Onions Help Sleep May Prevent Asthma Cancer Stroke Heart Attack

Natural Remedies

The healing compounds in the humble onion are truly remarkable. Onions are rich in Vitamin C, Selenium, and other phytochemicals which are thought to prevent cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other maladies. They also do much to help prevent asthma attacks.

The oil of the onion is strongly antiseptic, and also has a soporific quality which will be welcome news to the insomniac. Eating onions in the evening will not just do much to benefit your immunity, they can help give you a sound night’s sleep.

Note:  Habitual lack of sleep leads to poor memory function, poor decision-making, and poorer health in the long run.  Sleeplessness is usually due to anxiety, but it can be that the thyroid gland is not functioning properly.  Extra iodine can help to remedy an overactive thyroid, as well as an underactive thyroid. (see Dr Caroline Shreeve, who recommends using kelp to up your iodine and other minerals)

Get a checkup from your doctor or naturopath to make sure there is no serious underlying cause to your sleeplessness.

A medical book from the early 20th century recommends the eating of raw onions to encourage sleep, and quotes a Frank Buckland, who said: ‘Everybody knows the taste of onions; this is due to a peculiar essential oil contained in this valuable and healthy root.  The oil has, I am sure, highly soporific powers.  In my own case, it never fails.  If I am much pressed with work and feel I shall not sleep, I eat two or three onions and the effect is magical.’

(From The Doctor At Home and Nurses Guide’, published in London and Melbourne by Ward, Lock and Co Limited.  No date, but the book is very old, from early 1900’s.  Some drugs recommended in this book, such as mercurial salves, would be quite toxic, and we would avoid them at all cost. However, the book  makes interesting reading and does discuss some commonsense home remedies such as this onion remedy, which can only do you good)

I find that eating an onion sauteed in butter or oil also enhances sleep, if it is taken in the evening. Even half a raw onion, chopped finely and added to crackers and cheese for supper at night, can be  helpful towards attaining sound sleep.

This old book also advises that ‘tea and coffee taken during the day are particularly prejudicial in the interests of sleep.’  We all know this, but how eloquently put…..

I would try an inhalation of onion:  Cut up half an onion and pour over boiling water.  Inhale the steam with a towel over your head.  This can be used as a therapy for many ills, including sleeplessness, flu symptoms, onset of asthma or bronchitis. Be careful not to get too close to the steam, or to burn yourself.

Other helpful hints in the interests of quality sleep, from various sources:

Homeopathic Remedies: The biochemic cell salt Kali phos (potassium phosphate) can help.  A lack of this mineral in the blood can cause sleeplessness. Constance Mellor advises the dose of two pilules before each meal, dissolved on the tongue, and four pilules to be taken just before bed.

Ms Mellor also suggests having a warm bath or shower at bedtime, but not drying oneself completely.  Instead, wrap up in a warm clean sheet to absorb the moisture, and presumably, go to bed with the wrap still on.  This is a similar remedy found in other writings, where a damp wrap is left on at bedtime:  The effect is to bring an increase in temperature, which can be very useful for sweating out the beginnings of a cold or flu.

Suggested Remedies for Sleeplessness Before Midnight:  Depending on the other symptoms, one of these could be helpful:  Ambra, Arsen alb, Calcarea, Calc phos, CCarbo veg, Coffea, Conium, Kali carb, Lycopodium, Magnesia mur, Mercurius, Nat mur, Phosphorous, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur. (see Dr Andrew Lockie)

Suggested Remedies for Sleeplessness After Midnight: Arsen alb, Capsicum, Coffea, Hepar sulph, Kali carb, Nux vomica, Phosphoric ac., Silicea.

Onion Pack: The onion pack for pleurisy is worth remebering.  This involves cutting an onion, skin and all, covering with water, and simmering for ten minutes or so.  Soak a flannel or piece of cotton material in the onion water.  Wring out, and apply hot to the chest.  Wrap up the pack well to keep the heat in.  A woolen blanket around the chest works well. Cover up in bed and keep the pack on for several hours if possible.  After several hours, the onion water can be heated up again, and a fresh pack made to put onto the chest.  This treatment should work well to bring about peaceful sleep, as the essential oils from the onion will be absorbed into the skin.

Keeping the feet warm is important for sleeping well.  A hot water bottle in cold weather, and woolen socks, are good recommendations.

Putting a sprig of rosemary, lemon balm, or lavender under the pillow can also be helpful in gaining restful sleep. Dried hops sewn into a wee sachet also work as a soporific.

Painkillers Can Cause Stroke and Heart Disease

Painkillers Increase The Risk Of Stroke And Heart Attack

One is best to avoid taking any drugs at all, unless it is absolutely necessary.  Look to the alternatives before beginning taking these life-threatening drugs.  These drugs are marketed without proper research being done BEFORE they go on sale, as has been proved by the many people who have suffered side effects, including death, from taking these medications.

An article giving the results of recent research, which points to health risk in using popular painkillers,  was published in the New Zealand Herald on Friday, January 14, 2011.

The article revealed that several of these commonly used painkillers have already been taken off the shelves:  Vioxx caused some deaths from cardiovascular disease.  This was proved subsequently, after people were already using the drug. Too late for some people.

Likewise,, Prexige was also withdrawn, because it was found to cause liver toxicity.

116,000 patients took part in the Swiss studies whose results have confirmed that long-term use of some painkillers gives a significant increase in the risk of stoke and heart disease.  The results come from 31 ‘randomized, controlled trials in various countries’.

‘British Medical Journal’ published an article by University of Bern researchers.  They said:

‘little evidence exists to suggest that any of the investigated drugs are safe in cardiovascular terms.  Naproxen seemed less harmful……Cardiovascular risk needs to be taken into account when prescribing any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).”

The seven drugs studied in the Swiss trials are:

Naproxen – often sold under different brand names, including Naproxyn and Naxen.

Ibuprofen – sometimes known as Nurofen, or Brufen.

Diclofenac – or Voltarin, or Cataflan.

Celecoxib, also known as Celebrex.

Etoricoxib, also known as Arcoxia

Rofecoxib, also known as Vioxx. :  This was withdrawn from sale in 2004.

Lumiracoxib, also known as Prexige:  This was also withdrawn from sale in New Zealand, in 2007.  It has since been withdrawn from other countries also.

People with arthritis are often prescribed painkillers such as these.  Be aware that you are increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke.


Deficiencies of Chromium are thought to be wide spread, affecting roughly 50% of the population in Western societies.

Older women, and expectant mothers, need to ensure that their chromium levels are maintained.
Chromium is necessary for the processing of sugar and alcohol.
It feeds the nerves and helps to promote a calm state of mind.
Chromium helps to monitor your cholesterol levels and helps in the manufacture of essential natural cholesterol.
It helps prevent high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

Chromium is especially important because it helps regulate the supply of insulin in the body. Adequate chromium helps protect you against sugar-related conditions like hypoglycaemia and diabetes.
A normal healthy body will utilize the Chromium within foods to process their sugars: Fruits, honey, root vegetables, treacle, molasses and maple syrup all contain chromium, which is used by the body to process the  sugars they contain.

The reason why  refined, white sugar is so bad for the general health is perhaps not just because of the sugar content, but because processed sugar has been stripped of its chromium value. White sugar  has been left bare of the valuable nutrients which naturally help with the assimilation of sugar in the body:

Sugar cane is extremely high in Chromium. Treacle and molasses, which come from the less refined sugar cane product, are  also rich sources of Chromium.
Chromium is found naturally in the outer part of grains which contains the bran. Hence,  processed grains are deficient in Chromium. Brown rice is preferable to white rice for this reason, just as wholewheat flour is  the preferable choice
to white flour. Use oat bran instead of the more processed fine oatmeal to make your porridge.
Chromium is found in good quality cooking oils such as grape seed, olive oil, avocado oil and rice bran oil.

The recommended daily allowance of Chromium is 200 mcg.
One of the best sources is Brewer’s yeast, which contains 100 mcg per each tablespoonful.
Two eggs contain 60 mcg.
1 cup of fruit juice such as orange or apple contains about 115 mcg.
Kiwifruit is fairly high with 35 mcg per average sized fruit.
One potato contains roughly 20 mcg of Chromium.
Most other vegetables contain roughly 20 mcg per 100 grammes.
Meats contain about 55 mcg per 100 grammes.
One slice of wholemeal bread has about 17 mcg.
One tablespoon of molasses or treacle has about 25 mcg.

Dietary Iodine

Consider your dietary intake of IODINE:
Iodine is ESSENTIAL for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland, and for a healthy immune system. A lack of iodine causes many problems with the health, as we shall see: it even affects your body temperature and your emotions, as well as your weight.
Iodine helps to produce thyroxine,  which is an important thyroid hormone.
Long term iodine deficiency results in goitre, the symptoms of which, generally, are a swollen throat with protruding eyes and a husky, low-toned voice.
Iodine is needed in the body to regulate energy levels: people who get tired easily and/or who are cold, even in warm weather, usually lack iodine.
Iodine helps control cholesterol levels, so a lack of iodine can make you more prone to heart attack and stroke.
Obesity can result from long term iodine deficiency. Lack of iodine in the diet can cause all sorts of food obsessions.
Insufficient iodine during pregnancy can result in deformities and retardation of infants.

Iodine is needed to protect against disease. It is essential for the strengthening of the immune system.
Iodine deficiency is a factor in polio.
Iodine deficiency is a factor in most cancers.
Iodine is important for the health of the hair, scalp and skin.

Lack of iodine can cause senility.

Table salt is iodised so that people do not become iodine deficient. However, natural, unrefined sea salt is far better alternative to table salt: Sea  salt does not  have chemical additives which regular table salt has. Table salt contains free flowing agents like aluminium, which are very bad for your health, especially the heart and the arteries.
While it is much lower in iodine than iodised table salt, sea salt is also rich in other trace elements. These valuable trace elements are not to be found in refined table salt, but are also found in kelp, which is an ocean food.You can mix 50/50 of sea salt with kelp to use as a table salt.
Kelp powder and sea water are good sources of natural iodine.

Swimming in sea water (no-where near the  BP oil spillage in America, though), and taking regular walks barefoot along the wet sand at the beach, are natural ways to increase your iodine intake, and your intake of other trace minerals.

Iodine is good for the eyes, as well as the general health. People who have lived near the ocean for much of their life, and sailors, generally have good eyesight, well into their advanced years.

Liquid iodine can be dabbed onto the scalp to up your iodine intake. Iodine is absorbed through the skin. If it is
applied directly to the scalp, then your hair roots benefit immediately from the application as well as your blood.
Just two or three drops can be applied  once or twice times a week, depending on how often you wash your hair.
Iodine is absorbed through the pores of the skin anywhere on the body: if you wish, you can apply a dab or two of iodine to the soles of the feet instead of to the scalp.  It can be used as an antiseptic, and applied to a scratch or a graze to aid healing and prevent infection.

The recommended daily allowance is 150 mcg  NOTE: More than this amount of iodine can cause damage to thyroid hormones.
If your intake is purely from food sources, then you will not absorb too much iodine.
Half a teaspoon of kelp powder daily more than takes care of this requirement: it has 1700 mcg of iodine.
100 gms of cooked fish contains 200 mcg
Half a teaspoon of iodised salt contains 100 mcg
Half a teaspoon of sea salt has 4 mcg.

Iodine is rich in all sea foods. Kelp, shell-fish, and ocean fish are all good sources of Iodine.

See merrilyn’s posts on “Foods rich in Iodine’ and ‘Iodine Scalp Hair’ remedy for more information on how to use iodine in the diet, and as an external application.