Natural Remedy Castor Oil Under Threat By Powerful Drug and Related Companies

Terrorists ‘plan poison attack’ reads the heading of an article which appeared in New Zealand’s   ‘Herald On Sunday’,  August 14th, 2011.  This is a  really ridiculous idea.

The message of the article is that the Castor Oil plant contains the poison Ricin, and that terrorists are supposed to be stock-piling this for use in a terrorist attack sometime in the future.  What?  The authorities expect us to believe this?  Even if  the so-called ‘terrorists’ were planning an attack of some sort, there are thousands of ways in which one can poison people.  Banning  the Castor Oil plant will not make any difference to anybody planning a poisoning ‘incident’.

There is obviously a hidden agenda behind this ‘terrorist’ threat  which, the authorities say,  centres around using the poison Ricin from Castor Oil.  And if you look at how the drug companies have been reducing our access to natural remedies for quite a long time now, you might understand the ulterior motive in damning the Castor Oil plant – It is not really the bean with its poison that the Secret Service, or the FBI, or the CIA, or the drug companies will be worried about, (they are all tied up together) but the profits they lose because of thousands of people healing themselves  naturally with Castor Oil, year by rear.

This reminds me very much of President Bush’s ‘weapons of mass destruction’ theory, which gave the American military the excuse to march into Iraq, and to kill many innocent people and wreck their villages and communities.  It turned out there were no hidden ‘weapons of mass destruction’. This was a lie.

The plan to get rid of the Castor Oil plantations will be to convince the public that ‘the terrorists’ are going to make deadly poison from the untreated Castor oil bean with the intention of poisoning us all.  Once the gullible public have swallowed their medicine and accepted that Castor Oil plantations must be destroyed to save the Western world from attack, then the way will be clear for them to BAN castor oil importation by any country.  These drug companies have powerful allies in many parts of the commerce and military worlds – It will be easy for them to manipulate powerful governmental organizations so that their goal will be reached – To ban Castor Oil, and so encapture another major part of the drug market.

The drug companies have managed to manipulate facts so that many valuable garden herbs have been make illegal in many countries of the world.  Comfrey, the ‘miracle healer’,  is perhaps  the most important of all the healing herbs known to man, but the drug companies have made sure that we are unable to grow it in our gardens anymore.  This is, essentially, so that they will make more profit from selling their own drugs and medicines, because, without comfrey, many people will take allopathic medicines instead.  The reason that was given for the demise of comfrey was that ‘it caused cancer in pigs’.  But nobody has ever suffered comfrey-caused cancer, or comfrey poisoning of any kind to my knowledge.  Comfrey has been used by mankind for thousands of years now, to heal broken bones,  to cure burns, stomach ailments, bowel troubles, to build strong teeth hair and bones, and to fix bronchial disorders, including asthma.  No wonder the drug companies manipulated figures and facts to get Comfrey outlawed.  We should be fighting to have the right to use Comfrey again, and not let these powerful drug companies control our garden healing herbs.

Now, drug companies can benefit from the ban on Comfrey, because they are  the only ones with the authority to grow comfrey and extract its allantoin and silica compounds,  for use in their own medicines.

Castor Oil is a valuable natural remedy, like Comfrey.  Castor Oil is employed by most people as a home remedy for constipation.  But Castor Oil is used widely in natural treatments for cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, AIDS, and many other serious degenerative conditions.  Castor Oil has the power to draw out poisons from the liver and the body tissues, so that cancer tumours are reduced.

This is why the drug companies hate castor oil.  And this is why they have manufactured a scaremongering attack on the castor oil plant:  They are priming us in anticipation of a move to take Castor oil away from us.

If the American drug giants, combined with forces such as the American FDA board, manage to stop people farming the Castor Oil plant, and ban Castor Oil to  stop us from using it, many countries who rely on the Castor Oil bean for export will be deprived of an important crop.  This will affect the economies of those poor countries where the Castor Oil plant is grown, such as the Middle East, India, and parts of South America.  Many families who rely on the income from the valuable castor oil plant will suffer.  And we, in the Western world, will be deprived of yet another affordable, natural,  miracle  medicine.