Gluten Free Flour Mix

Gluten Free Flours for Baking.  People who are sensitive to wheat, or have coeliac disease, also known as celiac disease, need to avoid wheat completely. Here are some gluten free flours which actually are tastier and more nutritious than eating baking products which contain only wheat.

The best flours  to use in your Gluten Free flour mix are the following.  These combinations are highly nutritious and contain good amounts of protein.


Besan flour, or Chick Pea Flour.


Potato Flour

Rice Flour

Soy Flour

Tapioca Flour

It is a good idea to make up a mix of the flours you wish to use in your gluten free flour mix beforehand.  A  large jar or tin of it in the pantry will keep several weeks in the cool, but the best method for storing flour or grain is to put it into a cotton or linen bag so that it can breathe.  By making up a quantity of flour,  you do not have to mix it up fresh each time you bake.

You can use any combination of the above flours, but here are two different recipes which work very well:

Gluten Free Flour Mix Number One: For Bread and Pastry, use the following Gluten Free Mix:

  • Four parts Besan flour, or chick pea flour.
  • Four parts Potato flour.
  • Two parts Rice flour
  • Two parts Arrowroot flour or Tapioca flour
  • One part Soy flour.

Gluten Free Mix Number Two:  For Gluten Free Cookies, cakes, muffins, and pancakes use the following mix:

  • Four  parts Besan flour, or Chick pea flour
  • Four  parts fine yellow cornmeal
  • Two parts Tapioca flour, or Arrowroot flour.
  • Two parts rice flour
  • Two parts soy flour

Test out your pancake mix which is listed directly above:

To Make Gluten Free Pancakes:

  • Take one cup of the Gluten Free Flour Mix Number Two
  • Add  one  cup of milk or water:  You might need slightly more water, depending on what flours you have used. These gluten free flours do not need as much water as wheat flour does, in making a pancake.
  • Add two free range organic eggs

Mix altogether.  Heat up a sturdy fry pan.  Add some butter or olive oil and cook as for normal pancakes, pouring in a thin covering of the batter each time.  Let cook for two minutes or so, then turn over.

You need to mix the batter well each time before you pour a cupful into the heated fry pan, as the solids will settle on the bottom of the bowl otherwise.

High Protein Gluten Free pancakes;

Simply follow the recipe above for making pancakes with gluten free flour.  Add half a cup of sunflower seeds to the mix before cooking.

Sunflower seed pancakes:  Gluten free flours such as besan, or chick pea flour, soy flour, cornmeal and others, are very high in protein.  When you mix these flours together, you increase the quality of protein and make the protein more complete.  By adding eggs, and adding sunflower seeds to the mixture, you end up with a very high quality protein which is easy to digest.  This food is great for people on vegetarian diets.

Preventing Head Lice

Prevent Head Lice Returning

I have just had a very good comment from Andrea who used the olive oil treatment for treating head lice.   I have given several methods for getting rid of head lice  in the posts  entitled ‘How to Get Rid of Head Lice’ and ‘Does the Olive Oil Treatment Work For Head Lice?’

Andrea has found the olive oil treatment to be successful in getting rid of the head lice which her children had brought home from school.  But now she wants to know whether she should stop sending her children to school, as they will get reinfected.

Well, the straight answer is ‘NO, you don’t stop sending your children to school’.  Send your children to school just as usual.

The idea is to use natural remedies  on the hair at home, once you have gotten rid of the lice, so that the lice do not come back. I will go over some of the things you can do which help to deter lice.

The thing is, that you can catch lice in many places about town: riding on the bus, sitting in the movie theater, rubbing shoulders with people in crowds, or playing with children at school.  You can also reinfect the family at home, because lice and their nits will still be about the house somewhere, mainly on the sheets and pillow cases. So you see, it is best not to worry about where or when you might catch lice and in how you can avoid them, but to work on prevention methods instead.

What To Do To Prevent Head Lice Coming Back

  • First of all, try to wash all the clothes in hot water if you can.
  • Next, make sure that you iron all your family’s sheets and pillowcases and bed clothes.  You can use a steam iron to iron those woolen blankets. Also make sure to iron all shirts and singlets.
  • Cotton and wool products are the best things to use, as these withstand heat, whereas synthetic fibres such as polyester duvee fillings do not take the heat, which makes those fibres great homes for tiny things such as lice, nits and dust mites.  Also, I have found that that theses creatures prefer the magnetic-electrical field which synthetic fibres create .  Synthetic fibres are bad for us because they interfere with our own body’s energies, as well as attracting lice and dust mites.
  • After every wash of the hair, you should apply real apple cider vinegar to the scalp.  Just a quarter of a cup or so will do.  Apple cider vinegar  makes the scalp acidic, and the potassium and minerals in the apple cider vinegar are very good for the hair.   When you wash your hair with soap or shampoo, it makes the hair alkaline, and lice just love alkaline scalps.  So by putting on the vinegar, you deter those lice, because they can’t stand the acid nature of the apple cider vinegar..  They really don’t like it.  It will help to kill any remaining nits as well, if you use it regularly.
  • Then, no more than twice a week, put just two or three finger dabs of liquid iodine onto the scalp and massage it in.  You don’t need to cover the hair with this.  You MUST NOT cover the hair with iodine, as it is absorbed into the pores of the scalp, and you might get toxic effects if you do this.  Iodine is necessary for good health, but we only need just a tad now and then.  A little of the iodine will be transferred over the head with brushing, and this is enough to have an effect on any head lice.  Just two dabs of IODINE on the scalp twice a week will  help prevent catching head lice from other people, or off the couch, or something.  NOTE – DO NOT PUT IODINE ONTO THE SCALP STRAIGHT AFTER YOU PUT ON CIDER VINEGAR.  YOU MUST WAIT AT LEAST EIGHT HOURS BEFORE PUTTING ON ANY IODINE.  It is not dangerous to use them together, but they just do not mix together very well.  They work best when they are used separately, at different times.
  • Use the olive oil treatment once a week, whether you can see any lice or not.  This will take care of any stray lice which are about, and prevent them from laying eggs in the hair.  Olive oil is very good for the hair and nourishing to the scalp.  You can tell the children to regard it as a conditioner rather than a  regular lice treatment.
  • Other things which work as preventatives, or prophylactics, are the essential oils lavender, rosemary, tea tree, pine oil, eucalyptus oils. But you only need a drop or two once  or twice a week.  I find that these were not popular with my children, as they have a strong smell which caused them to be teased at school. Iodine worked better for us as a preventative, as it does not smell at all, and you need so little of it for it to work in preventing head lice.
  • Extra Vitamin B is helpful in dettering head lice.  Use the dose for children as stated on the bottle.  Keeping the diet rich in alkaline foods such as carrots, apples, broccoli, bean sprouts, lettuce, cabbage etc goes a long way to helping prevent head lice.  Try to reduce the amount of wheat and bread and pastries in the diet, and encourage the children to eat carrots, celery and apples for snacks instead of sweets or bread.  A good balanced meal once or twice a day, with protein, plenty of  greens and rice or potatoes is a good standard, of course.
  • Finally, BRUSHING the hair is so important.  This energises the scalp, the nerves, and encourages hair growth.  Brushing helps your scalp to stay healthy, and a healthy scalp helps to deter head lice.

Massage For Meridian Health

Meridians and Massage for Health.

The science of Meridians and their pressure points dates back to ancient Tibetan medicine.  The same science forms the basis of Japanese Shiatsu and Chinese Acupuncture.

Massaging the meridian lines can do much to improve the health of the body and the mind. Sometimes, when we are feeling poorly,  we find that no medicine or herb or diet will make any  difference to our health.  This is usually because the meridian energies have become out of balance:  a treatment of the appropriate acupressure points by a professional Shiatsu practitioner, or an Acupuncturist, can often work wonders in these cases, having the effect of restoring us to total health again.

However, much can be done to improve your health  and sense of well-being by practicing Shiatsu, or  ‘DoIn’  self massage and acupressure at home.

Shiatsu Leg Massage: Here is a very simple Shiatsu leg massage treatment  which you can do in about the same  time that it takes to brush your teeth.  This leg massage  has enormous benefits, as it energises several meridians which run along the legs.  These are the Liver and Spleen meridians, and the Gall Bladder Meridian.  The Stomach Meridian is also affected by this massage, and so this routine will  benefit your digestion.

The Method for Stimulating the Meridians on the Legs:

  • With the knees slightly bent, lean forward a little and rub the base of the spine, including the kidney area, with the backs of the hands. Move about the lower back in a circular motion.  Do this until you feel some warmth emanating from the back.
  • Now, still with the knees bent,  put one hand on the knee.  With the other hand, gently tap the same area of the lower back with your bent knuckles,  covering  the base of the spine,  the kidney area, and hips and buttocks.  This routine is very good for the kidneys and the kidney meridian, as it improves circulation to the area.  It also helps to energize the nervous system.
  • With the legs slightly apart and the knees bent, lean forward and tap the backs of the legs with the fists.  Begin at the top of the thigh at the base of the buttocks, and continue the tapping movement down the back of the legs to the heels.  This helps the bladder meridian and encourages circulation of blood and lymph in the legs.
  • The next phase of the massage  is to tap the inside of the legs, beginning from the ankles and tapping all the way up the inside of the legs  to the groin.  This energises the Liver and Spleen meridians.
  • Now the Gall Bladder meridian benefits by a tapping down the sides, from the lower hip area to the ankles.
  • Continue up the inside of the legs from the ankles to the top of the leg, stimulating the Liver and Spleen meridians again.
  • Now finish off the leg massage by tapping down the front of the legs, down to the ankles, and then up the inside of the legs again.  The front of the legs takes care of the Stomach meridian.

General Tone-Up on ST36 –  Shiatsu Treatment: The next step is to sit on the floor.  Give some acupressure to the point ST36 which is four finger widths  down from the knee cap.  This is located on the stomach meridian which runs along the tibia bone.  The point ST36 is a helpful point to use in cases of varicose veins, as it helps relieve aching and tired legs.

Foot Shiatsu Treatment:  This treatment tones up all the meridians which run to the end of the toes.  Your fingers,  which are wound around the toes,  exert pressure which  massages all these meridians.

Method:  Bend the right knee and bring the ankle up over the left knee and thigh area so that you can massage the foot.  Support the right ankle with the right foot, thenusing the left hand over the sole of the foot, place a finger between each toe.   Put the little finger of the left hand between the little toe and the next, and the other fingers between each of  the other toes.  Breathe in and gently move the foot around in a circular motion, breathing out in a long slow exhale through pursed lips, just as if you are whistling.  Take a breath in, and then rotate the foot in the other direction, again, breathing out through pursed lips as if you are whistling.

Repeat three times in each direction,  gently stretching  the foot using these circular motions, whilst  holding the foot with the fingers between the toes.

Now press the centre of the sole of the foot with the thumb, aiming at the KID1 point, or ‘Gushing Spring’ which is a vital kidney point.  This is found down from the base of the second toe, about a third of the way down the foot from the toes, just by the big joint at the base of the big toe.  It is almost at middle distance from each side of the foot. Three or four presses on this point will be enough.

Do the same routine with the left foot over the right thigh, left hand supporting the ankle, and the right hand fingers intertwined between the toes.

Vitamin C Cures Swine Flu Case

Natural Remedy: Vitamin C Saved A Dying Man

Massive doses of Vitamin C, administered intravenously, effected a cure of a dying man when drugs were having no effect.

This very exciting  healing event was documented by TVNZ on Channel 3.

Go to  to read the documentary  entitled: Vitamin C cures  case of swine flu and hairy cell leukemia.

This is an amazing story, and it is wonderful for the man and his family that this treatment has succeeded.  The event should represent a break-through in orthodox medicine which should bode well for future usage of  Vitamin C in our hospitals.  But as is

usually the case, it is four years since Vitamin C cured this man of swine flu, and no more has been heard about his story, or the wonders of Vitamin C.  The hospitals are strangely silent, and doctors still do no more than before to promote Vitamin C in their treatments, at least in the town where I live.

This is because drug companies do not endorse the use of Vitamin C, and insist on using their pharmaceutical drugs, even when it is clear they are not working.

Why is this so?  The answer is that Vitamin C is relatively cheap, as are homeopathic remedies, and is a safe remedy or cure for many ailments.  If people were in the habit of using Vitamin C, or homeopathy, there would be very little need for doctors, their drugs, or hospitals, except for emergency situations such as accidents or surgery. Pharmaceutical companies would die a natural death.


The benefits of Vitamin C in treating disease have been well researched.  There is a wealth of literature on the subject of Vitamin C and how it works as a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier of the body, and how it is an essential ingredient in treating cancer,  degenerative disease, and so-called incurable infections such as swine flu.

High doses of Vitamin C are used in many alternative cancer treatment centres, in combination with other treatments.  Therapists in Australia have successfully treated many people for swine flu,  snake bites, and cancer with megadoses of Vitamin C.  Vitamin C is  really a wonderful nutrient.

But there is still much resistance to using Vitamin C in the medical profession.  The man who survived swine flu was extremely lucky to have the support of a family who believed that the Vitamin C treatment could cure their brother.  It was fortunate that they were present at the hospital at the time, to fight their brother’s case.

Doctors at this Auckland hospital were determined, in the beginning, not to administer Vitamin C.  They said that Vitamin C would make no difference, and that it was against hospital policy anyway.  Medically speaking, there was absolutely nothing else they could do, and the man was about to die.  Yet they still denied the man Vitamin C. as a last resort.

But the family were adamant that Vitamin C treatment at least be tried.  They had nothing to lose if the treatment did not work.  Conventional medicine had failed.  The medical staff were removing the life support system to leave the man to die, and the only hope left was that the Vitamin C treatment might work.

And so the family of the dying man  threatened legal action if the medical authorities refused to administer Vitamin C.

The outcome of their efforts was that the authorities , under threat of being sued, finally relented and gave the intravenous Vitamin C as requested by the family.  The quick result is what has been described as a ‘miracle cure’.

It is high time that some  intelligent topics of research  be chosen  by so-called ‘research scientists’ – such as the REAL reason for cancer and how diseases such as swine flu can be treated with Vitamin C. But this is unlikely to happen because of the power and wealth of drug companies.

If allowed to pursue an honest line of enquiry, the majority of research scientists would  find agreement with holistic medicine in recognising that cancer and other degenerative disease is a product of our toxic environment and the contaminated and devitalised  foods  which we eat.

They would acknowledge the healing effect of Vitamin C in healing cancer and so-called incurable diseases such as swine flu.

They might own up to the fact that there never will be a miracle pill to  ‘cure’  cancer,  but that cancer can be both prevented and reversed by positive strategies, mainly in adopting a remedial diet with detoxification techniques:  That is, by eating good quantities of high fiber raw foods, and by purging  toxic chemicals from the liver and intestines.

Using megadoses of Vitamin C in combination with other herbs and modalities encourages detoxification of a sick body, which gives it the chance, along with raw foods, to be  revitalized and brought back to health.  This is how you ‘cure’ cancer  the natural way- by hard work and consistent effort.

Let’s hope that Vitamin C is always available to the general public. The drive for profit often results in valuable, inexpensive, healing therapies being declared ‘unsafe’ by governments who have the backing of the multinational, powerful drug companies.  Natural  medicines which were previously readily available, such as gentian violet, have been taken off the shelves, and the same medicine then can now be sought only on prescription at grossly inflated prices, after we have also paid for the visit to the doctor to get the prescription. This red-tape for a prescription is designed to discourage us from using such cheaper remedies as gentian violet, and to buy off the shelf pharmaceuticals instead, which are comparatively more expensive for very small amounts. Whereas gentian violet keeps indefinitely, commercial skin creams have an expiry date, which means more cream has to be purchased before long.  This is how profit is increased for pharmaceutical companies.


Lives could be saved if Vitamin C was used in combination with homeopathic medicine to treat so-called ‘incurable’ illnesses.  Let’s pray that the pharmaceutical companies loosen their strangulating hold on the medicine industry, and let Homeopaths prove the worth of their science, and the practitioners of Vitamin C therapy too.







Honey and Cinnamon Diet

The Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon: Honey and Cinnamon  work well together.  This combination has been used over centuries to help treat colds and flu and other minor health ailments.   Note: Some people have an allergy to cinnamon: cinnamon does not necessarily work for everybody.  Ask your doctor or naturopath or ayurvedic practitioner before you use cinnamon as a treatment.

Nowadays, many people are looking to the honey and cinnamon diet to help reduce weight,  and to help lower cholesterol and blood sugar.  In my experience, honey and cinnamon really do work together to help you lose weight;  but of course, the amount of weight lost will  depend on  what and how much you are eating whilst you take this remedy.

Effects of Honey-Cinnamon-Ginger-Lemon Juice on Ear Infection and on Weight Loss:

I had reason to use a  honey and cinnamon diet  recently, with some added ginger powder and lemon juice,  to treat an ear infection on the right side – the cell phone ear.  Incidentally, using the cell phone over the past week whilst I had the infection increased the pain and the swelling dramatically. To my mind, cell phone usage is probably about 70% of the cause of this recent trouble. The other 30% would be liver and bowel toxins which need clearing, combined with the effects of using a toxic incense recently:  smoke causes congestion in the sinuses, and this can cause ear infection.

The object of using the honey and cinnamon diet was specifically to treat the ear, and not to lose weight.  Anyhow, I rested as much as I could, with spiritual healing; a hot-to-warm hot water bottle on the ear; tea tree combined with olive oil put  in and massaged around the ear; and between four to six cups of ginger and cinnamon tea with lemon juice and honey each day for about three days.  After the three day period, only one or two cups a day was taken for a few days longer.

Dose which I used:  I used a small teaspoon of powder per cup of tea, from a jar which had one part cinnamon powder to two parts ginger powder in it. Four to six cups of cinnamon-ginger-honey-lemon juice tea were taken for the first three days, then I cut the tea down to one or two cups per day.  However, I think this dosage was a bit too intense, as I shall explain.

I did lose quite a bit of weight over the past week, partly because the ear infection made me feel sick and took away my appetite.  However, I am pretty sure  the cinnamon powder itself, combined with ginger,  also quelled my appetite, and caused me to lose weight: this was an unexpected, but rather pleasing side effect on its own, but for the side effect of nausea.

Cinnamon bark contains a compound called coumarin, which is toxic to the liver in large amounts. I felt that it was the coumarin in the cinnamon powder which made me feel slightly nauseous:   I have since judged the dose I took – four to six cups  a day, of cinnamon and ginger tea,  to be on the high side, because of the side effects which I experienced.

Sensible Usage:  Four to six cups of cinnamon ginger tea daily is  rather excessive, as this equates to about two teaspoons of cinnamon for the day, far more than you would ever eat in a cookie, or a curry, or anything else. I think no more than one to two cups of this tea daily would have been a better dose for my body type.

Be careful not to overdose on cinnamon: There are many different recipes being passed about for using honey and cinnamon in various combinations and dosages, and for a wide range of health issues:  a big list of remedies for using cinnamon with honey was given to me only two weeks ago.  I think this source may have been the internet.  However, the doses on this two page hand-out ranged from using just one teaspoon of cinnamon, which is still high, in my estimation, to using two tablespoons of cinnamon.

Two tablespoonsful of cinnamon  is just ridiculously excessive and could be very damaging to your liver and your health if you are using the type of cinnamon known as cassia cinnamon.

Cassia cinnamon contains large amounts of coumarin.  Ceylon cinnamon does not have such high amounts of coumarin in it, and so ceylon cinnamon is the type of cinnamon which should be used if you are going to use the honey and cinnamon diet, or cinnamon teas.

In my experience, the honey and cinnamon with ginger and lemon did help my ear infection, and did cause me to lose weight. However, I believe that whilst this combination effected a cure, it also made me feel sick.   I would caution anyone intending to try this combination to ask a medical person, or an alternative practitioner first, especially if you are taking any medications, or even vitamin and mineral supplements.

And taking more than one teaspoonful at a time of a 3 to 1 mix of ginger and cinnamon will probably have the effect of harming your liver.  You will definitely lose weight, because your liver will be put under strain, and so you will eat less,  but using large doses of cinnamon in order to reduce weight is NOT a healthy way to lose weight.  Your liver is vital to good health, and anything which might cause damage or strain to the liver must be avoided.

Cinnamon, therefore, because of its coumarin content which can affect the liver adversely,  must be used in moderation.

Note for Denture Wearers: Cinnamon and dentures do not go well together. Anyone who has a plastic denture must be careful not to use cinnamon tea too often.  If you do use the honey and cinnamon diet, under the guidance of a health practitioner, then you should really remove the dentures before drinking the tea.  This is because cinnamon has the power to extract chemicals from plastic, which will cause an ongoing leaching of chemicals into your body.