Gall Bladder Cleanse

Method To Flush Gall Stones

This method for cleaning out the gall bladder and flushing away stones is taken from the book which is written by Dr Edward Wagner and Sylvia Goldfarb. This is an Australian book, published, I think, by the National Library of Australia, in the 1980’s.

Note: The authors state that  ‘The information in this book is not intended as a substitute for consulting your physician.  All matters regarding your health require medical supervision’.

This book is called ‘How To Stay Out of The Doctor’s Office’: ‘An Encyclopedia For Alternative Healing’.

Castor Oil Packs: These are the old stand-by, popular with many healers such as Max Gerson, Walter Last, Edgar Cayce, and many others, including Dr Wagner.

Begin treatment with a castor oil pack to break up stones in the gall bladder:

Dr Wagner’s method for using castor oil packs is to soak white flannel in castor oil, wring out  and apply to the liver/gall bladder area.  Cover with a piece of plastic in the usual way.

I think a warm  hot-water bottle is best applied to the castor oil pack.   Dr Wagner recommends that you leave the pack on for one hour, and that you repeat the castor oil pack treatment twice a day.  Of course, it is best to lie down with the warmth of the hot-water bottle over the pack for this therapy to be truly effective.

Castor oil has the effect of loosening and breaking up stones so that they can be eliminated more easily.

Gall Bladder Flush

I think the castor oil packs for gall stones are best done for a three day period.  Walter last recommended ‘three days on and three days off’ when using castor oil packs.

After the three day period using castor oil packs on the gall bladder area twice a day,  Dr Wagner’s lemon juice and olive oil treatment could be taken. (ask advice from your health practitioner before trying this)

Olive Oil and Lemon Juice Flush

Dr Wagner recommends that nothing be eaten after lunch.  So – fast from lunch-time onward.  Don’t eat tea.  At 7 o’clock in the evening, take 4 tablespoons of olive oil followed immediately with the juice of a lemon – about 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice.  Repeat the same dose every 15 minutes, taking 4 tablespoons of olive oil followed by the juice of one lemon. Take the last dose at 8.45 pm.

Dr Wagner recommends that you go to bed at 10 pm and lie on the right side.  The gall stones should be eliminated in the morning with the first bowel movement.

Dr Wagner believes that getting the gall bladder taken out is NOT the answer to gall stones. Gall stones do not develop because the gall bladder is sick –  Gall stones develop because of liver dysfunction.   So getting the gall bladder taken out does not address the problem of having a malfunctioning liver.

The liver needs to be nurtured and healed with appropriate diet and cleansing  to avoid gall stones forming.

Liver Aids:

Parsley,  Dandelion Root Coffee, Dandelion Greens, all help the liver.  Lecithin helps the liver to process fats:  lecithin which is derived from soy beans can be helpful in restoring liver function.

Cascara sagrada will help eliminate gall stones from the gall bladder.

Castor Oil taken internally also helps to break down gall stones and eliminate them, however, you would not combine this with the olive oil and lemon juice treatment.  You would use one or the other.  Using castor oil packs, though is ok in combination with the olive oil and lemon juice therapy.

Avoid Sugar, Dairy products, and Wheat products. Avoid fried foods.

Get the bowels functioning more efficiently.

Eat more alkaline greens and more raw salads.  Always eat something raw with every meal.

Use a colonic or an enema at least once a week, and more often if the problem persists.

Natural Remedies and Foods To Help Prevent Gall Stones


Healing With Your Mind

The Power of the Mind

We all have the ability to heal  ourselves of many complaints.  We all possess the ability to help, and sometimes heal,  the ailments of other people.   The more that you develop your mind, the more effective as a healer you will be. The  potential of the Mind to develop itself is unlimited.

Develop Your Healing Power:

Your ability to practice  Direct Healing, The Laying on of Hands, and Absent Healing, can  be improved by doing certain things. The following recommendations will help you:

Breathing exercises such as yoga, meditation,  and prayers,  a vegetarian diet and a Bhuddist approach to all life which  avoids the use of chemicals which kill, all raise the vibration of  our auras.

Avoiding chemicals in our food,  fasting,  singing or performing music, developing a caring attitude, and simply resolving to keep positive about life all have the effect of increasing  our vital force, or Prana,  enhance the vibrations of our auras,  and  strengthen the Mind.

When our Minds are firm and constant, and we have abundant life force within us,  then we  can be of benefit to people.  We can  raise the vibration of a person who requires healing,  and enhance the vibrations of all beings around us.

Many instances of healing have, and do occur, simply through the Power of Prayer:  The will to heal, and the faith that it will happen, can cause miracles. Faith healing is a kind of Mind-healing which seems to work best when both the healer, or healers, and the recipient have a strong faith. Faith healing and mind healing have a better chance of success if the recipient is open to the Power of Prayer and accepts that a  ‘Higher Power’ can be summoned which can make us well again.

However strong the healing power is, though, some people are simply destined not to make old bones.  Some people are saved through Mind healing such as Reiki, Spiritual Healing and the Power of Prayer,  whilst others are not.

The Church of Christian Scientists (not to be confused with Scientologists) are an interesting sect of the Christian faith, because they do not believe in going to doctors and do not believe in taking drugs for disease.  They literally believe in ‘mind over matter’, and therefore do not give their ailments any time of day.  They refuse  to believe that they ‘have’ a disease, and really refuse to ‘own’ it. This  is quite a different philosophy to the way most people receive orthodox medicine with its propensity to attach a label to whatever complaint we have, and leave it stuck there for life.   Christian Scientists  have the faith that  the Holy Spirit, working through their own Christian healers, will heal them,  following the example of  Jesus, who healed  the sick because of his faith and his strong links with the Godhead.

I once got to play the pipe organ for the Christian Scientist Church  in Auckland when I was eighteen or nineteen.   I always remember it, because I met a woman from my home town, a long way away,  who had a remarkable story which she related to me.  Her husband had been the pipe organist, renowned for his exceptional musical gifts as choir-master and organist, at the same Anglican Church where I had been a choir member, and where I had learned to play the pipe organ as a teenager.  This lady’s  husband had died when I was young.  After her husband’s death, she had developed a rare sort of cancer, she told me.  She became very sick and was given only a few months to live.  This was when she had discovered the Christian Scientists. She switched from being an Anglican, to being a Christian Scientist. She told me that they had cured her years ago, perhaps 10 years prior to my meeting her,  and that she had never had a recurrence of cancer, or any other serious disease  since. She owed everything, she said, to this marvelous Church which had saved her life.

Of course, I cannot prove her story, and I have not seen records of her recovery, but people in my home town verified the story that she had become very ill after her husband died, and that she had left the town and never been heard of since.

Of course, it takes many years of practice for most people to develop impressive healing skills.  But the more that you consciously raise your own vibrational force and your ‘prana’, the more that you practice your  mind healing skills, and  the more often that you WILL yourself to have a healing effect on your own health and that of other people, the more your skills as a healer will develop.

The Healing Power Of Spirit In Action

How To Develop The Gift of Spiritual Healing:

This post contains excerpts from Murdo MacDonald-Bayne’s book on spiritual healing which was first published in the United Kingdom, in 1947, by  L.N. Flowler & Co. Ltd.

This famous book, entitled ‘Spiritual and Mental Healing’, was reprinted in a new revised paperback edition in 2006,  by Mystica Publications Ltd, P.O. Box 13-581, Christchurch, New Zealand.

For a copy of the book, email:  [email protected]

Murdo macDonald-Bayne was a Spiritual Healer who helped many people during the course of his career, either to completely cure a disease, or to help alleviate the condition of sickness.

Murdo MacDonald-Bayne’s  eloquent description of the process of spiritual healing is instructive to all those who wish to begin developing the natural ability which we all possess, the ability  to heal.

In the transcripts of lectures which Murdo gave towards the end of his career, he  gives instructions for spiritual healing.  He explains how to give healing with the recipient near you.  He explains how this process of uniting the spiritual body, through positive intention, through ether, to universal mind, can work in healing people,  both near,  as in the laying on of hands, and far, as in absent healing.

His  explains  how Divine Power benefits both body and mind, and that this Divine Power can be brought to a person, so that he is conscious of it, through the effect of stimulating the general nervous system:  This  can  done both mentally, through Spiritual Healing,  and with physical means such as  the laying on of hands, or with acupressure, as in shiatsu or reflexology, when it is applied with a conscious will to improve the vital life force and enhance spiritual awareness.

This is because the nervous system is not just a system which conveys sensation and feeling, the nervous system also conveys the ‘nourishment of  the Spirit through the Mind’, to use Murdo’s expression.

These excerpts are taken from  Lecture Three:

Healing By The Advanced Method is detailed on  p.82 of Murdo’s book.

Murdo explains that Healing can  be performed by preparing the mind, after which an  out-pouring the Healing Power from Spirit is done with a  conscious projection of the Power into the patient.

Murdo advises that the patient sits before you, while you stand a little way, say about two feet,  from him.  The patient is advised to relax and close his eyes.  At this point, the healer consciously  joins his will  ‘to the Will of the Creator’, whilst  the Power is consciously projected  through the patient by your sheer will.  Murdo advises that the  arms are not quite touching the shoulders of the recipient, but that the arms are be stretched out towards the patient, with  the tips of the healers fingers almost touching the recipient’s  shoulders.

Murdo explains that we are not separated from our maker, but that our ethereal bodies merge into the great ethereal matter of the Universe.  He says “Really, our bodies extend everywhere and our minds are an extension of the Mind Principle; therefore your ethereal body and the ethereal body of the patient are mingled together, and also your minds are in tune with the Universal Mind, and by directing the Power, you energise his ethereal body and his mental body correspondingly, according to your own Power and development”.

How Absent Healing is Done With Mind: Murdo goes on to describe the elements given in a previous lesson where he explained the different strata of the mind and how the human mind is linked up with the Universal Mind.  “There is only one Mind in operation but different phases of action are in fact  one Mind. Consciousness is the directing power in mind; it is this knowledge that makes my method in healing at a distance, ‘absent healing,’ so effective”.

Dr Murdo talks about his many successes in absent treatment alone:  He says that there is a result in every case where he has given healing, and that many people in this particular lecture will verify that fact.  At least “there is great alleviation of the trouble”… “if not a complete cure”, he claims.  It is important to have the understanding  “that there is no separation” between yourself and Divine Power, and that this consciousness sets in operation “the subjective activity of the mind of the patient which links up with the Divine Mind”, he says.

It is important for the patient to be relaxed, because  this enables the Power of Spirit to out-pour from the healer to the recipient.

The Healing Power In Action.

Murdo explains the physical effects of spiritual healing, and how the intention of healing helps to link us and the recipient of healing to Divine Power.

Page 48 of Murdo’s book talks about the effects of the healing on the recipient. A “feeling of warmth may be felt by the patient, or he may feel the vibrations in any part of his body, especially at the seat of the trouble”.  Benefits of the healing are that  circulation of the blood are increased, and the mind and body are put into  harmony with each other.

At this point, Murdo stresses that you tell the patient that these good effects are not from yourself doing the healing, but from the Divine Healing Power. He explains that “the warmth that is felt through the system is the natural reaction to the Life Energy pouring through the body; the nervous system responds to the surge of this energy passing through to the extremities, the message is reflected back to the brain and the mind becomes aware of it”.

How Spiritual healing can give a person faith in a ‘power greater than thyself”:  This action and reaction inspires faith in an individual, “so that the personal consciousness of the individual will align itself with the divine Consciousness within, uniting the perfect Divine Life in the mortal life”, he says.

Raise the Vibration of Your Own Mind, Murdo states:  By raising the vibratin of mind, you can ontact the Will and the Mind of the Creator.  This enables your  spiritual mind to ” make contact with the Mind and Will of the Creator”.  He explains that we all have  within us  a spiritual centre “which comes into operation immediately you become aware of it”.

Once you have the awareness  that “your will and the Will of God are united in His Service, a union takes place between yourself and your Creator naturally”. Murdo states that “All things are then possible, because your mind and will and the Mind and Will of the Creator are one in reality.

Life Energy expreses  itself in perfection whenever it is able, Murdo says.  He explains that uniting your own forces with Life Energy enables us to become one with it so that we may use this wonderful Healing Power of Spirit.

It is important to have co-operation of Minds and energies in healing: that co-operation, Murdo says, is beween yourself, the patient, and God.

“The patient must be shown how to tune in to the Life Energy so that he can become aware of the Mighty Healing Power which is waiting to serve us at all times”.

Murdo emphasises that spiritual healers must develop a positive attitude, and never allow themselves to become depressed. A positive attitude  is required at all times, so that we keep our own vital forces ‘up’ so that we may raise the vibration of those around us, and help and heal when needed:

Murdo:  You must use constructive thought power. Murdo emphasizes the need for a positive attitude:  One which expects healing to occur. He stresses that we should  never allow ourselves under any circumstances become depressed, because, in fact, there is always something you can do to help a situation.  He says to

  • “remember that it is the Life Energy that is doing the work and not you. All you have to do is to fulfill the laws, the natural laws, the laws of mind and the spiritual laws, then the Life Energy does the work. Therefore it is essential to hold a positive attitude throughout”.

He explains that not every patient will get better – that sometimes people improve, and sometimes  they become worse:

  • This is the law of fluctuation that belongs to the patient and not to the Life Energy at all.
  • Murdo stresses that a patient being anxious inhibits healing.  He stresses the idea of faith, and  to ‘Rest in the Lord.’ ‘Be not anxious’ but wait patiently for Life itself  to reorganize the  tissue structure. “It knows what to do and how to do it. You must fulfill the Law by believing in the perfect Law of Life. A sense of anxiousness is a sense of doubt”.

Having a negative attitude and doubting yourself when healing closes yourself to the Power of Spirit.  You will not realize your true potential in healing if you doubt yourself:  “but when you get an understanding of the Principles underlying this great work you will have that faith which will keep you on the constructive side all the time”.

  • Mortal flesh has no power and so the  condition of your patient  has no power of its own, except the power given it by your patient. So tell the patient this.
  • “Mortal mind is but your reaction to these mortal conditions which exist only in this world of illusion. There is no Reality in them. When the patient begins to recognise these truths there is an awareness of Divinity which brings peace and he realises that his condition has no power, but that it is he who is giving it power by bestowing his attention upon it. The less one thinks of his trouble the quicker it will disappear. Be one-pointed in regard to life and hold fast to it, and a change will soon take place for the better”, Murdo says.

The laying on of Hands: There are various methods of applying the Healing Power, but there is one which has been known and practised tor thousands of years and that is laying on of hands. ‘And He laid His hands upon them and they were healed.’ ‘Take up thy bed and walk.’ If you have not got the strength or the conviction that your patient will be healed when you say to him, ‘Take up your bed and walk,’ it is advisable not to say it, because it may create a doubt in his mind that afterwards may be difficult to remove if no healing is effected.

The application of the Power through the hands is a method through which the Vital Energy is transferred from the healer to the patient, and there are specific rules which should be applied. The solar plexus is the seat of this sympathetic nervous system. Any energy which is passed through the solar plexus energises the entire involuntary processes; It is the centre that particularly affects the cell life of the body. By placing your hand on this centre, Life Energy pours through the whole system and the Intelligence is set into action. When you put your right hand on the solar plexus and your left hand at the seat of the trouble, the force,  then passes through the sympathetic nervous system to the area affected. The blood vessels dilate at the area of the trouble and an intelligent healing action takes place.

………At the lecture, the “Doctor demonstrates by putting his right hand on the solar plexus of the patient and the other hand on the shoulder – and the patient feels a strong current to the shoulder. Blood and energy flow to the area where the left hand is and a warm electrical feeling is experienced. The blood vessels dilate, blood flows to the area and flushes the area with blood. Vital Energy also passes through the whole area, and immediate reaction is obtained; all pain has disappeared and the trouble is eliminated. Doctor now explains that this is no miracle but the action of a definite law in healing…………..

We will now engage in specific treatment by passing the force  throughout the affected area, placing the right hand over the solar plexus and the left hand over the affected part. Now imagine the Power flowing through your right hand, through the solar plexus and making contact with the left hand. Breathe easily and deeply. You will join forces with the will of the patient and direct the patient’s mind to the healing operation, by explaining that the blood is rushing to the affected part, that the arteries and veins are dilated, and the blood, combined with the Healing Power, will eliminate the troubled condition.

Murdo talks about the miracle of healing:  that damaged tissues and organs can be revitalized so that they redevelop and function normally.  Of course, it takes a healer who is spiritually well-developed and certain of his power to do this.  Jesus was one who had this exceptional healing ability:

Murdo:  Tissue material that has been destroyed can be restored to perfect health again. The blood tends to force its way into that tissue and the cells become energised, and naturally a healing takes place. But do not forget that you must unite yourself with the Universal Power and this is best done by an understanding of the Truth.

I told you before about breathing, and I will revive your memory. Breath is life and by breathing rhythmically you build up in your body a reserve of Life Energy which enables you to carry the load necessary to heal. If you have a lamp that can only take 250 volts and you put 5,000 volts through it, it would be smashed. It is the same with you. When you develop yourselves along the lines explained, you will be able to absorb energy through your system amounting to millions of units of Life Energy, so that you can use it not only in your hands, but through your mind also.

In healing, it is important to increase your Prana, your vital energy or life force.This gives you the extra energy which is needed to transmit life force into the receiver.  Breathing exercises help you to unite your spiritual self with Universal Mind and healing forces.

Here is Murdo’s Recommended Method For Increasing The Life Force Through Breathing:

Therefore practise breathing 8-4-8-4. Inhale, 8 hold 4, exhale 8, suspend 4. At the same time you will notice that all the ‘mantrims’ have four words, namely ‘Divine Life Fills Me.’ By repeating them as directed, you set the rhythm which is essential to build up a tremendous amount of Vital Energy in your system, thus more Universal Life Energy can be absorbed and transformed into Vital Energy, like a generator transforming basic Energy into light. We likewise transform Life Energy into Vital Energy. The more Energy you can absorb the more powerful you become.

If you are treating properly you will be making contact with the conscious and subsonscious mind at one and the same time. This is most important, because buy this means you can eliminate instantaneously the mental and emotional conditions attached to the trouble.

Disease has three aspects, mental, emotional and physical, and you will notice that it has no spiritual aspect, because disease does not belong to the spiritual. If you could live in the true spiritual state your troubles would disappear. Very few can do this because we are living in a mortal world, and this is a world if illusion; a world of the senses, for the senses react to conditions that are not True and you accept the error, and because you accept, so it is unto you as you think it is…………

………As I have already said, I have had thirty years’ experience in healing all over the world and I know of no one who has had so vast an experience; I have been in every country in the world and have seen many terrible cases, all so-called incurable, yet 80% of these people are cured. Many of my patients here amongst you, as you know, have been told that they were incurable, yet they have been cured of their troubles. I am speaking now from experience, the greatest teacher in the world. Unless we look for new methods and avenues of healing, we shall still stick in the rut where medical science is now.

There are Miss C’s case, Miss V’s case, Sister E’s case. These are only one or two of many hundreds. It is proof of the fact that it can be done. I am very proud of a little girl M.D., a patient of mine. That little girl had infantile paralysis. She was saved from being like so many others who are now cripples. I treated her also through astral projection every night, and she saw me on nearly every occasion, when I was treating her with other spiritual healers who assisted me.

These are just a few of many cases which reveal this Mighty Healing Power. It is from these experiences that I know of the Truth of the Living God within each and everyone of us. All over the world it has been the same.

Man has three bodies, mental, emotional and physical. These three interpenetrate and affect each other, and when disease is of long standing the tissue structure may be affected. Then it takes longer to effect a cure. When you reach his subconscious mind you reach his emotional and mental activities getting down to the very root of the trouble, changing the negative condition into a positive one, and the Healing Power is set in action. Our own negative thoughts and images prevent the Mighty Power form flowing; these we must substitute for thoughts of Life and Healing.

Doctor demonstrates the Power flowing – everyone in the hall feels it. He now goes on to explain:

This energy which you feel is Universal Energy transformed into Vital Energy. It is absorbed and transformed by my awareness of it. If you deny its existence as far as you are concerned then that is your misfortune. But immediately this negative attitude is eliminated, the barrier is eliminated and the Universal Energy flows through you. Negative thoughts are destructive to your lif’e’s existence in your mental, emotional and physical planes.

Now grasp this Truth: you have three bodies – mental, emotional and physical – through which the Spiritual Power flows. Your mental body is just as much a body as your physical body because it interpenetrates and supports the physical.

It is necessary to be down into the subjective mind; if you cannot reach it in one treatment then you must persevere by knowing the Truth and explaining the Truth. Tell the patient the Truth of his own being, that he is really Spiritual in Reality. The very essence of our being is Spiritual and the foundation of our life is Spiritual. We misuse our mental faculties by creating negative thoughts which our-picture in our mental and physical bodies.

There are laws belonging to the mental, emotional and physical planes that must be observed. We do not break the Law; the Law breaks us when we violate the Law. When we come to the mental part of this Course we will see the mind and all its phases explained in simple language, so that you can understand our mental processes. We will also see our own faults, and then we can remedy them.

Complicated sayings and complicated sentences do not give you the Truth. If you know the Truth it is easy to put it into simple language. To simplify the complicated is the art of genius. To complicate the simple truth is the practice of knaves and fools….


Introduction To Homeopathy

Homeopathic Medicine

In the words of Dr Andrew Stanway, who wrote a book entitled ‘Alternative Medicine: A Guide To Natural Therapies’, published 1980 and 1986 by Chancellor Press, London:

  • “Homeopathy is not a cranky, way-out type of medicine practised by a handful of odd-ball doctors.”  Homeopathy has been around for almost 200 years now.
  • “This form of medicine is available under the British National Health Service and the Faculty of Homeopathy in London is recognised in law just like all the other learned medical faculties.”
  • There are six homeopathic hospitals within the National health Service:  at least there were when Dr Stanway’s book was published in the 1980’s
  • I know that the Queen has her own homeopathic physician. The Royal homeopath has taken care of the health of the Royal family for many years. The Queen Mother used homeopathic medicine for much, if not all, of her life. She lived beyond her ‘seven score years and ten’ to the fabulous age of 100 years or more.

So What Is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy treats like with like:  Disease-fighting mechanisms are stimulated by the homeopathic equivalent to the disease.  When the minimal dose of a homeopathic remedy is given, it causes a response in the immune system of the individual which, when the right remedy is chosen, will effect a cure.

Homeopathy is a form of medicine which was discovered in the late 19th century by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, a doctor from Leipzig.

His discovery involved the use of  cinchona bark which was used to treat malaria at the time.  Dr Hahnemann found that when he took cinchona bark, it gave him symptoms of malaria, the same symptoms which cinchona bark was being used to treat.

Dr Hahnemann began to experiment with other remedies.  He tested his potions out on himself and on many other healthy people, then  he began proving his remedies with people who had the real ailments:  He  got “excellent reproducable results”, in Dr Stanway’s words, except that some people were made worse by the medicine.  But he didn’t give up there……….

Principle of the Minimum Dose:  The next thing that he discovered, was that when the dose was diluted, the remedy became stronger in that it was more immediately  effective.  The other remarkable thing about the miminal dose, was that it did not produce  the side effects which the stronger remedies had done.

The ‘like treats like’ principle is used in  modern orthodox medicine in another form all over the world today:  The treatment of cancer cells with radiation therapy is a ‘like-treats-like’ treatment, as radiation in itself is capable of causing cancer.

Another ‘like-treats-like’ instance:  Dr Stanway cites the example of digitalis being administered in modern medicine to cure specific heart problems.  When patients are given medicinal digitalis, when they  would already seem to have the symptoms of an overdose of digitalis,  the heart function is restored  to normal. NOTE:  NEVER TRY USING DIGITALIS AS A HOME REMEDY.  IT IS EXTREMELY TOXIC AND WILL KILL YOU.

Digitalis when prescribed as a  homeopathic remedy, though, is safe because the dosage is microscopic.

Microscopic Dosage: These microscopic amounts are arrived at in a remedy by a serious of dilutions.  Each time, a small portion of the mother remedy is diluted in a larger quantity of water and alcohol. This is ‘succussed’, which is really just an energetic shake-up of the remedy.  Then a portion of this dilution is again used, to form another even weaker dilution.  Succussion is again applied to the remedy…..  And so on.  The more times a remedy is diluted in this way, the stronger it becomes, even though the amount of mother remedy is reduced dramatically each time.

Commonly Used Remedies:

Arnica, Ars alb, Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calc.fluor., Coffea, Ledum, Pulsatilla,  Sepia, Thuja are just a few of my favourite remedies which proved invaluable in helping to keep my children free of sickness.

Arnica For Pain Relief and Shock: Arnica is one of the most widely used homeopathic remedies in the world.  It is often added to first aid kits in families which have small children who hurt themselves a lot.

Arnica For Bruises: Arnica alleviates the pain of bruises very quickly, minimises the extent of bruising,  and is very useful in cases of emotional shock.  Arnica is good for fresh bruises and shock, but it can heal the aches and trauma experienced from old injuries which were incurred many years ago.   Arnica is harmless, non addictive, and IT WORKS.

Coffea Is a Mild Sedative: Coffea?  Yes, that’s right, it’s derived from coffee.  But in homeopathic form, in minimal dose, it has the opposite effect to cofee. Homeopathic coffea is a mild sedative,  conducive to a good night’s sleep, good for soothing frayed nerves, and helpful to those who are trying to give up coffee.

Ledum as a Prophylactic for Tetanus: Ledum has many uses, which I will need to revise.  I used Ledum as an alternative to tetanus shots for my children when they were growing up. Of course, they never had tetanus, but who does these days?  I read somewhere that even the orthodox shots for tetanus had never been proved as a reliable cure, but they were given anyway.

So one cannot say that Ledum was actually effective in preventing tetanus, or in treating a tetanus infection, but it surely was effective in quickly healing up infections after severe cuts and bruises which the children got.

Don’t Copy My Example: Take your child to a health professional for all cuts, bruises, and infections.

Personally, I was against giving my children any injections of any kind after seeing my first-born child swell out and become a ‘difficult’ baby once the first injections had been given. I allowed the plunket nurse to come back six months later, saw the same reaction, witha break-out of eczema and lots of crying for weeks.  I decided then that there would be no more inoculations of any kind, unless it was a matter of life and death. I began a study of homeopathic medicine at a college, which I did not complete, however, that course, and much reading, equipped me to use the basic remedies.

Occasionally, I would visit a professional homeopath for needed advice.

Homeopathic Medicine For the Family: Your family will benefit hugely if  you can find a clever and experienced homeopathic doctor to help you through the ups and downs of childhood illness.

Homeopathic medicine, when prescribed by a qualified homeopath,  is not toxic or damaging to organs.  It is not addictive.  Using homeopathic medicine as an alternative to orthodox drugs  will  help towards building a strong immune system for your child.

If you investigate the matter, you will find that there is a homeopathic cure for EVERYTHING.  There are even homeopathic nosodes which can be taken as a prophylactic, or preventative, of serious diseases.

It usually takes a professional homeopath to prescribe just the right remedy for any given ailment, but there are many homeopathics which I think are very useful to have in the first aid kit, and Ledum is one of them.

Cystic Fibrosis Lungs

Successful Lung Transplant

In New Zealand, last night on ‘Sixty Minutes”  with Mike McRoberts, 22nd September, 2010, we were given a rare and heart-warming story of a couple’s fight with cystic fibrosis.

This man is supposed to be the oldest surviving person in New Zealand with cystic fibrosis.  He was 43 when the documentary began.  The reporting team followed the man’s gradual decline in health over a period of time.

With cystic fibrosis. lungs are the organ worst affected.  This man’s lungs had become severely damaged, and, in the end, he would  not have survived but for the wonders of medical science, and the generosity of an unknown benefactor, who  provided him with a new set of healthy lungs.

In  2006, he had a lung transplant which has effectively given him a new lease of life.

He is still alive and doing well today, in 2010, able to live and enjoy his family which include two beautiful young  children, and his devoted and caring wife.

These two people have enormous courage.  The couple hung together, through thick and thin.  The man with cystic fibrosis endured such incredible suffering during these last few years before the transplant, and his wife, I thought, was remarkable in keeping positive, even with the threat of death,  at any stage, of her loved one.

It was just great seeing how well and happy they all were after four years of the man living with his new lungs.

I am sure everybody who saw the programme wish you well.

Recovery From Cancer Using Stem Cells:

On Channel One, TVNZ,  earlier to Channel 3’s  ’60 Minutes”, we were given another heart-warming story of a wee four year-old girl who had a rare form of cancer.  She would not have survived, but for the fact that her mother had saved her cord blood from birth, and had  had it preserved.

Cord blood has stem cells in it, which can be used to form other cells if they are needed. So, when  all other treatments  had failed, the mother asked for the cord blood to be transplanted, to see if this might effect a recovery.

It surely did.  Her daughter is now a happy and healthy little girl.

Mum must have had an instinct, surely, that this would be needed, when she decided to keep the cord blood at birth.  She said that even a year before this miracle of science, she was considering taking the blood out of storage, but decided to go along a bit longer with the storage costs in the meantime.