size and health.  Both these herbs are used as general, over-all female tonics.  Damiana is sometimes used for treating male sexual problems as well.  Either of these herbs would help the over-all picture of improving health and increasing vitality.

Asparagus and Artichokes are reputed to have aphrodisiac qualities for both men and women.  Asparagus is a great diuretic which helps cleanse the kidneys, thus benefitting the general health.  There is no proof I have come across that these vegetables will benefit the size of your breasts, but they will help build healthy tissue, which is the main thing.  Be careful with asparagus if you are on medication or have a kidney disease – ask your doctor or naturopath if you are taking medication for kidneys or heart.

Vitamin Tonic For Helping Breast Health:

This raw juice recipe is given in Dr Shreeve’s book:

Mix 300ml of fresh carrot juice with 150ml cabbage juice and 150ml of cress or turnip juice.  Take this amount daily to help the health of the breasts, as well as the general health.

Castor Oil Packs Helps Rebuild Tissue:  Castor oil is a great rejuvenator and detoxifyer.  For these reasons, I would recommend castor oil packs to be used for regenerating breast tissue.  Put two or three tablespoons of castor oil on a piece of clean white linen or woollen fabric.  Place over the breasts, cover with a small piece of plastic and a bandage, and leave overnight.  Use for three nights in a row, then leave off for three nights.  Repeat the treatment after three days, and continue with the treatment for up to three weeks.  Give the treatment a break, and then continue again as needed.  This castor oil treatment can also help to reduce tumours, in combination with a detoxifying diet and enemas.

Vitamins Can Help Form Healthy Breast Tissue

Vitamin C is important because it helps form connective tissue, and helps to keep tissues elastic and healthy.  1000mg of calcium ascorbate or ester C could be taken daily as a restorative tonic.  Vitamin C also helps to reduce toxins and prevent tumours, so it is an important vitamin to remember as a cancer preventative.

Vitamins A, B, C and D are all important for forming and maintaining healthy breast tissue.

Selenium is another important supplement to consider for breast health.  Selenium helps oxygenate the tissues.  Oxygenated tissues are healthy tissues.




Did Vaccinations Cause Multiple Allergies In Young Child On Campbell Live?

Child Has Allergy to Water.  Allergy To Synthetics.  Allergy to Dust Mites. Multiple Food Allergies

The TV3 Campbell Live  show last night, 16th May, 2012, featured the story of a young child who is allergic to many things.  Even water is a problem for him.

His Mum told the story about how this  poor wee thing had had a severe skin rash from a very early age.  The condition was so chronic that the child’s skin was weeping.  Photos of the child as a baby showed his face totally covered in a red and angry rash.  His Mum now realizes that the cause of the chronic skin condition is due to multiple food allergies, and allergy to dust mites, as well as water, synthetics, and other substances, and has adjusted his diet and his activities accordingly.

He survives on an extremely restricted diet which excludes wheat, milk, rice, corn, dairy foods, peanuts, nuts, and numerous other things.  His clothes are put into the freezer for a while to kill any dust mites which might be on them.  Care is taken not to expose him to other people who may be eating, or who might have just eaten, any of the foods which he is allergic to.

His social life has been impaired to a degree, but his caring Mum does everything she can to give him a normal childhood experience and social life within the boundaries stipulated by the allergic condition.

It was great to see the topic of food allergies in young children coming up on Campbell’s show. But the important question was not asked on Campbell’s show as to what might have caused these severe food allergies in the first place. Healthy children should not be suffering allergies to this extent, if at all.  Allergies in children have to be a symptom of the Western, modern, way of rearing a child,  the chemicals in our food, vaccinations and other drugs, and the high-wired electro-magnetic environment many of us are exposed to.

So – we should be asking ourselves what is the reason for a child to have such severe allergies to so many things?

On John Campbell’s show last night, these allergies were portrayed, very conveniently for all drug companies and the doctors and specialists in the field of medication, as something mysterious and random which ‘strikes’ young children.  One would assume  from the programme that this child will need continuing and probably expensive medical help for some time.

Not once did the subject of vaccinations, or immunization, or antibiotics, come up with regard to the allergies which this child suffered.   HAD THIS CHILD BEEN VACCINATED IN HIS FIRST YEAR OF LIFE?  If so, this could be the very cause of all those allergies.  This is a VERY important question which was left out of the programme.  This, to me, is the most likely cause.  However, there are other factors which might have contributed to this child’s condition and these could have been discussed on the show, to make the show a real learning experience for the viewers.

The important  things  which I would consider if my child was so sensitive to so many things would be:

1)  The subject of vaccinations.  Did the child receive any vaccinations in the first year of his life?  Childhood vaccinations are problematic, and there is plenty of evidence to show this. And what vaccinations had the mother had in her life-time – Whether or not the mother has had vaccinations has a huge bearing on the immunity of a child.  A mother who has NOT had vaccinations and whose mother used homeopathy, vitamins, etc, instead, will have a stronger immune system and produce a stronger baby than a mother who has been vaccinated, even if it was years ago.  And what medications, if any, did the mother have whilst she was carrying this baby?  And what medications or pain relievers were given at the birth?

2)  The alternative therapies which are available for allergies.   Homeopathic remedies, Chinese medicine, and Ayurvedic medicine are all options which should be being discussed as alternatives to vaccinations, as well as being considered for treating conditions such as allergies, which have most probably been brought on by ‘medical intervention’ in the first place.

There is a wide range of Homeopathic remedies for children, many of which I used myself, for my own children, as well as for my own health.  I decided that my children were not going to have any more vaccinations, after my first-born child had a severe reaction to the first two vaccination shots, one at three months, one at six months.  He suffered a skin rash, a bloated stomach, pain in the stomach, and cried a lot after both these injections.  After that, I decided to explore Homeopathic medicine, which does not have the dangerous side effects of modern drugs,  as an alternative to vaccinations for my children.  These  homeopathic remedies worked very well to treat all the normal childhood infectious diseases  such as mumps and measles, and many other complaints such as croup and  whooping cough.  I discovered that Homeopathic Ledum worked as a tetanus substitute, so none of my children even had as much as a tetanus shot.

Mainstream medicine is given every consideration and respect on our television channels, and in the printed media, whilst  the safer alternatives to allopathic medicine, such as Homeopathy,  are deliberately left in the backwaters.  Because the drug companies have the monopoly on the ‘health’ industry and its medications, vaccinations and immunizations, and they want to keep it that way.  There is big money to be made in pharmaceuticals and agricultural chemicals, and these drug companies today do as much as the cigarette companies did in times gone by, to dupe the public about the safety of their medications and vaccinations.

Whereas, in fact, there are many Homeopathic remedies which have no risky side effects as do vaccinations, and which could be used instead of these harmful chemical or antibiotic  medicines.

3)  The added chlorine and other chemicals in our tap water.  Chlorine added to our water supply is a major health hazard, in my estimation. Many people have an allergy to chlorine, which can cause eczema and other skin irritations, plus digestive problems. It is thought to be a contributing factor to conditions such as arthritis, alzheimer’s, and cancer as well.

4)  The possibility of electro-magnetic influences having a bearing on this child’s health.  The proximity of cell-phone towers, electricity transformers, the house meter-box being too close to the child’s bedroom, electrical appliances such as fridges, TV’s or stoves being close to where the child is sleeping.  Any of these things can under-mine a person’s immunity and cause malfunctions in the body and brain.  Excema and psoriasis can be the result of being exposed too long and too often to electromagnetic forces.

5)  During her pregnancy, had the mother been exposed to chemicals such as cockroach-killers, or flea-bombs in the home environment, or were agricultural chemicals such as herbicide or pesticide  used in the wider  environment?

I think that  John Campbell should have put these questions forward to the mother of the wee infant with multiple allergies.  It may be that these things I mention have no bearing on her son’s sickness at all.  But I would think that it is 97% likely that vaccinations, or drugs or chemicals of some other kind,  or electro-magnetic tensions  have had a big part to play in making this child so sensitive and so sick.