Birch Tree Leaves for Kidney Stones

Herbal Remedies For Kidney Stones

The common Birch Tree is a very versatile and useful herb.  It has many medicinal uses, as well as being a common additive in various parts of Europe to certain types of beers, wines and ciders and vinegars.  (see ‘Herbal Remedies and Homeopathy’, published by Geddes and Grosset.)

The Birch Family are native to Europe and Canada, but now are common in New Zealand and parts of Australia.

The much renowned herbalist John Lust gives several medicinal uses of various types of birch tree in his little herbal entitled ”The Herb Book’.

There are many different species of birch tree, and they  all possess medicinal and healing properties. The White Birch is the one most used for kidney ailments.  It is an old and well-tried  folk medicine which was formerly much used to dissolve kidney stones.

Of course, you must see your physician or your health professional if you suspect you might have kidney stones. This post is for information only.

The freshly picked, young leaves are commonly used in herbal medicines, but the bark of the paper birch can also be peeled off in strips and used to make an herbal tea or infusion.

Note:  You do not use dried birch leaves in herbal medicine.  The leaves must always be fresh, according to John Lust.

The White Birch, Betula alba:  This is also known as canoe birch, and paper birch.

The White Birch Tree leaves are astringent, diuretic and diaphoretic in their action.

White Birch Leaf Tea: An infusion of white birch leaves is said to eliminate gravel and dissolve kidney stones when it is made into an infusion and taken daily over a period of time.  The dose is 1 to 1 1/2 cups a day, sipped at intervals through the day.

White Birch Leaf Wash For External Use: A strong infusion of birch tree leaves can be used as a skin wash for skin problems such as acne, and eczema. If the skin problem is severe, the outer bark is recommended to make a decoction or ointment to be used on the skin.

For Baldness: A decoction of the leaves is recommended for baldness.  Leaves can be pounded to extract the juice, and this juice can be massaged into the scalp to help hair growth. Birch leaf tea is also good for the hair.

Hair Tonic:  Alternatively, to help hair growth, you could pound up some leaves and add them to apple cider vinegar.  I would infuse them in the vinegar for two weeks, and then strain off the vinegar and bottle it.

Apple cider vinegar is very good for hair growth, as it is rich in nutrients and helps to neutralize the scalp after using soap or shampoo.  Birch tree leaves added to the vinegar would make a very potent hair restorative.  Massage a little into the dried but damp hair after washing.

Insomnia:  Use Birch Tea For Restful Sleep: Birch Tree leaf tea is a mild sedative, which is partly why it is good for skin problems such as eczema, which are often stress related.  A cup of mild tea can be taken at bedtime to help you have a good night’s sleep.

Use as a Bath Additive: Put a handful of fresh leaves into your bath water.  This is good for the skin, and is conducive to a good night’s sleep.

The inner bark contains an oil which is sometimes substituted for wintergreen in liniment.

Standard Recipe for a Medicinal Tea: Infuse 1 tbsp leaves in ½ cup hot water

Decoction for Kidney Stones: This is John Lust’s recipe.   Use 1 tbsp leaves with ½ cup water. Boil briefly, let stand for 2 hours. Then add ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda. Take up to 1 cup a day.

Expressed juice from the leaves can be taken one teaspoon at a time, as required.

Sweet Birch Tree: The botanical name is betula lenta, also known as  black birch, cherry birch, mahogany birch, mountain mahogany, spice birch, and  sweet birch.

Sweet Birch is anthelmintic, astringent, and diuretic in its action.

As in Betula alba, the white birch, the leaves and bark can be used.

For Intestinal Worms and Urinary Problems . Like the White Birch, Sweet Birch has a therapeutic action on the kidneys.  However, sweet  birch  leaf tea is used more for urinary problems and to dispel intestinal worms.

Tea from inner bark makes a good mouthwash.  This tea can also be taken for diarrhea, rheumatism, and boils.

How To Make Birch Leaf Tea:  Use 1 teaspoon of inner bark or leaves.  Pour over a cup of boiling water and let stand for five minutes.  Strain.  Take 1 to 2 cups per day to soothe the nerves and for conditions such as gout, rheumatism and dropsy, or to help prevent kidney stones.

The inner bark of Betula lenta, like betula alba, produces an oil similar to oil of  wintergreen:  This can be distilled from the inner bark and twigs. The oil of the Birch Tree Bark is used externally for treating eczema and other skin diseases.

Is Autism Related To Vaccinations

Autism and Vaccinations

Last night, around midnight on Channel One TVNZ, we had a documentary entitled ‘Mercury Falling’,  (not ‘Mercury Rising’),  which looked at several cases of autism in New Zealand. It discussed the idea that mercury and other environmental poisons might be to blame for autism.  Mercury is an added component to some vaccinations.

DSCO 1795Photo by Merrilyn, Decembewr 2012, of a healthy child who is NOT autistic and who has never had any vaccinations.

It is a shame the documentary was shown so late:  Midnight on Sunday night wouldn’t have impacted very well on the public, as most people are in bed at that hour.  Interesting.  Autism New Zealand and a Vaccination authority did the documentary.  It was very well done, I thought.

The idea that vaccinations are one major cause of autism was allowed, but of course we had a couple of doctors who defended vaccinations, saying that  “there isn’t any proof that vaccinations have caused autism”.

This comment in the defence of vaccination is of interest to me, because it is meaningless:  Doctors are NOT REQUIRED TO KEEP A RECORD OF PATIENTS WHO SUFFER ADVERSE REACTIONS TO VACCINATION – which means, first of all, that the real casualties of vaccination conveniently slip by the notice of the authorities and the drug companies, and, secondly, that the medical profession have no grounds at all in the defence of vaccination.  There ‘is no proof that vaccinations have caused autism’, because there has been no evidence collected by these doctors who support vaccination.

This documentary looked at alternative options of treatment.  Thanks to the family who gave their time and allowed television into their personal lives to make this important documentary so that we, the public, might benefit.

There is no doubt in my mind that the vaccinations were the trigger for the autistic condition which appeared in two boys in the documentary,  who belonged to the same family.  These children, who are a year or two apart in age, were ‘normal’ at birth. But both children became ‘victims’ of autism at the age of three months, after the standard vaccinations had been given.  The documentary indicated that most parents of autistic children in America have said that their children began to develop autistic symptoms after  vaccinations were administered.  I will relate a similar story about my own children after talking about this documentary and the family involved.

Louise, the Mum of the boys, said that both children had had  a dramatic change in behaviour – for the worse – after they were given vaccinations at the age of three months. They became extremely unsettled and cried for no reason for long periods, whereas they had been settled beforehand. They showed no signs of developing speech at the normal age, and now that they are a little older,  they still do not speak.

In America, much research has been done into the incidence of autism in children.  Cases of autism rose dramatically when vaccination programmes were stepped up, which was about the same time as the drug Thimerosal was added to vaccinations.  This was in the 1990’s:  Autism grew to epidemic proportions from this time onwards.

Louise heard about another wee autistic boy in New Zealand who had been successfully treated by New Zealand doctor Dr Godfrey. Dr Godfrey is a specialist in environmental health and toxicology. The wee boy, who had had a remarkable recovery from autism due to Dr Godfrey’s methods of healing, was pictured on the programme. He looked healthy and happy, and intelligent, could express himself well,  and showed interest in the cameras, the TV men and all that was going on. The contrast to Louise’s boys was quite apparent.  They did not make eye contact and were very sad by comparison.  Louise, of course, was excited by the prospect that her children might  recover under the same treatment which had been given by Dr Godfrey to this wee boy.

Thanks to Dr Godrey’s efforts:  There WAS a perceptible improvement after beginning the treatment.  However, after months on the chelation therapy, to rid the children’s bodies of mercury and other heavy metals, there was not as much improvement in Louise’s children as what she had hoped.  It is possible that the treatment may have been successful if it had been followed for a longer period.  It is also possible that Louise’s children have been more damaged by environmental causes  than the child who had recovered.

It was pointed out that chelation therapy, and other alternative measures to treat autism and environmental diseases, is a costly treatment in New Zealand:  it is not supported by our medical systems here to the same extent as it is in the USA.  Louise said “Doctor Godfrey is on the right track. But chelation therapy in New Zealand is not supported by the hospitals’ . Louise and her husband could not continue with the costly treatment.

Next, Dr Levinson, an American doctor who is a specialist in the same field as Dr Godfrey, offered to give the treatment as a gift.  This was a wonderfully generous gesture, however, there were problems with getting important samples of blood and urine sent to America to be analyzed. This was necessary, to measure and identify poisons in the children’s blood and to adapt the treatment accordingly as poisons were eliminated.

It was established early on in the treatment that there were other heavy metals besides mercury, which would still be posing a problem with health.  But eventually Louise became worn out and depressed and gave up on the treatment  directed from America under Dr Levinson.

Louise, if you get to read this – I think you have done remarkably well. You have displayed enormous courage.  To have not one, but two children with autism is not easy.  You have tried so hard, and acted out of love for your dear children.

I think it is good to remember that these poisons can take several years to be eliminated from the body.  I know chelation therapy is meant to act more quickly than other kinds of elimination diets and processes, and that this has not met with your expectations of the treatment – but perhaps you shouldn’t give up with some sort of alternative treatment.  There are some very good and clever homeopaths around.  Homeopathy is one type of treatment which is fairly  affordable, and less espensive  than  chelation treatment. Appropriate homeopathic remedies can negate poisons in the blood. There are other detoxification measures which can be taken besides homeopathy.

It might be worthwhile going to see an Ayurvedic practitioner, or a Chinese herbalist. Spiritual Healing would be good, no matter what treatment you give.  Even if you do nothing, Spiritual Healing might help to trigger off a favourable response of some sort – maybe to point you in the right direction for some sort of help.  It is just great that your Mum has come to live with you.  She is a real angel.

And you look beautiful with that new hair-cut.

It is good to remember, too, that everything happens for a reason.  Sometimes, it doesn’t matter what you do with a sick person, no treatment of any kind will have any effect.  This does not mean that we should give up, though.  Try to keep an open mind, keep faith  and let the right thing come to you. This is very hard,  I know, when you are caught up in it all.  Words come cheap. But all that effort which you have put in so far will not be wasted in the long run. Nothing good ever is.

I wrote an article just in the last week entitled ‘Introduction To Homeopathy’. In this article, I explained that I had turned to homeopathy and other natural modalities of healing after my first born child, who was a ‘good’ baby, had become puffed out with a reddened complexion, and with persistent crying, after he was given his first jab at three months old.  After this first jab, he became a ‘difficult’ baby. It took weeks, if not months, for him to settle  down again.

This was in 1974, and I have no idea at all what chemicals were in these vaccinations.  I have heard that some vaccinations were contaminated, but even if they are not ‘contaiminated, I think they’re pretty risky things to be giving babies. You just can’t tell how a child will react, and the outcome of the vaccine can hardly be determined until the child has grown up.

Anyway, by the time he had settled down again, he was six months old and was meant to have yet another injection.

I remember trying to dissuade the plunket nurse at the door, telling her that the vaccination had caused much distress to my baby.  She told me that he might die of any one of several diseases if I didn’t allow her to give the injections every three months.  So I reluctantly let her in to give my baby the next shot. Same thing happened, only worse, after the second shot. He cried a lot, would not sleep, and seemed to be in  constant pain with what we call ‘colic’. He was slightly swollen with what looked like water retention. These symptoms lasted for weeks.

I decided at that point there would be no more vaccinations or innoculations AT ALL.  So when the plunket nurse next visited when my baby was 9 months old, I sent her away. I refused all injections.  No more of my children had vaccinations of any kind after that. I read all I could about homeopathy so that I could avoid the doctor as much as possible, for all those common childhood illnesses.

So I had the best of intentions to avoid all innoculations and vacinations. Alas, my next child was born sick as a direct result from our house  being sprayed for several hours by helicopter with 245T while she was still in the womb. My wee son and I were in the house at the time, and we both became very ill with eczema or psoriasis,  developed allergies to many foods, and had  breathing problems similar to asthma which I had never experienced before.  About three months after the spraying incident, my new baby was born with  similar health problems, only worse:  She had terrible breathing difficulties.  She could not digest breast-milk. Her vitality was extremely low, yet she had been born a healthy size.

Contaminated breast milk did not help: While I was still pregnant, we had continued to drink the stream water, which was our only water source, after the spraying.  My milk would have been contaminated heavily with 245T from the run off  into the stream, as well as the direct contact with the spray. We were also drinking cow’s milk from a farm up the road where there was much spraying of chemicals, including the use of 245T, known as ‘agent orange’ in Viet Nam.

So we began our trips to the local hospital for treatment.  It was mentioned by the doctor there that she may have had cystic fibrosis,  but this was never confirmed. We did tests which were inconclusive.  She may have had a propensity for cystic fibrosis, but I am sure that the 245T was ultimately responsible for bringing the condition out, because my older child who was with me the day of the spraying, and myself, were both very sick  with similar complaints for at least a  couple of years after this incident.

Anyway, after all that, she died at three months from ” hospital misadventure”, because a nurse aid gave her about half a cupful of ventolin from a test-tube.  They had been giving her just half a teaspoonful in the evenings, but never any more than this. This nurse marched into my room with the test-tube one evening, and simply poured it down my baby’s throat in front of me. My baby swelled out within about half an hour, and her skin went blotchy.  In the morning, just before we were raced away by ambulance to another hospital, the ‘good’ sister who came on duty said my baby had had heart failure within half an hour of being given the ventolin the night before, and had suffered brain damage as a result. A month later, after the transferral to the bigger hospital, we agreed to our daughter having life support taken from her. She died at just three months old  after a short life of immense struggle.

I had been to the doctor after the 245T spraying, while I was pregnant, to explain that both my one-year-old and I were both ill with breathing difficulty and nausea because of the spraying.  The doctor  was insistent that 245T would not have affected my health or the health of my one-year-old. He said no, that would not have made us sick.  He said  ” There is no evidence to say that 245T is  harmful to the health’…… A load of cods-wallop………utter nonsense, he said.

He took my pulse and blood pressure, told me I was a hypochondriac, because  there was nothing at all physically wrong with me, and there was nothing wrong with 245T either. This was farming country.

How often do you hear doctors saying stuff like this on the television? Every week, you hear some doctor banging  on about proof:

There is no evidence to suggest’……..begins the argument. How many people need to die before the authorities take any notice? How many people need to suffer?  How many children have to suffer before drug companies and doctors stop testing out their medicines on them?

All issues are the same – when someone is making money out of a product, it is usually very difficult to get that product highlighted as to its negative effects on health.

Despite the sadness in the story, I accept that my dear daughter was destined to spend just a short time on this earth, and that there was a definite reason for her coming here.   It did not seem to matter where i went, or how I tackled the problem of her illness:  There were definite elements of her suffering that were right outside my sphere of control.  Maybe these experiences were designed to foster compassion in me, and get me interested in the subject of natural health in a big way – Who knows?  I only know that  she is not far away from me, and that  the outcome of her short life has certainly been positive in the long run.

There is meaning in everything, and value in every experience. I pray that Louise’s boys might be helped.

Cleansing Diets

Detox Cleanse at Home. Fasting Free

The fasting free cleansing diet which is first on the list here is actually very easy to do.  You don’t starve.  You can detox while you enjoy your food just the same.  You will find that it is quite fun to do.  It is just a matter of getting organized and  getting in the necessary foods which are going to sustain you over this two week period of cleansing.

Cancer Prevention: Cleansing diets are important to keep good health.  Cancer does not develop in a body which is kept clean of waste. Accumulated waste is the main factor in people getting degenerative disease like cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis and parkinson’s disease. If you are unlucky enough to have been exposed to large amounts of toxic herbicides and pesticides and industrial chemicals, then you will have a harder job to eliminate the accumulated poisons, and cancer and other disease will be harder to cure through elimination processes. But it can be done.  And should be done.

In a fairly normal healthy body, it is good to fast occasionally to give the liver a rest and let it, , and the kidneys, expel the poisons from the body. This happens best when no food is taken, but there are various diets which work just as well, though they take longer to have a thorough cleansing effect. If you are deficient in vitamins and minerals, a complete fast is not recommended – a juice diet or one of the modified diets is best to follow in this case. This is the idea in Dr Max Gerson’s cancer-recovery diet, which focussed on elimination but with massive amounts of nutrients given in the way of fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Don’t forget that enema which Max Gerson and Walter Last and other healers have emphasized is essential to eliminate those poisons quickly – imperative if you have a life-threatening disease like cancer.

Modified Diet Regime

Follow this for two weeks. It is important during this period of cleansing that you have no bread, butter, eggs, meat, chicken or fish. The only cheese which is allowed is preservative-free cottage cheese which is available from all good health food stores.

Milk is allowed, but if you have an allergy to cow’s milk, then use goat’s milk or goat’s milk yoghurt if that agrees with you. There is an alternative of a cup of pea soup which can be used instead of using dairy milk.

1)  The Fasting-Free Home Detox-Cleanse


  1. A large glass of freshly juiced fruit juice or carrot or celery juice.
  2. Or a plate of sweet fruits such as banana, dates, grapes, figs, prunes, melon, paw paw, apple, peaches, nectarines – in any combination.
  3. A few nuts or almonds, and a glass of goat’s milk. This can be taken with either of number one or two of this list.
  4. A lightly cooked boiled egg on its own without bread.

This breakfast is a nutritive one which is good for cleansing. It is also a good maintenance diet for those who wich to lose weight. Plenty of enzymes are supplied in the juices and sweet fruits which are rich in vitamins and minerals. Good amounts of protein are supplied in this diet, which nourish the tissues and rebuild them without building fat. Wheat-breads and buns are the thing which cause fat to build up, in my experience. Do without wheat products and processed sugar, and you are half way there.


  1. A salad of carrots, celery, cabbage, raisins with olive oil dressing.
  2. Two or three lightly cooked vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, string beans, beetroot, asparagus, carrots. Keep potatoes out for the meantime.
  3. Make sure that the quantity of salad material is more than the cooked food.


  1. Salad of vegetables or soaked dates, prunes, raisins with fresh sweet fruits like mango or paw paw and bananas. Simple plain olive oil dressing can be added.
  2. Glass of goat’s milk or yoghurt or cottage cheese. You can have this with the salad in number one.
  3. Two mashed bananas for desert, or a plate of sliced fresh peaches or grapes.
  4. If goat’s milk or dairy milk is no good for you, then have one cup of pea soup: Make this in advance, as it takes a while to cook. You can leave it in the fridge so that you have it available at mealtimes for a few days. Remember that this diet is best if you stick to it for two weeks. So prepare yourself in advance.

It is a good idea with this diet to take a herbal laxative last thing at night and first thing in the morning. Do not use anything other than a herbal laxative. One tablespoon of castor oil could be taken EVERY THIRD DAY instead of taking a herbal laxative every morning and evening. Chemical laxatives are very damaging in the long run, so avoid these.

This diet is a really good cleanser. It is one which most people can do. You don’t deprive yourself of the experience of eating food with this diet – it is very good for people who cannot sustain juice fasts. The results are just about as good as a juice fast, but it takes a little longer to work because its action is more mild.

2)   The Olive Oil Fasting-Free Detox Diet

Two weeks is the recommended time to continue this diet, but even one week will do much to clear the system of toxins, dissolve mucous build-up, and help to dissolve gall stones.  You can alternate it with the above modified diet if you wish – one week on the above modified diet, and one week on the olive oil regime.


  • 1/2 cup of cold pressed olive oil or cold pressed soya oil mixed with 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice. If you don’t have lemons, then grapefruit juice can be used instead, or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with one tablespoon of water.
  • Swallow down the mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, or the alternatives above.  Eat nothing at all until lunchtime.  Avoid all tea and coffee.  But herb teas can be drunk freely during the course of the morning to wash away old bile.  They help to negate poisons.   Mint and peppermint are especially good for this.  Chamomile tea is another good one.  These herbal teas benefit the liver and gall bladder and aid the elimination process.


  • Eat a large salad with olive oil or some other good quality cold pressed oil on it.  If you are still hungry then eat more salad, or some fresh fruit such as banana, an apple, or some dates.


  • Eat another large salad with an avocado in it.  Use a variety of vegetables to get a range of nutrients.  Grated beetroot, grated carrot, kale, spinach, lettuce, chopped chives, parsley, avocado.
  • If you do not use avocado, you can have one baked potato with the salad.
  • Have two cooked green vegetables with the meal:  Broccoli, spinach or silver beet, green string beans or broad beans

That’s it.  This diet can be done at any time, and for as long as you feel like following it.  Dr Jarvis recommends the olive oil and lemon juice treatment in his book “Folk Medicine’.  He recommends it for gall stones and for preventing the formation of gall stones.He stipulates that the olive oil and lemon juice must be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.  This is because the treatment is not effective in removing toxins or in dissolving gall stones if there is food present.  Food will dilute the effect of the olive oil cleanse.

Also be careful not to use meats, cooked eggs, bread, cheese of milk while on this diet.  The smallest amount of these things will spoil the efficacy of it.  Food yeast may be used if you are doing the diet for a few weeks.  Food yeast will provide you with B Vitamins and prevent a deficiency of B Vitamins occurring.

Walter Last believed in two raw egg yolks being taken a day, and I find that this is very beneficial.  Raw egg yolk is easy to digest and it does not impair the cleansing effect of diets such as this.  Raw egg yolk contains many nutrients, including protein, fats, lecithin, vitamins and minerals including iron.  It is a great food for building up the body’s vitality.  The egg yolk must be taken without the white, and it must be uncooked.  It can be added to an olive oil dressing to make aioli, or it can be mixed with fruit juice.

What Is Castor Oil Used For?

Medicinal Uses of Castor Oil

Castor Oil Plant: Sources of Information:  The Reader’s Digest  ‘Magic and Medicine of Plants’, Published in 1994,  Surrey Hills NSW and John Lust’s herbal,  entitled ‘The Herb Book’. (publisher etc to be given)

The Castor oil Plant, ‘Palma Christi’.

The Castor Oil Plant has been known for centuries as the  ‘Palma Christi’, the Palm of Christ.  This gives an indication of just how highly the plant has been regarded over many  centuries.

Its botanical names are:  Ricinus  communis L., and it belongs to the Spurge Family, a Euphorbiaceae.   It is native to India and parts of the Mediterranean, but now grows in many parts of the world.

Castor Oil plant, the Palma Christi, has a long history: The seeds of the plant have been found in some ancient Egyptian tombs which date back 4000 years,  according to the Reader’s Digest herbal.  Dioscorides and Pliny in their writings which are almost 2000 years old,  both mention the therapeutic aspects of the castor oil plant as a purgative oil and laxative.

The Castor Oil Plant grows  in Australia and New Zealand as a free-range weed.  You can find it in many overgrown gardens and along the banks of railway lines.  These days, though, it is becoming harder to find, because councils, farmers and householders often use dire methods of weed eradication which are eliminating many varieties of plants from our botanical lists.  Big  weed-cutters  are used along banks to eradicate weeds, and herbicides are used by many people: these practices are causing many medicinal ‘weeds’ to become scarce.

Castor Oil is pressed out from the seeds of the plant.  The oil is not poisonous, but the seeds and leaves of the plant are poisonous. So you must never use castor oil leaf or seeds to make your own remedies for internal use.  The leaves, however, can be used externally in poultices which can be laid on the body.

Castor oil, which you can buy in most supermarkets, health shops and chemist shops or drug stores, comes from  Brazil,  India, and other places where it is farmed commercially.

In Medicines: Castor oil is a valuable vegetable agent which is used in ayurvedic medicine, some orthodox  medicines,  and cosmetics, especially lip-sticks and eye-cosmetics.

For Intestines: It is famous for its laxative effect and as a remedy for constipation.It cleanses the intestines of old debris.

Liver and Gall Bladder: It benefits the liver and gall bladder. Castor oil removes toxins from the liver, helps eliminate stale bile, and helps to dissolve gall stones.

Eyes: Castor oil benefits the eyes, and so castor oil is found in some eye medications. Castor oil is used in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for some eye diseases, such as cataract if it is caught in the early stages.

Castor Oil  benefits hair growth when applied externally, and taken internally on a regular basis, such as in the Gerson Cancer Therapy. Castor Oil can be applied once a week to thinning hair, or to baby’s scalp to encourage hair growth.  Leave it on for several hours, or overnight, then wash out with good  quality natural soap.

Ricinoleic acid is the active ingredient of castor oil. Ricinoleic acid is the purgative agent.  This is used in some contraceptive jellies, creams and foams.  Castor oil, because of its ricinoleic acid content,  is also used in industry to make things like nylon and linoleum.

In Africa and parts of Europe, castor oil leaves have been used as an external application on the breasts to increase lactation.

Castor Oil is a valuable healing oil, both externally and internally.  It has been used by many alternative cancer therapists, such as Dr Max Gerson, Walter Last and Dr Ann Wigmore. Jacqui Davison wrote a book on how she recovered from cancer using castor oil therapy, which she learned about from the writings of Dr Gerson.

Gerson Castor oil Treatment For Cancer: This therapy can be used to treat many degenerative diseases, not just cancer.  Dr Gerson devised a treatment which included the use of castor oil.  The dose of castor oil was 2 tablespoonsful every second day. Castor oil is a powerful detoxifier, which makes it a very good medicine for cancer patients.   It cleans out the liver, gall bladder, and intestines.  It has the ability to draw out poisons from other parts of the body, including the site of tumours.  However, to do this treatment, you need professional advice and much preparation and determination.  The Gerson Castor Oil Therapy is very hard work, but it has saved the lives of many people.

Castor oil is an integral part of the treatment which Dr Gerson used.  Other essential aspects of the regime were: daily enemas; porridge for breakfast, eaten with one raw, grated apple;  High Vitamin C intake: fresh vegetable and fruit juices every hour; salads at every meal.  Extra Vitamin C was given, and vitamin C was also combined with 2 aspirin for a ‘natural’  pain relief.

Castor Oil And Ginger For Weight Loss

Gall Bladder Stones Treatment

Gall Stones Treatment. Natural Remedy.

Should You Get Your Gall Bladder Out?

Keep your gall bladder if you can. Unless it is absolutely necessary, then gall bladder removal should not be considered.   Some people may need to have their gall bladder removed, but I have met so many people who, at the first sign of gall stones, have rushed to the doctor to get the gall bladder removed.

Gall bladder operations are very common, and I think that the reason that many doctors and patients go in for gall bladder removals is because they do not realize that there are treatments which work for removing gall stones. If you have been advised to get your gall bladder out, and you do not have anything else wrong with you, such as a cancerous condition, then you should get a second opinion from another doctor.  Go also to an alternative health practitioner such as an ayurvedic healer, a naturopath,  herbalist, acupuncturist  or chinese medicinal healer for advice.

The thing is, that there are many different alternative treatments for gall stones.  Unless it is absolutely necessary to get your gall bladder out, then it obviously might be worth a try to eliminate those gall stones naturally, so that you can keep your gall bladder.

Some of the more well known treatments for breaking up gall stones and eliminating gall stones are:

  • Castor oil treatment
  • Olive oil and lemon juice
  • Epsom salts
  • Fasting on juices using  fresh organic  vegetables and fruits helps to eliminate gall stones and break them up.  Herbs such as dandelion leaves and root will help to prevent stones from forming, and also help to break up existing stones.

Prevent Gall Stones From Forming:

  • Drink plenty of good water.  Don’t drink too much coffee and tea.
  • The Diet should be at least 50% fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • Keep the diet alkaline with plenty of cooked greens, and raw salads.
  • Avoid fried food.  Use olive oil and other ‘good’ uncooked oils on salads.
  • Go easy on acid-forming foods such as dairy produce, meats, wheat products, especially bread.
  • Eat Brown Rice instead of Bread: Use brown rice as a substitute for all those wheat products.
  • You will not only lose weight and keep trim, but you will protect your gall bladder, your liver, your heart, kidneys and brain.
  • Drink plenty of dandelion root coffee instead of too much ceylon tea and coffee.  Dandelion root and dandelion leaves help to break up gall bladder stones.

The Treatments:

Olive Oil and Lemon Juice: This is a very old remedy which many natural healers have used, as well as those doctors who have an alternative approach to medicine.  Dr Max Gerson, Dr Walter Last,  and Dr Wagner are some of the many doctors who have adopted alternative methods of healing in their medical practices. Dr Wagner discusses the olive oil and lemon juice treatment in his book ‘How To Stay Out of The Doctor’s Office’.  Walter Last also used this treatment.

Castor Oil Treatment

This treatment was made famous by Dr Gerson, but it actually has been in use for centuries as a method of getting rid of gall stones.

Max Gerson’s method was to take two tablespoons of castor oil every second day for the treatment of cancer.  However, castor oil for simple gall stone treatment does not need continuous treatment such as this.  One weekly dose of a tablespoonful is probably a sensible dose.  In Victorian times, a weekly dose of castor oil was almost mandatory, to ‘fix what’s wrong with you’.

Ask your naturopath or your Ayurvedic practitioner about gall stone treatments and taking castor oil as a remedy.

to be continued