Bee Colony Collapse Disorder

Bees Killed By Insecticide

This article was first published on merrilyn on February 6th, 2011.  Since then, Holland, Mexico, followed by the European Commision, have banned neonicotinoid poisons. Bayer, who makes and markets neonicotinoid pesticides in Europe, has threatened to sue the European Commission for banning the product and causing loss of sales.  Does this remind you of the tobacco scandal?  Doctors were pictured on television during the 1950’s, smoking like chimneys, telling us they were smoking their favourite brands, and that smoking was good for you because it calmed the nerves.  It was many decades before the truth came out.

It seems morbidly ironic that neonicotinoid poison is a synthetic form of that produced from tobacco.

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Bees, and other pollinating insects and birds, are ESSENTIAL for life on the planet.  Without them, our fruit trees and agricultural crops will not produce any food. All bees are helpful in sustaining life on the planet:  honeybees, bumblebees, solitary bees, mason bees,  hoverflies, butterflies, moths, even wasps, and spiders, all play a part in our existence on earth.

We should not be killing the insects of the planet.

In an article January 22, 2011, Weekend Herald, New Zealand, information was revealed which points to neonicotinoid insecticides being a contributing factor in the mysterious disappearance of bee colonies around the world.

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder reportedly has affected between 20% and 40% of all American hives. The same colony collapse disorder has been noted in other countries around the world, such as France, and Taiwan.

As yet, so the article says, the problem has not hit New Zealand or Britain, though I doubt this very much:  We have had our own share of bees falling sick, and hives diminishing, and I think that insecticides must surely be the  main part of the problem: Bees are also sensitive to electro-magnetic radiation, such as that emitted from cell phone towers and cell phones, as Italian bee keepers reported on Jamie Oliver’s show recently. Radar systems, and satellite interference, will also be playing a part in the decline of bees and other pollinating insects.

Bees are also vulnerable to ANY insecticide, whether it be a neonicotinoid class insecticide, or another type of chemical. Chemicals get carried back to the hive, and this means that all bees in the hive will be affected by the poison.

The trouble with the neonicotinoid compounds, imidacloprid, and clothianidin, is that they are systemic poisons. This means that they get into every fibre of the plant, including the pollen.  Only microscopic amounts of neonicotinoids are needed for bees to be affected. They carry the pollen home, where it affects the whole of the hive.

Microscopic amounts of these pesticides cause bees to become vulnerable to the killer disease nosema. Nosema is one disease which causes bee hive collapse.  Studies which were done two years ago showed that bees who had come into contact with the neonicotinoid pesticides had increased risk of succumbing to this disease, and this was even when the insecticide poison could not be detected on the bee, though the scientists knew that the bees had been exposed to it previously.

Neonicotinoid insectides, which mimic the insect killing properties of nicotine, affect the central nervous system of the bee – as well as that of all mammals, including humans.

Be forewarned:  Nicotine, we know, affects the central nervous system.  These synthesized chemicals, which mimic nicotine, will eventually be proven to be affecting human nervous function, and our immune systems, as well.

Research which was done two years ago in America, at the American Government’s Department of Agriculture’s Bee Research Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland,  has only just been made public. The results of this research has been duplicated in another, independent study, done by French researchers at the National Institute for Agricultural Research, in Avignon.

A two year wait for this information to be made public surely causes one to wonder as to the reasons why:  Many other countries already have bans, or partial bans, on the use of neonicotinoid insecticides, as their use has been linked to the drastic reduction of bee colonies, and other health and environment problems.

The countries which have restrictions on the use of neonicotinoid insecticides are: France, Germany, Italy and Slovenia.  But the USA, and Britain, and most likely, New Zealand, Australia, and many other countries around the world, are still using these very toxic insecticides.

Bayer chemicals,, which is a German firm, is adamant that its neonicotinoid insecticide compounds are ‘safe if used properly’.  But there can be no ‘ safe and proper’ use of  neonicotinoid insecticides, as incredibly microscopic amounts affect bees and other insects, as studies have proved.

Bayer started making neonicotinoid insecticides around 1990.  Some of these neonicotinoid compounds are known as imidacloprid, and clothianidin, which is the latest. Be on the alert for new compound names.  No chemical insecticide is ‘safe’, for either insects or human or animal life.

Bayer reportedly made 510 million pounds, or $1.07 billion, in the year 2009. These astronomical profits will, of course, be an incentive for Bayer, and other companies with their own versions of the insecticide, to continue making and marketing these insecticides for as long as they possibly can.

It looks as if the American government is ‘in’ on this:  a leaked document which came out in November, probably thanks to Wikileaks, showed that the US Environmental Protection Agency had continued to license clothianidin, ‘even though its own scientists reported that the tests Bayer carried out to show the compound was safe were invalid’, so the Weekend Herald article says.

This decision on the part of the US Environmental Protection Agency does nothing to protect the environment.  Obviously, the big guns are at work here:  money talks, and talk is cheap:

Bayer spokesman for Bayer CropScience UK, Julian Little says:  “bees are very, very important to Bayer CropScience and we recognize their importance’ – but the welfare of bees is obviously not important enough for Bayer chemicals to discontinue with the production of neonicotinoid pesticides, even when other countries have seen fit to ban them, or restrict their use.  Not when they are making you $1.07 billion a year.

He maintains that neonicotinoid pesticides are ‘safe when used properly’:  He says ‘I’m sure there are some very interesting effects Dr Pettis has seen in a laboratory, but when you get to what’s important to everybody (?), which is what happens in the field, you dont’ see these things happening”.  – NO – BECAUSE,  ONLY MICROSCOPIC AMOUNTS ARE NEEDED, AND THE PESTICIDE WORKS SILENTLY AND INVISIBLY.  VERY EASY TO IGNORE, AS IT IS DIFFICULT TO DETECT.

What is Being Done In Britain?

The Co-operative Group, which buys farm produce, has banned the use of neonicotinoid pesticides from providing farms.  This is an indication that the Co-operative Group recognizes the danger to people who consume food which has been treated with imidacloprid or clothianidin.

Only two weeks ago or so, the Labour MP for Gower, Martin Paton, requested that the government suspend the use of neonicotinoid compounds, following recent revelations in the US over Bayer’s latest neonicotinoid, clothianidin.

The Strange Disappearance of the Bees: This is a movie made recently by American film maker Mark Daniels, in collaboration with Dr Jeffrey Pettis, who did the research on bees two years ago at the American government lab, and Dennis van Engelsdorp, who works at Penn State University.

Update 4th August, 2015:  Today, on National New Zealand Radio on the ‘nine to noon’ programme, research scientist Dr. Mark Goodwin was interviewed on the problem of bee numbers declining in New Zealand.  He said that 60% of bees had been lost from some hives in Northland this season, and that big losses have also been experienced in other parts of New Zealand:  In Coromandel, it was reported by one bee-keeper that out of a colony of 10,000 bees, most disappeared suddenly, and only 200 bees and one queen were left. The situation is alarming.

Neonicotinoids have been proven to be one cause of bee colony collapse disorder, but of course, as Dr. Goodwin pointed out, there are many other agricultural poisons which can make bees become susceptible to pathogens.

One thing which was not mentioned in this interview was the increasing proliferation of microwaves from satellite technology. Microwaves, as with toxic chemicals, can cause a lowered immunity in all creatures, including bees, which can lead to them becoming sick with viruses.

It is interesting to note that New Zealand bees have taken a marked dive in population since the introduction of ‘smart’ electricity meters, which use microwaves, and markedly increase our exposure to microwave radiation.  The new system was begun in New Zealand in 2013, and now, in 2015, most houses have been updated with these new meters.  This probably amounts to around two million more microwaves zapping through the air in a crossfire with the already existing cellphone microwaves. Many people, including myself, regard these microwaves as an extreme hazard to the health of mankind and animals alike.  They are bound to affect bees, and could very well be a major factor in the mysterious disappearance of bee colonies around the world.





Painkillers Can Cause Stroke and Heart Disease

Painkillers Increase The Risk Of Stroke And Heart Attack

One is best to avoid taking any drugs at all, unless it is absolutely necessary.  Look to the alternatives before beginning taking these life-threatening drugs.  These drugs are marketed without proper research being done BEFORE they go on sale, as has been proved by the many people who have suffered side effects, including death, from taking these medications.

An article giving the results of recent research, which points to health risk in using popular painkillers,  was published in the New Zealand Herald on Friday, January 14, 2011.

The article revealed that several of these commonly used painkillers have already been taken off the shelves:  Vioxx caused some deaths from cardiovascular disease.  This was proved subsequently, after people were already using the drug. Too late for some people.

Likewise,, Prexige was also withdrawn, because it was found to cause liver toxicity.

116,000 patients took part in the Swiss studies whose results have confirmed that long-term use of some painkillers gives a significant increase in the risk of stoke and heart disease.  The results come from 31 ‘randomized, controlled trials in various countries’.

‘British Medical Journal’ published an article by University of Bern researchers.  They said:

‘little evidence exists to suggest that any of the investigated drugs are safe in cardiovascular terms.  Naproxen seemed less harmful……Cardiovascular risk needs to be taken into account when prescribing any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).”

The seven drugs studied in the Swiss trials are:

Naproxen – often sold under different brand names, including Naproxyn and Naxen.

Ibuprofen – sometimes known as Nurofen, or Brufen.

Diclofenac – or Voltarin, or Cataflan.

Celecoxib, also known as Celebrex.

Etoricoxib, also known as Arcoxia

Rofecoxib, also known as Vioxx. :  This was withdrawn from sale in 2004.

Lumiracoxib, also known as Prexige:  This was also withdrawn from sale in New Zealand, in 2007.  It has since been withdrawn from other countries also.

People with arthritis are often prescribed painkillers such as these.  Be aware that you are increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Bees Killed By Insecticide

New Pesticide is Destroying Hives

Read also:

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About Neonicotinoid Pesticides:

In an article published just over a week ago, details of research, which proved bees are being threatened because of a new insecticide, were revealed.  This research was done a year ago by the bee department of a US government research project.

Why weren’t these results made public two years ago, when the findings were made?  Most likely because Bayer, the drug and chemical giant who first made the neonicotinoid class of insecticides, does not want to impair its huge profits.  Somehow, they have managed to keep the new revelations under wrap – not that there is anything in these reports which anyone with a bit of commonsense could have deduced for themselves.  But we always need to have the medical or scientific proof before anything is taken seriously, unfortunately.

The neonicotinoid pesticides, which are poured over soils all over the world in astronomical proportions, have produced astronomical proportions of profit for Bayer and the other firms who have jumped onto the bandwagon in manufacturing these pesticides. Without recourse to the newspaper article, I think that the profits were 350 Million POUNDS for last year, just from the sales of the neonicotinoid pesticide.

Neonicotinoid pesticides are a synthetic form of nicotine, which is deadly.  We all know about the effects of nicotine on people.  Nicotine affects the central nervous system, and so it is with the neonicotinoid class of pesticide:  It affects the central nervous system of all insects, including bees.  It affects all animal and human life as well.

Bees are especially vulnerable to pesticides being used on plants.  They take it back to their hives in the pollen which they carry.

The new neonicotinoid pesticides are especially bad for bees.   This class of drug gets into every part of the plant, including the pollen.  Research has shown that even a microscopic amount of pesticide taken back to a hive causes the bees to become vulnerable to sickness.  Neonicotinoids, and other chemicals too, cause the bees’ immune systems to be damaged, which makes them vulnerable to infection.

It is important  not to use these potent chemicals in our gardens, or in commercial agriculture.  Toxic pesticides are ruining the health of all life – humans, animals and bees.  We need bees to ensure that plants get pollinated in order for them to reproduce.  We need bees to help produce  fruit and vegetables.  Without bees, we will not be able to grow food.

When we, ourselves, eat foods which have been sprayed with neonicotinoids and other toxic chemicals, we ingest microscopic amounts of these chemicals into our systems.  The neonicotinoids will have a deleterious effect on our nervous sytems, our immunity, and increase our chances of getting cancer.  it is REALLY important to try and produce food yourself, if not, to buy organically grown food, and, for the sake of the planet and all creatures on it, to spread the knowledge to people that these insecticides are enormously damaging.

Read some of Merrilyn’s related posts on the subject of bees, mysterious viral diseases, and suchlike:

Bees Colony Collapse Disorder

Why Are NZ Kauri Trees Dying?

Can Brodifacoum Poison NZ Be Affecting Health of People And Killing Sea Gulls?

Minimum Dose In Homeopathy Proven As Effective


Celery and Tuna Detox Diet

Detoxification using Celery

I have first hand experience with asbestos, heavy metal, and formaldehyde poisoning.

This diet worked for myself when I was so seriously ill with asbestos and heavy metal poisoning that I almost died.

I don’t know anyone else at all who has done this diet:  I don”t think it would be advisable for cancer.

Chemical poisoning had occurred in my body so suddenly, that there was not time for cancer to develop.  The situation was a matter of life and death: There was not time to muck about with specialists, and so I had to quickly devise some diet which would keep me alive but not make my condition any worse.

I had cleared a burned out house and section which I had bought.  The house, which had an asbestos roof, and tons of lead paint, very common on Waiheke Island of yesteryear,  had burned down while under contract, and instead of taking this as a dire warning from spirit to leave the place alone, I bought the house for the section value, and set about clearing it.

This was certainly my undoing, and very near the end of my life.  My young son was also affected quite badly, as he had accompanied me onto the section every day when I went about clearing it.

After several weeks of clearing the exploded asbestos and melded plastic and paints, I was collapsing at the drop of a hat.  I had to stop going onto the property completely, and had to abandon the project of rebuilding the house.

I had ulcers in the soft tissue of my mouth and nose, and almost constant diarrhoea.  My digestion had  very nearly stopped completely due to chemicals and consequent candida infection.  There was almost nothing I could eat now.

Just the touch of a piece of fruit onto the mouth brought about a wave of thick, white candida thrush immediately, and this covered the tongue and sides of the mouth.  Bleeding of this tissue was the next thing to occur. I could feel the candida travelling through my whole digestive system after just a whiff of any sugar or fruit. The standard carrot juice detox was completely out of the question, as carrots are so sweet.

Anyway – after collapsing onto the street in busy Queen Street, Auckland City,  I was taken up to Auckland hospital. Collapse in Queen Street, where busy traffic vented out their lead-laden fumes, happened because my overloaded system simply could not take even a breath of any more pollutants.

I was lucky I had my son with me this day. He had already procured me some aspirin from a shop as I lay paralysed on the ground, on the street, by the time the ambulance arrived.  On Waiheke island, we had discovered that aspirin alleviated the feelings of collapse a little.  This had happened one afternoon when my neighbour offered me some aspirin as I lay in agony, unable to move off the floor.  Garlic was another remedial measure.  And Kawakawa leaves, freshly chewed, also worked to avert complete collapse.

Anyway, by the time we got up to the hospital in the ambulance, the aspirin had begun to work and I was able to walk in unaided.  A specialist saw me.  Without doing blood tests or blood pressure, he listened to my heart, which was still racing abnormally in an effort to rid the blood of the poisons.  He listened to my heart and told me I had a ‘condition’ called tachycardia, a condition which i would have to take medication for, for the rest of my life.

It might be worthwhile for people to note that I DID NOT HAVE A HEART DISEASE, YET THE SPECIALIST AT THE HOSPITAL WAS PROMPTING ME TO BEGIN MEDICATION FOR TACHYCARDIA.  I have not had tachycardia since I recovered:  I only had symptoms of tachycardia because of the asbestos, lead, mercury, formaldehyde, and other chemicals which i had ingested from the burned out house and section.

I believe that many people who have been diagnosed with certain conditions, especially heart conditions, do not really have these conditions for life.  Chemicals can bring on malfunction of the heart, liver, kidneys, nervous system, and brain, as well as give you cancer.  Often, detoxifying the body will restore the heart function, and that of the other organs, to normal.

I tried to tell him that i was sick because of chemicals, but he would not listen.  I knew my heart was healthy, as having 5 babies had put me through heart and blood pressure tests each time, and these were always healthy.

So – no one would listen to my reasoning.  No professional within my reach would help me or be able to help me more than myself, I was sure.   I was the one who knew what had caused this illness, and I was the one who would have to experiment and persevere in order to recover and get well.  Though at the time, I doubted that I would ever be able to eat normally again.

I sold everything up and went to Australia with my two younger children, where we lived simply in a caravan park and I struggled for my life. This was a period of much drawing, painting, reading, and building with Leggo blocks, for them. And a long period of recovery for me. However, I was grateful to be alive.

I discovered that the only foods, initially, which did not cause rampant candida to overtake my whole system, was celery and tinned tuna fish in oil.

Mostly, i ate celery – lots of it each day, with small amounts of tuna three or four times a day.

For a few weeks, this is all that i could eat.

After a bit, I found I could take small amounts of almonds, although in the beginning, these were slightly problematic in that the candida returned temporarily after eating these.

Other foods which were tolerable under very hygienic conditions were fresh lettuce and sprouts.  However, the problem with sprouts is that yeasts begin to grow on these the minute you begin soaking them.  And commercial sprouts have been sitting in their bags for a time, so they are riddled with yeasts.  Any food which had a trace of sugar or was yeast infected, proved to bring on an attack of candida, which consequently led me to collapse.

Eventually, after 6 months of eating almost nothing else except celery and tuna fish in oil, I got better.  After about this time I found I was able to eat almonds, lettuce and sprouts more comfortably.  Although cooked food was still better left until much later in the piece.  Eventually, I was able to eat cooked broccoli.  I remember this day – the first cooked food which did not bring on an attack of candida.

During all this time, I was using castor oil every second day to rid myself of poisons.  I did this for at least three months. As the time progressed, i think that I did not take it every second day, but I certainly took castor oil at least once a week.

Other things i found helpful were caprylic acid. This is not good to take for long periods, though, as it is hard on the kidneys.  Consequently, I took this only as an emergency measure, when something had given me an attack of candida.

Non-acidic Vitamin C:  Calcium ascorbate powder, which is a non acidic form of Vitamin C, was also really effective.  I took this every day – between 1000 mg and about 3000 mg per day.

Other aids were:  garlic, kawakawa leaves, and the occasional aspirin helped me through.  Aspirin was taking, like caprylic acid, only in emergency.  I found both these to be helpful, but both caused kidney pain, and so they had to be used with moderation.

And of course,, with the castor oil trearment, i used enemas as well – with small amounts of sea salt.

Grape Diet For Cancer

Grapes As Part of Cancer Treatment:

My friend Bernhard Petersen, who left his physical body less than a month ago, is still working here on earth as a healer. He has just given me some advice for another friend who has cancer.  Bernhard himself used grapes for healing.  He grew an abundance of them which even came inside his house at Waiheke Island.

This friend has had his pancreas removed, only a few months ago. He has just had scans done, and has been told that he has cancer in other parts of his body. Well, with the medical profession about to give up, as there is not much more they can do to help my friend using orthodox treatment, it really is about time to get cracking on detoxifying and maximizing nutrition so that the body may stand a chance of recovering.

Having organs removed from the body is not considered the best thing in alternative therapies: There almost always is cancer in other parts of the body, and so removing one part of it is not going to cure the condition. Far better to aim at clearing the vital organs of cancer so that you have these organs for the benefit of your health when you recover. Nevertheless, there is much that can be done to detoxify the body and prevent the cancer from growing. Cancer CAN be reversed.

Using castor oil, as in the Gerson method for treating cancer, would be the quickest, most efficient way to get those poisons eliminated very quickly.

However, when the body is so toxic, as it always is with developed cancers, one needs to be careful when you are detoxifying without the ongoing help of a professional therapist. Ideally, one would go to a cancer clinic, such as an Ann Wigmore clinic, or a Max Gerson clinic, but this live-in therapy, where one would have expert attention almost 100% of the time, is very costly. So we have to prepare a method and a programme which is manageable and do-able at home.


Another message came through from another friend: H …..WILL RECOVER WITH.. CLEANSING. CASTOR OIL IS VERY IMPORTANT

The Grape Diet:

Note: You MUST find organic, unsprayed grapes. Look around for an unsprayed source in someone’s back garden. There will be a friend of a friend around somewhere who will be able to help you out. Alternatively, you could buy organic grapes from a health food store, but these will be costly, considering the amount you will need to eat.

So – Bernhard recommends doing a grape diet for ten days to begin with: Eat as many grapes as you like. Whenever hungry, eat grapes. Eating just grapes, without any other food, and without doing anything else at this stage, apart from using enemas daily. I would take an enema whenever I felt nauseous, or was experiencing any other kind of physical upset. I found, when treating a breast lump with a raw food diet, castor oil and enemas, that using an enema really helped to alleviate pain or nausea or dizzyness, as these symptoms were usually the result of toxins overloading the intestines as they were released from the liver. Using water enemas, with just a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt each time, flushed away these poisons very quickly, which had the immediate effect of dissipating any feelings of sickness. Make sure you use natural sea salt, and just a pinch or two.  Do not use table salt, as this has additives in it which will get absorbed through the bowel walls.

More about this tomorrow:  Ten days initially on the grape diet.  Eat as many as you like.  Use enemas daily – does not have to be a coffee enema.  Just warm, purified water with a pinch of sea salt will do the trick. Then we can look at other procedures.